The following is the detailed information. Please read it carefully and don’t miss your future. China’s junior college student-to-undergraduate examination: referred to as junior college-to-undergraduate examination, is an examination system for students at the junior college lev

2024/07/0316:20:33 hotcomm 1287

Is the national unified examination time for junior college to bachelor's degree?

There is no unified examination time for ordinary junior college students. General junior college-to-undergraduate students are generally graduates of general full-time junior college, and they take the second semester exam of the third year of junior college (the exam time varies in each province, and are determined by the policies of the year formulated by the provincial education examination bureaus)

The following is the detailed information. Please read it carefully and don’t miss your future. China’s junior college student-to-undergraduate examination: referred to as junior college-to-undergraduate examination, is an examination system for students at the junior college lev - DayDayNews

When should I register at school for the junior college-to-undergraduate exam?

The following is the detailed information. Please read it carefully and don't miss the mark. China's junior college student-to-undergraduate examination: referred to as junior college-to-undergraduate examination, is an examination system for junior college-level students in China's education system to advance to undergraduate schools or continue their studies in majors. This examination is held in most higher education schools with a junior college-to-bachelor education system, and is generally held once a year.

 Enrollment objects and process

 First of all, to take the exam, you must have a junior college degree. Only candidates who are currently studying or graduating from junior college can participate in the registration and examination for the junior college-to-undergraduate examination. After passing the examination scores and other status examinations, they can enter the undergraduate school to continue their studies. All work is hosted by universities authorized by the State Education Commission of China.

Internal enrollment is mainly for college students in the same major and similar majors within colleges and universities to apply for the undergraduate majors of the school. Some schools recruit students internally and directly enroll them into normal undergraduate classes to continue their studies, which is different from external enrollment.

External enrollment mainly recruits students from other schools, and even the majors are not exactly the same. This group generally enrolls students on a large scale, so a new class system can be established. Because the actual level of this group of students varies, colleges and universities will generally take special "care" for them. However, they can also receive formal degree certificates and graduation certificates upon graduation.

 Exam format

 The college-to-undergraduate examination is mainly a written test. The examination questions for each major are basically drawn up by the teachers of the major and then managed by the university education management agency and used on the examination date. The specific examination subjects are not unified and mainly include basic courses and professional courses.

For example, computer professional examinations generally require advanced mathematics and English as basic courses. Professional courses may be software-related data structures and programming, or hardware-related digital circuits, etc. The majors related to economics are mathematical English and an economics course. But the difficulty of these two mathematics is different.

Existing problems

Because the undergraduate syllabus is quite different from that of junior college students, the syllabus for most junior college-to-bachelor degree programs is different from other undergraduate education. Therefore, the quality of education is difficult to guarantee in some colleges and universities, and it also increases the workload of teachers.

Some colleges and universities have raised the tuition fees for college-to-bachelor-level students without authorization and expanded enrollment without any plan, resulting in a decline in teaching quality and an increase in the financial burden on students' families.

The following is the detailed information. Please read it carefully and don’t miss your future. China’s junior college student-to-undergraduate examination: referred to as junior college-to-undergraduate examination, is an examination system for students at the junior college lev - DayDayNews

Registration time and test types for the junior college-to-undergraduate examination

1, Adult College Entrance Examination to Undergraduate Education

After graduating from a junior college for one year, you can pass the National College Entrance Examination for College Entrance Examination to enter an adult college to study. Generally, you are not part-time or semi-off-the-job.

2, self-study to undergraduate

There is an independent undergraduate examination in the higher education self-study examination. Each major has more than 10 courses. If you pass all of them, you can obtain a nationally recognized undergraduate degree. Candidates can study on their own, or participate in part-time tutoring classes and study while working.

3, junior college to undergraduate examination

"General" junior college to undergraduate degree

enrollment targets fresh junior college graduates from ordinary colleges and universities and higher vocational and technical schools (including TVU general classes). The connection between the examination content and teaching is more in line with the current characteristics of junior college education. At present, it is the main channel for upgrading from junior college to undergraduate degree. The situation varies from province to province.

Adult junior college-to-undergraduate examination

4. The online education degree

examination subjects vary with different majors. You can consult the school you apply for. The examination subjects and examination time of each school are different.

The following is the detailed information. Please read it carefully and don’t miss your future. China’s junior college student-to-undergraduate examination: referred to as junior college-to-undergraduate examination, is an examination system for students at the junior college lev - DayDayNews

The difference between ordinary colleges and universities and undergraduates for adults:

(1) Types of undergraduate programs from junior college

1, ordinary colleges and universities generally refer to junior college students in school, when they are in their junior year - (when they graduate, and they must be fresh graduates to participate ) take the undergraduate examination, which is usually to advance to the undergraduate degree of the original school or take the unified examination of other schools, and then directly enter the undergraduate study after graduating from junior college, and the final academic degree awarded is general higher education (basically the same as the formal undergraduate degree).

 2. Adult college-to-bachelor degree means that after graduating from junior college, after leaving school, you take the national unified adult examination. You register for the exam at the same time as the adult college entrance examination every year (during May every year). The final academic qualification awarded is an adult undergraduate degree (with a degree).

 3. The difference between the two is that students' academic qualifications from junior college to bachelor's degree are from ordinary universities, while adults' academic qualifications from junior college to bachelor's degree are adults. However, the associate degree program is generally limited to the original area, the major must be corresponding, and there are few school choices; the adult associate degree program can choose different majors from the original college, and the school range can be all over the country (for details, please refer to the admission brochure published during the local adult examination every year). Finally, there are degrees and you can take postgraduate entrance exams.

The following is the detailed information. Please read it carefully and don’t miss your future. China’s junior college student-to-undergraduate examination: referred to as junior college-to-undergraduate examination, is an examination system for students at the junior college lev - DayDayNews

Types and differences of junior college to bachelor degree

Registration is implemented and no examination is required. It's a pity that I don't need to talk about the social recognition rate.

2. Distance education from junior college to undergraduate

Anyone with a national education junior college degree can enroll, which is relatively simple. However, in order to change the chaotic situation of running schools, the country requires that students must pass the unified English and computer basic examinations stipulated by the Ministry of Education in order to graduate, which adds some difficulty. We I think few people think about him except those who want to mix professional titles.

 3. Self-study examination from junior college to bachelor degree

Self-study examination from junior college to bachelor degree is the most difficult of all the paths from junior college to bachelor degree. More than 10 million people across the country apply for self-study examination every year, and less than 1\3 get a diploma. Of course, the reason why this is so is , the self-study examination is a national examination, and the questions are all from the test bank. It is not the same school or teacher who sets the questions. It is the same all over the country. The questions are randomly selected during the examination. Unlike ordinary college-to-undergraduate examinations, teachers in the province usually set the questions themselves. The examination is held every year. In the past, schools or tutoring institutions in society led students to review, told students the key points and exam preparation, and even told students some of the exam content. Students could take a break in the first half of the exam and they would be able to pass, and whether it was the school or the exam, The student himself or a responsible formal tutoring institution hopes that the student will pass the exam, otherwise it will affect the employment rate of school students and the student's own future. The self-study examination not only produces a question bank, but generally no one gives lectures, no one leads the review, and no one gives key points. More importantly, there are many subjects in the self-study examination, whether it is a theoretical examination class, a practical class, or a graduation thesis. As long as you fail in one of the exams, you will not be able to get a diploma. It is very difficult to take the exam (of course, there is no limit to the number of make-up exams for self-study exams). Therefore, although many people apply for self-study exams and pass many courses, they often fail to get a diploma because they fail in individual courses. After getting busy when they start working, they will not take care of it. Many people need to After taking exams for many years, they still can’t get a diploma, and they also don’t understand many policy aspects. Many people have to give up on self-study exams midway.

 4. Upgrading from a general college to a bachelor's degree

The difficulty in upgrading from a general college to a bachelor's degree lies in the entrance examination. As long as you pass the exam, you can almost get an undergraduate certificate and a bachelor's degree certificate.In recent years, from the perspective of the country, the school, and the students themselves, holding an ordinary college-to-undergraduate program is an ideal way to solve the real social problems of college students. Although since 2006, the state has stipulated that the admission quota for ordinary college-to-undergraduate programs should be limited to fresh college students in that year. 5%-10%, but as long as you prepare well, you can still be admitted. In 2007, the enrollment number of major undergraduate colleges (including independent colleges) in Chongqing was 5% of the fresh graduates of that year; in 2008, new regulations were issued, and "211" and "985" engineering universities and independent colleges have canceled enrollment plans from junior college to bachelor's degree. The number of students enrolled in each major is 5% of the fresh graduates of that year, and they also need to have corresponding majors, so it is more difficult. Junior college students generally want to go to undergraduate school and don't want to stay at the junior college level. There are many people who want to apply every year and the competition is fierce. I hope that friends who want to upgrade from junior college to bachelor's degree should prepare in advance.

The following is the detailed information. Please read it carefully and don’t miss your future. China’s junior college student-to-undergraduate examination: referred to as junior college-to-undergraduate examination, is an examination system for students at the junior college lev - DayDayNews

(2) How to choose a major from various junior college to undergraduate degree

Self-study examination to junior college

Although there are many self-study examination schools and majors, there are too many exam subjects. Some self-study undergraduate require about one or twenty exams, and some even exceed 30.

 Adult college entrance examination to undergraduate degree

When applying for adult colleges and universities, the school can choose independently in the enrollment plan, either from the province or from other provinces. As long as there are majors, you can apply. Of course, the major you apply for depends on the difficulty of the major and personal interests.

Distance education from junior college to bachelor degree

Distance education can teach more than 60 recognized universities, and majors can be chosen independently among the existing majors. Of course, which major to choose should also consider the difficulty of the major and personal hobbies.

 General junior college to bachelor's degree

 You can apply for general junior college to bachelor's degree in the year you graduate from junior college, and former students can apply for social-related junior college to bachelor's degree. There are only 3 examination subjects (Liberal Arts/English/Art: College English, College Computer, and College Chinese; Science/Computer: College English, College Computer, and College Advanced Mathematics). Of course, each province is slightly different, and the local admissions office documents are the guide. Yes, art majors may have additional exams for art majors according to the regulations of the school you apply for. There are few subjects to prepare for, it is relatively easy, and everyone can study together to prepare for the exam.

The following is the detailed information. Please read it carefully and don’t miss your future. China’s junior college student-to-undergraduate examination: referred to as junior college-to-undergraduate examination, is an examination system for students at the junior college lev - DayDayNews

(3) Various diplomas and gold content

Self-study from junior college to undergraduate

National general examination, the diploma is stamped with the seal of the examiner's university and the seal of the provincial self-study committee. The country recognizes that the hardness of the diploma is relatively high, in terms of salary, personnel benefits, postgraduate examination , certificate examination, civil service examination, studying abroad, professional title evaluation and other aspects have the same validity as ordinary undergraduates. Under the same conditions, the society generally believes that the self-study diploma is still superior to the adult examination diploma and distance education diploma

Adult examination junior college to bachelor degree

diploma The certificate is stamped with the seal of the university where you studied, and the words "adult education full-time or correspondence education" are displayed on the certificate, which is recognized by the state. It is generally considered that under the same circumstances, the social recognition is lower than that of general-level undergraduates and self-study undergraduates.

Distance education associate degree to bachelor degree

The diploma is stamped with the seal of the university studied, and the words "online education" are displayed on the certificate. It is nationally recognized and electronically registered. It is generally believed that under the same circumstances, the social recognition is lower than that of ordinary high school undergraduates and self-study undergraduates.

is an ordinary higher education diploma. Based on our country’s experience in organizing ordinary college-to-undergraduate programs in recent years, from the perspective of the country, the school, and the students themselves, it is a very ideal way. The Ministry of Education’s policy allows junior college students to graduate. It has been more than 10 years since I was admitted to other undergraduate schools, such as ordinary junior college to bachelor's degree. Many junior college leaders attach great importance to the Ministry of Education’s documents and support junior college students’ admission to other undergraduate schools. Moreover, after being admitted, students can enjoy the same treatment as students of the undergraduate school, and the graduation certificate issued is almost the same as that of ordinary undergraduates, which is a good thing for the school and the students. And judging from the job search of college students in the past three years, employers generally have some prejudices against junior college graduates and will not recruit junior college graduates under the same conditions. Therefore, under the same conditions, the society usually thinks that this kind of junior college to bachelor's degree is relatively more valuable than other types.

(4) Suggestions for college students

Obtaining a nationally recognized undergraduate degree is undoubtedly very important in future life. The common entrance examination is more difficult to pass, the self-study examination is difficult to pass, and the adult examination and distance education diplomas have low recognition. It is recommended that you consider carefully when choosing, so as not to waste your precious time. The most important thing is whether you have learned real knowledge. Finally, I wish you all success in your studies and make more contributions to our nation.

The following is the detailed information. Please read it carefully and don’t miss your future. China’s junior college student-to-undergraduate examination: referred to as junior college-to-undergraduate examination, is an examination system for students at the junior college lev - DayDayNews

When will you register at school for the junior college to undergraduate examination?

China’s junior college student-to-undergraduate examination: referred to as junior college-to-undergraduate examination, is an examination system for junior college-level students in China’s education system to advance to undergraduate schools or majors to continue their studies. This examination is held in most higher education schools with a junior college-to-bachelor education system, and is generally held once a year.

Enrollment objects and process

First of all, to take the exam, you must have a college degree. Only candidates who are currently studying or graduating from a college can participate in the registration and examination for the college-to-undergraduate exam. After passing the exam scores and other status checks, you can enter the undergraduate school to continue studying. All work is hosted by universities authorized by the State Education Commission of China.

Internal enrollment is mainly for college students in the same major and similar majors within colleges and universities to apply for the undergraduate majors of the school. Some schools recruit students internally and directly enroll them into normal undergraduate classes to continue their studies, which is different from external enrollment.

External enrollment mainly recruits students from other schools, and even the majors are not exactly the same. This group generally enrolls students on a large scale, so a new class system can be established. Because the actual level of this group of students varies, colleges and universities will generally take special "care" for them. However, they can also receive formal degree certificates and graduation certificates upon graduation.

exam format

The college-to-undergraduate exam is mainly a written exam. The examination questions for each major are basically drawn up by the teachers of the major and then managed by the university education management agency and used on the examination date. The specific examination subjects are not unified and mainly include basic courses and professional courses.

For example, computer professional examinations generally require advanced mathematics and English as basic courses. Professional courses may be software-related data structures and programming, or hardware-related digital circuits, etc. The majors related to economics are mathematical English and an economics course. But the difficulty of these two mathematics is different. Problems with

Because the undergraduate syllabus is quite different from that of junior college students, the syllabus for most junior college-to-bachelor degree programs is different from other undergraduate education. Therefore, the quality of education is difficult to guarantee in some colleges and universities, and it also increases the workload of teachers.

Some colleges and universities have raised the tuition fees for college-to-bachelor-level students without authorization and expanded enrollment without any plan, resulting in a decline in teaching quality and an increase in the financial burden on students' families.

The following is the detailed information. Please read it carefully and don’t miss your future. China’s junior college student-to-undergraduate examination: referred to as junior college-to-undergraduate examination, is an examination system for students at the junior college lev - DayDayNews

The difference between ordinary colleges and universities and adult undergraduates:

1. Ordinary colleges and universities generally refer to junior college students who are in school. When they are junior college students, they take the undergraduate examination in their junior year (when they graduate, and they must be fresh graduates to participate). Generally, they are You must have an undergraduate degree from the original school or take the unified examination of other schools, and then directly enter undergraduate studies after graduating from junior college. The final academic qualification awarded is a general higher education (basically the same as a formal undergraduate degree).

 2. Adult college-to-bachelor degree means that after graduating from junior college, after leaving school, you take the national unified adult examination. You register for the exam at the same time as the adult college entrance examination every year (during May every year). The final academic qualification awarded is an adult undergraduate degree (with a degree).

 3. The difference between the two is that students' academic qualifications from junior college to bachelor's degree are from ordinary universities, while adults' academic qualifications from junior college to bachelor's degree are adults. However, the associate degree program is generally limited to the original area, the major must be corresponding, and there are few school choices; the adult associate degree program can choose different majors from the original college, and the school range can be all over the country (for details, please refer to the admission brochure published during the local adult examination every year). Finally, there are degrees and you can take postgraduate entrance exams.

The following is the detailed information. Please read it carefully and don’t miss your future. China’s junior college student-to-undergraduate examination: referred to as junior college-to-undergraduate examination, is an examination system for students at the junior college lev - DayDayNews

How many registration times are there every year for junior college to bachelor’s degree?

Types of undergraduate programs: ordinary undergraduate program, self-study undergraduate program, adult college entrance examination (adult college entrance examination) college program, and online education program. The number of registrations for them is different. Their registration, examination and learning forms are now described as follows:

1. Ordinary associate degree to undergraduate degree

Ordinary associate degree to undergraduate degree is an examination organized by the education department of each province. The examination subjects, time, and enrollment numbers are different in each province. Hubei Province generally publishes policies in late April every year and accepts registration in early May. Only students who are freshly graduated from full-time colleges in this province and can graduate on schedule are recruited. To apply for a major, you can only apply for the original major or a similar major. Test subjects: English (compulsory) + professional courses + advanced mathematics\computer science. Many schools only test 2 subjects (English and professional courses), and each school has different requirements. The exam is usually held in mid-to-late June. After passing the exam, students will be trained in the same way as ordinary undergraduate students, and will be transferred to another class or studied independently (depending on the number of students). The duration of study is 2 years.

2. Self-study examination to junior college to undergraduate degree

There are no restrictions on the registration time and major for self-study examination to junior college (except nursing and other majors). To put it simply, as long as you can show the national education series junior college diploma when you get the undergraduate diploma. The learning form is generally part-time (weekend classes) learning or self-study. All junior college students and junior college graduates can register. The examination subjects are generally about 15, of which 3 are generally exempted (Modern Chinese History, Basic Principles of Marx, and English II), and 3-4 additional subjects are required for similar majors across Africa (except for majors such as social administration and management). You need to pass all the exams to get a diploma. You can make up the exam if you fail. The number and time are not limited. The exams are held in January, April, July, and October every year. You can only apply for a maximum of 4 subjects at a time. Self-study students only need to register at each district, city (state) examination office and pay a fee of 30 yuan per subject. For part-time studies, you need to register at each organizing institution and pay corresponding tuition fees. There is no limit to the length of study, and it usually takes a minimum of 2 years to obtain a diploma.

3. Adult education college to undergraduate degree

Adult education college to undergraduate education is managed by the continuing education college or adult education college of each school. To register for junior college to bachelor's degree, you must have obtained a national education series junior college degree approved by the Ministry of Education. The registration period is generally from mid-August (online registration) to early September (on-site confirmation) each year. The examination time is generally in mid-October, and the state has unified arrangements and propositions. Examination subjects: Politics, foreign languages ​​and one professional basic course. Similar to the college entrance examination. There are three types of learning: full-time, part-time and correspondence. Part-time means full-time study in school (note: currently, except for specialized adult colleges and universities, ordinary colleges and universities are prohibited from opening full-time classes). Part-time is usually a weekend study, and correspondence is in school. Materials will be sent to you or you can communicate and learn online. Generally, face-to-face teaching will be held 1-2 times per semester, lasting 2-4 weeks. The duration of study is 2.5 years.

4. Online education from junior college to undergraduate

Online education (distance education) is an examination and management organized by the online education college or distance education college group of each school. The registration requirements are similar to those for the adult examination, but it is worth noting that there are not many colleges and universities across the country that can carry out distance education. Many, only some first-class colleges are eligible. Registration can be done at the learning centers set up by the school in various places. It is divided into spring and autumn admissions. The examination time is generally in March and September. The examination subjects for junior college to undergraduate are: Advanced Mathematics + English ( Science), College Chinese + English (liberal arts). The learning form adopts an online learning-based teaching method, and online independent learning, online Q&A, online homework, online testing and other teaching activities are carried out through the online learning platform. The minimum duration of study is 2.5 years.

The following is the detailed information. Please read it carefully and don’t miss your future. China’s junior college student-to-undergraduate examination: referred to as junior college-to-undergraduate examination, is an examination system for students at the junior college lev - DayDayNews

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