Taiwanese businessman Zhou Shenghuang has been "landing" for 30 years. Three generations share the same family in Shenyang, the "second hometown" for Chinese New Year.

Zhou Shenghuang, Executive Vice President of Shenyang Taiwanese Investment Enterprise Association. Photo by Li Yan

(New Year's grassroots)Taiwanese businessman Zhou Shenghuang "landed" for 30 years. Three generations of the same hall in the "second hometown" Shenyang for Chinese New Year.

Chinanews.com, Shenyang, February 1 Telegram: Taiwanese businessman Zhou Shenghuang "landed" for 30 years. Three generations of the same family The church is in Shenyang, the "second hometown"

author Li Xun

posts blessing characters, makes dumplings, keeps the year old, and sends red envelopes... Three generations of the same family sit together, lively and warm. This is the second year in a row that Taiwanese businessman Zhou Shenghuang has celebrated Chinese New Year in Shenyang.

"In fact, the Chinese New Year customs in Taiwan and the mainland are similar, and local people also like to watch the CCTV Spring Festival Gala on New Year's Eve." Zhou Shenghuang, executive vice president of the Shenyang Taiwanese Investment Enterprise Association, said in an interview with a reporter from China News Agency.

Shenghuang Zhou, born in Taiwan in 1962, holds an MBA from the Australian National University of South Australia, and later studied in the Business Manager Research Class of Sun Yat-Sen University in Taiwan. He is an honorary academician of the Taiwan Economic Development Institute. Thirty years ago, out of a strong interest in business management, Zhou Shenghuang went to Liaoning alone to invest and start a business. Today, Zhou Shenghuang has regarded Shenyang as his "second hometown".

Zhou Shenghuang's family. Photo courtesy of Zhou Shenghuang

Over the years, Zhou Shenghuang has been committed to building a bridge for cross-strait communication and contributing to cross-strait economic and cultural exchanges. He led the Shentai businessmen to invest in social welfare, actively participated in the activities of respecting the elderly, poverty alleviation, and student aid, and accumulated donations of more than one million yuan (RMB, the same below). At the same time, it will help Shenyang develop the "Cross-Strait Youth Entrepreneurship Base", help Taiwanese youth register and start businesses in Shenyang, and introduce Taiwan's leisure agriculture concept to the mainland.

Among them, "How to let the elderly care for the elderly with dignity?" is the thing Zhou Shenghuang has done the most and the longest, and it is also the thing that worries him the most.Zhou Shenghuang said that when he inspected the project, he found that the aging of the population in Liaoning Province has been increasing in recent years, but many elderly people do not want to go to nursing homes. "Most elderly people are influenced by traditional concepts and think that going to a nursing home is a dignified thing." Zhou Shenghuang admitted frankly.

"In order for the elderly to care for the elderly with dignity, we must give them comprehensive care." Zhou Shenghuang said that Taiwan's elderly care service industry not only pays attention to the physical care of the elderly, but also emphasizes caring for the mental health of the elderly. This kind of services and standards are brought to the mainland to expand the circle of happiness for the elderly.

"The introduction of the international CCRC model is an inevitable model for the well-established health care community." Zhou Shenghuang and a number of Taiwanese businessmen co-founded Liaoning Dongsen Elderly Care Service Co., Ltd. The company has introduced the international CCRC model, which integrates various pension models such as institutional pension and community pension, and involves various development businesses such as modern agriculture, tourism, health care and pension.

After investigating several cities, Zhou Shenghuang set his sights on Suizhong County, Huludao City, where he invested in the construction of "Suizhong East Senjinshui Kangqiao Health Care Community". According to Zhou Shenghuang, home care, home care, day care, night care and short-, medium- and long-term care services in the health care community can effectively solve the pain points and allow the elderly to care for the elderly with dignity.

In 2021, the Shenyang Women's Federation awarded Zhou Shenghuang the title of "the most beautiful family" model household in Shenyang. Photo courtesy of Zhou Shenghuang

Since 2012, Zhou Shenghuang has invested more than 50 million yuan in elderly care in Liaoning and Shenyang, creating a new model of community-based elderly care. Zhou Shenghuang said that compared to traditional nursing homes, it is more like a community that integrates rehabilitation, old-age care and cultural performances. He hopes to change people's perception of nursing homes. It is not only a place for the elderly to recover and care for the elderly, but also a paradise for family gatherings and company.

At present, Zhou Shenghuang's Dongsen Rehabilitation Center and Taiwanese companies involved in business, environmental protection and other fields have settled in the "Taiwan Business Headquarters Economic Development Center" located in Heping District, Shenyang City. Zhou Shenghuang said that the center will be unveiled in early 2022, and the establishment of the center has built a new cooperation platform for promoting the high-quality development of economic and trade cooperation between Shenyang and Taiwan.

"This year's Spring Festival, many Taiwanese businessmen in our center choose to celebrate the New Year in Shenyang." As more and more Taiwanese businessmen come to work and live in the mainland, family reunion in the mainland has become a new way for many Taiwanese businessmen to celebrate the New Year.

In the past, Zhou Shenghuang would bring his family back to Taiwan for the Chinese New Year, until last year when he celebrated Chinese New Year in Shenyang for the first time. Zhou Shenghuang told reporters that this year's Spring Festival made him the happiest, not only because his business was on the rise, but also because his family accompanied him to celebrate the New Year in Shenyang. In recent years, Zhou Shenghuang's son, daughter-in-law and granddaughter have also chosen to take root in Shenyang, and three generations of the family have become "new Shenyang people".

In 2021, the Shenyang Women's Federation awarded Zhou Shenghuang the title of "the most beautiful family" model household in Shenyang. Zhou Shenghuang said that this honor is inseparable from the support and dedication of his wife for many years, and the efforts of the children. "We are a veritable family of three generations of Taiwanese businessmen." Zhou Shenghuang pointed to the family portrait and said with a smile.

Zhou Shenghuang said that the investment environment in Liaoning is becoming more and more perfect, and he will definitely give full play to his own advantages to build bridges and introduce more enterprises to invest and start businesses in Liaoning, so as to achieve mutual benefit and win-win results. (End)

Source: China News Network