Interestingly, when the first part of "JoJo's Bizarre Adventure" was broadcast, although Mr. Luo Xiang had already started teaching criminal law courses, he did not become popular on the Internet. Now at this time, go back and watch it again JOJO, combined with some of the jokes

2024/07/0117:44:33 hotcomm 1878

In the work "JoJo's Bizarre Adventure", dio is a very important character. As the main villain in the series, he still affects the whole world even after his death. When I watched the first part, I felt a lot about what he did to him. What he did was so heart-wrenching.

However, it is also because he is so pure and completely bad that many people think that this is his charm. The bad people worship him as a savior, and even if they are done by him, they are still dead-set, which can be regarded as The best of bad guys. Why is

dio so bad? I was rewatching the first part of "JoJo's Bizarre Adventure" a few days ago, and I saw a soul-searching complaint about Teacher Luo Xiang, saying that he lost his humanity after studying law.

Interestingly, when the first part of

In the setting of the story, Jojo and Dio both went to college and received higher education. Jojo studied archeology-related majors, while Dio studied law.

Teacher Luo Xiang once said in his open class on criminal law that some students who are good at law have lost their humanity as they continue to learn, and finally become legal tools.

contacted Dio University about his major, and the explanation added that he graduated as the first in the law major, and he is the kind of person who is particularly good at studying law. This is very consistent with what Teacher Luo Xiang said about studying law and losing humanity. .

Interestingly, when the first part of

Of course, this must be just a complaint and a joke. As early as when Dio went to Da Qiao's house, he had bad intentions. He kicked Da Qiao's dog as soon as they met. Later, he excluded Da Qiao, spread gossip, and forced kisses. Alina and others wanted to give Da Qiao psychological shadow in all aspects of his body and mind, and then seize the family property. His evil actually started from that time.

Interestingly, when the first part of

I think his badness largely comes from a failed family. His mother may be a respectable and pitiable woman, but his father is really a beast. In such an ignorant and ignorant family, Under the education of his selfish and morally corrupt father, coupled with the fact that he has been at the bottom of society since he was a child, he naturally contracted all kinds of bad habits. The education of a small family is really important, and it may directly affect a child. human growth.

To use a now fashionable term, he is the ultimate refined egoist.

Interestingly, when the first part of

If the male protagonist Rong Rong in "JOJO's Bizarre Adventure Golden Wind" had not been helped by a gangster brother since childhood, he might have gone astray while walking. The same goes for other members of the protagonist's team in "Golden Wind", such as Small planes, such as Brother Cha, if it weren't for Sister Bu's help, maybe they would have gone dark. However, there was no such person when Dio was growing up. Although Da Qiao's father gave him good food and drinks and served him University, but it only lacked moral education and love education. Instead, it only saw our Da Qiao being criticized there.

Interestingly, when the first part of

Besides, his character had already been developed by that time, and there was probably no way he could change it.

However, perhaps Hirohiko Araki didn’t think so much when he designed this character, and even used Spitwagen’s words to say, “This guy’s evil is innate.”

Interestingly, when the first part of

The essential evil, the ultimate evil, may be the positioning of the role of Dio, just like Da Qiao's gentlemanly behavior since he was a child. It is something engraved in his bones when he was born. The so-called "fate"-like existence, even if It can be changed and adjusted the day after tomorrow, but the essence is what it is. Especially given the environment in which Dio grew up, there is basically no possibility of correction.

Personally, I actually believe that people are inherently good, but I don’t want to get too hung up on anime settings.

Interestingly, when the first part of "JoJo's Bizarre Adventure" was broadcast, although Mr. Luo Xiang had already started teaching criminal law courses, it did not become popular on the Internet. Now at this time, look back and watch Watching JOJO again, combined with some of the jokes he said, it feels really interesting. This is why, after watching an anime, I sometimes go back and watch it again. Maybe it is better than watching it for the first time. time, there will be new fun and experiences. If you have an anime that you like very much, I recommend that you go back and watch it again occasionally.

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