Failure to declare balance of payments statistics in accordance with Article 48 of the "Regulations of the People's Republic of China on Foreign Exchange Administration"; failure to submit valid documents in accordance with regulations or the documents submitted are untrue; viola

2024/07/0122:10:32 hotcomm 1466

Source: China Economic Net

China Economic Net Beijing March 4 News The administrative penalty decision issued by the Shenzhen Branch of the State Administration of Foreign Exchange yesterday (Shenzhen Foreign Exchange Supervision and Inspection [2020] No. 7) shows that Hong Kong China Travel International Financial Leasing Co., Ltd. Violations of foreign exchange registration and management regulations. According to Article 48 (5) of the "Foreign Exchange Administration Regulations of the People's Republic of China", the Shenzhen Branch of the State Administration of Foreign Exchange gave him a warning and fined him RMB 100,000.

China Economic Network found that the largest shareholder of Hong Kong China Travel International Financial Leasing Co., Ltd. is Hong Kong China Travel Financial Investment Holdings Co., Ltd., with a shareholding ratio of 57.14%; the second largest shareholder is Yinquan Green Energy Co., Ltd., with a shareholding ratio of 42.86%. .

Article 48 of the "Foreign Exchange Administration Regulations of the People's Republic of China" stipulates: If any of the following circumstances occurs, the foreign exchange administration authority shall order correction and give a warning. The institution may be fined not more than 300,000 yuan, and the individual may be fined 50,000 yuan. Fines of less than RMB 1,000 yuan:

(1) Failure to submit international balance of payments statistics declaration in accordance with regulations;

(2) Failure to submit financial accounting reports, statistical statements and other materials in accordance with regulations;

(3) Failure to comply with regulations Submitting valid documents or submitting documents that are untrue;

(4) Violating the regulations on foreign exchange account management;

(5) Violating the regulations on foreign exchange registration management;

(6) Rejecting or obstructing the foreign exchange management authorities from conducting supervision and inspection in accordance with the law or investigating.

The following is the original text of punishment:

Failure to declare balance of payments statistics in accordance with Article 48 of the

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