A Bond girl refers to a female character who plays an emotional entanglement with James Bond in the 007 series of movies. In the minds of Western movie audiences, "Bond girls" are synonymous with sexy and beautiful. "Bond girls" have a special and important position in 007 movies

Bond girl refers to a female character who plays an emotional entanglement with James Bond in the 007 series of movies. In the minds of Western movie audiences, "Bond girls" are synonymous with sexy and beautiful. "Bond girls" have a special and important position in 07 movies . Movie fans all over the world know that as long as James Bond appears, there will be beautiful women accompanying him.

However, because Mr. Bond during the Cold War did not have more energy to show his charm in order to "focus" on fighting evil enemies, the Bond girls cannot "steal" the limelight. They have no other purpose except to become the object of Mr. James Bond's masculinity and gentlemanly behavior in the film and to make the male audience in the cinema feast their eyes and whistle loudly.

Introduction to previous Bond girls during the Cold War (Note: Since multiple female characters often appeared in 007 movies, the protagonists are basically the main ones here)

one, Ursula Anders: Starring in the 007 movie: "Dr. No" In 1962, in the first 007 film "Dr. No", the scene in which Ursula Anders, a blonde beauty from Switzerland, had sex is considered to be one of the most classic scenes in the history of today's movies. This blonde beauty from Switzerland broke through the waves in a white bikini, with a hunting knife tied around her waist. She walked slowly toward us in the azure Caribbean Sea. She showed sexiness and temptation everywhere, and became the favorite of countless male viewers. When dreaming about an idol. The 007 series of movies also established the overall tone of the Bond girl's angelic appearance and devilish figure, creating the tradition that "wherever Bond appears, there must be a beautiful girl accompanying him."

It is said that the white bikini in "Dr. No" was designed by Anders and the director. In February 2001, Ursula Anders wore it at an auction of 007 movie props held in London. The bikini swimsuit attracted much attention and was sold for £41,125.

Although Ursula Anders has left her forever name in the history of film as the first Bond girl and this shocking water-squirting hibiscus, in addition to her stunning appearance, Ursula Anders also played a key role in the film. There was no other outstanding performance in the movie, and Ursula Anders herself had no better performance after starring in "Dr. No" and gradually faded out of people's sight.

2. Denila Bianchi: Starring in the 007 movie: "From Russia with Love" in 1963

Denila Bianchi is considered to be one of the most beautiful Bond girls and the youngest Bond girl. He was only 22 years old when he starred in "From Russia With Love". With her stunning beauty, Denila Bianchi left a lasting impression among moviegoers. But Denila Bianchi basically inherited the "vase" image of her predecessor "Bond Girl" in the film, and "From Russia with Love" is the final work of the 007 series of movies. From then on, the "vase" image of the Bond girl It is completely established that subsequent Bond girls can only helplessly walk on this road for decades.

3. Shirley Eaton: Starred in the 007 movie: "Goldfinger" in 1964

Speaking of which, the heroine of "Goldfinger" was originally Honor Blackman (the oldest Bond girl in history, when she starred 37 years old). But Shirley Eaton surpassed the real heroine with her extraordinary "death". When Eaton's naked golden body appeared, everyone was shocked. This shot was also rated as one of the top ten death shots in film history. As a result, Shirley Eaton became one of the most famous Bond girls in the 007 series, and the first Bond girl to be dragged to death by the gentleman James Bond. The naked beauty covered in gold paint was the sexual fantasy object of many men at that time, and has always occupied a unique position among the beauties in 007 movies.

Four, Claudina Ogle: Starred in the 007 movie " Thunderball " in 1965

Claudina Ogle's performance in the 007 movie was lackluster (I'm afraid this word will be used often later) ), but Claudina Ogle herself is an "evergreen" in the entertainment industry, and she was still active in the entertainment industry until the 1990s.

Five, Mie Hama: Starred in the 007 movie: "Thunder Valley" in 1967.

This Bond girl was a Japanese intelligence agent and married Bond once in the movie (but it was fake). After Hamae starred in 007, she shifted her career focus back to Japan. Besides being the first Asian heroine in a 007 movie, she has no other significance to the 007 movie.

Six, Diana Rigg : Starred in the 007 movie " On Her Majesty's Secret Service " in 1969

Diana Rigg is a famous British actress who has won many international awards in film, television and drama. In 1994, the Queen of England He was knighted for his achievements in drama, film and television. Diana Rigg's status in the 007 series of movies is also extraordinary. She is the only legal wife of the playboy James Bond so far.

Diana Rigg's performance in the film is quite outstanding, and she is one of the few Bond girls to escape the shadow of the "vase" (maybe related to the fact that Lazenby is the starring role). However, Mr. James Bond, who was destined to carry forward European and American "romanticism", could not spend his life with just one woman, so Diana Rigg was assassinated by a killer (director and screenwriter) at the end of the film.

Diana Rigg played the Queen of Thorns in "Game of Thrones" (years are really a butcher's knife!)

seven, Jill St. John: Starred in the 007 movie "The Diamond " in 1971

may be a reference to " The dead wife in "On Her Majesty's Secret Service" felt guilty (Bond had his face "replaced"), 007 was extremely loyal for a rare moment, and the Bond girls in this movie were the protagonists and supporting actors, and the total number of them was less than one and a half. (Others must be at least four or five). But Gil St. John, who played the leading role, did not take advantage of this opportunity. It is said that Gil St. John himself has a high IQ of 162 points, but this is not seen at all in the movie.

8, Jane Seymour : Starring in the 007 movie: "Life and Death" in 1973

Jane Seymour gives people a romantic and tender feeling of comfort in appearance and temperament. It can be said to be a classical beauty like an oil painting. However, this failed to change the lackluster "bad luck" of Jane Seymour in the 007 movie. Although Jane Seymour later achieved brilliant achievements in the film and television industry and became the image ambassador of UNICEF . However, her performance in the film field has been poor (80% of it is because of 007).

9, Britt Elkaran: Starred in the 007 movie "The Man with the Golden Gun " in 1974.

Britt Elkaran is the representative of the "Vase" actress. Apart from her appearance, she has nothing. In the movie, the character is just a "substandard product" that is "missing", and the actor's performance is also lackluster (but the big boss of this movie is Christopher Lee ).

十, Barbara Badger : Starred in the 007 movie " Undersea City ". In 1977,

played a Soviet female spy who fell in love with 007 in the movie. It was similar to the previous movie and lackluster. But the actor later became the wife of Beatles drummer Ringo Starr .

Eleven, Louise Chile : Starred in the 007 movie "Moonraker" in 1979

The situation is the same as before, there is really nothing to say. However, in the detective movie "Tragedy on the Nile" that caused a sensation in China in the 1980s, Louise Chilly played the rich girl Lynette who was plotted against.

Twelve, Carole Bouquet: Starred in the 007 movie "Life and Death" in 1981

Carole Bouquet was called the most beautiful actress in France at the time. Perhaps it is for this reason that Carole Bouquet is lucky (unlucky) to become a new product of the "vase manufacturing factory" of the 007 series of movies. However, after starring in the 007 movie, Carole Bouquet, who has a strong personality, finally got rid of the "vase" image through hard work and became a recognized acting star in the French film industry.

Thirteen, Maud Adams : Starred in the 007 movie "Octopussy" in 1983

Maud Adams had already played the villain heroine in "The Man with the Golden Gun" in 1974, and in "Octopussy" "" and became the number one heroine. However, the improvement in the status of the role did not change the embarrassing image of the Bond girl. Maud Adams' performance in the film even regressed compared to "The Man with the Golden Gun".

fourteen. Tanya Roberts : Starred in the 007 movie "" in 1985.

was another "vase", and I don't know if it was hindered by the 007 movie. Tanya Roberts' acting career in this life is just like her performance in the 007 movie, lackluster.

15, Maria Dabo: Starred in the 007 movie "The Living Daylights" in 1987.

Maria Dabo is considered to be the purest and most artistic "Bond Girl" (isn't that the "Vase" "?). The basic evaluation is similar to that of most "Bond girls": in the movie, she has nothing but beauty.

Sixteen, Carly Lowe: Starred in the 007 movie " License to Kill " in 1989

The Bond girl played by Carly Lowe possesses various military technologies and is one of the few Bond girls who can fly a plane. These settings make this "Bond girl" not look so "useless", but they do not change its fate as a "vase".

In short, with their angelic appearance, devilish figure and pale performances, the Bond girls during the Cold War have "gloriously" become synonymous with "vases" in the film and television industry. Therefore, many of the introductions to the Bond girls during the Cold War are very brief. This is not because I am lazy, because apart from using pictures to tell everyone about their beauty, there is nothing else to say