Ancient China paid special attention to the theory of yin and yang, so the Chinese divided the space of human existence into heaven. There is also the theory of the Three Realms, namely heaven, earth, and hell. It is believed that people have souls, and each person has three soul

Ancient China pays special attention to the Yin and Yang theory, so the Chinese divide the space of human existence into heaven (Yang) and earth (Yin), people are divided into male (Yang) and female (Yin), and time is divided into white (Yang) and day (Yin) ), the day is divided into sun (yang) and moon (yin).

There is also the theory of the Three Realms, namely heaven, earth and hell: it is believed that people have souls, and each person has three souls and seven souls. The soul as yang energy and the soul as yin form combine to form a person. After death, the soul and spirit energy return to Heaven, the essence and body return to the earth. And divided the elven world into three realms: the human world on earth, the heaven of gods in the sky, and the underworld of underground spirits.

Different beliefs have different understandings of hell, but it is generally related to the fact that the soul after death will go to hell to be judged, wait for reincarnation, and be punished. Hell is inseparably associated with painful negative emotions. Buddhism believes Hell is a place without joy, the most painful state among the six realms. In the hell realm, there are prisoners, namely sinners, which are different from the ghosts in the ghost realm.

Because it is closely related to pain, some people use it to refer to the situation after a disaster, such as hell on earth. There are 18 levels of hell, including tongue pulling hell, scissors hell, iron tree hell, evil mirror hell, steamer hell, copper pillar hell, treasure mountain, iceberg hell, oil pot hell, stone pressure hell, etc.

The first level is tongue pulling hell; The second level is the scissors hell; the third level is the iron tree hell; the fourth level is the evil mirror hell; the fifth level is the steamer hell; the sixth level is the copper pillar hell; the seventh level is the sword mountain hell; the eighth level is the iceberg hell. ; The ninth level is the hell of the oil pot; the tenth level is the hell of the cattle pit; the eleventh level is the hell of stone crushing; the twelfth level is the hell of the mortar; the thirteenth level is the hell of the blood pool; the fourteenth level is the hell of wasted death. ; The fifteenth level is the punishment hell; the sixteenth level is the volcano hell; the seventeenth level is the grinding stone hell; the eighteenth level is the sawing hell.

The eighteen hells are arranged according to the length of time of suffering and the severity of the crime. If the shortest time is taken in terms of the life span of living in hell, one day is equal to 3,750 years in the human world, and thirty days is one Month, twelve months is a year, and after 10,000 years, which is 13.5 billion years in the human world, you will finally be released from prison, and you will be pushed back one by one. Each hell will be 20 more painful than the previous one. Doubling the life expectancy. When I reach the Eighteenth Hell, I will be indescribably miserable, and I cannot calculate the date of my release.

When I go down in the future and go around in a circle, I will tell you when I come up. I can’t tell you now. Know.

Let me explain in advance, I may not be able to go that deep, I am a good citizen.

Is there really an underworld in this world? Is there really a Hall of Yama with a bull head and a horse face? This issue is unknown. Sometimes I really wish there was such a hell, where I could cut into pieces the traitors and fry them for evil. Just like the passage in "Journey to the West":

Don't deceive your heart in life,

Who can be spared by the gods and ghosts?

Good and evil will be rewarded in the end.

It's just a matter of whether it comes early or comes late.