The second stage of "Riding the Wind and Waves" is broadcast, with a total of eight stages, namely: Group 1: Tranquility Alliance: "OKAY" Jessica Cheng, Wu Jinyan, Zhang Xinyi, Tang Shiyi, Mao Junjie Na Ying Alliance: "Love is Like a Song" Myolie Wu, Qi Xi, Zhu Jiejing, Zhang Li,

2024/06/3010:19:33 hotcomm 1808

The second stage of "Riding the Wind and Waves" is broadcast, with a total of eight stages, namely:

Group 1:

  • Serenity Alliance: "OKAY" Jessica Cheng, Wu Jinyan, Zhang Xinyi, Tang Shiyi, Mao Junjie
  • Naying Alliance: "Love is Like a Song" 》Myolie Wu, Qi Xi, Zhu Jiejing, Zhang Li, Wang Zixuan

The second stage of

The second stage of

Group 2:

  • Serenity Alliance: "Me" Zhang Qiang, Zhao Yingzi, Guo Caijie, Zhao Meng
  • Na Ying Alliance: "Who is not" Na Ying, Zhang Tianai, Xu Mengtao, Huang Yi

The second stage of

The second stage of

The third group:

  • Serenity Alliance: "Dream Man" Sit Kai-chi, Liu Lian
  • Na Ying Alliance: "Mountains and Seas" Cyndi Wang, Tan Weiwei

The second stage of

The second stage of

The fourth group:

  • Serenity Alliance: "Strange Beauty" Ning Ning, Yu Wenwen, Gillian
  • Na Ying Alliance: "Paradise" Aya, Asa, Xu Ruyun

The second stage of

The second stage of

The final result of the eight songs was "OKAY", "Who Is Not", "Mountains and Seas", and "Strangely Beautiful", but the total number of votes in the alliance was 3181. The Ying Alliance won, and Tranquility The alliance finally received 3169 votes, just 12 votes short.

In terms of personal preference, Zhao Yingzi was at the bottom with 51 votes and was eventually eliminated.

The second stage of

"Love is Like a Song" has a strong visual impact, but it cannot conceal the weakness of the stage.

"OKAY" and "Love is Like a Song" are the opponents of the first group of PK. In fact, the two songs are not particularly outstanding. The song is not very familiar to the audience, and the arrangement is not particularly brilliant, so most viewers' immediate experience is that it is relatively bland.

Under such circumstances, both groups have their own advantages. "OKAY" is led by Jessica Jung. Although Zhang Xinyi, Mao Junjie, Wu Jinyan and others have less stage experience, Jessica has enough mature stage experience to pass on to her teammates. Plus On the formal stage, almost all of the group performances include Jessica Cheng or Tang Shiyi in important positions, so the overall look is quite professional.

The second stage of

Although the performance costumes of "Love is Like a Song" are more conspicuous and give people a stronger visual impact, because the shapes are too consistent and the makeup is relatively thick, the audience actually has no way to clearly distinguish who is who. who is it.

The second stage of

Of course, the more important thing is that except for Zhu Jiejing, the contestants in this group have more stage experience. Myolie Wu, Qi Xi, Zhang Li, and Wang Zixuan usually are mainly actors and have very few opportunities to actually go on stage. However, Zhu Jiejing mainly dances. The experience in this field is different from Jessica’s real experience in singing and dancing on stage, so this group does suffer some disadvantages in terms of performance.

"Who Is Not" Na Ying beats three, and the dance of "Me Me" is stunning

Judging from the strength of the overall members, "My Me" is actually stronger. Zhang Qiang, Guo Caijie, and Zhao Meng are all very experienced singers , and in the "Who Is Not" team, only Na Ying is a real singer, Xu Mengtao is an athlete, and Zhang Tianai and Huang Yi are actors, so Na Ying is actually one against three.

But I have to say that even if Naying, a king, brought three bronzes to the battle to challenge three powerful singers, she still won the first time she opened her mouth.

The second stage of

Because this group is a singing and performance stage, both songs have a sense of story. Naying's voice itself has a sense of story. It is obvious that she has taken on the most difficult part and the most important part. Even when the other three sang the parts, her harmonies also added a lot of points, so the overall performance gave people a very amazing feeling.

Although the "Me Me" group did not win, the stage was really beautiful. You could feel the tenderness of the four people, and you could also feel the freedom and relief of their reconciliation with themselves from the singing, especially the flames on the final stage. There is a feeling that everyone finally breaks through themselves and stands among the fireworks.

The second stage of

The second stage of

Especially the story behind the song is also very touching. Guo Caijie's efforts to support the family, the dispute between Zhang Qiang and her mother, etc., all of which let everyone see the meaning of this song to them.

In the end, "Who Is Not" got 783 votes, and "Me Me" got 761 votes. In fact, the number of votes was almost the same, and Na Ying could be considered a narrow winner.

The second stage of

"Dream Man", Sit Kai-chi and Liu Lian are charming, and "Mountains and Seas", Tan Weiwei and Cyndi Wang are stunning

It is estimated that many viewers have encountered the CP of Liu Lian and Sit Kai-chi through "Dream Man". Liu Lian has some charming attributes. She usually This feeling is very obvious when singing her best jazz music. On the stage of "Dream Man", coupled with her unique makeup and the design of biting a pick, she brought her charm to the extreme.

The second stage of

And Xue Kaiqi also changed her usual sweet girl style and became more rock and roll. The eye contact and interaction between the two people made the audience feel more dreamy. In the end, the two people trembled and hugged each other, which excited the audience even more. Pushed to a climax.

The second stage of

Although the chemistry between the two people is surprising, Tan Weiwei and Cyndi Wang's "Mountains and Seas" is indeed impeccable. "Mountains and Seas" itself has very high demands on singers, and Tan Weiwei's angry voice fully expresses the majestic feeling of this song.

The second stage of

Cyndi Wang has challenged herself even more this time. The high notes are amazing and she has achieved a perfect transformation. This kind of song is a sure winner both on the spot and after the show is broadcast.

The costumes in "Paradise" were complained about, and the rap of "Strangely Beautiful" turned into a surprise

Although the styles and costumes of many sisters in this performance were not satisfactory, the overall costumes in "Paradise" still felt a bit too casual, although because of the stage If you need to perform, clothes similar to yoga clothes will be more convenient, but they can also be made more aesthetically pleasing.

The second stage of

For example, in the second season of "The Sun Never Sets", there was also an aerial yoga performance on the stage, but the costumes of the sisters at that time were very simple and beautiful, and they were indeed much better than the three of them this time.

The second stage of

In terms of performance, there is nothing particularly outstanding about this song. On the contrary, "Weird Beauty" performed by Ning Jing, Yu Wenwen, and Gillian is relatively more explosive. For example, the rap of the three people is very surprising, and it should be considered Ergong is the only group in the whole group that has RAP.

The second stage of

In addition, the song itself is relatively familiar to the audience, and the atmosphere at the scene will be relatively better, so the higher number of votes is expected.

Although there are winners and losers in the competition, what "Riding the Wind and Waves" really allows everyone to see is the process of each sister's hard work for the stage, and they can also feel the charm of women through the sisters' all-out efforts.

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