In response, some netizens on the island exclaimed, "Does this mean that half of the people in Taiwan have been infected with the epidemic?" Some netizens directly criticized, "Is this an untrue report?" and "Is there no penalty for fake news?"

2024/07/0117:00:32 hotcomm 1072

Source: Global Network

[Global Network Report] According to Taiwan's "China Times News Network", the official Facebook account of Taiwan's "Ministry of Health and Welfare" updated Taiwan's confirmed diagnosis data today (2nd) afternoon. The cumulative number of confirmed cases in Taiwan was one degree. It was entered incorrectly as 11366748 cases. In response to this, some netizens on the island exclaimed, "Does this mean that half of the people in Taiwan have been infected with the epidemic?" Some netizens directly criticized, "Is this an untrue report?" and "Are there no penalties for (making) fake news?" ".

In response, some netizens on the island exclaimed,

Taiwan's "Ministry of Health and Welfare" Facebook official account this afternoon incorrectly wrote the cumulative number of confirmed cases in Taiwan as "11366748". Picture from Taiwan's "China Times News Network"

According to reports, Taiwan's "Ministry of Health and Welfare" released Taiwan's latest COVID-19 diagnosis data on its official Facebook account at 14:21 this afternoon, in which the cumulative number of confirmed cases in Taiwan was incorrectly entered as " 11366748” example, which shocked netizens on the island. In addition, not only the Facebook account made an error, but the official LINE account of Taiwan's "Ministry of Health and Welfare" also had erroneous data. It took nearly 20 minutes to re-upload new data, changing the cumulative number of confirmed cases to "2198161", and then emphasized "information" "Incorrect entry" (referring to wrong input), please use this attached picture as the main one."

In response, some netizens on the island exclaimed,

station "Ministry of Health and Welfare" later uploaded the correct data again. Picture from Taiwan's "China Times News Network"

"China Times News Network" noticed that the error in Taiwan's "Ministry of Health and Welfare" post caused many netizens to comment and complain in the message area of ​​their Facebook account, "The total number of confirmed cases is more than 11.36 million. Does it mean that half of the people in Taiwan are infected?" "The total number has exceeded 10 million? It only exceeded 2 million yesterday, and half of us in Taiwan have been diagnosed in just one day", "Even the Ministry of Health and Welfare will make such low-level mistakes ", "Are there no penalties for fake news?", "Is this considered spreading false reports?" ↓

In response, some netizens on the island exclaimed,

Previously, artist Guo Yanjun was told by Su Zhenchang that "he will be punished and investigated" because he posted a post saying "I saw so many children leaving like this". Taiwan's "Minister of Health and Welfare" Chen Shizhong also threatened to be fined up to 3 million yuan. New Taiwan Dollar. Some netizens on the island compared the two incidents and said, "(The DPP authorities) can accidentally plant it by mistake, while other people will be punished if they spread 'fake news'." Some netizens directly criticized, "'Wei Fu "If you spread false news, you should be fined three million first." ↓

In response, some netizens on the island exclaimed, In response, some netizens on the island exclaimed,

In addition, some netizens joked, "This may be the true version (of the number of confirmed cases)." ↓

In response, some netizens on the island exclaimed,

Some netizens said, "The 'Ministry of Health and Welfare' can even report wrong numbers! You can imagine the epidemic prevention." ↓

In response, some netizens on the island exclaimed,

The Taiwan Epidemic Command Center announced today (2nd) that 76,986 new cases of new coronavirus were diagnosed in Taiwan The cases include 76,967 local cases and 19 imported cases. In addition, 144 new deaths were reported among confirmed cases. According to statistics from the command center, as of now, the cumulative number of confirmed cases of COVID-19 in Taiwan has reached 2,198,161, including 13,051 imported cases and 2,185,056 local cases; since 2020, the cumulative number of deaths from COVID-19 in Taiwan has reached 2,521.

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