The first batch of iPhone 13 series has been signed for's one-stop replacement service for seamless switching

Recently, the first batch of iPhone 13 series officially started shipping. Mr. Zheng from in Baoshan District, Shanghai snapped up a Yuanfeng Blue iPhone 13 Pro on JD. However, this time, it is not the JD brother who delivered the door to Mr. Zheng, but the engineer who loves to recycle from . After the engineer delivered the new phone, he not only applied film to Mr. Zheng for free, but also helped Mr. Zheng to smoothly migrate all the necessary data from the old phone to the new iPhone 13 Pro. After learning about it, I found that Mr. Zheng chose the one-stop replacement service when placing the order, and this service was launched by JD. It is being piloted in Shanghai.

The new iPhone has arrived, and many fruit fans not only hope to get started as soon as possible, but also want to shorten the running-in time of the new iPhone. Don't you dare to take the bare metal? It must be filmed; I don’t want to lose WeChat chat records, it is too troublesome to migrate data; old mobile phones are placed at home, how can second-hand recycling sell for a good price? These problems can be solved by's one-stop replacement service. It is particularly worth mentioning that, unlike the previous trade-in services, the one-stop trade-in service provided by and Aihuishou for new iPhone users in Shanghai has no requirements for the recycling of old phones, and does it require engineers to recycle all the old phones? By the user's own will. If you choose to recycle the old phone, the on-site engineer will make a face-to-face valuation, and will also deeply remove the privacy of the user's old phone.

At present, the one-stop replacement service has been launched in Shanghai, and the delivery address is in Yangpu District, Hongkou District , Jing'an District , Xuhui District , Huangpu District, Putuo District , Changning District , Users in Pudong New Area , Minhang District , Baoshan District and other areas can enjoy the above services free of charge when purchasing a new iPhone 13 series in the Apple product flagship store and choosing the one-stop replacement service as the delivery method . In the future,'s one-stop replacement service will be gradually launched in other areas of Shanghai and other cities across the country.

's intimate service covering the whole process has become an important decision-making basis for young users to purchase mobile phones. Only when the purchase experience is smooth and the use is guaranteed can consumers make bold orders and form trust. The one-stop replacement service is a manifestation of the continuous upgrade of's "reassuring replacement" service. Previously, has integrated dozens of items covering the entire purchase process, including hourly delivery, first-use, pay-later, and 99 yuan Android original battery replacement. A variety of rights and interests have been aggregated into a "reassuring replacement" service, and it has also introduced new products. A service package of 9.9 yuan is launched for mobile phone categories, including mobile phone original broken screen insurance, battery replacement, warranty replacement, accessories discount and other pain points targeted protection. Whether it is a new iPhone or other brands, provides users with comprehensive service guarantees, allowing friends to buy their favorite products on and use them with more peace of mind.