However, 1,000 samples is still too few. This time, we have screened and refined every message you posted on various platforms, and brought you version 2.0 of cat name statistics, which can count 5,000 cat names at a time.

2024/07/0119:11:33 hotcomm 1211

What is it like to count the names of 5,000 kittens at once?

However, 1,000 samples is still too few. This time, we have screened and refined every message you posted on various platforms, and brought you version 2.0 of cat name statistics, which can count 5,000 cat names at a time. - DayDayNews

Picture from: soogif

In 2020, we once made a statistics of 1,000 cat names. Yes, it was the article "Wiki said that China only has murders caused by "Mimi"":

However, 1,000 samples is still too few. This time, we have screened and refined every message you posted on various platforms, and brought you version 2.0 of cat name statistics, which can count 5,000 cat names at a time. - DayDayNews

Picture from: wiki entry Popular_cat_names/猫yan So

As of today in 2022, the Wiki entry has been updated to our statistical results for 2020:

However, 1,000 samples is still too few. This time, we have screened and refined every message you posted on various platforms, and brought you version 2.0 of cat name statistics, which can count 5,000 cat names at a time. - DayDayNews

Picture from: wiki entry Popular_cat_names/CAT Research Institute

However, 1,000 samples are still too few (not enough), This time, we have screened and refined every message you posted on various platforms, and brought you version 2.0 of cat name statistics. counts 5,000 cat names at a time.

However, 1,000 samples is still too few. This time, we have screened and refined every message you posted on various platforms, and brought you version 2.0 of cat name statistics, which can count 5,000 cat names at a time. - DayDayNews

Picture from: Mao Research Institute

Data doubled, happiness doubled! let's start!

However, 1,000 samples is still too few. This time, we have screened and refined every message you posted on various platforms, and brought you version 2.0 of cat name statistics, which can count 5,000 cat names at a time. - DayDayNews

5000 What do the names of shit shoveling officers look like? How many words are generally used for


However, 1,000 samples is still too few. This time, we have screened and refined every message you posted on various platforms, and brought you version 2.0 of cat name statistics, which can count 5,000 cat names at a time. - DayDayNews6%’s poop collectors will give their cats the name and .

However, 1,000 samples is still too few. This time, we have screened and refined every message you posted on various platforms, and brought you version 2.0 of cat name statistics, which can count 5,000 cat names at a time. - DayDayNews

Picture from: Cat Research Institute

Most of the three-character names are food names , or surnames and structural particles such as Xiao, Er, Zi are added.

Only However, 1,000 samples is still too few. This time, we have screened and refined every message you posted on various platforms, and brought you version 2.0 of cat name statistics, which can count 5,000 cat names at a time. - DayDayNews% scoundrels will give their cats names with one word or more than four words . The longest name in the statistics of

is "BeatlesΒ·JacksonΒ·Ma ChewuliΒ·Hehe", a total of 11 characters (excluding punctuation). If this owner is reading, you can share your name in the comment area Mental journey?

However, 1,000 samples is still too few. This time, we have screened and refined every message you posted on various platforms, and brought you version 2.0 of cat name statistics, which can count 5,000 cat names at a time. - DayDayNews

Picture from: tenor

Are there any rules in the structure of these names?

From a structural point of view, there is no obvious pattern in the names given by However, 1,000 samples is still too few. This time, we have screened and refined every message you posted on various platforms, and brought you version 2.0 of cat name statistics, which can count 5,000 cat names at a time. - DayDayNews2% :

However, 1,000 samples is still too few. This time, we have screened and refined every message you posted on various platforms, and brought you version 2.0 of cat name statistics, which can count 5,000 cat names at a time. - DayDayNews


is the same as the last statistics, about 1/4 of the total number of slanderers choose the structure of , The top five names are Mimi, Sister, Guaiguai, Doudou, and Pipi ;

However, 1,000 samples is still too few. This time, we have screened and refined every message you posted on various platforms, and brought you version 2.0 of cat name statistics, which can count 5,000 cat names at a time. - DayDayNews

Picture from: tenor

Pure alphabetical structure:

However, 1,000 samples is still too few. This time, we have screened and refined every message you posted on various platforms, and brought you version 2.0 of cat name statistics, which can count 5,000 cat names at a time. - DayDayNews% 's shit shoveling officer association all use the letters to name the cat owners. Including pinyin, English, Japanese, Ελληνικά ( Greek ), русский язык (Russian), etc. The most common ones are Lucky, pupu, coco, jojo and timi.

Add structural particles:

Many shit-shoveling officials like to add numbers, small, son, treasure/cub/child, son when naming, such structural particles (?). Among them, small characters are the most popular. Baozi, Xiaobai, Xiaohei, Tuanzi, Orange, Gouzi, Xiaomi respectively won the TOP 7 in the structural particle category.

However, 1,000 samples is still too few. This time, we have screened and refined every message you posted on various platforms, and brought you version 2.0 of cat name statistics, which can count 5,000 cat names at a time. - DayDayNews

Picture from: CAT-gifs

Add the surname:

The shit shoveling officer who has However, 1,000 samples is still too few. This time, we have screened and refined every message you posted on various platforms, and brought you version 2.0 of cat name statistics, which can count 5,000 cat names at a time. - DayDayNews% will give the cat owner the last name . The most common surnames in this statistics are Wang and Zhang , forming a form such as ηŽ‹ε€šNames like Yu, Zhang Jianguo, and Li Cuihua.

The name of one of the homophonic memes *2 is: Lubiantan . Although there is a risk of money deduction, it was unanimously evaluated by the editorial department as with the surname being the best.

However, 1,000 samples is still too few. This time, we have screened and refined every message you posted on various platforms, and brought you version 2.0 of cat name statistics, which can count 5,000 cat names at a time. - DayDayNews

Picture from: Internet

However, 1,000 samples is still too few. This time, we have screened and refined every message you posted on various platforms, and brought you version 2.0 of cat name statistics, which can count 5,000 cat names at a time. - DayDayNews

What content do you use to name your cat?

Having seen the naming structure, let’s take a look at what everyone uses when naming:

However, 1,000 samples is still too few. This time, we have screened and refined every message you posted on various platforms, and brought you version 2.0 of cat name statistics, which can count 5,000 cat names at a time. - DayDayNews

Picture from: Cat Research Institute

Human name category

About 40% of cat owners choose to use human names to name their cats. Among them About 2/3 choose Chinese names, and about 1/3 choose foreign names.

Some names are quite imaginative or have no obvious meaning and cannot be classified, such as Zhenxiang, Quanquan, Sarilang, He Fission, He Fusion .

However, 1,000 samples is still too few. This time, we have screened and refined every message you posted on various platforms, and brought you version 2.0 of cat name statistics, which can count 5,000 cat names at a time. - DayDayNews

Picture from: Cat Research Institute

There are However, 1,000 samples is still too few. This time, we have screened and refined every message you posted on various platforms, and brought you version 2.0 of cat name statistics, which can count 5,000 cat names at a time. - DayDayNews77 shit scrapers who choose to name their cats after anime and game characters . The most popular ones are Fat Tiger, Ponyo, Yumi, Dobby, and Simba.

However, 1,000 samples is still too few. This time, we have screened and refined every message you posted on various platforms, and brought you version 2.0 of cat name statistics, which can count 5,000 cat names at a time. - DayDayNews

Picture from: Doraemon

Among historical and mythological names, the most popular named character in China is Obai , and the most popular among foreigners is SchrΓΆdinger .

However, 1,000 samples is still too few. This time, we have screened and refined every message you posted on various platforms, and brought you version 2.0 of cat name statistics, which can count 5,000 cat names at a time. - DayDayNews

Picture from: The Deer and the Cauldron

In the name series, there are three sets of naming methodologies that left a deep impression on snail powder :

➀ Deyun Girl: According to "Clouds and cranes, nine sky, dragons and four seas", typewriters named cats

➀ Socialist successors: Name them one by one according to the core values ​​of socialism

➀ History buffs: Name them after the queens of Britain and Russia, or directly arrange the ancient Greek philosophers

The ideas grow, the pattern is opened, and it is very suitable for multi-cat families Reference for shit shovelers who have difficulty naming.

Food system

The popular food system accounts for about However, 1,000 samples is still too few. This time, we have screened and refined every message you posted on various platforms, and brought you version 2.0 of cat name statistics, which can count 5,000 cat names at a time. - DayDayNews1% (1039th place) of all cat names:

However, 1,000 samples is still too few. This time, we have screened and refined every message you posted on various platforms, and brought you version 2.0 of cat name statistics, which can count 5,000 cat names at a time. - DayDayNews

Picture from: Cat Research Institute

Snacks belong to a strong pattern of one super and many, pudding stands out, and is more outstanding than Wangzi , Oreo , toffee, egg rolls, ice powder and other small mountains are doubled.

However, 1,000 samples is still too few. This time, we have screened and refined every message you posted on various platforms, and brought you version 2.0 of cat name statistics, which can count 5,000 cat names at a time. - DayDayNews

Picture from: Tom and Jerry

In the staple food has become a three-wizard struggle: Steamed buns, Hanamaki, steamed buns have all entered the Top 20, burgers, flatbreads, etc. are far behind.

However, 1,000 samples is still too few. This time, we have screened and refined every message you posted on various platforms, and brought you version 2.0 of cat name statistics, which can count 5,000 cat names at a time. - DayDayNews

Picture from: CAT-gifs

Among the beverages , Coke and milk tea go hand in hand, ranking 5th and 8th in the total count respectively. Happy water + kitten is completely a life-extending combination for workers.

However, 1,000 samples is still too few. This time, we have screened and refined every message you posted on various platforms, and brought you version 2.0 of cat name statistics, which can count 5,000 cat names at a time. - DayDayNews

Picture from: CAT-gifs

Among other food categories, condiments the most popular ones are milk caps and peppercorns ; fruits are the most frequently named oranges and grapes ; festival foods Among , glutinous rice balls stand out; meat and vegetables have the highest frequencies respectively meatballs and potatoes.

In the classification of food, there are a few names that have made Snail Rice Noodles ponder over and over again:

However, 1,000 samples is still too few. This time, we have screened and refined every message you posted on various platforms, and brought you version 2.0 of cat name statistics, which can count 5,000 cat names at a time. - DayDayNews

Picture from: CAT-gifs

"Telun Cake" should be considered a snack, right? "Cheese" should be divided into condiments, right? "The Queen MotherThe avocado in the peach garden" is the kind that has not become a spirit, right? Should it be classified as a fruit rather than a historical (mythical) character?

If these shit shoveling officers can see it, can they make a judgment online in the comment area so that the snail fans know whether they have classified it correctly.


Using characteristics to name cats accounts for approximately However, 1,000 samples is still too few. This time, we have screened and refined every message you posted on various platforms, and brought you version 2.0 of cat name statistics, which can count 5,000 cat names at a time. - DayDayNews6%.

Among them, about 10% chose to use color, fatness, pattern and other characteristics to name the cats. Among them, the most prominent names in the data are Xiaobai and Xiaohei. In addition to color, there are many names that refer to the same physical sign: fat~, such as fat, dundun, zhuangzhuang, yuanyuan, fat boy and so on.

However, 1,000 samples is still too few. This time, we have screened and refined every message you posted on various platforms, and brought you version 2.0 of cat name statistics, which can count 5,000 cat names at a time. - DayDayNews

Picture from: Weibo

The remaining However, 1,000 samples is still too few. This time, we have screened and refined every message you posted on various platforms, and brought you version 2.0 of cat name statistics, which can count 5,000 cat names at a time. - DayDayNews% shit scrapers use personality traits to name cats. The most prominent one in the data is Pipi & Guaiguai . Other top-ranking ones are Taotao. As well as the five silly names such as Hanhan, Daidai, Xiaocoi, and Guapi.

However, 1,000 samples is still too few. This time, we have screened and refined every message you posted on various platforms, and brought you version 2.0 of cat name statistics, which can count 5,000 cat names at a time. - DayDayNews

Picture from: CAT-gifs

Onomatopoeia and pure numbers

Among onomatopoeia, Mimi lived up to expectations and won No. 1 again, Meow, Gulu, Dudu, and Ding Dong followed closely behind.

However, 1,000 samples is still too few. This time, we have screened and refined every message you posted on various platforms, and brought you version 2.0 of cat name statistics, which can count 5,000 cat names at a time. - DayDayNews

Picture from: CAT-gifs

Among purely numerical names, the most popular ones are 3 and 7. San San, Xiao Qi and 66 are the top 3 numbers.

Animals and plants/celestial bodies, daily necessities, dates, cannot pass review

Yes However, 1,000 samples is still too few. This time, we have screened and refined every message you posted on various platforms, and brought you version 2.0 of cat name statistics, which can count 5,000 cat names at a time. - DayDayNews% (378 people) Shit Officers choose to use animals, plants, and celestial bodies to name their cats. The most commonly mentioned animals are cats themselves, dogs For example, pigs are directly called cats, cats, and cats; are called dog eggs, dogs, and dogs; there are also pigs, Juju, and pig sisters.

The most common among plants is jasmine ; the most popular among celestial bodies are stars .

However, 1,000 samples is still too few. This time, we have screened and refined every message you posted on various platforms, and brought you version 2.0 of cat name statistics, which can count 5,000 cat names at a time. - DayDayNews

Picture from: CAT-gifs

However, 1,000 samples is still too few. This time, we have screened and refined every message you posted on various platforms, and brought you version 2.0 of cat name statistics, which can count 5,000 cat names at a time. - DayDayNews% of shit shovelers choose daily necessities category to name. The most popular daily necessities are hammer and ball . Other outstanding data include money categories, such as Yuanbao, USD ; chess and card categories, Yaoji, Ertong , etc.

However, 1,000 samples is still too few. This time, we have screened and refined every message you posted on various platforms, and brought you version 2.0 of cat name statistics, which can count 5,000 cat names at a time. - DayDayNews

Picture from: Weibo

Shit-shoveling officials who use dates, seasons, and holidays to name cats (95, 2%) The favorite time node is June 1.

However, 1,000 samples is still too few. This time, we have screened and refined every message you posted on various platforms, and brought you version 2.0 of cat name statistics, which can count 5,000 cat names at a time. - DayDayNews

Picture from: CAT-gifs

There are also about However, 1,000 samples is still too few. This time, we have screened and refined every message you posted on various platforms, and brought you version 2.0 of cat name statistics, which can count 5,000 cat names at a time. - DayDayNews% when naming cats, they chose foul language, weapons and drugs that cannot pass the review. I won’t go into details here.

However, 1,000 samples is still too few. This time, we have screened and refined every message you posted on various platforms, and brought you version 2.0 of cat name statistics, which can count 5,000 cat names at a time. - DayDayNews

Dang Dang Dang! Award time

In this statistics, the top 20 in terms of quantity are:

However, 1,000 samples is still too few. This time, we have screened and refined every message you posted on various platforms, and brought you version 2.0 of cat name statistics, which can count 5,000 cat names at a time. - DayDayNews

Picture from: Cat Research Institute

Congratulations to Mimi, sister, and glutinous rice balls for taking the top three places again!

However, 1,000 samples is still too few. This time, we have screened and refined every message you posted on various platforms, and brought you version 2.0 of cat name statistics, which can count 5,000 cat names at a time. - DayDayNews

Picture from: Weibo

At the end of the article, let us enter the moment of appreciating the names of cats where men silently and women cry:

The first thing that comes to us is the "Can't Live With So Many People" series of squares:

However, 1,000 samples is still too few. This time, we have screened and refined every message you posted on various platforms, and brought you version 2.0 of cat name statistics, which can count 5,000 cat names at a time. - DayDayNews

However, 1,000 samples is still too few. This time, we have screened and refined every message you posted on various platforms, and brought you version 2.0 of cat name statistics, which can count 5,000 cat names at a time. - DayDayNews

However, 1,000 samples is still too few. This time, we have screened and refined every message you posted on various platforms, and brought you version 2.0 of cat name statistics, which can count 5,000 cat names at a time. - DayDayNews

However, 1,000 samples is still too few. This time, we have screened and refined every message you posted on various platforms, and brought you version 2.0 of cat name statistics, which can count 5,000 cat names at a time. - DayDayNews

Picture from: Maoyan So

Then there is the "Dream Realization" series square matrix:

However, 1,000 samples is still too few. This time, we have screened and refined every message you posted on various platforms, and brought you version 2.0 of cat name statistics, which can count 5,000 cat names at a time. - DayDayNews

However, 1,000 samples is still too few. This time, we have screened and refined every message you posted on various platforms, and brought you version 2.0 of cat name statistics, which can count 5,000 cat names at a time. - DayDayNews

However, 1,000 samples is still too few. This time, we have screened and refined every message you posted on various platforms, and brought you version 2.0 of cat name statistics, which can count 5,000 cat names at a time. - DayDayNews

Picture from: Cat Research Institute

"Full Life" series:

However, 1,000 samples is still too few. This time, we have screened and refined every message you posted on various platforms, and brought you version 2.0 of cat name statistics, which can count 5,000 cat names at a time. - DayDayNews

However, 1,000 samples is still too few. This time, we have screened and refined every message you posted on various platforms, and brought you version 2.0 of cat name statistics, which can count 5,000 cat names at a time. - DayDayNews

However, 1,000 samples is still too few. This time, we have screened and refined every message you posted on various platforms, and brought you version 2.0 of cat name statistics, which can count 5,000 cat names at a time. - DayDayNews

However, 1,000 samples is still too few. This time, we have screened and refined every message you posted on various platforms, and brought you version 2.0 of cat name statistics, which can count 5,000 cat names at a time. - DayDayNews

However, 1,000 samples is still too few. This time, we have screened and refined every message you posted on various platforms, and brought you version 2.0 of cat name statistics, which can count 5,000 cat names at a time. - DayDayNews

Picture from: Cat Research Institute

Well, this statistics is over.

Dear shit-sweepers:

data, this wave of super is doubled;

editor, ten cups of coffee per capita;

summary, the names are seventy eight pieces;

statistics, sweating back;

only ask for triples , don’t let me break my heart again~

Like, vote, leave a message and forward the triple link. When we accumulate 20,000 data, we will update another wave of name series!

However, 1,000 samples is still too few. This time, we have screened and refined every message you posted on various platforms, and brought you version 2.0 of cat name statistics, which can count 5,000 cat names at a time. - DayDayNews

[Director interaction in this issue]

What is your cat’s name?


However, 1,000 samples is still too few. This time, we have screened and refined every message you posted on various platforms, and brought you version 2.0 of cat name statistics, which can count 5,000 cat names at a time. - DayDayNews

Responsible editor: LNS

This article is original by Mao Research Institute. Any reproduction is prohibited

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