In the eyes of his colleagues, Li Wei is a loner, silent and introverted, but he is serious about his work and has a spirit of delving into problems at work. But just such a young man who didn't talk much and was even a little dull was taken away from the company by the public se

In the eyes of his colleagues, Li Wei is a loner, silent and introverted, but he is serious about work and has a spirit of delving into problems at work. But just such a young man who didn't talk much and was even a little dull was taken away from the company by the public security organs on one day in July 2020 because he made homemade drugs at home in full view of the public.

Recently, the Procuratorate of Huishan District, Wuxi City, Jiangsu Province filed a public prosecution. After a public hearing, the court sentenced the defendant Li Wei to three months' detention for drug manufacturing and fined him RMB 1,000.

1 A "top student" who went astray

In 2007, Li Wei passed the microelectronics major of a 985 university with excellent results. "Although I majored in microelectronics in college, I am a science student, and I am good at physics, chemistry, and biology." Recalling his student days, Li Wei still spoke with a little pride, "When I was a teenager, I I just thought about whether I could use some common, unregulated chemical raw materials on the market to produce controlled chemicals. ”

During his college years, Li Wei’s life changed dramatically. "In those few years, several close elders in my family died of illness one after another. In addition, I broke up with my girlfriend at the time, and I began to become anxious, insomniac, and depressed. In the end, I dropped out of college because I never took exams. "

After leaving school, Li Wei stayed at home for a few months and applied online to join Wuxi an electronic film technology company. In 2016, Li Wei changed jobs and came to a nanomaterial technology company in Wuxi where he currently works.

According to Li Wei’s self-report, he worked as a developer of chemical reagents after joining the job. His job was mainly to help some university graduate students design chemical reagents . “Sometimes when I see the experimental reports of these graduate students, I feel that their professional level is not as good as "Me."

Seeing these people who are "not as good as myself" entering and leaving glamorous scientific research sites every day, but he can only work in small companies because he dropped out of college, some thoughts from his student days became clear again in Li Wei's mind.

The depressed Li Wei, on the one hand, pursues excitement and wants to do things he dared not do before to prove the value of his existence; on the other hand, he thinks he suffers from depression , but he avoids medical treatment. When he learned that ecstasy was first used abroad to treat soldiers' traumatic stress syndrome, he wanted to try making ecstasy at home.

2 "Breaking Bad" practicing behind closed doors

At the end of 2016, Li Wei began to make his first attempt.

After searching for the chemical formula of ecstasy pills online, Li Wei used reverse reasoning to design three ways to make ecstasy pills, and finally chose the simplest one among them. The raw material used in this method is a common chemical that is not controlled by the country and can be purchased online.

But even with the raw materials, the production process is still cumbersome. There are many operational steps in the production process designed by Li Wei, and the requirements for the conditions for chemical reactions to occur are also very strict. However, he seems to regard this as a hobby, and he will continue to try and explore in the next few years.

On Li Wei’s mobile phone, there are dozens of pages of records of online purchases of chemical raw materials and experimental supplies at his own expense. These records not only silently describe the several years that Li Wei has devoted himself to research and development, but also confirm the evaluation of his colleagues : "very Likes to delve into hard problems” .

"At the beginning of 2020, due to the combination of factors such as the new crown epidemic and the company's sluggish performance, my mood became more negative and pessimistic." Under the influence of negative emotions, Li Wei's desire to make drugs became more and more urgent. In June of that year, he produced a liquid containing ecstasy ingredients for the first time.

In order to test the results, he purchased an ecstasy urine test panel online. After dripping the finished product, the urine test board was indeed positive. Li Wei knew that this meant that his experiment was successful, but he was not satisfied: "At that time, I came up with a new chemical reaction method, so the first The finished product I made for the first time was flushed into the sewer."

In the same year, he began to use another method to make ecstasy. This method also used common chemical raw materials on the market. The steps were simpler and less time-consuming, but the finished product did not meet Li Wei's expectations: " There are so many impurities that I suspect methamphetamine (commonly known as: methamphetamine) was also produced. "

In order to verify his conjecture, Li Wei ordered a urine test panel for methamphetamine online. The police identified Li Wei through the purchase clues. In this way, he was finally captured by the public security agency.

Li Wei (pseudonym) identified homemade drugs on the spot Semi-finished products

3 Negative emotions are not an excuse for crime

A place where Li Wei (pseudonym) made his own drugs at home

After identification by the Institute of Forensic Identification, the finished liquid seized from Li Wei’s home did contain 3,4-methylenedioxyamphetamine (commonly known as: Ecstasy) ingredients, one of the samples had a concentration as high as 51.1mg/ml.

Li Wei himself was identified by the Wuxi Mental Health Center Judicial Appraisal Institute as belonging to "dysthymic disorder" (dysthymia is a persistent mood disorder in patients). , but does not meet the symptoms of any type of depression. The impairment of social functions is relatively complete. In this case, he has full criminal responsibility. Criminal Law of the People's Republic of China Paragraphs 1 and 4 of Article 7 stipulate that Li Wei's behavior of making drugs at home should be held criminally responsible for the crime of manufacturing drugs.

Fortunately, when the public security organs came to the door, Li Wei had not yet processed the liquids. Purified and extracted, he had not consumed it himself or sold it to others, and it had not had a negative impact on society.

After arriving at the case, Li Wei truthfully confessed the crime of making drugs and voluntarily pleaded guilty and accepted punishment. This case is subject to summary procedure, and the court made the above judgment in accordance with the law.

"The defendant in this case was born in a prestigious school and originally had a bright future. However, he was unable to adjust himself due to setbacks and was depressed for a long time. He then pursued a pathological sense of achievement and attempted to make his own drugs. Relieve depression , from then on it went astray step by step. His story also tells us to cherish life and stay away from drugs. No matter what the reason is, a crime is a crime, and any behavior that violates the law will be punished. "Wang Dong, the prosecutor in charge of this case, said. (The persons involved in the article are pseudonyms)

This article is an original manuscript of "Fang Yuan" magazine

Source: Bengbu Procuratorate