On September 18, 1931, with the roar of artillery, the Japanese invaders blew up the South Manchuria Railway and exploded the city of Shenyang. For a time, the enemy invaders were raging and the mountains and rivers were broken. This day became the historical starting point of th

2024/07/0313:43:32 hotcomm 1528

On September 18, 1931, with the roar of artillery, the Japanese invaders blew up the South Manchuria Railway and exploded the city of Shenyang. For a time, the enemy invaders were raging and the mountains and rivers were broken. This day became the historical starting point of the Chinese people's 14-year arduous anti-Japanese war.

htmlToday, 85 years later, it’s September 18th again. At 9:18, a sharp air-raid siren sounded throughout Northeast my country, once again warning the Chinese people: Don’t forget the national humiliation and revitalize China.

On September 18, 1931, with the roar of artillery, the Japanese invaders blew up the South Manchuria Railway and exploded the city of Shenyang. For a time, the enemy invaders were raging and the mountains and rivers were broken. This day became the historical starting point of th - DayDayNews

However, across the Taiwan Strait, the memory of the anti-Japanese war is blurred.

On September 18, 1931, with the roar of artillery, the Japanese invaders blew up the South Manchuria Railway and exploded the city of Shenyang. For a time, the enemy invaders were raging and the mountains and rivers were broken. This day became the historical starting point of th - DayDayNews

On the 85th anniversary of the September 18th Incident, New Party Chairman Yu Muming posted on his personal website that -

Commemorative ceremonies including sirens and other commemorative ceremonies have been held across the mainland, telling people across the country to "not forget the national humiliation." Taiwan does not have any commemorative ceremonies. Not only has historical education been lost in books, but also in daily life, it has gradually been affected by "de-Sinicization", erasing all memories of the mainland bit by bit.

Yu Muming lamented, don’t think that this is the “diversity” and “de-authoritarianism” that Green Camp calls, look at the reconstruction of shrines in various places in Taiwan, and look at the flattering remarks made by some politicians who sent money to Japan, you will know the surface The talk of "diversity" actually means diluting Taiwanese's Chinese identity and replacing it with a single Japanese-favoring mentality. On the surface, it talks about "de-authoritarianism", but in fact it means to restore the old colonial authoritarianism.

This is not alarmist -

According to Taiwanese media reports, Taoyuan Mayor Zheng Wencan of the Democratic Progressive Party recently inspected and pointed out that the Taoyuan City Martyrs Shrine was originally the "Taoyuan Shrine" and is the best preserved Japanese-style shrine building in Taiwan. The city government must " Martyrs' Shrine and Taoyuan Shrine are co-constructed to restore this "historic monument"; coincidentally, the Taichung City Government, which is also the "ruling" Green Camp, has put the reconstruction of the "Taichung Shrine Torii" on its agenda.

On September 18, 1931, with the roar of artillery, the Japanese invaders blew up the South Manchuria Railway and exploded the city of Shenyang. For a time, the enemy invaders were raging and the mountains and rivers were broken. This day became the historical starting point of th - DayDayNews

Regarding the Taichung City Government’s plan to rebuild the Torii Gate of the Taichung Shrine under the guise of “cultural protection”, Kuomintang City Councilor Su Boxing said that Japan’s construction of a shrine in Taiwan was a symbol of colonial rule. He also criticized Taichung Mayor Lin Jialong for doing so. Chongri made Lin's clan members very angry. He should be renamed "Tanaka Jialong".

On September 18, 1931, with the roar of artillery, the Japanese invaders blew up the South Manchuria Railway and exploded the city of Shenyang. For a time, the enemy invaders were raging and the mountains and rivers were broken. This day became the historical starting point of th - DayDayNews

Taichung Mayor Lin Jialong took a group photo with Japanese members of the House of Representatives, file picture

Associate Professor Lin Jinyuan of Tamkang University in Taiwan pointed out in an interview that in the early years of Japan's occupation of Taiwan, at least one percent of Taiwan's population was killed. The first shrine Japan established in Taiwan was to commemorate Prince Kitashirakawa Nohisa, who led the invasion of Taiwan and died in the final battle. In the 50 years since they occupied Taiwan, the Japanese have built a total of 68 shrines and turned them into local enlightenment centers to strengthen the imperial people's spirit of loyalty to Japan. Other analysts pointed out that some politicians in Taiwan are restoring shrine buildings in the name of "protecting multiculturalism". In fact, they are trying to change the past situation where Chinese culture was dominant on the island. This is essentially a kind of "de-Sinicization". .

On September 18, 1931, with the roar of artillery, the Japanese invaders blew up the South Manchuria Railway and exploded the city of Shenyang. For a time, the enemy invaders were raging and the mountains and rivers were broken. This day became the historical starting point of th - DayDayNews

▲ At the end of June this year, Okinawa, Japan, erected a "Taiwan Tower" for "Taiwanese Japanese soldiers". Tsai Ing-wen actually signed the tower as the leader of the Taiwan authorities. "Taiwan independence" politicians such as Lin Changzuo also rushed to the scene to "call on the souls" ".

On September 18, 1931, with the roar of artillery, the Japanese invaders blew up the South Manchuria Railway and exploded the city of Shenyang. For a time, the enemy invaders were raging and the mountains and rivers were broken. This day became the historical starting point of th - DayDayNews

▲ In early August this year, when Su Jiaquan, the head of Taiwan's legislative body, was in Japan, he was criticized as "disgusting" for his remarks that "Taiwan-Japan relations are like husband and wife. Taiwan cries and Japan cries, Taiwan laughs and Japan laughs."

Yu Muming emphasized that the alarm bells are ringing and we must not forget the national humiliation. If we are not alert to realize this drama of a civet cat for a prince, then historical events such as the cutting of Taiwan during the Sino-Japanese War and the invasion of the three northeastern provinces on September 18th may happen again.

"Strait Shinkansen" Taiwan current affairs commentators Zhang Yazhong and Lan Xuan also pointed out that the so-called "concentric circle" historical view has been carried out since the days of Lee Teng-hui, to the first "Minister of Education" appointed by Tsai Ing-wen on "5.20", " Pan Wenzhong, the standard-bearer of "Cultural Taiwan Independence", the Democratic Progressive Party has not stopped on the road of "de-Sinicization" over the years.

In the past, when history was taught in middle schools on the island, they taught history from Yao, Shun, Yu, Tang, Wenwu and Zhougong to the Song, Yuan, Ming and Qing Dynasties. But when Chen Shui-bian came, he began to cut the "National History" into two halves, one called "Taiwan History" and the other "Chinese History" puts the two on opposite sides. Things before 1949 belong to the Japanese occupation era, such as the Northern Expedition and the Anti-Japanese War. To people, they are "Chinese history" and are not taught in Taiwan. The "government" does not hold commemorative activities, and ordinary people do not take holidays, so for many people, it is just a historical story of "September 18th", which is not much different from the stories in the West. The DPP cuts off the history that is connected to its own blood, but wants to make a flattering connection with the regime that once oppressed it in another land. From a cultural perspective, this is full of huge contradictions and quite sad.

combines media reports such as "Straits Herald", and relevant pictures come from the Internet

For more exciting content, please pay attention to Southeast TV's "Strait Shinkansen" broadcast at 22:00 tonight.

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