Hello everyone, I am Dr. X. The interface design of Steam UI has been controversial for many years. The interface with small fonts and complexity is simply a nightmare for players with high inventory. G Fat also intends to catch up with the trend and update. Some time ago, it rel

2024/07/0118:07:32 hotcomm 1745

Hello everyone, I am Dr. X.

html The interface design of Steam UI has been controversial for many years. The interface design with small fonts and complexity is simply a nightmare for players with high inventory.

G Fat also intends to catch up with the trend and update. Some time ago, it released a new game library UI interface in Beta testing. This interface is not only more convenient than the previous interface, but also very beautiful.

Hello everyone, I am Dr. X. The interface design of Steam UI has been controversial for many years. The interface with small fonts and complexity is simply a nightmare for players with high inventory. G Fat also intends to catch up with the trend and update. Some time ago, it rel - DayDayNews

However, this did not attract the attention of players. After some praise such as "Steam is awesome", people rarely paid attention to this UI anymore.

Until recently, bored players discovered a new way to play the game library UI. The brand new game library

actually edits the cover image of the game by itself, just like installing MOD for its own game library.

Hello everyone, I am Dr. X. The interface design of Steam UI has been controversial for many years. The interface with small fonts and complexity is simply a nightmare for players with high inventory. G Fat also intends to catch up with the trend and update. Some time ago, it rel - DayDayNews

After countless experiments by netizens, the originally boring game library has become more fun than games.

Hello everyone, I am Dr. X. The interface design of Steam UI has been controversial for many years. The interface with small fonts and complexity is simply a nightmare for players with high inventory. G Fat also intends to catch up with the trend and update. Some time ago, it rel - DayDayNews

How interesting is this new library of games? Let Dr. X take you to take a look today.

Hello everyone, I am Dr. X. The interface design of Steam UI has been controversial for many years. The interface with small fonts and complexity is simply a nightmare for players with high inventory. G Fat also intends to catch up with the trend and update. Some time ago, it rel - DayDayNews

Key point one: Steam updates the new game library UI, but requires netizens to make their own covers

As the saying goes, only competition leads to progress. Steam, which has been the absolute hegemony of the PC platform for so many years, has also faced a lot of challenges recently. The rise of

Epic Mall, coupled with the gradual departure of major manufacturers from Steam, has brought a considerable sense of crisis to it.

Hello everyone, I am Dr. X. The interface design of Steam UI has been controversial for many years. The interface with small fonts and complexity is simply a nightmare for players with high inventory. G Fat also intends to catch up with the trend and update. Some time ago, it rel - DayDayNews

This has also caused the Steam platform, which has not changed much, to suddenly launch a wave of major updates recently, using a new game library to allow players to more easily manage and find the games they want.

Hello everyone, I am Dr. X. The interface design of Steam UI has been controversial for many years. The interface with small fonts and complexity is simply a nightmare for players with high inventory. G Fat also intends to catch up with the trend and update. Some time ago, it rel - DayDayNews

Although the new version of the game library looks more beautiful, it is still in beta testing after all. Most of the games have not yet had their covers redone, and the cover images look very strange.

Hello everyone, I am Dr. X. The interface design of Steam UI has been controversial for many years. The interface with small fonts and complexity is simply a nightmare for players with high inventory. G Fat also intends to catch up with the trend and update. Some time ago, it rel - DayDayNews

In order to make the game library more beautiful, resourceful netizens began to design games without vertical covers.

Hello everyone, I am Dr. X. The interface design of Steam UI has been controversial for many years. The interface with small fonts and complexity is simply a nightmare for players with high inventory. G Fat also intends to catch up with the trend and update. Some time ago, it rel - DayDayNews

As a result, the players became addicted to playing it and even redid the game with the cover.

Various design masters took advantage of it, and the cover they made was even more beautiful than the official one.

Hello everyone, I am Dr. X. The interface design of Steam UI has been controversial for many years. The interface with small fonts and complexity is simply a nightmare for players with high inventory. G Fat also intends to catch up with the trend and update. Some time ago, it rel - DayDayNews

There is also a big guy who made a set of vertical grid covers with white titles, which looks neat without losing the sense of design.

Hello everyone, I am Dr. X. The interface design of Steam UI has been controversial for many years. The interface with small fonts and complexity is simply a nightmare for players with high inventory. G Fat also intends to catch up with the trend and update. Some time ago, it rel - DayDayNews

Focus 2: Shadiao netizens have never lived up to their expectations, and their game library has turned into a collection of emoji packs

However, the skills of netizens are not limited to this. In addition to these serious covers, everyone is better at making the covers into various emoticons.

Hello everyone, I am Dr. X. The interface design of Steam UI has been controversial for many years. The interface with small fonts and complexity is simply a nightmare for players with high inventory. G Fat also intends to catch up with the trend and update. Some time ago, it rel - DayDayNews

Some players discovered that this function of editing the cover can be used to mark the games they hate. They only need to change the cover to "poop" to clearly identify them.

Hello everyone, I am Dr. X. The interface design of Steam UI has been controversial for many years. The interface with small fonts and complexity is simply a nightmare for players with high inventory. G Fat also intends to catch up with the trend and update. Some time ago, it rel - DayDayNews

However, what really starts the players’ “sand sculpture journey” is another major discovery in the game library! Although the cover of

does not support GIF format, you can successfully deceive the client by changing the animation to png or jpg format.

Hello everyone, I am Dr. X. The interface design of Steam UI has been controversial for many years. The interface with small fonts and complexity is simply a nightmare for players with high inventory. G Fat also intends to catch up with the trend and update. Some time ago, it rel - DayDayNews

After experiencing a few serious animated covers, the style of the Steam game library quickly became dull.

Hello everyone, I am Dr. X. The interface design of Steam UI has been controversial for many years. The interface with small fonts and complexity is simply a nightmare for players with high inventory. G Fat also intends to catch up with the trend and update. Some time ago, it rel - DayDayNews

With the blessing of dynamic graphics, all kinds of sand sculpture emoticons can be used. Cai Xukun, Billy King, and G Fat have all become indispensable soul figures on the cover.

Hello everyone, I am Dr. X. The interface design of Steam UI has been controversial for many years. The interface with small fonts and complexity is simply a nightmare for players with high inventory. G Fat also intends to catch up with the trend and update. Some time ago, it rel - DayDayNews

There are also players who use multiple dynamic images to piece together a complete sand sculpture expression.

Hello everyone, I am Dr. X. The interface design of Steam UI has been controversial for many years. The interface with small fonts and complexity is simply a nightmare for players with high inventory. G Fat also intends to catch up with the trend and update. Some time ago, it rel - DayDayNews

There are even big guys who directly made a set of JOJO.

Hello everyone, I am Dr. X. The interface design of Steam UI has been controversial for many years. The interface with small fonts and complexity is simply a nightmare for players with high inventory. G Fat also intends to catch up with the trend and update. Some time ago, it rel - DayDayNews

Of course, these combinations are still routine operations in front of our Zha Zhahui advertisements.

Hello everyone, I am Dr. X. The interface design of Steam UI has been controversial for many years. The interface with small fonts and complexity is simply a nightmare for players with high inventory. G Fat also intends to catch up with the trend and update. Some time ago, it rel - DayDayNews

Although supporting GIF can only be regarded as a BUG at present, but players can play it with such enthusiasm and turn the game library UI into another "creative workshop", so there is no need to fix this BUG.

post-class summary:

Steam can make the platform more fun than games, and it can be regarded as the only one.

Hello everyone, I am Dr. X. The interface design of Steam UI has been controversial for many years. The interface with small fonts and complexity is simply a nightmare for players with high inventory. G Fat also intends to catch up with the trend and update. Some time ago, it rel - DayDayNews

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