As the En En case continues to spread, New Taipei City Mayor Hou Youyi said, "We do our job well and try to do municipal work well." The En En case continues to spread, and the Kuomintang people are worried that it will affect New Taipei City Mayor Hou Youyi's re-election votes,

The En'en case continues to spread, New Taipei City Mayor Hou Youyi said, "We do our work well and try to do municipal work well." (United Daily News file photo)

The En'en case continues to spread, and the Kuomintang people are worried that it will affect New Taipei City Mayor Hou Youyi's re-election votes, thus weakening Hou’s momentum as the leader in 2024. In this regard, Hou Youyi only said, "We do our work well and strive to do municipal work well." People's Party candidate Chen Shixuan accused DPP candidate Zhuo Guanting of allegedly abetting leaks. Zhuo said that he would take legal action to defend his reputation .

Chen Shixuan questioned that Zhuo Guanting obtained key information and recording files through personal relationships at the end of April, but has yet to provide them to En En's father. Recently, Zhuo was called on to provide evidence within 48 hours to prove that the recording file was not obtained in April or to file a direct complaint, otherwise it would be acquiescence. However, Zhuo Guanting has not taken any action to clear himself in the past two days. Yesterday, he went to the New Taipei District Prosecutor's Office to ring the bell and report that Zhuo was suspected of inciting and abetting leaks.

Zhuo Guanting said that he has publicly stated many times that in the statement issued by the New Taipei Fire Department, only the firefighter who surrendered was contacted by him in late April. He only obtained the information after the fire station acting incident in June. However, Chen Shixuan still insists on using wrong information to report, which is maliciously causing a waste of judicial resources. Legal action will be taken to defend his reputation. (Source: United News Network)