Jay Chou had previously posted a photo with Kun Ling on social networks, and it turned out that the two were revisiting their old haunts. Walking through the place we walked together 4 years ago, and walking it again 4 years later, this sense of ritual is also very meaningful.

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Jay Chou had previously posted a photo with Kun Ling on social networks, and it turned out that the two were revisiting their old haunts. Walking through the place we walked together 4 years ago, and walking it again 4 years later, this sense of ritual is also very meaningful. - DayDayNews

Author: Miss Yu

Original work, plagiarism must be investigated


Jay Chou and Kun Ling have been married for 4 years. This couple The sweet couple, in order to commemorate this day, naturally still have a full sense of ceremony. Jay Chou had previously posted a photo with Kun Ling on social networks, and it turned out that the two were revisiting their old haunts. Walking through the place we walked together 4 years ago, and walking it again 4 years later, this sense of ritual is also very meaningful.

Jay Chou had previously posted a photo with Kun Ling on social networks, and it turned out that the two were revisiting their old haunts. Walking through the place we walked together 4 years ago, and walking it again 4 years later, this sense of ritual is also very meaningful. - DayDayNews

Jay Chou and Kun Ling, this couple, have been married for 4 years, and their relationship has always been very good. Even though they have two children, they still seem to be passionately in love. Jay Chou is a typical maniac who dotes on his wife. He will go shopping with her, travel with her, chase idols together, and even act cute and funny together.

is obviously such a successful person, but in front of Kun Ling, he completely sheds his star aura and just wants to be Kun Ling's man. From the moment they fell in love to the time they got married, they were not favored by the outside world, but now they are so happy that the public finally understands that the king has met the right person.

html It’s been 04 years, but Jay Chou’s love for Kun Ling has not changed? What kind of magic power does Kunling have? Until a variety show, Kunling told the truth: "We always put our partner first. He once told me that in order to set a good example for my children, I will pamper you first and then my children."

Jay Chou had previously posted a photo with Kun Ling on social networks, and it turned out that the two were revisiting their old haunts. Walking through the place we walked together 4 years ago, and walking it again 4 years later, this sense of ritual is also very meaningful. - DayDayNews

In fact, they do the same thing, and there are more traces of each other than children on social networks. For many couples, after having children, it is easy to shift their attention to the children, and the relationship between the couple will completely change. This is not a good model for running a marriage.


The relationship between husband and wife must be higher than the relationship between parents and children. This is the truth about marriage management. You have to understand that the relationship between husband and wife is the core, and children are the fruit of your love, but they are definitely not everything in life.

When your children grow up, they will move away from you, and only your partner will accompany you throughout your life. Manage the relationship between husband and wife well, and also handle the relationship between parents and children. The best education is that dad loves mom. To teach children to love and be loved is not to pour all your love into them, but to be a good enough parent yourself, to love your partner, your parents, and your family. In this way, your children will be subtly influenced.

Regarding this point, Jay Chou and Kun Ling did a good job, giving each other a full sense of ritual and surprise no matter what time. On wedding anniversaries, Valentine's Day or birthdays, you will see signs of their affection. Jay Chou gave Kunling all the love, and Kunling also thrived and became a better person under Jay Chou's protection.

When Jay Chou and Kun Ling were together, Kun Ling was just an unknown model. Many people didn't understand. Jay Chou obviously had such good conditions and resources, so why was it Kun Ling?

At that time, Kunling and Jay Chou were under a lot of pressure when they were together. She didn't dare to admit it in front of the media, and she was even more afraid of saying something wrong that would affect Jay Chou's career. The pressure from public opinion was huge, and she even wanted to give up for a time, but Jay Chou didn't let go. Open Kunling's hand, since you have chosen from the beginning, you must go on bravely.

Just when Kunling wanted to escape from studying abroad, Jay Chou flew to her side. At that moment, they were even more sure that they were the ones who would stay with each other for the rest of their lives.

Jay Chou had previously posted a photo with Kun Ling on social networks, and it turned out that the two were revisiting their old haunts. Walking through the place we walked together 4 years ago, and walking it again 4 years later, this sense of ritual is also very meaningful. - DayDayNews


public opinion was in an uproar when their relationship was announced. Others said that Kun Ling was not worthy of Jay Chou. Despite the widespread rumors, they still got married. The castle wedding fulfilled Kunling’s dream. After getting married, Jay Chou and Kun Ling did not immerse themselves in the honey of marriage, but turned around and started to overcome obstacles in their careers.

Especially Kunling, she started working on the third day after giving birth. As the Queen's wife, she doesn't have to work so hard, but she understands that Jay Chou is her protective umbrella, but she must also become strong. She once said that because Jay Chou has brought her many opportunities and resources, she can only deserve them if she works harder.

Jay Chou had previously posted a photo with Kun Ling on social networks, and it turned out that the two were revisiting their old haunts. Walking through the place we walked together 4 years ago, and walking it again 4 years later, this sense of ritual is also very meaningful. - DayDayNews

In fact, she has been growing continuously over the years. Her identity has long been beyond that of a model. She is also an actress, and the movies she has participated in have been well received. How could such a woman, with both beauty and talent, not be loved to the core by men? On Jay Chou's 40th birthday, she also gave him a car.

This is the confidence of a financially independent woman. Although Jay Chou is more famous than herself, Quinlivan is not bad either. What you give to me, I can also give to you. This is how a strong relationship between husband and wife is, evenly matched and matched.

Jay Chou spoiled Kunling as a child because Kunling deserves to be loved, and they also understand how to manage a marriage. Husband and wife always come first, and children are very important, but sooner or later they will have their own sky.

Jay Chou had previously posted a photo with Kun Ling on social networks, and it turned out that the two were revisiting their old haunts. Walking through the place we walked together 4 years ago, and walking it again 4 years later, this sense of ritual is also very meaningful. - DayDayNews


The marriage between Jay Chou and Kun Ling is enough to make others envious. For many people, marriage is the tomb of love, because it is mixed with too many realistic factors, making them forget to take care of each other's feelings. As a result, the couple gradually drifted apart, and eventually their relationship broke down.

But Jay Chou and Kun Ling are not like this. Even though there are many temptations in the entertainment industry, they always hold each other's hands tightly and accompany you to do those trivial daily tasks. It is this kind of determination that breaks the rumors time and time again.

Nowadays, they are parents and each other's partners. Besides taking care of the children and working, they also take time to do crazy things with each other. The relationship between husband and wife tends to become dull over time, and it can only be stimulated through such rituals and romances again and again.

Pampering your wife first and then your children is the way to get along in a happy marriage, and it is also a topic for many people. If the relationship between you and your significant other has dulled, stop and focus on each other, maybe you will find that the other person is still the person you love most, but the years have passed by and you have forgotten to love each other.


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  • Do you think that in a marriage, your partner is more important, or your children?
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