In the past two days, a screenshot has gone viral in Moments and various major social groups on [Seller Home]. "Affected by the US National Day holiday, there are only three days this week to pick up containers, and the number of trucks picking up containers is too concentrated,

2024/07/0122:45:33 hotcomm 1985

This article comes from " Seller's Home ", author Yola

Prime Day is just around the corner, but the global port congestion phenomenon has not been effectively alleviated.

In the past two days, a screenshot has gone viral in major social groups including WeChat Moments and [Seller Home]. "Affected by the National Day holiday, there are only 3 days this week to pick up cabinets, and the number of trucks picking up cabinets is too concentrated, causing some LB terminals to be completely paralyzed." A piece of text like

In the past two days, a screenshot has gone viral in Moments and various major social groups on [Seller Home].

also caused some sellers to feel "anxious" Sentiment: "Is port congestion in the United States really that serious? Will port congestion become a problem for stocking up during the year-end shopping season?"

In the past two days, a screenshot has gone viral in Moments and various major social groups on [Seller Home]. 1 and LA/LB terminals experienced explosive congestion!

Regarding the authenticity of this screenshot, Sellers Home also asked several freight forwarding friends, but their opinions were different. Some freight forwarders said that they have not received the notification so far and cannot be sure whether the news is true or false!

In the past two days, a screenshot has gone viral in Moments and various major social groups on [Seller Home].

But more freight forwarders said that there was explosive congestion at the LA/LB terminals in the United States, and that some LB terminals were even completely paralyzed. It is true. The main reason is that the United States had two days of holidays on July 4 and July 5, and the terminal stopped working for two days, resulting in an additional two days of port congestion.

In the past two days, a screenshot has gone viral in Moments and various major social groups on [Seller Home].

In the past two days, a screenshot has gone viral in Moments and various major social groups on [Seller Home].

Judging from the scene picture, the queue to pick up the lockers cannot be seen, and the dock can be said to be completely paralyzed. When asked how long the congestion situation will last, the freight forwarder said that it is temporarily impossible to estimate the time, and the specific situation will depend on the situation at the terminal next week.

"The foreign trade market is currently full of variables. Factors such as the Russia-Ukraine conflict, global strikes, interest rate hikes by the Federal Reserve, inflation and other factors may suppress demand in Europe and the United States. In addition, with high costs of raw materials and transportation logistics, foreign trade manufacturers are also becoming more conservative in preparing materials and production, which may It will affect the motivation to pull goods; at the same time, the number of ships in Merseyside Port has decreased, the supply of transportation capacity has increased, and strikes are serious in Europe," the freight forwarder said.

Complex and multiple factors have led to paralysis or severe congestion at multiple important ports. At present, sellers and friends can only pay more attention to the logistics situation of goods and be prepared for delays.

In the past two days, a screenshot has gone viral in Moments and various major social groups on [Seller Home]. 2 There are more than 48,000 "permanent" containers at the two major ports in the West and the United States

In fact, the number of containers staying at the two ports of Los Angeles and Long Beach (LA/LB) is getting longer and longer, and it is becoming increasingly difficult to cover up.

The total number of “resident” import containers at the ports of Los Angeles and Long Beach for nine days or more has more than doubled since early February, reaching 48,932 as of June 29.

This is almost the number of containers in Los Angeles and Long Beach on November 15 (48,905), which means that after a few months, the number of containers staying at the ports has not improved.

Long Beach Terminal

Among them, Long Beach Terminal has 8,992 containers on the freight side with a stay of 9 days or more, and 11,509 "resident" containers on the railway side, for a total of 20,501. LongBeach noted that this was a 22% drop from October 28, when data began to be compiled.

So this is a manifestation of congestion improvement? This is not the case, back on November 5 there were fewer containers sitting in Long Beach for nine days or more than there are now. The current volume is 25% higher than seven months ago on Nov. 20, when 16,398 containers were held in Long Beach for nine days or more.

In addition, the number of import containers "resident" in Long Beach for more than nine days dropped to 9,928 on January 28 and is now more than double that number.

In the past two days, a screenshot has gone viral in Moments and various major social groups on [Seller Home].

What does the "permanent" container in Los Angeles look like?

Los Angeles Terminal

Similarly, railway delays are also the "culprit" of congestion at the Los Angeles Terminal.

As of June 29, there are 70,290 import containers at the Los Angeles Port terminal, accounting for about 60% of the total number of imported containers. They have been stranded at the terminal for 9 days or more.

In the past two days, a screenshot has gone viral in Moments and various major social groups on [Seller Home].

As early as early February, the number of import containers "resident" in Los Angeles for more than 9 days had dropped to about 10,000, and now the number of import containers stranded in Los Angeles is almost three times that number.

It can be seen that the congestion situation at the LA and LB terminals has not improved at all.

At present, European and American ports continue to be congested, and labor negotiations for dock workers in the West and the West have failed to reach an agreement. It is still unknown what impact it will have on shipments in the next peak season.

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