In the report, Su Zhenchang apologized for the deaths of people on the island due to the epidemic, but claimed that there was no evidence to prove that the "3+11" decision was the reason for the breach of the epidemic.

2024/07/0116:33:32 hotcomm 1383

Source: Global Network

[Global Network reporter Kang Bohao] According to Taiwan's "United Daily News", at the request of the Kuomintang, Taiwan's "Executive President" Su Zhenchang today (24th) conducted the "3+11" decision-making process for airline crews Project supplementary report. In the report, Su Zhenchang apologized for the deaths of people on the island due to the epidemic, but claimed that there was no evidence to prove that the "3+11" decision was the reason for the breach of the epidemic. In this regard, some netizens on the island said that "3+11" is a wrong decision and should not be broken up again. A senior official of the DPP needs to step down for this. Some netizens said that "Executive President" Su Zhenchang and "Wei Fu" "Minister" Chen Shizhong, please resign together.

In the report, Su Zhenchang apologized for the deaths of people on the island due to the epidemic, but claimed that there was no evidence to prove that the

Screenshot of Taiwan's " United News Network " report

According to reports, Su Zhenchang claimed in a 5-page supplementary report that the "3+11" decision was made by the Taiwan Regional Epidemic Command Center Epidemic Monitoring Team, Community Epidemic Prevention Team, Medical Response Team, etc. After the task organization team and experts reported to Commander Chen Shizhong in person on April 13, they made decisions based on the epidemic situation at that time, the crew and the airline's epidemic prevention measures, and they were announced to the public.

In the report, Su Zhenchang apologized for the deaths of people on the island due to the epidemic, but claimed that there was no evidence to prove that the

Taiwan's "Executive President" Su Zhenchang. The picture comes from Taiwan's "United News Network"

report mentioned that Chen Shizhong has large and small meetings every day and needs to make many decisions. Sometimes after convening relevant officials for face-to-face reports and discussions, a consensus is reached and implemented immediately. The process does not involve meetings. Records, not every meeting of the administrative department has meeting minutes. "This is the usual operating mode of administrative agencies. The absence of meeting minutes does not mean negligence and carelessness." The

report also mentioned that after three months of extensive epidemic investigation on a total of 1,790 relevant crew members, hotel employees, and family members living together, the results of home quarantine showed that no workplace or community contacts outside the family were diagnosed. " There is no evidence that the cluster infections among pilots and Novotel hotels are related to the subsequent community epidemic."

Su Zhenchang mentioned in the report that seeing the people on the island suffering and dying due to the epidemic, "I deeply regret and apologize for not taking 100% care of the people out of respect for life."

Regarding Su Zhenchang’s report and the apology made in the report, many netizens on the island did not buy it. Some netizens said, “3+11 is a wrong decision. Stop breaking up. Stop being shameless. The Democratic Progressive Party A senior official needs to step down for this." ↓

In the report, Su Zhenchang apologized for the deaths of people on the island due to the epidemic, but claimed that there was no evidence to prove that the

Some netizens criticized: Still talking nonsense! Still trying to fool people! It’s hopeless! Take it off the shelves (Taiwan) by yourself as soon as possible! well! ↓

In the report, Su Zhenchang apologized for the deaths of people on the island due to the epidemic, but claimed that there was no evidence to prove that the

Some netizens said that it seems that the "dean" (referring to Su Zhenchang) and "minister" (referring to Chen Shizhong) have resigned together. ↓

In the report, Su Zhenchang apologized for the deaths of people on the island due to the epidemic, but claimed that there was no evidence to prove that the

also asked netizens: Do you think apologizing is considered responsible? ↓

In the report, Su Zhenchang apologized for the deaths of people on the island due to the epidemic, but claimed that there was no evidence to prove that the

Some netizens said bluntly, "Anyway, all the mistakes he made were not his (referring to Su Zhenchang)'s fault! It's not like he killed his family." ↓

In the report, Su Zhenchang apologized for the deaths of people on the island due to the epidemic, but claimed that there was no evidence to prove that the

According to a previous report by Taiwan's "Central News Agency", the epidemic situation on the island tightened in May this year, and the outside world Pointing the finger at the DPP authorities for changing the quarantine of airline crews to "3+11" (home quarantine for 3 days and a negative test, followed by independent health management for 11 days), which led to the China Airlines Novotel cluster case, which in turn triggered the The local epidemic spreads.

According to Taiwan's " China Broadcasting News Network " report, Taiwan's "Executive Yuan" discussed the "3+11" decision-making process project report on September 17. After reading the report, the Kuomintang angrily tore up the report on the spot to express dissatisfaction. In addition, the People's Party also criticized that the report not only did not admit that "3+11" was the culprit of the outbreak of the epidemic on the island in May, but also claimed that the slowdown of the epidemic was "Taiwan's second epidemic prevention miracle in troubled times" and "administrative "The hospital" ignored this wave of local epidemics, which caused more than 800 deaths from the epidemic, and used the blood and tears of the people as political achievements. It is so cold-blooded that it is chilling.

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