A 14-year-old boy has made a net profit of 17 million from scratch. Netizens are shocked to take stock of other people’s children with extraordinary talents (photo) [A 14-year-old boy has made a net profit of 17 million from nothing, netizens are shocked] A 14-year-old boy has ma

A 14-year-old boy who started from scratch has made a net profit of 17 million. Netizens are shocked. Taking stock of other people’s children with extraordinary talents (photo)

[A ​​14-year-old boy has made a net profit of 17 million from scratch. Netizens are shocked] A 14-year-old boy has made a net profit of 17 million from nothing. Shocking! According to a report by the British " Daily Mail " on November 15, Harvey Millington, a 14-year-old boy from Taunton, Somerset, England, has been sexually assaulting people since March 2015. He made a total of 100,000 pounds (approximately RMB 850,000) by selling tax reminder CDs. Afterwards, he used the money as start-up capital to purchase land and resell it, earning another 2 million pounds (approximately 17 million yuan).

It is reported that with the help of his father, Harvey had produced thousands of paper royalty note reminder CDs when he was 13 years old and stuck them on car windshields to remind people of tax payment dates. He also bought a Mercedes smart car for advertising purposes. In more than a year, he sold nearly 25,000 paper royalty note reminder CDs at a price of 4 pounds (approximately RMB 34) each, easily earning 100,000 pounds.

After obtaining the funds, Harvey purchased 3 acres (approximately 1.2 hectares) of land for 40,000 pounds (approximately RMB 340,000). Soon after, a real estate developer offered Harvey £2 million (approximately RMB 17 million) and expressed his interest in purchasing the land. Harvey said: "At first, I was not sure how much he would bid. But when he came, he brought 2 million pounds. This is a huge fortune for me and I had no reason to refuse him."

ha Wei's father said that his son was smart, capable, down-to-earth and a great businessman. And his next investment target will turn to the karting market.

Chinese prodigy enters NASA job

According to a report from Taiwan’s China Times Electronic News on November 3, a 17-year-old Chinese prodigy in California already has bachelor’s degrees from two universities, and now he has entered the coveted NASA (NASA) job.

This child prodigy Moshe Kai Cavalin is a mixed-race child, his father is Brazilian and his mother is Taiwanese. He studied at East Los Angeles College at the age of 8. At the age of 11, he became the youngest bachelor's degree student in the United States and graduated from the University of California, Los Angeles. .

NASA rejected Kai Xiaotora in the past because he was too young, but recently decided to hire him as an intern. He originally planned to enter Brandeis University's online master's degree in network security this year.

Everyone is born equal, but some people create a lot of "inequality" because of their special talents, which makes others envious. 17-year-old Kai Xiaohu went directly to work at NASA. An 18-month-old baby can play table tennis. These people are much better than their peers. They have a common name: prodigy. How much do you know about the prodigies in this world?

14-year-old girl was admitted to Fudan University. 8-year-old boy challenged Gates to develop a genius prodigy.

The admission process for the first batch of undergraduate colleges in this year’s college entrance examination has begun. A 14-year-old girl from Dongguan Yuan Yifan was admitted to Fudan University with a score of 677 (science). Last year, she took the college entrance examination in her sophomore year of high school and scored 613 points, but was not allowed to go to college.

Yuan Yifan's father was admitted to and of Wuhan University at the age of 15. The saying "a young man is better than a young man" could not be more suitable for their father and daughter.

British baby who is only 18 months old plays table tennis

In February 2012, a video of a baby playing table tennis became very popular on the Internet. In the video, an 18-month-old British baby sits on a table tennis table and hits the balls one by one his father hits from the opposite side. The video has attracted more than 630,000 views in just four days after it was posted online.

reported that in this 90-second video, baby Jamie from , Plymouth, England, is sitting steadily on a regular-sized table tennis table, waiting for his father to hit the ball from the opposite side. What’s amazing is that this baby, who can’t speak yet, has an amazing return rate.

13-year-old Fan Shukai is the youngest freshman at Tsinghua University in 2013.

Fan Shukai from Hequ, Shanxi is the youngest freshman at Tsinghua University this year. Born on December 24, 1999, he went directly to the fourth grade of primary school at the age of 5, to junior high school at the age of 7, and now he is admitted to Tsinghua University at the age of 13. Many people call Fan Shukai a "child prodigy", but Fan Shukai disagrees. He said that he is an ordinary student. In terms of learning methods, he just listens to the lectures in class and then practices repeatedly.

British 9-year-old child prodigy is popular for his paintings and earns 150,000 pounds from selling paintings to buy a house for his family

According to foreign media reports, British 9-year-old boy Kieron Williamson is known as "Little Monet". In July 2010, his 33 paintings It was sold out in just half an hour and was eventually sold for a high price of 150,000 pounds (approximately 1.52 million yuan). He has used the money to buy a new house for his parents in his hometown of Norfolk.

html A 35-year-old girl knocked down a 1.8-meter strong man with one kick

In October 2009, on one side of the venue stood reporter David Lowe, who was 1.80 meters tall; on the other side stood an Indian girl who was less than 1 meter tall and only 5 years old. Varsha Vinod . With the "referee's" order, the "game" begins. Varsha stepped forward and rushed forward with all her strength, then leaped up and kicked the opponent in the chin. Bang, Lowe fell to the ground... You know, Varsha started learning karate from his father when he was two years old. He passed the black belt qualification examination at the age of five, and suddenly "advanced the world record by two years" and became a The youngest black belt in karate.

The British 2-year-old "prodigy" has an IQ of over 160, comparable to Hawking

According to foreign media reports, while most 2-year-old children are still pestering their parents to hug them, the British 2-year-old prodigy Oscar Wrigley is already interested The history of ancient Rome is well known. Oscar's IQ exceeds 160, comparable to Einstein. At the age of 2 years, 5 months and 11 days, Oscar was accepted as a member of Mensa International, a global club for high-IQ people.

Oscar's father Joe revealed that Oscar picked out his own clothes at 4 months old, started talking at 9 months old, and could recite the alphabet at one and a half years old. By the age of 2, he has mastered thousands of words, while most 2-year-olds only master about 50 words. Oscar is very curious and at only 2 years old, he shows great musical talent. As he sat in the back seat of his car, immersed in the music, he would tell his parents which instruments were playing the music while keeping time.

6-year-old "prodigy" writes adventure novels and signs 23 book publishing contracts

According to British media reports, Leo Hunter, a 6-year-old boy from Spanton Town, Derby, England, has published a lively and interesting fictional story book in the United States.

It is reported that Leo wrote a story book called "My Best Friend and Me" when he was 5 years old. This illustrated book tells the story of a little boy named Liam and his The fictional adventures of Henry's pet dog. Incredibly, the American "Strategic Book Publishing Company" believed that 6-year-old Leo had immeasurable writing potential. Not only did it publish Leo's "debut novel", but it also signed a publishing contract with him for 23 other books in one go. .

The British 7-year-old math prodigy became the youngest adviser to the Chancellor of the Exchequer

The British 7-year-old prodigy Oscar Searle became the youngest adviser to the British Chancellor of the Exchequer George Osborne and proposed a series of suggestions on British financial affairs His insightful opinions demonstrate his talent in financial matters.

Oscar's mother told reporters that he showed great interest in numbers when he was 2 years old, but the little consultant did not want to go into politics. His ideal was to be an inventor and design a car that did not require fuel.

British 7-year-old darts prodigy defeated the world champion. Known as the "star of tomorrow"

The 7-year-old British darts prodigy Nathan, nicknamed "Atom", although young, has successfully challenged many famous darts masters, including world champions. , known as "the rising star in the darts world".

Nathan started playing darts when he was 2 years old. At the age of 3, he hit the red heart with 3 darts and achieved a perfect score for the first time.Now he practices with his father for three hours at a time and still often gets perfect scores. When he was 5 years old, he participated in the 6 to 12-year-old group competition. Although he was under the required age, he still defeated all participants and won the darts championship for the first time. Masters from all walks of life heard about Na Dan's outstanding skills and were willing to accept his challenge and compete with him. His defeats include masters such as five-time world champion Bristol and recent world champion Lewis.

In January 2008, Nathan "defeated" the world champion. This one-on-one PK was held in the player lounge of the World Championships. The opponent who won the order was the personality "King of Darts" and BBC Darts program commentator Bobby George. The game was decided by one dart, using a dartboard that Nathan had brought with him and placed it on a chair. Nathan threw first and hit the red heart, but the "King of Darts" subsequently missed. "It was incredible. All the players stopped and watched the game. They couldn't believe their eyes." Nathan's father, James, said.