The stream is condensed with blue and blue and merges with the two rivers, and the pavilion is in front of thousands of rocks and ravines. Washing stones, I think about clearing diseased teeth. Who can listen to the flowing spring while leaning on the harp? The north ridge of Yun

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The stream is condensed with blue and blue and merges with the two rivers, and the pavilion is in front of thousands of rocks and ravines. Washing stones, I think about clearing diseased teeth. Who can listen to the flowing spring while leaning on the harp? The north ridge of Yun - DayDayNews

times Yun Ge Daqing inscribed Jiangshi Hanguang Pavilion

[Song Dynasty] Su Song

The stream is blue and blue and merges with Shuangchuan, and the pavilion is in front of thousands of rocks and ravines.
Washing stones, I think about clearing diseased teeth. Who can listen to the flowing spring while leaning on the harp?
The clouds are growing in the north ridge and the sky is blank. When spring enters the eastern suburbs, you can see the fresh scenery.
The situation is that the scenery in the south of the Yangtze River is beautiful, and I will wait for you to sing the four seasons of heaven.

A plum blossom gift? After ascending to the throne, return to Zhenyang

[Song Dynasty] Cai Songnian

Bai Bixiong Wen Guan Yujing. The laurel moon is famous for its fragrance and can carry on the family reputation. Every year, Yan meets Qiu Hong, and tomorrow Yan Nan will travel far away. I had no love for officialdom at first. Three paths of gray smoke have not yet returned. The scarf helps me get drunk and talk about mysteries. The bamboo is thin and the stream is cold, which reminds me of my remaining years.

Presented three poems by Master Feng from Nanhui. The second one is

[Song Dynasty] Zhang Xi

The water in the square pond is flowing with water, and the threshold is surrounded by brilliant hundred-day flowers. I recall the autumn rainy night in Laofeng, sitting alone in lotus position and listening to the croaking frogs.

Shimen Temple

[Song Dynasty] Zhao Shixiu

The mountains outside the temple are all stone, and the door is opened by chiseling the stone. Wild flowers include yellow chrysanthemums, cold bamboo shoots and green sticky moss.

The official came to watch the fields, and the monks returned begging for food. A pair of pigeons on the eaves, overlooking the birth platform.

Wanhu Mountain

[Song Dynasty] Li Siyan

holds a bag, hairpin, and wat in the purple sky, and his reputation is higher than Wanhu Mountain. Who doesn't love
People say that progress must be a sign, but my way is like a beggar's world.
If you also buy Tian Qingying, the scarf will be the crown of the virtuous.

Three poems about looking at things in the summer and thinking about the ancients. One of them is Zhang Zhongwei

[Song Dynasty] Han Wei

abandons the affairs of the world and thinks about the official book of heaven. There is no one in the basil, and the garden is lonely.

Xuan Mian is not admired, and Yan Ru often writes poems.


[Song Dynasty] Wu Guang

A light thunder struck the tree, shocking the flowers, and the white waves floated in the air and the water rose.


[Song Dynasty] Wang Cun

The world is full of chickens and insects, and he is tied up in a broken house. I studied late and forgot to write poems to see off the sun. I came late to wear cold clothes and drank in the wind.

The rotten Confucianism and the Ji Chengqiu talk, and the poor ghost's chariots and ships attack with fire. Don't ask grandma three or five things, just look at the flowers in the mirror.

Same as Feng Pengzhou, when you can travel to Zhongyan, you can get the word Lin.

[Song Dynasty]
The heaven and the earth are not self-sustaining, and old age fades away like a turtle.
The flowers and trees are drooping, and the country is moving and desolate.
changes, so I don’t want to do it. I’m so happy to find it in this quiet place.
Pengzhou Lao Mojie, Jade Teeth Qiang Zhuolin.
When we are together, we also forget to say anything, and we smile alone.
When people come to the Eagle Peak, they sit down in the deep rock.
Photography clothes please follow it, as if you are in the middle of the forest.
I want to recommend a clear offering, but there is nothing to cause regret. There is a white moon wheel at the end of
, shining brightly in the heart of the blue pool.
Rewards will be accidental, and the hairpin will be combined in the past.
Don't feel sorry for him, he has no future.
There must be Xihuang people who know the ancient sounds.

Accompanying Supervisor Li to drink in Liuyuan

[Song Dynasty] Cao Yanyue

leftover flowers and trees planted on the low wall of the city, and the hall is full of engraved poems and paintings.
The plum blossoms are all blooming but their branches are still weak, and the peonies are still fragrant with their weeping stamens.
Scholars have few wild interests in the world, while wanderers are busy in good times.
I would like to ask my children in front of the lamp, and I will live up to the spring glory.

A tribute to Li Liang, one of the attendants, for Duke Ding

[Song Dynasty] Wang Gui

The flute suddenly violated the bell of Xiaolou, and the bottle of wine should not be the same as before.
The noble family once returned the favor of the golden axe, but during the Qing Dynasty, Yuguan Gong was not seen.
The creeping grass in Jiacheng has been closed for thousands of years, and the backyard is full of strings and becomes empty overnight.
Only the old pond in Pingyang still has fragrant trees leaning against the spring breeze.

He Shuyi asked for praises

[Song Dynasty] Shi Yinsu

Whoever practices the ten most powerful skills, Shuyi will knock on the door of Pu'an again.
Mysterious and mysterious spirits know that they exist, but I am willing to only hear them with my heart.
At that time, I believed that King Kong was connected with the Buddha’s wisdom, and I forgot about my love and thoughts and united the universe.
The night of the moon and the dawn are full of news, and the hope is that the independent trail will always exist.

It is recorded that spring water is abundant and red sparrows are said to have arrived from Xinluo. Daosheng was deprived of it, so please give me a poem.

[Song Dynasty] Mei Yaochen

Red-feathered Artemisia eagle, came from Dongyi Kingdom.
clusters in Gaojian, all of the same color.
It is assumed that cinnabar is produced, which is the auspicious fire virtue.
Walking through the house, he is not of the same kind. He pecks at the millet and is ashamed to eat.
has a clear voice and screams, every time it is saved.
should be let go and spread its wings again.

Qiu Shengxuan

[Song Dynasty] Huang Tingjian

Who lives in the idle fan and coffin, love and ruthlessness go hand in hand.
All the sounds come from the roots, let alone ask Nanguo diligently.

Slow voice·Six baht clothes are thin

[Song Dynasty] Wu Wenying

Six baht clothes are thin, a boat with a leaf is light, and the yellow reed can laugh at the floating chariot. Where is Tingzhou, the clouds and waves are boundless. The autumn posture is full of water color, beautiful and fragrant, not stained by the spring beauty. Go back with a smile, open an account next to Jinbo, and call the green house your home. The red makeup and green mirror are applied back, and the river is flat and green, and the clouds are clear in May. ?In the jade cup, the west wind cannot reach the window screen. The old lotuses at the end are deep in tears, the water chestnuts and new songs are shamefully praised. The shimmering autumn weather is better than flowers for every year and people.

Two poems about Leisure and Comfort on the Lake and the Mekong

[Song Dynasty] Sun Rui

The old fisherman's house outside Dihuatang leans on the fishing boat by the lake every night.
I picked up a few fish in the autumn wind, and I recommended the flax in the spoon.

times rhyme with rivers Chen Cheng and Min Yu

[Song Dynasty] Li Misun

The spring rain lasts for two months, and the summer rain brings more knowledge.
Fumai has been harmed, affecting both Shu and He.
There is still hope for the crops, but the people of Linpei are worried.
Master Yun held Feng Bo in his arms and scolded Fanjuhe. After
, the soil should not be dry, and it should be softened when soaked.
Shan Weng eats diseased millet, and when he is full, he will worry about Tuo.
The military reserves of neighboring countries have dried up, so why is Guizhou so red? Who is Sida Cong in
? He is divided into two subjects.
Chen Mo sat in Gaokui and used Mupo to defend against insults. On
, the public spirit of the day is set to attack the soil.

Send Brother Jun back to his mother in Taoyuan Province

[Song Dynasty] Shi Shaotan

His homeland was blocked by dust, so he took a boat and went deep into Wuling's house.
The wild peach blossoms reflected the mother's face, while Mo Xueling's eyes stared at the sand.

times rhyme Fan Wenyuan

[Song Dynasty] Lu You

The gas of the basket and ladle has pressed down on the paste, and the taste will be longer if it is not close to Zhumen.
When you look carefully at the masters who forget their favor and disgrace, you will realize that we are pitiful and hurt.
The new alchemy stove is built on the rock and the incense burns in the ancient Taoist temple of Kuanglu.
Sheng Yu wants to make this appointment with Jun Jian, who is eighty years old and has gray eyebrows.

Zhou Tianyi resigned and returned to Yanping

[Song Dynasty] Liu Kezhuang

said that he went to Tanjin and worked hard to repair several couplets.
A family living as an overseas Chinese has little money.
The poet is vulgar and poor, and the poor prefect of the state is Qing.
I can't help but want to meet you when I hear you.

On the 8th day of the 10th month of the twelfth lunar month, I visited Song Dynasty with Xi Zhou, sweeping Song Lingshi, and walked late to Panasonic, feeling sad and pregnant.
A poor family sells window foil and compiles the leftovers.
uses it to write text, which is trivial.
Then he ordered the descendants to live in the world and wear their clothes and clothes outside the house.
Today is the grandson of the government, learning and not learning.

Guling Bridge

[Song Dynasty] Xu Ji

Liu Chengsi on the west bank of the West Bridge, spring goes and spring comes, the same year after year.
Occasionally, the catkins were blown off by the east wind, and they followed the flowing water across the east bridge.

Twenty-six poems about Tianjin

[Song Dynasty] Shao Yong

The clouds are light and the sun is pale. Tianjin is dusk, and the wind is strong, the forest is sparse and the water is autumn.
There is no way for people to sing alone, and gulls and herons descend to Tingzhou from time to time.

One hundred and nine verses, thirty-six of them

[Song Dynasty] Shi Kexiang

Dry paper is burning, lamps are leaking, and there is no limit to how much people have been wasted. If you point your head to anyone, you will see that the Tathagatas of the three generations have the same eyes.

is different from

[Song Dynasty] Wang Zhiwang

Shengyou, and the mail delivery is still happy every day.
The jade tent has not yet reached the beautiful scenery, but the clouds and mountains are already in the good poetry.
Lingzhu is suddenly rich and a thousand gold gifts are given, and ordinary horses are worthy of sighing for eternity.
unrolls the scroll and chants loudly to know how many times it has been played, and the loud sound is deafening.

Send an inscription to Chen Tongfu's Baoxi Pavilion

[Song Dynasty] Chen Fuliang

Rice is not difficult to find, and Xuanmian is also easy to obtain.
Hu is a hugger, compassionate and compassionate.
The autumn wind falls on the green trees, and the phoenix leaves without leaving a trace.
The cicadas sing in sorrow, and the children are filled with tears.
suddenly roared, leaving a lonely sound in the air.
is a song of elegance that makes people sigh three times.
The houses and cottages are by the road, and the plows are in the folk residence.
Pedestrians listen to laughter, children sleep and eat together.
What's the crime with reading? My beard and hair are half white.
This means too much work, this body is long and restrained.
is not suitable for hugging one's knees, but it is even more suitable for going out.
But don’t ask how many feet of basil are outside the door.

Spring outskirts

[Song Dynasty] Shi Shaosong

Spring brings people to the painting screen, with fragrant grass, warm sand, warm water and clear clouds.
Staring at the sun, I don’t realize that the setting sun is gone, and I feel sorrow and hatred.

Elegies of Emperor Shenzong Part 4

[Song Dynasty] Huang Shang

The heart is strong when trying to govern, but it is wrong to follow the example of others. The dragon in the cauldron is winding, and the cypresses on the mausoleum are lingering.

The external sounds of things are so quiet, and dreams in the world are also rare. Shaoyang came to serve the banquet, and God's will was already known.

Ten poems on Huaguangmei·Zhengzhengzhi

[Song Dynasty] Wang Bai

The branches are natural in the south and north, and the snow is bright and the smoke marks are pitiful.
The ice surface is so majestic and there is no direction to back, so why is there any intention to show beauty to others?

Read Han Wen Gong Zhi's chapter because Guangqi said

[Song Dynasty] Li Gou

The master is thirsty for a good horse, and the servant misses Zongji. It is easy to catch up if you are late, and it is easy to come if you are weak.

When I heard that a thousand miles were traveled, a hundred arrows were gathered in my arms. Although the owner wants to buy it, everyone is happy.

Late step sent to Liu Changzhai

[Song Dynasty] Zhang Zhilong

There are green moss marks on the teeth of Zhang Zhilong, and green moss is piled high on Mengbi Mountain. html Returning to the sea with the evening light on the 7th, there is a rumor that autumn letters are coming from the sky.
The fireflies pass through the bamboo paths, and they wait for the cranes to return to their empty nests.
If you can enjoy yourself in the universe, why do you need a golden house and a jade tower?

Congratulations to the Zhou Dynasty for the system and direct access to the bachelor's academy

[Song Dynasty] Zhao Fan

He heard again that Lu Zhi was holding silk fibers, and he thought that the road to the public dynasty would be extended.
Return to Yutang for the time being, and urgently seize Tongjin from Fengnum.
attracted praise from the border areas, and the imperial edict was inspired by Shandong's German and Italian new policies.
Who calls articles about making money and small skills, and planning and meritorious deeds to draw a unicorn?

Looking at the clouds, the front mountain covers all the green peaks, and only a few green peaks remain. Because of the poem

[Song Dynasty] Shi Mining

The mountains are covered with white clouds. How many peaks can be exposed?
Outside the pink wall of Wanxinqun, you can see green snails in bun rings.

Read about Wu Xiqing and Li Si Zhengyun

[Song Dynasty] You Qingfu

Read about the rain and clear night in front of Wutang, and the sound of Diao Dou in Liu Ying at the fifth watch.
The wind-born Pihu boasts good health, and the sun shines brightly on his eyes.
leads the spring and March twilight, and the poems are very clear.
% off Chongzunzu has nothing to do now, and he has a hundred thousand soldiers in mind.

August 25th passed Nanxi

[Song Dynasty] Han Hui

The cool rain suddenly stopped, and the autumn clouds were helpless.
Yamanejia has a new rise, and Xiaoli is playing with Liubo.
will be at the right time, and Zizhi has a strange song.
I regret that this place is not very secret, and I see people swimming by from time to time.

Sapphire Case · Short Pavilion with Fragrant Grass and Long Pavilion with Willows

[Song Dynasty] Wu Wenying

Short Pavilion with Fragrant Grass and Long Pavilion with Willows. Remember the peach leaves and the smoke at the mouth of the river. Today Jiangcun is loaded with wine. The remaining cups are gone, the tombs are red and green, and the ground is covered with spring embroidery. Cuiyin once picked plum branches and smelled them. I still remember the jade green hands on the swing. After the red cable is tired, spring will pass. The rose flowers have fallen, and the butterflies in the hometown have lost their fragrance.

Five Ode to the Ancients One

[Song Dynasty] Shi Jujian

It is already too late to turn around, just like it was never turned around. A penny can't be found anywhere, but it's just a lie.

Wang Wenbo sent the school artist to me to say goodbye, and he was willing to spend a night drinking, but it was still like

[Song Dynasty] Peng Guinian

had heard that there was no Qin Rui in the drum basket, and he was willing to stay as a scholar.
Take away the breeze from me for a while, and the dream comes back to me as if it were three autumns ago.

Stone Bridge

[Song Dynasty] Shi Yuanzhao

The stunning scenery is separated from the world, and the deep snow is undivided. Two waterfalls fly over, forming a bridge of clouds.

Holy miracles appear all the time and are heard everywhere in the world. A sencha pavilion stands on top, with flowers and milk pouring from it.

Ten Songs of Donggao

[Song Dynasty] Chao Buzhi

The newly planted Qingtong Xiaojing was completed, and the two rows of day lilies flourished for a while.
The spring breeze wipes out all the flowers, but the long summer flowers are still in love.

Asking for Maozi

[Song Dynasty] Shi Zhiyu

A new student in the hall, a tiger-faced civet, promised me a large sum of money not to move.
The family is cold, so there is no stealing mice, and you will see when you climb up a tree.

You Ciyun

[Song Dynasty] Chen Zhu

chanted slightly for joy, and people walked without realizing it.
If the stick is planted, there will be traces on it, and the shadow of the bamboo will be leisurely knocking on the door.
The trees are tall and graceful with leaves, and the people are quiet and the birds are calling the mountains.
If you can stay here for a long time, you will have half the time as a monk.

Presented to the Prince's Young Master Yuan Zhang Jian Gongju's Ci

[Song Dynasty] Wang Gui

The emperor cherished the virtuous and shared the political affairs, and the day before the middle stage found the true Confucianism.
Just when I saw Yu Feng arriving late, I didn't realize that Ming Hong had gone alone.
The dawn moon is still approaching thousands of miles away, and the spring breeze is blowing across the five clouds.
Whoever passes by the foot of Nandang Qingshan Mountain may have no reputation since ancient times.


[Song Dynasty] Chen Sanpin

How can the heaven be ruthless? The heaven is like the Tao, and the sentient beings are also old. Fame, deeds, asking the heavens for their reasons, cannot be deceived by others.It's good to accompany the clouds and smoke to plow the valley mouth. Don't spread calligraphy and ink across the river. If you count the temples, you can get a few spring breezes, which will surprise you in the early morning of autumn.
Tao Lingyin, Zhang Jingzhao. Huai Shuxiao, greedy for glory. All the dreams are gone, but the remaining bells are still dawning. A solitary owl is flying in the dusk clouds of Teng Pavilion, and a bright moon bird is flying around Yu Tower. When I think about old age, I have endless joy here and have few close friends.

Autumn schedule Boyu brought a poem to see the second rhyme

[Song Dynasty] Sun Yingshi

The sound of autumn enters the phoenix tree, and the fallen leaves startle the urn.
The chrysanthemums are thick and fragrant, and the arrangements are made of double nine.
Youzi drags his stick and sings, and Pengmen scratches his head alone.
Old friends come to visit us, and new poems come from Qiongjiu.
Sweep my room with happy words, and give me everything I want.
talks about ancient and modern times, whether it is doubtful or not.
Back then, it was not just a cup of wine that was a drunkard's idea.
Waiting for a dream in life, I will live without gold or stone.
Congqu boxing bells and cauldrons are not easy to cause embarrassment.
This must be prosperous and withered, and beauty and ugliness will be judged for thousands of years.
A monarch and an essayist, a nobleman of the world, why should he return to poverty? It is Qiu Muyou.
The common people are teasing people, the ancient road mausoleum will last forever.
There is no need to ask Dong Long, he must be He JiGou.

to Yangzhou

[Song Dynasty] Wen Tianxiang

met a firewood seller on the roadside, saying that Gaosha was worth visiting.
It's thirty miles to Nong's house, and we can stay away from the wind and dust in the mountain col.

Picture of Di Renjie Baiyun's funeral

[Song Dynasty] Zheng Sixiao

Zhu Ma looked back at the blue sky, and the river Yang was hurriedly passing by. Even though my relatives are leaving under the white clouds, how can I miss Liang Gong's thoughts?

Leave a note Minfu Yinjun

[Song Dynasty] Shi Jie

Sanjiong came here to find a bad customer, and the cup was sparse and tasted long.
Half a bowl of mountain rice with ripe acorns, and a bunch of spring vegetables with fragrant seedlings.
There should be no summer in the springs and rocks at four o'clock, and the valley is full of clouds and clouds, which makes the countryside special.
In the end, we will become neighbors together, and we will have two rooms next to each other on the edge of bamboo.

Listening to the Songfeng Bag Praise Part 2

[Song Dynasty] Shi Rujing

dozed off leaning on a bag, with a poisonous thorn protruding from the ground. Someone flipped over and the whole world vented his anger.

Congratulations to the bridegroom (Qingjiang Ren of General Manager Wen)

[Song Dynasty] Shao Guizi

Xinyu Huanghua Road. Seeing the clear river and the banners and thousands of cavalry, I sent you to the east. Returning from thousands of miles away, the wind blows through the old place of Jiashan. Xizhou Heron, Liujun is not here. The white-haired remnants chatted in the pots and cups, and the neighbors came with smiles and flowers. Praise for seeing you early, hate for seeing you at dusk.
My old friend only lives in the mountains. When we remember the year, we look at each other with heartbroken hearts, the weather is windy and the sea is raining. The stars on your temples are full of stars and your hair is young. Are your temples still green? Stop boasting about the government of gods. Yu Shen has always been in a clear dream, and sometimes he takes my wife with him when he is happy. If you don't get drunk, dance for you.

Winter Solstice in Jianyang as

[Song Dynasty] Hu Yigui

embroidered Ritian Han Palace, and Shu Yun recorded the Jin Dynasty.
Shanjia alone is ridiculed, and Gangchang accounts for Yiyan.
Yourenyi is pleased to sit up and look at the sunny man.
Dahua returned to Chuyang, and the long journey has come to an end.
There are fish swimming in Sichuan, and geese flying in the clouds.
Why should I stay in my heart? I will always feel lonely and sigh.
Sincerity has a long way to go, and I have passed half of my thoughts on the words.

Monk Huang Longqing really praised

[Song Dynasty] Huang Tingjian

The Yellow River was completely frozen, and his hair and heart were all white. Although
has Gu Lu's hand, it cannot be drawn skillfully.

Lao Niubi

[Song Dynasty] Mei Yaochen

Wu Niu wants to grow old, how can a Han horse get fat?
Muscle strength cannot be relied on, wanderers should think about returning home.

Mrs. Shen's elegy

[Song Dynasty] Guo Yin

Feng Quluan can be hurt at any time, but only teaches the boudoir of women's ways.
The purple flute blows the moon as above, and the sword Lingbo is also hidden.
Nanjian Ping Yukong has grown old, but Beitangxuan is fragrant for whom.
Fortunately, I have a son who abides by the legacy plan, and my family is still able to offer sacrifices to me.

Read the biography of Chen Tang

[Song Dynasty] Liu Kezhuang

Short back clothes and a sword on his waist, empty words and empty words.
How easy it is to cut off the tongue of Qi Lu, but it is not heroic to cut off the head of Zhi Zhi.
In different generations, warriors still lost their strength, while literary officials at that time were struggling to blow their hair.
Han Ting who is the balancer. He only takes credit for his crimes but does not reward his efforts.

html On the 3rd day of the year, family members traveling in the harbor are celebrating their birthdays

[Song Dynasty] Mei Yaochen

We meet in the boat to celebrate the new year, and the wind and rain send off the remaining cold.
As the years go by, I will grow older, and I will always cherish the fresh joy.
There are no cars and horses on the riverside, and the clothes are facing each other in the prison.
The children celebrated each other and sat together with cups and plates.
There are many oranges and pomeloes on the plate, and the teeth are already sour before chewing.
After drinking, you will get drunk first, which makes you feel that you are not generous.
The plum blossoms on the shore are about to break through their calyces, and the wild water is slightly rippled.
What comes is new, what goes past is broken.
What to say about the fun of yesterday, but the contemplation of last year.
The season has not changed, and the world is good.

Taoyuan Recalls an Old Friend

[Song Dynasty] Huang Tingjian

Bitian Dew cleanses the spring face. The light moon dawns and the remaining halo disappears. The dense smoke drifts away from the flowers. The orioles sing tenderly at the bottom of the flowers.
The clouds return to the Chu Gorge, tired of being sleepy. Two new hatreds from distant mountains. And the tears are dark and pink. I'm afraid people will ask.

Six poems sent to He Daqing in ancient times. The third

[Song Dynasty] Xie Ao

is said to be a medicine man who went out of the market to ride on a tiger. When I came to the empty mountain, I couldn't help but talk to him.

Howl and return homeless, pointing to the sycamore tree alone. It refers to both the sycamore tree and the sycamore seeds.

I will give you what you think of, and I will chat with you through great songs.

Miscellany on the South Slope Part 2

[Song Dynasty] Yu Chou

The east wind has blown into the spring, and the little plows and hoeing hands are on their own. How many strangers in the mortal world don't know that there are idle people under the forest.

and Zhang Shike

[Song Dynasty] Jiang Teli

stayed on the couch in Xiao Ran's Wenlin Forest for ten days behind closed doors.
The garden is cold and the orioles are still, and the grass grows dark when it rains.
Sitting and thinking about the sound is contrary to the social wine, and I know that searching for sentences in the distance disturbs the heart of spring.
Don’t worry about the wild geese and ducks marching separately.

Three and Two

[Song Dynasty] Liu Kezhuang

did not make up for the Holy Dynasty at all, and came and went to harass Fei Huizhao.
I can't wear my clogs to thank the crowd, and I don't have time to wear a scarf to hug two people.
Wearing Laolai's clothes and wearing a hat, eating millet in Ling is better than Cao Cao's gourd.
There are few ministers, but they are still careless and lazy, not to mention that there are plain signs on their heads.

Exploring the Four Wonders of Plum Blossoms Part 3

[Song Dynasty] Liu Chenweng

In the next five hundred years, there will be no free old man, singing and dancing with anyone. When a fisherman enters the Peach Blossom Cave, there is still a plum blossom road that is not open.

Looking at the Moon in a Small Ruo Boat

[Song Dynasty] Yang Wanli

Occasionally I went on a spring boat tied to the ancient willow tree, and the clouds spread over thousands of peaks and the moon filled the river. Jump into Guanghan Palace and sit down, looking at the sky in the jasper mirror.

Everything is covered with snow, covering the night without sleeping. Returned to Jinling and entered the government, but there was no luck in dreaming.

Seven verses

[Song Dynasty] Explain

One leaf falls, the world is autumn, several people have come to understand the origin.
The monk laughed coldly, leaning on the head of his staff on the rooftop of Nanyue.

times rhyme Zhao Shuai's five poems

[Song Dynasty] Chen Zao

Yesterday, the light of the waves repaired the misfortune, and the guest's dowry lay on his pillow and the jade dowry was opened.
When I revisit the gulls and herons, I should take a peek and remember that I came with the stick.

Climb the east tower of the city with feelings

[Song Dynasty] Li Tao

The five-color cloud appears at the beginning of the divination, and how will the management of the three eras be like. Whoever decides the policy for a thousand years along the road will find that there are more than ten thousand hectares floating in the lake.

He looked eastward to the sky to paint, and prayed for the osmanthus grass in the west to make his house. Talking about a wall in Xinglu, it is true that the ancestors have built a city.

The first seven poems of Yun Shuai Chu Zhu

[Song Dynasty] are written by Chen again

The lotus clothes are small and the people are clumsy, and the felt hats are majestic and appointed.
I only rush to Shanshan because of my love for the mountains, and I don’t return east because of my longing for the mountains.

I sincerely wish you to be rewarded by Yuan Dynasty, think carefully about your bachelor's year friends

[Song Dynasty] Li Gonglin

I wish the Jun family to be in harmony with the water, so that their books, food and food will be unforgettable. The clouds and rivers are rinsing and the fragrance of Yao is moistened, and the emperor of heaven is the scholar in Bi Mansion.

I have been riding for thousands of years, my spirit is pure and my bones are beautiful, my color is pale. The book is promiscuous, the public is crazy, and the public is crazy. I have been together in the capital for ten years.

Go upstairs to chant the spring and grind the flag gun, and the poem tube is Wu Xie Geng Chu Qiang. All the school officials are not Zang, and the senior officials are full of food every day.

Zhu Luan entered Nangang in the Internet, and the bed was filled with sage books and memorials. When the emperor comes out of the morning, beside the emperor, there are a group of dragons racing on the road to heaven.

The sick owl posts are dirty gods, and Baiyun Longwang is pretending to be so. The sound of singing in the forest is exciting, and even though the friends of Peilan are missing, they are dead.

The birds out of the clouds still pay for themselves, and the feather fans follow the meridian sac. There is no other place in Longmian, and he always travels with elk on his pilgrimage.

Go back and lie down to view the pictures, and the poor man praises the ancient singers and merchants. After wandering around, he stayed in Yunfang, burning cypress trees, reading scriptures and studying the Dharma King.

The years are slowly passing by in darkness, and the grass on the hilltops is still green and the leaves are yellow. Dong Ming has died and his bones are fragrant, but all ambitions are still cold.

The pro-Bian is said to be a cup of wine, but it is difficult to soar after the purpose is sweet. Come and steal food in the middle of the sky, the ancients look at each other in the sky for a thousand years.

The same text is locked by the censor Yu Shishuang, and the article will be reviewed together when it is published. It is also said that planting pine rims in the village makes me dream about butterflies.

He wanted to betray Guo Zhannongxiang, and the door was open and he leaned against the hole wall. I want to hold the Beidou down, but the konghou is facing Gao Qiu.

Thirteen Poems on the rooftop

[Song Dynasty] Cao Xun

Continuous rains have driven the cold and the moss is yellow, and withered leaves crowd the idle steps.
There is no spring feeling in the plum calyx, only the daphne blooms first.

Tong Ziyan drank in the mountain in early summer and closed it

[Song Dynasty] Zhao Ruqi

There are thousands of acres of green shade, and I have been invited to come together.
The mountains are green and smoky, the pomegranates are red and the rain is deep.
Everything has its destiny, and it is a waste of time to care about it.
I'm afraid of what's in the cup, but I'll take pity on it and pour it lightly.

Send to Huizhou Shijun Fan Zhiwen

[Song Dynasty] Liu Zihui

The whole house is full of people who like to listen to clear talk, but can't bear to act and act.
The long pavilion makes it easy to divide and carry wine, and the dusk corner makes people too thin.
The ministers who guarded the land far away knew the best choice, and the strong men were ashamed to march south when the time was dangerous.
Luofu said that it is close to Chaoyang, and it is planned to be Li Sao and Diao Erying.

Title of Xiushi Yangguan Picture

[Song Dynasty] Han Ju

The wind and smoke cross the rugged desert road, and the tired guest makes the minister burst into tears. What Taoist people often play with, they should never return to it.

West Lake Mountain Dwelling at Night

[Song Dynasty] Shi Weiqing

Prosperity across the lake seems to be far away from Chenjing.
The dream of a young man with bright lights, a one-night stand in the mountains and forests.
Cranes and plum blossoms stand at the base, and people walk quietly in the middle of the moon.
I wish you good health and peace in your life.

Gong Shuai sent a poem to him after a long absence, which was a far-reaching benefit, and the rhyme was second to none

[Song Dynasty] Wu Fu

was of a wild nature and disliked the court dress, so he decided to return home and drop out of school.
There are no secular people outside the door, but only Taoist memories on the desk.
is a great traveler, but I want to find Pengdao. How can I remember the old things in Shiqu?
also intends to pay tribute to the swansong, and is ashamed to report the rubble to Qiongju.


[Song Dynasty] Yang Huizhi

Jiazhou’s landscapes, Ershu is the most beautiful.
Cuiling ridges overlap Emei, long ridges overlap Emei, and
long waves surge into Jinshui.

generations of people came to thank the Prime Minister for his birth.

[Song Dynasty] Tang Shi Shai

read that Zhong Yuan was born as Prime Minister, and Lai Gong's merits were unparalleled.
Yin is the moon, and the moon is the minister, and the clear light wants to be filled with silver.
It's not surprising that the silver light is swaying, it's not surprising when a new string is first played.
Yao built a cauldron with ten branches, which contained thousands of dendrobiums and ice and snow.
Lai Gong should be less sorry than Gong Ying, and his first business trip was four days ago.

Fourteen miscellaneous poems on Lushan Mountain were promoted by Tong Youyan. Part 2: Huangyun Temple in Zheguiyuan

[Song Dynasty] Zhu Xi

Looking northeast from the city, the five elders are so pale. There is the Qianchao Temple below, which is quite hidden.

There is a quiet forest in front of the house, and a wilderness of clouds and trees behind the house. The idle window is also bright and clean, decorated with auspicious brocade.

is better able to manage Kuqiong and step up to Linbeigang. Look up at the vast sky and overlook the long river.

Who is the recipient of the letter? The last name is not clear enough. Bamboo and silk have a lingering odor, but osmanthus has no fragrance.

Send Uncle Gong to Haimen. Uncle Weiduan made an appointment to go to western Hunan to drink and say goodbye. Four poems. The second one is

[Song Dynasty] Zhao Fan

You lamented the separation of father and brother, and I lamented the separation of friends. In the cold winter, I still travel far away, and I live in a different county again.

can only be followed, why should we embrace it? Because he came to the lake as an envoy to send letters to the seaside.

Send to Xu'an Road at Zhangshudian

[Song Dynasty] Kong Wuzhong

The narrow Southeast Road stretches to the sky with purple green peaks.
The light clouds are still covering the sun, and the light rain is urging the farmers.
The birds in the valley are anxious to throw their branches, and the mountain flowers are thick in the streams.
Yiyan will not return it now, but we are chatting and laughing happily.

He Xianguzan

[Song Dynasty] Bai Yuchan

There is no trace of Langyuan, but there is a name in the Tang Dynasty.
I don’t know the red jade cave, the sound of apes at night through the ages.

Huanxi Sha (Zhao Ge Xue Rating, Cockroach Wine, Spring Snail)

[Song Dynasty] Fang Yue

Half shell contains the fragrance of tidal zone. Chewing snow with double claws makes the navel yellow. Frost comes at night in Luhuazhou.
The short autumn river is clear to the end, and the long-headed spring pot is drunk as a hometown. Romance is worth the taste of poetry.

Xijiang Moon · Crimson Wax Treasure Orch

[Song Dynasty] Anonymous

Crimson Wax Treasure Orch, the fragrance of blue and green is lined with gold. The east wind blows down the jade dragon. The whole house is filled with harmony. On this day, he took a new bath in the orchid soup, and he took it with him in Guiyuan. Xiaoci chats about Dai Nongzhang's poems. Leftovers and sharp money will make a profit.

Another play title is Xiayan

[Song Dynasty] Huang Tingjian

often brought his family to stay overnight, and his skirts were mixed with Buddha's robes and scarves.
doesn't mind that the whole hospital smells greasy, but the most annoying thing is wasting money.

Read Toutuo Anwen Song

[Song Dynasty] Huang Shang

Nine-nine and eighty-one, the Yuanming body is like the sun. Is it just talking about Zen in vain and leaving traces in the soul?

The establishment of the Tao must be repaired, ninety-nine and eighty-one. Sexual views and perceptions, how to experience emptiness and form.

Lotus Marsh

[Song Dynasty] Zhao Fang

The dewdrops are full of green lotuses, and the clouds and brocades are covered with blue waves.
The outside is straight and the inside is straight, and the heart is suffering alone. How do you treat gentlemen?

Water Melody Ge Tou (Spring Boat Trip)

[Song Dynasty] Yang Guanqing

A pole of green rises in spring, and the river is broad and the waves are cold at dusk. The dragon is lifting thousands of dendrobium trees, and the whale is drinking from a wide cup. Drunkly leaning against the tower, listening to the clear whistle, watching the solitary bird disappear into the mist, the scenery is both leisurely and leisurely. It's as if riding the wind away, Pengdao's old home mountain.
records that my house is surrounded by green bamboos and crowned with officials. Biyun Xinyao, who reports peace every day. After returning to the Peach River in Guizhou, the flowing water is red and fragrant and silent. The thoughts of spring are fading. Lai has a good advice sentence, write it and look at it.

Gold Liquid Great Returning Pill

[Song Dynasty] White Jade Chan

Black Rabbit Qiankun Cauldron, Turtle and Snake Return to the Temple of Heaven.
There is nothing in the world, but the elixir of salvation is great in my heart.
The white tiger roars in the water, and the green dragon flies in the fire.
mercury, lead, mud and pistils are bright, gold, wood, snowflakes are cold.
Likan has nothing to do with the heart and kidneys, and things have nothing to do with the lungs and liver.
Thirty years of poverty, seven returns, nine turns of mud pills.

Ten Insects Yin

[Song Dynasty] Shu Yuexiang

Insects have loops and wefts, like reeling and spinning.
The bean fence is after the autumn rain, and there is no need to hold the candle.
was placed in a silver cage, so he entered Luoporo.
favors children's play and makes loud noises all night long.

Marigold seed (narcissus)

[Song Dynasty] Zhao Yifu

got water to make immortals, like Han Gao's legacy, with blue waves covering the moon. The blue jade is warm and produces smoke, which is called the yellow crown on the silk coat, and the plain appearance is fragrant and clean. The pavilions stand alone in front of the wind, and the curling kettle is illuminated clearly. At that time, who told me about the beauty of the heart of the piano, I suddenly became extremely sad.
6 comes from nature, and its fragrance is as refreshing as snow. The West Lake's autumn chrysanthemums and cold springs are like the old and romantic slopes, which people still say. I diligently fold the plum blossoms and listen to the jade dragon blowing. Ding Ning said, brothers who have been together for centuries, see each other in the evening.

Kang's nephew invited people to drink and showed them the potted plum blossoms sent by the ancient continent. He asked the guests to write poems and rhymes.

[Song Dynasty] Liu Xueji

Inlaid with a punch of a strange stone, the green cattails are piled with swords and flowers.
The plum blossoms bend and twist like dragons, and the dry moss corrodes the roots.
Qiongying has exposed the ice and white, and the fragrance feels like Ling Zhisun.
How many years of cultivating it is, skillfully cultivating nature and moving it into a small basin.
Qingchuangdi has nothing to do with it, search for the origin of the Institute of Physics.
It is only about a foot tall in circumference and has all the laws and documents.
is horizontal and slanted, sparse and thin, just like an old tree growing in a mountain garden.
I have rarely seen this flower in my hometown in the past. Why did this flower come from this quiet place?
Yun is an old poet from Guzhou who planted this ice and snow soul with his own hands.
Don't forget to keep old friendships, and the spring beauty will be returned to Shanfan.
My little Ruan is also good at recruiting his younger brother Kun.
also invites guests and friends to gather together and list the delicacies.
Raise a glass to the flowers and drink drama, talk about love and laugh with each other. The return of
is gradually becoming oriental white, and the drunken hat and sleeves are turned in the wind.

Twenty-five verses, seventeen of which

[Song Dynasty] Shi Rujing

The Vajra King's sword is in the box, promising the power of being impervious to wind. Tendo drank it and flew out, transforming into a holeless hammer.

rolled into the deserted fields and weeds, and the teaching sun was scorching and the wind was blowing. You can tell how much you know by picking up a spoon and a pair of chopsticks. It’s not easy to know if you don’t have a close friend.

Xijiang Moon (Two of Ten)

[Song Dynasty] Xia Yuanding

The face is originally the Tao, and the yin and yang are created into elixirs. Riding an ox in search of a calf without knowing the source. He is really a man from three villages.
The ancient sages established images and created images, but later generations forgot the words after getting the images. And just like dry painting, there must be three rivers. How to cook otherwise.

Gift writing plum monk Chuneng

[Song Dynasty] Xu Yueqing 6

There are old plum blossoms on the bright window in the moonlight, I have a natural ink painting.
I don’t know how to laugh at the shackles, I’m looking for Lin Bu in the shadow of the ice.

Lingjiu Temple

[Song Dynasty] Gao Zhu

Lingjiu Temple is famous for its eternal name, and it has been around for a few times without incident.
The running water in front of the palace is still clear and urgent, and the spring clouds appear on the tower in the evening.
Cranes listen to Sanskrit by the prayer bed, birds watch the alms bowl and wait for the sound of bells.
I came here to borrow a bunch of cattails to sit on, and when I go back I can sleep and have clear dreams.

Praying for rain by mail

[Song Dynasty] Lu Benzhong

The mud dragon lizard was trapped in pursuit, and drought spread throughout the twenty states of Huainan. I send my message to God not to be too gentle and leave the bright moon for the Mid-Autumn Festival.

Sixteen Sages (leisure)

[Song Dynasty] Cao Xun

Gonghuangtu, Yubaoli calendar, Shangsheng hanging clothes. The lunar eclipse brings all kinds of opportunities. Haiyu Xixi. Ascending to Shouyu, the auspicious clouds always hold the sun. There are four people in Huayin and Mailong. The palace guards stand guard, Langyuan Yaochi. The terrace hall is surrounded by Qinghui.
is on the rise. Beautiful customs. Looking for winning things. Characters are always wandering around. Where is peace, don't you know how to wave the flag of conquest and wave the flag of wine? The sense of the four directions is extremely auspicious. The official family has a leisurely banquet with Fangfei. Tens of millions of years old. When the Jiahui Ming Dynasty was prosperous.

Hearing that Yang Heqing was reading in the library, Yi Buqi gave him a poem in his hand.

[Song Dynasty] Jia Xuan Weng

Everyone read the medical classics and knew how to respect Huang and Qi.
When Yang Zi read the medical classics, he regarded Xi Wen, Zhou Confucius, and Confucius as his home.
There is a wonderful meaning in the Yi, and the secret of medicine is related to the Yi.
The sixty-four hexagrams are the mental method, and the eighty-one chapters are easy to understand.
Don’t ask for the ingenuity of the divine work from outside, it is only the original intention to be clean and subtle.
The text of Jun Guanheng hexagram is formed by combining the left heart and right sun.
The heart and body are pure and slender, and they are renewed and refreshed every day.
The essential medical scriptures come from the Book of Changes, with the previous sacred writings and subsequent sacred narratives.
Zi treats the heart and changes the mind. There is Tai Chi in the middle of the three parts and nine periods.


[Song Dynasty] Han Wei

was not comfortable living in the city, so he said he was suitable for Xipi Gang.
The birds are noisy and the wild hall is quiet, and the roosters are crowing and the spring days are long.
There are beetles in the bookshelf, and the Buddha curtain covers the lingering fragrance.
Shizi arrived at Luyan and had a clear talk.

In reply to the poems left by the faithful minister, he lost his promise to Nanyan

[Song Dynasty] Wei Xiang

He was still not free in his free time, and he was daydreaming about the autumn of Biyan. Even though we are far away from each other, the red hoofs and horses are far away, and the green ants are floating in the wine.

Sorry, I have been visiting for many years, but I am even more late in leaving you. Knowing that happiness cannot be exhausted, don't pay a visit to Dai Zhou lightly.


[Song Dynasty] Shi Huichong

The noisy wind produces the end of the tree, and the late scene enters the heart of the spring.

The stream is condensed with blue and blue and merges with the two rivers, and the pavilion is in front of thousands of rocks and ravines. Washing stones, I think about clearing diseased teeth. Who can listen to the flowing spring while leaning on the harp? The north ridge of Yun - DayDayNews

and Fu Yansou's Two Plum Blossoms

[Song Dynasty] Xin Qiji

html When it is snowing at dusk in May, the small window is still short of cold branches.
The dark fragrance and sparse shadows are nowhere to be found, only those who live in the West Lake know about it.

Change Zhuifeng/Huanxisha

[Song Dynasty] He Zhu

Palm Xiangluo six-inch bow. Graceful Hu spins a plate. The purpose is intentional and the two are in a hurry. Farewell, the pitiful night lasts for a long time. At that time, I had an appointment with Zhui Feng. The grass grows golden and the painting hall is empty.

Queqiao Immortal (Ciyun's uncle Zhu Jiuzheng was deposed)

[Song Dynasty] Chen wrote

Yunnan Zhongxiu, who is popular among people. Things didn't end well. When you know that great things have been accomplished, don't sigh that it is difficult to pass the virtuous level.
The future is determined, and there is nothing wrong with it. Never let go when your destiny is fulfilled. I must also send a message to the people of Jia Ke, never stop falling, and win the list at the same time.

times Yun Wang Chan Zhao Kun Zhong inscribed a new residence in Jingkou

[Song Dynasty] Cai Zhao

I used to live in Jingkou and often visited Nanshan.
The ancient temple is full of bamboos, and the flat fields are filled with clear water.
The fourth promotion is to worship Qiu Wang, and the Peiyuan see the five states.
Life is like a field of art, which must be harvested late in the year.
is internally afraid of the lack of Taoist power, and he only thinks about practicing beforehand.
Liuhe is not narrow, five acres is also a plan.
Why not stay close to the city and relax in a distant place?
The water in the cauldron should rise as the tide rises, and the people in the hall can be surrounded.
There is something left in the fallen leaves, but nothing more than persimmons and chestnuts.
The physiology is so good, how can I thank Yan Guyou.
is not brave enough to make a decision, and he stumbles even a little bit.
Yu's nature is clumsy, and it is easy to regret when dealing with the world.
micro-officials are like tears and saliva, and it is easy to give up.
The three dragons are also galloping, but the good intentions of the poem are not.

I went to the villa on the 20th of the first lunar month and returned home in the dark day of the second month without seeing the flowers.

[Song Dynasty] Feng Shixing

The mountains are steep and the screens are erected. If there are no flowers on the mountain, there will be no spring. When you go down the mountain, the flowers will be empty and you will feel melancholy.

After the fragrance is gone, the grass sprouts, and the grass grows green with sorrow. Zigui cries for blood but does not see the flowers, and the spring leaves me at the end of the world.

Two Yangchun Songs

[Song Dynasty] Cao Xun

The Han family left three hundred palaces, with high rolling bead curtains and boiling flutes and drums.
Cars are like flowing water, horses are like dragons, and the fragrance of orchids and musk deer floats into the misty rain.
The thoroughfare leads to brothels, and golden horses and bronze camels face the palace.
The five princes worshiped Xin En on the same day, and the seven nobles were entrusted with Maotu.
The jade windows and red doors are full of beautiful women, and the sounds of silk and bamboo are filled with laughter.
Dai Feast, the pearls shine on the bottles, and the candles are in the fragrance, singing and dancing drunkenly.
Drunk singing and dancing, drunken singing and dancing, forever and ever.

The stream is condensed with blue and blue and merges with the two rivers, and the pavilion is in front of thousands of rocks and ravines. Washing stones, I think about clearing diseased teeth. Who can listen to the flowing spring while leaning on the harp? The north ridge of Yun - DayDayNews

times Yun Ge Daqing inscribed Jiangshi Hanguang Pavilion

[Song Dynasty] Su Song

The stream is blue and blue and merges with Shuangchuan, and the pavilion is in front of thousands of rocks and ravines.
Washing stones, I think about clearing diseased teeth. Who can listen to the flowing spring while leaning on the harp?
The clouds are growing in the north ridge and the sky is blank. When spring enters the eastern suburbs, you can see the fresh scenery.
The situation is that the scenery in the south of the Yangtze River is beautiful, and I will wait for you to sing the four seasons of heaven.

A plum blossom gift? After ascending to the throne, return to Zhenyang

[Song Dynasty] Cai Songnian

Bai Bixiong Wen Guan Yujing. The laurel moon is famous for its fragrance and can carry on the family reputation. Every year, Yan meets Qiu Hong, and tomorrow Yan Nan will travel far away. I had no love for officialdom at first. Three paths of gray smoke have not yet returned. The scarf helps me get drunk and talk about mysteries. The bamboo is thin and the stream is cold, which reminds me of my remaining years.

Presented three poems by Master Feng from Nanhui. The second one is

[Song Dynasty] Zhang Xi

The water in the square pond is flowing with water, and the threshold is surrounded by brilliant hundred-day flowers. I recall the autumn rainy night in Laofeng, sitting alone in lotus position and listening to the croaking frogs.

Shimen Temple

[Song Dynasty] Zhao Shixiu

The mountains outside the temple are all stone, and the door is opened by chiseling the stone. Wild flowers include yellow chrysanthemums, cold bamboo shoots and green sticky moss.

The official came to watch the fields, and the monks returned begging for food. A pair of pigeons on the eaves, overlooking the birth platform.

Wanhu Mountain

[Song Dynasty] Li Siyan

holds a bag, hairpin, and wat in the purple sky, and his reputation is higher than Wanhu Mountain. Who doesn't love
People say that progress must be a sign, but my way is like a beggar's world.
If you also buy Tian Qingying, the scarf will be the crown of the virtuous.

Three poems about looking at things in the summer and thinking about the ancients. One of them is Zhang Zhongwei

[Song Dynasty] Han Wei

abandons the affairs of the world and thinks about the official book of heaven. There is no one in the basil, and the garden is lonely.

Xuan Mian is not admired, and Yan Ru often writes poems.


[Song Dynasty] Wu Guang

A light thunder struck the tree, shocking the flowers, and the white waves floated in the air and the water rose.


[Song Dynasty] Wang Cun

The world is full of chickens and insects, and he is tied up in a broken house. I studied late and forgot to write poems to see off the sun. I came late to wear cold clothes and drank in the wind.

The rotten Confucianism and the Ji Chengqiu talk, and the poor ghost's chariots and ships attack with fire. Don't ask grandma three or five things, just look at the flowers in the mirror.

Same as Feng Pengzhou, when you can travel to Zhongyan, you can get the word Lin.

[Song Dynasty]
The heaven and the earth are not self-sustaining, and old age fades away like a turtle.
The flowers and trees are drooping, and the country is moving and desolate.
changes, so I don’t want to do it. I’m so happy to find it in this quiet place.
Pengzhou Lao Mojie, Jade Teeth Qiang Zhuolin.
When we are together, we also forget to say anything, and we smile alone.
When people come to the Eagle Peak, they sit down in the deep rock.
Photography clothes please follow it, as if you are in the middle of the forest.
I want to recommend a clear offering, but there is nothing to cause regret. There is a white moon wheel at the end of
, shining brightly in the heart of the blue pool.
Rewards will be accidental, and the hairpin will be combined in the past.
Don't feel sorry for him, he has no future.
There must be Xihuang people who know the ancient sounds.

Accompanying Supervisor Li to drink in Liuyuan

[Song Dynasty] Cao Yanyue

leftover flowers and trees planted on the low wall of the city, and the hall is full of engraved poems and paintings.
The plum blossoms are all blooming but their branches are still weak, and the peonies are still fragrant with their weeping stamens.
Scholars have few wild interests in the world, while wanderers are busy in good times.
I would like to ask my children in front of the lamp, and I will live up to the spring glory.

A tribute to Li Liang, one of the attendants, for Duke Ding

[Song Dynasty] Wang Gui

The flute suddenly violated the bell of Xiaolou, and the bottle of wine should not be the same as before.
The noble family once returned the favor of the golden axe, but during the Qing Dynasty, Yuguan Gong was not seen.
The creeping grass in Jiacheng has been closed for thousands of years, and the backyard is full of strings and becomes empty overnight.
Only the old pond in Pingyang still has fragrant trees leaning against the spring breeze.

He Shuyi asked for praises

[Song Dynasty] Shi Yinsu

Whoever practices the ten most powerful skills, Shuyi will knock on the door of Pu'an again.
Mysterious and mysterious spirits know that they exist, but I am willing to only hear them with my heart.
At that time, I believed that King Kong was connected with the Buddha’s wisdom, and I forgot about my love and thoughts and united the universe.
The night of the moon and the dawn are full of news, and the hope is that the independent trail will always exist.

It is recorded that spring water is abundant and red sparrows are said to have arrived from Xinluo. Daosheng was deprived of it, so please give me a poem.

[Song Dynasty] Mei Yaochen

Red-feathered Artemisia eagle, came from Dongyi Kingdom.
clusters in Gaojian, all of the same color.
It is assumed that cinnabar is produced, which is the auspicious fire virtue.
Walking through the house, he is not of the same kind. He pecks at the millet and is ashamed to eat.
has a clear voice and screams, every time it is saved.
should be let go and spread its wings again.

Qiu Shengxuan

[Song Dynasty] Huang Tingjian

Who lives in the idle fan and coffin, love and ruthlessness go hand in hand.
All the sounds come from the roots, let alone ask Nanguo diligently.

Slow voice·Six baht clothes are thin

[Song Dynasty] Wu Wenying

Six baht clothes are thin, a boat with a leaf is light, and the yellow reed can laugh at the floating chariot. Where is Tingzhou, the clouds and waves are boundless. The autumn posture is full of water color, beautiful and fragrant, not stained by the spring beauty. Go back with a smile, open an account next to Jinbo, and call the green house your home. The red makeup and green mirror are applied back, and the river is flat and green, and the clouds are clear in May. ?In the jade cup, the west wind cannot reach the window screen. The old lotuses at the end are deep in tears, the water chestnuts and new songs are shamefully praised. The shimmering autumn weather is better than flowers for every year and people.

Two poems about Leisure and Comfort on the Lake and the Mekong

[Song Dynasty] Sun Rui

The old fisherman's house outside Dihuatang leans on the fishing boat by the lake every night.
I picked up a few fish in the autumn wind, and I recommended the flax in the spoon.

times rhyme with rivers Chen Cheng and Min Yu

[Song Dynasty] Li Misun

The spring rain lasts for two months, and the summer rain brings more knowledge.
Fumai has been harmed, affecting both Shu and He.
There is still hope for the crops, but the people of Linpei are worried.
Master Yun held Feng Bo in his arms and scolded Fanjuhe. After
, the soil should not be dry, and it should be softened when soaked.
Shan Weng eats diseased millet, and when he is full, he will worry about Tuo.
The military reserves of neighboring countries have dried up, so why is Guizhou so red? Who is Sida Cong in
? He is divided into two subjects.
Chen Mo sat in Gaokui and used Mupo to defend against insults. On
, the public spirit of the day is set to attack the soil.

Send Brother Jun back to his mother in Taoyuan Province

[Song Dynasty] Shi Shaotan

His homeland was blocked by dust, so he took a boat and went deep into Wuling's house.
The wild peach blossoms reflected the mother's face, while Mo Xueling's eyes stared at the sand.

times rhyme Fan Wenyuan

[Song Dynasty] Lu You

The gas of the basket and ladle has pressed down on the paste, and the taste will be longer if it is not close to Zhumen.
When you look carefully at the masters who forget their favor and disgrace, you will realize that we are pitiful and hurt.
The new alchemy stove is built on the rock and the incense burns in the ancient Taoist temple of Kuanglu.
Sheng Yu wants to make this appointment with Jun Jian, who is eighty years old and has gray eyebrows.

Zhou Tianyi resigned and returned to Yanping

[Song Dynasty] Liu Kezhuang

said that he went to Tanjin and worked hard to repair several couplets.
A family living as an overseas Chinese has little money.
The poet is vulgar and poor, and the poor prefect of the state is Qing.
I can't help but want to meet you when I hear you.

On the 8th day of the 10th month of the twelfth lunar month, I visited Song Dynasty with Xi Zhou, sweeping Song Lingshi, and walked late to Panasonic, feeling sad and pregnant.
A poor family sells window foil and compiles the leftovers.
uses it to write text, which is trivial.
Then he ordered the descendants to live in the world and wear their clothes and clothes outside the house.
Today is the grandson of the government, learning and not learning.

Guling Bridge

[Song Dynasty] Xu Ji

Liu Chengsi on the west bank of the West Bridge, spring goes and spring comes, the same year after year.
Occasionally, the catkins were blown off by the east wind, and they followed the flowing water across the east bridge.

Twenty-six poems about Tianjin

[Song Dynasty] Shao Yong

The clouds are light and the sun is pale. Tianjin is dusk, and the wind is strong, the forest is sparse and the water is autumn.
There is no way for people to sing alone, and gulls and herons descend to Tingzhou from time to time.

One hundred and nine verses, thirty-six of them

[Song Dynasty] Shi Kexiang

Dry paper is burning, lamps are leaking, and there is no limit to how much people have been wasted. If you point your head to anyone, you will see that the Tathagatas of the three generations have the same eyes.

is different from

[Song Dynasty] Wang Zhiwang

Shengyou, and the mail delivery is still happy every day.
The jade tent has not yet reached the beautiful scenery, but the clouds and mountains are already in the good poetry.
Lingzhu is suddenly rich and a thousand gold gifts are given, and ordinary horses are worthy of sighing for eternity.
unrolls the scroll and chants loudly to know how many times it has been played, and the loud sound is deafening.

Send an inscription to Chen Tongfu's Baoxi Pavilion

[Song Dynasty] Chen Fuliang

Rice is not difficult to find, and Xuanmian is also easy to obtain.
Hu is a hugger, compassionate and compassionate.
The autumn wind falls on the green trees, and the phoenix leaves without leaving a trace.
The cicadas sing in sorrow, and the children are filled with tears.
suddenly roared, leaving a lonely sound in the air.
is a song of elegance that makes people sigh three times.
The houses and cottages are by the road, and the plows are in the folk residence.
Pedestrians listen to laughter, children sleep and eat together.
What's the crime with reading? My beard and hair are half white.
This means too much work, this body is long and restrained.
is not suitable for hugging one's knees, but it is even more suitable for going out.
But don’t ask how many feet of basil are outside the door.

Spring outskirts

[Song Dynasty] Shi Shaosong

Spring brings people to the painting screen, with fragrant grass, warm sand, warm water and clear clouds.
Staring at the sun, I don’t realize that the setting sun is gone, and I feel sorrow and hatred.

Elegies of Emperor Shenzong Part 4

[Song Dynasty] Huang Shang

The heart is strong when trying to govern, but it is wrong to follow the example of others. The dragon in the cauldron is winding, and the cypresses on the mausoleum are lingering.

The external sounds of things are so quiet, and dreams in the world are also rare. Shaoyang came to serve the banquet, and God's will was already known.

Ten poems on Huaguangmei·Zhengzhengzhi

[Song Dynasty] Wang Bai

The branches are natural in the south and north, and the snow is bright and the smoke marks are pitiful.
The ice surface is so majestic and there is no direction to back, so why is there any intention to show beauty to others?

Read Han Wen Gong Zhi's chapter because Guangqi said

[Song Dynasty] Li Gou

The master is thirsty for a good horse, and the servant misses Zongji. It is easy to catch up if you are late, and it is easy to come if you are weak.

When I heard that a thousand miles were traveled, a hundred arrows were gathered in my arms. Although the owner wants to buy it, everyone is happy.

Late step sent to Liu Changzhai

[Song Dynasty] Zhang Zhilong

There are green moss marks on the teeth of Zhang Zhilong, and green moss is piled high on Mengbi Mountain. html Returning to the sea with the evening light on the 7th, there is a rumor that autumn letters are coming from the sky.
The fireflies pass through the bamboo paths, and they wait for the cranes to return to their empty nests.
If you can enjoy yourself in the universe, why do you need a golden house and a jade tower?

Congratulations to the Zhou Dynasty for the system and direct access to the bachelor's academy

[Song Dynasty] Zhao Fan

He heard again that Lu Zhi was holding silk fibers, and he thought that the road to the public dynasty would be extended.
Return to Yutang for the time being, and urgently seize Tongjin from Fengnum.
attracted praise from the border areas, and the imperial edict was inspired by Shandong's German and Italian new policies.
Who calls articles about making money and small skills, and planning and meritorious deeds to draw a unicorn?

Looking at the clouds, the front mountain covers all the green peaks, and only a few green peaks remain. Because of the poem

[Song Dynasty] Shi Mining

The mountains are covered with white clouds. How many peaks can be exposed?
Outside the pink wall of Wanxinqun, you can see green snails in bun rings.

Read about Wu Xiqing and Li Si Zhengyun

[Song Dynasty] You Qingfu

Read about the rain and clear night in front of Wutang, and the sound of Diao Dou in Liu Ying at the fifth watch.
The wind-born Pihu boasts good health, and the sun shines brightly on his eyes.
leads the spring and March twilight, and the poems are very clear.
% off Chongzunzu has nothing to do now, and he has a hundred thousand soldiers in mind.

August 25th passed Nanxi

[Song Dynasty] Han Hui

The cool rain suddenly stopped, and the autumn clouds were helpless.
Yamanejia has a new rise, and Xiaoli is playing with Liubo.
will be at the right time, and Zizhi has a strange song.
I regret that this place is not very secret, and I see people swimming by from time to time.

Sapphire Case · Short Pavilion with Fragrant Grass and Long Pavilion with Willows

[Song Dynasty] Wu Wenying

Short Pavilion with Fragrant Grass and Long Pavilion with Willows. Remember the peach leaves and the smoke at the mouth of the river. Today Jiangcun is loaded with wine. The remaining cups are gone, the tombs are red and green, and the ground is covered with spring embroidery. Cuiyin once picked plum branches and smelled them. I still remember the jade green hands on the swing. After the red cable is tired, spring will pass. The rose flowers have fallen, and the butterflies in the hometown have lost their fragrance.

Five Ode to the Ancients One

[Song Dynasty] Shi Jujian

It is already too late to turn around, just like it was never turned around. A penny can't be found anywhere, but it's just a lie.

Wang Wenbo sent the school artist to me to say goodbye, and he was willing to spend a night drinking, but it was still like

[Song Dynasty] Peng Guinian

had heard that there was no Qin Rui in the drum basket, and he was willing to stay as a scholar.
Take away the breeze from me for a while, and the dream comes back to me as if it were three autumns ago.

Stone Bridge

[Song Dynasty] Shi Yuanzhao

The stunning scenery is separated from the world, and the deep snow is undivided. Two waterfalls fly over, forming a bridge of clouds.

Holy miracles appear all the time and are heard everywhere in the world. A sencha pavilion stands on top, with flowers and milk pouring from it.

Ten Songs of Donggao

[Song Dynasty] Chao Buzhi

The newly planted Qingtong Xiaojing was completed, and the two rows of day lilies flourished for a while.
The spring breeze wipes out all the flowers, but the long summer flowers are still in love.

Asking for Maozi

[Song Dynasty] Shi Zhiyu

A new student in the hall, a tiger-faced civet, promised me a large sum of money not to move.
The family is cold, so there is no stealing mice, and you will see when you climb up a tree.

You Ciyun

[Song Dynasty] Chen Zhu

chanted slightly for joy, and people walked without realizing it.
If the stick is planted, there will be traces on it, and the shadow of the bamboo will be leisurely knocking on the door.
The trees are tall and graceful with leaves, and the people are quiet and the birds are calling the mountains.
If you can stay here for a long time, you will have half the time as a monk.

Presented to the Prince's Young Master Yuan Zhang Jian Gongju's Ci

[Song Dynasty] Wang Gui

The emperor cherished the virtuous and shared the political affairs, and the day before the middle stage found the true Confucianism.
Just when I saw Yu Feng arriving late, I didn't realize that Ming Hong had gone alone.
The dawn moon is still approaching thousands of miles away, and the spring breeze is blowing across the five clouds.
Whoever passes by the foot of Nandang Qingshan Mountain may have no reputation since ancient times.


[Song Dynasty] Chen Sanpin

How can the heaven be ruthless? The heaven is like the Tao, and the sentient beings are also old. Fame, deeds, asking the heavens for their reasons, cannot be deceived by others.It's good to accompany the clouds and smoke to plow the valley mouth. Don't spread calligraphy and ink across the river. If you count the temples, you can get a few spring breezes, which will surprise you in the early morning of autumn.
Tao Lingyin, Zhang Jingzhao. Huai Shuxiao, greedy for glory. All the dreams are gone, but the remaining bells are still dawning. A solitary owl is flying in the dusk clouds of Teng Pavilion, and a bright moon bird is flying around Yu Tower. When I think about old age, I have endless joy here and have few close friends.

Autumn schedule Boyu brought a poem to see the second rhyme

[Song Dynasty] Sun Yingshi

The sound of autumn enters the phoenix tree, and the fallen leaves startle the urn.
The chrysanthemums are thick and fragrant, and the arrangements are made of double nine.
Youzi drags his stick and sings, and Pengmen scratches his head alone.
Old friends come to visit us, and new poems come from Qiongjiu.
Sweep my room with happy words, and give me everything I want.
talks about ancient and modern times, whether it is doubtful or not.
Back then, it was not just a cup of wine that was a drunkard's idea.
Waiting for a dream in life, I will live without gold or stone.
Congqu boxing bells and cauldrons are not easy to cause embarrassment.
This must be prosperous and withered, and beauty and ugliness will be judged for thousands of years.
A monarch and an essayist, a nobleman of the world, why should he return to poverty? It is Qiu Muyou.
The common people are teasing people, the ancient road mausoleum will last forever.
There is no need to ask Dong Long, he must be He JiGou.

to Yangzhou

[Song Dynasty] Wen Tianxiang

met a firewood seller on the roadside, saying that Gaosha was worth visiting.
It's thirty miles to Nong's house, and we can stay away from the wind and dust in the mountain col.

Picture of Di Renjie Baiyun's funeral

[Song Dynasty] Zheng Sixiao

Zhu Ma looked back at the blue sky, and the river Yang was hurriedly passing by. Even though my relatives are leaving under the white clouds, how can I miss Liang Gong's thoughts?

Leave a note Minfu Yinjun

[Song Dynasty] Shi Jie

Sanjiong came here to find a bad customer, and the cup was sparse and tasted long.
Half a bowl of mountain rice with ripe acorns, and a bunch of spring vegetables with fragrant seedlings.
There should be no summer in the springs and rocks at four o'clock, and the valley is full of clouds and clouds, which makes the countryside special.
In the end, we will become neighbors together, and we will have two rooms next to each other on the edge of bamboo.

Listening to the Songfeng Bag Praise Part 2

[Song Dynasty] Shi Rujing

dozed off leaning on a bag, with a poisonous thorn protruding from the ground. Someone flipped over and the whole world vented his anger.

Congratulations to the bridegroom (Qingjiang Ren of General Manager Wen)

[Song Dynasty] Shao Guizi

Xinyu Huanghua Road. Seeing the clear river and the banners and thousands of cavalry, I sent you to the east. Returning from thousands of miles away, the wind blows through the old place of Jiashan. Xizhou Heron, Liujun is not here. The white-haired remnants chatted in the pots and cups, and the neighbors came with smiles and flowers. Praise for seeing you early, hate for seeing you at dusk.
My old friend only lives in the mountains. When we remember the year, we look at each other with heartbroken hearts, the weather is windy and the sea is raining. The stars on your temples are full of stars and your hair is young. Are your temples still green? Stop boasting about the government of gods. Yu Shen has always been in a clear dream, and sometimes he takes my wife with him when he is happy. If you don't get drunk, dance for you.

Winter Solstice in Jianyang as

[Song Dynasty] Hu Yigui

embroidered Ritian Han Palace, and Shu Yun recorded the Jin Dynasty.
Shanjia alone is ridiculed, and Gangchang accounts for Yiyan.
Yourenyi is pleased to sit up and look at the sunny man.
Dahua returned to Chuyang, and the long journey has come to an end.
There are fish swimming in Sichuan, and geese flying in the clouds.
Why should I stay in my heart? I will always feel lonely and sigh.
Sincerity has a long way to go, and I have passed half of my thoughts on the words.

Monk Huang Longqing really praised

[Song Dynasty] Huang Tingjian

The Yellow River was completely frozen, and his hair and heart were all white. Although
has Gu Lu's hand, it cannot be drawn skillfully.

Lao Niubi

[Song Dynasty] Mei Yaochen

Wu Niu wants to grow old, how can a Han horse get fat?
Muscle strength cannot be relied on, wanderers should think about returning home.

Mrs. Shen's elegy

[Song Dynasty] Guo Yin

Feng Quluan can be hurt at any time, but only teaches the boudoir of women's ways.
The purple flute blows the moon as above, and the sword Lingbo is also hidden.
Nanjian Ping Yukong has grown old, but Beitangxuan is fragrant for whom.
Fortunately, I have a son who abides by the legacy plan, and my family is still able to offer sacrifices to me.

Read the biography of Chen Tang

[Song Dynasty] Liu Kezhuang

Short back clothes and a sword on his waist, empty words and empty words.
How easy it is to cut off the tongue of Qi Lu, but it is not heroic to cut off the head of Zhi Zhi.
In different generations, warriors still lost their strength, while literary officials at that time were struggling to blow their hair.
Han Ting who is the balancer. He only takes credit for his crimes but does not reward his efforts.

html On the 3rd day of the year, family members traveling in the harbor are celebrating their birthdays

[Song Dynasty] Mei Yaochen

We meet in the boat to celebrate the new year, and the wind and rain send off the remaining cold.
As the years go by, I will grow older, and I will always cherish the fresh joy.
There are no cars and horses on the riverside, and the clothes are facing each other in the prison.
The children celebrated each other and sat together with cups and plates.
There are many oranges and pomeloes on the plate, and the teeth are already sour before chewing.
After drinking, you will get drunk first, which makes you feel that you are not generous.
The plum blossoms on the shore are about to break through their calyces, and the wild water is slightly rippled.
What comes is new, what goes past is broken.
What to say about the fun of yesterday, but the contemplation of last year.
The season has not changed, and the world is good.

Taoyuan Recalls an Old Friend

[Song Dynasty] Huang Tingjian

Bitian Dew cleanses the spring face. The light moon dawns and the remaining halo disappears. The dense smoke drifts away from the flowers. The orioles sing tenderly at the bottom of the flowers.
The clouds return to the Chu Gorge, tired of being sleepy. Two new hatreds from distant mountains. And the tears are dark and pink. I'm afraid people will ask.

Six poems sent to He Daqing in ancient times. The third

[Song Dynasty] Xie Ao

is said to be a medicine man who went out of the market to ride on a tiger. When I came to the empty mountain, I couldn't help but talk to him.

Howl and return homeless, pointing to the sycamore tree alone. It refers to both the sycamore tree and the sycamore seeds.

I will give you what you think of, and I will chat with you through great songs.

Miscellany on the South Slope Part 2

[Song Dynasty] Yu Chou

The east wind has blown into the spring, and the little plows and hoeing hands are on their own. How many strangers in the mortal world don't know that there are idle people under the forest.

and Zhang Shike

[Song Dynasty] Jiang Teli

stayed on the couch in Xiao Ran's Wenlin Forest for ten days behind closed doors.
The garden is cold and the orioles are still, and the grass grows dark when it rains.
Sitting and thinking about the sound is contrary to the social wine, and I know that searching for sentences in the distance disturbs the heart of spring.
Don’t worry about the wild geese and ducks marching separately.

Three and Two

[Song Dynasty] Liu Kezhuang

did not make up for the Holy Dynasty at all, and came and went to harass Fei Huizhao.
I can't wear my clogs to thank the crowd, and I don't have time to wear a scarf to hug two people.
Wearing Laolai's clothes and wearing a hat, eating millet in Ling is better than Cao Cao's gourd.
There are few ministers, but they are still careless and lazy, not to mention that there are plain signs on their heads.

Exploring the Four Wonders of Plum Blossoms Part 3

[Song Dynasty] Liu Chenweng

In the next five hundred years, there will be no free old man, singing and dancing with anyone. When a fisherman enters the Peach Blossom Cave, there is still a plum blossom road that is not open.

Looking at the Moon in a Small Ruo Boat

[Song Dynasty] Yang Wanli

Occasionally I went on a spring boat tied to the ancient willow tree, and the clouds spread over thousands of peaks and the moon filled the river. Jump into Guanghan Palace and sit down, looking at the sky in the jasper mirror.

Everything is covered with snow, covering the night without sleeping. Returned to Jinling and entered the government, but there was no luck in dreaming.

Seven verses

[Song Dynasty] Explain

One leaf falls, the world is autumn, several people have come to understand the origin.
The monk laughed coldly, leaning on the head of his staff on the rooftop of Nanyue.

times rhyme Zhao Shuai's five poems

[Song Dynasty] Chen Zao

Yesterday, the light of the waves repaired the misfortune, and the guest's dowry lay on his pillow and the jade dowry was opened.
When I revisit the gulls and herons, I should take a peek and remember that I came with the stick.

Climb the east tower of the city with feelings

[Song Dynasty] Li Tao

The five-color cloud appears at the beginning of the divination, and how will the management of the three eras be like. Whoever decides the policy for a thousand years along the road will find that there are more than ten thousand hectares floating in the lake.

He looked eastward to the sky to paint, and prayed for the osmanthus grass in the west to make his house. Talking about a wall in Xinglu, it is true that the ancestors have built a city.

The first seven poems of Yun Shuai Chu Zhu

[Song Dynasty] are written by Chen again

The lotus clothes are small and the people are clumsy, and the felt hats are majestic and appointed.
I only rush to Shanshan because of my love for the mountains, and I don’t return east because of my longing for the mountains.

I sincerely wish you to be rewarded by Yuan Dynasty, think carefully about your bachelor's year friends

[Song Dynasty] Li Gonglin

I wish the Jun family to be in harmony with the water, so that their books, food and food will be unforgettable. The clouds and rivers are rinsing and the fragrance of Yao is moistened, and the emperor of heaven is the scholar in Bi Mansion.

I have been riding for thousands of years, my spirit is pure and my bones are beautiful, my color is pale. The book is promiscuous, the public is crazy, and the public is crazy. I have been together in the capital for ten years.

Go upstairs to chant the spring and grind the flag gun, and the poem tube is Wu Xie Geng Chu Qiang. All the school officials are not Zang, and the senior officials are full of food every day.

Zhu Luan entered Nangang in the Internet, and the bed was filled with sage books and memorials. When the emperor comes out of the morning, beside the emperor, there are a group of dragons racing on the road to heaven.

The sick owl posts are dirty gods, and Baiyun Longwang is pretending to be so. The sound of singing in the forest is exciting, and even though the friends of Peilan are missing, they are dead.

The birds out of the clouds still pay for themselves, and the feather fans follow the meridian sac. There is no other place in Longmian, and he always travels with elk on his pilgrimage.

Go back and lie down to view the pictures, and the poor man praises the ancient singers and merchants. After wandering around, he stayed in Yunfang, burning cypress trees, reading scriptures and studying the Dharma King.

The years are slowly passing by in darkness, and the grass on the hilltops is still green and the leaves are yellow. Dong Ming has died and his bones are fragrant, but all ambitions are still cold.

The pro-Bian is said to be a cup of wine, but it is difficult to soar after the purpose is sweet. Come and steal food in the middle of the sky, the ancients look at each other in the sky for a thousand years.

The same text is locked by the censor Yu Shishuang, and the article will be reviewed together when it is published. It is also said that planting pine rims in the village makes me dream about butterflies.

He wanted to betray Guo Zhannongxiang, and the door was open and he leaned against the hole wall. I want to hold the Beidou down, but the konghou is facing Gao Qiu.

Thirteen Poems on the rooftop

[Song Dynasty] Cao Xun

Continuous rains have driven the cold and the moss is yellow, and withered leaves crowd the idle steps.
There is no spring feeling in the plum calyx, only the daphne blooms first.

Tong Ziyan drank in the mountain in early summer and closed it

[Song Dynasty] Zhao Ruqi

There are thousands of acres of green shade, and I have been invited to come together.
The mountains are green and smoky, the pomegranates are red and the rain is deep.
Everything has its destiny, and it is a waste of time to care about it.
I'm afraid of what's in the cup, but I'll take pity on it and pour it lightly.

Send to Huizhou Shijun Fan Zhiwen

[Song Dynasty] Liu Zihui

The whole house is full of people who like to listen to clear talk, but can't bear to act and act.
The long pavilion makes it easy to divide and carry wine, and the dusk corner makes people too thin.
The ministers who guarded the land far away knew the best choice, and the strong men were ashamed to march south when the time was dangerous.
Luofu said that it is close to Chaoyang, and it is planned to be Li Sao and Diao Erying.

Title of Xiushi Yangguan Picture

[Song Dynasty] Han Ju

The wind and smoke cross the rugged desert road, and the tired guest makes the minister burst into tears. What Taoist people often play with, they should never return to it.

West Lake Mountain Dwelling at Night

[Song Dynasty] Shi Weiqing

Prosperity across the lake seems to be far away from Chenjing.
The dream of a young man with bright lights, a one-night stand in the mountains and forests.
Cranes and plum blossoms stand at the base, and people walk quietly in the middle of the moon.
I wish you good health and peace in your life.

Gong Shuai sent a poem to him after a long absence, which was a far-reaching benefit, and the rhyme was second to none

[Song Dynasty] Wu Fu

was of a wild nature and disliked the court dress, so he decided to return home and drop out of school.
There are no secular people outside the door, but only Taoist memories on the desk.
is a great traveler, but I want to find Pengdao. How can I remember the old things in Shiqu?
also intends to pay tribute to the swansong, and is ashamed to report the rubble to Qiongju.


[Song Dynasty] Yang Huizhi

Jiazhou’s landscapes, Ershu is the most beautiful.
Cuiling ridges overlap Emei, long ridges overlap Emei, and
long waves surge into Jinshui.

generations of people came to thank the Prime Minister for his birth.

[Song Dynasty] Tang Shi Shai

read that Zhong Yuan was born as Prime Minister, and Lai Gong's merits were unparalleled.
Yin is the moon, and the moon is the minister, and the clear light wants to be filled with silver.
It's not surprising that the silver light is swaying, it's not surprising when a new string is first played.
Yao built a cauldron with ten branches, which contained thousands of dendrobiums and ice and snow.
Lai Gong should be less sorry than Gong Ying, and his first business trip was four days ago.

Fourteen miscellaneous poems on Lushan Mountain were promoted by Tong Youyan. Part 2: Huangyun Temple in Zheguiyuan

[Song Dynasty] Zhu Xi

Looking northeast from the city, the five elders are so pale. There is the Qianchao Temple below, which is quite hidden.

There is a quiet forest in front of the house, and a wilderness of clouds and trees behind the house. The idle window is also bright and clean, decorated with auspicious brocade.

is better able to manage Kuqiong and step up to Linbeigang. Look up at the vast sky and overlook the long river.

Who is the recipient of the letter? The last name is not clear enough. Bamboo and silk have a lingering odor, but osmanthus has no fragrance.

Send Uncle Gong to Haimen. Uncle Weiduan made an appointment to go to western Hunan to drink and say goodbye. Four poems. The second one is

[Song Dynasty] Zhao Fan

You lamented the separation of father and brother, and I lamented the separation of friends. In the cold winter, I still travel far away, and I live in a different county again.

can only be followed, why should we embrace it? Because he came to the lake as an envoy to send letters to the seaside.

Send to Xu'an Road at Zhangshudian

[Song Dynasty] Kong Wuzhong

The narrow Southeast Road stretches to the sky with purple green peaks.
The light clouds are still covering the sun, and the light rain is urging the farmers.
The birds in the valley are anxious to throw their branches, and the mountain flowers are thick in the streams.
Yiyan will not return it now, but we are chatting and laughing happily.

He Xianguzan

[Song Dynasty] Bai Yuchan

There is no trace of Langyuan, but there is a name in the Tang Dynasty.
I don’t know the red jade cave, the sound of apes at night through the ages.

Huanxi Sha (Zhao Ge Xue Rating, Cockroach Wine, Spring Snail)

[Song Dynasty] Fang Yue

Half shell contains the fragrance of tidal zone. Chewing snow with double claws makes the navel yellow. Frost comes at night in Luhuazhou.
The short autumn river is clear to the end, and the long-headed spring pot is drunk as a hometown. Romance is worth the taste of poetry.

Xijiang Moon · Crimson Wax Treasure Orch

[Song Dynasty] Anonymous

Crimson Wax Treasure Orch, the fragrance of blue and green is lined with gold. The east wind blows down the jade dragon. The whole house is filled with harmony. On this day, he took a new bath in the orchid soup, and he took it with him in Guiyuan. Xiaoci chats about Dai Nongzhang's poems. Leftovers and sharp money will make a profit.

Another play title is Xiayan

[Song Dynasty] Huang Tingjian

often brought his family to stay overnight, and his skirts were mixed with Buddha's robes and scarves.
doesn't mind that the whole hospital smells greasy, but the most annoying thing is wasting money.

Read Toutuo Anwen Song

[Song Dynasty] Huang Shang

Nine-nine and eighty-one, the Yuanming body is like the sun. Is it just talking about Zen in vain and leaving traces in the soul?

The establishment of the Tao must be repaired, ninety-nine and eighty-one. Sexual views and perceptions, how to experience emptiness and form.

Lotus Marsh

[Song Dynasty] Zhao Fang

The dewdrops are full of green lotuses, and the clouds and brocades are covered with blue waves.
The outside is straight and the inside is straight, and the heart is suffering alone. How do you treat gentlemen?

Water Melody Ge Tou (Spring Boat Trip)

[Song Dynasty] Yang Guanqing

A pole of green rises in spring, and the river is broad and the waves are cold at dusk. The dragon is lifting thousands of dendrobium trees, and the whale is drinking from a wide cup. Drunkly leaning against the tower, listening to the clear whistle, watching the solitary bird disappear into the mist, the scenery is both leisurely and leisurely. It's as if riding the wind away, Pengdao's old home mountain.
records that my house is surrounded by green bamboos and crowned with officials. Biyun Xinyao, who reports peace every day. After returning to the Peach River in Guizhou, the flowing water is red and fragrant and silent. The thoughts of spring are fading. Lai has a good advice sentence, write it and look at it.

Gold Liquid Great Returning Pill

[Song Dynasty] White Jade Chan

Black Rabbit Qiankun Cauldron, Turtle and Snake Return to the Temple of Heaven.
There is nothing in the world, but the elixir of salvation is great in my heart.
The white tiger roars in the water, and the green dragon flies in the fire.
mercury, lead, mud and pistils are bright, gold, wood, snowflakes are cold.
Likan has nothing to do with the heart and kidneys, and things have nothing to do with the lungs and liver.
Thirty years of poverty, seven returns, nine turns of mud pills.

Ten Insects Yin

[Song Dynasty] Shu Yuexiang

Insects have loops and wefts, like reeling and spinning.
The bean fence is after the autumn rain, and there is no need to hold the candle.
was placed in a silver cage, so he entered Luoporo.
favors children's play and makes loud noises all night long.

Marigold seed (narcissus)

[Song Dynasty] Zhao Yifu

got water to make immortals, like Han Gao's legacy, with blue waves covering the moon. The blue jade is warm and produces smoke, which is called the yellow crown on the silk coat, and the plain appearance is fragrant and clean. The pavilions stand alone in front of the wind, and the curling kettle is illuminated clearly. At that time, who told me about the beauty of the heart of the piano, I suddenly became extremely sad.
6 comes from nature, and its fragrance is as refreshing as snow. The West Lake's autumn chrysanthemums and cold springs are like the old and romantic slopes, which people still say. I diligently fold the plum blossoms and listen to the jade dragon blowing. Ding Ning said, brothers who have been together for centuries, see each other in the evening.

Kang's nephew invited people to drink and showed them the potted plum blossoms sent by the ancient continent. He asked the guests to write poems and rhymes.

[Song Dynasty] Liu Xueji

Inlaid with a punch of a strange stone, the green cattails are piled with swords and flowers.
The plum blossoms bend and twist like dragons, and the dry moss corrodes the roots.
Qiongying has exposed the ice and white, and the fragrance feels like Ling Zhisun.
How many years of cultivating it is, skillfully cultivating nature and moving it into a small basin.
Qingchuangdi has nothing to do with it, search for the origin of the Institute of Physics.
It is only about a foot tall in circumference and has all the laws and documents.
is horizontal and slanted, sparse and thin, just like an old tree growing in a mountain garden.
I have rarely seen this flower in my hometown in the past. Why did this flower come from this quiet place?
Yun is an old poet from Guzhou who planted this ice and snow soul with his own hands.
Don't forget to keep old friendships, and the spring beauty will be returned to Shanfan.
My little Ruan is also good at recruiting his younger brother Kun.
also invites guests and friends to gather together and list the delicacies.
Raise a glass to the flowers and drink drama, talk about love and laugh with each other. The return of
is gradually becoming oriental white, and the drunken hat and sleeves are turned in the wind.

Twenty-five verses, seventeen of which

[Song Dynasty] Shi Rujing

The Vajra King's sword is in the box, promising the power of being impervious to wind. Tendo drank it and flew out, transforming into a holeless hammer.

rolled into the deserted fields and weeds, and the teaching sun was scorching and the wind was blowing. You can tell how much you know by picking up a spoon and a pair of chopsticks. It’s not easy to know if you don’t have a close friend.

Xijiang Moon (Two of Ten)

[Song Dynasty] Xia Yuanding

The face is originally the Tao, and the yin and yang are created into elixirs. Riding an ox in search of a calf without knowing the source. He is really a man from three villages.
The ancient sages established images and created images, but later generations forgot the words after getting the images. And just like dry painting, there must be three rivers. How to cook otherwise.

Gift writing plum monk Chuneng

[Song Dynasty] Xu Yueqing 6

There are old plum blossoms on the bright window in the moonlight, I have a natural ink painting.
I don’t know how to laugh at the shackles, I’m looking for Lin Bu in the shadow of the ice.

Lingjiu Temple

[Song Dynasty] Gao Zhu

Lingjiu Temple is famous for its eternal name, and it has been around for a few times without incident.
The running water in front of the palace is still clear and urgent, and the spring clouds appear on the tower in the evening.
Cranes listen to Sanskrit by the prayer bed, birds watch the alms bowl and wait for the sound of bells.
I came here to borrow a bunch of cattails to sit on, and when I go back I can sleep and have clear dreams.

Praying for rain by mail

[Song Dynasty] Lu Benzhong

The mud dragon lizard was trapped in pursuit, and drought spread throughout the twenty states of Huainan. I send my message to God not to be too gentle and leave the bright moon for the Mid-Autumn Festival.

Sixteen Sages (leisure)

[Song Dynasty] Cao Xun

Gonghuangtu, Yubaoli calendar, Shangsheng hanging clothes. The lunar eclipse brings all kinds of opportunities. Haiyu Xixi. Ascending to Shouyu, the auspicious clouds always hold the sun. There are four people in Huayin and Mailong. The palace guards stand guard, Langyuan Yaochi. The terrace hall is surrounded by Qinghui.
is on the rise. Beautiful customs. Looking for winning things. Characters are always wandering around. Where is peace, don't you know how to wave the flag of conquest and wave the flag of wine? The sense of the four directions is extremely auspicious. The official family has a leisurely banquet with Fangfei. Tens of millions of years old. When the Jiahui Ming Dynasty was prosperous.

Hearing that Yang Heqing was reading in the library, Yi Buqi gave him a poem in his hand.

[Song Dynasty] Jia Xuan Weng

Everyone read the medical classics and knew how to respect Huang and Qi.
When Yang Zi read the medical classics, he regarded Xi Wen, Zhou Confucius, and Confucius as his home.
There is a wonderful meaning in the Yi, and the secret of medicine is related to the Yi.
The sixty-four hexagrams are the mental method, and the eighty-one chapters are easy to understand.
Don’t ask for the ingenuity of the divine work from outside, it is only the original intention to be clean and subtle.
The text of Jun Guanheng hexagram is formed by combining the left heart and right sun.
The heart and body are pure and slender, and they are renewed and refreshed every day.
The essential medical scriptures come from the Book of Changes, with the previous sacred writings and subsequent sacred narratives.
Zi treats the heart and changes the mind. There is Tai Chi in the middle of the three parts and nine periods.


[Song Dynasty] Han Wei

was not comfortable living in the city, so he said he was suitable for Xipi Gang.
The birds are noisy and the wild hall is quiet, and the roosters are crowing and the spring days are long.
There are beetles in the bookshelf, and the Buddha curtain covers the lingering fragrance.
Shizi arrived at Luyan and had a clear talk.

In reply to the poems left by the faithful minister, he lost his promise to Nanyan

[Song Dynasty] Wei Xiang

He was still not free in his free time, and he was daydreaming about the autumn of Biyan. Even though we are far away from each other, the red hoofs and horses are far away, and the green ants are floating in the wine.

Sorry, I have been visiting for many years, but I am even more late in leaving you. Knowing that happiness cannot be exhausted, don't pay a visit to Dai Zhou lightly.


[Song Dynasty] Shi Huichong

The noisy wind produces the end of the tree, and the late scene enters the heart of the spring.

The stream is condensed with blue and blue and merges with the two rivers, and the pavilion is in front of thousands of rocks and ravines. Washing stones, I think about clearing diseased teeth. Who can listen to the flowing spring while leaning on the harp? The north ridge of Yun - DayDayNews

and Fu Yansou's Two Plum Blossoms

[Song Dynasty] Xin Qiji

html When it is snowing at dusk in May, the small window is still short of cold branches.
The dark fragrance and sparse shadows are nowhere to be found, only those who live in the West Lake know about it.

Change Zhuifeng/Huanxisha

[Song Dynasty] He Zhu

Palm Xiangluo six-inch bow. Graceful Hu spins a plate. The purpose is intentional and the two are in a hurry. Farewell, the pitiful night lasts for a long time. At that time, I had an appointment with Zhui Feng. The grass grows golden and the painting hall is empty.

Queqiao Immortal (Ciyun's uncle Zhu Jiuzheng was deposed)

[Song Dynasty] Chen wrote

Yunnan Zhongxiu, who is popular among people. Things didn't end well. When you know that great things have been accomplished, don't sigh that it is difficult to pass the virtuous level.
The future is determined, and there is nothing wrong with it. Never let go when your destiny is fulfilled. I must also send a message to the people of Jia Ke, never stop falling, and win the list at the same time.

times Yun Wang Chan Zhao Kun Zhong inscribed a new residence in Jingkou

[Song Dynasty] Cai Zhao

I used to live in Jingkou and often visited Nanshan.
The ancient temple is full of bamboos, and the flat fields are filled with clear water.
The fourth promotion is to worship Qiu Wang, and the Peiyuan see the five states.
Life is like a field of art, which must be harvested late in the year.
is internally afraid of the lack of Taoist power, and he only thinks about practicing beforehand.
Liuhe is not narrow, five acres is also a plan.
Why not stay close to the city and relax in a distant place?
The water in the cauldron should rise as the tide rises, and the people in the hall can be surrounded.
There is something left in the fallen leaves, but nothing more than persimmons and chestnuts.
The physiology is so good, how can I thank Yan Guyou.
is not brave enough to make a decision, and he stumbles even a little bit.
Yu's nature is clumsy, and it is easy to regret when dealing with the world.
micro-officials are like tears and saliva, and it is easy to give up.
The three dragons are also galloping, but the good intentions of the poem are not.

I went to the villa on the 20th of the first lunar month and returned home in the dark day of the second month without seeing the flowers.

[Song Dynasty] Feng Shixing

The mountains are steep and the screens are erected. If there are no flowers on the mountain, there will be no spring. When you go down the mountain, the flowers will be empty and you will feel melancholy.

After the fragrance is gone, the grass sprouts, and the grass grows green with sorrow. Zigui cries for blood but does not see the flowers, and the spring leaves me at the end of the world.

Two Yangchun Songs

[Song Dynasty] Cao Xun

The Han family left three hundred palaces, with high rolling bead curtains and boiling flutes and drums.
Cars are like flowing water, horses are like dragons, and the fragrance of orchids and musk deer floats into the misty rain.
The thoroughfare leads to brothels, and golden horses and bronze camels face the palace.
The five princes worshiped Xin En on the same day, and the seven nobles were entrusted with Maotu.
The jade windows and red doors are full of beautiful women, and the sounds of silk and bamboo are filled with laughter.
Dai Feast, the pearls shine on the bottles, and the candles are in the fragrance, singing and dancing drunkenly.
Drunk singing and dancing, drunken singing and dancing, forever and ever.

The Zen Master Wang Dajue was educated

[Song Dynasty] Wang Anshi

Shan Jiana showed that he entered Zen, so the thatched cottage was still difficult to see.
The mountains are quiet at the end of the year, and people are the quietest when the weather is cold.
I know that I am willing to be content with myself, so I can't be stingy with my heart.
can't hear Jingmen'er, people grow old and crops are new again every year.

There was an edict to resolve the county as

[Song Dynasty] In the second year of Song Qi

, he haggardly supported the state flag, and the imperial edict was issued to Emperor Hui at the beginning. How lucky is
that it is still alive after resurrecting? It should not be a lost horse.
Jiao Chi dances against each other and looks at the pavilion, and the two urns hold the old door open.
The sick bones are many and the skin is very dark. He is ashamed of the history of Taiwan and Lavender.

yung furnace

[Song Dynasty] Cheng Ju

was already in front of the cold bamboo window, his mind moved closer to the embroidered felt.
There is only a secluded person who lies high in the snow and deep in the sky behind closed doors during the cold and hot weather.


[Song Dynasty] Zeng Gong

高松高干云, all the forests can be reached.
The soup sounds like the cold stream, and the rocks lean against the green curtain.
Listen to the side and wake up, look up with eyes.
The sky and the earth are shaken by wind and rain, but not a leaf falls.
Isn’t it the same as Ping Ping in the stream, drifting up and down?
How can it be the same as the locust tree at the root of the wall, which can be swept away in autumn.
The phoenix attracts all the birds, and the yin of this wood can be heated.
You are looking for a hundred pillars, and the stars and sun can be built here.
There are no craftsmen in the world, but wild people are good.

Presented to the elders of Jiashan and shown to Shimenjian Dabo

[Song Dynasty] Shen Liao

The immortal Dharma of the ancient Buddha is everywhere, and there are only green mountains everywhere. Tathagata's great avenues often appear in Jingxiang.

I heard that the mountain is so beautiful at night that I want to climb it. As soon as I heard the teacher's words, I already looked like a coward.

The lone ape roars in the autumn wind, and the ancient pines bloom in the ancient valley. At midnight in Yueqing, the dragon and elephant returned their heads.

Sue Zhuo Ling for me, it is not difficult to find joy in the law. In order to make the serious illness heal, I met the doctor at leisure.

rd power Yuntai rhyme

[Song Dynasty] Chen Mi

Spring gypsum is dying and wants to be forgotten, and the boat can trace back the light of the lake. I also know that holding a lotus and a prong in his hands is not like making 芰裳 in his spare time.

After the rain, the new rice is still ripe, and before the wind, I feel the fragrance of lychees. If you are rich in life, your head will be white, and thousands of stones will be like an official's hometown.


[Song Dynasty] Jia Changchao

sat on the Jiao Bridge to remember this day.

Presented to the old craftsman of Sangshan

[Song Dynasty] Li Ruoshui

The monkey has seventy heads like snow, and the Taihua in his chest is cleverly folded.
In his lifetime, he has never been able to show off his skills, and as he approaches old age, he becomes even more extravagant.
My house has a hall with a dangerous wall and a narrow vision.
The call comes and the sand is lightly brushed, and the green peaks suddenly stand out.
Leaning on the quinoa, he straightened his head and chanted a long tune, and Xiao Ran was separated from the world.
Why shouldn't I go to the Wu family and travel to thousands of mountains and springs in the southeast?

Guangji Road

[Song Dynasty] Wang Zhidao

The dawn sun hangs at the foot of the forest, and the autumn wind flows into the stream.
Wild birds fly and talk to themselves, Tian's father smiles at each other.
The village is rich in barns and boxes, and has many sweet potatoes and chestnuts.
With a whip, he galloped up Xiaoluo slope.

Ode to History

[Song Dynasty] Chen Pu

His father plowed the fields and his mother mulberry trees, and she was destined to die with the Han Dynasty. The smoke and clouds of the Wei and Jin Dynasties have dispersed for a hundred years, and the sun and moon are shining brightly for thousands of years.


[Song Dynasty] Wang Shen

came back with his voice and voice to persuade him, but it was Tao Qian who became the king.

Song Gao's poem is Jiujiang Zhao Shijunshou

[Song Dynasty] Yang Guanqing

He told Wei He, from now on.
is blazing and prosperous, and many people benefit from it.

Send two poems for a trip to Chaozhou

[Song Dynasty] Liu Kezhuang

Although he painted a halberd in the forest, he still whistled clearly, and he had a snow beard because he was wearing a red scarf.
Mencius once called Boyi'ai, and the Han people also said that Wen Wengyan was weak.
When making friends, everyone laments the official mistake, and the grudges still say that the governor is honest.
It's a pity that Qiuren has been out of office for a long time, and this poem is buried in Luyan.

Jingyunting Pavilion of Jingde Temple

[Song Dynasty] Luo Gongsheng

The rock ravine is secluded with green bamboo trees, and the birds can see the clouds growing in the mountain spring.
There is no word Mo Cui on the green moss, leaving the name for tourists to spit.

Three poems about living in poverty and self-warning

[Song Dynasty] Liu Kezhuang

Yesterday, I hurriedly threw my seal and returned, and closed my door in silence for six years. htmlThe 7-year-old desolate slave only picks up the remnants of ears, and the maidservant in Japan only makes soup with bitter weeds.
It is better to be thirsty than to borrow wine from a neighbor, and to borrow clothes even if it is cold.
I wish you a strong body in middle age, and I wish you to lie down in the wind and sit on a fishing rock.

Reward Fu Lao

[Song Dynasty] Liu Zai

Life is no longer like the past, and the flat land is still a pile of Yanli.
The hundred-year-old skull can speak, "Life is not mine, death is not disaster."

Xing Xiangzi·Jin Ding Sheng Guang

[Song Dynasty] Liu Chuxuan

Jin Ding Sheng Guang. Chang* really fragrant. Aquarius flowers, four seasons of fragrance. The sage in the void is very close to the west. Respect the Three Pure Ones, the Three Bright Ones, and the Three Emperors of Enlightenment. The people of ancient times were honest, solid and auspicious. The nature is connected to heaven and has nothing to do with Tao. Equality is practiced secretly, and softness prevails over strongness. The meaning is like the immortal, the whole immortal behavior, living in the fairyland.


[Song Dynasty] Zhang Ji

scenery is a pile of ashes.

times Yun and uncle Xuanfu who were relegated are both seen and sent

[Song Dynasty] Su Song

disorganized the army and commanded the five cities, and in the period of great planning, he wanted to be wild.
Shuqi is not the same as the flying general, why should he learn from Wei Qing in his heart?
A person who has a heart to serve the country is generous, and a person who is demoted from an official position is not bored but is in a state of silence.
We passed each other again in the bamboo forest today, and we listened happily when we talked.

Send Dao Chengbei Tour

[Song Dynasty] Lu Wengui

traveled ten years ago, and the general king was still young.
Ten years after we met, we are still at odds with each other.
The scales are repaired from the giant valley, and the tired feathers fall into the deserted valley. The rise and fall of
are different, and the cleverness and clumsiness are even more controversial.
The principles are vast and boundless, and the economics is all important.
She stands like a virgin and is well-dressed and graceful.
Stop the young master's admiration, and Mo Bo's daughter laughs.

Drunken Spring Breeze

[Song Dynasty] Zhu Dunru

Drinking in Xizhen Cave at night. The immortals were startled and teased. Su'e passed the wine sleeves to Lingfeng, send, send, send. Suck up all the golden waves, get drunk and face the sky, and watch the stars in the sky.
Bi Jian Cheng's new favorite. Ziwei's kindness is heavy. Suddenly the thatched cottage was empty. Dream dream dream. The tent is cold, the quilt is cold, the moon is slanting and the lamp is dim, the painting tower clock is ringing.

Fenghe Grand View Wen Xianggong saw the ancient style

[Song Dynasty] Xu Han

The clothes were in disorder, and the house was drifting in the wind and rain.
ran south for thousands of miles, and escaped from the dead front.
The green flowers hunt in the absolute realm, and the yellow dust is covered with shadows.
When there is no servant in the court, who will be stained with blood?
Yi'er's golden robe, hanging coral.
Arrogance has swallowed up Jiuzhou, and the bait throwing skills have become sparse.
Public donations circumvent the government's policy, and Guanhua chats with Wu.
Phoenix Miao Hongyi, who can keep up with the purple atmosphere.
Qiu He is too old, and the merits of Zhong Ding have not yet been written.
abandonment is a matter of fortune, and it is the beginning of super-swaying things.
This worry has existed since ancient times, and this joy is unprecedented.
Encounter with Zheng Hengliu, I will not live in it if I succeed.

The dark day of March

[Song Dynasty] Yang Wanli

The spring light is ninety and thirty, and the secret is thirty to earn people.
I am not happy when the dawn bell has not arrived, and there is no spring in the dusk bell.

hot springs

[Song Dynasty] Fan Chengda

sand bed Yulingyuan, stone liquid rinse and qi.
Yu You's steamer is often steamed, and the pot is boiling hundreds of times.
Life is inherently clean, so it can be used to cleanse the intestines and stomach.
A ladle full of clear fat, looking back to thank Luo Fang.
The mountains are deep and inaccessible, so far away is the most valuable thing in politics.
When you look at Huaqing Pool, it is still taboo to those who talk about it.

The garden is composed of

[Song Dynasty] Lu You

The atrium is surrounded by sparse fences, and the wild water flows into the square pond.
The spring rain is easy to dry, and the sunset slowly fades away.
The bright red apricot tips suddenly take up time.
I am old and my days are short, so I am no longer overestimated. I accept flowers and wait for them to bloom, and the neighbors laugh wildly.
Everything can be predicted, and society will never be rigid.
Leilei has the fruit in his plate, do you know whether you will get it or not? Composing poems relieves leisure and sorrow, and smiles without leaving a trace.

Send the translator out of Shu

[Song Dynasty] Wang Zhuo

Long rain destroys the lotus in the marsh, and Xiaofeng hunts the rock osmanthus.
Everyone moves back and thinks about things, and the son alone plans to die far away.
Boats come and go from the gorge gate, showing off their power and tactics day by day.
Count the gains and losses, and look for the teacher alone.
There are five feet in the sky on the mountain, and the light comes out of the darkness.
Yunju connects to Lufu, and recommended blessings lie in Porui.
These are the three elders, from whom you can die.
The jade spring is also clear and chilly, and I drink and hold hands.
One hundred cities in Antarctica, one by one.
would rather make cocoons grow feet than be afraid of snow sealing them.
also recalled the great Qu Tan, who sacrificed his life for half a verse.

He Zhang Shou Sanyong·Youbao Gongtang

[Song Dynasty] Huang Gongdu

Huatang preserved the paintings, and the Zhao Dynasty received rites and punishments. The traces of
are as ancient as those of berry moss, competing for the name of orchids and tadpoles.
The breeze has no distance, and the trees have not been carved.
is still thin and crane-shaped today.

Title Mao Jurchen

[Song Dynasty] Su Shi

Mist on the temples and wind around the wooden leaf clothes, the mountains and rivers are now different from the past.
I should only spend my leisure time with Shang Yanlao, playing the flute alone and returning home under the moonlight.

Visiting Linggu Temple

[Song Dynasty] The king said

that he could see the glow in the east city and opened a Zen palace in Beishan. The sound of pine trees can be heard in the crowd, and the shadow of the tower hangs in the clear sky.

There is no time to wear clothes, and it is quiet in the white clouds. The eight waters seek relief, and the three lives chant the mysterious wind.

Master Qi Zhu’s tomb, his teachings are extraordinary. At that time, the precious flowers fell, and the fragrance was everywhere.

Don’t come and ask Xuandu, how many days will you still follow me?

Suan Shanxi Part 4

[Song Dynasty] Chao Duanli

When spring comes, I will give you a thousand minutes of wine. I still wake up from my drunken dream at noon, and my eyebrows are filled with sorrow, which disappears and reappears.

The dream is far away at the end of the world, the way back is lost in the day, the clouds are deep, the lonely hall is quiet, and the pear blossom hands are free and unrestrained.

Congratulations to the Bridegroom (Reminiscences of Farewell)

[Song Dynasty] Yao Mian

Bo Wan received the remaining heat. Sighing to the west wind, secretly changing the passing years, but still like this. The sun is setting behind the crow's back and its shadow is beginning to fade, the clouds are pale and the sky is fresh and cool. People stand still with their hands on their sleeves. The neighbor's flute calls the generals' thoughts about the countryside, listening to the sound of autumn and the rain of parasol trees. Autumn is here, it’s time to travel. The old friend is only in Zhujiang, Jiangnan. Thinking about it, I have been in love with Donghua for a long time, and the red dust is soft. Do you want to send your tailoring knowledge far away? Anvil and pestle for every family in the new moon. Soul dream, golden goose number. The shadow of a wild goose can't come farther into the sky. If you write a book, who can you send it to? Knowing that guests hate each other, there are two nonsense words.

Send to Hefu

[Song Dynasty] Wang Anshi

Shuicun opened the book and read it with sorrow and joy, and heard that it was cold in Bingzhou in September.
remembers that the flowers were better at this time, and the whole family felt sorry for their daughter.

Thirty Stanzas

[Song Dynasty] Shi Huihui

was playing the empty drum with his muscular hammer.
Sitting still is so lonely but it doesn't matter. My whole body is lonely and I forget my ambition.

Huanxi Sha (ci rhyme Du Tangzuo Qiuhuai)

[Song Dynasty] Hou Zhi

Chun Meng returned to Xieshitang. The old home fragrance disappears in the basket. Xiuwen is sick and timid in autumn.
The golden plate in the sky holds the auspicious dew, but there is no jade pestle to break the mysterious frost. The drunk soul flies to the moon palace.

Good Spring (written by Li Dao on his birthday)

[Song Dynasty] Ge Cube

had a long life in the dynasty last year. Zhenghuangju, Chushu Cuiqiao. This year, there will be a special banquet in Diaotang, and the fragrance of pear and snow is floating in the air. It's time for pear blossoms to bloom.
should be next to Danxiao next year. Look at Bao's crotch, it's heavy on the waist. The magpie tail blows the incense cage and embroidery section, and is drunk with golden bananas.

Jane Zhao Zizhi

[Song Dynasty] Su Ying

It seems that we have forgotten each other after a long time, because we met on the road.
asked Zhiyuan's surname, and the reading was an article.
Crane bones are thinner in autumn, and their bodies are longer when they are loose.
In ten years, there are still nine grades, just like me working together to cultivate mulberry trees.

Presented by Xiong Yike

[Song Dynasty] Chen Jie

At the beginning of the rain, the village was full of water, and the bridge was broken and nothing happened.
is trying to write a fleeting picture across the fence, and I am a little more familiar with planting mountains and fields.

Spending the night in Xixing

[Song Dynasty] Gao Zhu

passed the night to Xixing, and listened to the sound of bells across the bank.
The moon is falling in the shallows, and the remaining stars are found in the distant trees.
The guest road goes slowly, but Zhengradi keeps stopping.
The old mountain of the Ming Dynasty is close, so there is no need to ask the post office.

Viewing Plum Blossoms in Nanyuan

[Song Dynasty] Lu You

The secluded path and sparse fences wash away the worldly world, and you can see these new branches clearly.
The horizontal direction coincides with the third watch of the moon, and the brilliance returns to the spring of all things.
Luopu Lingbo is extremely reserved, and he is thinking about his predecessor while riding a crane on Mount Gou.
The old man writes a sentence to trouble you, but the painting is not true in raw silk.

Ye Shou of Qingjianzhou

[Song Dynasty] Liu Kezhuang

The noble man built a house to store the whole city, and the public lived alone in a house with pure bones.
Seven-year-old high grade, accompanied by a cold night window.

Send Zhang Zhongzong with his halberd and return to Minzhong

[Song Dynasty] Chen Yuyi

The flying swans are not in a group at first, but they also have many mouths.
shadowed Hebei last year, and this year faces Jiangnan Yun.
Returning home is not as cold as Tao Ling, and he is as diligent as he is in integrity and effectiveness.
The blue sky and white sun reflect the emperor, and the mysterious hair descends to the bright river.
Falling flowers in front of the boat comfort the old man in the wild, and Du Ruo at Pukou is worried about Mr. Xiang.
I know that poems are sent as messengers from afar, and spring scenery thousands of miles away can be seen.
How dare you give someone a gift and give it back? You can't bear to talk about it.
Although you should be careful not to cross the old mountain, I'm afraid there is a virtuous Zhang who can write it down.

I sent it to Wenye, Prince of Cao, Zhejiang, with the rhyme of "missing the king" and "making people old", five characters.

[Song Dynasty] Wumai

Originally, there was Shen Gong in Ming Dynasty, and Wenzheng was succeeded by Gongxi.
Later, many famous masters had many sons.
The grand history of the late emperor is solitary and majestic.
If you are not an official, you will be given the posthumous title.
Ziwen is his son, and he is already famous in his prime.
Prosperity is paid, and integrity is passed down to the heart.
Waves and flowing stones do not move, fire burns and jade calms down.
has always been written by Tianshu, and I will be respectful every time I read it.
looks forward to the history of the country, more than continuing the family tradition.

Four eulogies by Situ Gong, a wealthy Korean man, who founded his government

[Song Dynasty] Sima Guang

God blessed Xiu Mingzuo, and he gave birth to outstanding ministers.
A wise man leads many scholars, and his government brings prosperity to the people.
revitalizes the three righteousnesses and integrates the spring of the world.
If you want to know the power of Zhenye, just ask the white-headed man.

Five Poems from Four Seasons and Master Xu Jingyang Yuantang

[Song Dynasty] Lu Wengui

The half-dressed jade mirror shines on the eyebrows, smiling long and playing in the water on the east slope.
Chongran throws a small stone straight down, one wave moves first and ten thousand waves follow.

[Song Dynasty] Shi Tanhua

If you think about sixty verses

, who doesn’t know how to eat porridge?
does not make a word of discussion, the worms in the shit pit will kill the pear with laughter.

Zhenniang's Tomb Song

[Song Dynasty] Mi Fu

Why not learn from the imitation of the immortal tombs, the white poplars in Xiguo are sad in the dark wind. Huqiu knocked on Zhenniang's tomb, and Xili supported the wall and left the orchid dew.

A thousand-year-old man is covered with velvet and there are several trees and flowers, and ghosts and fires float at night and crows crow at dawn. Xiang Lian held a harp and played the clear moon, and I still remembered playing the flute to ride the colorful clouds.

Wu Hao, a young man, said to each other, who can be better, Dai Mo, Chai Yan. The drops of wine make the dreams of spring clouds linger, and the sound of springs fades away and the sound of bells rings old.

Slowly return from the road trip, yesterday's beauty is not today. Looking eastward at the burial place of Helu, the jade bird will transform into Zhan Lufei.

On the way out of the city, it is gratifying to see Cassia blooming in full bloom

[Song Dynasty] Wu Zeli

The fences have fallen too late in autumn, and the chickens and dolphins are even more remote. When will
have households and money everywhere?
There are stones on the edge of the forest in Manggai and a spring at the bottom of Chadang Stream.
I know in my heart that the swan geese are coming, and I love the river and the sky.

Li Changyi

[Song Dynasty] Chen Changfang

dropped out of Gaoyang to be a drunkard, and Pei Gongya had ambitions.
In the end, the chopsticks in front of him were still printed, and Wang Biao knew that Jun Qian was her husband.

On the road, I met the old general Li Xianzhong. After using Fu Li, he secretly complained about his treasury and collapsed.

[Song Dynasty] Yang Wanli

The greedy general is like an envoy, and the military book is correct.
A sad bear's ear shells, who complains about the golden hoofs.
Jia Fuxi is in the same county, but Zhu You is alone in his heart.
Where does the scholar say that after the poem is finished, he will recite it.

A trip to the countryside in the rain

[Song Dynasty] Pan You

went out of Guo for several miles, and the rain lingered in the autumn mood.
The mountains in the distance are green and foggy, and the wild water is white and the fields are white.
The egret stands and the setting sun goes away, and the cow sleeps next to the ancient tree.
is very muddy, that is, this is a good year.

Gift to the Honored One

[Song Dynasty] Li Peng

Charm can still be produced by Sun Benwu, thousands of lotus flowers also cover the eyes. From time to time, I dream about writing on Tudu, and I hate that I am so late.

I am like an uncle who can't stand the seven nights, tired of reading and shy of learning, like a beetle in a book. I have made an appointment with Xu Ruzi in East Lake, to the north of Zhaogong Mountain and to the south of the mountain.

He Dongyu Shaoqing met his legacy

[Song Dynasty] Chen Xiang

was a passerby in the Chu Miyue Pavilion, with a white head and a new face.
Shuo Mo felt ashamed that he had not reached his level, and Dongfang Lianqi was happy to go on a blind date.
卮言 sits on the teapot in the middle of the moon, looking for things in the spring.
The envoy did not know the purpose of the journey, but Jia Pian still planned to stop and conquer.


[Song Dynasty] Su Shi

After the rain, the east wind gradually became gentle, and the door was closed as soon as the moving guests passed by.
The kings and grandsons are picking jade from the empty ground, and the elders are moving the phlox with their fragrant voices.
Zheng'er was relegated to Huaibei Palace, chatting and laughing about Dongpo.
Shanlintai Pavilion is no different from the original, and it is a place where we can discuss and discuss things carefully.

times rhyme: A guest from Shu who returned to the west came to Shihu and sent a message to an old official in Chengdu

[Song Dynasty] Fan Chengda

After walking through the dust, the tired bird returns, his hometown is among the water and clouds. The dream soul wakes up in the yellow rice and rice, and the life in front of the green bamboo hat is idle.

The gulls and herons are flying and standing tall, and the pines and bamboos are all pale at the end of the year. Min'e's friendship is like asking each other, the iron lock is intact and no one can climb it.

and Ye Guangwenyun

[Song Dynasty] Yu Gui

came to the spring and thought about the short and long bridges on the lake.
Last year at Hanshi Leisure Place, the boat was tied with wickers.

Mid-Autumn Festival

[Song Dynasty] Long Fu

On a lonely Mid-Autumn night, he came out of his jade boudoir with affection.
The river leader looks at the geese far away, and the moon is bright and the clouds are low.

Title Bo Shi Ma

[Song Dynasty] Huang Tingjian

I watched Li Hou make a Huma, and placed it at the foot of Ichile Yin Mountain.
The frightening sand follows the horse to darken the sky, and a thousand miles can be reached in just a blink of an eye.
Since he first came to Shayuancheng, how can there be more generals and hegemons?
Li Houjin's illness affected his right arm. This painting is wonderful and priceless.

Midwinter South Tower Wild View

[Song Dynasty] Chen Yunping

The fragrance of the embroidered curtain is warm and cold in the evening, and the water is light and dense in the desert.
I sing about thousands of plum trees in the Gengling Mountains, and dream about thousands of bamboo poles in the Xiangjiang River.
The wind blows and crows roost in the ancient pagoda, while the lone wild goose falls on the foreshore in the snow.
I heard the jade flute sound and went up to the south tower to lean on the railing alone.

He Jing Tomb

[Song Dynasty] Xie Ao

The virgin in the mountains was white and he had no book to offer to the emperor after his death. The young boy Xuanhe ascends to the sky during the day and buries in the jade coffin in the lake at night.

The embankment of the lake is covered with foliage like hair, and the fragrant trees lean against the spring snow. The phoenix has danced in the clouds for hundreds of years, and the jade bowl has made a lot of noise in the world.

The rain in Gonglan Pagoda seems to be lost, and the flying nets circle the crown of the lake to gather snipe. Linyu burns zhi and the autumn silence is gone. There is no one under the fight to worship Taiyi.

Occasionally four poems

[Song Dynasty] Han Yuanji

The sweet-scented osmanthus is floating in the chrysanthemum yellow, and I love the fragrance of leisurely love in the fragrant bushes.
The grass under the hall is only a foot deep, and you can see the spring bursts filling the pond.

Four poems on Huzhou Road Part 2 Hengshan Hall

[Song Dynasty] Sun Zhan

Thousands of acres of blue clouds cover a flat and wide shade, and the dewy leaves and windy branches wrap around the house in the cold. Don't send Mr. Fu back home and ask the junior officials to report that he is safe.

Shou Wu Zai

[Song Dynasty] Li Shangsou

The spirit of the immortal is majestic, and the atmosphere of the palace is more harmonious.
The silk red face will last forever, and the copper di in Bacheng will be polished again.
The wind is high and the crane is three thousand miles away, and the sky is vast and the distance is more than ninety thousand.
It's not too late to return to Penglai due to weak water, so we can pass by Daoshan Yingguan first.

First Arrival at West Lake

[Song Dynasty] Wang Zhuo

Xiyong has a reputation that is the best in the world, and he dreams of meeting it for the first time in his life.
How much hatred is there for a whip hanging ten miles away, but it is not as good as seeing the channel in its heyday.

If you pick up lice, you will get fleas.

[Song Dynasty] Mei Yaochen

I feel quite comfortable now, but if you pick up lice, you will get fleas.
Although it is not special to eliminate evil, it is good to be happy.
No one can be sure of the failure of things. They are blunt, old and cunning.
burrowing ants do not bite people, and their lives always protect themselves.

Shi Yingzhi praised

[Song Dynasty] Huang Tingjian

Meishan Shi Yingzhi loved wine and was funny.
is disdainful and smiles drunkenly.
Sima Decao, everything goes well.
Oriental jokes alarmed the Han Dynasty.
If you are poor, you will be virtuous, if you are rich, you will be Fangshuo.
Heaven and earth are one and the same, those who do not stick to each other are outstanding.
Ying Zhi is old, seems stupid but not stupid.
Jiang An has insufficient food, but Jiang Yang has more than enough wine.

Sunset in the fishing village

[Song Dynasty] Yang Gongyuan

A cluster of fishermen lived on an ancient ferry, and their lives were limited to a few small boats.
came back to bask in the setting sun, and there were several sounds of smoke and autumn trees.

Send Xingzong to Tongyang

[Song Dynasty] Sima Guang

The red sun cracks the earth, and thousands of families are like ovens.
Whatever you do, you seem to be driven by poverty.
The dust has gone away a little, and the cloud scenery is desolate.
The boat rides on the strong wind and suddenly changes into the Three Kingdoms.
After six years of traveling, someone will be eliminated.
Be careful not to forget to look back, the mighty country is full of entertainment.

Three Poems by Shou Lu Fangweng

[Song Dynasty] Su Ying

His temples are turning green again, and his words are still clear when he reads carefully.
The peaches grown by the pond are just beginning to ripen, and the dead bamboos under the fence are regenerating.
has realized that the Diao Chan eliminates the thoughts of the world, but the turtle and the crane accompany the poetry.
provides salary door personnel, and the golden elixir is accurate and iron-clad.

Xuan Weng

[Song Dynasty] Shi Shaotan

He has been blending with mud and water for many years, but he can only change his body according to the flow.
Bailang Duitou digs deep into the cellar, and always buries people alive.

Climbing Zhenyuan Tower at night to write

[Song Dynasty] Zhao Zai

The border city stands tall in the clouds, and the grass is desolate and jade is cold. The sky is about to dawn with nine winding galaxies, and the three-way drum and horn are approaching the end of the night.

The virtual world is full of bright toads, and the slanting peaks are arranged in clusters. Looking around, it looks like murky water in the distance, and you can see whether the jade gate is shining brightly.

and Jiang Xiucai's three poems about presenting flowers

[Song Dynasty] Chen Shidao

The sparse flowers have become rainy, and several branches have turned yellow, and the white hair is a hundred feet long.
I want to get drunk with the old students, so I leave autumn to celebrate the Double Ninth Festival.

The boat travels on different routes, and the rhyme of wild crossing

[Song Dynasty] Wei Zongwu

is on the same boat and Li Guoxi is on a blind date, spending all day and night to pay for it.
I don’t believe that poetry can impoverish my generation. If I don’t celebrate the sudden death of my gentleness, I will lose my grace.
Although we are on the west road of the city, we have an appointment to watch the clouds on the mountain together. From now on, the operation of
can be stopped, I just doubt that the wind and moon will not spare you.

Send the title Zhu Yuanhui Wuyi Jingshe Twelve Stays in the House

[Song Dynasty] Yang Wanli

An old man talks, and you don't want to sleep.
Open the window to let the mountain moon shine in, and play the wine to the stream.

Fifty Odes of Xianglin·Ganzi Garden

[Song Dynasty] Yang Wanli

Autumn wine is intoxicating, and spring flowers are fragrant.
Xiang Lin planted it with his own hands, and there is Dongting frost in it.

Xiangyan Mountain lived in Mengxia Twenty Jue

[Song Dynasty] Shu Yuexiang

traveled far away to Sichuan to see the bright light, and the summer was green in the dense atmosphere.
Yu Yanchong holds the surplus, and then the troubles are dispersed.

He Xie Xugu

[Song Dynasty] Sun Song

The time of poverty and sorrow may come true, and the border is surrounded by desolation and loses autonomy.
The autumn air is actually cold and the Song Dynasty jade is cold, and the local customs are still like Zhongyi.
An Neng lame turtle follows the Tianma, and is planning to grow a pine tree to draw a dodder.
starts with a new chapter and a new chapter, from Yuanhe to Jian'an.

The three chapters of the poem "Pian Pian Gong Zhi Xi" are sent to Wang Jiefu

[Song Dynasty] Wang ordered

Pian Pian Gong Zhi Xi, and when it is relaxed, it will be stretched.
I am riding a horse in the stable, but I am not able to drive it.
Riding on a horse with him, he also ate cud.

Fifty-three Ancient Psalms

[Song Dynasty] Explaining Wenli

Reasoning and talking about the true face Zichen, Ehu's righteousness is in vain.
The origin of Buddha's nature is difficult to describe, and it is like a tacit understanding between kings.

Water Diao Ge Tou (Ci Lu Cao Yun Cheng Tea Cao Ershi)

[Song Dynasty] Jingbo

Yang Lu, all the outstanding people, are blue-eyed when they see me. The best in Jinguan City is based on the scriptures. The smoke and clouds fly away from the bottom of the pen, and the universe is breathed out from the chest. There are always discussions. I feel that my appearance is dirty, but my jade pot is pure.
The two messengers are as straight as strings and as flat as water. Min'e washes away the sadness, and combines power and benefit. I heard that there was an edict coming from the east, but I was afraid that there would be no plan to stay in the west, so I immediately made the snow-capped mountains lighten. The rolling water of the Shu River is not all about fame.

Post words in the Dragon Boat Festival · Queen's Pavilion

[Song Dynasty] Wang Gui

In May, the scorching wind is blazing, and the worry and hard work are purple.
Destroy the imperial edict and go to Weiyang Palace at dawn.

风 evil occasionally comes into two poems

[Song Dynasty] Zhou Bi

It takes three days to stop, but the cold sand and cold water fade away the spring.
One thousand four hundred Wuhu Road, how many people complain about the rain and worry about the wind.

Praise to Hanshan Part 2

[Song Dynasty] When Shi Kexiang

saw the heavy rock wall standing, he was very excited. Silently thinking about finding a sentence, unfortunately the golden retriever left.

Langtaosha · Fragrant mist wet cloud ring

[Song Dynasty] Zhang Yan

Fragrant mist wet cloud ring. Ruipei Shanshan. After waking up from the drunkenness, the waves are cold in the evening. The remaining elixir in the golden cauldron has melted, and the altar is cold and empty in the snow. You Ye is still unknown. The crane resents the empty mountain. Xiaoxiang is surrounded by orchids without dreams. The vast blue sea cannot go back, but it is still in the world.

Five Harvest Ballads

[Song Dynasty] Wang Yan

The foils are full of spring silkworms getting cocoons and silk, and every family has its own machine to change into new clothes.
The weather is good with five winds and ten rains, and the rice seedlings are fertile in the western suburbs.

He Shuchong's Four Wonders after Qingming

[Song Dynasty] Wang Bai

walked slowly and chanted a branch of bamboo slightly, his feelings were no better than those of his youth.
The young boy had no destination for his spring thoughts, but now he is always having fun.

Four poems sent to Lu and Cao

[Song Dynasty] Wu Fu

is not greedy for the fragrance of the sun in his bed, but only wants to hide deep in his sleep.
The fire has flown, autumn is still hot, Shang Biao is slightly moving, and the night is beginning to cool down.
I am still busy with official affairs, but my dream of family and mountain is even longer.
I am quite envious of the new envoy from eastern Zhejiang, who now returns to his hometown in fine clothes.

Send He Henglao to guard Taizhou

[Song Dynasty] Xu Jingheng

The people in Hailing said that Piling was good, and the prefect was completely different at that time. Now the new destiny is divided among the bamboos, how can the joyful songs be heard across the river.

No matter who is under the curtain of the book, I respect the guests at the top of the building and get drunk. Thousands of knights must know the body of the country. Since ancient times, the parents have never forgotten the king.

Stream Fish

[Song Dynasty] Shu Yuexiang

Red and white brook fish are also pitiful. They sleep on the cool sand at night. Chengtan is a hundred feet long and there is nothing to do. Who has built a fishing boat since ancient times?

The monk knocks on the door of the lower part of the moon

[Song Dynasty] Lin Xiyi

In the silence of the night, who is walking down the mountain. The moon shines brightly in the deep temple, and the old monk knocks on the closed door.

Pecking at the temple in the forest, Chan Juan's clouds are outside. The mountain boy breaks his dream, and the shadows of people are sparse.

The remaining seal scripts are kept in cold storage in the palace, and the window is bright, waiting to be unpacked. The mountains are empty and the valleys are empty, and the frightened magpies also leave their nests.

He Duancha Xunzi Part 3

[Song Dynasty] Xu Jingsun

Sanrijun's poems are very impressive, and it seems that every word is harmonious. From now on, I am happy to be in the hands of the saint, and I will take the psalm song from the Kongxing altar.

Two poems about using a stick to offer sacrifices to Lord Renshan. The first is

[Song Dynasty] Chen Shidao

The staggered solitary root has too much strength, so when sitting on the bed, he must be pressed and supported. I have spent my whole life giving it to you now, and I even asked if there is such a thing in the forest.

Home Shows Brother 槱

[Song Dynasty] Zheng Qiao

hates naughty boys and makes friends with half-Bo disciples.
Abandon your family to find the right way, sacrifice your life to become a Confucian.
It is hard to criticize elegance, but today people are noble and special.
What advice do you have in the middle of the night? You are like a crazy man.

On the 15th day, I visited the auspicious monk's residence with Zhou Yue and Chen Yongxi

[Song Dynasty]. Mu Xiu

drank hundreds of cups in Fangqi, looking for fragrance and returned empty-handed.
Flowers are sad and sleepy in spring, but they come to visit the wild monk Xiao Si.

Dip Biting Moon Night

[Song Dynasty] Ge Shaoti

There was a cloud in the sky in the middle of the night, with a bright moon and stars beside the cloud.
The heavy dew in the pine gates frightens the flying magpies, and the light breeze in the lotus leaves the fireflies.
Millet is decorated with tender yellow in the old garden, and the new green in the wine rack can be seen in the empty pavilion.
Autumn chants do not make me miss you, but I am allowed to wake up drunk by the West Lake.

The stream is condensed with blue and blue and merges with the two rivers, and the pavilion is in front of thousands of rocks and ravines. Washing stones, I think about clearing diseased teeth. Who can listen to the flowing spring while leaning on the harp? The north ridge of Yun - DayDayNews

Zi Conghui's book prepares the words and deeds and the reasons for visiting the king's house to answer

[Song Dynasty] Mei Yaochen

came from Ziheqiao, but his words were not clear.
It is urgent to read the words thoroughly, so I will obey him when I drive in the morning.
feet of books are suddenly found, and all the passages can be recorded.
hastily began to leave home and hurriedly crossed the river.
In front of the villagers, the heart is racing, and the wind is blowing at dusk.
The road is built with long narrow passes, and the fatigue cannot be stopped.
The thatched cottage is crawling at night, and the cold dogs are barking in the cave.
Mingfa travels northwest, and the hills and mountains are more than winding.
Congzhen is dense, but the beauty in the mountains is not visible.
When the valley opens and meets the city, how can it be said that even the capital is humble?
One and two crowns are the same, and the left and right are compared.
asked Zi what he said, and raised his eyebrows to talk.
Glancing towards the Temple of Heaven, smoke and clouds follow every step.
I look down near the sun, but I see Songqiu nearby.
looks at the dust with disdain, like ants.
has the heart of Lin He, and expects to be honored by the eunuchs.
I used to love the green sky, and I would always lean on it.
Today I admire you for your travels, but all your successes are in vain.
Just sigh with a yellow ribbon body, don't take the Qingxia track.
You can rely on Yuhan, and you can express your feelings like this.

The chariot is under the chariot in the spring

[Song Dynasty] Kou Zhun

After the rain, the palace is beautiful in spring, and the flowers in March shine on the forest.
Who is leaning against the brothel and looking back to ride? The sun is setting in the south and the willow smoke is deep.

Sitting alone with my book

[Song Dynasty] The scroll is just in

Burning incense and closing the thatched cottage, all the sluggish thoughts are swept away.
Things should be quiet in the world, and friendships can only be sparse.
When you flex and stretch, you will be like an earworm, and when you are wet, you will be like a fish.
The sun is as warm as a window, so it’s a good time to read in winter.


[Song Dynasty] Ding Kai

Whose eyes are full of desolation, the apple blossoms are dim and the autumn wind is coming. The dragon crouches and the tiger occupies the vast country; when the horse is gone and the ox comes, the land is empty.

Even if there are thousands of people who are just like Nuonuo, there will be no time to live a hundred years. The world is upside down and the boat is alone, and we are chatting with Diao Weng for the rest of our lives.

Liyang Examination Courtyard Wenjiao

[Song Dynasty] Huazhen

The hero is also romantic, roaring and Hansheng is sad. Today, in the morning and evening of the river city, gulls and herons rise from the sand in the air.

and the later rhymes of Yi are the six preceding rhymes

[Song Dynasty] Wei Zongwu

The west wind leaves the garden full of leaves, and I lie on my pillow to listen to the rain.
It's sad that all kinds of emotions arise, and the melancholy is not easy to count.
Si Xi Yong Qian Jing, good horse and silk group.
Now I am a man in a white house, bowing his head to pay homage to the government.
I am still happy that I am seventy years old, so that I can avoid the hardships of studying.

Eighteen ancient poems, eighteen of them

[Song Dynasty] Shishiyi

Three people witnessed that the turtle turned into a turtle, and Pilan blew it out. From now on, the needle is inserted in the dark, and the nostrils are all kinds of splits.

Dragon Boat Festival·Inner Court

[Song Dynasty] Yan Shu

Baicao Dou Yu welcomes the moon, and the five silk lingering flowers wish her a happy new year.
The wind in the bridal chamber is warm and the moxa is hanging down, and the waves in the divine marsh are deep.

and Zhang Zhongtong's two poems about Zhong Ling

[Song Dynasty] Wang Anshi

It has been ten years since I dreamed of Zhang Jiang, and I want to see the old friend again.
can only live on both sides of the Taiwan Strait at that time, but it is a pity that it will come in spring.

Suanshanxi (reuse rhyme)

[Song Dynasty] He Menggui

The spring work has not been awakened, how can Qiong Ying be early. Looking at the Milky Way in the middle of the night, it's first dawn on the earth and on the tower. Feifei's pulse is not unfeeling, the golden tent is warm, the jade hall is deep, but the strange sound is lost in the dust.
God was banished and temporarily fell into the world of mortals. The color is pity for itself, but it is afraid of being frivolous and being turned upside down by the wind. Who can complain about Bing Xin, but when you blow in the plum blossoms, the bright moon, the white clouds, and the cold weather are good.

New Year's Book Sentence

[Song Dynasty] Lu You

Journey to the West in his early years was attributed to Zixu, and in his old age he returned to his hometown.
Dare to forget the country without dying? Even if you are sick and want to be blind, you still love books.
Friends of old, He Lao remembers the chariot and hats, and the descendants are fortunate not to waste them.
The New Year is as cold as usual, and my gray hair is combed by myself.

After the beginning of summer, it is very ripe, and the neem flowers are very cold in the wind.

[Song Dynasty] Shu Bangzuo

It has not been ten days since the official seal, and the heat is so hot that I feel sick.
The wind blows to and fro, and suddenly disperses, and today I still encounter the neem flower wind.

Go out of the east gate

[Song Dynasty] Gao Si De

When you don't see Wu Lun, the prefect of Kuaiji, he dismisses his official position and sneaks away to escape from the officials and the people.
I don’t know what I was afraid of at that time, so I took a boat to Cao’ejin at night.
It is only because of love that it penetrates into people's marrow, and thousands of people climb on carriages and knock horses.
If you don't act deceitfully, you can escape from the vastness of the love river.
Old news: Wuxing solved his prefecture and his ribbon, and the way back south pointed to Chaotianjing.
You came and went first after Shi Xiang, but Yun He came out of the east city.
Hengshan waits for countless people, carrying pots and cups to invite each other.
Make you think that you are not my life, Xizi will be unclean and will pollute others.
Shuijun 200 Yaonan Road, one at midnight and one boat near the lake gate.
Wu Xing's deeds in Kuaiji are similar, but he knows that love and evil are different.
If you are afraid of Kuang Jie and Xue Shengxian, how can you compare with Cao Zhi who set himself on fire?
Alas, later generations said that they were imprisoned here, and there were three of them.

Wusu Temple

[Song Dynasty] Shi Zhiyuan

After the decline of native virtue, loyalty and Taoism were not common.
vows to make contributions to Chen Daili, and to dominate the industry like Huan Wen.
is a clever and treacherous hero, and its reputation is known all over the world.
There is a temple beside the mountain, and the prison is closed in the deep clouds.

Two poems about passing through Hu Luokeng

[Song Dynasty] Yang Wanli

has become old due to the cold in the mountains, and his journey through the stream becomes even more difficult.
The fog is all but rain, and the sun has been rising for a long time without clearing the clouds.
There is no sound from the ape-crow and no one is seen, and there is no trace of the loose and fir trees.
It's very sunny and warm, so why bother? I'm willing to take advantage of the sunshine for three to five minutes.

He Xueye occasionally made this

[Song Dynasty] Li Fang

The new structure of Huaju is close to the forbidden city, and the atrium is filled with cypress trees.
I can smell the clear water carefully if I follow the wind, and can vaguely see the falling stars through the bamboos.
Thousands of people have no way to repay their kindness, and thousands of years of good fortune are here.
Who is the companion of a bright moon? We should share the golden moon and wake up from drunkenness.

Jingfu's birthday

[Song Dynasty] Xiang Anshi

Pingwei produces smoked plums and rain, and the sunflower heart is charming and the grass is bright with gold. The old man appears at the point of the dipper star, and the joyful uncle comes when the crescent moon rises.

The Queen Mother is happy with the medicine in the West Pond, and the Heavenly Sun Xihan has good news. Gong Huai reported yellow news again, and he had already spread the red branches and colorful skirts.

Use rhyme to reward Zhai Zeng Erguo and Zhang

[Song Dynasty] Yu Chou

The poem of Yu Cheng opened the mansion to make it fresh, and the paper swept the stream and the vine pen made silver.
Dou Zhuan Cang Long returns to the north and looks to the north, walking on the ecliptic and patrolling the east.
Human feelings change at any time, and God's will is so selfish.
The official book is not finished yet, and I don’t know who the flower belongs to.

Send Wang Shifa back to Jinhua

[Song Dynasty] Lu Zujian

returned to his son Cao Yu to talk to him. Don't peek into the garden where he misses you deeply.
My sect’s career does not have many children, and it will take root only if it is kept in good condition.

Qi Qingfeng Gorge

[Song Dynasty] Zhang Shi

Fushu ancient trees stood on dangerous stairs, and he began to know how to draw the scriptures. There is also a stone bridge where guests can sit and look up at Lan Ruo and Yunqi.

The wind is blowing and the wind is blowing, and the wind is blowing. Since then, Shangshanjun has worked hard, and Shou Teng can carry him with him today.

Yun Si Yuan Pavilion Ten Odes, Nine of the Water Pavilions

[Song Dynasty] Zhang Kai

A wooden frame floats in the water, and it is slightly connected to the isolated island. The shadows of sparse flowers are reversed, and the splashing thorns and jumping fish are small.

The wind and moon earn a lot, and the management is clever. It's almost quiet and no one is there, and Zhulan gathers the quiet birds.

Cheng Wenjian's eulogies

[Song Dynasty] Lou Yao

Yao's writings are great, and his heroic reputation has long been known.
is flying high in the industry and setting high standards.
has been talked about for more than a thousand years, and it has spread all over the world.
It is a pity that the study of economics is not as good as Er Jin Diao.

Overseas Chinese Opera

[Song Dynasty] Zhou Zizhi

Princess of Yue with a beautiful face like a flower, she has not been able to sing or dance since she was a child. Married as the concubine of Jiangnan Kingdom, I miss her every day and shed tears like rain.

Plum blossoms are yellow in the south and north of the Yangtze River, and the tide rises in the Qinhuai River at night. It rains a lot and the ground is humid by the river, and a high platform is built to even out the dawn.

,000 ships were destined to travel across China, and I was delighted to see the Vietnamese people still speaking the Vietnamese language. It is difficult to set foot in the hometown in life, and there is no way to return to the heart.

The high platform is easy to fall, and the Quchi is also restored to level. Yue Ji has been away for thousands of years, but this platform has never been famous.


[Song Dynasty] Zhao Yuanyu

The young man passed by the book and sword several times, and Tan Wen also sang to himself while selling wine. It's spring again today, and there are many flowers on the old plum branches.

Like a dream, one of the Chinese Valentine's Day

[Song Dynasty] Zhang Yuanqian

The rain washes away the wind and dew. Double stars outside the clouds for the first time. The building is empty at night, and the moon is jealous and whispering in the corridor.

stood still. Stand still. Not the same mood as last year.

Sending Master Yin Yi back to Shu

[Song Dynasty] Shi Xinyue

From the south to the west, I want to talk but can't talk.
Yi Ma San Yin leads the generals, and the woman by the stream smiles and smacks.

Title Xie Zi Gao Yiyi

[Song Dynasty] Li Fu

The east wind blew in the garden before it came out, so he concentrated on reading the Yi. I bow my head and don't know where the guests are coming from, but I click on my pen when I see the opening of the book.

The sky was opened and the earth was opened, the sun and the moon were bright, and everything changed in the four seasons. Fuxi's hexagrams were chaotic and dead, and they all carved out the essence with wisdom and skill.

Autumn Travel

[Song Dynasty] Lu Qing

The rain at night sounds like banana trees, and the bamboo house shakes like paper. There is a crazy old man among them, who remembers each other thousands of miles away.

The old man became more and more crazy, and the sound reached his ears. Drop by drop reaches the heart, from the heart to the marrow.

The crickets are about to die, and the hibiscus is fragrant. The lamp shadow turned into smoke, filling the vast small room.

Send Xuedou Xing's first seat

[Song Dynasty] Shi Zhiyu

Zhu Rong Peak burns red leaves, Yingmeng looks at the white clouds in the mountain. The footprints of
are easy to see without being taught, but who knows what the sky looks like and how people can hear it.

Wan Lu

[Song Dynasty] The Song family

has been poor since the happy years, and my house now belongs to the west.
Yinqin said that Liu and Dongyuan will meet each other one day as passers-by.

Longmen Chengxinlao

[Song Dynasty] Wang Zhidao

Thousands of mountains lean against the sky, and a path cuts through the clouds. Suddenly I saw a pavilion and knew it was the Buddhist home.

The green pines are old and immortal, and they are as young as dragons and snakes. The frosty skin is chapped by the frost, and the wind tips are shaking each other's teeth.

The dark flowers are like divination, and the pure ones cannot be added. Passing the court to send good news, it's so strange that Bi Lingjia.

I can't bear to come and go, so I'm sorry. Finally, I will take off my crown and clothes and sleep under the mist under my master.


[Song Dynasty] Liang Dong

Thousands of trees died guarding the red, and a little bit of the soul returned.

Picking Mulberries

[Song Dynasty] Yan Jidao

In the autumn, I feel even more painful, and the fine print is still sparse. Sit and think. How can we look at each other like the old days?
The handle of the south tower is on the shoulder, Feng Yue should know. Unless. I see her from time to time in my dreams.

Xijiang Moon·Five Horses are the Most Expensive in Life

[Song Dynasty] Shen Ying

Five Horses are the Most Expensive in Life, Jinling has been prosperous since ancient times. The light hangs and the seal embraces the red teeth. The situation is worth the leisure time in the side court. It is full of jaspers from the east and west, and red flowers with high-burning candles. Zhao Huang Xin Shi's characters are like crows. Fly down from heaven tomorrow.

Liu Yifu saw the use of the preface rhyme in Yunxi. One of them was

[Song Dynasty] Guo Yin

The leisurely feeling came from the stick, and the tranquility filled the forest pond. As autumn approaches, the air becomes cold first, but as spring comes, the wind is fragrant.

Zhilan becomes the jade, and the reed becomes the carved beam. A thought about dead wood can lead to wild catkins.

and Hu Jian's seven poems

[Song Dynasty] Chao Buzhi's

Thousands of clear poems compete for the long night, and the true butterflies are busy in the spring.
Don't teach me how to live in the world for a long time. Thunder and lightning are the generals nowadays.

Chunyouji paid a visit to his ancestor Liang General Zhongzhuanggong Temple at the age of 14.

[Song Dynasty] Cheng Wufeng

He has a beautiful and heroic appearance, seven feet long, and who can be worthy of Huan Huan.
Baozhou Xiao Shi came to Yide, but Hou Sheng refused to rebel and was defeated.
The Duke was honored with great honors and held the title of Governor, and his posthumous title was Zhongzhuang and the Emperor Gao.
Under the yellow prison of the majestic temple, the evening drums and morning bells will not be forgotten for a while.


[Song Dynasty] Yang Wanli

There was not a day of sunshine in ten days, and the passengers who were leading the boats always went sideways.
The yellow calf in the river is full every morning, but the grass on the bank has never lost an inch of green?

Gave it to Shi Yu, a scholar who knew Xuanzhou

[Song Dynasty] Song Xiang

He discussed Dong Cao's importance and repaired the secretary's mansion.
Why did he hate the house for a long time, so he went to Yanfan?
Jie Dao Xiong Wen Ji, Teng Zhuang crane knee soldiers.
Yao Yun lost sight of the dawn, and Huai Yu broke the boat's journey.
Zhuqi generals are far away, and Jiang Bo is in charge of the Qing Dynasty.
Xiangchou Chuangxiu is good, who will thank Xuancheng.

Six poems about boating in the South Lake in the summer because of passing through the Qionghua Garden. Five of them

[Song Dynasty] Zhang Wei

The poems and thoughts are as bitter as a calamus, and the official names are as fragrant as the soup. When the morning comes, I hear the gentle rain, and I plant a bunch of pomegranates next to the strange rocks.

Disease is enough

[Song Dynasty] Zhao Gengfu

is suffering from an old illness and the medicine does not work, and the light outside the snow window is as cold as a firefly.
Instead of keeping the green lotus feet in peace, he learned to wander in the shape of a sick crane.
means that in a dream, a cricket is offering his virginity lightly, and angrily thinking of going to heaven to whip Ting.
It would be a pity not to soak in the dew flowers, and it would be a pity to meditate on famous mountains without going through the sutras.

Crane seen in front of plum blossoms

[Song Dynasty] Wu Fu

The two cranes came to me gracefully, competing with the beautiful flowers.
lowered his head and realized that his appearance was dirty, and he climbed up to the sky with ease.

Water Tune Songtou Shou Zhao Ti Xing

[Song Dynasty] Ma Ziyan

On the top of the lake with ten thousand renge, there is a thousand-year-old Canglong. There is a cluster of towers, and the fairy family is far away in the five clouds.

During the Yuan Festival in heaven, virtuous people will be born in the world, and the auspiciousness will be lush. The six bridles shine in the sea of ​​​​Fujian, and the counties are happy to follow the wind.

Presented to Chen Zhizhong

[Song Dynasty] Monk Hu

Tiger-eyed ape has the most expensive body shape, and it rises just by clinging to it.
I know that you are going to Duanxi today to help your son with the cool breeze and the angry waves.

General An's birthday

[Song Dynasty] Wei Liaowen

still remembers that the immortal man protected Yuguan and returned half of the territory with his hand.
After every turmoil, I would like to thank Jing Lun and his son.
Yuan is rotten and Ke Guan has matured, so the authorities should only be idle.
Several people are old and middle-aged, but their temples have never been spotted.

North Window

[Song Dynasty] In early summer, Lu You

painted a silent purple jade pond, and it was time to write Weng's poems again.
After the wind blows softly on the willow bank, the rain is enough to spread the melons and vines.
Disease and wine are like being helpless and thirsty, Qingyan's uncle Bao is very weak.
How can I regain my fame and achievements in this life, and be saddened by the painting on the top of the city?

Jing Si Guan Cui Taoist taught the sword Baizhongjian often roars like thunder

[Song Dynasty] Li Zhuo

Yinyin old cypress is in the courtyard, and the outside is hollow like a hollow fou.
Cui Xian taught the sword Bai Sui Shen, and the sword roared to the sky.
The heavenly master received the elixir in Qing Nian, and the spirit of this place longed for the glory of his life.
The jade letter and the golden chamber were sent to Lingya, and the Yin Talisman was used to frame the tiger's mouth. The real Taoist and mysterious brush in the
palace is immortal.
Frost-haired feather people meet old people, and they have been heard for more than ninety-nine years.
My wish is to travel to the eight extremes, and I am ashamed to have the Taoist immortality.
I want to give Dapeng Siziwei, but I am afraid that my age is also the same.

Two poems about Qinchuan. The first is

[Song Dynasty] Shao Yong

was about to cross Qinchuan at that time, but suddenly happened twenty years ago this year. Because I saw my husband talking about living at home, I vaguely remembered the old wind and smoke.

Five ancient poems

[Song Dynasty] Shi Rujing

One radius split the void, and three donkey heads capsized the boat. The father and son of
are still inseparable, and the rumors are spreading in the world.

points of crimson lips. The sixteenth chapter is given to Wang Jingyuan, the envoy of the Song Dynasty. Golden wind and jade dew. There are countless autumns in the water country.

Tiantai Road

[Song Dynasty] Lu He

Xiao Sa's hat yarn is blown by the west wind, and he wants to stop at the end of the journey.
There are twists and turns for six or seven miles, with dogs barking and chickens crowing three or four times.
People who gather medicine return to hear the magical energy, and the journey to find immortality is far away and they dream of peach blossoms.
The mountain wine you bought is as pure as water, and it can also relieve the fainting until the sun sets.

The two poems of the Shang Zhe Shu Yan Zhi Sheng Dynasty

[Song Dynasty] Zhang Yuanqian

The autumn water is the god's auspicious dream, and the official crown is worn as a court ritual.
The feeling of wind and cloud meets Qianlinghui, and the sun and moon are known all over the world. The
pen array is bright and colorful, and the dragon, the leopard and the dragon are all in danger.
The stubborn gold will return to the furnace hammer from now on, and I will present longevity poems at the gate every year.

Early summer

[Song Dynasty] Lu You

The bed has a futon sitting on the wall, and there are no children in the room burning incense.Although the
human figure is laughable, my love for escape Zen is too crazy.
The cherry blossoms and bamboo shoots have long forgotten to enter the province in the morning, and the water shield perch is still happy to return to its hometown.
The history of tea is endless, and there is no time to devote to the battlefield.

Two poems about the Huanggong River and Sea Pictures of Guanjian Mountain Part 2: Sea

[Song Dynasty] Fang Yikui

passed the river and walked to the East China Sea, without rest day and night. Alas, the vortex in this plate neither grows long nor exhausts.

The sun and the moon are in the middle of the sky, and they appear and disappear in Yanshuang. The waves lift Fu Xu, which is higher than the snow on Shuo Mountain.

The mirage spits out the tower, and the dragon protects the cave. If Hai didn't praise in vain, Feng Yi would be willing to suffer.

I heard that the Three God Mountains are like a silver palace. Then it went away with the long wind, starting from Mingbo.

If Fang lives his life, he will explore the moon under the sea. When I sit and wait for the Qing Dynasty, I will come back without my hair.

Ten Explanations of Qiu Yu Sigh

[Song Dynasty] Yang Wanli

The yellow flowers under the fence hate him the most, with less fragrant gold and more tears.
Immortal mend the leakage of the Milky Way. What can we do if there is no mud in the sky?

Everyone knows how to play the flute

[Song Dynasty] Mei Yaochen

Yu Shun has gone to Cangwuye, and the Qin girl Qin Luan has never returned.
Xiao Guan is not understood in the world, and there are few capable people in the Imperial Music Department.
I want to buy a little servant girl and give it a try. Who knows who the teaching workshop will be dedicated to?
Yan Shiwengong came here and advised him to be strong and pick up a lowly student.
Naihu sat sideways and played a song, and Gu Dunxitang dismounted in surprise.
My wife can't hear it in her boudoir, but the girl is smiling coquettishly from behind the curtain.
didn't dare to listen more and sent him back, giving him a single cup of drink to drink.


[Song Dynasty] Li Shi

I used to be in Dongting, and the white waves were as big as a house.
Water and sky meet each other, and the axis of heaven is dimly immersed.
The boat was pitching and the canopy was dizzy.
suddenly found an island and wanted to go liveaboard.
Xigui was shocked and washed his hands with mud.
The East Lake is a piece of land, and the river veins are flowing there.
The mist and rain are swallowing up each other, and several seats are dyed in the lake.
There are red and white flowers in Tingzhou, and there are swimming ducks and ducks.
is spreading all over the world, and there is no time to compete with Wu and Shu.
I am horrified by the current situation of the world, and the storms are calm.

is like a cousin who returned to Qiantang before the age of about 10 years. I will send him poems when I miss him.

[Song Dynasty] Li Misun

Snow and mud break the road and the house is filled with clouds. I sit in the dark in Lingyang in the spring of January.
The yellow dog has knowledge and empty space to express hatred, and the blue felt has no dreams and only hurts the mind.
The urgent trip has already failed the plum blossom promise, and I am getting older and longing for the calyx kiss.
absorbs all the words from the West Lake, don't abandon the love and pay for the new.

Ten Luling Yuefu poems, six of them

[Song Dynasty] Guo Xiangzheng

Under the courtyard, there are quiet flowers and cold mist, and there is no trace of the golden duck's cold smoke. I leave you and my concubine rides the red luan. I look across the three mountains and find no place.

I don’t have to do heavy lifting to tunes, and I can’t dance with my long sleeves hanging empty. Wake up and worry about sending spring away, who will the independent setting sun talk to.

There is a Buddhist scholar who used Zen to commemorate the remaining ones. This picture is the current prince-in-law Li Gong

[Song Dynasty].
stars gather together in the world, and the moon is in the middle circle.
refers to whoever is marking the instructions, and the heart is silently passed on.
Only when you answer Adu, you will end up forgetting the trap.

Canglang Pavilion

[Song Dynasty] Pu Shoucheng

The peach blossoms bloom in the morning, and the willows hang in the mist in the spring.
asks where the boat goes after getting off the bridge.

Passing Fayun Temple

[Song Dynasty] Wang Anshi

Passing by Chaogou Bajiu Pan, the snow ridge is hidden in the clouds.
The golden mother-of-pearl is the old man, and the green mountains are even colder.

Winter Miscellaneous Ode

[Song Dynasty] Zhu Shuzhen

Love the sun and warm the washing field, and the old farmer destroys Qingshikang.
The water rushes the rhyme and beats the remaining rain, and the strong wind brings the sunset with the sound of shackles.
The frost and tiles in the morning deprive the wine of its power, and the cold moonlit night stimulates the poet's heart.
I am tired of having no emotions towards the scenery, and I only put the plum blossoms aside for makeup.

Good things are coming soon (Yan Feng's birthday)

[Song Dynasty] Wang Zhidao

The autumn colors come to Dongli, and the golden chrysanthemums are fragrant. I would like to borrow the floating table in advance for long-term blessings.
Crab claws are like arms and wine is like mian, orange and half yellow and green. Sing some of my new words and listen to the silk and bamboo in front of you.

Xiaogushan (commonly referred to as sister-in-law, with a statue of the Holy Mother Temple on it)

[Song Dynasty] Wu Zhe

The middle-class jade is unparalleled, and the powerful vassals in the sea are separated from each other.
The most beautiful incense often blocks the sun, and the beautiful pavilion does not hide the clouds.
The solitary root is dark and straight, the dragon lives in the house, and the bird seal script is spread horizontally.
I want to maintain my boat in the bright moon and play drums and harp for the gods to wait for the king of Xiang.

Shuangxiyue Huzhou Jia Yun, an old and young prostitute, is famous as Shuangxiyue

[Song Dynasty] Su Shi

Shuangxiyue. The clear light illuminates the double lotus leaves. Double lotus leaves. The red heart is not even, the green clothes are knotted.

Dream work

[Song Dynasty] Lu You

Wealth praises people who will retire after death, and every mediocre person looks for a title.
Reading has always shown the face of the ancients. Love of righteousness always precedes worries about the world.
Why not buy a calf with a knife when you go alone, but you need a calf with a calf for a big meal.
All heroes will achieve success quickly, and they will live up to the success of the Hundred-foot Tower in the Clouds.

Feeling nostalgic after hearing the drum horns

[Song Dynasty] Lu You

The drums are bumpy, the horns are whining, the four drums are about to be exhausted, and the fifth drum is beginning. The old eyes are as sleepless as a fish, sitting up on the pillow with tears in their eyes.
I have read thousands of books in my life, and I don’t know Chengming House.
At that time, there were many talented ministers and corrupt Confucians, and they neglected their loyalty and policies.
If you want to reveal your loyalty, you will be punished by death.
Thunder is willing to regain its width for a moment, Xu Chen pointed to Chen Yu's map.
Hundreds of millions of survivors look forward to Laisu.
Art Ancestor is destined to be punished by heaven, but Huang Ming dares to make false accusations like the sun.
I bowed my hands and begged for the gift of two feet in length. The smoke and dust of the Central Plains were swept away, and the dragon boat returned to the Eastern Capital from Bian.

Seven miscellaneous chants on the Yanling Road

[Song Dynasty] Hong Zikui

The fine grass protects the sand continuously, and the wind and the rain disperse it and collect it.
When the wheat in the mountains and fields is ripe, it will not return, and the river for three hundred miles is filled with sorrow.

Zaihe Tao Yun

[Song Dynasty] Su Ying

was a virtuous person who never left the world, and later he was willing to hand over his power.
Mysterious hair changes as soon as it happens, and I feel that this time has faded.
's heart is extremely vulgar, and Taihua is not as high as it is.
Niushan is looking for an ax, when will it be solved?
Zhongni hired people from all over the world, but he didn't realize that he was tired all day long.
The righteousness of kings and ministers in ancient and modern times is more important than dryness.
The emperor's providence is as good as pure pottery.
Clear springs and golden flowers make the common people hungry and thirsty.

Eighteen verses

[Song Dynasty] Shi Shi's style

roughly brings out the lotus to pray, and Ji Chu wears dung sweeping clothes.
picked up the Shaolin holeless flute, looked left and right and played at both ends.
's voice is slow and patted at random, although there are many listeners and few listeners.
The song is played over and over but I can’t stop it. Who will know more after I know the music.

In the evening of Anguo, I drank in Kuixuan and the rhyme was formed into the word

[Song Dynasty] Zhang Shi

Tung blossoms are in the cold March, and the city is full of wind and rain.
makes you drunk at night, and you can ride thousands of horses over your life.
's famous talk about Cebu is full of elegance and solitary clouds.
Look at the wonderful ink with a scolding, and the laughter is all poetry.
characters are like this, you all rely on the main alliance.
even called the guests from the south to share this bottle of wine.
Love me The bamboo in the garden has a square and majestic head.
will always cherish the beauty of ice and snow, and would rather return to the secular world. The new chapter of
is a piece of cake, but nothing is enough.
Original text: I would like to be a feudal lord, and I will be prosperous at the end of the year.

and Chizhou Professor Chen's two rhymes

[Song Dynasty] Wu Fu

usually loves to recite poems wildly, and is ashamed of not being a master.
's wonderful sentences can be seen in rhythm, and in good times, it's even better to see the light.
Jiangwei will stay in Sanchu for the time being, Danbi is about to die.
Don't seek speed for glory, in the end fame belongs to men.

Presented to Wu Shaoqing when he entered the mountain

[Song Dynasty] Shi Jingduan

Friends came to visit each other and entered Chaiguan. The clouds and water were wide and the streams were cold. Mo Daoshan's family has no one to look forward to, and the old pine trees and bamboos are all there for you to look at.

He Zheng and Yan Lingjun Yun

[Song Dynasty] Zhu Jifang

got the name of the county just over a hundred years ago. Who was the official in the past? Xiaotong is quite far away from Yushan City, but officials are very close to Jigu Village.

Passers-by should not complain about the cold news in the kitchen, because the family is happy that their salary is light. But I am worried that I will go to the sky tomorrow and I will not be able to eat until the fifth watch.

and Wu Shuitian Guangwen

[Song Dynasty] Wang Song

It was sunny and not cloudy for ten days. This year, the Qing Emperor loves people deeply. Look at the flowers without leaving the contents of the cup, flatter the tomb and hide the gold at the bottom of the box.

A man of great talent and talent, he groans even though he is old and healthy! When will we be able to clarify our ambitions and become independent and desolate?


[Song Dynasty] Song Xian

The light mist wants to hide the twilight blue, and the first resentment of the broken clouds is mistaken for the red.
I am miserable at the moment when a thousand branches are dead, but I am worried about one empty tree at the end of the day.
Foreign guests will surely enjoy the banquet after hearing about it, and the brocade curtain will always be used to protect the spring.

Rhyme Tours to Longmen Shijue

[Song Dynasty] Hong Zikui

did not mention the long sword to cut the river dragon, but he repaired the pole to catch the sea turtle.
Even though I am old and have no achievements, I still promise myself that two mountains of peaches are flowing in a stream.

Read the biography of retreat

[Song Dynasty] Shu Bangzuo

Retreat twenty-eight, Sanshang Prime Minister's Book.
In the evening, Wang Tingkuo scolded the Buddha and warned him about crocodiles.
When you are young and strong, you can try and see what happens.
Scholars should be raised like this, holding Ling Taixu together.

Hema Temple Cheng sent Mr. Mingfu in autumn

[Song Dynasty] Shi Jie

The autumn shade closes the autumn colors, where is the sadness.
There is an old man named Fu Yanyin, who in the Ming Dynasty has a pale mane.
A few boxes of remaining books are infested with beetles, and the cold chrysanthemums are half deserted.
Only those who study the Spring and Autumn Period go to the thatched cottage from time to time.

Title Jingyuan Wall

[Song Dynasty] Xue Zhongyong

It has been six years since Zhaoti, and the clouds and mist in the mountains and rivers are still there. Don't be lazy and useless, claiming that fame can be whipped.

Ye Ji's move, the scholar's special singing and the rhyme for the reason

[Song Dynasty] Liu Zihui

After being separated and separated, it was difficult to meet.
Drinking wine is offered at the beginning of the night, and poems are written on the spring grass.
Although the traveling eunuch is disgusted, he is famous for his talent and is expected by everyone.
should not be with tired wings, lonely in love with Nazhi.

Chen Qiao Bieyinzhi

[Song Dynasty] Liu Chang

Rou is far away, drinking ice is peaceful and caring for the family. Jing Hui resigned from Bei Que, and Yuan Xi was born with brilliance.

The water dries up and the rain stops, and the strong wind stirs the sand. There are so many carriages, and there are inscriptions on them.

Zhang Hou was a lifelong relative, and their friendship was solid. I feel sorry for you and my ambition is generous, and you care about me as far as the end of the world.

Stay in the water pavilion, talk at dusk and see the morning glow. A hundred miles is already far away, and my heart is not far away from the clouds.

I am from the east and the west, how can I keep my nose? Zhou Yuan is so ashamed that he dare not pay tribute to him again.

Send Shao Buyi to banish Shaowu

[Song Dynasty] Mei Yaochen

is not sorry to move to a distant place, but it is a pity that it is not too late to leave.
The laws of the country are not important, but the king is kind.
Feihong Because of the heavy rain, the cold leaves are not in danger of frost.
There are many new brews on the river, and there are bamboo fences everywhere.

Reward for Zhuxi Chen Shijun's new poem Mo Mei Zhichu

[Song Dynasty] Chen Qi

Thousands of miles away, the Pisces Biancaotang, the central Tibetan ring is shining at different nights.
The east pavilion increases nostalgia for prosperity, and the glory before the shadow falls does not send incense.
Four rhymes don't praise Mao Yingqi. I have missed Shouyang makeup several times.
feels that the public will has been exceeded and the money is given, and is ashamed of the lack of Qiong Ju Zhan Bao Xiang.

Three verses One

[Song Dynasty] Shi Keqin

The golden duck is fragrant and sells the brocade curtains, and he is helped home drunk by the shengs and songs. A romantic affair in youth is something that only the beautiful woman can know about alone.

Send Liusi Shu's Chaling

[Song Dynasty] Liu Zihui

hurriedly grabbed the saddle, leaving the wine cup full and unable to enjoy it.
Travelers thousands of miles away from Xiaoxiang are worried about being far away, and there is a sound of spring coming to an end.
Now that you have left your official career, your achievements will be more evident.
I seem to have heard that the shogunate has a lot of wonderful paintings, so that he can take advantage of his majesty to attract the emperor.

Two elegy poems by Su Caiwen Part 2

[Song Dynasty] Han Wei

The marriage in Yishi was old, and Kundi traveled throughout his life. Every chapter makes me sit up in shock, and I forget my worries while talking and laughing.

No longer holding the cup of happiness, empty space can help the happiness. The character in the desolate basket is swaying to see the silver hook.

On Four Popular Poems

[Song Dynasty] He Geng

He is unscrupulous when he invades my realm, and I will not be able to argue with him for long.
Don't praise who is weak or strong when giving him three feet of land.

Partridge Sky

[Song Dynasty] Ge Changgeng

The rain passes over the mountains and the flowers bloom in the evening. The tobacco smoke is empty and the green willow trees are dim. Who was Ge Ge in Dan Zao in the old home? Today Lao Huang is in Lianquan.
rhinoceros horn pillow, ivory bed. The coconut heart-woven mat makes it cool during the day. How can I be drunk without thinking about the cup? I don’t realize that the sun and the moon are long.

Answer and Wu Chuanzheng's two poems praising goodness and sending them to King Gaoyang's Thirteen Jiyi. The second part

[Song Dynasty] Shao Yong

Yue Jing is not sick, and he has a good heart after leisure. Those who strive for success will live in harmony with the world.

In the evening, I went to Jingyuan Pavilion with two poems

[Song Dynasty] Yang Wanli

had just finished writing in the evening, and went to Gaoting to temporarily open his eyes.
A flock of wild ducks suddenly startled, and they must know that there is a boat coming from the back of the city.

Jianye Restaurant was completed and pre-lit.

[Song Dynasty] Liu Guo

Tall buildings that have been hundreds of feet long have been destroyed, and the layout is magnificent again.
Shengs and songs are played all night long, and the flutes and drums are played in the sky to bring back the spring.
There are many people waving thousands of yi, and we have only one cup when we come here.
The prosperous capital of Beijing is happy to see you again, and it is even more pleasant to be drunk when you are old.

Read the collection of Han officials immediately

[Song Dynasty] Ancestor Wuzhi

drove Lei {left volume and right force} on an expedition, and the ruler and basket were also languid. However,
has to be edited and read, and it still teaches people how to behave,
Confucian tweets are flowing freely, and poems are made by Xu Mengjiao.
The lingering taste is like a big soup.

Sent from Di Yuantang One

[Song Dynasty] Yang Bangyi

In the past, I also admired cultivating mulberry trees, and my sophistication drove people to rise from the north window. Last night, I had a surprise encounter after returning from a dream. Sheep Qiu and Xue were fishing in the Dongjiang River.

Instant Six Jue

[Song Dynasty] Wang Yan

Common people eat vegetables and follow the circumstances, and take cypress smoke when sleeping.
I want to lean on the rope bed and pick up the white whisk. Who can really understand the mystery of the meaning?

The fourteenth night of the moon

[Song Dynasty] Yeluzhu

The autumn wind is coming, and the clouds are rolling in the river and Han Dynasty. Looking at the bottom of the sea in the distance, a golden mirror flies out.

Although it is not very round, the osmanthus is bright and translucent. Stop the cup to see the clear light, and write a new poem.

The attentive toast belongs to Chang'e, don't stop the fun at night in the South Tower.

Rewarding Judge Wang and Nine Days Rhyme

[Song Dynasty] Chen Fuliang

What a handsome young man, with a title of gold and a poor mountain but a small age.
I spend the day alone with my poems, not knowing the shadow of the plum trees under the window screen.


[Song Dynasty] Qiu Chuji

The cycle of the sun and the moon has no definite end. As spring passes and autumn comes, there will be many prosperity and decline. Thousands of sacrifices were made to the Five Emperors and Three Emperors. It's like this every time it prospers and then falls. Death, life, and death. Reincarnation changes, when will it end? There is no resting place.

Han Xiao Sigh

[Song Dynasty] He Zhu

The poor moonlight barely shines on the empty bed.
has no dreams, and is even more sad tonight.

The stream is condensed with blue and blue and merges with the two rivers, and the pavilion is in front of thousands of rocks and ravines. Washing stones, I think about clearing diseased teeth. Who can listen to the flowing spring while leaning on the harp? The north ridge of Yun - DayDayNews

Ten shepherd boy songs. One of them

[Song Dynasty] Pu Shoucheng

The lotus hat has a small green head, and the calf rides on a buffalo. Raise the whip to make a roar, and cross the Long River again by the ditch.

rd rhyme Zhang Yinglong saw a long sentence

[Song Dynasty] Wang Anzhong

lived deep in the west mountain of Tingke Tan, with mountains and hills growing on the tip of his tongue. The shape of the mountain is imaginable, but the guest interest is beyond comprehension.

There is no rhyme in Zhangying's empty space, and the dream is about the mountain stream and the waves. But with the cloud roots and all the green leaves, it is placed in the room of Mao Ying and Tao Hong.

The guest's sincerity competes with the beauty of the mountain, and the haze is full of leisurely words. I am also a non-common person, so I split half of the mountain to return with you.

The third chapter of Yuegu, the king of Wangzhi Palace,

[Song Dynasty] Bai Yuchan

Last May, the wind was blowing, and I was on the top of Fangying Mountain.
Seeing my floating movements and expressions, I have poems to express my sorrow for separation.
If I had known that I would return to immortality so quickly, I would have regretted staying for a few days.
On the day when Mr. Dao returned, it was the Mid-Autumn Festival on thousands of shores and valleys.

After the Snow in the West Lake

[Song Dynasty] Zhao Fan

walked to the lake to pick up the bamboo shoots, his eyes were like painted screens.
The plum blossoms are smiling in the wind again, and there are also experts who are as old as before.

Send Ouyang Yingzhong to Hunan to pay a visit to Qingcao

[Song Dynasty] Zeng Feng

Several times, his feet were light because of his kindness, but he did not satisfy his kindness.
No matter who looks at the white-faced scholar, the messenger in embroidered clothes will be sentimental.
I wish the mountains will be clean after the melting rain, and the water will be clear when Pengli comes in autumn.
Clean up and return home the gold and jade, and call me a high school student from the canal.

Send Zhang Shengfu Thirty Rhymes

[Song Dynasty] As strong as

html Qin Yong, a 5-year-old guest, was not generous in his vulgarity.
There are many friends traveling in front of us, but the outside is the same but the inside is different.
is best suited to Zhang Ziwan, who is soft and strong at first sight.
has been my brother for ten years, which is not because of his strength.
is directly related to the old age of father and brother, and is strong in the third century.
Zi's first doctor, he studied Yuhang in the past.
When I was young, I took him as a boy and went to the court.
Zhong's brother is Ya Yuya, and his classmate is Lizhou Xiang.
rows of couplets sitting and receiving seats are no different from the flying geese.
At this time, you are still a child, even if you remember this, you will forget it.
Go and live in the north and south, and hide in different places in the middle.
Later, I married my brother Jun, and sent tribute from the countryside to the imperial township.
was surprised and suspicious at first when we met, and asked Xu Nai for details.
In the same year, he became a Jinshi, and he is now a provincial minister again.
Yiyu discussed the good contract, but now he is gray.
Yesterday, you untied your troops from Gu, and went eastward with the recommendation chapter.
returns to the old woman's house, the spring breeze turns to the autumn frost.
I'm lucky enough to live in a room opposite each other, with wine calling across the wall.
is still very familiar with the business, and there is no light at all.
Walk across the bridge by the moon and watch the fishermen standing back to the pond.
The poems are sung over and over again, and the towel box is accumulated a little.
Since Xu Xian gained fame, I know that I am still passionate.
said that he is still in ruins, so he doesn’t think I’m crazy.
In ancient times, it was called Guan Baojiao, and we have been looking at each other for thousands of years.
Resign me and return to Yundong, I can't sit still in my bed.
The sun sets over Bianshui River, making it unnavigable for a longer time.
Yongdong abandons the countryside, and it will be desolate for a long time without treatment.
Brother Jiangnan is in urgent need of help.
diligently rolled up his sleeves and forced himself to keep a bottle of wine.
Why do you want to say goodbye? When the chrysanthemum has a fragrance.

Zhengyan Tianxueshi Kuang Shuyan went to Xiang to offer wine and listen to the bamboo planted in Beixuan.

[Song Dynasty] Song Qi

In the past, the Xiangxuan was exhausted, and the bamboo was in Beitangxuan.
The officials are diligently immersed in water, and the lonely roots are slowly growing.
On the 7th, Yan came to the official position and forgot about the noise of the world.
The moon is shadowed by the sea at night, and the wind is blowing in the morning.
Last year, the master denounced him and slandered him as Huai Fan. Later,
became popular, but I didn’t dare to announce it if I wanted to blame it.
Fortunately, observing the wisdom of the time, he was granted the title of Shi En.
Traveling thousands of miles away, we can learn from each other far away.
is in a bad situation now and will return at a different date.
million screens are cut, don’t let Gu Yuyan speak.

Song Jiang Thirty-Six Likes

[Song Dynasty] Gong Kai

flies and eats meat, so majestic.
A stranger in Yuguan will not hurt your appearance.

sarcastic thirteen

[Song Dynasty] Liu Chang

Beneficial friendships are mutually beneficial, and righteous friendships are mutually beneficial. A thousand years old is like a twilight, but thousands of miles are still close at hand.

I heard about each other in the past, but I didn’t think we knew each other. Now we travel together, but I hate that we can’t help each other.

At the same time, he became the same Taoist, the same official and the same nationality. I have made new friends throughout my life, but I also cherish my promise.

My son is the prefect, and I am a guest here. Although the number is sparse, there should be no deeds.

Wu Yi's eleven poems

[Song Dynasty] White Jade Toad

After the rain, there are several piles of autumn moss, and at sunrise there are thousands of golden clusters of sunflowers.
roared at the scenery, and the wild apes cried in shock.

The son of Zhao Guozhou was able to write large characters in the fourteenth year of his life. Guozhou sent poems from Jingnan to the calligraphy and painting of the life book.

[Song Dynasty] Wang Shipeng

Zizheng should be well-known throughout his life, so he should have an heir named Qingfen. I can read thousands of volumes, but I can only get eight points in literacy.

young people have a good view of the country, and Zhang Wujun's poems can come true. Xiaoyu lives in Tianlu in the future, with jade leaves and golden branches containing clouds.

Feast at Lijiayuan Pavilion on March 6th

[Song Dynasty] Yu Liangneng

The forest garden passed Yuansi, and the flowing water flowed around the fragrance.
is slightly faint and half looking for shadow, sweet and refreshing like a fan of wind.
The flowers on the cup and plate are in the air, and the birds on the pillow are singing.
Young Master respects his guests, the moon is bright and the bottle is not empty.


[Song Dynasty] Chu Yong

The first half of the Gongyao stage spits out the flowers, and the exposed branches have already entered the noble family.
is not as good as the nameless grass in the garden, which blooms once the spring breeze blows.

Seven Poems on the Beginning of Spring

[Song Dynasty] Liu Kezhuang

has preserved five thousand old poems and added three hundred households to praise the new ones.
The official score is better than the hairpin, and the monk sends black fuel to warm his body.

After rain and clear weather, we stay overnight in Shitang and offer sacrifices to Dazhong.

[Song Dynasty] Huang Tingjian

A long rainbow hangs down to the ground like a seal character, and a clear crotch sticks into the sky like a painting screen.
The plowman is carrying a hoe to untie the mantle, and the fisherman is drying the net and throwing in a bamboo basket.
I am feeling nostalgic when I hear the flute in Ziqi, and the fireflies gather outside the window when I am in the carriage.
Lying alone in Xiao Zhai, there is no moon. Late at night, I can still hear the sound of reading.

Guo Xikeng

[Song Dynasty] Yang Wanli

Where is the wet cloud when there is no dry wind? If you can't blow it, just help him.
Wild water falls into the stream and crab eyes appear, and it takes a long time.


[Song Dynasty] The left latitude

tender reds rush to the branches, how many east winds ask for my reward. The beauty of spring makes it easy for people to grow old, and the time is like a guest who leaves but is hard to stay.

Good times often turn into hatred, and I am afraid that the fragrant mash will overwhelm me with sorrow. Put gold into the wine cup, and the catkins have been flying all over the city.


[Song Dynasty] Liu Bian

plows and hoees to make room for the morning rain, and should catch the east wind when there is no time.

Cambodian Chen Nanyuan

[Song Dynasty] Weng Sen

Since ancient times, sages and philosophers have been lucky to many villages.
The road of life is bent, and it is difficult to rub the chest.
I wake up late at night, and my worries are not about poverty.
We look at each other and work hard, Xu Zai pursues the ancients.

Send Commander Hong off to the palace

[Song Dynasty] Wu Yong

once remembered that Jialing shared a boat together, and the wind on the river was full of autumn flowers again.
We haven't seen each other for three years, and we have ten things to say but nine have rested.
The Huai River is turbid, and the journey is uncertain and the clouds are sad.
Fengming has gone to the morning sun, and the rain has wetted the tower.

Ten poems from Dunze Picture Scroll when asked

[Song Dynasty] Wang Bai

The vast universe is vast, and the broken mountains are slightly visible.
is quite exciting, but my path is very difficult.

times rhyme In the same year, Yang Shijun returned from Piling and saw the gift in the boat on Panshi Lake. The third

[Song Dynasty] Fan Chengda

took the wind to cross Beizhu, and saw the fog in the western mountains. The sleeves are too thin for the emerald green, and the cup is too shallow for the cold gold.

It is easy to collect the rain in the night, but it is difficult to remove the rain in the spring. Let's stay here for a long time, and be willing to go to Su Duan.

Three Poems of the Huai Family

[Song Dynasty] Dai Xiu

sent hundreds of books in three years, and a few books came to my house.
I came home in a dream last night and saw my old wife crying.

Feilai Lake in Western Hunan

[Song Dynasty] Shi Dehong

The servant girl scattered smoke in the martial arts forest, and there is a solitary snail bun on a peak. The smoke and clouds have strange shapes, and the gorgeous trees never wither in autumn.

Why did Li Gong come and see the Xuanxuan Canal? It is said that this Lingjiu Peak has been flying for a long time.

html There is a white ape among the 5, who calls out for his son. Even now, when I call Yuanyuan Stream, the flying waves jump and the broken beads dance.

When I came to the south of Chu State, thousands of mountains competed for the trend. There is a horizontal pond in Jinglu, so you can take care of your eyebrows and whiskers in the clear water.

A master of martial arts, he came from Soochow. Who knows that to the west of the Xiang River, there is Feilai Lake.

The rows are full of autumn colors, and the small boats are hiding wild cattails. When you are free, you can lean on the dangerous threshold and stand against a gull as bright as a gull.

The color of Xiangfeng and I are both worthy of painting.

With the title of Chen Qi, Yingfu Yuanxuan

[Song Dynasty] Zhang Lei

The east wind blows the noodles and wine in the cup, and the plum blossoms and willows are new after wax.
The lingering snow remains in the cold mountains towards the evening, and the mist does not move in the wild spring.
left Beijing and Luo as a luxurious place, and Sichuan led Qin and Han to conquer the dust.
Don't ask about ancient and modern times, it is naive to just indulge in intoxication.


[Song Dynasty] The two peaks of Wushan

do not come out of the clouds, and the spring clouds are spread over ten miles. There are gulls flying on the water, and parrots complaining in front of the curtain.

The flowers are not fragrant when they are cold, and there is no improvement in monthly thinness. Don't say it's sunny in the mountains nearby, but it's still raining in the distance.


[Song Dynasty] Dong Sigao

The mountainside slips out of the distant peaks, cutting off the greenery of the West Lake.
Die Zong has been hanging around the monks for a long time, and sencha was offered to the Imperial Academy.
The heart of the pavilion is covered with rain and painted with red phoenixes, and the stone mouth is filled with clouds and sprays of jade dragons.
On what day the stars will fly like angels, I don’t know who will lead the Nirvana Sect.

Lean on a stick to show Zi Xun

[Song Dynasty] Lu You

We have been with each other for forty years, and our friendship remains long-lasting.
is located on Minjiang Road in Wuxia Gorge in the west and reaches the Wei River in Qishan in the north.
has long since returned to play with the spring stone, and the old man is still walking slowly through the wind and smoke.
, together with the begging bag and Zen version, will be passed down to future generations.

Night Boating (made during Zhang's nephew's wedding)

[Song Dynasty] Ge Cube

Shu embroidery hanging in the hundred-foot carved hall. Outside the bead curtain, there is a beautiful jade garden. Famous people tune the tripod, play the virtuous flute, and predict the new emperor and emperor.
Silver leaves add fragrance to sleeves. The golden cup is full of longevity wine. Happy to move the Toad Palace, auspicious ecological tent, should be after Xijun returns.

Open the wall and put a window, which is called Yuanxuan. The second

[Song Dynasty] Chen Yuyi

sat in the Nanxuan at dawn, looking at the top of the mountain. How can lay people be so foolish? The flying clouds have not yet ceased.

You are so far away from the vulgar world, and you don’t have to worry about it in troubled times. If you know the disasters of hundreds of wars, you don’t know the disasters of three emptiness.

Enjoy sleeping in beauty behind closed doors, and look at green walls with open doors. The guest from afar thanks the host and shares this green window.

On the new sunny day, birds are chirping on the eaves, and the gentle summer breeze takes over the seats. Xiao Ran has a white head, how can he wear a court cap?

I vow to stay here forever, day after day. But if you hate eating without meat, the immortal will come out of the mountains and rivers.

The stinging thunder turns into the jejunum, and the sentences are uttered as a guide. A smile shows that the neighbor has never had such a visitor.

Title Danshanyan

[Song Dynasty] Wen Younian

came to Yongzhou because of his love for Xishan. The yellow grass and white reeds make people sad.
drove to Yufeng Peak, which is at the top of Xiaojiang River.
The scenery around the peaks on the Yangtze River is amazing, and the Danshan Mountain is inlaid with sinuses.
Rubbing the alchemy stove and drinking from the stone spring, it feels like I have traveled through several eons in the past.
Zhengjun Zhengjun suffers from Qin, and one Qin person is another Qin person.
There is no way to escape from the worldly world when you step on the green mountains.

Two more poems about the strange father

[Song Dynasty] Chen Yuyi

The country's aromatherapy sitting Mr. drunk, the autumn leaves hide the flowers and the guests are fascinated.
drives the evening breeze to the same resort, and Dongxuan does not need to control the rhinoceros.

[Song Dynasty] Shi Tan

There is a bamboo grate on Jingshan. It makes no sense to go straight down.
The three doors of the kitchen and warehouse of the Buddhist temple pass through the monk's eyes and ears.

Dou Baihua·The setting sun in the east wind is deep in the courtyard

[Song Dynasty] Chao Buzhi

The setting sun is in the east wind in the deep courtyard. The embroidery curtain is in a downturn and returns to Yan. The chic little screen and charming face are like seeing her for the first time in front of a lamp. During the feast, the silver basin was half dismantled and placed next to the Phoenix Hairpin. A smile covers the fan.
teaches you to show the fragrance and watch the dancing of colorful clothes. The red and green trees are turning, and the startling roar is blowing against the autumn shore. The willows are sleepy and the flowers are idle, and the turbans are neatly arranged by themselves, and the golden lamp must be persuaded to fall.

times Xiuye ​​Miscellaneous Poetry Rhymes Yellow Bird Bream

[Song Dynasty] Zhu Xi

Where the oriole flies, they make love and steal fat. The rice beams are easy to find, but it is too late to get rid of the snares.

is partial to rich tastes and wealth, and seeks to avoid misfortune. Han Peng Shang Jing Min, Mo Mo Er Cheng Yi.

Rui Partridge

[Song Dynasty] Zhao Xipeng

Seeing spring in the gentle countryside. Wuyu leisurely loosened his leg straps. The balcony of the soul dream is fascinated by the dusk rain, and the graceful Luopu is surrounded by the fairy wind.
Chasing plum trees down the dusk road looks like the Palace of Fortune in Huaian. The old grudges are empty in my heart, but they can all be wiped out and paid for in one cup.

He Xinliang (Shou Zhi Shuai Dong Shilang)

[Song Dynasty] Li Tingzhong

Zhuo Jinjiangtou Road. Looking at the auspicious clouds and closely embracing the banners, the Heavenly Mansion has just opened. The Mid-Autumn jade in the ice dew pot does not bother you in the heat of the human world. The appearance of objects and the demeanor of gods. Looking back at the palace of Taiqing Palace, it is the place where you can travel around with hairpins and pens. Wanzhou Dendrobium, but the west complains.
There are countless soldiers in Chibiantang. Laughing at the past, Shushan understood the generals, and the night was full of vigor and vitality. Listen to the current decree and wash away the smoke and fog. Then he called and returned with his clothes on. The luck should be that the river is clear and it coincides with Yue's birthday. To run the Zhongxing business, you need to apply for help. Look at the years and longevity.

peach blossom

[Song Dynasty] Li Xin

When young Liu Lang first met, he seemed to be smiling in the east wind.
Liu Lang's white hair wants to see you again, and the stream in front of him is gone.

times Yunzi Zhan Nanxi Shishitang

[Song Dynasty] Su Che

There is a narrow path with pillars and sticks, and there is still a forest surrounding the hall.
Birds are not frightened, Wan Zhu is in his heart.
Tigers roar, the wind blows, there is a lot of frost, and the cicadas are silent.
The beast is arrogant and does not avoid it, and people will remember it from now on.
I have no time to live here for the rest of my life, but I can only chat for half a day.
Green pine can be fasted, and yellow leaves do not require quilts.
Occasionally I got lost for the first time, but I will finally realize it. There is a gentleman in the hall, and there is still a hairpin in his bun.

Three poems about Yu Qing's support

[Song Dynasty] Liu Zai

was closely related to his mentor and friend Ye Houmen, and was the grandson of the Han Dynasty's prime minister, He Yi.
The crown and belt are only for swimming in Bishui, but the name is not Ci En.

Guoshan Nunnery

[Song Dynasty] Hu Zhonggong

Heaven and earth are in one house, and peace of mind is at home.
tastes the taste of the world in a light way, and is full of life.
Add charcoal to the simmered taro, and enjoy the tea in the spring.
There is no paper tent in the empty mountain, and there is no dream of plum blossoms.

Jiangchengzi Wang Shengyu of Pingxiang wrote at the banquet

[Song Dynasty] Hou Zhi

When will the traces of Pingpeng stop? All floating. Stay for you. We talk about those days when we were young and full of energy.

Don’t lament that both men have gray hair, and the past and present have passed away.

Chuanzi praised

[Song Dynasty] Shi Kexiang

Shitou Sun, the son of Yaoshan, ran in the desolate waves when he was hungry. With such big golden scales, it seems that I should share it with Daowu.

Three unique inscriptions on Buddhist pavilions. One of them

[Song Dynasty] Wang Shipeng

The Buddhist pavilions have been read by people for a long time, and Confucian officials are unfamiliar with the world. Mr. Jialan, the real elder, allowed me to stay here for half a year.

Zen Platform Part Three

[Song Dynasty] Han Hui

The cool breeze blows and the rain passes through the city, it is not autumn unless it is close to the Double Ninth Festival. How sad it is to give away clean bottles to deceive the elderly and sick, and to blow the stage to offer sacrifices.

Climb the Lianyi Pavilion

[Song Dynasty] Chu Yong

Jie Pavilion pillows the plain river, the autumn light is faint and the smoke is far away.
The window opens to the outside view of the forest, and the shadows occupy the water and the sky.
The wild color returns to chanting the flute, and the sails pass the passenger ship.
People lean on the dangerous fence, and the immortals wander into the ten continents.

The Twelve Wonderful Plants and Trees in the Shuanghouji Garden

[Song Dynasty] Fan Chengda

A guest came from Yangzhou and left me Yangzhou flowers.
Yuncage stores dry wood, so that next year will be good for spring.

The Story of Bu Youxi on Yuanxi

[Song Dynasty] Wei Liaoweng

did not follow the Luo custom of accounting for lamp shadows, nor did he learn from Jing people to ask Zi Gu. The income from selling
comes and goes, and the good years are still like last year.

times Cheng Youshi Yun sent the monks to visit the south to inquire about the fruit of the Buddha.

[Song Dynasty] Shi Yaobi

inquired about Fengdian Miaoxi Master. Tianzhen looked at Gu Fei in the north of the sea.
means that there is no place to return, but it means returning to Meizhou thousands of miles away.


[Song Dynasty] Pay attention to

Fairy Xuanyi from her temples, singing a long song to understand her face.
The copper cup is fully drawn to act like a whale, and the red sleeves are lowered to make a bow.
Dance in Liuyue Palace, the spring breeze is cold, the music plays in the sky, and the dream returns.
line, listen to the new sound of Taiping music, which will be transmitted to the world in five beats first.

Daya pass

[Song Dynasty] Fan Chengda

There is no settlement in the five journeys of the gorge, and the horse head is plowed today.
The wheat seedlings are sparse and thin, the bean seedlings are sparse, and the new pepper leaves are thin at the tips.
Every woman has her hair wrapped in cloth, and she carries a child with a droopy collar on her back.
Mountains are deep but there is no shortage of physiology. People have a pair of silver hairpins.

Man Ting Fang Part One and Zhao Zhongjing Yong Snow

[Song Dynasty] Zhu Xiyan

Cutting water and flying flowers, cutting ice to make catkins, the Dragon Palace does not care about the severe cold. It invades the hood obliquely, and the temples suddenly fade away.

Who thinks that the guests in Liang Garden will be tired, the gold will be exhausted, and the talent for writing poems will be frugal. It has been drifting for a long time, and the cold is so cold that it turns brown, as if it were between the hooves of a horse.

Liu Shaoqing (Shao Wu Xichun stage presented Xiu Keshu)

[Song Dynasty] Zhao Shixia

is in awe. Chongtai moves to lean on, the mind is broad. The water is blue, the peaks are towering green, and the sky is extremely cold.
lived in the north and south of the Yangtze River. I have never known that there are beautiful mountains in central Fujian. The rain is darkening the front pavilion, the clouds are covered with clothes, and the body is tired and climbing.

Wang Shuda used Wei Pengze's experience of lurking in the jade cave

[Song Dynasty] Lou Yao

The book rock is very strange, and the hidden jade is even more magnificent.
Li Junman is in Pangu, Yuanzi is in the empty valley.
God cannot keep secret to himself, Heaven should open for you.
If Yuan Ming has achieved this, he should return without any gifts.

and You Bohua Guangde sent Jun Yiting to Yu

[Song Dynasty] Liu Zai

Xuanting Kai Shuangxi was happy with the new camp, and Yan Province should come to congratulate Xiasheng.
Bottles of wine and two forget the sages and saints, Wei Bian is the relative brother and brother.
Poems are like embroidery, paragraphs are perfected from the beginning, and people are like curling stones.
sends a message to Jin Kun and his close friends, telling them when Xu Banjing will meet again.

Zhao Dongyan and Jian Shuyanhou's four poems

[Song Dynasty] Wang Mai

built Yan's army and horses filled the sacred capital, and the palace was built across the body to live a city.
When Prime Minister Ji has no merit, God's blessings and goodness are obvious.
People say that hairpin is a prosperous sect, and Gong is the descendant of Yingyao.
cherishes the postscript of Xishan's relics, and his annual income is from the official historian's commentary.

Yu Jia Ao Second

[Song Dynasty] Hong Hao

Most of the Tung trees in Huiting are withered. The west wind does not take advantage of travelers. There is no need to leave a question about watching the bright moon.

West Garden Banquet. Yan Yanlang said that it was useless.

Use Jingxiong rhyme to send your adopted brother

[Song Dynasty] Shi Huikong

The wonderful virtues make the sky rich, but the empty life is poor to the bone. With a bit of snow, the great void is forged.

Don't wait for Kunpeng to be transformed, and you will have a fortune of 90,000 yuan. He asked diligently about his luggage and crossed Liaodong with one arrow.

Huating Baiyong·Sannvgang

[Song Dynasty] Xu Shang

The jade coffin is unknown, and the fragrant soul plan has been sold out.
comes to sing more frequently, and it will be a trick for a long time.

Five poems about the lunar eclipse on the night of July 16th in Renzi One of them

[Song Dynasty] Cheng Ju

There is a toad cave in the blue sky, and the white ground is empty and worried about the lice. Sitting and waiting for the remains of the soul to be exposed in the coal soot, it is very cold and the jade springs into autumn.

Poems titled Chao Chexuan

[Song Dynasty] Guo Yin

Jade is bright at night, and the golden crow is Chao Che.
I have divine light in my body, like a thousand towers of sun and moon.

Two poems written in white body. One is

[Song Dynasty] Zhang Lei

Fame and wealth come with a long life, and autumn is passed in the high mountain city. The swallows sitting on the incense lanterns are quiet companions, and the elk walking leisurely are companions.

The new frost has passed on the green and yellow grass and trees, and the rain has collected in the cool streams and mountains at night. Looking back on ten years of being a guest of Liang Yuan, I have learned in vain and lost my youth.

A gift to Zhang Bangji's mother. One

[Song Dynasty] Chen's

was frightened every time he thought of farewell, and he became ill every time. But I, Yan Lingzi, am closer to you sincerely.

minutes, no tears left, even more sad when looking into the distance. How warm will the old eyes be? Music and books never tire of reading.

Shen'er's return came from Hangmei. Shandi has a poem with a rhyme

[Song Dynasty]. Chen's

Chen'er returned home and was so happy that he cried, and it was difficult to tell others.
There are no lakes and seas in my old eyes, but there are ghosts and gods in my original heart.
is about to be eighty years old, and it’s time to say goodbye to spring again.
is confident and reliable, and would rather teach to be an independent people.

During the Qingming Festival, Huai Chengfu

[Song Dynasty] Zhao Fan

only thought that this year it would be cold and sunny, but he knew that there would be wind and rain during the Qingming Festival.
I am moved by festivals in a foreign land, not to mention this life.
resigned to the grave for this reason, not daring to look back on brotherly love.
Looking eastward across the Yangtze River, clouds surge like mountains and white waves cross the horizon.

Qingchuang said

[Song Dynasty] Lin Xiyi

Today and the Ming Dynasty, we can only find each other for a moment. You can't catch up with yesterday, it's like a thousand years apart.

The Yangtze River is tidal, and the lonely moon is bright and soulful. The real Zai Liang works hard, and his life is like a guest.

The brocade clothes are not as beautiful as the clouds, and the quinoa soup is not stingy. Pitching over the past and present, ups and downs make me dumb.

Mao wine is sixty-seven points, and Wu has two or three strategies. A clear window makes you happy, but a mirror is empty and white.

Like a dream, the color of dawn, the tone is like a dream

[Song Dynasty] Wang Zhao

Ten thousand trees are wrapped in the fog. The shadow of the sun is covered by the bright clouds. People don't startle the gulls when they get up, and walk lightly along the embankment with their hands behind their backs.

Qingqu. Fun. Received a lake of wind and dew.

times rhyme: Wuguang Xiucai traveled to Nanhu

[Song Dynasty] Su Che

The cold east wind helps the cold weather, and the Tingying liquor also weakens the beauty.
How can I read a bed full of books? I can’t take a few steps to see the lake.
Dreams of green poplars hanging down behind the Pudong, watching the red apricots shining on the front mountains.
The New Year is getting better, you will return soon, and you will not return in the evening without seeing any tourists.
〈The hill in front of the lake is called Xingshan.

Zhuang Zhao Zigu Zuosi

[Song Dynasty] Sun Yingshi

Every time he sighed, you know me and show your kindness to your father and brother.
Say the names of people when you meet them, write about your life when you meet them.
is almost like no other carp, and the sadness is like Jiujing.
When Zhai Gongmen left his guests, he vowed to live up to his friendship.

tasting tea

[Song Dynasty] Yang Wanli

html picked tea leaves under the dew in the middle of May, and drank wine from the silver vase with flowers hanging upside down. If you want the fragrance of flowers to infuse the bones of wine, don’t use jade wine to moisten your skin.

If you drop a cup of wine, I will get nothing. I know you will not hesitate to be punished a hundred times. The imperial edict bestows deep abilities, and the savages will hit them again and again.

and Quan's mother and brother's title ■

[Song Dynasty] Yangfang

Everything is easy before the East, and I am afraid that I will chase the enemy with help. If you recognize the painting in Emperor Xi's heart, why should Tanlaiao ask Yan Kong?

Two poems about Hu Jizhao

[Song Dynasty] Li Bogui

The Holy Dynasty issued a lenient edict to Longchi, freeing all tired ministers from trouble.
I am deeply saddened by the loss of Jia Yi's house in Changsha, and this temple remains empty as the tide recedes.
Gu Zhongyuan despises his own life and death, and he would rather go home if he knows how to ask.
Thousands of miles of mountains and rivers are gone, and the sad wind shakes the clothes.

Central Plains Folk Songs Yingsong Pavilion

[Song Dynasty] Zhou Linzhi

Yingsong Pavilion, the willows beside the pavilion are so green. The wind and the sound of magpies rejoice in the trees, and the bright red smoke and green tiles condense on the trees.

Passers-by look at the north and south of the city, and the new inscriptions on the list illuminate the streets. The golden angel came and went, and the Tibetan officials went out to greet the guests.

The old man at the head of the car supported the yoke and said that he was a survivor of the Song Dynasty. The Si Pavilion was not designed to welcome and send off, but it was almost intended to welcome the Song Dynasty.

People from the south looked at each other in surprise, this phrase can predict the future. He said that he would drive slowly with Zheng Husband, as he was afraid of seeing Zheng's dust when going back and forth.

The hundred-year-old willow tree in front of Mozhe Pavilion was cultivated by Song De for a long time. I just look forward to the green flowers in the south and return, worshiping the horse again and saying longevity.

Use the preceding rhyme to express gratitude to the public bachelor

[Song Dynasty] Raojie

When buying gold, you must know the real gold, and learn the Tao first to prevent evil and see the forest. Don't make explanations based on words and causes; you only need to see the form to understand your mind.

The waves of the great Yuanjue Sea are vast, and the roots of Ubala flowers are deep. If you are personally recommended, the sound of sea tides will appear in all directions.

Six Miscellaneous Odes of Xizhai Part 3 Bamboo

[Song Dynasty] Liu An's

The many branches are like to be deleted, and the strong festivals are independent. Irrigation has not exceeded the limit, and new bamboo shoots have been harvested.

Listen to the new successful quatrains on the fourth day of the first lunar month. The second

[Song Dynasty] Zhang Ban

governs music and peace at the beginning of Shaoxi, and can be driven by Xianshao. There are enough chimes, chimes, and Xiangxi, so I won’t have to worry about the completion.

times rhyme Zhao Quhua Tiqian's seven summer miscellaneous poems

[Song Dynasty] Su Ying

Love outside the mountains knows that there are more mountains, how many unexpected things are common.
After dreaming about the Temple of Heaven, I realized that the hills were not enough to see.

After fasting, he and Jin Laohuan Pu Wengcong drank the dragon by themselves and then discovered

[Song Dynasty] In the fifth year of Jiang Kui's

html year, dust was rising from the sea in June, and white clouds were seen rising from the green mountains in the distance.
I heard that an eminent monk was reciting a mantra, and he threw it in front of the rock and asked the dragon king.

Food lotus root

[Song Dynasty] Li Liuqian

Fuqu has a good reputation, but its end is also extraordinary.
This soil is suitable for food, and it is better than pomelo and orange.
The vines have led to the stems, and the body of the mud is still clean.
A trace of a puppet is played, and all the apertures are lost.
In the autumn of Pitang in July, thousands of canopies are covered with cold green.
has a slang name with flowers, and is as crispy and tender as if it were boneless.
is like a boat approaching to cheat, like a jade chasing after another.
The truth of Qu Tan Kuang comes from the same source as the pure and unclean.
Flowers are connected to their roots, and cause and effect are not two ways.
Jun looked at the entrance and saw a piece of suspicious snow.
The heat makes the muscles feel like smoke, and the poison makes the lungs burst.
should only be used when the country is cool and cool.

Yuantian sighs at the four wonders

[Song Dynasty] Fan Chengda

Taiwanese water conservancy has scientific regulations, which will last for thousands of years.
Ande can speak two yellow swans, and sing Fupi ballads for you.

Zhu Tongpan was unable to express his gratitude with a poem when he visited the patient.

[Song Dynasty] Wang Tinggui's biography of

was heard by the neighbors, and there were two rounds of competition to see Zhu's inscription. The military talisman is divided into half thorns, and the road passes through the mountains and towns to visit idle people.

The spring call is as clear as water, and the written chapter is wonderful and fascinating. It should be remembered that the poor and sick scholar has been haggard for many years by the Chu River.

Three poems about praying for rain and staying in Jiuqu Pond One of them

[Song Dynasty] Chao Buzhi

Chao Buzhi was playing music in the chariot, and the deserted pond was windy in the open air. Unintentionally nostalgic for the past, sleeping happily on a cool night.

Bone Physiology

[Song Dynasty] Lu You

Bone Physiology has little knowledge, how dare you expect fame? Illness invades the strong days, leisure passes the holy days.
The shape of Shenglun is a platform, flying across the sea.
Although the rivers and lakes are thousands of miles away, they are still like poems.

Partridge Sky (Yong Yan)

[Song Dynasty] Zhao Changqing

The swallows returned in pairs on the beams. Old friends should not send new poems. Liu Wuyin goes up and down, and goes back down in the middle of the curtain.
pursues grand events and recalls Wu Yi. The sun is setting in the west in Wangjiaxiang. The rise and fall of infinite and shocking words are unknown to people at the time.

The magistrate appeases Xin'an County and unveils the book on the first day of spring. The

of Bangnan Tower [Song Dynasty] Fan Chengda

has a cow fight on the green tiles and red walls, and the new inscription is on the lock button of the forest in wonderful ink.
uses your pen to bring spring back, and the plum blossoms and willows are darkened by flying flowers overnight.
Nanshan and the building are relatively high, and they have always competed for supremacy.
eight points and three words are suppressed, and all the peaks are like Cao Cao.
Great events in the world are not separated by the sky, and the snow is urgently turned into white.
Regardless of the people of Fuzhou through the ages, we can first predict the wheat in Gangkang next year.
The east wind blows the wine and the noodles are crispy, and we don’t hesitate to get drunk and return to support each other.
If the short song spreads to Yuefu, the Zhan generation will also be known by the public.

Send the title Cuifan Pavilion

[Song Dynasty] Li Misun

He Lang loves the mountains and knows his noble eyes, and he does not wear awning shoes to traverse empty valleys.
The grass and bamboos are tied up in the room, and I sit and worship Cui Wei around the green river.
I also seek secluded places without worrying about being far away, and I have been following you around for half my life.
The mountains and peaks pass by and become a dream, and the sky above and below is filled with moans.
The emperor ascended the pavilion like a calendar block, looking down at the world as lightly as a mustard.
Spring is full of charm and beauty, while autumn is pure and aloof, showing its true state.
Those who know tranquility are the ones who have surpassed themselves, and there are only a few good things in the world.
Knowing that one’s stupidity does not extend beyond thirty miles, there are hundreds of thousands of realms to be judged within a short distance.
The beauty of the four seasons is still magnificent, and the clouds and smoke in the writing are drunk and falling.
Diaosou is bitter and looks down on the ingenuity of heaven. Creation has a spirit and should do evil.
Penglai square pot or above and below, there are many mausoleums and valleys. Today is not yesterday.
Tang Ling Kua Zi and Xiao escaped, with the mountains and ravines hidden in their hearts.

Title old Zhongkui

[Song Dynasty] Su Che

Secretary of Jinan has a white beard now, and Zhongkui old records on New Year's Day.
I raise my hands to the sky and am happy to see the snow, but it is pitiful to step on the frozen canal with broken shoes.
is surging in the yellow soil of today, and I am an old man in China for sixty-six years.
The children left before they were allowed to leave, and the silver vase was soaked in butcher cakes overnight.

Traveling with Wei Yan to stop the wind

[Song Dynasty] Chen Shidao

used to say that the spring breeze is also the world's sentiments, and should not be used to judge people's behavior.
does not need to be angry to prompt new sentences, but more worrying can be short-lived.
Shengri is busy trying to find surprises, so don’t be surprised if you get this in a wonderful year.
It’s none of my business to know where it came from, and the stars have been restored to a bright and clear sky.

Bodhisattva Man (Chrysanthemum)

[Song Dynasty] Li Chuquan

There are flower girls in all four seasons. In autumn, I can still see flowers like this. Think of the purple elixir. Time creates the room.
The spring warbler leaves its weak feathers.More stained with rose dew. Don't take Luo Ying's meal. Leave it for drunken eyes to see.

Two unique ways to send friends to mourn. One is

[Song Dynasty] Chen Dong

wants to recognize the green curtain and ask for wine to taste, but he is shocked and sends Danyi to mourn the king. The editor of Luzhuang was very sad, thinking about Du Kang in the breeze.

When I was ill, I heard that the plum blossoms returned south

[Song Dynasty] Ouyang Xiu

When I heard that you had untied the boat, the autumn water was flowing.
Ye Ankuang returns to his thoughts, and the capital is in chaos.
followed the merchant sail for a while, and followed the geese group for the first time.
There are many mountains that come out of Huaidian, and the willow trees are all divided into Bianhe River.
The color of Chu is still green, and the river is misty for half a day.
Ke Yihao is far away, far away from Huaining.
Xuancheng is so romantic, I heard about it when I converted.

The slogan on the forehead of Qingyuan Mansion

[Song Dynasty] Anonymous

Emperor Qingyuan's old name was Fan, and he bless Yuan Rong's new name.
There are three big characters wrapped around Yu Yu, and the rainbow passes through Siming Mountain.
The century-old boat is full of joy, and the ancient mountains and rivers are still flourishing.
took the island to the fairy world and brought it up to bless the world.

Zhu Nanjian's poem Part Three

[Song Dynasty] Lou Yao

The chess game has not been going well for a long time, and the poetry alliance has also become cold. Fang Qi will be sincere and forthright, and then he will become sad and happy.

html I have no regrets at the age of 5, the love is so deep that I can’t bear to watch it. Where is the beautiful city? To the east, look across the mountains and rivers.

He Yuzhi Flower Appreciation and Fishing

[Song Dynasty] Zu Wuze

Forbidden Imperial Spring is deep and the imperial curtains are opened, and the five clouds come out of the sheath at dawn.
The flower contains auspicious colors and three dangerous dews, and the wine is clear and bright, and the longevity cup is clear.
The fish waves are swaying with fragrant bait, and the fairy sound instrument is lingering in the phoenix sun.
I am a humble minister who says that I am lucky to meet you at the right time. I will accompany you on my journey to the sweet spring.

Three poems about praying for rain in the village

[Song Dynasty] Dai Biaoyuan

There are different clouds in ten miles and different rain in five miles.
The rooftop is vastly white, which is very touching to my heart.
People say that dragons are friends with gods, and elephants can be taken.
Snakes and insects are walking at this time, who dares to insult them?
Feiteng believes in skills and endures the pain of waiting for the signal.
The power of the god Yu is so powerful that it will flow through the ages.

Wangshan Zuo

[Song Dynasty] Chao Shuozhi

Wangshan Mountain is behind you, but you don’t realize how many times you are looking back.
The horse wants to go backwards, but the road is good and difficult.
The white clouds are still sent to each other to bring the beauty of the mountains. Where
arrived yesterday, who is wandering around today?
Ande Jade Girl's water washes away the dust for me.
I don’t know how to accompany Song Lao, I would rather endure being guessed by a gull.
The sun is separated from things, who can this eye open to?

Wen Yin wanted to be transferred to the official position

[Song Dynasty] Liu Chang

The dragon lived in the pool, raising its head to drink water. Tigers and leopards leave the mountains and forests, always wagging their tails in search of food.

Zhang Junyi is very useful, and it is also a dragon-tiger rivalry. Why do you want to be a small official and give up five buckets of rice?

Bend and stretch cover the destiny, hidden and revealed is a gentleman. For example, when you combine materials, you should start from the end.

In the past, we were high in the sky, but now we are in the dust. But the proverb is amazing, who can knock the ears of heaven?

Governor Xianhe Zhang

[Song Dynasty] Zhang Fu

In front of Sun Hou's two-foot-long short hut, there are three hundred poems.
Jinluan Yutang has not returned yet, and we have formed a relationship with the rivers and lakes.
Officials no longer play with ink and ink in their spare time, and there are no unwelcome guests when they pass through the door on a victorious day.
In the spring breeze, the fast horse rides on the purple reins, and the orioles are all familiar with each other under the flowers.
Drinking and remuneration can turn the tables in debates, and you can win every sentence and become a good official.
I have always had a poetry habit, and I find it difficult to sing a single word while twisting my mustache.
I don’t know what’s the use of hard work, and why would I die if I hear the truth?
He is so young that he has no sound and cannot make a penny straight. html It's strange that the poem tube came late on the 7th. I'm afraid that you will write a Moya poem.
There are still foxes and rabbits in the caves of the Central Plains, but they should not live in idleness.

ancient stone

[Song Dynasty] Huang Wenlei

The stone in front of the window is staggered and resembles a tiger chi. Qiu Qing moss can be peeled off, and year-old Yan bamboo is suitable.

If you want to come out of the mountains and rivers, how can you know that the mausoleums and valleys will move. Rubbing the skinny jade, the wind helps the horse king feel sad.

Zhao Mingshu Taibo didn't know Zuimian Pavilion and he was good at it.

[Song Dynasty] Li Xingzhong

You should know that Huangting Road is not credited, and it is opposite to the fisherman's house in the north of Puxi Bridge.
The window is too exposed to the sun. Newly planted bamboos and vegetables occupy the border without planting flowers.
The walls are piled with drunken ink from guests, and the roots of the fence pass through the cold sand.
was mistakenly called Tao Qian's house, and he also learned from the five willows in front of the door.

The stream is condensed with blue and blue and merges with the two rivers, and the pavilion is in front of thousands of rocks and ravines. Washing stones, I think about clearing diseased teeth. Who can listen to the flowing spring while leaning on the harp? The north ridge of Yun - DayDayNews

Early rice

[Song Dynasty] Zhang Lei

Early rice is like a defection, and ten ears are 19% off.
Late rice is not as good as it is beautiful, and the sun burns the roots and the soil is strong.
The bicycle stirs up the lake water, and the bicycles rush to the lake.
The spring is like boiling soup, and the dry soil is not fully moist.
The old farmer wishes heavenly work, and his eyes bleed as he knocks his forehead.
The wandering clouds do not make rain, and the wind will disperse and disappear.
Haotian has not regretted his misfortune, and the jade sacrifice is useless.
Who can bind the monster and the demon, and command the dragon to throw thorns?

Night view of the West Lake

[Song Dynasty] Once upon a time, there were flowers and flowers everywhere, and there was no scent of fragrance wherever you walked leisurely. Returning to the boat, we took advantage of the cool night and saw the light of the ten-mile lake dipped in the setting sun.

Yi Wangsun

[Song Dynasty] Cai Shen

Liang Shengbing is timid and undressed. The high-altitude painting fence of Mingyue Tower. The whole courtyard is full of people crying and people are still awake. Cover the heavy pass. The black magpie flies south and the wind and dew are cold.

Shao Gongquan's two poems

[Song Dynasty] Zhang Xi

The love left behind is here, and it is like a spring and a mountain.
People don't dare to spit, but they always shine again.

Master Xiong's book shows the ten unique poems about plum blossoms. When the plum blossoms have passed, they watch the begonias frequently.

[Song Dynasty] Liu Kezhuang

specializes in using the fiber of grain to suppress all the fragrances. Idiots kill and hate without fragrance.
asked him how solemn his charming room was.

sub-rhymes, seven poems, one of which is

[Song Dynasty] Su Xing

looks at the fish happily, and the ocean is full of wonders. When one sees and is determined, everything will be done as it should.

Selling swords to replace peasant clothes, working in the paper fields. How can you live without frugality? You will certainly have a good year.


[Song Dynasty] Han Ju

The king cleverly drew a magical plan, and when the weak wings fought for the nest and talked. I want to see the eagles and magpies watching in the spring breeze, a pair of flying birds occupying branches that last ten thousand years.

During the Mid-Autumn Festival, when the water in Jihao was first full, I went boating from the east corner of the city to return to thank the public for my order.

[Song Dynasty] Mei Yaochen

After discussing scriptures in Zhaifang, the official pond set up a wine shop.
The birds are falling outside in the setting sun, and the crescent moon trees are growing.
plays the Yangtze River and thinks of Jiangpu, and the barbarians still surround the county and city.
There is a grudge in Dongyuan, and everything is beautiful every day.

Gift to Xingweng Guo Ruoshui

[Song Dynasty] Wu Yong

html In May, he retreated from this fear, and the palace was straight to the south of Jisu Zi. The
article contains no real world knowledge, and it is a waste of time and effort.
When I was born, I had two qi, the earth was the five elements, the sky was the five latitudes.
Luo Ji's two constellations cover half the sky, and the lunar star is in the home time position.
Guo Sheng was originally a disciple of Guo Pudi, but he was too precise and roundabout in his words.
only talks about Wanyanjin according to the picture, but the scriptures do not identify the official book of heaven.
The great tour is taking place in Shenjing Township, and Chi You's flag is flying.
I will take a quick look at it, and I will not be able to predict when I will be able to capture Emei Taibai.

Xiao Zizhi sent Jianming Mingshi, Choshizhi, Pan Hengmo, and asked for four quatrains from recent poems. The second

[Song Dynasty] Li Peng

A good worker carved and carved a square city, and cooked tea to watch the autumn waves. If your son Cao is not allowed to be gentle, how can you allow your slaves to laugh at their prosperity?

River red double-headed lotus

[Song Dynasty] Liu Xueji

A double flower with a low green cover, auspicious and beautiful. People are sitting on the Xunfeng Pavilion, with their lapels full of water.

Erlu is a metaphor for praising handsomeness and youngness, while the two are in harmony with each other. It's really strange to see the rain clear at first and the red sky at noon.

Qiu Ruixiang

[Song Dynasty] Chen Yunping

Drink Yicheng wine to warm yourself up at night. Jade soft and tender red noodles. Drunk and graceful eyes. I don’t know the depth of sorrow and hate the shallowness.

Wen Ying

[Song Dynasty] Yang Wanli

After passing the rain stream, the mountains are pure, and the flowers are clear and the willows are bright.
comes through the rain to make good trees, don’t make a sound.
Therefore, I want to stir up poetry and still cherish friendship.
Jingfei misery is seen, that is even more green.

Send Yanjun Governor Shi Xiu back to his hometown

[Song Dynasty] He Menggui

In the third year of the shogunate's temples, his hair became frosty, and he was left singing songs along the way.
The melon garrison is rich in spring and the officials are full, and the lotus pond is full of people and the water is especially fragrant.
Yanran Jieshi goes to Chengyuan, the rivers, clouds and mountains watch the day grow longer.
Leaning all over Xiuhuang, the sleeves of the clothes are thin, and the long pavilion has no road and folds of weeping poplar trees.

I sent this message to Li Zhongming, the magistrate of Weicheng, who was about to visit Weicheng when traveling to Tongchuan.

[Song Dynasty] Li Liuqian

The love between flesh and blood is entwined, and the friendship between friends is forged.
If you and I both have the same relationship, how can we form this contract?
Come to Dongchuan for a tour, just around the corner from Taoli County.
The intention of leading a car is very decisive, and the pulling of clothes is easy to pull back.
I am like the will in the sky, and I follow the wind out of the rock.
is like waves on a boat, and things listen to the sailors.
There is no reward for what you have in mind, but wealth is a must.
I don’t want to be rich and noble, it’s not a good time to lose this view.
wrote a poem about lovesickness, which may be worthy of consideration.
A wild goose can see a gentleman, but he complains that he is not as good as a wild goose.

Send people away and lose their official positions.

[Song Dynasty] Zhou Duanchen

Fame in the world is always empty, so what if he is crowned?
takes advantage of the day to send invading mirrors, so as to sell the green mountains and go to the hoe.
A hill of sages is worthless, but a few heroes are worthless books.
Life is so elegant that it is useless to just hold the Sutra alone.

Wuhu blocking the wind

[Song Dynasty] Mei Yaochen

The spring breeze allows the evil flowers to laugh at themselves, and the white waves are not worried and their heads are white.
Jiji's big ship is on the bank of the river, and there are five liang in Kunlun who are not guests.

Touching the Fish (Ziyunshanfang is planned to be endowed with Ulva)

[Song Dynasty] Tang Jue

Gradually the waves and frost marks disappeared. Jones first appeared in the mirror. The mermaid's hair is smooth at night, and the dragon's beard is smooth, and the crystal curtain is cold. Fu Ye Jing. The best is like a tender lotus with a half-roll floating clear shadow. Jade flows and green condenses. The fragrance of early-dried soybean, red salt and snow makes the teeth clear after drunkenness.
The dream of fame was once awakened by the autumn wind. Old friends should be happy. The taste of the leisurely world is as muddy as water, who cares about the nostalgia of thousands of miles away? Empty versus shadow. When I look back, I am filled with sorrow on the shore of Gusu Terrace. The smoke is cold and the night is quiet. But there is only Fangzhou, and Pinghua grows old together. When will Pan return to the boat?

Begging for wine

[Song Dynasty] Chao Shuo said

The accumulation of rain in late autumn is full of hatred, how can the long time be better than the morning dusk.
I have been reading the same poems as Xia Li Rao for a long time, but I am learning from an expert next to a wine bottle.
Just by being drunk, you will know that you can be proud of the world, and by chanting wildly, you will know how to summon the soul.
feels pity for Tao Lingtu's beauty, but only agrees that Ding Ning will break his promise.

Living in the mountains is lonely, separated from the world, right and wrong, forgetting both honor and disgrace, and remembering the autumn cliffs

[Song Dynasty] Wu Xichou

I love the beauty of living in the mountains.
The vulgarity retains the ancient meaning, and the environment is quiet and poetic.
Du Lao's silver-threaded rice dumplings, Po Weng's jade grits soup.
If you make enough money according to circumstances, you can spend the rest of your life.

Wuwei Mountain Shisheng Guanyin Praise

[Song Dynasty] Shi Dehong

The two laws of death and life have no reality. The world is astonishing and strange, and it makes you think upside down. This is not the case for Gongdu, who has only one thought in every ten lives.

The traces of alms can be tested. All sounds must be heard with the eyes. They are all unrelated, so they are silent.

You should be like a Bodhisattva, and your form will appear. Why must it be done? I have a great wish.

Twenty poems about plum blossoms in Yuzhaotang. Nine of them

[Song Dynasty] Zhang Bo

In Shanjiloutai Shuiji Village, the sight of plum blossoms often moves the soul. The whole body is full of fragrance this day, and the fences are sparse and sloping, so I don’t like it.

After the light rain in autumn,

[Song Dynasty] Song Xiang

The remaining rain is collected in the evening, and the evening rain falls in Gaoxuan.
The wind has dried and moved to the old hometown, and the moon breaks through the empty sky.
The defeated leaves are about to dance, but the cold clouds refuse to fly.
has no pen and pen, but there is no way to write with a subtle heart.


[Song Dynasty] Yang Yi

looked forward to the Qingtian with green grass, and the way back to the emperor's hometown was blocked by the ladder. The Han Garden is still alert at night when the dew is thick, and the Liang Garden is full of snow and is confused during the day.

Luanhuang disciple of Rui Shi promised himself, but the black magpie has not yet settled around the branches. I have been filled with hatred all year round, and I can’t bear to send you to the west building where the dawn and moon are low.

The Eleventh Song of Rain in June

[Song Dynasty] Xu Yueqing

Sit in the rain and rest in the lotus, enjoying autumn alone in the middle of heaven and earth.
The cool breeze in the light day fills the clothes, and the sweet rain in the dusk delights the fields.
The sunny days provide for the peaks and islands, while the misty rain protects the islands.
I look around in all directions with a frown, my heart is as worried as a drunken and lazy new knot.

Two poems on Dengchui Hongting

[Song Dynasty] Zhang Yuanqian

After leaving the three Wu lands, he came back twenty years ago.
After the devastation and war, the flowers and stones stabilize the beam first.
Mountains are dark, Songjiang is raining, waves are swallowing and shaking the sky.
The boat is not making waves, the crocodile is salivating.

and Three Spring Outings

[Song Dynasty] Liao Xingzhi

After the rain, the sun will clear up, and spring enters the garden to enlighten the immortals.
is about Xi Nang's beautiful scenery, and even more beautiful flowers on the island of Qingchuan.
The head of the stick can buy you more than a hundred drunks, and you can know how to spend thousands with a smile.
Who will get a piece of Qing Kuang? He will be happy and write a poem about it.

Presented to Xu Shijun Second

[Song Dynasty] Yang Gongyuan

The Mengquan is completely clear, not to mention the dust. The moon once met in Teng Pavilion, and spring met again in Huaping.

Picking celery respects noble men, and pulling out celery suppresses and strengthens the people. I'm just afraid that Zhi Ni will call him and urge him to return to serve Zi Chen.

Lingquan Temple wrote the Huayan Comprehensive Commentary

[Song Dynasty] Zhang Shangying

The Comprehensive Commentary circulated seven volumes of scriptures, and his teachings opened the eyes of all living beings. There is no need for the goddess to add a bottle of water, there is a clear spring of its own.

Chen Decheng wrote poems after his political illness and expressed his congratulations

[Song Dynasty] Jiang Teli

went to the Ending of Endings and was so ashamed that he was so proud of it.
I am willing to serve as a mountain official, and I will not control Yiwu for three defeats.
Thoughts and dreams are separated by rivers and lakes, and the chapters of Jinxiu Shop are memorized.
If there is no disease, it will eventually be cured. How can I tolerate mediocre medicine?

times rhyme Hanchuan Fengci West Taiyi Palace four poems

[Song Dynasty] Huang Tingjian

Under the Tai altar, the clouds are yellow, and the rain master sprinkles the fragrance of dust.
The instant noodles are still covered with dew, and the golden zheng is half spitting out of the east wall.

Breaking through the Huanxi sand

[Song Dynasty] Li Xin

The bead curtain was hooked several times. He folded flowers and rode towards Yangzhou. As I grow older, I can’t bear to look back on the past.
Tao Ling is bored but happy and drunk, Maoling is sick and worried. The love of spring is everlasting, and the water flows eastward.

Tiquan Shixuan

[Song Dynasty] Hu Yin

Crossing the bridge, he suddenly met Pingchou, and the stone road was scaly and snake-backed. The entrance to the hall is surrounded by a bamboo forest, with hundreds of stacks of green jade flowers lining the outside.

is about the new novel Xiaoxuanqi, with breasts covered with grass and trees growing on the cliff. The pale teeth are as clear as a tiger's drink, and there is a pool of cold blue and clear colored glaze.

The bowl of snowflake tea is floating on the table, and I want to go away and feel cold. I left poems to remember the years, and even wrote the title of Quan Shi.

He Jiang Neighbor Ji Xuexuan and Chi Guo Tongfu two poems. One

[Song Dynasty] Liu Chang

Jun lives close to the city, and everyone is tired of the hustle and bustle. The snow is lying high, and an old friend comes to the door.

It's more refreshing, and there is no noise when talking and laughing. The window is opened to extend the cold moon, and a clear bottle is placed on the mat.

It is really fun to drink wine, and you will know how warm the fox is.

Jiangkou Oucheng

[Song Dynasty] Chen Zhu

went out and wanted to see Shao Yuntai.
The weather is fine and the boat is easy to push.
Sitting quietly, I drink water and chant the plum blossoms.
Zhouzi asked each other from afar, Jiang Chao came to the future.

Dai Cun

[Song Dynasty] Liu Chang

Ji Luyan Sui Gai, Jiang Gao belongs to early spring. I often go to Youcun alone, and silently discuss when things are going well.

The deep bamboos are still covered with snow, and the sun cliffs are already covered with fragrant grass. Mao Ci is suddenly connected, and neighbors protect each other.

people are from the Andao tribe, and the scenery is a mountain valley. Wander around and ask about the elders, or meet the real elders.

In autumn, I got a book from Wang Jiefu.

[Song Dynasty] Zhuge Geng

There is a small pavilion in a pond several acres, where he can calmly write books. There are three paths of pine and chrysanthemums opened in
, and a bottle of ginseng wine is stored.
Looking at the spring marks, the green water reaches the water, and the flying feathers are white.
Who whistles loudly at sunset, but some passers-by can’t bear to hear it.

Magnolia Slowly (Autumn Feeling)

[Song Dynasty] Li Yunzi

The west wind is early, some rain, some autumn. I remember the setting sun in the National Garden. Last year on this day, the fallen leaves were quiet in the forest. The elegies are intense in several episodes, reflecting madness, drunkenness and poetry. The regrets of Qing Dynasty merchants are easy to change, but the sentimental purple swallows are difficult to retain.
sighs. The threads of the cocoon are spinning. How can old things continue? Naiyu has a misty and melancholy mind, and returns to a long dream. He was not as good as Lao Du in his life, but just like him, he was wandering and romantic. I sent a message to the bamboo on the path of the garden, and I found a solitary boat at some point.

Reward Liu Yushu

[Song Dynasty] Shi Zichun

The clever sentences are so clever that the eyes are cold, and the subtle meaning was once difficult.
When we meet, we ask for music without strings. The wind blows into the pine trees and stops playing.

Therefore, the memorial speech of Ye Gong to the government and Xuanyi

[Song Dynasty] Han Yuanji

I don’t know the origin of my virtue, but I have a happy family today.
A famous horse has a seed that can travel a thousand miles, and a fairy osmanthus has five branches.
The colorful ribbons and chi'ao are just nourishing, and the simple car and cloud road are suddenly happy and sad.
life and death are real things, and the flowing water is gone and the smoke is empty, and the poems are good.

Partridge Sky · Ask about the spring on the branches last night

[Song Dynasty] Shi Qiweng

Ask about the spring on the branches last night. The news has been sent to Chaimen. I can't see how many beautiful things there are, and the fragrance is gone without leaving a trace. The mountains are tall and the water is sparkling. The south of the village and the north of the village are cold and ecstatic. The world does not recognize the spring breeze, and is ashamed to see the bright moonlight on the Yaotai.

At dawn, I go to the county lake to write

[Song Dynasty] Zhou Zizhi

The color of the lake is beginning to separate from Cebu, and you can hear jumping fish deep in the green cattails. One branch is like a black tree, and the five dawns are still taking advantage of others.

The old man is sitting in Cao Zhen's drama, returning home to be nostalgic but emotionally distant. If the forbidden key is not opened and the message is leaked, the residual dream is still worth mentioning.

Zhenghe Qinjiao Three Songs

[Song Dynasty] Renzong

Because the mountain is high, Yuanzhi is the first.
The jade toe is like a jade, and it is on the emperor's side.
The emperor calls me king and treats me kindly.
Just take care of it, and you will always be satisfied.

In response to two quatrains written by Li Hefu on behalf of his generation

[Song Dynasty] Huang Tingjian

The mountains and rivers sound and look clear, and the rolling curtains are waiting for the moon to bloom.
A pitiful song with a boat whistle, which expresses the feelings of farewell to old friends.

In the dream, the past events can be seen at will, and in the drunken life, the prosperity can be seen in confusion.
has a long-term romantic and annoying disease, which is not as good as being ruthless by nature.

Category tags: Missing friends, expressing feelings of depression

Send Hu Jizhao to Luling, Mengyu is granted the title of Ji Di, demoted to Xiangzhou

[Song Dynasty] Dai Xu

The signs of desolation in the ancient county are new, and the king's behavior is to pretend to be poor.
I am worried about saying goodbye to Liu Bianyu, and I will start my journey to Guangxi tomorrow.
Since ancient times, things have rarely happened as one wishes. It is better to regret not having returned home if you have extra meals.
The spring breeze may not end at the end of the world, the oak flowers bloom and the water is deep.

Mocking the fate of monks

[Song Dynasty] Hu Zhonggong

How to take advantage of the fate even more when you are outside the world.
The monk hall is pure and wealthy, and the Taoist temple is a little fairy.
Hold the alms bowl when you are full, and don’t sell the alchemy for money.
If you can control life and death, why bother asking heaven.

is sent to

[Song Dynasty] Shi Yuanzhao

The swallow leaves the nest and leaves home, and the cuckoo crows at the end of the world. I have seen all the spring things, and they are all flowers in other people's gardens.

On the thirteenth day of the seventh lunar month, there were only ten monks left in Shi Dehong's temple, and there were hundreds of monks left in the fields. Why do you often lack food and only pay half of your rent and taxes?

I lost my cloth this year, and I am sitting without cattle tools. In June the rice seedlings begin to be divided, and the river flows along the road.

The water recedes and the rice seedlings sink into the mud, and there is no rain for the whole month. The withered roots dismantle the tortoise sign, and the skinny leaves press down on the soil.

The neighbor has breakfast for breakfast, and I have quality robes and trousers. This life is food and drink, cooked in dreams.

Acizuo Jingsu, patiently endures hardships. At present, the quality is exhausted, and the father and son look at each other.

slumped down and fell asleep, unable to speak for a long time. The nectar is gone, but please hold on to it.

Night Fu

[Song Dynasty] Lu You

html In May, I know it will rain, and the wind announces that autumn is approaching.
The dark corridors are shining brightly, and the deep trees are whistling owl.
I am fortunate to pass on family affairs, but I am still worried about the country.
Although we are in harmony with each other, let's go back to my cow.

Morning walk to the west stream

[Song Dynasty] Zhang Ban

Days later, the accumulated mud gradually melted, and a new bay was opened by a small bridge.
Don't be happy because of the flying duck, and forget about the book of life.

Leave an inscription to Zen Master Lingyan Jiangong

[Song Dynasty] Zhang Huizong

Among the 5 people, Ling De lived in the high ground, and the best people in the world dominated the mountains. The Four Unique Famous Marks are clear in the world, and monks from ten directions gather among the white clouds.

The two dragon beads take care of Jingjing, and the Shuanghe Spring is used to wash the alms bowl. In the morning and evening, the reins of Li Rong are taken off, and the nature is connected to the three teachings and knocks on the Zen gate.

Hidden Pool

[Song Dynasty] Lou Key

Lingtan goes deep into the white clouds, and the spring clouds with rain open for me.
The milkstone is muddy in the air and is about to fall, and the waterfall thousands of feet high is coming from the middle.
The two armies were fighting fiercely, and the drums and drums were trembling, and a cold rain brought thunder. In
, there is Wolong Jun, don’t fight, sometimes there will be wind and thunder on the ground.

Self-Ode to Leisure

[Song Dynasty] Lu You

In his remaining years, neighbors are fortunately dependent on each other, just like the old crane returning from Liaotian.
The fish in Hepu is beautiful when it is not sparse, and the bean border is about to be dark and the pheasants are beginning to fatten.
style: Look at the bamboo when the door is close, and there are many people giving wine and it is not appropriate to dress.
likes the place where you can relax and watch the sunset, where several houses are covered with mist.

The official secret hall is Zheng Shen's issue

[Song Dynasty] Zhang Qi

Usually Taniguchi is famous, but now the market is like water.
Sima Zheng is a foreigner, and he cannot handle official affairs.
The court is built in the human environment, and the beauty of Zhongfu is my home.
Yaolin Qiongshu is outside the wind and dust, and the snow is white and the spring is full of laughter.
If you have wine among the flowers, you can escape to Zen, and you will forget yourself even when you are a guest.
In response to the imperial edict, he climbed to the Golden Horse Gate and enjoyed wandering around and chatting.
The king is sacred to Yi Zhou, and tigers and leopards cannot be left in the empty mountains.
recruits me Baiyun Ersan Zi, Dan Guanjing comes out from the public tour.

Four poems about Cherishing Begonia Flowers in the Rain

[Song Dynasty] Liao Xingzhi

Why is Dong Jun jealous of Hua Yan? He doesn't send the spring breeze to smile.
invites the heart to be full of sorrow, full of hatred in the rain.


[Song Dynasty] Hu Quan

Don’t plant lotuses when there is water. At that time, I ordered you to listen. There is no need to bring a step fork in the white battle of

The Seventh of Ten Quatrains by Xu Shilang of Shang Pingjiang

[Song Dynasty] Zeng Xie

not only seems to have done a good job in kuanping, but also rediscovers the Jian'an style in his writing. The people of the country are competing to persuade Jin Zhongyi to see the king and the holy one.

Eight Odes of Liangxi Part 3 Wen Huitang

[Song Dynasty] Li Gang

Friends and relatives talk to Hengmen, and the wine is poured into the clouds. When will I return to the three paths with wide thoughts and a bottle of heavy and detailed essays?

Five poems written by Li Yishan on willow branches

[Song Dynasty] Chen Shidao

Jiang Qingsha, the sun is warm, male ducks and female mandarin ducks.
We don’t recognize each other, and the flowers fade away in red and fragrant late.

Sending Yao Yuandao to the palace

[Song Dynasty] I thought that my colleague was suddenly separated from me, and the words he gave me became poems like ancient times. In the second year of the year, I rode on Linqi day and climbed up to Han Dynasty in August.

There is no need to sigh and listen to the song. The number of favors returned to the dynasty should be extraordinary, and the sacred side has great potential.

and Wang Jingwen. The second

[Song Dynasty] Zhang Xiaoxiang

was a gentle son and a mainstay. The main scope of the disease is different, and there are many diseases and diarrhea during the injury.

The minister slandered Jia Yi, and he owed Chang He a bad journey. There is no way to open the door, and we chat and sing songs.

Send Meng Jiazhi to Que

[Song Dynasty] Chen Geng

has been with literature and history for twenty years, and his heart becomes stronger with time. I have always been able to move with ease, but now my fame and fame are stable.

The light green desert grass is everywhere, and the distant green fingers are brushing against the stove smoke. Thousands of words should be used to guide the time and save the favor for the next nine days.

times rhyme Zhao Daofu's work of releasing fish

[Song Dynasty] Li Misun

suddenly saw a fishy city when he went out, Turing donated a grain of gold.
makes cooking delicious. Who can build a network and be closer to the pool?
The slanting wind and waves return to the tail, and the shallow horizontal sand moves the prime fin.
Don’t call it the bottom of the world. The grudges of three lives cannot be bullied.

Two Elegies of Duke Zhao of Duan Ming Wu Lai

[Song Dynasty] Liu Kezhuang

He cherished his life and looked at the shadow of the world, sighing that this person has inspired the ancient heroes.
The old man in the middle base still offers a seal, and when he goes to Sanlu, he is still a Li Sao.
Without gold, one can remain poor, and it is difficult to add a jade to a higher level.
There are several rows of tears and a bunch of cud, like the waves flying across Zhejiang.

Dragon Boat Festival Post·Emperor Pavilion

[Song Dynasty] Zhou Bida

The festival has been passed down through the ages, and Xiuxiang belongs to the holy time.
The flame picture is like the sun forever, shining brightly on Huayi.

Hexie wine

[Song Dynasty] Song Xiang

The wax feet and spring trough are so delicious and fragrant, I am so lucky to have you taste a cup.
After ten years of separation and hatred, there is no place to sell, and the monkey is drunk in the countryside.

Presented to Zhang Nanjin Erjue

[Song Dynasty] Liu Kezhuang

Han Zhenlin Kai Miao did not pass on, please pray for yourself in the Xiaoxing Year.
Gong Qing, who is a big spender, most of his poems will be accurate.

Read Zhou Zhongbi's poem about visiting friends in the snow, followed by rhyme

[Song Dynasty] Zhang Gang

rode a horse to the Tianque, wearing a few broken fox furs. Fame and fame will never end, and the sun and moon will not stay.

has always had a strong tongue and is not as good at talking. There is a place of happiness behind closed doors, and there is no need to worry about children.

An old friend sends a new poem, a scroll with a red tooth head. Working in the floating snow, who will take advantage of the excitement?

We are still in love with each other, flying in a boat all night long. How can I wait for the marquis of ten thousand households even if I am a little bit small?

Having wine and having fun together is better than traveling in poverty.

times rhyme Feng Shunzhi saw the gift

[Song Dynasty] Wang Zhuo

Liangshan looked back with sorrow and sorrow, and came to Jiangcheng to dust away the dust.
It’s really a bad idea to gargle rice wine with koji, but it’s even more idiotic to push books and brush pens.
Your voice is as old as yours, and your smiles are new when we meet.
will pour praises into the poem tube and become youthful.

Passing Tangxing Temple One

[Song Dynasty] Liu Caishao

had to resign and follow Cui Yi. How could it be consistent with the classics? The commander-in-chief split the bamboo arrows, but Xianjun refused to split the lotus clothes.

The high wind has been working hard for a long time, and the new witty words have returned. Waiting for the spring to warm up a little, we will look for Yanwu and Moss Island together.

Good things come soon

[Song Dynasty] Cai Xiang

The auspicious snow filled Kyoto, and the palaces turned into silver palaces. I often look at Su Guang in the distance, it is the season of Jiangmei.
Nowadays, cold plum blossoms can be seen on the river, and the fragrance has disappeared.Watching the fallen beauty again, I feel like it is drifting like snow.

Picking mulberries·Who will send a little desolation

[Song Dynasty] Yan Jidao

Who will send a little desolation,
into the lower eyebrows. The
painting foil is hanging down,
may have to go to bed late tonight.
The traces of the night are all over the moon in the window,
I once missed the period of my heart.
is almost like lovesickness,
is still about recording the moon in the window.

Two poems about spring in Junpu on February 1st

[Song Dynasty] Yang Wanli

In the Zhonghe Festival, it is half spring, and a breeze clears the cold and a little bit of excitement.
The haggard plum blossoms are about to fall, and the delicate apricots are beginning to multiply.

Mao Hong moved his wife to a new palace with his concubine and gave him a gift

[Song Dynasty] Zhang Ban

lived in the alley between the north and the south and happily depended on each other, so he did not have to worry about the lack of sentences in autumn. The yellow chrysanthemums are picked early in the morning, and I would rather sigh as the white clouds fly away.

It is a good idea to have a good time with the Lord of Longevity, and to have your hair cut and invite guests is not against your will. From then on, Lao Lai's clothes were filled with the fragrance of flowers in Abbot Vimalakia's room.

The true master wrote two poems about the coldness of his injured foot due to sending a hair order

[Song Dynasty] Mei Yaochen

Hearing that there were few people in and out of the mountains, he occasionally came to the stream to laugh and talk.
Yeyun no matter how thin the field robe is, the cold and thin skin accompany him back home.

Under the rhyme family, Prime Minister Lu learned how to drive a bus

[Song Dynasty] Su Che

did not recognize my emperor's dragon and phoenix seal, and all the Confucian scholars looked forward to Nanxiang for a long time.
The chariot returned to the original temple and started to move. The herons gathered in the west and were already on their way.
The governor asked a moment ago, Xianchen will come to the king in a few days.
I realized the meaning of Xi Ning when I was an official, so I came to see Kentang in person.

times rhyme Qian Xie Waiting for Autumn Huai

[Song Dynasty] Su Che

A strong heart disappears in old age, and autumn thoughts are sad but not resentful.
is pregnant with seven, so use the eclipse of ten thousand.
The rising sun is painted cleanly, and the white dew touches the grass and vines.
Search the old Chu in clothes, and accumulate new debts due to wine.
The sniper ape is in the forest, with a sad crown and a circle around the threshold.
Dreams of chasing red pine trees and eating my green rice.
It has been a long time since I returned to my heart, and I will give you some good words to persuade you.
I recently heard that Taodong general appeared, and Ma Jian came out from time to time.
King Pi is sitting and bound, and his right arm is about to be presented.
I feel ashamed that I have accomplished nothing, but it is my wish to return home.

Send two poems to Wang Baobo and Mingju Yun

[Song Dynasty] Guo Yin

I will know when I will meet, and I will feel relieved.
I and Cao are all entrusted with their fate, so don’t worry about worldly affairs.
There are trees in our homeland, but our ancestors did not have huts.
Minshan wants to hide together, but this plan is sparse.

Tiancong Cave

[Song Dynasty] Zhou Maoliang

A mysterious and mysterious god of grain, why is Dacong in the world of mortals.
There is no place in the world where there is no news. God obeys my people.

Posted three poems about Zheng Shangming's tea house

[Song Dynasty] Liu Zihui

A little spring brings back the withered flowers, and thousands of families are noisy in the cold ruins.
Phoenix cakes, dragon balls and jade food, half-heartedly entered the Qionglu.

Traveling with Chen Zaihuangbu to the Eight Heads of Lingshan to Zaiyun, we can be said to have taken a break from our busy schedule

[Song Dynasty] Chen Zao

made Yin Zheng perform his meritorious service and praised it everywhere.
leisurely Yiluoyi, this is a great way to travel.
A smile is heartwarming, and government is concerned about the people first.
Although I cherish Cai Houjing, I don't want to be Zhao Meng.

Xu Zhongyu, a native of the country, interviewed him about what he saw when he went to Shangfang Peak.

[Song Dynasty] Wang Lu

The straight wall has no kindness and locks away people, and the Xuan Palace is better than a maze.
I don’t know if Shangling has really forgotten the Han Dynasty, it will be said that Taoyuan alone avoids the Qin Dynasty.
The distant trees sway with love in the low wild meadow, and the broken clouds carry hatred in autumn.
From now on, I want you to be as brave as you, and I will accompany Wei Lang through the two worlds.

Sixteen poems titled "Dong Duanming's Fisherman Drunk in Hometown and Burning Incense" Seven poems by Fisherman One of the seven poems

[Song Dynasty] Chen Ke

Everywhere is clear sand with fishing rays, and the bathing ducks and flying herons are very close to each other. Who would have thought that things would happen in the past, just like ordinary Jianghai people.

Forty-Four Ancient Odes

[Song Dynasty] Shi Fatai

It is neither the wind nor the flag, one mountain after another.
After the rain of youth, there is nothing left. I lean on the dangerous building and look at the brake pole.

Hong Ju's father was boating to Ying and Zhang Zhongzong paid for it. During the banquet, he left a poem to say goodbye

[Song Dynasty] Wang Zhi

The clouds were low on the bank in the evening, and the moon was low, and we returned together in dreams.
Walking hides and sighs in the human environment, opening and closing depends on the secret of heaven.
The body is far away from the country, and the book is looking for the flying geese.
is a ruthless and resentful young woman, and is biased towards revealing her clothes.

Shangsi Rirui Shengyuan Xiyan was presented to all the fellows

[Song Dynasty] Zeng Gong

The northern suburbs were originally a whip, and Hualin Qingji was decorated with Confucian crowns.
Fangtang is full of spring, and dense bamboo trees are growing colder in the afternoon.
The floating gold of Liuzhu wine is chiseled down, illuminating the garden flowers and jade railings.
Your kindness makes you feel that the hills and mountains are heavy, and you can smile calmly and enjoy yourself all day long.

Bodhi Abandoned Temple

[Song Dynasty] Zhou Bi

A solitary monk lives in the wild temple, and even in the spring it is closed.
At dawn, the three boards are gone, and at dusk, the pestle is returned with a bowl.
Torreya trees hang down from the ancient house, and stone weeds grow in the secluded windows.
There is no room for travelers to rest, the trees are barren and the doves are flying in the rain.

Tianshen Festival Speech

[Song Dynasty] Chen Zao

daydream cloud Ao played Weiyang, Xuan Yu Jin recorded birthday celebration business.
The immortal battle is stopped in Jiuguangxia, and the emperor's cup is served in the sound of long live.
The phoenix in the sky provides pleasure, and the phoenix dances in the world to bring grace.
The minister is willing to follow the example of China and give blessings, and try to praise the Holy Emperor Lingchun Longevity.

Gong'an County

[Song Dynasty] Tao Bi

Enter along the embankment, and the road takes advantage of the shallow sand.
The trees are short, the clouds are uprooted, and the mountains are poor and the terrain is tilted.
It is difficult for a lonely boat to dock, and the distant water is like Shen City.
Asking for help in the middle of the night, the fire is bright in the smoke.

Partridge Sky (Xuande Hall to enjoy the lanterns, first banquet in the Plum Hall, serve in the two palaces, get drunk and account for it)

[Song Dynasty] Once met

Long Yu personally welcomed the jade chariot. There are piles of snow on the branches of Jiangmei. When the east wind comes to Shangyuan, spring comes, and golden lotuses bloom on the ground.
Soaring phoenix blows, entering the Yao cup. The intersection of the two palaces encourages harmony and harmony. From now on, if the father is kind and the son is filial, we will prepare ten thousand feasts.


[Song Dynasty] Zhao Dingchen

At dawn, the horse is about to hit the sun. When your eyes are full, why do you think your stomach is empty? But my love for flowers is not complete, and I look for the remaining red under the Tangli tree.

Huaitanxi’s former residence

[Song Dynasty] Zhu Xi

recalled living in Tanxi for forty years, and there were countless beautiful peaks in front of the windows. Although it is not surrounded by mountains and water, it has warm winters and cold summers.

Thousands of bamboos are scattered around the house, and there is a cold spring next to the cliff. Who taught me that I had lost my plan and moved east to Miao? I lay exhausted by the west window and the sun was full of rivers.

Li Xitai retreated to poetry and praised

[Song Dynasty] Yue Ke

used to retreat from the hidden heart and invited Qiu He to the old man.
singing and remuneration, the meaning is enough to test.
I am tired of my wings, so I should know how to return them.
is awe-inspiring, but the common people are climbing.

The ten poems of Mr. Liu in the left history of Houyue use two lines of Xiangyang poems to line up with Zangjian. The advanced and retreat methods of the late festival are rhymed by the ancestors. His ten

[Song Dynasty] Cheng Gongxu

was trapped in the wind and dust with rice, and was shy and old. Sighing the hardships of fighting, it is still a blessing for the people to leave.

Yiyi Kongqiang dream, pat Qinshuichun. With the wind from thousands of miles away, I went to ask about it.

Two poems about Zheng Ang's uncle Gui's mother, Mrs. Cai

[Song Dynasty] Wang Mai

Jiangman talks about the days, and Xiongwan suffers from the pain.
went to the hall many times to worship and kissed his mother, the teacher.
Every time I admire the joy of Xuan Tang, now I am sad.
We share the same orders throughout our lives, and weep together in the poems of Polygonum scutellariae.

Early Journey to the Snow Valley

[Song Dynasty] Yuji

Chaimen is surrounded by snow, and pedestrians leave the village a little. You may encounter tigers at the head of the stream, but you will not hear apes at the end of the tree.

Connect the stack back to the mountain pavilion, and the branch bridge is the root of the tree. Driving up Chongban, I looked back to see Chaotun.

Climbing the Yanqing Buddhist Pavilion uses three poems of suburban rhyme

[Song Dynasty] Wu Qian

The distant peaks and nearby peaks seem to be connected in a ring, with green rows of green reaching in front of you.
can be saintly or virtuous, the mulberry wine falls, the chrysanthemum sky is neither cold nor warm.
swallows the lake and the sea, and criticizes the jade cicada.
This guest should not be owed anything when he is seated, so why should he be surprised when he meets someone?

Living Man's Song

[Song Dynasty] Shi Yinsu

The great Holy Spirit experiences Pu'an Yuan and spreads the spirit to meet the fate.
Confidence purifies and enlightens the mind, eliminating all diseases and relieving karma.
Manjusri style, wrapped in Samantabhadra and
living songs wrapped in cash immortality. The king of medicine has no other skills in medicine,
Bian Que and Sun Zhen have the same words. Take it in three doses and boil
in clean water. Do not let the smell of blood contaminate your heart.
All things are my body in form, but I can resolve my grievances by practicing kindness.
has no thoughts inside and no destiny outside. Why should
be passed down later? The body and mind are originally diamond bodies, and
does not understand that the mind is entangled by karma. The medicine is gone, the heart is full and the moon is full. When I believe, the Buddha is alone in the Western Heaven.
is available to everyone everywhere, and this spiritual source is incomparable in the world.
removes the stain of sin and gets rid of hundreds of grievances,
relieves the fainting and makes the sky bright and righteous. Believe that it is not me who is sick,
Master Vimalakia smiles and sleeps. If all living beings are sick, I will not be disturbed. If all living beings are not healthy, I will recover from their illnesses.
Who dares to teach the best method? The golden-haired master reveals his whole body.
Quickly administer medicine to resolve worldly fate,
Mo Xuequn is as blind as a saint. Randomly respond to the difficulty,
is easy to use and does not cost any money.


[Song Dynasty] Li Zhiyi

Jinrouhuo Lao,
wants to avoid the place for a few days.
Who can borrow the wind from the eaves,
locks the fragrance,
is stunned and clear.
Yao-level beads are built,
is like a film meeting a golden grate,
outside the running water,
before the flowers fall,
how can it be done by humans.
is like Lin Panyu, and
’s laughter is all true.
is melancholy about the people by the moon,
is riding on the clouds, where is
Where the string is in the throat,
feels the old sound of emptyness,
orchid is easy to rest,
hate is too long,
the soul is broken.

The poem "Three Snows" uses the prefix rhyme to express the three words

[Song Dynasty] Xiang Anshi

The moon is thicker than that of Shu, and a good year heralds peace. How charming is the flying piece of
? It is too rough to fall.
Xue Feng collapses and gains momentum, and the shaman ape makes a lonely sound.
There are no pigs crossing the Bingxi River, but there are people walking on the woodcutting road.
There is no road in Baxia, but there seems to be a god in Pengshan Mountain.
The sky and the earth are mixed together, and the light helps the sun and stars to be new.
opens up the world and wastes ninety springs.
After a few days behind closed doors, people will be killed and swallowed by hunger.

The stream is condensed with blue and blue and merges with the two rivers, and the pavilion is in front of thousands of rocks and ravines. Washing stones, I think about clearing diseased teeth. Who can listen to the flowing spring while leaning on the harp? The north ridge of Yun - DayDayNews

The hundred-year-old skull can speak, "Life is not mine, death is not disaster."

Xing Xiangzi·Jin Ding Sheng Guang

[Song Dynasty] Liu Chuxuan

Jin Ding Sheng Guang. Chang* really fragrant. Aquarius flowers, four seasons of fragrance. The sage in the void is very close to the west. Respect the Three Pure Ones, the Three Bright Ones, and the Three Emperors of Enlightenment. The people of ancient times were honest, solid and auspicious. The nature is connected to heaven and has nothing to do with Tao. Equality is practiced secretly, and softness prevails over strongness. The meaning is like the immortal, the whole immortal behavior, living in the fairyland.


[Song Dynasty] Zhang Ji

scenery is a pile of ashes.

times Yun and uncle Xuanfu who were relegated are both seen and sent

[Song Dynasty] Su Song

disorganized the army and commanded the five cities, and in the period of great planning, he wanted to be wild.
Shuqi is not the same as the flying general, why should he learn from Wei Qing in his heart?
A person who has a heart to serve the country is generous, and a person who is demoted from an official position is not bored but is in a state of silence.
We passed each other again in the bamboo forest today, and we listened happily when we talked.

Send Dao Chengbei Tour

[Song Dynasty] Lu Wengui

traveled ten years ago, and the general king was still young.
Ten years after we met, we are still at odds with each other.
The scales are repaired from the giant valley, and the tired feathers fall into the deserted valley. The rise and fall of
are different, and the cleverness and clumsiness are even more controversial.
The principles are vast and boundless, and the economics is all important.
She stands like a virgin and is well-dressed and graceful.
Stop the young master's admiration, and Mo Bo's daughter laughs.

Drunken Spring Breeze

[Song Dynasty] Zhu Dunru

Drinking in Xizhen Cave at night. The immortals were startled and teased. Su'e passed the wine sleeves to Lingfeng, send, send, send. Suck up all the golden waves, get drunk and face the sky, and watch the stars in the sky.
Bi Jian Cheng's new favorite. Ziwei's kindness is heavy. Suddenly the thatched cottage was empty. Dream dream dream. The tent is cold, the quilt is cold, the moon is slanting and the lamp is dim, the painting tower clock is ringing.

Fenghe Grand View Wen Xianggong saw the ancient style

[Song Dynasty] Xu Han

The clothes were in disorder, and the house was drifting in the wind and rain.
ran south for thousands of miles, and escaped from the dead front.
The green flowers hunt in the absolute realm, and the yellow dust is covered with shadows.
When there is no servant in the court, who will be stained with blood?
Yi'er's golden robe, hanging coral.
Arrogance has swallowed up Jiuzhou, and the bait throwing skills have become sparse.
Public donations circumvent the government's policy, and Guanhua chats with Wu.
Phoenix Miao Hongyi, who can keep up with the purple atmosphere.
Qiu He is too old, and the merits of Zhong Ding have not yet been written.
abandonment is a matter of fortune, and it is the beginning of super-swaying things.
This worry has existed since ancient times, and this joy is unprecedented.
Encounter with Zheng Hengliu, I will not live in it if I succeed.

The dark day of March

[Song Dynasty] Yang Wanli

The spring light is ninety and thirty, and the secret is thirty to earn people.
I am not happy when the dawn bell has not arrived, and there is no spring in the dusk bell.

hot springs

[Song Dynasty] Fan Chengda

sand bed Yulingyuan, stone liquid rinse and qi.
Yu You's steamer is often steamed, and the pot is boiling hundreds of times.
Life is inherently clean, so it can be used to cleanse the intestines and stomach.
A ladle full of clear fat, looking back to thank Luo Fang.
The mountains are deep and inaccessible, so far away is the most valuable thing in politics.
When you look at Huaqing Pool, it is still taboo to those who talk about it.

The garden is composed of

[Song Dynasty] Lu You

The atrium is surrounded by sparse fences, and the wild water flows into the square pond.
The spring rain is easy to dry, and the sunset slowly fades away.
The bright red apricot tips suddenly take up time.
I am old and my days are short, so I am no longer overestimated. I accept flowers and wait for them to bloom, and the neighbors laugh wildly.
Everything can be predicted, and society will never be rigid.
Leilei has the fruit in his plate, do you know whether you will get it or not? Composing poems relieves leisure and sorrow, and smiles without leaving a trace.

Send the translator out of Shu

[Song Dynasty] Wang Zhuo

Long rain destroys the lotus in the marsh, and Xiaofeng hunts the rock osmanthus.
Everyone moves back and thinks about things, and the son alone plans to die far away.
Boats come and go from the gorge gate, showing off their power and tactics day by day.
Count the gains and losses, and look for the teacher alone.
There are five feet in the sky on the mountain, and the light comes out of the darkness.
Yunju connects to Lufu, and recommended blessings lie in Porui.
These are the three elders, from whom you can die.
The jade spring is also clear and chilly, and I drink and hold hands.
One hundred cities in Antarctica, one by one.
would rather make cocoons grow feet than be afraid of snow sealing them.
also recalled the great Qu Tan, who sacrificed his life for half a verse.

He Zhang Shou Sanyong·Youbao Gongtang

[Song Dynasty] Huang Gongdu

Huatang preserved the paintings, and the Zhao Dynasty received rites and punishments. The traces of
are as ancient as those of berry moss, competing for the name of orchids and tadpoles.
The breeze has no distance, and the trees have not been carved.
is still thin and crane-shaped today.

Title Mao Jurchen

[Song Dynasty] Su Shi

Mist on the temples and wind around the wooden leaf clothes, the mountains and rivers are now different from the past.
I should only spend my leisure time with Shang Yanlao, playing the flute alone and returning home under the moonlight.

Visiting Linggu Temple

[Song Dynasty] The king said

that he could see the glow in the east city and opened a Zen palace in Beishan. The sound of pine trees can be heard in the crowd, and the shadow of the tower hangs in the clear sky.

There is no time to wear clothes, and it is quiet in the white clouds. The eight waters seek relief, and the three lives chant the mysterious wind.

Master Qi Zhu’s tomb, his teachings are extraordinary. At that time, the precious flowers fell, and the fragrance was everywhere.

Don’t come and ask Xuandu, how many days will you still follow me?

Suan Shanxi Part 4

[Song Dynasty] Chao Duanli

When spring comes, I will give you a thousand minutes of wine. I still wake up from my drunken dream at noon, and my eyebrows are filled with sorrow, which disappears and reappears.

The dream is far away at the end of the world, the way back is lost in the day, the clouds are deep, the lonely hall is quiet, and the pear blossom hands are free and unrestrained.

Congratulations to the Bridegroom (Reminiscences of Farewell)

[Song Dynasty] Yao Mian

Bo Wan received the remaining heat. Sighing to the west wind, secretly changing the passing years, but still like this. The sun is setting behind the crow's back and its shadow is beginning to fade, the clouds are pale and the sky is fresh and cool. People stand still with their hands on their sleeves. The neighbor's flute calls the generals' thoughts about the countryside, listening to the sound of autumn and the rain of parasol trees. Autumn is here, it’s time to travel. The old friend is only in Zhujiang, Jiangnan. Thinking about it, I have been in love with Donghua for a long time, and the red dust is soft. Do you want to send your tailoring knowledge far away? Anvil and pestle for every family in the new moon. Soul dream, golden goose number. The shadow of a wild goose can't come farther into the sky. If you write a book, who can you send it to? Knowing that guests hate each other, there are two nonsense words.

Send to Hefu

[Song Dynasty] Wang Anshi

Shuicun opened the book and read it with sorrow and joy, and heard that it was cold in Bingzhou in September.
remembers that the flowers were better at this time, and the whole family felt sorry for their daughter.

Thirty Stanzas

[Song Dynasty] Shi Huihui

was playing the empty drum with his muscular hammer.
Sitting still is so lonely but it doesn't matter. My whole body is lonely and I forget my ambition.

Huanxi Sha (ci rhyme Du Tangzuo Qiuhuai)

[Song Dynasty] Hou Zhi

Chun Meng returned to Xieshitang. The old home fragrance disappears in the basket. Xiuwen is sick and timid in autumn.
The golden plate in the sky holds the auspicious dew, but there is no jade pestle to break the mysterious frost. The drunk soul flies to the moon palace.

Good Spring (written by Li Dao on his birthday)

[Song Dynasty] Ge Cube

had a long life in the dynasty last year. Zhenghuangju, Chushu Cuiqiao. This year, there will be a special banquet in Diaotang, and the fragrance of pear and snow is floating in the air. It's time for pear blossoms to bloom.
should be next to Danxiao next year. Look at Bao's crotch, it's heavy on the waist. The magpie tail blows the incense cage and embroidery section, and is drunk with golden bananas.

Jane Zhao Zizhi

[Song Dynasty] Su Ying

It seems that we have forgotten each other after a long time, because we met on the road.
asked Zhiyuan's surname, and the reading was an article.
Crane bones are thinner in autumn, and their bodies are longer when they are loose.
In ten years, there are still nine grades, just like me working together to cultivate mulberry trees.

Presented by Xiong Yike

[Song Dynasty] Chen Jie

At the beginning of the rain, the village was full of water, and the bridge was broken and nothing happened.
is trying to write a fleeting picture across the fence, and I am a little more familiar with planting mountains and fields.

Spending the night in Xixing

[Song Dynasty] Gao Zhu

passed the night to Xixing, and listened to the sound of bells across the bank.
The moon is falling in the shallows, and the remaining stars are found in the distant trees.
The guest road goes slowly, but Zhengradi keeps stopping.
The old mountain of the Ming Dynasty is close, so there is no need to ask the post office.

Viewing Plum Blossoms in Nanyuan

[Song Dynasty] Lu You

The secluded path and sparse fences wash away the worldly world, and you can see these new branches clearly.
The horizontal direction coincides with the third watch of the moon, and the brilliance returns to the spring of all things.
Luopu Lingbo is extremely reserved, and he is thinking about his predecessor while riding a crane on Mount Gou.
The old man writes a sentence to trouble you, but the painting is not true in raw silk.

Ye Shou of Qingjianzhou

[Song Dynasty] Liu Kezhuang

The noble man built a house to store the whole city, and the public lived alone in a house with pure bones.
Seven-year-old high grade, accompanied by a cold night window.

Send Zhang Zhongzong with his halberd and return to Minzhong

[Song Dynasty] Chen Yuyi

The flying swans are not in a group at first, but they also have many mouths.
shadowed Hebei last year, and this year faces Jiangnan Yun.
Returning home is not as cold as Tao Ling, and he is as diligent as he is in integrity and effectiveness.
The blue sky and white sun reflect the emperor, and the mysterious hair descends to the bright river.
Falling flowers in front of the boat comfort the old man in the wild, and Du Ruo at Pukou is worried about Mr. Xiang.
I know that poems are sent as messengers from afar, and spring scenery thousands of miles away can be seen.
How dare you give someone a gift and give it back? You can't bear to talk about it.
Although you should be careful not to cross the old mountain, I'm afraid there is a virtuous Zhang who can write it down.

I sent it to Wenye, Prince of Cao, Zhejiang, with the rhyme of "missing the king" and "making people old", five characters.

[Song Dynasty] Wumai

Originally, there was Shen Gong in Ming Dynasty, and Wenzheng was succeeded by Gongxi.
Later, many famous masters had many sons.
The grand history of the late emperor is solitary and majestic.
If you are not an official, you will be given the posthumous title.
Ziwen is his son, and he is already famous in his prime.
Prosperity is paid, and integrity is passed down to the heart.
Waves and flowing stones do not move, fire burns and jade calms down.
has always been written by Tianshu, and I will be respectful every time I read it.
looks forward to the history of the country, more than continuing the family tradition.

Four eulogies by Situ Gong, a wealthy Korean man, who founded his government

[Song Dynasty] Sima Guang

God blessed Xiu Mingzuo, and he gave birth to outstanding ministers.
A wise man leads many scholars, and his government brings prosperity to the people.
revitalizes the three righteousnesses and integrates the spring of the world.
If you want to know the power of Zhenye, just ask the white-headed man.

Five Poems from Four Seasons and Master Xu Jingyang Yuantang

[Song Dynasty] Lu Wengui

The half-dressed jade mirror shines on the eyebrows, smiling long and playing in the water on the east slope.
Chongran throws a small stone straight down, one wave moves first and ten thousand waves follow.

[Song Dynasty] Shi Tanhua

If you think about sixty verses

, who doesn’t know how to eat porridge?
does not make a word of discussion, the worms in the shit pit will kill the pear with laughter.

Zhenniang's Tomb Song

[Song Dynasty] Mi Fu

Why not learn from the imitation of the immortal tombs, the white poplars in Xiguo are sad in the dark wind. Huqiu knocked on Zhenniang's tomb, and Xili supported the wall and left the orchid dew.

A thousand-year-old man is covered with velvet and there are several trees and flowers, and ghosts and fires float at night and crows crow at dawn. Xiang Lian held a harp and played the clear moon, and I still remembered playing the flute to ride the colorful clouds.

Wu Hao, a young man, said to each other, who can be better, Dai Mo, Chai Yan. The drops of wine make the dreams of spring clouds linger, and the sound of springs fades away and the sound of bells rings old.

Slowly return from the road trip, yesterday's beauty is not today. Looking eastward at the burial place of Helu, the jade bird will transform into Zhan Lufei.

On the way out of the city, it is gratifying to see Cassia blooming in full bloom

[Song Dynasty] Wu Zeli

The fences have fallen too late in autumn, and the chickens and dolphins are even more remote. When will
have households and money everywhere?
There are stones on the edge of the forest in Manggai and a spring at the bottom of Chadang Stream.
I know in my heart that the swan geese are coming, and I love the river and the sky.

Li Changyi

[Song Dynasty] Chen Changfang

dropped out of Gaoyang to be a drunkard, and Pei Gongya had ambitions.
In the end, the chopsticks in front of him were still printed, and Wang Biao knew that Jun Qian was her husband.

On the road, I met the old general Li Xianzhong. After using Fu Li, he secretly complained about his treasury and collapsed.

[Song Dynasty] Yang Wanli

The greedy general is like an envoy, and the military book is correct.
A sad bear's ear shells, who complains about the golden hoofs.
Jia Fuxi is in the same county, but Zhu You is alone in his heart.
Where does the scholar say that after the poem is finished, he will recite it.

A trip to the countryside in the rain

[Song Dynasty] Pan You

went out of Guo for several miles, and the rain lingered in the autumn mood.
The mountains in the distance are green and foggy, and the wild water is white and the fields are white.
The egret stands and the setting sun goes away, and the cow sleeps next to the ancient tree.
is very muddy, that is, this is a good year.

Gift to the Honored One

[Song Dynasty] Li Peng

Charm can still be produced by Sun Benwu, thousands of lotus flowers also cover the eyes. From time to time, I dream about writing on Tudu, and I hate that I am so late.

I am like an uncle who can't stand the seven nights, tired of reading and shy of learning, like a beetle in a book. I have made an appointment with Xu Ruzi in East Lake, to the north of Zhaogong Mountain and to the south of the mountain.

He Dongyu Shaoqing met his legacy

[Song Dynasty] Chen Xiang

was a passerby in the Chu Miyue Pavilion, with a white head and a new face.
Shuo Mo felt ashamed that he had not reached his level, and Dongfang Lianqi was happy to go on a blind date.
卮言 sits on the teapot in the middle of the moon, looking for things in the spring.
The envoy did not know the purpose of the journey, but Jia Pian still planned to stop and conquer.


[Song Dynasty] Su Shi

After the rain, the east wind gradually became gentle, and the door was closed as soon as the moving guests passed by.
The kings and grandsons are picking jade from the empty ground, and the elders are moving the phlox with their fragrant voices.
Zheng'er was relegated to Huaibei Palace, chatting and laughing about Dongpo.
Shanlintai Pavilion is no different from the original, and it is a place where we can discuss and discuss things carefully.

times rhyme: A guest from Shu who returned to the west came to Shihu and sent a message to an old official in Chengdu

[Song Dynasty] Fan Chengda

After walking through the dust, the tired bird returns, his hometown is among the water and clouds. The dream soul wakes up in the yellow rice and rice, and the life in front of the green bamboo hat is idle.

The gulls and herons are flying and standing tall, and the pines and bamboos are all pale at the end of the year. Min'e's friendship is like asking each other, the iron lock is intact and no one can climb it.

and Ye Guangwenyun

[Song Dynasty] Yu Gui

came to the spring and thought about the short and long bridges on the lake.
Last year at Hanshi Leisure Place, the boat was tied with wickers.

Mid-Autumn Festival

[Song Dynasty] Long Fu

On a lonely Mid-Autumn night, he came out of his jade boudoir with affection.
The river leader looks at the geese far away, and the moon is bright and the clouds are low.

Title Bo Shi Ma

[Song Dynasty] Huang Tingjian

I watched Li Hou make a Huma, and placed it at the foot of Ichile Yin Mountain.
The frightening sand follows the horse to darken the sky, and a thousand miles can be reached in just a blink of an eye.
Since he first came to Shayuancheng, how can there be more generals and hegemons?
Li Houjin's illness affected his right arm. This painting is wonderful and priceless.

Midwinter South Tower Wild View

[Song Dynasty] Chen Yunping

The fragrance of the embroidered curtain is warm and cold in the evening, and the water is light and dense in the desert.
I sing about thousands of plum trees in the Gengling Mountains, and dream about thousands of bamboo poles in the Xiangjiang River.
The wind blows and crows roost in the ancient pagoda, while the lone wild goose falls on the foreshore in the snow.
I heard the jade flute sound and went up to the south tower to lean on the railing alone.

He Jing Tomb

[Song Dynasty] Xie Ao

The virgin in the mountains was white and he had no book to offer to the emperor after his death. The young boy Xuanhe ascends to the sky during the day and buries in the jade coffin in the lake at night.

The embankment of the lake is covered with foliage like hair, and the fragrant trees lean against the spring snow. The phoenix has danced in the clouds for hundreds of years, and the jade bowl has made a lot of noise in the world.

The rain in Gonglan Pagoda seems to be lost, and the flying nets circle the crown of the lake to gather snipe. Linyu burns zhi and the autumn silence is gone. There is no one under the fight to worship Taiyi.

Occasionally four poems

[Song Dynasty] Han Yuanji

The sweet-scented osmanthus is floating in the chrysanthemum yellow, and I love the fragrance of leisurely love in the fragrant bushes.
The grass under the hall is only a foot deep, and you can see the spring bursts filling the pond.

Four poems on Huzhou Road Part 2 Hengshan Hall

[Song Dynasty] Sun Zhan

Thousands of acres of blue clouds cover a flat and wide shade, and the dewy leaves and windy branches wrap around the house in the cold. Don't send Mr. Fu back home and ask the junior officials to report that he is safe.

Shou Wu Zai

[Song Dynasty] Li Shangsou

The spirit of the immortal is majestic, and the atmosphere of the palace is more harmonious.
The silk red face will last forever, and the copper di in Bacheng will be polished again.
The wind is high and the crane is three thousand miles away, and the sky is vast and the distance is more than ninety thousand.
It's not too late to return to Penglai due to weak water, so we can pass by Daoshan Yingguan first.

First Arrival at West Lake

[Song Dynasty] Wang Zhuo

Xiyong has a reputation that is the best in the world, and he dreams of meeting it for the first time in his life.
How much hatred is there for a whip hanging ten miles away, but it is not as good as seeing the channel in its heyday.

If you pick up lice, you will get fleas.

[Song Dynasty] Mei Yaochen

I feel quite comfortable now, but if you pick up lice, you will get fleas.
Although it is not special to eliminate evil, it is good to be happy.
No one can be sure of the failure of things. They are blunt, old and cunning.
burrowing ants do not bite people, and their lives always protect themselves.

Shi Yingzhi praised

[Song Dynasty] Huang Tingjian

Meishan Shi Yingzhi loved wine and was funny.
is disdainful and smiles drunkenly.
Sima Decao, everything goes well.
Oriental jokes alarmed the Han Dynasty.
If you are poor, you will be virtuous, if you are rich, you will be Fangshuo.
Heaven and earth are one and the same, those who do not stick to each other are outstanding.
Ying Zhi is old, seems stupid but not stupid.
Jiang An has insufficient food, but Jiang Yang has more than enough wine.

Sunset in the fishing village

[Song Dynasty] Yang Gongyuan

A cluster of fishermen lived on an ancient ferry, and their lives were limited to a few small boats.
came back to bask in the setting sun, and there were several sounds of smoke and autumn trees.

Send Xingzong to Tongyang

[Song Dynasty] Sima Guang

The red sun cracks the earth, and thousands of families are like ovens.
Whatever you do, you seem to be driven by poverty.
The dust has gone away a little, and the cloud scenery is desolate.
The boat rides on the strong wind and suddenly changes into the Three Kingdoms.
After six years of traveling, someone will be eliminated.
Be careful not to forget to look back, the mighty country is full of entertainment.

Three Poems by Shou Lu Fangweng

[Song Dynasty] Su Ying

His temples are turning green again, and his words are still clear when he reads carefully.
The peaches grown by the pond are just beginning to ripen, and the dead bamboos under the fence are regenerating.
has realized that the Diao Chan eliminates the thoughts of the world, but the turtle and the crane accompany the poetry.
provides salary door personnel, and the golden elixir is accurate and iron-clad.

Xuan Weng

[Song Dynasty] Shi Shaotan

He has been blending with mud and water for many years, but he can only change his body according to the flow.
Bailang Duitou digs deep into the cellar, and always buries people alive.

Climbing Zhenyuan Tower at night to write

[Song Dynasty] Zhao Zai

The border city stands tall in the clouds, and the grass is desolate and jade is cold. The sky is about to dawn with nine winding galaxies, and the three-way drum and horn are approaching the end of the night.

The virtual world is full of bright toads, and the slanting peaks are arranged in clusters. Looking around, it looks like murky water in the distance, and you can see whether the jade gate is shining brightly.

and Jiang Xiucai's three poems about presenting flowers

[Song Dynasty] Chen Shidao

The sparse flowers have become rainy, and several branches have turned yellow, and the white hair is a hundred feet long.
I want to get drunk with the old students, so I leave autumn to celebrate the Double Ninth Festival.

The boat travels on different routes, and the rhyme of wild crossing

[Song Dynasty] Wei Zongwu

is on the same boat and Li Guoxi is on a blind date, spending all day and night to pay for it.
I don’t believe that poetry can impoverish my generation. If I don’t celebrate the sudden death of my gentleness, I will lose my grace.
Although we are on the west road of the city, we have an appointment to watch the clouds on the mountain together. From now on, the operation of
can be stopped, I just doubt that the wind and moon will not spare you.

Send the title Zhu Yuanhui Wuyi Jingshe Twelve Stays in the House

[Song Dynasty] Yang Wanli

An old man talks, and you don't want to sleep.
Open the window to let the mountain moon shine in, and play the wine to the stream.

Fifty Odes of Xianglin·Ganzi Garden

[Song Dynasty] Yang Wanli

Autumn wine is intoxicating, and spring flowers are fragrant.
Xiang Lin planted it with his own hands, and there is Dongting frost in it.

Xiangyan Mountain lived in Mengxia Twenty Jue

[Song Dynasty] Shu Yuexiang

traveled far away to Sichuan to see the bright light, and the summer was green in the dense atmosphere.
Yu Yanchong holds the surplus, and then the troubles are dispersed.

He Xie Xugu

[Song Dynasty] Sun Song

The time of poverty and sorrow may come true, and the border is surrounded by desolation and loses autonomy.
The autumn air is actually cold and the Song Dynasty jade is cold, and the local customs are still like Zhongyi.
An Neng lame turtle follows the Tianma, and is planning to grow a pine tree to draw a dodder.
starts with a new chapter and a new chapter, from Yuanhe to Jian'an.

The three chapters of the poem "Pian Pian Gong Zhi Xi" are sent to Wang Jiefu

[Song Dynasty] Wang ordered

Pian Pian Gong Zhi Xi, and when it is relaxed, it will be stretched.
I am riding a horse in the stable, but I am not able to drive it.
Riding on a horse with him, he also ate cud.

Fifty-three Ancient Psalms

[Song Dynasty] Explaining Wenli

Reasoning and talking about the true face Zichen, Ehu's righteousness is in vain.
The origin of Buddha's nature is difficult to describe, and it is like a tacit understanding between kings.

Water Diao Ge Tou (Ci Lu Cao Yun Cheng Tea Cao Ershi)

[Song Dynasty] Jingbo

Yang Lu, all the outstanding people, are blue-eyed when they see me. The best in Jinguan City is based on the scriptures. The smoke and clouds fly away from the bottom of the pen, and the universe is breathed out from the chest. There are always discussions. I feel that my appearance is dirty, but my jade pot is pure.
The two messengers are as straight as strings and as flat as water. Min'e washes away the sadness, and combines power and benefit. I heard that there was an edict coming from the east, but I was afraid that there would be no plan to stay in the west, so I immediately made the snow-capped mountains lighten. The rolling water of the Shu River is not all about fame.

Post words in the Dragon Boat Festival · Queen's Pavilion

[Song Dynasty] Wang Gui

In May, the scorching wind is blazing, and the worry and hard work are purple.
Destroy the imperial edict and go to Weiyang Palace at dawn.

风 evil occasionally comes into two poems

[Song Dynasty] Zhou Bi

It takes three days to stop, but the cold sand and cold water fade away the spring.
One thousand four hundred Wuhu Road, how many people complain about the rain and worry about the wind.

Praise to Hanshan Part 2

[Song Dynasty] When Shi Kexiang

saw the heavy rock wall standing, he was very excited. Silently thinking about finding a sentence, unfortunately the golden retriever left.

Langtaosha · Fragrant mist wet cloud ring

[Song Dynasty] Zhang Yan

Fragrant mist wet cloud ring. Ruipei Shanshan. After waking up from the drunkenness, the waves are cold in the evening. The remaining elixir in the golden cauldron has melted, and the altar is cold and empty in the snow. You Ye is still unknown. The crane resents the empty mountain. Xiaoxiang is surrounded by orchids without dreams. The vast blue sea cannot go back, but it is still in the world.

Five Harvest Ballads

[Song Dynasty] Wang Yan

The foils are full of spring silkworms getting cocoons and silk, and every family has its own machine to change into new clothes.
The weather is good with five winds and ten rains, and the rice seedlings are fertile in the western suburbs.

He Shuchong's Four Wonders after Qingming

[Song Dynasty] Wang Bai

walked slowly and chanted a branch of bamboo slightly, his feelings were no better than those of his youth.
The young boy had no destination for his spring thoughts, but now he is always having fun.

Four poems sent to Lu and Cao

[Song Dynasty] Wu Fu

is not greedy for the fragrance of the sun in his bed, but only wants to hide deep in his sleep.
The fire has flown, autumn is still hot, Shang Biao is slightly moving, and the night is beginning to cool down.
I am still busy with official affairs, but my dream of family and mountain is even longer.
I am quite envious of the new envoy from eastern Zhejiang, who now returns to his hometown in fine clothes.

Send He Henglao to guard Taizhou

[Song Dynasty] Xu Jingheng

The people in Hailing said that Piling was good, and the prefect was completely different at that time. Now the new destiny is divided among the bamboos, how can the joyful songs be heard across the river.

No matter who is under the curtain of the book, I respect the guests at the top of the building and get drunk. Thousands of knights must know the body of the country. Since ancient times, the parents have never forgotten the king.

Stream Fish

[Song Dynasty] Shu Yuexiang

Red and white brook fish are also pitiful. They sleep on the cool sand at night. Chengtan is a hundred feet long and there is nothing to do. Who has built a fishing boat since ancient times?

The monk knocks on the door of the lower part of the moon

[Song Dynasty] Lin Xiyi

In the silence of the night, who is walking down the mountain. The moon shines brightly in the deep temple, and the old monk knocks on the closed door.

Pecking at the temple in the forest, Chan Juan's clouds are outside. The mountain boy breaks his dream, and the shadows of people are sparse.

The remaining seal scripts are kept in cold storage in the palace, and the window is bright, waiting to be unpacked. The mountains are empty and the valleys are empty, and the frightened magpies also leave their nests.

He Duancha Xunzi Part 3

[Song Dynasty] Xu Jingsun

Sanrijun's poems are very impressive, and it seems that every word is harmonious. From now on, I am happy to be in the hands of the saint, and I will take the psalm song from the Kongxing altar.

Two poems about using a stick to offer sacrifices to Lord Renshan. The first is

[Song Dynasty] Chen Shidao

The staggered solitary root has too much strength, so when sitting on the bed, he must be pressed and supported. I have spent my whole life giving it to you now, and I even asked if there is such a thing in the forest.

Home Shows Brother 槱

[Song Dynasty] Zheng Qiao

hates naughty boys and makes friends with half-Bo disciples.
Abandon your family to find the right way, sacrifice your life to become a Confucian.
It is hard to criticize elegance, but today people are noble and special.
What advice do you have in the middle of the night? You are like a crazy man.

On the 15th day, I visited the auspicious monk's residence with Zhou Yue and Chen Yongxi

[Song Dynasty]. Mu Xiu

drank hundreds of cups in Fangqi, looking for fragrance and returned empty-handed.
Flowers are sad and sleepy in spring, but they come to visit the wild monk Xiao Si.

Dip Biting Moon Night

[Song Dynasty] Ge Shaoti

There was a cloud in the sky in the middle of the night, with a bright moon and stars beside the cloud.
The heavy dew in the pine gates frightens the flying magpies, and the light breeze in the lotus leaves the fireflies.
Millet is decorated with tender yellow in the old garden, and the new green in the wine rack can be seen in the empty pavilion.
Autumn chants do not make me miss you, but I am allowed to wake up drunk by the West Lake.

The stream is condensed with blue and blue and merges with the two rivers, and the pavilion is in front of thousands of rocks and ravines. Washing stones, I think about clearing diseased teeth. Who can listen to the flowing spring while leaning on the harp? The north ridge of Yun - DayDayNews

Zi Conghui's book prepares the words and deeds and the reasons for visiting the king's house to answer

[Song Dynasty] Mei Yaochen

came from Ziheqiao, but his words were not clear.
It is urgent to read the words thoroughly, so I will obey him when I drive in the morning.
feet of books are suddenly found, and all the passages can be recorded.
hastily began to leave home and hurriedly crossed the river.
In front of the villagers, the heart is racing, and the wind is blowing at dusk.
The road is built with long narrow passes, and the fatigue cannot be stopped.
The thatched cottage is crawling at night, and the cold dogs are barking in the cave.
Mingfa travels northwest, and the hills and mountains are more than winding.
Congzhen is dense, but the beauty in the mountains is not visible.
When the valley opens and meets the city, how can it be said that even the capital is humble?
One and two crowns are the same, and the left and right are compared.
asked Zi what he said, and raised his eyebrows to talk.
Glancing towards the Temple of Heaven, smoke and clouds follow every step.
I look down near the sun, but I see Songqiu nearby.
looks at the dust with disdain, like ants.
has the heart of Lin He, and expects to be honored by the eunuchs.
I used to love the green sky, and I would always lean on it.
Today I admire you for your travels, but all your successes are in vain.
Just sigh with a yellow ribbon body, don't take the Qingxia track.
You can rely on Yuhan, and you can express your feelings like this.

The chariot is under the chariot in the spring

[Song Dynasty] Kou Zhun

After the rain, the palace is beautiful in spring, and the flowers in March shine on the forest.
Who is leaning against the brothel and looking back to ride? The sun is setting in the south and the willow smoke is deep.

Sitting alone with my book

[Song Dynasty] The scroll is just in

Burning incense and closing the thatched cottage, all the sluggish thoughts are swept away.
Things should be quiet in the world, and friendships can only be sparse.
When you flex and stretch, you will be like an earworm, and when you are wet, you will be like a fish.
The sun is as warm as a window, so it’s a good time to read in winter.


[Song Dynasty] Ding Kai

Whose eyes are full of desolation, the apple blossoms are dim and the autumn wind is coming. The dragon crouches and the tiger occupies the vast country; when the horse is gone and the ox comes, the land is empty.

Even if there are thousands of people who are just like Nuonuo, there will be no time to live a hundred years. The world is upside down and the boat is alone, and we are chatting with Diao Weng for the rest of our lives.

Liyang Examination Courtyard Wenjiao

[Song Dynasty] Huazhen

The hero is also romantic, roaring and Hansheng is sad. Today, in the morning and evening of the river city, gulls and herons rise from the sand in the air.

and the later rhymes of Yi are the six preceding rhymes

[Song Dynasty] Wei Zongwu

The west wind leaves the garden full of leaves, and I lie on my pillow to listen to the rain.
It's sad that all kinds of emotions arise, and the melancholy is not easy to count.
Si Xi Yong Qian Jing, good horse and silk group.
Now I am a man in a white house, bowing his head to pay homage to the government.
I am still happy that I am seventy years old, so that I can avoid the hardships of studying.

Eighteen ancient poems, eighteen of them

[Song Dynasty] Shishiyi

Three people witnessed that the turtle turned into a turtle, and Pilan blew it out. From now on, the needle is inserted in the dark, and the nostrils are all kinds of splits.

Dragon Boat Festival·Inner Court

[Song Dynasty] Yan Shu

Baicao Dou Yu welcomes the moon, and the five silk lingering flowers wish her a happy new year.
The wind in the bridal chamber is warm and the moxa is hanging down, and the waves in the divine marsh are deep.

and Zhang Zhongtong's two poems about Zhong Ling

[Song Dynasty] Wang Anshi

It has been ten years since I dreamed of Zhang Jiang, and I want to see the old friend again.
can only live on both sides of the Taiwan Strait at that time, but it is a pity that it will come in spring.

Suanshanxi (reuse rhyme)

[Song Dynasty] He Menggui

The spring work has not been awakened, how can Qiong Ying be early. Looking at the Milky Way in the middle of the night, it's first dawn on the earth and on the tower. Feifei's pulse is not unfeeling, the golden tent is warm, the jade hall is deep, but the strange sound is lost in the dust.
God was banished and temporarily fell into the world of mortals. The color is pity for itself, but it is afraid of being frivolous and being turned upside down by the wind. Who can complain about Bing Xin, but when you blow in the plum blossoms, the bright moon, the white clouds, and the cold weather are good.

New Year's Book Sentence

[Song Dynasty] Lu You

Journey to the West in his early years was attributed to Zixu, and in his old age he returned to his hometown.
Dare to forget the country without dying? Even if you are sick and want to be blind, you still love books.
Friends of old, He Lao remembers the chariot and hats, and the descendants are fortunate not to waste them.
The New Year is as cold as usual, and my gray hair is combed by myself.

After the beginning of summer, it is very ripe, and the neem flowers are very cold in the wind.

[Song Dynasty] Shu Bangzuo

It has not been ten days since the official seal, and the heat is so hot that I feel sick.
The wind blows to and fro, and suddenly disperses, and today I still encounter the neem flower wind.

Go out of the east gate

[Song Dynasty] Gao Si De

When you don't see Wu Lun, the prefect of Kuaiji, he dismisses his official position and sneaks away to escape from the officials and the people.
I don’t know what I was afraid of at that time, so I took a boat to Cao’ejin at night.
It is only because of love that it penetrates into people's marrow, and thousands of people climb on carriages and knock horses.
If you don't act deceitfully, you can escape from the vastness of the love river.
Old news: Wuxing solved his prefecture and his ribbon, and the way back south pointed to Chaotianjing.
You came and went first after Shi Xiang, but Yun He came out of the east city.
Hengshan waits for countless people, carrying pots and cups to invite each other.
Make you think that you are not my life, Xizi will be unclean and will pollute others.
Shuijun 200 Yaonan Road, one at midnight and one boat near the lake gate.
Wu Xing's deeds in Kuaiji are similar, but he knows that love and evil are different.
If you are afraid of Kuang Jie and Xue Shengxian, how can you compare with Cao Zhi who set himself on fire?
Alas, later generations said that they were imprisoned here, and there were three of them.

Wusu Temple

[Song Dynasty] Shi Zhiyuan

After the decline of native virtue, loyalty and Taoism were not common.
vows to make contributions to Chen Daili, and to dominate the industry like Huan Wen.
is a clever and treacherous hero, and its reputation is known all over the world.
There is a temple beside the mountain, and the prison is closed in the deep clouds.

Two poems about passing through Hu Luokeng

[Song Dynasty] Yang Wanli

has become old due to the cold in the mountains, and his journey through the stream becomes even more difficult.
The fog is all but rain, and the sun has been rising for a long time without clearing the clouds.
There is no sound from the ape-crow and no one is seen, and there is no trace of the loose and fir trees.
It's very sunny and warm, so why bother? I'm willing to take advantage of the sunshine for three to five minutes.

He Xueye occasionally made this

[Song Dynasty] Li Fang

The new structure of Huaju is close to the forbidden city, and the atrium is filled with cypress trees.
I can smell the clear water carefully if I follow the wind, and can vaguely see the falling stars through the bamboos.
Thousands of people have no way to repay their kindness, and thousands of years of good fortune are here.
Who is the companion of a bright moon? We should share the golden moon and wake up from drunkenness.

Jingfu's birthday

[Song Dynasty] Xiang Anshi

Pingwei produces smoked plums and rain, and the sunflower heart is charming and the grass is bright with gold. The old man appears at the point of the dipper star, and the joyful uncle comes when the crescent moon rises.

The Queen Mother is happy with the medicine in the West Pond, and the Heavenly Sun Xihan has good news. Gong Huai reported yellow news again, and he had already spread the red branches and colorful skirts.

Use rhyme to reward Zhai Zeng Erguo and Zhang

[Song Dynasty] Yu Chou

The poem of Yu Cheng opened the mansion to make it fresh, and the paper swept the stream and the vine pen made silver.
Dou Zhuan Cang Long returns to the north and looks to the north, walking on the ecliptic and patrolling the east.
Human feelings change at any time, and God's will is so selfish.
The official book is not finished yet, and I don’t know who the flower belongs to.

Send Wang Shifa back to Jinhua

[Song Dynasty] Lu Zujian

returned to his son Cao Yu to talk to him. Don't peek into the garden where he misses you deeply.
My sect’s career does not have many children, and it will take root only if it is kept in good condition.

Qi Qingfeng Gorge

[Song Dynasty] Zhang Shi

Fushu ancient trees stood on dangerous stairs, and he began to know how to draw the scriptures. There is also a stone bridge where guests can sit and look up at Lan Ruo and Yunqi.

The wind is blowing and the wind is blowing, and the wind is blowing. Since then, Shangshanjun has worked hard, and Shou Teng can carry him with him today.

Yun Si Yuan Pavilion Ten Odes, Nine of the Water Pavilions

[Song Dynasty] Zhang Kai

A wooden frame floats in the water, and it is slightly connected to the isolated island. The shadows of sparse flowers are reversed, and the splashing thorns and jumping fish are small.

The wind and moon earn a lot, and the management is clever. It's almost quiet and no one is there, and Zhulan gathers the quiet birds.

Cheng Wenjian's eulogies

[Song Dynasty] Lou Yao

Yao's writings are great, and his heroic reputation has long been known.
is flying high in the industry and setting high standards.
has been talked about for more than a thousand years, and it has spread all over the world.
It is a pity that the study of economics is not as good as Er Jin Diao.

Overseas Chinese Opera

[Song Dynasty] Zhou Zizhi

Princess of Yue with a beautiful face like a flower, she has not been able to sing or dance since she was a child. Married as the concubine of Jiangnan Kingdom, I miss her every day and shed tears like rain.

Plum blossoms are yellow in the south and north of the Yangtze River, and the tide rises in the Qinhuai River at night. It rains a lot and the ground is humid by the river, and a high platform is built to even out the dawn.

,000 ships were destined to travel across China, and I was delighted to see the Vietnamese people still speaking the Vietnamese language. It is difficult to set foot in the hometown in life, and there is no way to return to the heart.

The high platform is easy to fall, and the Quchi is also restored to level. Yue Ji has been away for thousands of years, but this platform has never been famous.


[Song Dynasty] Zhao Yuanyu

The young man passed by the book and sword several times, and Tan Wen also sang to himself while selling wine. It's spring again today, and there are many flowers on the old plum branches.

Like a dream, one of the Chinese Valentine's Day

[Song Dynasty] Zhang Yuanqian

The rain washes away the wind and dew. Double stars outside the clouds for the first time. The building is empty at night, and the moon is jealous and whispering in the corridor.

stood still. Stand still. Not the same mood as last year.

Sending Master Yin Yi back to Shu

[Song Dynasty] Shi Xinyue

From the south to the west, I want to talk but can't talk.
Yi Ma San Yin leads the generals, and the woman by the stream smiles and smacks.

Title Xie Zi Gao Yiyi

[Song Dynasty] Li Fu

The east wind blew in the garden before it came out, so he concentrated on reading the Yi. I bow my head and don't know where the guests are coming from, but I click on my pen when I see the opening of the book.

The sky was opened and the earth was opened, the sun and the moon were bright, and everything changed in the four seasons. Fuxi's hexagrams were chaotic and dead, and they all carved out the essence with wisdom and skill.

Autumn Travel

[Song Dynasty] Lu Qing

The rain at night sounds like banana trees, and the bamboo house shakes like paper. There is a crazy old man among them, who remembers each other thousands of miles away.

The old man became more and more crazy, and the sound reached his ears. Drop by drop reaches the heart, from the heart to the marrow.

The crickets are about to die, and the hibiscus is fragrant. The lamp shadow turned into smoke, filling the vast small room.

Send Xuedou Xing's first seat

[Song Dynasty] Shi Zhiyu

Zhu Rong Peak burns red leaves, Yingmeng looks at the white clouds in the mountain. The footprints of
are easy to see without being taught, but who knows what the sky looks like and how people can hear it.

Wan Lu

[Song Dynasty] The Song family

has been poor since the happy years, and my house now belongs to the west.
Yinqin said that Liu and Dongyuan will meet each other one day as passers-by.

Longmen Chengxinlao

[Song Dynasty] Wang Zhidao

Thousands of mountains lean against the sky, and a path cuts through the clouds. Suddenly I saw a pavilion and knew it was the Buddhist home.

The green pines are old and immortal, and they are as young as dragons and snakes. The frosty skin is chapped by the frost, and the wind tips are shaking each other's teeth.

The dark flowers are like divination, and the pure ones cannot be added. Passing the court to send good news, it's so strange that Bi Lingjia.

I can't bear to come and go, so I'm sorry. Finally, I will take off my crown and clothes and sleep under the mist under my master.


[Song Dynasty] Liang Dong

Thousands of trees died guarding the red, and a little bit of the soul returned.

Picking Mulberries

[Song Dynasty] Yan Jidao

In the autumn, I feel even more painful, and the fine print is still sparse. Sit and think. How can we look at each other like the old days?
The handle of the south tower is on the shoulder, Feng Yue should know. Unless. I see her from time to time in my dreams.

Xijiang Moon·Five Horses are the Most Expensive in Life

[Song Dynasty] Shen Ying

Five Horses are the Most Expensive in Life, Jinling has been prosperous since ancient times. The light hangs and the seal embraces the red teeth. The situation is worth the leisure time in the side court. It is full of jaspers from the east and west, and red flowers with high-burning candles. Zhao Huang Xin Shi's characters are like crows. Fly down from heaven tomorrow.

Liu Yifu saw the use of the preface rhyme in Yunxi. One of them was

[Song Dynasty] Guo Yin

The leisurely feeling came from the stick, and the tranquility filled the forest pond. As autumn approaches, the air becomes cold first, but as spring comes, the wind is fragrant.

Zhilan becomes the jade, and the reed becomes the carved beam. A thought about dead wood can lead to wild catkins.

and Hu Jian's seven poems

[Song Dynasty] Chao Buzhi's

Thousands of clear poems compete for the long night, and the true butterflies are busy in the spring.
Don't teach me how to live in the world for a long time. Thunder and lightning are the generals nowadays.

Chunyouji paid a visit to his ancestor Liang General Zhongzhuanggong Temple at the age of 14.

[Song Dynasty] Cheng Wufeng

He has a beautiful and heroic appearance, seven feet long, and who can be worthy of Huan Huan.
Baozhou Xiao Shi came to Yide, but Hou Sheng refused to rebel and was defeated.
The Duke was honored with great honors and held the title of Governor, and his posthumous title was Zhongzhuang and the Emperor Gao.
Under the yellow prison of the majestic temple, the evening drums and morning bells will not be forgotten for a while.

The stream is condensed with blue and blue and merges with the two rivers, and the pavilion is in front of thousands of rocks and ravines. Washing stones, I think about clearing diseased teeth. Who can listen to the flowing spring while leaning on the harp? The north ridge of Yun - DayDayNews

times Yun Ge Daqing inscribed Jiangshi Hanguang Pavilion

[Song Dynasty] Su Song

The stream is blue and blue and merges with Shuangchuan, and the pavilion is in front of thousands of rocks and ravines.
Washing stones, I think about clearing diseased teeth. Who can listen to the flowing spring while leaning on the harp?
The clouds are growing in the north ridge and the sky is blank. When spring enters the eastern suburbs, you can see the fresh scenery.
The situation is that the scenery in the south of the Yangtze River is beautiful, and I will wait for you to sing the four seasons of heaven.

A plum blossom gift? After ascending to the throne, return to Zhenyang

[Song Dynasty] Cai Songnian

Bai Bixiong Wen Guan Yujing. The laurel moon is famous for its fragrance and can carry on the family reputation. Every year, Yan meets Qiu Hong, and tomorrow Yan Nan will travel far away. I had no love for officialdom at first. Three paths of gray smoke have not yet returned. The scarf helps me get drunk and talk about mysteries. The bamboo is thin and the stream is cold, which reminds me of my remaining years.

Presented three poems by Master Feng from Nanhui. The second one is

[Song Dynasty] Zhang Xi

The water in the square pond is flowing with water, and the threshold is surrounded by brilliant hundred-day flowers. I recall the autumn rainy night in Laofeng, sitting alone in lotus position and listening to the croaking frogs.

Shimen Temple

[Song Dynasty] Zhao Shixiu

The mountains outside the temple are all stone, and the door is opened by chiseling the stone. Wild flowers include yellow chrysanthemums, cold bamboo shoots and green sticky moss.

The official came to watch the fields, and the monks returned begging for food. A pair of pigeons on the eaves, overlooking the birth platform.

Wanhu Mountain

[Song Dynasty] Li Siyan

holds a bag, hairpin, and wat in the purple sky, and his reputation is higher than Wanhu Mountain. Who doesn't love
People say that progress must be a sign, but my way is like a beggar's world.
If you also buy Tian Qingying, the scarf will be the crown of the virtuous.

Three poems about looking at things in the summer and thinking about the ancients. One of them is Zhang Zhongwei

[Song Dynasty] Han Wei

abandons the affairs of the world and thinks about the official book of heaven. There is no one in the basil, and the garden is lonely.

Xuan Mian is not admired, and Yan Ru often writes poems.


[Song Dynasty] Wu Guang

A light thunder struck the tree, shocking the flowers, and the white waves floated in the air and the water rose.


[Song Dynasty] Wang Cun

The world is full of chickens and insects, and he is tied up in a broken house. I studied late and forgot to write poems to see off the sun. I came late to wear cold clothes and drank in the wind.

The rotten Confucianism and the Ji Chengqiu talk, and the poor ghost's chariots and ships attack with fire. Don't ask grandma three or five things, just look at the flowers in the mirror.

Same as Feng Pengzhou, when you can travel to Zhongyan, you can get the word Lin.

[Song Dynasty]
The heaven and the earth are not self-sustaining, and old age fades away like a turtle.
The flowers and trees are drooping, and the country is moving and desolate.
changes, so I don’t want to do it. I’m so happy to find it in this quiet place.
Pengzhou Lao Mojie, Jade Teeth Qiang Zhuolin.
When we are together, we also forget to say anything, and we smile alone.
When people come to the Eagle Peak, they sit down in the deep rock.
Photography clothes please follow it, as if you are in the middle of the forest.
I want to recommend a clear offering, but there is nothing to cause regret. There is a white moon wheel at the end of
, shining brightly in the heart of the blue pool.
Rewards will be accidental, and the hairpin will be combined in the past.
Don't feel sorry for him, he has no future.
There must be Xihuang people who know the ancient sounds.

Accompanying Supervisor Li to drink in Liuyuan

[Song Dynasty] Cao Yanyue

leftover flowers and trees planted on the low wall of the city, and the hall is full of engraved poems and paintings.
The plum blossoms are all blooming but their branches are still weak, and the peonies are still fragrant with their weeping stamens.
Scholars have few wild interests in the world, while wanderers are busy in good times.
I would like to ask my children in front of the lamp, and I will live up to the spring glory.

A tribute to Li Liang, one of the attendants, for Duke Ding

[Song Dynasty] Wang Gui

The flute suddenly violated the bell of Xiaolou, and the bottle of wine should not be the same as before.
The noble family once returned the favor of the golden axe, but during the Qing Dynasty, Yuguan Gong was not seen.
The creeping grass in Jiacheng has been closed for thousands of years, and the backyard is full of strings and becomes empty overnight.
Only the old pond in Pingyang still has fragrant trees leaning against the spring breeze.

He Shuyi asked for praises

[Song Dynasty] Shi Yinsu

Whoever practices the ten most powerful skills, Shuyi will knock on the door of Pu'an again.
Mysterious and mysterious spirits know that they exist, but I am willing to only hear them with my heart.
At that time, I believed that King Kong was connected with the Buddha’s wisdom, and I forgot about my love and thoughts and united the universe.
The night of the moon and the dawn are full of news, and the hope is that the independent trail will always exist.

It is recorded that spring water is abundant and red sparrows are said to have arrived from Xinluo. Daosheng was deprived of it, so please give me a poem.

[Song Dynasty] Mei Yaochen

Red-feathered Artemisia eagle, came from Dongyi Kingdom.
clusters in Gaojian, all of the same color.
It is assumed that cinnabar is produced, which is the auspicious fire virtue.
Walking through the house, he is not of the same kind. He pecks at the millet and is ashamed to eat.
has a clear voice and screams, every time it is saved.
should be let go and spread its wings again.

Qiu Shengxuan

[Song Dynasty] Huang Tingjian

Who lives in the idle fan and coffin, love and ruthlessness go hand in hand.
All the sounds come from the roots, let alone ask Nanguo diligently.

Slow voice·Six baht clothes are thin

[Song Dynasty] Wu Wenying

Six baht clothes are thin, a boat with a leaf is light, and the yellow reed can laugh at the floating chariot. Where is Tingzhou, the clouds and waves are boundless. The autumn posture is full of water color, beautiful and fragrant, not stained by the spring beauty. Go back with a smile, open an account next to Jinbo, and call the green house your home. The red makeup and green mirror are applied back, and the river is flat and green, and the clouds are clear in May. ?In the jade cup, the west wind cannot reach the window screen. The old lotuses at the end are deep in tears, the water chestnuts and new songs are shamefully praised. The shimmering autumn weather is better than flowers for every year and people.

Two poems about Leisure and Comfort on the Lake and the Mekong

[Song Dynasty] Sun Rui

The old fisherman's house outside Dihuatang leans on the fishing boat by the lake every night.
I picked up a few fish in the autumn wind, and I recommended the flax in the spoon.

times rhyme with rivers Chen Cheng and Min Yu

[Song Dynasty] Li Misun

The spring rain lasts for two months, and the summer rain brings more knowledge.
Fumai has been harmed, affecting both Shu and He.
There is still hope for the crops, but the people of Linpei are worried.
Master Yun held Feng Bo in his arms and scolded Fanjuhe. After
, the soil should not be dry, and it should be softened when soaked.
Shan Weng eats diseased millet, and when he is full, he will worry about Tuo.
The military reserves of neighboring countries have dried up, so why is Guizhou so red? Who is Sida Cong in
? He is divided into two subjects.
Chen Mo sat in Gaokui and used Mupo to defend against insults. On
, the public spirit of the day is set to attack the soil.

Send Brother Jun back to his mother in Taoyuan Province

[Song Dynasty] Shi Shaotan

His homeland was blocked by dust, so he took a boat and went deep into Wuling's house.
The wild peach blossoms reflected the mother's face, while Mo Xueling's eyes stared at the sand.

times rhyme Fan Wenyuan

[Song Dynasty] Lu You

The gas of the basket and ladle has pressed down on the paste, and the taste will be longer if it is not close to Zhumen.
When you look carefully at the masters who forget their favor and disgrace, you will realize that we are pitiful and hurt.
The new alchemy stove is built on the rock and the incense burns in the ancient Taoist temple of Kuanglu.
Sheng Yu wants to make this appointment with Jun Jian, who is eighty years old and has gray eyebrows.

Zhou Tianyi resigned and returned to Yanping

[Song Dynasty] Liu Kezhuang

said that he went to Tanjin and worked hard to repair several couplets.
A family living as an overseas Chinese has little money.
The poet is vulgar and poor, and the poor prefect of the state is Qing.
I can't help but want to meet you when I hear you.

On the 8th day of the 10th month of the twelfth lunar month, I visited Song Dynasty with Xi Zhou, sweeping Song Lingshi, and walked late to Panasonic, feeling sad and pregnant.
A poor family sells window foil and compiles the leftovers.
uses it to write text, which is trivial.
Then he ordered the descendants to live in the world and wear their clothes and clothes outside the house.
Today is the grandson of the government, learning and not learning.

Guling Bridge

[Song Dynasty] Xu Ji

Liu Chengsi on the west bank of the West Bridge, spring goes and spring comes, the same year after year.
Occasionally, the catkins were blown off by the east wind, and they followed the flowing water across the east bridge.

Twenty-six poems about Tianjin

[Song Dynasty] Shao Yong

The clouds are light and the sun is pale. Tianjin is dusk, and the wind is strong, the forest is sparse and the water is autumn.
There is no way for people to sing alone, and gulls and herons descend to Tingzhou from time to time.

One hundred and nine verses, thirty-six of them

[Song Dynasty] Shi Kexiang

Dry paper is burning, lamps are leaking, and there is no limit to how much people have been wasted. If you point your head to anyone, you will see that the Tathagatas of the three generations have the same eyes.

is different from

[Song Dynasty] Wang Zhiwang

Shengyou, and the mail delivery is still happy every day.
The jade tent has not yet reached the beautiful scenery, but the clouds and mountains are already in the good poetry.
Lingzhu is suddenly rich and a thousand gold gifts are given, and ordinary horses are worthy of sighing for eternity.
unrolls the scroll and chants loudly to know how many times it has been played, and the loud sound is deafening.

Send an inscription to Chen Tongfu's Baoxi Pavilion

[Song Dynasty] Chen Fuliang

Rice is not difficult to find, and Xuanmian is also easy to obtain.
Hu is a hugger, compassionate and compassionate.
The autumn wind falls on the green trees, and the phoenix leaves without leaving a trace.
The cicadas sing in sorrow, and the children are filled with tears.
suddenly roared, leaving a lonely sound in the air.
is a song of elegance that makes people sigh three times.
The houses and cottages are by the road, and the plows are in the folk residence.
Pedestrians listen to laughter, children sleep and eat together.
What's the crime with reading? My beard and hair are half white.
This means too much work, this body is long and restrained.
is not suitable for hugging one's knees, but it is even more suitable for going out.
But don’t ask how many feet of basil are outside the door.

Spring outskirts

[Song Dynasty] Shi Shaosong

Spring brings people to the painting screen, with fragrant grass, warm sand, warm water and clear clouds.
Staring at the sun, I don’t realize that the setting sun is gone, and I feel sorrow and hatred.

Elegies of Emperor Shenzong Part 4

[Song Dynasty] Huang Shang

The heart is strong when trying to govern, but it is wrong to follow the example of others. The dragon in the cauldron is winding, and the cypresses on the mausoleum are lingering.

The external sounds of things are so quiet, and dreams in the world are also rare. Shaoyang came to serve the banquet, and God's will was already known.

Ten poems on Huaguangmei·Zhengzhengzhi

[Song Dynasty] Wang Bai

The branches are natural in the south and north, and the snow is bright and the smoke marks are pitiful.
The ice surface is so majestic and there is no direction to back, so why is there any intention to show beauty to others?

Read Han Wen Gong Zhi's chapter because Guangqi said

[Song Dynasty] Li Gou

The master is thirsty for a good horse, and the servant misses Zongji. It is easy to catch up if you are late, and it is easy to come if you are weak.

When I heard that a thousand miles were traveled, a hundred arrows were gathered in my arms. Although the owner wants to buy it, everyone is happy.

Late step sent to Liu Changzhai

[Song Dynasty] Zhang Zhilong

There are green moss marks on the teeth of Zhang Zhilong, and green moss is piled high on Mengbi Mountain. html Returning to the sea with the evening light on the 7th, there is a rumor that autumn letters are coming from the sky.
The fireflies pass through the bamboo paths, and they wait for the cranes to return to their empty nests.
If you can enjoy yourself in the universe, why do you need a golden house and a jade tower?

Congratulations to the Zhou Dynasty for the system and direct access to the bachelor's academy

[Song Dynasty] Zhao Fan

He heard again that Lu Zhi was holding silk fibers, and he thought that the road to the public dynasty would be extended.
Return to Yutang for the time being, and urgently seize Tongjin from Fengnum.
attracted praise from the border areas, and the imperial edict was inspired by Shandong's German and Italian new policies.
Who calls articles about making money and small skills, and planning and meritorious deeds to draw a unicorn?

Looking at the clouds, the front mountain covers all the green peaks, and only a few green peaks remain. Because of the poem

[Song Dynasty] Shi Mining

The mountains are covered with white clouds. How many peaks can be exposed?
Outside the pink wall of Wanxinqun, you can see green snails in bun rings.

Read about Wu Xiqing and Li Si Zhengyun

[Song Dynasty] You Qingfu

Read about the rain and clear night in front of Wutang, and the sound of Diao Dou in Liu Ying at the fifth watch.
The wind-born Pihu boasts good health, and the sun shines brightly on his eyes.
leads the spring and March twilight, and the poems are very clear.
% off Chongzunzu has nothing to do now, and he has a hundred thousand soldiers in mind.

August 25th passed Nanxi

[Song Dynasty] Han Hui

The cool rain suddenly stopped, and the autumn clouds were helpless.
Yamanejia has a new rise, and Xiaoli is playing with Liubo.
will be at the right time, and Zizhi has a strange song.
I regret that this place is not very secret, and I see people swimming by from time to time.

Sapphire Case · Short Pavilion with Fragrant Grass and Long Pavilion with Willows

[Song Dynasty] Wu Wenying

Short Pavilion with Fragrant Grass and Long Pavilion with Willows. Remember the peach leaves and the smoke at the mouth of the river. Today Jiangcun is loaded with wine. The remaining cups are gone, the tombs are red and green, and the ground is covered with spring embroidery. Cuiyin once picked plum branches and smelled them. I still remember the jade green hands on the swing. After the red cable is tired, spring will pass. The rose flowers have fallen, and the butterflies in the hometown have lost their fragrance.

Five Ode to the Ancients One

[Song Dynasty] Shi Jujian

It is already too late to turn around, just like it was never turned around. A penny can't be found anywhere, but it's just a lie.

Wang Wenbo sent the school artist to me to say goodbye, and he was willing to spend a night drinking, but it was still like

[Song Dynasty] Peng Guinian

had heard that there was no Qin Rui in the drum basket, and he was willing to stay as a scholar.
Take away the breeze from me for a while, and the dream comes back to me as if it were three autumns ago.

Stone Bridge

[Song Dynasty] Shi Yuanzhao

The stunning scenery is separated from the world, and the deep snow is undivided. Two waterfalls fly over, forming a bridge of clouds.

Holy miracles appear all the time and are heard everywhere in the world. A sencha pavilion stands on top, with flowers and milk pouring from it.

Ten Songs of Donggao

[Song Dynasty] Chao Buzhi

The newly planted Qingtong Xiaojing was completed, and the two rows of day lilies flourished for a while.
The spring breeze wipes out all the flowers, but the long summer flowers are still in love.

Asking for Maozi

[Song Dynasty] Shi Zhiyu

A new student in the hall, a tiger-faced civet, promised me a large sum of money not to move.
The family is cold, so there is no stealing mice, and you will see when you climb up a tree.

You Ciyun

[Song Dynasty] Chen Zhu

chanted slightly for joy, and people walked without realizing it.
If the stick is planted, there will be traces on it, and the shadow of the bamboo will be leisurely knocking on the door.
The trees are tall and graceful with leaves, and the people are quiet and the birds are calling the mountains.
If you can stay here for a long time, you will have half the time as a monk.

Presented to the Prince's Young Master Yuan Zhang Jian Gongju's Ci

[Song Dynasty] Wang Gui

The emperor cherished the virtuous and shared the political affairs, and the day before the middle stage found the true Confucianism.
Just when I saw Yu Feng arriving late, I didn't realize that Ming Hong had gone alone.
The dawn moon is still approaching thousands of miles away, and the spring breeze is blowing across the five clouds.
Whoever passes by the foot of Nandang Qingshan Mountain may have no reputation since ancient times.


[Song Dynasty] Chen Sanpin

How can the heaven be ruthless? The heaven is like the Tao, and the sentient beings are also old. Fame, deeds, asking the heavens for their reasons, cannot be deceived by others.It's good to accompany the clouds and smoke to plow the valley mouth. Don't spread calligraphy and ink across the river. If you count the temples, you can get a few spring breezes, which will surprise you in the early morning of autumn.
Tao Lingyin, Zhang Jingzhao. Huai Shuxiao, greedy for glory. All the dreams are gone, but the remaining bells are still dawning. A solitary owl is flying in the dusk clouds of Teng Pavilion, and a bright moon bird is flying around Yu Tower. When I think about old age, I have endless joy here and have few close friends.

Autumn schedule Boyu brought a poem to see the second rhyme

[Song Dynasty] Sun Yingshi

The sound of autumn enters the phoenix tree, and the fallen leaves startle the urn.
The chrysanthemums are thick and fragrant, and the arrangements are made of double nine.
Youzi drags his stick and sings, and Pengmen scratches his head alone.
Old friends come to visit us, and new poems come from Qiongjiu.
Sweep my room with happy words, and give me everything I want.
talks about ancient and modern times, whether it is doubtful or not.
Back then, it was not just a cup of wine that was a drunkard's idea.
Waiting for a dream in life, I will live without gold or stone.
Congqu boxing bells and cauldrons are not easy to cause embarrassment.
This must be prosperous and withered, and beauty and ugliness will be judged for thousands of years.
A monarch and an essayist, a nobleman of the world, why should he return to poverty? It is Qiu Muyou.
The common people are teasing people, the ancient road mausoleum will last forever.
There is no need to ask Dong Long, he must be He JiGou.

to Yangzhou

[Song Dynasty] Wen Tianxiang

met a firewood seller on the roadside, saying that Gaosha was worth visiting.
It's thirty miles to Nong's house, and we can stay away from the wind and dust in the mountain col.

Picture of Di Renjie Baiyun's funeral

[Song Dynasty] Zheng Sixiao

Zhu Ma looked back at the blue sky, and the river Yang was hurriedly passing by. Even though my relatives are leaving under the white clouds, how can I miss Liang Gong's thoughts?

Leave a note Minfu Yinjun

[Song Dynasty] Shi Jie

Sanjiong came here to find a bad customer, and the cup was sparse and tasted long.
Half a bowl of mountain rice with ripe acorns, and a bunch of spring vegetables with fragrant seedlings.
There should be no summer in the springs and rocks at four o'clock, and the valley is full of clouds and clouds, which makes the countryside special.
In the end, we will become neighbors together, and we will have two rooms next to each other on the edge of bamboo.

Listening to the Songfeng Bag Praise Part 2

[Song Dynasty] Shi Rujing

dozed off leaning on a bag, with a poisonous thorn protruding from the ground. Someone flipped over and the whole world vented his anger.

Congratulations to the bridegroom (Qingjiang Ren of General Manager Wen)

[Song Dynasty] Shao Guizi

Xinyu Huanghua Road. Seeing the clear river and the banners and thousands of cavalry, I sent you to the east. Returning from thousands of miles away, the wind blows through the old place of Jiashan. Xizhou Heron, Liujun is not here. The white-haired remnants chatted in the pots and cups, and the neighbors came with smiles and flowers. Praise for seeing you early, hate for seeing you at dusk.
My old friend only lives in the mountains. When we remember the year, we look at each other with heartbroken hearts, the weather is windy and the sea is raining. The stars on your temples are full of stars and your hair is young. Are your temples still green? Stop boasting about the government of gods. Yu Shen has always been in a clear dream, and sometimes he takes my wife with him when he is happy. If you don't get drunk, dance for you.

Winter Solstice in Jianyang as

[Song Dynasty] Hu Yigui

embroidered Ritian Han Palace, and Shu Yun recorded the Jin Dynasty.
Shanjia alone is ridiculed, and Gangchang accounts for Yiyan.
Yourenyi is pleased to sit up and look at the sunny man.
Dahua returned to Chuyang, and the long journey has come to an end.
There are fish swimming in Sichuan, and geese flying in the clouds.
Why should I stay in my heart? I will always feel lonely and sigh.
Sincerity has a long way to go, and I have passed half of my thoughts on the words.

Monk Huang Longqing really praised

[Song Dynasty] Huang Tingjian

The Yellow River was completely frozen, and his hair and heart were all white. Although
has Gu Lu's hand, it cannot be drawn skillfully.

Lao Niubi

[Song Dynasty] Mei Yaochen

Wu Niu wants to grow old, how can a Han horse get fat?
Muscle strength cannot be relied on, wanderers should think about returning home.

Mrs. Shen's elegy

[Song Dynasty] Guo Yin

Feng Quluan can be hurt at any time, but only teaches the boudoir of women's ways.
The purple flute blows the moon as above, and the sword Lingbo is also hidden.
Nanjian Ping Yukong has grown old, but Beitangxuan is fragrant for whom.
Fortunately, I have a son who abides by the legacy plan, and my family is still able to offer sacrifices to me.

Read the biography of Chen Tang

[Song Dynasty] Liu Kezhuang

Short back clothes and a sword on his waist, empty words and empty words.
How easy it is to cut off the tongue of Qi Lu, but it is not heroic to cut off the head of Zhi Zhi.
In different generations, warriors still lost their strength, while literary officials at that time were struggling to blow their hair.
Han Ting who is the balancer. He only takes credit for his crimes but does not reward his efforts.

html On the 3rd day of the year, family members traveling in the harbor are celebrating their birthdays

[Song Dynasty] Mei Yaochen

We meet in the boat to celebrate the new year, and the wind and rain send off the remaining cold.
As the years go by, I will grow older, and I will always cherish the fresh joy.
There are no cars and horses on the riverside, and the clothes are facing each other in the prison.
The children celebrated each other and sat together with cups and plates.
There are many oranges and pomeloes on the plate, and the teeth are already sour before chewing.
After drinking, you will get drunk first, which makes you feel that you are not generous.
The plum blossoms on the shore are about to break through their calyces, and the wild water is slightly rippled.
What comes is new, what goes past is broken.
What to say about the fun of yesterday, but the contemplation of last year.
The season has not changed, and the world is good.

Taoyuan Recalls an Old Friend

[Song Dynasty] Huang Tingjian

Bitian Dew cleanses the spring face. The light moon dawns and the remaining halo disappears. The dense smoke drifts away from the flowers. The orioles sing tenderly at the bottom of the flowers.
The clouds return to the Chu Gorge, tired of being sleepy. Two new hatreds from distant mountains. And the tears are dark and pink. I'm afraid people will ask.

Six poems sent to He Daqing in ancient times. The third

[Song Dynasty] Xie Ao

is said to be a medicine man who went out of the market to ride on a tiger. When I came to the empty mountain, I couldn't help but talk to him.

Howl and return homeless, pointing to the sycamore tree alone. It refers to both the sycamore tree and the sycamore seeds.

I will give you what you think of, and I will chat with you through great songs.

Miscellany on the South Slope Part 2

[Song Dynasty] Yu Chou

The east wind has blown into the spring, and the little plows and hoeing hands are on their own. How many strangers in the mortal world don't know that there are idle people under the forest.

and Zhang Shike

[Song Dynasty] Jiang Teli

stayed on the couch in Xiao Ran's Wenlin Forest for ten days behind closed doors.
The garden is cold and the orioles are still, and the grass grows dark when it rains.
Sitting and thinking about the sound is contrary to the social wine, and I know that searching for sentences in the distance disturbs the heart of spring.
Don’t worry about the wild geese and ducks marching separately.

Three and Two

[Song Dynasty] Liu Kezhuang

did not make up for the Holy Dynasty at all, and came and went to harass Fei Huizhao.
I can't wear my clogs to thank the crowd, and I don't have time to wear a scarf to hug two people.
Wearing Laolai's clothes and wearing a hat, eating millet in Ling is better than Cao Cao's gourd.
There are few ministers, but they are still careless and lazy, not to mention that there are plain signs on their heads.

Exploring the Four Wonders of Plum Blossoms Part 3

[Song Dynasty] Liu Chenweng

In the next five hundred years, there will be no free old man, singing and dancing with anyone. When a fisherman enters the Peach Blossom Cave, there is still a plum blossom road that is not open.

Looking at the Moon in a Small Ruo Boat

[Song Dynasty] Yang Wanli

Occasionally I went on a spring boat tied to the ancient willow tree, and the clouds spread over thousands of peaks and the moon filled the river. Jump into Guanghan Palace and sit down, looking at the sky in the jasper mirror.

Everything is covered with snow, covering the night without sleeping. Returned to Jinling and entered the government, but there was no luck in dreaming.

Seven verses

[Song Dynasty] Explain

One leaf falls, the world is autumn, several people have come to understand the origin.
The monk laughed coldly, leaning on the head of his staff on the rooftop of Nanyue.

times rhyme Zhao Shuai's five poems

[Song Dynasty] Chen Zao

Yesterday, the light of the waves repaired the misfortune, and the guest's dowry lay on his pillow and the jade dowry was opened.
When I revisit the gulls and herons, I should take a peek and remember that I came with the stick.

Climb the east tower of the city with feelings

[Song Dynasty] Li Tao

The five-color cloud appears at the beginning of the divination, and how will the management of the three eras be like. Whoever decides the policy for a thousand years along the road will find that there are more than ten thousand hectares floating in the lake.

He looked eastward to the sky to paint, and prayed for the osmanthus grass in the west to make his house. Talking about a wall in Xinglu, it is true that the ancestors have built a city.

The first seven poems of Yun Shuai Chu Zhu

[Song Dynasty] are written by Chen again

The lotus clothes are small and the people are clumsy, and the felt hats are majestic and appointed.
I only rush to Shanshan because of my love for the mountains, and I don’t return east because of my longing for the mountains.

I sincerely wish you to be rewarded by Yuan Dynasty, think carefully about your bachelor's year friends

[Song Dynasty] Li Gonglin

I wish the Jun family to be in harmony with the water, so that their books, food and food will be unforgettable. The clouds and rivers are rinsing and the fragrance of Yao is moistened, and the emperor of heaven is the scholar in Bi Mansion.

I have been riding for thousands of years, my spirit is pure and my bones are beautiful, my color is pale. The book is promiscuous, the public is crazy, and the public is crazy. I have been together in the capital for ten years.

Go upstairs to chant the spring and grind the flag gun, and the poem tube is Wu Xie Geng Chu Qiang. All the school officials are not Zang, and the senior officials are full of food every day.

Zhu Luan entered Nangang in the Internet, and the bed was filled with sage books and memorials. When the emperor comes out of the morning, beside the emperor, there are a group of dragons racing on the road to heaven.

The sick owl posts are dirty gods, and Baiyun Longwang is pretending to be so. The sound of singing in the forest is exciting, and even though the friends of Peilan are missing, they are dead.

The birds out of the clouds still pay for themselves, and the feather fans follow the meridian sac. There is no other place in Longmian, and he always travels with elk on his pilgrimage.

Go back and lie down to view the pictures, and the poor man praises the ancient singers and merchants. After wandering around, he stayed in Yunfang, burning cypress trees, reading scriptures and studying the Dharma King.

The years are slowly passing by in darkness, and the grass on the hilltops is still green and the leaves are yellow. Dong Ming has died and his bones are fragrant, but all ambitions are still cold.

The pro-Bian is said to be a cup of wine, but it is difficult to soar after the purpose is sweet. Come and steal food in the middle of the sky, the ancients look at each other in the sky for a thousand years.

The same text is locked by the censor Yu Shishuang, and the article will be reviewed together when it is published. It is also said that planting pine rims in the village makes me dream about butterflies.

He wanted to betray Guo Zhannongxiang, and the door was open and he leaned against the hole wall. I want to hold the Beidou down, but the konghou is facing Gao Qiu.

Thirteen Poems on the rooftop

[Song Dynasty] Cao Xun

Continuous rains have driven the cold and the moss is yellow, and withered leaves crowd the idle steps.
There is no spring feeling in the plum calyx, only the daphne blooms first.

Tong Ziyan drank in the mountain in early summer and closed it

[Song Dynasty] Zhao Ruqi

There are thousands of acres of green shade, and I have been invited to come together.
The mountains are green and smoky, the pomegranates are red and the rain is deep.
Everything has its destiny, and it is a waste of time to care about it.
I'm afraid of what's in the cup, but I'll take pity on it and pour it lightly.

Send to Huizhou Shijun Fan Zhiwen

[Song Dynasty] Liu Zihui

The whole house is full of people who like to listen to clear talk, but can't bear to act and act.
The long pavilion makes it easy to divide and carry wine, and the dusk corner makes people too thin.
The ministers who guarded the land far away knew the best choice, and the strong men were ashamed to march south when the time was dangerous.
Luofu said that it is close to Chaoyang, and it is planned to be Li Sao and Diao Erying.

Title of Xiushi Yangguan Picture

[Song Dynasty] Han Ju

The wind and smoke cross the rugged desert road, and the tired guest makes the minister burst into tears. What Taoist people often play with, they should never return to it.

West Lake Mountain Dwelling at Night

[Song Dynasty] Shi Weiqing

Prosperity across the lake seems to be far away from Chenjing.
The dream of a young man with bright lights, a one-night stand in the mountains and forests.
Cranes and plum blossoms stand at the base, and people walk quietly in the middle of the moon.
I wish you good health and peace in your life.

Gong Shuai sent a poem to him after a long absence, which was a far-reaching benefit, and the rhyme was second to none

[Song Dynasty] Wu Fu

was of a wild nature and disliked the court dress, so he decided to return home and drop out of school.
There are no secular people outside the door, but only Taoist memories on the desk.
is a great traveler, but I want to find Pengdao. How can I remember the old things in Shiqu?
also intends to pay tribute to the swansong, and is ashamed to report the rubble to Qiongju.


[Song Dynasty] Yang Huizhi

Jiazhou’s landscapes, Ershu is the most beautiful.
Cuiling ridges overlap Emei, long ridges overlap Emei, and
long waves surge into Jinshui.

generations of people came to thank the Prime Minister for his birth.

[Song Dynasty] Tang Shi Shai

read that Zhong Yuan was born as Prime Minister, and Lai Gong's merits were unparalleled.
Yin is the moon, and the moon is the minister, and the clear light wants to be filled with silver.
It's not surprising that the silver light is swaying, it's not surprising when a new string is first played.
Yao built a cauldron with ten branches, which contained thousands of dendrobiums and ice and snow.
Lai Gong should be less sorry than Gong Ying, and his first business trip was four days ago.

Fourteen miscellaneous poems on Lushan Mountain were promoted by Tong Youyan. Part 2: Huangyun Temple in Zheguiyuan

[Song Dynasty] Zhu Xi

Looking northeast from the city, the five elders are so pale. There is the Qianchao Temple below, which is quite hidden.

There is a quiet forest in front of the house, and a wilderness of clouds and trees behind the house. The idle window is also bright and clean, decorated with auspicious brocade.

is better able to manage Kuqiong and step up to Linbeigang. Look up at the vast sky and overlook the long river.

Who is the recipient of the letter? The last name is not clear enough. Bamboo and silk have a lingering odor, but osmanthus has no fragrance.

Send Uncle Gong to Haimen. Uncle Weiduan made an appointment to go to western Hunan to drink and say goodbye. Four poems. The second one is

[Song Dynasty] Zhao Fan

You lamented the separation of father and brother, and I lamented the separation of friends. In the cold winter, I still travel far away, and I live in a different county again.

can only be followed, why should we embrace it? Because he came to the lake as an envoy to send letters to the seaside.

Send to Xu'an Road at Zhangshudian

[Song Dynasty] Kong Wuzhong

The narrow Southeast Road stretches to the sky with purple green peaks.
The light clouds are still covering the sun, and the light rain is urging the farmers.
The birds in the valley are anxious to throw their branches, and the mountain flowers are thick in the streams.
Yiyan will not return it now, but we are chatting and laughing happily.

He Xianguzan

[Song Dynasty] Bai Yuchan

There is no trace of Langyuan, but there is a name in the Tang Dynasty.
I don’t know the red jade cave, the sound of apes at night through the ages.

Huanxi Sha (Zhao Ge Xue Rating, Cockroach Wine, Spring Snail)

[Song Dynasty] Fang Yue

Half shell contains the fragrance of tidal zone. Chewing snow with double claws makes the navel yellow. Frost comes at night in Luhuazhou.
The short autumn river is clear to the end, and the long-headed spring pot is drunk as a hometown. Romance is worth the taste of poetry.

Xijiang Moon · Crimson Wax Treasure Orch

[Song Dynasty] Anonymous

Crimson Wax Treasure Orch, the fragrance of blue and green is lined with gold. The east wind blows down the jade dragon. The whole house is filled with harmony. On this day, he took a new bath in the orchid soup, and he took it with him in Guiyuan. Xiaoci chats about Dai Nongzhang's poems. Leftovers and sharp money will make a profit.

Another play title is Xiayan

[Song Dynasty] Huang Tingjian

often brought his family to stay overnight, and his skirts were mixed with Buddha's robes and scarves.
doesn't mind that the whole hospital smells greasy, but the most annoying thing is wasting money.

Read Toutuo Anwen Song

[Song Dynasty] Huang Shang

Nine-nine and eighty-one, the Yuanming body is like the sun. Is it just talking about Zen in vain and leaving traces in the soul?

The establishment of the Tao must be repaired, ninety-nine and eighty-one. Sexual views and perceptions, how to experience emptiness and form.

Lotus Marsh

[Song Dynasty] Zhao Fang

The dewdrops are full of green lotuses, and the clouds and brocades are covered with blue waves.
The outside is straight and the inside is straight, and the heart is suffering alone. How do you treat gentlemen?

Water Melody Ge Tou (Spring Boat Trip)

[Song Dynasty] Yang Guanqing

A pole of green rises in spring, and the river is broad and the waves are cold at dusk. The dragon is lifting thousands of dendrobium trees, and the whale is drinking from a wide cup. Drunkly leaning against the tower, listening to the clear whistle, watching the solitary bird disappear into the mist, the scenery is both leisurely and leisurely. It's as if riding the wind away, Pengdao's old home mountain.
records that my house is surrounded by green bamboos and crowned with officials. Biyun Xinyao, who reports peace every day. After returning to the Peach River in Guizhou, the flowing water is red and fragrant and silent. The thoughts of spring are fading. Lai has a good advice sentence, write it and look at it.

Gold Liquid Great Returning Pill

[Song Dynasty] White Jade Chan

Black Rabbit Qiankun Cauldron, Turtle and Snake Return to the Temple of Heaven.
There is nothing in the world, but the elixir of salvation is great in my heart.
The white tiger roars in the water, and the green dragon flies in the fire.
mercury, lead, mud and pistils are bright, gold, wood, snowflakes are cold.
Likan has nothing to do with the heart and kidneys, and things have nothing to do with the lungs and liver.
Thirty years of poverty, seven returns, nine turns of mud pills.

Ten Insects Yin

[Song Dynasty] Shu Yuexiang

Insects have loops and wefts, like reeling and spinning.
The bean fence is after the autumn rain, and there is no need to hold the candle.
was placed in a silver cage, so he entered Luoporo.
favors children's play and makes loud noises all night long.

Marigold seed (narcissus)

[Song Dynasty] Zhao Yifu

got water to make immortals, like Han Gao's legacy, with blue waves covering the moon. The blue jade is warm and produces smoke, which is called the yellow crown on the silk coat, and the plain appearance is fragrant and clean. The pavilions stand alone in front of the wind, and the curling kettle is illuminated clearly. At that time, who told me about the beauty of the heart of the piano, I suddenly became extremely sad.
6 comes from nature, and its fragrance is as refreshing as snow. The West Lake's autumn chrysanthemums and cold springs are like the old and romantic slopes, which people still say. I diligently fold the plum blossoms and listen to the jade dragon blowing. Ding Ning said, brothers who have been together for centuries, see each other in the evening.

Kang's nephew invited people to drink and showed them the potted plum blossoms sent by the ancient continent. He asked the guests to write poems and rhymes.

[Song Dynasty] Liu Xueji

Inlaid with a punch of a strange stone, the green cattails are piled with swords and flowers.
The plum blossoms bend and twist like dragons, and the dry moss corrodes the roots.
Qiongying has exposed the ice and white, and the fragrance feels like Ling Zhisun.
How many years of cultivating it is, skillfully cultivating nature and moving it into a small basin.
Qingchuangdi has nothing to do with it, search for the origin of the Institute of Physics.
It is only about a foot tall in circumference and has all the laws and documents.
is horizontal and slanted, sparse and thin, just like an old tree growing in a mountain garden.
I have rarely seen this flower in my hometown in the past. Why did this flower come from this quiet place?
Yun is an old poet from Guzhou who planted this ice and snow soul with his own hands.
Don't forget to keep old friendships, and the spring beauty will be returned to Shanfan.
My little Ruan is also good at recruiting his younger brother Kun.
also invites guests and friends to gather together and list the delicacies.
Raise a glass to the flowers and drink drama, talk about love and laugh with each other. The return of
is gradually becoming oriental white, and the drunken hat and sleeves are turned in the wind.

Twenty-five verses, seventeen of which

[Song Dynasty] Shi Rujing

The Vajra King's sword is in the box, promising the power of being impervious to wind. Tendo drank it and flew out, transforming into a holeless hammer.

rolled into the deserted fields and weeds, and the teaching sun was scorching and the wind was blowing. You can tell how much you know by picking up a spoon and a pair of chopsticks. It’s not easy to know if you don’t have a close friend.

Xijiang Moon (Two of Ten)

[Song Dynasty] Xia Yuanding

The face is originally the Tao, and the yin and yang are created into elixirs. Riding an ox in search of a calf without knowing the source. He is really a man from three villages.
The ancient sages established images and created images, but later generations forgot the words after getting the images. And just like dry painting, there must be three rivers. How to cook otherwise.

Gift writing plum monk Chuneng

[Song Dynasty] Xu Yueqing 6

There are old plum blossoms on the bright window in the moonlight, I have a natural ink painting.
I don’t know how to laugh at the shackles, I’m looking for Lin Bu in the shadow of the ice.

Lingjiu Temple

[Song Dynasty] Gao Zhu

Lingjiu Temple is famous for its eternal name, and it has been around for a few times without incident.
The running water in front of the palace is still clear and urgent, and the spring clouds appear on the tower in the evening.
Cranes listen to Sanskrit by the prayer bed, birds watch the alms bowl and wait for the sound of bells.
I came here to borrow a bunch of cattails to sit on, and when I go back I can sleep and have clear dreams.

Praying for rain by mail

[Song Dynasty] Lu Benzhong

The mud dragon lizard was trapped in pursuit, and drought spread throughout the twenty states of Huainan. I send my message to God not to be too gentle and leave the bright moon for the Mid-Autumn Festival.

Sixteen Sages (leisure)

[Song Dynasty] Cao Xun

Gonghuangtu, Yubaoli calendar, Shangsheng hanging clothes. The lunar eclipse brings all kinds of opportunities. Haiyu Xixi. Ascending to Shouyu, the auspicious clouds always hold the sun. There are four people in Huayin and Mailong. The palace guards stand guard, Langyuan Yaochi. The terrace hall is surrounded by Qinghui.
is on the rise. Beautiful customs. Looking for winning things. Characters are always wandering around. Where is peace, don't you know how to wave the flag of conquest and wave the flag of wine? The sense of the four directions is extremely auspicious. The official family has a leisurely banquet with Fangfei. Tens of millions of years old. When the Jiahui Ming Dynasty was prosperous.

Hearing that Yang Heqing was reading in the library, Yi Buqi gave him a poem in his hand.

[Song Dynasty] Jia Xuan Weng

Everyone read the medical classics and knew how to respect Huang and Qi.
When Yang Zi read the medical classics, he regarded Xi Wen, Zhou Confucius, and Confucius as his home.
There is a wonderful meaning in the Yi, and the secret of medicine is related to the Yi.
The sixty-four hexagrams are the mental method, and the eighty-one chapters are easy to understand.
Don’t ask for the ingenuity of the divine work from outside, it is only the original intention to be clean and subtle.
The text of Jun Guanheng hexagram is formed by combining the left heart and right sun.
The heart and body are pure and slender, and they are renewed and refreshed every day.
The essential medical scriptures come from the Book of Changes, with the previous sacred writings and subsequent sacred narratives.
Zi treats the heart and changes the mind. There is Tai Chi in the middle of the three parts and nine periods.


[Song Dynasty] Han Wei

was not comfortable living in the city, so he said he was suitable for Xipi Gang.
The birds are noisy and the wild hall is quiet, and the roosters are crowing and the spring days are long.
There are beetles in the bookshelf, and the Buddha curtain covers the lingering fragrance.
Shizi arrived at Luyan and had a clear talk.

In reply to the poems left by the faithful minister, he lost his promise to Nanyan

[Song Dynasty] Wei Xiang

He was still not free in his free time, and he was daydreaming about the autumn of Biyan. Even though we are far away from each other, the red hoofs and horses are far away, and the green ants are floating in the wine.

Sorry, I have been visiting for many years, but I am even more late in leaving you. Knowing that happiness cannot be exhausted, don't pay a visit to Dai Zhou lightly.


[Song Dynasty] Shi Huichong

The noisy wind produces the end of the tree, and the late scene enters the heart of the spring.

The stream is condensed with blue and blue and merges with the two rivers, and the pavilion is in front of thousands of rocks and ravines. Washing stones, I think about clearing diseased teeth. Who can listen to the flowing spring while leaning on the harp? The north ridge of Yun - DayDayNews

and Fu Yansou's Two Plum Blossoms

[Song Dynasty] Xin Qiji

html When it is snowing at dusk in May, the small window is still short of cold branches.
The dark fragrance and sparse shadows are nowhere to be found, only those who live in the West Lake know about it.

Change Zhuifeng/Huanxisha

[Song Dynasty] He Zhu

Palm Xiangluo six-inch bow. Graceful Hu spins a plate. The purpose is intentional and the two are in a hurry. Farewell, the pitiful night lasts for a long time. At that time, I had an appointment with Zhui Feng. The grass grows golden and the painting hall is empty.

Queqiao Immortal (Ciyun's uncle Zhu Jiuzheng was deposed)

[Song Dynasty] Chen wrote

Yunnan Zhongxiu, who is popular among people. Things didn't end well. When you know that great things have been accomplished, don't sigh that it is difficult to pass the virtuous level.
The future is determined, and there is nothing wrong with it. Never let go when your destiny is fulfilled. I must also send a message to the people of Jia Ke, never stop falling, and win the list at the same time.

times Yun Wang Chan Zhao Kun Zhong inscribed a new residence in Jingkou

[Song Dynasty] Cai Zhao

I used to live in Jingkou and often visited Nanshan.
The ancient temple is full of bamboos, and the flat fields are filled with clear water.
The fourth promotion is to worship Qiu Wang, and the Peiyuan see the five states.
Life is like a field of art, which must be harvested late in the year.
is internally afraid of the lack of Taoist power, and he only thinks about practicing beforehand.
Liuhe is not narrow, five acres is also a plan.
Why not stay close to the city and relax in a distant place?
The water in the cauldron should rise as the tide rises, and the people in the hall can be surrounded.
There is something left in the fallen leaves, but nothing more than persimmons and chestnuts.
The physiology is so good, how can I thank Yan Guyou.
is not brave enough to make a decision, and he stumbles even a little bit.
Yu's nature is clumsy, and it is easy to regret when dealing with the world.
micro-officials are like tears and saliva, and it is easy to give up.
The three dragons are also galloping, but the good intentions of the poem are not.

I went to the villa on the 20th of the first lunar month and returned home in the dark day of the second month without seeing the flowers.

[Song Dynasty] Feng Shixing

The mountains are steep and the screens are erected. If there are no flowers on the mountain, there will be no spring. When you go down the mountain, the flowers will be empty and you will feel melancholy.

After the fragrance is gone, the grass sprouts, and the grass grows green with sorrow. Zigui cries for blood but does not see the flowers, and the spring leaves me at the end of the world.

Two Yangchun Songs

[Song Dynasty] Cao Xun

The Han family left three hundred palaces, with high rolling bead curtains and boiling flutes and drums.
Cars are like flowing water, horses are like dragons, and the fragrance of orchids and musk deer floats into the misty rain.
The thoroughfare leads to brothels, and golden horses and bronze camels face the palace.
The five princes worshiped Xin En on the same day, and the seven nobles were entrusted with Maotu.
The jade windows and red doors are full of beautiful women, and the sounds of silk and bamboo are filled with laughter.
Dai Feast, the pearls shine on the bottles, and the candles are in the fragrance, singing and dancing drunkenly.
Drunk singing and dancing, drunken singing and dancing, forever and ever.

The Zen Master Wang Dajue was educated

[Song Dynasty] Wang Anshi

Shan Jiana showed that he entered Zen, so the thatched cottage was still difficult to see.
The mountains are quiet at the end of the year, and people are the quietest when the weather is cold.
I know that I am willing to be content with myself, so I can't be stingy with my heart.
can't hear Jingmen'er, people grow old and crops are new again every year.

There was an edict to resolve the county as

[Song Dynasty] In the second year of Song Qi

, he haggardly supported the state flag, and the imperial edict was issued to Emperor Hui at the beginning. How lucky is
that it is still alive after resurrecting? It should not be a lost horse.
Jiao Chi dances against each other and looks at the pavilion, and the two urns hold the old door open.
The sick bones are many and the skin is very dark. He is ashamed of the history of Taiwan and Lavender.

yung furnace

[Song Dynasty] Cheng Ju

was already in front of the cold bamboo window, his mind moved closer to the embroidered felt.
There is only a secluded person who lies high in the snow and deep in the sky behind closed doors during the cold and hot weather.


[Song Dynasty] Zeng Gong

高松高干云, all the forests can be reached.
The soup sounds like the cold stream, and the rocks lean against the green curtain.
Listen to the side and wake up, look up with eyes.
The sky and the earth are shaken by wind and rain, but not a leaf falls.
Isn’t it the same as Ping Ping in the stream, drifting up and down?
How can it be the same as the locust tree at the root of the wall, which can be swept away in autumn.
The phoenix attracts all the birds, and the yin of this wood can be heated.
You are looking for a hundred pillars, and the stars and sun can be built here.
There are no craftsmen in the world, but wild people are good.

Presented to the elders of Jiashan and shown to Shimenjian Dabo

[Song Dynasty] Shen Liao

The immortal Dharma of the ancient Buddha is everywhere, and there are only green mountains everywhere. Tathagata's great avenues often appear in Jingxiang.

I heard that the mountain is so beautiful at night that I want to climb it. As soon as I heard the teacher's words, I already looked like a coward.

The lone ape roars in the autumn wind, and the ancient pines bloom in the ancient valley. At midnight in Yueqing, the dragon and elephant returned their heads.

Sue Zhuo Ling for me, it is not difficult to find joy in the law. In order to make the serious illness heal, I met the doctor at leisure.

rd power Yuntai rhyme

[Song Dynasty] Chen Mi

Spring gypsum is dying and wants to be forgotten, and the boat can trace back the light of the lake. I also know that holding a lotus and a prong in his hands is not like making 芰裳 in his spare time.

After the rain, the new rice is still ripe, and before the wind, I feel the fragrance of lychees. If you are rich in life, your head will be white, and thousands of stones will be like an official's hometown.


[Song Dynasty] Jia Changchao

sat on the Jiao Bridge to remember this day.

Presented to the old craftsman of Sangshan

[Song Dynasty] Li Ruoshui

The monkey has seventy heads like snow, and the Taihua in his chest is cleverly folded.
In his lifetime, he has never been able to show off his skills, and as he approaches old age, he becomes even more extravagant.
My house has a hall with a dangerous wall and a narrow vision.
The call comes and the sand is lightly brushed, and the green peaks suddenly stand out.
Leaning on the quinoa, he straightened his head and chanted a long tune, and Xiao Ran was separated from the world.
Why shouldn't I go to the Wu family and travel to thousands of mountains and springs in the southeast?

Guangji Road

[Song Dynasty] Wang Zhidao

The dawn sun hangs at the foot of the forest, and the autumn wind flows into the stream.
Wild birds fly and talk to themselves, Tian's father smiles at each other.
The village is rich in barns and boxes, and has many sweet potatoes and chestnuts.
With a whip, he galloped up Xiaoluo slope.

Ode to History

[Song Dynasty] Chen Pu

His father plowed the fields and his mother mulberry trees, and she was destined to die with the Han Dynasty. The smoke and clouds of the Wei and Jin Dynasties have dispersed for a hundred years, and the sun and moon are shining brightly for thousands of years.


[Song Dynasty] Wang Shen

came back with his voice and voice to persuade him, but it was Tao Qian who became the king.

Song Gao's poem is Jiujiang Zhao Shijunshou

[Song Dynasty] Yang Guanqing

He told Wei He, from now on.
is blazing and prosperous, and many people benefit from it.

Send two poems for a trip to Chaozhou

[Song Dynasty] Liu Kezhuang

Although he painted a halberd in the forest, he still whistled clearly, and he had a snow beard because he was wearing a red scarf.
Mencius once called Boyi'ai, and the Han people also said that Wen Wengyan was weak.
When making friends, everyone laments the official mistake, and the grudges still say that the governor is honest.
It's a pity that Qiuren has been out of office for a long time, and this poem is buried in Luyan.

Jingyunting Pavilion of Jingde Temple

[Song Dynasty] Luo Gongsheng

The rock ravine is secluded with green bamboo trees, and the birds can see the clouds growing in the mountain spring.
There is no word Mo Cui on the green moss, leaving the name for tourists to spit.

Three poems about living in poverty and self-warning

[Song Dynasty] Liu Kezhuang

Yesterday, I hurriedly threw my seal and returned, and closed my door in silence for six years. htmlThe 7-year-old desolate slave only picks up the remnants of ears, and the maidservant in Japan only makes soup with bitter weeds.
It is better to be thirsty than to borrow wine from a neighbor, and to borrow clothes even if it is cold.
I wish you a strong body in middle age, and I wish you to lie down in the wind and sit on a fishing rock.

Reward Fu Lao

[Song Dynasty] Liu Zai

Life is no longer like the past, and the flat land is still a pile of Yanli.
The hundred-year-old skull can speak, "Life is not mine, death is not disaster."

Xing Xiangzi·Jin Ding Sheng Guang

[Song Dynasty] Liu Chuxuan

Jin Ding Sheng Guang. Chang* really fragrant. Aquarius flowers, four seasons of fragrance. The sage in the void is very close to the west. Respect the Three Pure Ones, the Three Bright Ones, and the Three Emperors of Enlightenment. The people of ancient times were honest, solid and auspicious. The nature is connected to heaven and has nothing to do with Tao. Equality is practiced secretly, and softness prevails over strongness. The meaning is like the immortal, the whole immortal behavior, living in the fairyland.


[Song Dynasty] Zhang Ji

scenery is a pile of ashes.

times Yun and uncle Xuanfu who were relegated are both seen and sent

[Song Dynasty] Su Song

disorganized the army and commanded the five cities, and in the period of great planning, he wanted to be wild.
Shuqi is not the same as the flying general, why should he learn from Wei Qing in his heart?
A person who has a heart to serve the country is generous, and a person who is demoted from an official position is not bored but is in a state of silence.
We passed each other again in the bamboo forest today, and we listened happily when we talked.

Send Dao Chengbei Tour

[Song Dynasty] Lu Wengui

traveled ten years ago, and the general king was still young.
Ten years after we met, we are still at odds with each other.
The scales are repaired from the giant valley, and the tired feathers fall into the deserted valley. The rise and fall of
are different, and the cleverness and clumsiness are even more controversial.
The principles are vast and boundless, and the economics is all important.
She stands like a virgin and is well-dressed and graceful.
Stop the young master's admiration, and Mo Bo's daughter laughs.

Drunken Spring Breeze

[Song Dynasty] Zhu Dunru

Drinking in Xizhen Cave at night. The immortals were startled and teased. Su'e passed the wine sleeves to Lingfeng, send, send, send. Suck up all the golden waves, get drunk and face the sky, and watch the stars in the sky.
Bi Jian Cheng's new favorite. Ziwei's kindness is heavy. Suddenly the thatched cottage was empty. Dream dream dream. The tent is cold, the quilt is cold, the moon is slanting and the lamp is dim, the painting tower clock is ringing.

Fenghe Grand View Wen Xianggong saw the ancient style

[Song Dynasty] Xu Han

The clothes were in disorder, and the house was drifting in the wind and rain.
ran south for thousands of miles, and escaped from the dead front.
The green flowers hunt in the absolute realm, and the yellow dust is covered with shadows.
When there is no servant in the court, who will be stained with blood?
Yi'er's golden robe, hanging coral.
Arrogance has swallowed up Jiuzhou, and the bait throwing skills have become sparse.
Public donations circumvent the government's policy, and Guanhua chats with Wu.
Phoenix Miao Hongyi, who can keep up with the purple atmosphere.
Qiu He is too old, and the merits of Zhong Ding have not yet been written.
abandonment is a matter of fortune, and it is the beginning of super-swaying things.
This worry has existed since ancient times, and this joy is unprecedented.
Encounter with Zheng Hengliu, I will not live in it if I succeed.

The dark day of March

[Song Dynasty] Yang Wanli

The spring light is ninety and thirty, and the secret is thirty to earn people.
I am not happy when the dawn bell has not arrived, and there is no spring in the dusk bell.

hot springs

[Song Dynasty] Fan Chengda

sand bed Yulingyuan, stone liquid rinse and qi.
Yu You's steamer is often steamed, and the pot is boiling hundreds of times.
Life is inherently clean, so it can be used to cleanse the intestines and stomach.
A ladle full of clear fat, looking back to thank Luo Fang.
The mountains are deep and inaccessible, so far away is the most valuable thing in politics.
When you look at Huaqing Pool, it is still taboo to those who talk about it.

The garden is composed of

[Song Dynasty] Lu You

The atrium is surrounded by sparse fences, and the wild water flows into the square pond.
The spring rain is easy to dry, and the sunset slowly fades away.
The bright red apricot tips suddenly take up time.
I am old and my days are short, so I am no longer overestimated. I accept flowers and wait for them to bloom, and the neighbors laugh wildly.
Everything can be predicted, and society will never be rigid.
Leilei has the fruit in his plate, do you know whether you will get it or not? Composing poems relieves leisure and sorrow, and smiles without leaving a trace.

Send the translator out of Shu

[Song Dynasty] Wang Zhuo

Long rain destroys the lotus in the marsh, and Xiaofeng hunts the rock osmanthus.
Everyone moves back and thinks about things, and the son alone plans to die far away.
Boats come and go from the gorge gate, showing off their power and tactics day by day.
Count the gains and losses, and look for the teacher alone.
There are five feet in the sky on the mountain, and the light comes out of the darkness.
Yunju connects to Lufu, and recommended blessings lie in Porui.
These are the three elders, from whom you can die.
The jade spring is also clear and chilly, and I drink and hold hands.
One hundred cities in Antarctica, one by one.
would rather make cocoons grow feet than be afraid of snow sealing them.
also recalled the great Qu Tan, who sacrificed his life for half a verse.

He Zhang Shou Sanyong·Youbao Gongtang

[Song Dynasty] Huang Gongdu

Huatang preserved the paintings, and the Zhao Dynasty received rites and punishments. The traces of
are as ancient as those of berry moss, competing for the name of orchids and tadpoles.
The breeze has no distance, and the trees have not been carved.
is still thin and crane-shaped today.

Title Mao Jurchen

[Song Dynasty] Su Shi

Mist on the temples and wind around the wooden leaf clothes, the mountains and rivers are now different from the past.
I should only spend my leisure time with Shang Yanlao, playing the flute alone and returning home under the moonlight.

Visiting Linggu Temple

[Song Dynasty] The king said

that he could see the glow in the east city and opened a Zen palace in Beishan. The sound of pine trees can be heard in the crowd, and the shadow of the tower hangs in the clear sky.

There is no time to wear clothes, and it is quiet in the white clouds. The eight waters seek relief, and the three lives chant the mysterious wind.

Master Qi Zhu’s tomb, his teachings are extraordinary. At that time, the precious flowers fell, and the fragrance was everywhere.

Don’t come and ask Xuandu, how many days will you still follow me?

Suan Shanxi Part 4

[Song Dynasty] Chao Duanli

When spring comes, I will give you a thousand minutes of wine. I still wake up from my drunken dream at noon, and my eyebrows are filled with sorrow, which disappears and reappears.

The dream is far away at the end of the world, the way back is lost in the day, the clouds are deep, the lonely hall is quiet, and the pear blossom hands are free and unrestrained.

Congratulations to the Bridegroom (Reminiscences of Farewell)

[Song Dynasty] Yao Mian

Bo Wan received the remaining heat. Sighing to the west wind, secretly changing the passing years, but still like this. The sun is setting behind the crow's back and its shadow is beginning to fade, the clouds are pale and the sky is fresh and cool. People stand still with their hands on their sleeves. The neighbor's flute calls the generals' thoughts about the countryside, listening to the sound of autumn and the rain of parasol trees. Autumn is here, it’s time to travel. The old friend is only in Zhujiang, Jiangnan. Thinking about it, I have been in love with Donghua for a long time, and the red dust is soft. Do you want to send your tailoring knowledge far away? Anvil and pestle for every family in the new moon. Soul dream, golden goose number. The shadow of a wild goose can't come farther into the sky. If you write a book, who can you send it to? Knowing that guests hate each other, there are two nonsense words.

Send to Hefu

[Song Dynasty] Wang Anshi

Shuicun opened the book and read it with sorrow and joy, and heard that it was cold in Bingzhou in September.
remembers that the flowers were better at this time, and the whole family felt sorry for their daughter.

Thirty Stanzas

[Song Dynasty] Shi Huihui

was playing the empty drum with his muscular hammer.
Sitting still is so lonely but it doesn't matter. My whole body is lonely and I forget my ambition.

Huanxi Sha (ci rhyme Du Tangzuo Qiuhuai)

[Song Dynasty] Hou Zhi

Chun Meng returned to Xieshitang. The old home fragrance disappears in the basket. Xiuwen is sick and timid in autumn.
The golden plate in the sky holds the auspicious dew, but there is no jade pestle to break the mysterious frost. The drunk soul flies to the moon palace.

Good Spring (written by Li Dao on his birthday)

[Song Dynasty] Ge Cube

had a long life in the dynasty last year. Zhenghuangju, Chushu Cuiqiao. This year, there will be a special banquet in Diaotang, and the fragrance of pear and snow is floating in the air. It's time for pear blossoms to bloom.
should be next to Danxiao next year. Look at Bao's crotch, it's heavy on the waist. The magpie tail blows the incense cage and embroidery section, and is drunk with golden bananas.

Jane Zhao Zizhi

[Song Dynasty] Su Ying

It seems that we have forgotten each other after a long time, because we met on the road.
asked Zhiyuan's surname, and the reading was an article.
Crane bones are thinner in autumn, and their bodies are longer when they are loose.
In ten years, there are still nine grades, just like me working together to cultivate mulberry trees.

Presented by Xiong Yike

[Song Dynasty] Chen Jie

At the beginning of the rain, the village was full of water, and the bridge was broken and nothing happened.
is trying to write a fleeting picture across the fence, and I am a little more familiar with planting mountains and fields.

Spending the night in Xixing

[Song Dynasty] Gao Zhu

passed the night to Xixing, and listened to the sound of bells across the bank.
The moon is falling in the shallows, and the remaining stars are found in the distant trees.
The guest road goes slowly, but Zhengradi keeps stopping.
The old mountain of the Ming Dynasty is close, so there is no need to ask the post office.

Viewing Plum Blossoms in Nanyuan

[Song Dynasty] Lu You

The secluded path and sparse fences wash away the worldly world, and you can see these new branches clearly.
The horizontal direction coincides with the third watch of the moon, and the brilliance returns to the spring of all things.
Luopu Lingbo is extremely reserved, and he is thinking about his predecessor while riding a crane on Mount Gou.
The old man writes a sentence to trouble you, but the painting is not true in raw silk.

Ye Shou of Qingjianzhou

[Song Dynasty] Liu Kezhuang

The noble man built a house to store the whole city, and the public lived alone in a house with pure bones.
Seven-year-old high grade, accompanied by a cold night window.

Send Zhang Zhongzong with his halberd and return to Minzhong

[Song Dynasty] Chen Yuyi

The flying swans are not in a group at first, but they also have many mouths.
shadowed Hebei last year, and this year faces Jiangnan Yun.
Returning home is not as cold as Tao Ling, and he is as diligent as he is in integrity and effectiveness.
The blue sky and white sun reflect the emperor, and the mysterious hair descends to the bright river.
Falling flowers in front of the boat comfort the old man in the wild, and Du Ruo at Pukou is worried about Mr. Xiang.
I know that poems are sent as messengers from afar, and spring scenery thousands of miles away can be seen.
How dare you give someone a gift and give it back? You can't bear to talk about it.
Although you should be careful not to cross the old mountain, I'm afraid there is a virtuous Zhang who can write it down.

I sent it to Wenye, Prince of Cao, Zhejiang, with the rhyme of "missing the king" and "making people old", five characters.

[Song Dynasty] Wumai

Originally, there was Shen Gong in Ming Dynasty, and Wenzheng was succeeded by Gongxi.
Later, many famous masters had many sons.
The grand history of the late emperor is solitary and majestic.
If you are not an official, you will be given the posthumous title.
Ziwen is his son, and he is already famous in his prime.
Prosperity is paid, and integrity is passed down to the heart.
Waves and flowing stones do not move, fire burns and jade calms down.
has always been written by Tianshu, and I will be respectful every time I read it.
looks forward to the history of the country, more than continuing the family tradition.

Four eulogies by Situ Gong, a wealthy Korean man, who founded his government

[Song Dynasty] Sima Guang

God blessed Xiu Mingzuo, and he gave birth to outstanding ministers.
A wise man leads many scholars, and his government brings prosperity to the people.
revitalizes the three righteousnesses and integrates the spring of the world.
If you want to know the power of Zhenye, just ask the white-headed man.

Five Poems from Four Seasons and Master Xu Jingyang Yuantang

[Song Dynasty] Lu Wengui

The half-dressed jade mirror shines on the eyebrows, smiling long and playing in the water on the east slope.
Chongran throws a small stone straight down, one wave moves first and ten thousand waves follow.

[Song Dynasty] Shi Tanhua

If you think about sixty verses

, who doesn’t know how to eat porridge?
does not make a word of discussion, the worms in the shit pit will kill the pear with laughter.

Zhenniang's Tomb Song

[Song Dynasty] Mi Fu

Why not learn from the imitation of the immortal tombs, the white poplars in Xiguo are sad in the dark wind. Huqiu knocked on Zhenniang's tomb, and Xili supported the wall and left the orchid dew.

A thousand-year-old man is covered with velvet and there are several trees and flowers, and ghosts and fires float at night and crows crow at dawn. Xiang Lian held a harp and played the clear moon, and I still remembered playing the flute to ride the colorful clouds.

Wu Hao, a young man, said to each other, who can be better, Dai Mo, Chai Yan. The drops of wine make the dreams of spring clouds linger, and the sound of springs fades away and the sound of bells rings old.

Slowly return from the road trip, yesterday's beauty is not today. Looking eastward at the burial place of Helu, the jade bird will transform into Zhan Lufei.

On the way out of the city, it is gratifying to see Cassia blooming in full bloom

[Song Dynasty] Wu Zeli

The fences have fallen too late in autumn, and the chickens and dolphins are even more remote. When will
have households and money everywhere?
There are stones on the edge of the forest in Manggai and a spring at the bottom of Chadang Stream.
I know in my heart that the swan geese are coming, and I love the river and the sky.

Li Changyi

[Song Dynasty] Chen Changfang

dropped out of Gaoyang to be a drunkard, and Pei Gongya had ambitions.
In the end, the chopsticks in front of him were still printed, and Wang Biao knew that Jun Qian was her husband.

On the road, I met the old general Li Xianzhong. After using Fu Li, he secretly complained about his treasury and collapsed.

[Song Dynasty] Yang Wanli

The greedy general is like an envoy, and the military book is correct.
A sad bear's ear shells, who complains about the golden hoofs.
Jia Fuxi is in the same county, but Zhu You is alone in his heart.
Where does the scholar say that after the poem is finished, he will recite it.

A trip to the countryside in the rain

[Song Dynasty] Pan You

went out of Guo for several miles, and the rain lingered in the autumn mood.
The mountains in the distance are green and foggy, and the wild water is white and the fields are white.
The egret stands and the setting sun goes away, and the cow sleeps next to the ancient tree.
is very muddy, that is, this is a good year.

Gift to the Honored One

[Song Dynasty] Li Peng

Charm can still be produced by Sun Benwu, thousands of lotus flowers also cover the eyes. From time to time, I dream about writing on Tudu, and I hate that I am so late.

I am like an uncle who can't stand the seven nights, tired of reading and shy of learning, like a beetle in a book. I have made an appointment with Xu Ruzi in East Lake, to the north of Zhaogong Mountain and to the south of the mountain.

He Dongyu Shaoqing met his legacy

[Song Dynasty] Chen Xiang

was a passerby in the Chu Miyue Pavilion, with a white head and a new face.
Shuo Mo felt ashamed that he had not reached his level, and Dongfang Lianqi was happy to go on a blind date.
卮言 sits on the teapot in the middle of the moon, looking for things in the spring.
The envoy did not know the purpose of the journey, but Jia Pian still planned to stop and conquer.


[Song Dynasty] Su Shi

After the rain, the east wind gradually became gentle, and the door was closed as soon as the moving guests passed by.
The kings and grandsons are picking jade from the empty ground, and the elders are moving the phlox with their fragrant voices.
Zheng'er was relegated to Huaibei Palace, chatting and laughing about Dongpo.
Shanlintai Pavilion is no different from the original, and it is a place where we can discuss and discuss things carefully.

times rhyme: A guest from Shu who returned to the west came to Shihu and sent a message to an old official in Chengdu

[Song Dynasty] Fan Chengda

After walking through the dust, the tired bird returns, his hometown is among the water and clouds. The dream soul wakes up in the yellow rice and rice, and the life in front of the green bamboo hat is idle.

The gulls and herons are flying and standing tall, and the pines and bamboos are all pale at the end of the year. Min'e's friendship is like asking each other, the iron lock is intact and no one can climb it.

and Ye Guangwenyun

[Song Dynasty] Yu Gui

came to the spring and thought about the short and long bridges on the lake.
Last year at Hanshi Leisure Place, the boat was tied with wickers.

Mid-Autumn Festival

[Song Dynasty] Long Fu

On a lonely Mid-Autumn night, he came out of his jade boudoir with affection.
The river leader looks at the geese far away, and the moon is bright and the clouds are low.

Title Bo Shi Ma

[Song Dynasty] Huang Tingjian

I watched Li Hou make a Huma, and placed it at the foot of Ichile Yin Mountain.
The frightening sand follows the horse to darken the sky, and a thousand miles can be reached in just a blink of an eye.
Since he first came to Shayuancheng, how can there be more generals and hegemons?
Li Houjin's illness affected his right arm. This painting is wonderful and priceless.

Midwinter South Tower Wild View

[Song Dynasty] Chen Yunping

The fragrance of the embroidered curtain is warm and cold in the evening, and the water is light and dense in the desert.
I sing about thousands of plum trees in the Gengling Mountains, and dream about thousands of bamboo poles in the Xiangjiang River.
The wind blows and crows roost in the ancient pagoda, while the lone wild goose falls on the foreshore in the snow.
I heard the jade flute sound and went up to the south tower to lean on the railing alone.

He Jing Tomb

[Song Dynasty] Xie Ao

The virgin in the mountains was white and he had no book to offer to the emperor after his death. The young boy Xuanhe ascends to the sky during the day and buries in the jade coffin in the lake at night.

The embankment of the lake is covered with foliage like hair, and the fragrant trees lean against the spring snow. The phoenix has danced in the clouds for hundreds of years, and the jade bowl has made a lot of noise in the world.

The rain in Gonglan Pagoda seems to be lost, and the flying nets circle the crown of the lake to gather snipe. Linyu burns zhi and the autumn silence is gone. There is no one under the fight to worship Taiyi.

Occasionally four poems

[Song Dynasty] Han Yuanji

The sweet-scented osmanthus is floating in the chrysanthemum yellow, and I love the fragrance of leisurely love in the fragrant bushes.
The grass under the hall is only a foot deep, and you can see the spring bursts filling the pond.

Four poems on Huzhou Road Part 2 Hengshan Hall

[Song Dynasty] Sun Zhan

Thousands of acres of blue clouds cover a flat and wide shade, and the dewy leaves and windy branches wrap around the house in the cold. Don't send Mr. Fu back home and ask the junior officials to report that he is safe.

Shou Wu Zai

[Song Dynasty] Li Shangsou

The spirit of the immortal is majestic, and the atmosphere of the palace is more harmonious.
The silk red face will last forever, and the copper di in Bacheng will be polished again.
The wind is high and the crane is three thousand miles away, and the sky is vast and the distance is more than ninety thousand.
It's not too late to return to Penglai due to weak water, so we can pass by Daoshan Yingguan first.

First Arrival at West Lake

[Song Dynasty] Wang Zhuo

Xiyong has a reputation that is the best in the world, and he dreams of meeting it for the first time in his life.
How much hatred is there for a whip hanging ten miles away, but it is not as good as seeing the channel in its heyday.

If you pick up lice, you will get fleas.

[Song Dynasty] Mei Yaochen

I feel quite comfortable now, but if you pick up lice, you will get fleas.
Although it is not special to eliminate evil, it is good to be happy.
No one can be sure of the failure of things. They are blunt, old and cunning.
burrowing ants do not bite people, and their lives always protect themselves.

Shi Yingzhi praised

[Song Dynasty] Huang Tingjian

Meishan Shi Yingzhi loved wine and was funny.
is disdainful and smiles drunkenly.
Sima Decao, everything goes well.
Oriental jokes alarmed the Han Dynasty.
If you are poor, you will be virtuous, if you are rich, you will be Fangshuo.
Heaven and earth are one and the same, those who do not stick to each other are outstanding.
Ying Zhi is old, seems stupid but not stupid.
Jiang An has insufficient food, but Jiang Yang has more than enough wine.

Sunset in the fishing village

[Song Dynasty] Yang Gongyuan

A cluster of fishermen lived on an ancient ferry, and their lives were limited to a few small boats.
came back to bask in the setting sun, and there were several sounds of smoke and autumn trees.

Send Xingzong to Tongyang

[Song Dynasty] Sima Guang

The red sun cracks the earth, and thousands of families are like ovens.
Whatever you do, you seem to be driven by poverty.
The dust has gone away a little, and the cloud scenery is desolate.
The boat rides on the strong wind and suddenly changes into the Three Kingdoms.
After six years of traveling, someone will be eliminated.
Be careful not to forget to look back, the mighty country is full of entertainment.

Three Poems by Shou Lu Fangweng

[Song Dynasty] Su Ying

His temples are turning green again, and his words are still clear when he reads carefully.
The peaches grown by the pond are just beginning to ripen, and the dead bamboos under the fence are regenerating.
has realized that the Diao Chan eliminates the thoughts of the world, but the turtle and the crane accompany the poetry.
provides salary door personnel, and the golden elixir is accurate and iron-clad.

Xuan Weng

[Song Dynasty] Shi Shaotan

He has been blending with mud and water for many years, but he can only change his body according to the flow.
Bailang Duitou digs deep into the cellar, and always buries people alive.

Climbing Zhenyuan Tower at night to write

[Song Dynasty] Zhao Zai

The border city stands tall in the clouds, and the grass is desolate and jade is cold. The sky is about to dawn with nine winding galaxies, and the three-way drum and horn are approaching the end of the night.

The virtual world is full of bright toads, and the slanting peaks are arranged in clusters. Looking around, it looks like murky water in the distance, and you can see whether the jade gate is shining brightly.

and Jiang Xiucai's three poems about presenting flowers

[Song Dynasty] Chen Shidao

The sparse flowers have become rainy, and several branches have turned yellow, and the white hair is a hundred feet long.
I want to get drunk with the old students, so I leave autumn to celebrate the Double Ninth Festival.

The boat travels on different routes, and the rhyme of wild crossing

[Song Dynasty] Wei Zongwu

is on the same boat and Li Guoxi is on a blind date, spending all day and night to pay for it.
I don’t believe that poetry can impoverish my generation. If I don’t celebrate the sudden death of my gentleness, I will lose my grace.
Although we are on the west road of the city, we have an appointment to watch the clouds on the mountain together. From now on, the operation of
can be stopped, I just doubt that the wind and moon will not spare you.

Send the title Zhu Yuanhui Wuyi Jingshe Twelve Stays in the House

[Song Dynasty] Yang Wanli

An old man talks, and you don't want to sleep.
Open the window to let the mountain moon shine in, and play the wine to the stream.

Fifty Odes of Xianglin·Ganzi Garden

[Song Dynasty] Yang Wanli

Autumn wine is intoxicating, and spring flowers are fragrant.
Xiang Lin planted it with his own hands, and there is Dongting frost in it.

Xiangyan Mountain lived in Mengxia Twenty Jue

[Song Dynasty] Shu Yuexiang

traveled far away to Sichuan to see the bright light, and the summer was green in the dense atmosphere.
Yu Yanchong holds the surplus, and then the troubles are dispersed.

He Xie Xugu

[Song Dynasty] Sun Song

The time of poverty and sorrow may come true, and the border is surrounded by desolation and loses autonomy.
The autumn air is actually cold and the Song Dynasty jade is cold, and the local customs are still like Zhongyi.
An Neng lame turtle follows the Tianma, and is planning to grow a pine tree to draw a dodder.
starts with a new chapter and a new chapter, from Yuanhe to Jian'an.

The three chapters of the poem "Pian Pian Gong Zhi Xi" are sent to Wang Jiefu

[Song Dynasty] Wang ordered

Pian Pian Gong Zhi Xi, and when it is relaxed, it will be stretched.
I am riding a horse in the stable, but I am not able to drive it.
Riding on a horse with him, he also ate cud.

Fifty-three Ancient Psalms

[Song Dynasty] Explaining Wenli

Reasoning and talking about the true face Zichen, Ehu's righteousness is in vain.
The origin of Buddha's nature is difficult to describe, and it is like a tacit understanding between kings.

Water Diao Ge Tou (Ci Lu Cao Yun Cheng Tea Cao Ershi)

[Song Dynasty] Jingbo

Yang Lu, all the outstanding people, are blue-eyed when they see me. The best in Jinguan City is based on the scriptures. The smoke and clouds fly away from the bottom of the pen, and the universe is breathed out from the chest. There are always discussions. I feel that my appearance is dirty, but my jade pot is pure.
The two messengers are as straight as strings and as flat as water. Min'e washes away the sadness, and combines power and benefit. I heard that there was an edict coming from the east, but I was afraid that there would be no plan to stay in the west, so I immediately made the snow-capped mountains lighten. The rolling water of the Shu River is not all about fame.

Post words in the Dragon Boat Festival · Queen's Pavilion

[Song Dynasty] Wang Gui

In May, the scorching wind is blazing, and the worry and hard work are purple.
Destroy the imperial edict and go to Weiyang Palace at dawn.

风 evil occasionally comes into two poems

[Song Dynasty] Zhou Bi

It takes three days to stop, but the cold sand and cold water fade away the spring.
One thousand four hundred Wuhu Road, how many people complain about the rain and worry about the wind.

Praise to Hanshan Part 2

[Song Dynasty] When Shi Kexiang

saw the heavy rock wall standing, he was very excited. Silently thinking about finding a sentence, unfortunately the golden retriever left.

Langtaosha · Fragrant mist wet cloud ring

[Song Dynasty] Zhang Yan

Fragrant mist wet cloud ring. Ruipei Shanshan. After waking up from the drunkenness, the waves are cold in the evening. The remaining elixir in the golden cauldron has melted, and the altar is cold and empty in the snow. You Ye is still unknown. The crane resents the empty mountain. Xiaoxiang is surrounded by orchids without dreams. The vast blue sea cannot go back, but it is still in the world.

Five Harvest Ballads

[Song Dynasty] Wang Yan

The foils are full of spring silkworms getting cocoons and silk, and every family has its own machine to change into new clothes.
The weather is good with five winds and ten rains, and the rice seedlings are fertile in the western suburbs.

He Shuchong's Four Wonders after Qingming

[Song Dynasty] Wang Bai

walked slowly and chanted a branch of bamboo slightly, his feelings were no better than those of his youth.
The young boy had no destination for his spring thoughts, but now he is always having fun.

Four poems sent to Lu and Cao

[Song Dynasty] Wu Fu

is not greedy for the fragrance of the sun in his bed, but only wants to hide deep in his sleep.
The fire has flown, autumn is still hot, Shang Biao is slightly moving, and the night is beginning to cool down.
I am still busy with official affairs, but my dream of family and mountain is even longer.
I am quite envious of the new envoy from eastern Zhejiang, who now returns to his hometown in fine clothes.

Send He Henglao to guard Taizhou

[Song Dynasty] Xu Jingheng

The people in Hailing said that Piling was good, and the prefect was completely different at that time. Now the new destiny is divided among the bamboos, how can the joyful songs be heard across the river.

No matter who is under the curtain of the book, I respect the guests at the top of the building and get drunk. Thousands of knights must know the body of the country. Since ancient times, the parents have never forgotten the king.

Stream Fish

[Song Dynasty] Shu Yuexiang

Red and white brook fish are also pitiful. They sleep on the cool sand at night. Chengtan is a hundred feet long and there is nothing to do. Who has built a fishing boat since ancient times?

The monk knocks on the door of the lower part of the moon

[Song Dynasty] Lin Xiyi

In the silence of the night, who is walking down the mountain. The moon shines brightly in the deep temple, and the old monk knocks on the closed door.

Pecking at the temple in the forest, Chan Juan's clouds are outside. The mountain boy breaks his dream, and the shadows of people are sparse.

The remaining seal scripts are kept in cold storage in the palace, and the window is bright, waiting to be unpacked. The mountains are empty and the valleys are empty, and the frightened magpies also leave their nests.

He Duancha Xunzi Part 3

[Song Dynasty] Xu Jingsun

Sanrijun's poems are very impressive, and it seems that every word is harmonious. From now on, I am happy to be in the hands of the saint, and I will take the psalm song from the Kongxing altar.

Two poems about using a stick to offer sacrifices to Lord Renshan. The first is

[Song Dynasty] Chen Shidao

The staggered solitary root has too much strength, so when sitting on the bed, he must be pressed and supported. I have spent my whole life giving it to you now, and I even asked if there is such a thing in the forest.

Home Shows Brother 槱

[Song Dynasty] Zheng Qiao

hates naughty boys and makes friends with half-Bo disciples.
Abandon your family to find the right way, sacrifice your life to become a Confucian.
It is hard to criticize elegance, but today people are noble and special.
What advice do you have in the middle of the night? You are like a crazy man.

On the 15th day, I visited the auspicious monk's residence with Zhou Yue and Chen Yongxi

[Song Dynasty]. Mu Xiu

drank hundreds of cups in Fangqi, looking for fragrance and returned empty-handed.
Flowers are sad and sleepy in spring, but they come to visit the wild monk Xiao Si.

Dip Biting Moon Night

[Song Dynasty] Ge Shaoti

There was a cloud in the sky in the middle of the night, with a bright moon and stars beside the cloud.
The heavy dew in the pine gates frightens the flying magpies, and the light breeze in the lotus leaves the fireflies.
Millet is decorated with tender yellow in the old garden, and the new green in the wine rack can be seen in the empty pavilion.
Autumn chants do not make me miss you, but I am allowed to wake up drunk by the West Lake.

The stream is condensed with blue and blue and merges with the two rivers, and the pavilion is in front of thousands of rocks and ravines. Washing stones, I think about clearing diseased teeth. Who can listen to the flowing spring while leaning on the harp? The north ridge of Yun - DayDayNews

Zi Conghui's book prepares the words and deeds and the reasons for visiting the king's house to answer

[Song Dynasty] Mei Yaochen

came from Ziheqiao, but his words were not clear.
It is urgent to read the words thoroughly, so I will obey him when I drive in the morning.
feet of books are suddenly found, and all the passages can be recorded.
hastily began to leave home and hurriedly crossed the river.
In front of the villagers, the heart is racing, and the wind is blowing at dusk.
The road is built with long narrow passes, and the fatigue cannot be stopped.
The thatched cottage is crawling at night, and the cold dogs are barking in the cave.
Mingfa travels northwest, and the hills and mountains are more than winding.
Congzhen is dense, but the beauty in the mountains is not visible.
When the valley opens and meets the city, how can it be said that even the capital is humble?
One and two crowns are the same, and the left and right are compared.
asked Zi what he said, and raised his eyebrows to talk.
Glancing towards the Temple of Heaven, smoke and clouds follow every step.
I look down near the sun, but I see Songqiu nearby.
looks at the dust with disdain, like ants.
has the heart of Lin He, and expects to be honored by the eunuchs.
I used to love the green sky, and I would always lean on it.
Today I admire you for your travels, but all your successes are in vain.
Just sigh with a yellow ribbon body, don't take the Qingxia track.
You can rely on Yuhan, and you can express your feelings like this.

The chariot is under the chariot in the spring

[Song Dynasty] Kou Zhun

After the rain, the palace is beautiful in spring, and the flowers in March shine on the forest.
Who is leaning against the brothel and looking back to ride? The sun is setting in the south and the willow smoke is deep.

Sitting alone with my book

[Song Dynasty] The scroll is just in

Burning incense and closing the thatched cottage, all the sluggish thoughts are swept away.
Things should be quiet in the world, and friendships can only be sparse.
When you flex and stretch, you will be like an earworm, and when you are wet, you will be like a fish.
The sun is as warm as a window, so it’s a good time to read in winter.


[Song Dynasty] Ding Kai

Whose eyes are full of desolation, the apple blossoms are dim and the autumn wind is coming. The dragon crouches and the tiger occupies the vast country; when the horse is gone and the ox comes, the land is empty.

Even if there are thousands of people who are just like Nuonuo, there will be no time to live a hundred years. The world is upside down and the boat is alone, and we are chatting with Diao Weng for the rest of our lives.

Liyang Examination Courtyard Wenjiao

[Song Dynasty] Huazhen

The hero is also romantic, roaring and Hansheng is sad. Today, in the morning and evening of the river city, gulls and herons rise from the sand in the air.

and the later rhymes of Yi are the six preceding rhymes

[Song Dynasty] Wei Zongwu

The west wind leaves the garden full of leaves, and I lie on my pillow to listen to the rain.
It's sad that all kinds of emotions arise, and the melancholy is not easy to count.
Si Xi Yong Qian Jing, good horse and silk group.
Now I am a man in a white house, bowing his head to pay homage to the government.
I am still happy that I am seventy years old, so that I can avoid the hardships of studying.

Eighteen ancient poems, eighteen of them

[Song Dynasty] Shishiyi

Three people witnessed that the turtle turned into a turtle, and Pilan blew it out. From now on, the needle is inserted in the dark, and the nostrils are all kinds of splits.

Dragon Boat Festival·Inner Court

[Song Dynasty] Yan Shu

Baicao Dou Yu welcomes the moon, and the five silk lingering flowers wish her a happy new year.
The wind in the bridal chamber is warm and the moxa is hanging down, and the waves in the divine marsh are deep.

and Zhang Zhongtong's two poems about Zhong Ling

[Song Dynasty] Wang Anshi

It has been ten years since I dreamed of Zhang Jiang, and I want to see the old friend again.
can only live on both sides of the Taiwan Strait at that time, but it is a pity that it will come in spring.

Suanshanxi (reuse rhyme)

[Song Dynasty] He Menggui

The spring work has not been awakened, how can Qiong Ying be early. Looking at the Milky Way in the middle of the night, it's first dawn on the earth and on the tower. Feifei's pulse is not unfeeling, the golden tent is warm, the jade hall is deep, but the strange sound is lost in the dust.
God was banished and temporarily fell into the world of mortals. The color is pity for itself, but it is afraid of being frivolous and being turned upside down by the wind. Who can complain about Bing Xin, but when you blow in the plum blossoms, the bright moon, the white clouds, and the cold weather are good.

New Year's Book Sentence

[Song Dynasty] Lu You

Journey to the West in his early years was attributed to Zixu, and in his old age he returned to his hometown.
Dare to forget the country without dying? Even if you are sick and want to be blind, you still love books.
Friends of old, He Lao remembers the chariot and hats, and the descendants are fortunate not to waste them.
The New Year is as cold as usual, and my gray hair is combed by myself.

After the beginning of summer, it is very ripe, and the neem flowers are very cold in the wind.

[Song Dynasty] Shu Bangzuo

It has not been ten days since the official seal, and the heat is so hot that I feel sick.
The wind blows to and fro, and suddenly disperses, and today I still encounter the neem flower wind.

Go out of the east gate

[Song Dynasty] Gao Si De

When you don't see Wu Lun, the prefect of Kuaiji, he dismisses his official position and sneaks away to escape from the officials and the people.
I don’t know what I was afraid of at that time, so I took a boat to Cao’ejin at night.
It is only because of love that it penetrates into people's marrow, and thousands of people climb on carriages and knock horses.
If you don't act deceitfully, you can escape from the vastness of the love river.
Old news: Wuxing solved his prefecture and his ribbon, and the way back south pointed to Chaotianjing.
You came and went first after Shi Xiang, but Yun He came out of the east city.
Hengshan waits for countless people, carrying pots and cups to invite each other.
Make you think that you are not my life, Xizi will be unclean and will pollute others.
Shuijun 200 Yaonan Road, one at midnight and one boat near the lake gate.
Wu Xing's deeds in Kuaiji are similar, but he knows that love and evil are different.
If you are afraid of Kuang Jie and Xue Shengxian, how can you compare with Cao Zhi who set himself on fire?
Alas, later generations said that they were imprisoned here, and there were three of them.

Wusu Temple

[Song Dynasty] Shi Zhiyuan

After the decline of native virtue, loyalty and Taoism were not common.
vows to make contributions to Chen Daili, and to dominate the industry like Huan Wen.
is a clever and treacherous hero, and its reputation is known all over the world.
There is a temple beside the mountain, and the prison is closed in the deep clouds.

Two poems about passing through Hu Luokeng

[Song Dynasty] Yang Wanli

has become old due to the cold in the mountains, and his journey through the stream becomes even more difficult.
The fog is all but rain, and the sun has been rising for a long time without clearing the clouds.
There is no sound from the ape-crow and no one is seen, and there is no trace of the loose and fir trees.
It's very sunny and warm, so why bother? I'm willing to take advantage of the sunshine for three to five minutes.

He Xueye occasionally made this

[Song Dynasty] Li Fang

The new structure of Huaju is close to the forbidden city, and the atrium is filled with cypress trees.
I can smell the clear water carefully if I follow the wind, and can vaguely see the falling stars through the bamboos.
Thousands of people have no way to repay their kindness, and thousands of years of good fortune are here.
Who is the companion of a bright moon? We should share the golden moon and wake up from drunkenness.

Jingfu's birthday

[Song Dynasty] Xiang Anshi

Pingwei produces smoked plums and rain, and the sunflower heart is charming and the grass is bright with gold. The old man appears at the point of the dipper star, and the joyful uncle comes when the crescent moon rises.

The Queen Mother is happy with the medicine in the West Pond, and the Heavenly Sun Xihan has good news. Gong Huai reported yellow news again, and he had already spread the red branches and colorful skirts.

Use rhyme to reward Zhai Zeng Erguo and Zhang

[Song Dynasty] Yu Chou

The poem of Yu Cheng opened the mansion to make it fresh, and the paper swept the stream and the vine pen made silver.
Dou Zhuan Cang Long returns to the north and looks to the north, walking on the ecliptic and patrolling the east.
Human feelings change at any time, and God's will is so selfish.
The official book is not finished yet, and I don’t know who the flower belongs to.

Send Wang Shifa back to Jinhua

[Song Dynasty] Lu Zujian

returned to his son Cao Yu to talk to him. Don't peek into the garden where he misses you deeply.
My sect’s career does not have many children, and it will take root only if it is kept in good condition.

Qi Qingfeng Gorge

[Song Dynasty] Zhang Shi

Fushu ancient trees stood on dangerous stairs, and he began to know how to draw the scriptures. There is also a stone bridge where guests can sit and look up at Lan Ruo and Yunqi.

The wind is blowing and the wind is blowing, and the wind is blowing. Since then, Shangshanjun has worked hard, and Shou Teng can carry him with him today.

Yun Si Yuan Pavilion Ten Odes, Nine of the Water Pavilions

[Song Dynasty] Zhang Kai

A wooden frame floats in the water, and it is slightly connected to the isolated island. The shadows of sparse flowers are reversed, and the splashing thorns and jumping fish are small.

The wind and moon earn a lot, and the management is clever. It's almost quiet and no one is there, and Zhulan gathers the quiet birds.

Cheng Wenjian's eulogies

[Song Dynasty] Lou Yao

Yao's writings are great, and his heroic reputation has long been known.
is flying high in the industry and setting high standards.
has been talked about for more than a thousand years, and it has spread all over the world.
It is a pity that the study of economics is not as good as Er Jin Diao.

Overseas Chinese Opera

[Song Dynasty] Zhou Zizhi

Princess of Yue with a beautiful face like a flower, she has not been able to sing or dance since she was a child. Married as the concubine of Jiangnan Kingdom, I miss her every day and shed tears like rain.

Plum blossoms are yellow in the south and north of the Yangtze River, and the tide rises in the Qinhuai River at night. It rains a lot and the ground is humid by the river, and a high platform is built to even out the dawn.

,000 ships were destined to travel across China, and I was delighted to see the Vietnamese people still speaking the Vietnamese language. It is difficult to set foot in the hometown in life, and there is no way to return to the heart.

The high platform is easy to fall, and the Quchi is also restored to level. Yue Ji has been away for thousands of years, but this platform has never been famous.


[Song Dynasty] Zhao Yuanyu

The young man passed by the book and sword several times, and Tan Wen also sang to himself while selling wine. It's spring again today, and there are many flowers on the old plum branches.

Like a dream, one of the Chinese Valentine's Day

[Song Dynasty] Zhang Yuanqian

The rain washes away the wind and dew. Double stars outside the clouds for the first time. The building is empty at night, and the moon is jealous and whispering in the corridor.

stood still. Stand still. Not the same mood as last year.

Sending Master Yin Yi back to Shu

[Song Dynasty] Shi Xinyue

From the south to the west, I want to talk but can't talk.
Yi Ma San Yin leads the generals, and the woman by the stream smiles and smacks.

Title Xie Zi Gao Yiyi

[Song Dynasty] Li Fu

The east wind blew in the garden before it came out, so he concentrated on reading the Yi. I bow my head and don't know where the guests are coming from, but I click on my pen when I see the opening of the book.

The sky was opened and the earth was opened, the sun and the moon were bright, and everything changed in the four seasons. Fuxi's hexagrams were chaotic and dead, and they all carved out the essence with wisdom and skill.

Autumn Travel

[Song Dynasty] Lu Qing

The rain at night sounds like banana trees, and the bamboo house shakes like paper. There is a crazy old man among them, who remembers each other thousands of miles away.

The old man became more and more crazy, and the sound reached his ears. Drop by drop reaches the heart, from the heart to the marrow.

The crickets are about to die, and the hibiscus is fragrant. The lamp shadow turned into smoke, filling the vast small room.

Send Xuedou Xing's first seat

[Song Dynasty] Shi Zhiyu

Zhu Rong Peak burns red leaves, Yingmeng looks at the white clouds in the mountain. The footprints of
are easy to see without being taught, but who knows what the sky looks like and how people can hear it.

Wan Lu

[Song Dynasty] The Song family

has been poor since the happy years, and my house now belongs to the west.
Yinqin said that Liu and Dongyuan will meet each other one day as passers-by.

Longmen Chengxinlao

[Song Dynasty] Wang Zhidao

Thousands of mountains lean against the sky, and a path cuts through the clouds. Suddenly I saw a pavilion and knew it was the Buddhist home.

The green pines are old and immortal, and they are as young as dragons and snakes. The frosty skin is chapped by the frost, and the wind tips are shaking each other's teeth.

The dark flowers are like divination, and the pure ones cannot be added. Passing the court to send good news, it's so strange that Bi Lingjia.

I can't bear to come and go, so I'm sorry. Finally, I will take off my crown and clothes and sleep under the mist under my master.


[Song Dynasty] Liang Dong

Thousands of trees died guarding the red, and a little bit of the soul returned.

Picking Mulberries

[Song Dynasty] Yan Jidao

In the autumn, I feel even more painful, and the fine print is still sparse. Sit and think. How can we look at each other like the old days?
The handle of the south tower is on the shoulder, Feng Yue should know. Unless. I see her from time to time in my dreams.

Xijiang Moon·Five Horses are the Most Expensive in Life

[Song Dynasty] Shen Ying

Five Horses are the Most Expensive in Life, Jinling has been prosperous since ancient times. The light hangs and the seal embraces the red teeth. The situation is worth the leisure time in the side court. It is full of jaspers from the east and west, and red flowers with high-burning candles. Zhao Huang Xin Shi's characters are like crows. Fly down from heaven tomorrow.

Liu Yifu saw the use of the preface rhyme in Yunxi. One of them was

[Song Dynasty] Guo Yin

The leisurely feeling came from the stick, and the tranquility filled the forest pond. As autumn approaches, the air becomes cold first, but as spring comes, the wind is fragrant.

Zhilan becomes the jade, and the reed becomes the carved beam. A thought about dead wood can lead to wild catkins.

and Hu Jian's seven poems

[Song Dynasty] Chao Buzhi's

Thousands of clear poems compete for the long night, and the true butterflies are busy in the spring.
Don't teach me how to live in the world for a long time. Thunder and lightning are the generals nowadays.

Chunyouji paid a visit to his ancestor Liang General Zhongzhuanggong Temple at the age of 14.

[Song Dynasty] Cheng Wufeng

He has a beautiful and heroic appearance, seven feet long, and who can be worthy of Huan Huan.
Baozhou Xiao Shi came to Yide, but Hou Sheng refused to rebel and was defeated.
The Duke was honored with great honors and held the title of Governor, and his posthumous title was Zhongzhuang and the Emperor Gao.
Under the yellow prison of the majestic temple, the evening drums and morning bells will not be forgotten for a while.


[Song Dynasty] Yang Wanli

There was not a day of sunshine in ten days, and the passengers who were leading the boats always went sideways.
The yellow calf in the river is full every morning, but the grass on the bank has never lost an inch of green?

Gave it to Shi Yu, a scholar who knew Xuanzhou

[Song Dynasty] Song Xiang

He discussed Dong Cao's importance and repaired the secretary's mansion.
Why did he hate the house for a long time, so he went to Yanfan?
Jie Dao Xiong Wen Ji, Teng Zhuang crane knee soldiers.
Yao Yun lost sight of the dawn, and Huai Yu broke the boat's journey.
Zhuqi generals are far away, and Jiang Bo is in charge of the Qing Dynasty.
Xiangchou Chuangxiu is good, who will thank Xuancheng.

Six poems about boating in the South Lake in the summer because of passing through the Qionghua Garden. Five of them

[Song Dynasty] Zhang Wei

The poems and thoughts are as bitter as a calamus, and the official names are as fragrant as the soup. When the morning comes, I hear the gentle rain, and I plant a bunch of pomegranates next to the strange rocks.

Disease is enough

[Song Dynasty] Zhao Gengfu

is suffering from an old illness and the medicine does not work, and the light outside the snow window is as cold as a firefly.
Instead of keeping the green lotus feet in peace, he learned to wander in the shape of a sick crane.
means that in a dream, a cricket is offering his virginity lightly, and angrily thinking of going to heaven to whip Ting.
It would be a pity not to soak in the dew flowers, and it would be a pity to meditate on famous mountains without going through the sutras.

Crane seen in front of plum blossoms

[Song Dynasty] Wu Fu

The two cranes came to me gracefully, competing with the beautiful flowers.
lowered his head and realized that his appearance was dirty, and he climbed up to the sky with ease.

Water Tune Songtou Shou Zhao Ti Xing

[Song Dynasty] Ma Ziyan

On the top of the lake with ten thousand renge, there is a thousand-year-old Canglong. There is a cluster of towers, and the fairy family is far away in the five clouds.

During the Yuan Festival in heaven, virtuous people will be born in the world, and the auspiciousness will be lush. The six bridles shine in the sea of ​​​​Fujian, and the counties are happy to follow the wind.

Presented to Chen Zhizhong

[Song Dynasty] Monk Hu

Tiger-eyed ape has the most expensive body shape, and it rises just by clinging to it.
I know that you are going to Duanxi today to help your son with the cool breeze and the angry waves.

General An's birthday

[Song Dynasty] Wei Liaowen

still remembers that the immortal man protected Yuguan and returned half of the territory with his hand.
After every turmoil, I would like to thank Jing Lun and his son.
Yuan is rotten and Ke Guan has matured, so the authorities should only be idle.
Several people are old and middle-aged, but their temples have never been spotted.

North Window

[Song Dynasty] In early summer, Lu You

painted a silent purple jade pond, and it was time to write Weng's poems again.
After the wind blows softly on the willow bank, the rain is enough to spread the melons and vines.
Disease and wine are like being helpless and thirsty, Qingyan's uncle Bao is very weak.
How can I regain my fame and achievements in this life, and be saddened by the painting on the top of the city?

Jing Si Guan Cui Taoist taught the sword Baizhongjian often roars like thunder

[Song Dynasty] Li Zhuo

Yinyin old cypress is in the courtyard, and the outside is hollow like a hollow fou.
Cui Xian taught the sword Bai Sui Shen, and the sword roared to the sky.
The heavenly master received the elixir in Qing Nian, and the spirit of this place longed for the glory of his life.
The jade letter and the golden chamber were sent to Lingya, and the Yin Talisman was used to frame the tiger's mouth. The real Taoist and mysterious brush in the
palace is immortal.
Frost-haired feather people meet old people, and they have been heard for more than ninety-nine years.
My wish is to travel to the eight extremes, and I am ashamed to have the Taoist immortality.
I want to give Dapeng Siziwei, but I am afraid that my age is also the same.

Two poems about Qinchuan. The first is

[Song Dynasty] Shao Yong

was about to cross Qinchuan at that time, but suddenly happened twenty years ago this year. Because I saw my husband talking about living at home, I vaguely remembered the old wind and smoke.

Five ancient poems

[Song Dynasty] Shi Rujing

One radius split the void, and three donkey heads capsized the boat. The father and son of
are still inseparable, and the rumors are spreading in the world.

points of crimson lips. The sixteenth chapter is given to Wang Jingyuan, the envoy of the Song Dynasty. Golden wind and jade dew. There are countless autumns in the water country.

Tiantai Road

[Song Dynasty] Lu He

Xiao Sa's hat yarn is blown by the west wind, and he wants to stop at the end of the journey.
There are twists and turns for six or seven miles, with dogs barking and chickens crowing three or four times.
People who gather medicine return to hear the magical energy, and the journey to find immortality is far away and they dream of peach blossoms.
The mountain wine you bought is as pure as water, and it can also relieve the fainting until the sun sets.

The two poems of the Shang Zhe Shu Yan Zhi Sheng Dynasty

[Song Dynasty] Zhang Yuanqian

The autumn water is the god's auspicious dream, and the official crown is worn as a court ritual.
The feeling of wind and cloud meets Qianlinghui, and the sun and moon are known all over the world. The
pen array is bright and colorful, and the dragon, the leopard and the dragon are all in danger.
The stubborn gold will return to the furnace hammer from now on, and I will present longevity poems at the gate every year.

Early summer

[Song Dynasty] Lu You

The bed has a futon sitting on the wall, and there are no children in the room burning incense.Although the
human figure is laughable, my love for escape Zen is too crazy.
The cherry blossoms and bamboo shoots have long forgotten to enter the province in the morning, and the water shield perch is still happy to return to its hometown.
The history of tea is endless, and there is no time to devote to the battlefield.

Two poems about the Huanggong River and Sea Pictures of Guanjian Mountain Part 2: Sea

[Song Dynasty] Fang Yikui

passed the river and walked to the East China Sea, without rest day and night. Alas, the vortex in this plate neither grows long nor exhausts.

The sun and the moon are in the middle of the sky, and they appear and disappear in Yanshuang. The waves lift Fu Xu, which is higher than the snow on Shuo Mountain.

The mirage spits out the tower, and the dragon protects the cave. If Hai didn't praise in vain, Feng Yi would be willing to suffer.

I heard that the Three God Mountains are like a silver palace. Then it went away with the long wind, starting from Mingbo.

If Fang lives his life, he will explore the moon under the sea. When I sit and wait for the Qing Dynasty, I will come back without my hair.

Ten Explanations of Qiu Yu Sigh

[Song Dynasty] Yang Wanli

The yellow flowers under the fence hate him the most, with less fragrant gold and more tears.
Immortal mend the leakage of the Milky Way. What can we do if there is no mud in the sky?

Everyone knows how to play the flute

[Song Dynasty] Mei Yaochen

Yu Shun has gone to Cangwuye, and the Qin girl Qin Luan has never returned.
Xiao Guan is not understood in the world, and there are few capable people in the Imperial Music Department.
I want to buy a little servant girl and give it a try. Who knows who the teaching workshop will be dedicated to?
Yan Shiwengong came here and advised him to be strong and pick up a lowly student.
Naihu sat sideways and played a song, and Gu Dunxitang dismounted in surprise.
My wife can't hear it in her boudoir, but the girl is smiling coquettishly from behind the curtain.
didn't dare to listen more and sent him back, giving him a single cup of drink to drink.


[Song Dynasty] Li Shi

I used to be in Dongting, and the white waves were as big as a house.
Water and sky meet each other, and the axis of heaven is dimly immersed.
The boat was pitching and the canopy was dizzy.
suddenly found an island and wanted to go liveaboard.
Xigui was shocked and washed his hands with mud.
The East Lake is a piece of land, and the river veins are flowing there.
The mist and rain are swallowing up each other, and several seats are dyed in the lake.
There are red and white flowers in Tingzhou, and there are swimming ducks and ducks.
is spreading all over the world, and there is no time to compete with Wu and Shu.
I am horrified by the current situation of the world, and the storms are calm.

is like a cousin who returned to Qiantang before the age of about 10 years. I will send him poems when I miss him.

[Song Dynasty] Li Misun

Snow and mud break the road and the house is filled with clouds. I sit in the dark in Lingyang in the spring of January.
The yellow dog has knowledge and empty space to express hatred, and the blue felt has no dreams and only hurts the mind.
The urgent trip has already failed the plum blossom promise, and I am getting older and longing for the calyx kiss.
absorbs all the words from the West Lake, don't abandon the love and pay for the new.

Ten Luling Yuefu poems, six of them

[Song Dynasty] Guo Xiangzheng

Under the courtyard, there are quiet flowers and cold mist, and there is no trace of the golden duck's cold smoke. I leave you and my concubine rides the red luan. I look across the three mountains and find no place.

I don’t have to do heavy lifting to tunes, and I can’t dance with my long sleeves hanging empty. Wake up and worry about sending spring away, who will the independent setting sun talk to.

There is a Buddhist scholar who used Zen to commemorate the remaining ones. This picture is the current prince-in-law Li Gong

[Song Dynasty].
stars gather together in the world, and the moon is in the middle circle.
refers to whoever is marking the instructions, and the heart is silently passed on.
Only when you answer Adu, you will end up forgetting the trap.

Canglang Pavilion

[Song Dynasty] Pu Shoucheng

The peach blossoms bloom in the morning, and the willows hang in the mist in the spring.
asks where the boat goes after getting off the bridge.

Passing Fayun Temple

[Song Dynasty] Wang Anshi

Passing by Chaogou Bajiu Pan, the snow ridge is hidden in the clouds.
The golden mother-of-pearl is the old man, and the green mountains are even colder.

Winter Miscellaneous Ode

[Song Dynasty] Zhu Shuzhen

Love the sun and warm the washing field, and the old farmer destroys Qingshikang.
The water rushes the rhyme and beats the remaining rain, and the strong wind brings the sunset with the sound of shackles.
The frost and tiles in the morning deprive the wine of its power, and the cold moonlit night stimulates the poet's heart.
I am tired of having no emotions towards the scenery, and I only put the plum blossoms aside for makeup.

Good things are coming soon (Yan Feng's birthday)

[Song Dynasty] Wang Zhidao

The autumn colors come to Dongli, and the golden chrysanthemums are fragrant. I would like to borrow the floating table in advance for long-term blessings.
Crab claws are like arms and wine is like mian, orange and half yellow and green. Sing some of my new words and listen to the silk and bamboo in front of you.

Xiaogushan (commonly referred to as sister-in-law, with a statue of the Holy Mother Temple on it)

[Song Dynasty] Wu Zhe

The middle-class jade is unparalleled, and the powerful vassals in the sea are separated from each other.
The most beautiful incense often blocks the sun, and the beautiful pavilion does not hide the clouds.
The solitary root is dark and straight, the dragon lives in the house, and the bird seal script is spread horizontally.
I want to maintain my boat in the bright moon and play drums and harp for the gods to wait for the king of Xiang.

Shuangxiyue Huzhou Jia Yun, an old and young prostitute, is famous as Shuangxiyue

[Song Dynasty] Su Shi

Shuangxiyue. The clear light illuminates the double lotus leaves. Double lotus leaves. The red heart is not even, the green clothes are knotted.

Dream work

[Song Dynasty] Lu You

Wealth praises people who will retire after death, and every mediocre person looks for a title.
Reading has always shown the face of the ancients. Love of righteousness always precedes worries about the world.
Why not buy a calf with a knife when you go alone, but you need a calf with a calf for a big meal.
All heroes will achieve success quickly, and they will live up to the success of the Hundred-foot Tower in the Clouds.

Feeling nostalgic after hearing the drum horns

[Song Dynasty] Lu You

The drums are bumpy, the horns are whining, the four drums are about to be exhausted, and the fifth drum is beginning. The old eyes are as sleepless as a fish, sitting up on the pillow with tears in their eyes.
I have read thousands of books in my life, and I don’t know Chengming House.
At that time, there were many talented ministers and corrupt Confucians, and they neglected their loyalty and policies.
If you want to reveal your loyalty, you will be punished by death.
Thunder is willing to regain its width for a moment, Xu Chen pointed to Chen Yu's map.
Hundreds of millions of survivors look forward to Laisu.
Art Ancestor is destined to be punished by heaven, but Huang Ming dares to make false accusations like the sun.
I bowed my hands and begged for the gift of two feet in length. The smoke and dust of the Central Plains were swept away, and the dragon boat returned to the Eastern Capital from Bian.

Seven miscellaneous chants on the Yanling Road

[Song Dynasty] Hong Zikui

The fine grass protects the sand continuously, and the wind and the rain disperse it and collect it.
When the wheat in the mountains and fields is ripe, it will not return, and the river for three hundred miles is filled with sorrow.

Zaihe Tao Yun

[Song Dynasty] Su Ying

was a virtuous person who never left the world, and later he was willing to hand over his power.
Mysterious hair changes as soon as it happens, and I feel that this time has faded.
's heart is extremely vulgar, and Taihua is not as high as it is.
Niushan is looking for an ax, when will it be solved?
Zhongni hired people from all over the world, but he didn't realize that he was tired all day long.
The righteousness of kings and ministers in ancient and modern times is more important than dryness.
The emperor's providence is as good as pure pottery.
Clear springs and golden flowers make the common people hungry and thirsty.

Eighteen verses

[Song Dynasty] Shi Shi's style

roughly brings out the lotus to pray, and Ji Chu wears dung sweeping clothes.
picked up the Shaolin holeless flute, looked left and right and played at both ends.
's voice is slow and patted at random, although there are many listeners and few listeners.
The song is played over and over but I can’t stop it. Who will know more after I know the music.

In the evening of Anguo, I drank in Kuixuan and the rhyme was formed into the word

[Song Dynasty] Zhang Shi

Tung blossoms are in the cold March, and the city is full of wind and rain.
makes you drunk at night, and you can ride thousands of horses over your life.
's famous talk about Cebu is full of elegance and solitary clouds.
Look at the wonderful ink with a scolding, and the laughter is all poetry.
characters are like this, you all rely on the main alliance.
even called the guests from the south to share this bottle of wine.
Love me The bamboo in the garden has a square and majestic head.
will always cherish the beauty of ice and snow, and would rather return to the secular world. The new chapter of
is a piece of cake, but nothing is enough.
Original text: I would like to be a feudal lord, and I will be prosperous at the end of the year.

and Chizhou Professor Chen's two rhymes

[Song Dynasty] Wu Fu

usually loves to recite poems wildly, and is ashamed of not being a master.
's wonderful sentences can be seen in rhythm, and in good times, it's even better to see the light.
Jiangwei will stay in Sanchu for the time being, Danbi is about to die.
Don't seek speed for glory, in the end fame belongs to men.

Presented to Wu Shaoqing when he entered the mountain

[Song Dynasty] Shi Jingduan

Friends came to visit each other and entered Chaiguan. The clouds and water were wide and the streams were cold. Mo Daoshan's family has no one to look forward to, and the old pine trees and bamboos are all there for you to look at.

He Zheng and Yan Lingjun Yun

[Song Dynasty] Zhu Jifang

got the name of the county just over a hundred years ago. Who was the official in the past? Xiaotong is quite far away from Yushan City, but officials are very close to Jigu Village.

Passers-by should not complain about the cold news in the kitchen, because the family is happy that their salary is light. But I am worried that I will go to the sky tomorrow and I will not be able to eat until the fifth watch.

and Wu Shuitian Guangwen

[Song Dynasty] Wang Song

It was sunny and not cloudy for ten days. This year, the Qing Emperor loves people deeply. Look at the flowers without leaving the contents of the cup, flatter the tomb and hide the gold at the bottom of the box.

A man of great talent and talent, he groans even though he is old and healthy! When will we be able to clarify our ambitions and become independent and desolate?


[Song Dynasty] Song Xian

The light mist wants to hide the twilight blue, and the first resentment of the broken clouds is mistaken for the red.
I am miserable at the moment when a thousand branches are dead, but I am worried about one empty tree at the end of the day.
Foreign guests will surely enjoy the banquet after hearing about it, and the brocade curtain will always be used to protect the spring.

Rhyme Tours to Longmen Shijue

[Song Dynasty] Hong Zikui

did not mention the long sword to cut the river dragon, but he repaired the pole to catch the sea turtle.
Even though I am old and have no achievements, I still promise myself that two mountains of peaches are flowing in a stream.

Read the biography of retreat

[Song Dynasty] Shu Bangzuo

Retreat twenty-eight, Sanshang Prime Minister's Book.
In the evening, Wang Tingkuo scolded the Buddha and warned him about crocodiles.
When you are young and strong, you can try and see what happens.
Scholars should be raised like this, holding Ling Taixu together.

Hema Temple Cheng sent Mr. Mingfu in autumn

[Song Dynasty] Shi Jie

The autumn shade closes the autumn colors, where is the sadness.
There is an old man named Fu Yanyin, who in the Ming Dynasty has a pale mane.
A few boxes of remaining books are infested with beetles, and the cold chrysanthemums are half deserted.
Only those who study the Spring and Autumn Period go to the thatched cottage from time to time.

Title Jingyuan Wall

[Song Dynasty] Xue Zhongyong

It has been six years since Zhaoti, and the clouds and mist in the mountains and rivers are still there. Don't be lazy and useless, claiming that fame can be whipped.

Ye Ji's move, the scholar's special singing and the rhyme for the reason

[Song Dynasty] Liu Zihui

After being separated and separated, it was difficult to meet.
Drinking wine is offered at the beginning of the night, and poems are written on the spring grass.
Although the traveling eunuch is disgusted, he is famous for his talent and is expected by everyone.
should not be with tired wings, lonely in love with Nazhi.

Chen Qiao Bieyinzhi

[Song Dynasty] Liu Chang

Rou is far away, drinking ice is peaceful and caring for the family. Jing Hui resigned from Bei Que, and Yuan Xi was born with brilliance.

The water dries up and the rain stops, and the strong wind stirs the sand. There are so many carriages, and there are inscriptions on them.

Zhang Hou was a lifelong relative, and their friendship was solid. I feel sorry for you and my ambition is generous, and you care about me as far as the end of the world.

Stay in the water pavilion, talk at dusk and see the morning glow. A hundred miles is already far away, and my heart is not far away from the clouds.

I am from the east and the west, how can I keep my nose? Zhou Yuan is so ashamed that he dare not pay tribute to him again.

Send Shao Buyi to banish Shaowu

[Song Dynasty] Mei Yaochen

is not sorry to move to a distant place, but it is a pity that it is not too late to leave.
The laws of the country are not important, but the king is kind.
Feihong Because of the heavy rain, the cold leaves are not in danger of frost.
There are many new brews on the river, and there are bamboo fences everywhere.

Reward for Zhuxi Chen Shijun's new poem Mo Mei Zhichu

[Song Dynasty] Chen Qi

Thousands of miles away, the Pisces Biancaotang, the central Tibetan ring is shining at different nights.
The east pavilion increases nostalgia for prosperity, and the glory before the shadow falls does not send incense.
Four rhymes don't praise Mao Yingqi. I have missed Shouyang makeup several times.
feels that the public will has been exceeded and the money is given, and is ashamed of the lack of Qiong Ju Zhan Bao Xiang.

Three verses One

[Song Dynasty] Shi Keqin

The golden duck is fragrant and sells the brocade curtains, and he is helped home drunk by the shengs and songs. A romantic affair in youth is something that only the beautiful woman can know about alone.

Send Liusi Shu's Chaling

[Song Dynasty] Liu Zihui

hurriedly grabbed the saddle, leaving the wine cup full and unable to enjoy it.
Travelers thousands of miles away from Xiaoxiang are worried about being far away, and there is a sound of spring coming to an end.
Now that you have left your official career, your achievements will be more evident.
I seem to have heard that the shogunate has a lot of wonderful paintings, so that he can take advantage of his majesty to attract the emperor.

Two elegy poems by Su Caiwen Part 2

[Song Dynasty] Han Wei

The marriage in Yishi was old, and Kundi traveled throughout his life. Every chapter makes me sit up in shock, and I forget my worries while talking and laughing.

No longer holding the cup of happiness, empty space can help the happiness. The character in the desolate basket is swaying to see the silver hook.

On Four Popular Poems

[Song Dynasty] He Geng

He is unscrupulous when he invades my realm, and I will not be able to argue with him for long.
Don't praise who is weak or strong when giving him three feet of land.

Partridge Sky

[Song Dynasty] Ge Changgeng

The rain passes over the mountains and the flowers bloom in the evening. The tobacco smoke is empty and the green willow trees are dim. Who was Ge Ge in Dan Zao in the old home? Today Lao Huang is in Lianquan.
rhinoceros horn pillow, ivory bed. The coconut heart-woven mat makes it cool during the day. How can I be drunk without thinking about the cup? I don’t realize that the sun and the moon are long.

Answer and Wu Chuanzheng's two poems praising goodness and sending them to King Gaoyang's Thirteen Jiyi. The second part

[Song Dynasty] Shao Yong

Yue Jing is not sick, and he has a good heart after leisure. Those who strive for success will live in harmony with the world.

In the evening, I went to Jingyuan Pavilion with two poems

[Song Dynasty] Yang Wanli

had just finished writing in the evening, and went to Gaoting to temporarily open his eyes.
A flock of wild ducks suddenly startled, and they must know that there is a boat coming from the back of the city.

Jianye Restaurant was completed and pre-lit.

[Song Dynasty] Liu Guo

Tall buildings that have been hundreds of feet long have been destroyed, and the layout is magnificent again.
Shengs and songs are played all night long, and the flutes and drums are played in the sky to bring back the spring.
There are many people waving thousands of yi, and we have only one cup when we come here.
The prosperous capital of Beijing is happy to see you again, and it is even more pleasant to be drunk when you are old.

Read the collection of Han officials immediately

[Song Dynasty] Ancestor Wuzhi

drove Lei {left volume and right force} on an expedition, and the ruler and basket were also languid. However,
has to be edited and read, and it still teaches people how to behave,
Confucian tweets are flowing freely, and poems are made by Xu Mengjiao.
The lingering taste is like a big soup.

Sent from Di Yuantang One

[Song Dynasty] Yang Bangyi

In the past, I also admired cultivating mulberry trees, and my sophistication drove people to rise from the north window. Last night, I had a surprise encounter after returning from a dream. Sheep Qiu and Xue were fishing in the Dongjiang River.

Instant Six Jue

[Song Dynasty] Wang Yan

Common people eat vegetables and follow the circumstances, and take cypress smoke when sleeping.
I want to lean on the rope bed and pick up the white whisk. Who can really understand the mystery of the meaning?

The fourteenth night of the moon

[Song Dynasty] Yeluzhu

The autumn wind is coming, and the clouds are rolling in the river and Han Dynasty. Looking at the bottom of the sea in the distance, a golden mirror flies out.

Although it is not very round, the osmanthus is bright and translucent. Stop the cup to see the clear light, and write a new poem.

The attentive toast belongs to Chang'e, don't stop the fun at night in the South Tower.

Rewarding Judge Wang and Nine Days Rhyme

[Song Dynasty] Chen Fuliang

What a handsome young man, with a title of gold and a poor mountain but a small age.
I spend the day alone with my poems, not knowing the shadow of the plum trees under the window screen.


[Song Dynasty] Qiu Chuji

The cycle of the sun and the moon has no definite end. As spring passes and autumn comes, there will be many prosperity and decline. Thousands of sacrifices were made to the Five Emperors and Three Emperors. It's like this every time it prospers and then falls. Death, life, and death. Reincarnation changes, when will it end? There is no resting place.

Han Xiao Sigh

[Song Dynasty] He Zhu

The poor moonlight barely shines on the empty bed.
has no dreams, and is even more sad tonight.

The stream is condensed with blue and blue and merges with the two rivers, and the pavilion is in front of thousands of rocks and ravines. Washing stones, I think about clearing diseased teeth. Who can listen to the flowing spring while leaning on the harp? The north ridge of Yun - DayDayNews

Ten shepherd boy songs. One of them

[Song Dynasty] Pu Shoucheng

The lotus hat has a small green head, and the calf rides on a buffalo. Raise the whip to make a roar, and cross the Long River again by the ditch.

rd rhyme Zhang Yinglong saw a long sentence

[Song Dynasty] Wang Anzhong

lived deep in the west mountain of Tingke Tan, with mountains and hills growing on the tip of his tongue. The shape of the mountain is imaginable, but the guest interest is beyond comprehension.

There is no rhyme in Zhangying's empty space, and the dream is about the mountain stream and the waves. But with the cloud roots and all the green leaves, it is placed in the room of Mao Ying and Tao Hong.

The guest's sincerity competes with the beauty of the mountain, and the haze is full of leisurely words. I am also a non-common person, so I split half of the mountain to return with you.

The third chapter of Yuegu, the king of Wangzhi Palace,

[Song Dynasty] Bai Yuchan

Last May, the wind was blowing, and I was on the top of Fangying Mountain.
Seeing my floating movements and expressions, I have poems to express my sorrow for separation.
If I had known that I would return to immortality so quickly, I would have regretted staying for a few days.
On the day when Mr. Dao returned, it was the Mid-Autumn Festival on thousands of shores and valleys.

After the Snow in the West Lake

[Song Dynasty] Zhao Fan

walked to the lake to pick up the bamboo shoots, his eyes were like painted screens.
The plum blossoms are smiling in the wind again, and there are also experts who are as old as before.

Send Ouyang Yingzhong to Hunan to pay a visit to Qingcao

[Song Dynasty] Zeng Feng

Several times, his feet were light because of his kindness, but he did not satisfy his kindness.
No matter who looks at the white-faced scholar, the messenger in embroidered clothes will be sentimental.
I wish the mountains will be clean after the melting rain, and the water will be clear when Pengli comes in autumn.
Clean up and return home the gold and jade, and call me a high school student from the canal.

Send Zhang Shengfu Thirty Rhymes

[Song Dynasty] As strong as

html Qin Yong, a 5-year-old guest, was not generous in his vulgarity.
There are many friends traveling in front of us, but the outside is the same but the inside is different.
is best suited to Zhang Ziwan, who is soft and strong at first sight.
has been my brother for ten years, which is not because of his strength.
is directly related to the old age of father and brother, and is strong in the third century.
Zi's first doctor, he studied Yuhang in the past.
When I was young, I took him as a boy and went to the court.
Zhong's brother is Ya Yuya, and his classmate is Lizhou Xiang.
rows of couplets sitting and receiving seats are no different from the flying geese.
At this time, you are still a child, even if you remember this, you will forget it.
Go and live in the north and south, and hide in different places in the middle.
Later, I married my brother Jun, and sent tribute from the countryside to the imperial township.
was surprised and suspicious at first when we met, and asked Xu Nai for details.
In the same year, he became a Jinshi, and he is now a provincial minister again.
Yiyu discussed the good contract, but now he is gray.
Yesterday, you untied your troops from Gu, and went eastward with the recommendation chapter.
returns to the old woman's house, the spring breeze turns to the autumn frost.
I'm lucky enough to live in a room opposite each other, with wine calling across the wall.
is still very familiar with the business, and there is no light at all.
Walk across the bridge by the moon and watch the fishermen standing back to the pond.
The poems are sung over and over again, and the towel box is accumulated a little.
Since Xu Xian gained fame, I know that I am still passionate.
said that he is still in ruins, so he doesn’t think I’m crazy.
In ancient times, it was called Guan Baojiao, and we have been looking at each other for thousands of years.
Resign me and return to Yundong, I can't sit still in my bed.
The sun sets over Bianshui River, making it unnavigable for a longer time.
Yongdong abandons the countryside, and it will be desolate for a long time without treatment.
Brother Jiangnan is in urgent need of help.
diligently rolled up his sleeves and forced himself to keep a bottle of wine.
Why do you want to say goodbye? When the chrysanthemum has a fragrance.

Zhengyan Tianxueshi Kuang Shuyan went to Xiang to offer wine and listen to the bamboo planted in Beixuan.

[Song Dynasty] Song Qi

In the past, the Xiangxuan was exhausted, and the bamboo was in Beitangxuan.
The officials are diligently immersed in water, and the lonely roots are slowly growing.
On the 7th, Yan came to the official position and forgot about the noise of the world.
The moon is shadowed by the sea at night, and the wind is blowing in the morning.
Last year, the master denounced him and slandered him as Huai Fan. Later,
became popular, but I didn’t dare to announce it if I wanted to blame it.
Fortunately, observing the wisdom of the time, he was granted the title of Shi En.
Traveling thousands of miles away, we can learn from each other far away.
is in a bad situation now and will return at a different date.
million screens are cut, don’t let Gu Yuyan speak.

Song Jiang Thirty-Six Likes

[Song Dynasty] Gong Kai

flies and eats meat, so majestic.
A stranger in Yuguan will not hurt your appearance.

sarcastic thirteen

[Song Dynasty] Liu Chang

Beneficial friendships are mutually beneficial, and righteous friendships are mutually beneficial. A thousand years old is like a twilight, but thousands of miles are still close at hand.

I heard about each other in the past, but I didn’t think we knew each other. Now we travel together, but I hate that we can’t help each other.

At the same time, he became the same Taoist, the same official and the same nationality. I have made new friends throughout my life, but I also cherish my promise.

My son is the prefect, and I am a guest here. Although the number is sparse, there should be no deeds.

Wu Yi's eleven poems

[Song Dynasty] White Jade Toad

After the rain, there are several piles of autumn moss, and at sunrise there are thousands of golden clusters of sunflowers.
roared at the scenery, and the wild apes cried in shock.

The son of Zhao Guozhou was able to write large characters in the fourteenth year of his life. Guozhou sent poems from Jingnan to the calligraphy and painting of the life book.

[Song Dynasty] Wang Shipeng

Zizheng should be well-known throughout his life, so he should have an heir named Qingfen. I can read thousands of volumes, but I can only get eight points in literacy.

young people have a good view of the country, and Zhang Wujun's poems can come true. Xiaoyu lives in Tianlu in the future, with jade leaves and golden branches containing clouds.

Feast at Lijiayuan Pavilion on March 6th

[Song Dynasty] Yu Liangneng

The forest garden passed Yuansi, and the flowing water flowed around the fragrance.
is slightly faint and half looking for shadow, sweet and refreshing like a fan of wind.
The flowers on the cup and plate are in the air, and the birds on the pillow are singing.
Young Master respects his guests, the moon is bright and the bottle is not empty.


[Song Dynasty] Chu Yong

The first half of the Gongyao stage spits out the flowers, and the exposed branches have already entered the noble family.
is not as good as the nameless grass in the garden, which blooms once the spring breeze blows.

Seven Poems on the Beginning of Spring

[Song Dynasty] Liu Kezhuang

has preserved five thousand old poems and added three hundred households to praise the new ones.
The official score is better than the hairpin, and the monk sends black fuel to warm his body.

After rain and clear weather, we stay overnight in Shitang and offer sacrifices to Dazhong.

[Song Dynasty] Huang Tingjian

A long rainbow hangs down to the ground like a seal character, and a clear crotch sticks into the sky like a painting screen.
The plowman is carrying a hoe to untie the mantle, and the fisherman is drying the net and throwing in a bamboo basket.
I am feeling nostalgic when I hear the flute in Ziqi, and the fireflies gather outside the window when I am in the carriage.
Lying alone in Xiao Zhai, there is no moon. Late at night, I can still hear the sound of reading.

Guo Xikeng

[Song Dynasty] Yang Wanli

Where is the wet cloud when there is no dry wind? If you can't blow it, just help him.
Wild water falls into the stream and crab eyes appear, and it takes a long time.


[Song Dynasty] The left latitude

tender reds rush to the branches, how many east winds ask for my reward. The beauty of spring makes it easy for people to grow old, and the time is like a guest who leaves but is hard to stay.

Good times often turn into hatred, and I am afraid that the fragrant mash will overwhelm me with sorrow. Put gold into the wine cup, and the catkins have been flying all over the city.


[Song Dynasty] Liu Bian

plows and hoees to make room for the morning rain, and should catch the east wind when there is no time.

Cambodian Chen Nanyuan

[Song Dynasty] Weng Sen

Since ancient times, sages and philosophers have been lucky to many villages.
The road of life is bent, and it is difficult to rub the chest.
I wake up late at night, and my worries are not about poverty.
We look at each other and work hard, Xu Zai pursues the ancients.

Send Commander Hong off to the palace

[Song Dynasty] Wu Yong

once remembered that Jialing shared a boat together, and the wind on the river was full of autumn flowers again.
We haven't seen each other for three years, and we have ten things to say but nine have rested.
The Huai River is turbid, and the journey is uncertain and the clouds are sad.
Fengming has gone to the morning sun, and the rain has wetted the tower.

Ten poems from Dunze Picture Scroll when asked

[Song Dynasty] Wang Bai

The vast universe is vast, and the broken mountains are slightly visible.
is quite exciting, but my path is very difficult.

times rhyme In the same year, Yang Shijun returned from Piling and saw the gift in the boat on Panshi Lake. The third

[Song Dynasty] Fan Chengda

took the wind to cross Beizhu, and saw the fog in the western mountains. The sleeves are too thin for the emerald green, and the cup is too shallow for the cold gold.

It is easy to collect the rain in the night, but it is difficult to remove the rain in the spring. Let's stay here for a long time, and be willing to go to Su Duan.

Three Poems of the Huai Family

[Song Dynasty] Dai Xiu

sent hundreds of books in three years, and a few books came to my house.
I came home in a dream last night and saw my old wife crying.

Feilai Lake in Western Hunan

[Song Dynasty] Shi Dehong

The servant girl scattered smoke in the martial arts forest, and there is a solitary snail bun on a peak. The smoke and clouds have strange shapes, and the gorgeous trees never wither in autumn.

Why did Li Gong come and see the Xuanxuan Canal? It is said that this Lingjiu Peak has been flying for a long time.

html There is a white ape among the 5, who calls out for his son. Even now, when I call Yuanyuan Stream, the flying waves jump and the broken beads dance.

When I came to the south of Chu State, thousands of mountains competed for the trend. There is a horizontal pond in Jinglu, so you can take care of your eyebrows and whiskers in the clear water.

A master of martial arts, he came from Soochow. Who knows that to the west of the Xiang River, there is Feilai Lake.

The rows are full of autumn colors, and the small boats are hiding wild cattails. When you are free, you can lean on the dangerous threshold and stand against a gull as bright as a gull.

The color of Xiangfeng and I are both worthy of painting.

With the title of Chen Qi, Yingfu Yuanxuan

[Song Dynasty] Zhang Lei

The east wind blows the noodles and wine in the cup, and the plum blossoms and willows are new after wax.
The lingering snow remains in the cold mountains towards the evening, and the mist does not move in the wild spring.
left Beijing and Luo as a luxurious place, and Sichuan led Qin and Han to conquer the dust.
Don't ask about ancient and modern times, it is naive to just indulge in intoxication.


[Song Dynasty] The two peaks of Wushan

do not come out of the clouds, and the spring clouds are spread over ten miles. There are gulls flying on the water, and parrots complaining in front of the curtain.

The flowers are not fragrant when they are cold, and there is no improvement in monthly thinness. Don't say it's sunny in the mountains nearby, but it's still raining in the distance.


[Song Dynasty] Dong Sigao

The mountainside slips out of the distant peaks, cutting off the greenery of the West Lake.
Die Zong has been hanging around the monks for a long time, and sencha was offered to the Imperial Academy.
The heart of the pavilion is covered with rain and painted with red phoenixes, and the stone mouth is filled with clouds and sprays of jade dragons.
On what day the stars will fly like angels, I don’t know who will lead the Nirvana Sect.

Lean on a stick to show Zi Xun

[Song Dynasty] Lu You

We have been with each other for forty years, and our friendship remains long-lasting.
is located on Minjiang Road in Wuxia Gorge in the west and reaches the Wei River in Qishan in the north.
has long since returned to play with the spring stone, and the old man is still walking slowly through the wind and smoke.
, together with the begging bag and Zen version, will be passed down to future generations.

Night Boating (made during Zhang's nephew's wedding)

[Song Dynasty] Ge Cube

Shu embroidery hanging in the hundred-foot carved hall. Outside the bead curtain, there is a beautiful jade garden. Famous people tune the tripod, play the virtuous flute, and predict the new emperor and emperor.
Silver leaves add fragrance to sleeves. The golden cup is full of longevity wine. Happy to move the Toad Palace, auspicious ecological tent, should be after Xijun returns.

Open the wall and put a window, which is called Yuanxuan. The second

[Song Dynasty] Chen Yuyi

sat in the Nanxuan at dawn, looking at the top of the mountain. How can lay people be so foolish? The flying clouds have not yet ceased.

You are so far away from the vulgar world, and you don’t have to worry about it in troubled times. If you know the disasters of hundreds of wars, you don’t know the disasters of three emptiness.

Enjoy sleeping in beauty behind closed doors, and look at green walls with open doors. The guest from afar thanks the host and shares this green window.

On the new sunny day, birds are chirping on the eaves, and the gentle summer breeze takes over the seats. Xiao Ran has a white head, how can he wear a court cap?

I vow to stay here forever, day after day. But if you hate eating without meat, the immortal will come out of the mountains and rivers.

The stinging thunder turns into the jejunum, and the sentences are uttered as a guide. A smile shows that the neighbor has never had such a visitor.

Title Danshanyan

[Song Dynasty] Wen Younian

came to Yongzhou because of his love for Xishan. The yellow grass and white reeds make people sad.
drove to Yufeng Peak, which is at the top of Xiaojiang River.
The scenery around the peaks on the Yangtze River is amazing, and the Danshan Mountain is inlaid with sinuses.
Rubbing the alchemy stove and drinking from the stone spring, it feels like I have traveled through several eons in the past.
Zhengjun Zhengjun suffers from Qin, and one Qin person is another Qin person.
There is no way to escape from the worldly world when you step on the green mountains.

Two more poems about the strange father

[Song Dynasty] Chen Yuyi

The country's aromatherapy sitting Mr. drunk, the autumn leaves hide the flowers and the guests are fascinated.
drives the evening breeze to the same resort, and Dongxuan does not need to control the rhinoceros.

[Song Dynasty] Shi Tan

There is a bamboo grate on Jingshan. It makes no sense to go straight down.
The three doors of the kitchen and warehouse of the Buddhist temple pass through the monk's eyes and ears.

Dou Baihua·The setting sun in the east wind is deep in the courtyard

[Song Dynasty] Chao Buzhi

The setting sun is in the east wind in the deep courtyard. The embroidery curtain is in a downturn and returns to Yan. The chic little screen and charming face are like seeing her for the first time in front of a lamp. During the feast, the silver basin was half dismantled and placed next to the Phoenix Hairpin. A smile covers the fan.
teaches you to show the fragrance and watch the dancing of colorful clothes. The red and green trees are turning, and the startling roar is blowing against the autumn shore. The willows are sleepy and the flowers are idle, and the turbans are neatly arranged by themselves, and the golden lamp must be persuaded to fall.

times Xiuye ​​Miscellaneous Poetry Rhymes Yellow Bird Bream

[Song Dynasty] Zhu Xi

Where the oriole flies, they make love and steal fat. The rice beams are easy to find, but it is too late to get rid of the snares.

is partial to rich tastes and wealth, and seeks to avoid misfortune. Han Peng Shang Jing Min, Mo Mo Er Cheng Yi.

Rui Partridge

[Song Dynasty] Zhao Xipeng

Seeing spring in the gentle countryside. Wuyu leisurely loosened his leg straps. The balcony of the soul dream is fascinated by the dusk rain, and the graceful Luopu is surrounded by the fairy wind.
Chasing plum trees down the dusk road looks like the Palace of Fortune in Huaian. The old grudges are empty in my heart, but they can all be wiped out and paid for in one cup.

He Xinliang (Shou Zhi Shuai Dong Shilang)

[Song Dynasty] Li Tingzhong

Zhuo Jinjiangtou Road. Looking at the auspicious clouds and closely embracing the banners, the Heavenly Mansion has just opened. The Mid-Autumn jade in the ice dew pot does not bother you in the heat of the human world. The appearance of objects and the demeanor of gods. Looking back at the palace of Taiqing Palace, it is the place where you can travel around with hairpins and pens. Wanzhou Dendrobium, but the west complains.
There are countless soldiers in Chibiantang. Laughing at the past, Shushan understood the generals, and the night was full of vigor and vitality. Listen to the current decree and wash away the smoke and fog. Then he called and returned with his clothes on. The luck should be that the river is clear and it coincides with Yue's birthday. To run the Zhongxing business, you need to apply for help. Look at the years and longevity.

peach blossom

[Song Dynasty] Li Xin

When young Liu Lang first met, he seemed to be smiling in the east wind.
Liu Lang's white hair wants to see you again, and the stream in front of him is gone.

times Yunzi Zhan Nanxi Shishitang

[Song Dynasty] Su Che

There is a narrow path with pillars and sticks, and there is still a forest surrounding the hall.
Birds are not frightened, Wan Zhu is in his heart.
Tigers roar, the wind blows, there is a lot of frost, and the cicadas are silent.
The beast is arrogant and does not avoid it, and people will remember it from now on.
I have no time to live here for the rest of my life, but I can only chat for half a day.
Green pine can be fasted, and yellow leaves do not require quilts.
Occasionally I got lost for the first time, but I will finally realize it. There is a gentleman in the hall, and there is still a hairpin in his bun.

Three poems about Yu Qing's support

[Song Dynasty] Liu Zai

was closely related to his mentor and friend Ye Houmen, and was the grandson of the Han Dynasty's prime minister, He Yi.
The crown and belt are only for swimming in Bishui, but the name is not Ci En.

Guoshan Nunnery

[Song Dynasty] Hu Zhonggong

Heaven and earth are in one house, and peace of mind is at home.
tastes the taste of the world in a light way, and is full of life.
Add charcoal to the simmered taro, and enjoy the tea in the spring.
There is no paper tent in the empty mountain, and there is no dream of plum blossoms.

Jiangchengzi Wang Shengyu of Pingxiang wrote at the banquet

[Song Dynasty] Hou Zhi

When will the traces of Pingpeng stop? All floating. Stay for you. We talk about those days when we were young and full of energy.

Don’t lament that both men have gray hair, and the past and present have passed away.

Chuanzi praised

[Song Dynasty] Shi Kexiang

Shitou Sun, the son of Yaoshan, ran in the desolate waves when he was hungry. With such big golden scales, it seems that I should share it with Daowu.

Three unique inscriptions on Buddhist pavilions. One of them

[Song Dynasty] Wang Shipeng

The Buddhist pavilions have been read by people for a long time, and Confucian officials are unfamiliar with the world. Mr. Jialan, the real elder, allowed me to stay here for half a year.

Zen Platform Part Three

[Song Dynasty] Han Hui

The cool breeze blows and the rain passes through the city, it is not autumn unless it is close to the Double Ninth Festival. How sad it is to give away clean bottles to deceive the elderly and sick, and to blow the stage to offer sacrifices.

Climb the Lianyi Pavilion

[Song Dynasty] Chu Yong

Jie Pavilion pillows the plain river, the autumn light is faint and the smoke is far away.
The window opens to the outside view of the forest, and the shadows occupy the water and the sky.
The wild color returns to chanting the flute, and the sails pass the passenger ship.
People lean on the dangerous fence, and the immortals wander into the ten continents.

The Twelve Wonderful Plants and Trees in the Shuanghouji Garden

[Song Dynasty] Fan Chengda

A guest came from Yangzhou and left me Yangzhou flowers.
Yuncage stores dry wood, so that next year will be good for spring.

The Story of Bu Youxi on Yuanxi

[Song Dynasty] Wei Liaoweng

did not follow the Luo custom of accounting for lamp shadows, nor did he learn from Jing people to ask Zi Gu. The income from selling
comes and goes, and the good years are still like last year.

times Cheng Youshi Yun sent the monks to visit the south to inquire about the fruit of the Buddha.

[Song Dynasty] Shi Yaobi

inquired about Fengdian Miaoxi Master. Tianzhen looked at Gu Fei in the north of the sea.
means that there is no place to return, but it means returning to Meizhou thousands of miles away.


[Song Dynasty] Pay attention to

Fairy Xuanyi from her temples, singing a long song to understand her face.
The copper cup is fully drawn to act like a whale, and the red sleeves are lowered to make a bow.
Dance in Liuyue Palace, the spring breeze is cold, the music plays in the sky, and the dream returns.
line, listen to the new sound of Taiping music, which will be transmitted to the world in five beats first.

Daya pass

[Song Dynasty] Fan Chengda

There is no settlement in the five journeys of the gorge, and the horse head is plowed today.
The wheat seedlings are sparse and thin, the bean seedlings are sparse, and the new pepper leaves are thin at the tips.
Every woman has her hair wrapped in cloth, and she carries a child with a droopy collar on her back.
Mountains are deep but there is no shortage of physiology. People have a pair of silver hairpins.

Man Ting Fang Part One and Zhao Zhongjing Yong Snow

[Song Dynasty] Zhu Xiyan

Cutting water and flying flowers, cutting ice to make catkins, the Dragon Palace does not care about the severe cold. It invades the hood obliquely, and the temples suddenly fade away.

Who thinks that the guests in Liang Garden will be tired, the gold will be exhausted, and the talent for writing poems will be frugal. It has been drifting for a long time, and the cold is so cold that it turns brown, as if it were between the hooves of a horse.

Liu Shaoqing (Shao Wu Xichun stage presented Xiu Keshu)

[Song Dynasty] Zhao Shixia

is in awe. Chongtai moves to lean on, the mind is broad. The water is blue, the peaks are towering green, and the sky is extremely cold.
lived in the north and south of the Yangtze River. I have never known that there are beautiful mountains in central Fujian. The rain is darkening the front pavilion, the clouds are covered with clothes, and the body is tired and climbing.

Wang Shuda used Wei Pengze's experience of lurking in the jade cave

[Song Dynasty] Lou Yao

The book rock is very strange, and the hidden jade is even more magnificent.
Li Junman is in Pangu, Yuanzi is in the empty valley.
God cannot keep secret to himself, Heaven should open for you.
If Yuan Ming has achieved this, he should return without any gifts.

and You Bohua Guangde sent Jun Yiting to Yu

[Song Dynasty] Liu Zai

Xuanting Kai Shuangxi was happy with the new camp, and Yan Province should come to congratulate Xiasheng.
Bottles of wine and two forget the sages and saints, Wei Bian is the relative brother and brother.
Poems are like embroidery, paragraphs are perfected from the beginning, and people are like curling stones.
sends a message to Jin Kun and his close friends, telling them when Xu Banjing will meet again.

Zhao Dongyan and Jian Shuyanhou's four poems

[Song Dynasty] Wang Mai

built Yan's army and horses filled the sacred capital, and the palace was built across the body to live a city.
When Prime Minister Ji has no merit, God's blessings and goodness are obvious.
People say that hairpin is a prosperous sect, and Gong is the descendant of Yingyao.
cherishes the postscript of Xishan's relics, and his annual income is from the official historian's commentary.

Yu Jia Ao Second

[Song Dynasty] Hong Hao

Most of the Tung trees in Huiting are withered. The west wind does not take advantage of travelers. There is no need to leave a question about watching the bright moon.

West Garden Banquet. Yan Yanlang said that it was useless.

Use Jingxiong rhyme to send your adopted brother

[Song Dynasty] Shi Huikong

The wonderful virtues make the sky rich, but the empty life is poor to the bone. With a bit of snow, the great void is forged.

Don't wait for Kunpeng to be transformed, and you will have a fortune of 90,000 yuan. He asked diligently about his luggage and crossed Liaodong with one arrow.

Huating Baiyong·Sannvgang

[Song Dynasty] Xu Shang

The jade coffin is unknown, and the fragrant soul plan has been sold out.
comes to sing more frequently, and it will be a trick for a long time.

Five poems about the lunar eclipse on the night of July 16th in Renzi One of them

[Song Dynasty] Cheng Ju

There is a toad cave in the blue sky, and the white ground is empty and worried about the lice. Sitting and waiting for the remains of the soul to be exposed in the coal soot, it is very cold and the jade springs into autumn.

Poems titled Chao Chexuan

[Song Dynasty] Guo Yin

Jade is bright at night, and the golden crow is Chao Che.
I have divine light in my body, like a thousand towers of sun and moon.

Two poems written in white body. One is

[Song Dynasty] Zhang Lei

Fame and wealth come with a long life, and autumn is passed in the high mountain city. The swallows sitting on the incense lanterns are quiet companions, and the elk walking leisurely are companions.

The new frost has passed on the green and yellow grass and trees, and the rain has collected in the cool streams and mountains at night. Looking back on ten years of being a guest of Liang Yuan, I have learned in vain and lost my youth.

A gift to Zhang Bangji's mother. One

[Song Dynasty] Chen's

was frightened every time he thought of farewell, and he became ill every time. But I, Yan Lingzi, am closer to you sincerely.

minutes, no tears left, even more sad when looking into the distance. How warm will the old eyes be? Music and books never tire of reading.

Shen'er's return came from Hangmei. Shandi has a poem with a rhyme

[Song Dynasty]. Chen's

Chen'er returned home and was so happy that he cried, and it was difficult to tell others.
There are no lakes and seas in my old eyes, but there are ghosts and gods in my original heart.
is about to be eighty years old, and it’s time to say goodbye to spring again.
is confident and reliable, and would rather teach to be an independent people.

During the Qingming Festival, Huai Chengfu

[Song Dynasty] Zhao Fan

only thought that this year it would be cold and sunny, but he knew that there would be wind and rain during the Qingming Festival.
I am moved by festivals in a foreign land, not to mention this life.
resigned to the grave for this reason, not daring to look back on brotherly love.
Looking eastward across the Yangtze River, clouds surge like mountains and white waves cross the horizon.

Qingchuang said

[Song Dynasty] Lin Xiyi

Today and the Ming Dynasty, we can only find each other for a moment. You can't catch up with yesterday, it's like a thousand years apart.

The Yangtze River is tidal, and the lonely moon is bright and soulful. The real Zai Liang works hard, and his life is like a guest.

The brocade clothes are not as beautiful as the clouds, and the quinoa soup is not stingy. Pitching over the past and present, ups and downs make me dumb.

Mao wine is sixty-seven points, and Wu has two or three strategies. A clear window makes you happy, but a mirror is empty and white.

Like a dream, the color of dawn, the tone is like a dream

[Song Dynasty] Wang Zhao

Ten thousand trees are wrapped in the fog. The shadow of the sun is covered by the bright clouds. People don't startle the gulls when they get up, and walk lightly along the embankment with their hands behind their backs.

Qingqu. Fun. Received a lake of wind and dew.

times rhyme: Wuguang Xiucai traveled to Nanhu

[Song Dynasty] Su Che

The cold east wind helps the cold weather, and the Tingying liquor also weakens the beauty.
How can I read a bed full of books? I can’t take a few steps to see the lake.
Dreams of green poplars hanging down behind the Pudong, watching the red apricots shining on the front mountains.
The New Year is getting better, you will return soon, and you will not return in the evening without seeing any tourists.
〈The hill in front of the lake is called Xingshan.

Zhuang Zhao Zigu Zuosi

[Song Dynasty] Sun Yingshi

Every time he sighed, you know me and show your kindness to your father and brother.
Say the names of people when you meet them, write about your life when you meet them.
is almost like no other carp, and the sadness is like Jiujing.
When Zhai Gongmen left his guests, he vowed to live up to his friendship.

tasting tea

[Song Dynasty] Yang Wanli

html picked tea leaves under the dew in the middle of May, and drank wine from the silver vase with flowers hanging upside down. If you want the fragrance of flowers to infuse the bones of wine, don’t use jade wine to moisten your skin.

If you drop a cup of wine, I will get nothing. I know you will not hesitate to be punished a hundred times. The imperial edict bestows deep abilities, and the savages will hit them again and again.

and Quan's mother and brother's title ■

[Song Dynasty] Yangfang

Everything is easy before the East, and I am afraid that I will chase the enemy with help. If you recognize the painting in Emperor Xi's heart, why should Tanlaiao ask Yan Kong?

Two poems about Hu Jizhao

[Song Dynasty] Li Bogui

The Holy Dynasty issued a lenient edict to Longchi, freeing all tired ministers from trouble.
I am deeply saddened by the loss of Jia Yi's house in Changsha, and this temple remains empty as the tide recedes.
Gu Zhongyuan despises his own life and death, and he would rather go home if he knows how to ask.
Thousands of miles of mountains and rivers are gone, and the sad wind shakes the clothes.

Central Plains Folk Songs Yingsong Pavilion

[Song Dynasty] Zhou Linzhi

Yingsong Pavilion, the willows beside the pavilion are so green. The wind and the sound of magpies rejoice in the trees, and the bright red smoke and green tiles condense on the trees.

Passers-by look at the north and south of the city, and the new inscriptions on the list illuminate the streets. The golden angel came and went, and the Tibetan officials went out to greet the guests.

The old man at the head of the car supported the yoke and said that he was a survivor of the Song Dynasty. The Si Pavilion was not designed to welcome and send off, but it was almost intended to welcome the Song Dynasty.

People from the south looked at each other in surprise, this phrase can predict the future. He said that he would drive slowly with Zheng Husband, as he was afraid of seeing Zheng's dust when going back and forth.

The hundred-year-old willow tree in front of Mozhe Pavilion was cultivated by Song De for a long time. I just look forward to the green flowers in the south and return, worshiping the horse again and saying longevity.

Use the preceding rhyme to express gratitude to the public bachelor

[Song Dynasty] Raojie

When buying gold, you must know the real gold, and learn the Tao first to prevent evil and see the forest. Don't make explanations based on words and causes; you only need to see the form to understand your mind.

The waves of the great Yuanjue Sea are vast, and the roots of Ubala flowers are deep. If you are personally recommended, the sound of sea tides will appear in all directions.

Six Miscellaneous Odes of Xizhai Part 3 Bamboo

[Song Dynasty] Liu An's

The many branches are like to be deleted, and the strong festivals are independent. Irrigation has not exceeded the limit, and new bamboo shoots have been harvested.

Listen to the new successful quatrains on the fourth day of the first lunar month. The second

[Song Dynasty] Zhang Ban

governs music and peace at the beginning of Shaoxi, and can be driven by Xianshao. There are enough chimes, chimes, and Xiangxi, so I won’t have to worry about the completion.

times rhyme Zhao Quhua Tiqian's seven summer miscellaneous poems

[Song Dynasty] Su Ying

Love outside the mountains knows that there are more mountains, how many unexpected things are common.
After dreaming about the Temple of Heaven, I realized that the hills were not enough to see.

After fasting, he and Jin Laohuan Pu Wengcong drank the dragon by themselves and then discovered

[Song Dynasty] In the fifth year of Jiang Kui's

html year, dust was rising from the sea in June, and white clouds were seen rising from the green mountains in the distance.
I heard that an eminent monk was reciting a mantra, and he threw it in front of the rock and asked the dragon king.

Food lotus root

[Song Dynasty] Li Liuqian

Fuqu has a good reputation, but its end is also extraordinary.
This soil is suitable for food, and it is better than pomelo and orange.
The vines have led to the stems, and the body of the mud is still clean.
A trace of a puppet is played, and all the apertures are lost.
In the autumn of Pitang in July, thousands of canopies are covered with cold green.
has a slang name with flowers, and is as crispy and tender as if it were boneless.
is like a boat approaching to cheat, like a jade chasing after another.
The truth of Qu Tan Kuang comes from the same source as the pure and unclean.
Flowers are connected to their roots, and cause and effect are not two ways.
Jun looked at the entrance and saw a piece of suspicious snow.
The heat makes the muscles feel like smoke, and the poison makes the lungs burst.
should only be used when the country is cool and cool.

Yuantian sighs at the four wonders

[Song Dynasty] Fan Chengda

Taiwanese water conservancy has scientific regulations, which will last for thousands of years.
Ande can speak two yellow swans, and sing Fupi ballads for you.

Zhu Tongpan was unable to express his gratitude with a poem when he visited the patient.

[Song Dynasty] Wang Tinggui's biography of

was heard by the neighbors, and there were two rounds of competition to see Zhu's inscription. The military talisman is divided into half thorns, and the road passes through the mountains and towns to visit idle people.

The spring call is as clear as water, and the written chapter is wonderful and fascinating. It should be remembered that the poor and sick scholar has been haggard for many years by the Chu River.

Three poems about praying for rain and staying in Jiuqu Pond One of them

[Song Dynasty] Chao Buzhi

Chao Buzhi was playing music in the chariot, and the deserted pond was windy in the open air. Unintentionally nostalgic for the past, sleeping happily on a cool night.

Bone Physiology

[Song Dynasty] Lu You

Bone Physiology has little knowledge, how dare you expect fame? Illness invades the strong days, leisure passes the holy days.
The shape of Shenglun is a platform, flying across the sea.
Although the rivers and lakes are thousands of miles away, they are still like poems.

Partridge Sky (Yong Yan)

[Song Dynasty] Zhao Changqing

The swallows returned in pairs on the beams. Old friends should not send new poems. Liu Wuyin goes up and down, and goes back down in the middle of the curtain.
pursues grand events and recalls Wu Yi. The sun is setting in the west in Wangjiaxiang. The rise and fall of infinite and shocking words are unknown to people at the time.

The magistrate appeases Xin'an County and unveils the book on the first day of spring. The

of Bangnan Tower [Song Dynasty] Fan Chengda

has a cow fight on the green tiles and red walls, and the new inscription is on the lock button of the forest in wonderful ink.
uses your pen to bring spring back, and the plum blossoms and willows are darkened by flying flowers overnight.
Nanshan and the building are relatively high, and they have always competed for supremacy.
eight points and three words are suppressed, and all the peaks are like Cao Cao.
Great events in the world are not separated by the sky, and the snow is urgently turned into white.
Regardless of the people of Fuzhou through the ages, we can first predict the wheat in Gangkang next year.
The east wind blows the wine and the noodles are crispy, and we don’t hesitate to get drunk and return to support each other.
If the short song spreads to Yuefu, the Zhan generation will also be known by the public.

Send the title Cuifan Pavilion

[Song Dynasty] Li Misun

He Lang loves the mountains and knows his noble eyes, and he does not wear awning shoes to traverse empty valleys.
The grass and bamboos are tied up in the room, and I sit and worship Cui Wei around the green river.
I also seek secluded places without worrying about being far away, and I have been following you around for half my life.
The mountains and peaks pass by and become a dream, and the sky above and below is filled with moans.
The emperor ascended the pavilion like a calendar block, looking down at the world as lightly as a mustard.
Spring is full of charm and beauty, while autumn is pure and aloof, showing its true state.
Those who know tranquility are the ones who have surpassed themselves, and there are only a few good things in the world.
Knowing that one’s stupidity does not extend beyond thirty miles, there are hundreds of thousands of realms to be judged within a short distance.
The beauty of the four seasons is still magnificent, and the clouds and smoke in the writing are drunk and falling.
Diaosou is bitter and looks down on the ingenuity of heaven. Creation has a spirit and should do evil.
Penglai square pot or above and below, there are many mausoleums and valleys. Today is not yesterday.
Tang Ling Kua Zi and Xiao escaped, with the mountains and ravines hidden in their hearts.

Title old Zhongkui

[Song Dynasty] Su Che

Secretary of Jinan has a white beard now, and Zhongkui old records on New Year's Day.
I raise my hands to the sky and am happy to see the snow, but it is pitiful to step on the frozen canal with broken shoes.
is surging in the yellow soil of today, and I am an old man in China for sixty-six years.
The children left before they were allowed to leave, and the silver vase was soaked in butcher cakes overnight.

Traveling with Wei Yan to stop the wind

[Song Dynasty] Chen Shidao

used to say that the spring breeze is also the world's sentiments, and should not be used to judge people's behavior.
does not need to be angry to prompt new sentences, but more worrying can be short-lived.
Shengri is busy trying to find surprises, so don’t be surprised if you get this in a wonderful year.
It’s none of my business to know where it came from, and the stars have been restored to a bright and clear sky.

Bodhisattva Man (Chrysanthemum)

[Song Dynasty] Li Chuquan

There are flower girls in all four seasons. In autumn, I can still see flowers like this. Think of the purple elixir. Time creates the room.
The spring warbler leaves its weak feathers.More stained with rose dew. Don't take Luo Ying's meal. Leave it for drunken eyes to see.

Two unique ways to send friends to mourn. One is

[Song Dynasty] Chen Dong

wants to recognize the green curtain and ask for wine to taste, but he is shocked and sends Danyi to mourn the king. The editor of Luzhuang was very sad, thinking about Du Kang in the breeze.

When I was ill, I heard that the plum blossoms returned south

[Song Dynasty] Ouyang Xiu

When I heard that you had untied the boat, the autumn water was flowing.
Ye Ankuang returns to his thoughts, and the capital is in chaos.
followed the merchant sail for a while, and followed the geese group for the first time.
There are many mountains that come out of Huaidian, and the willow trees are all divided into Bianhe River.
The color of Chu is still green, and the river is misty for half a day.
Ke Yihao is far away, far away from Huaining.
Xuancheng is so romantic, I heard about it when I converted.

The slogan on the forehead of Qingyuan Mansion

[Song Dynasty] Anonymous

Emperor Qingyuan's old name was Fan, and he bless Yuan Rong's new name.
There are three big characters wrapped around Yu Yu, and the rainbow passes through Siming Mountain.
The century-old boat is full of joy, and the ancient mountains and rivers are still flourishing.
took the island to the fairy world and brought it up to bless the world.

Zhu Nanjian's poem Part Three

[Song Dynasty] Lou Yao

The chess game has not been going well for a long time, and the poetry alliance has also become cold. Fang Qi will be sincere and forthright, and then he will become sad and happy.

html I have no regrets at the age of 5, the love is so deep that I can’t bear to watch it. Where is the beautiful city? To the east, look across the mountains and rivers.

He Yuzhi Flower Appreciation and Fishing

[Song Dynasty] Zu Wuze

Forbidden Imperial Spring is deep and the imperial curtains are opened, and the five clouds come out of the sheath at dawn.
The flower contains auspicious colors and three dangerous dews, and the wine is clear and bright, and the longevity cup is clear.
The fish waves are swaying with fragrant bait, and the fairy sound instrument is lingering in the phoenix sun.
I am a humble minister who says that I am lucky to meet you at the right time. I will accompany you on my journey to the sweet spring.

Three poems about praying for rain in the village

[Song Dynasty] Dai Biaoyuan

There are different clouds in ten miles and different rain in five miles.
The rooftop is vastly white, which is very touching to my heart.
People say that dragons are friends with gods, and elephants can be taken.
Snakes and insects are walking at this time, who dares to insult them?
Feiteng believes in skills and endures the pain of waiting for the signal.
The power of the god Yu is so powerful that it will flow through the ages.

Wangshan Zuo

[Song Dynasty] Chao Shuozhi

Wangshan Mountain is behind you, but you don’t realize how many times you are looking back.
The horse wants to go backwards, but the road is good and difficult.
The white clouds are still sent to each other to bring the beauty of the mountains. Where
arrived yesterday, who is wandering around today?
Ande Jade Girl's water washes away the dust for me.
I don’t know how to accompany Song Lao, I would rather endure being guessed by a gull.
The sun is separated from things, who can this eye open to?

Wen Yin wanted to be transferred to the official position

[Song Dynasty] Liu Chang

The dragon lived in the pool, raising its head to drink water. Tigers and leopards leave the mountains and forests, always wagging their tails in search of food.

Zhang Junyi is very useful, and it is also a dragon-tiger rivalry. Why do you want to be a small official and give up five buckets of rice?

Bend and stretch cover the destiny, hidden and revealed is a gentleman. For example, when you combine materials, you should start from the end.

In the past, we were high in the sky, but now we are in the dust. But the proverb is amazing, who can knock the ears of heaven?

Governor Xianhe Zhang

[Song Dynasty] Zhang Fu

In front of Sun Hou's two-foot-long short hut, there are three hundred poems.
Jinluan Yutang has not returned yet, and we have formed a relationship with the rivers and lakes.
Officials no longer play with ink and ink in their spare time, and there are no unwelcome guests when they pass through the door on a victorious day.
In the spring breeze, the fast horse rides on the purple reins, and the orioles are all familiar with each other under the flowers.
Drinking and remuneration can turn the tables in debates, and you can win every sentence and become a good official.
I have always had a poetry habit, and I find it difficult to sing a single word while twisting my mustache.
I don’t know what’s the use of hard work, and why would I die if I hear the truth?
He is so young that he has no sound and cannot make a penny straight. html It's strange that the poem tube came late on the 7th. I'm afraid that you will write a Moya poem.
There are still foxes and rabbits in the caves of the Central Plains, but they should not live in idleness.

ancient stone

[Song Dynasty] Huang Wenlei

The stone in front of the window is staggered and resembles a tiger chi. Qiu Qing moss can be peeled off, and year-old Yan bamboo is suitable.

If you want to come out of the mountains and rivers, how can you know that the mausoleums and valleys will move. Rubbing the skinny jade, the wind helps the horse king feel sad.

Zhao Mingshu Taibo didn't know Zuimian Pavilion and he was good at it.

[Song Dynasty] Li Xingzhong

You should know that Huangting Road is not credited, and it is opposite to the fisherman's house in the north of Puxi Bridge.
The window is too exposed to the sun. Newly planted bamboos and vegetables occupy the border without planting flowers.
The walls are piled with drunken ink from guests, and the roots of the fence pass through the cold sand.
was mistakenly called Tao Qian's house, and he also learned from the five willows in front of the door.

The stream is condensed with blue and blue and merges with the two rivers, and the pavilion is in front of thousands of rocks and ravines. Washing stones, I think about clearing diseased teeth. Who can listen to the flowing spring while leaning on the harp? The north ridge of Yun - DayDayNews

Early rice

[Song Dynasty] Zhang Lei

Early rice is like a defection, and ten ears are 19% off.
Late rice is not as good as it is beautiful, and the sun burns the roots and the soil is strong.
The bicycle stirs up the lake water, and the bicycles rush to the lake.
The spring is like boiling soup, and the dry soil is not fully moist.
The old farmer wishes heavenly work, and his eyes bleed as he knocks his forehead.
The wandering clouds do not make rain, and the wind will disperse and disappear.
Haotian has not regretted his misfortune, and the jade sacrifice is useless.
Who can bind the monster and the demon, and command the dragon to throw thorns?

Night view of the West Lake

[Song Dynasty] Once upon a time, there were flowers and flowers everywhere, and there was no scent of fragrance wherever you walked leisurely. Returning to the boat, we took advantage of the cool night and saw the light of the ten-mile lake dipped in the setting sun.

Yi Wangsun

[Song Dynasty] Cai Shen

Liang Shengbing is timid and undressed. The high-altitude painting fence of Mingyue Tower. The whole courtyard is full of people crying and people are still awake. Cover the heavy pass. The black magpie flies south and the wind and dew are cold.

Shao Gongquan's two poems

[Song Dynasty] Zhang Xi

The love left behind is here, and it is like a spring and a mountain.
People don't dare to spit, but they always shine again.

Master Xiong's book shows the ten unique poems about plum blossoms. When the plum blossoms have passed, they watch the begonias frequently.

[Song Dynasty] Liu Kezhuang

specializes in using the fiber of grain to suppress all the fragrances. Idiots kill and hate without fragrance.
asked him how solemn his charming room was.

sub-rhymes, seven poems, one of which is

[Song Dynasty] Su Xing

looks at the fish happily, and the ocean is full of wonders. When one sees and is determined, everything will be done as it should.

Selling swords to replace peasant clothes, working in the paper fields. How can you live without frugality? You will certainly have a good year.


[Song Dynasty] Han Ju

The king cleverly drew a magical plan, and when the weak wings fought for the nest and talked. I want to see the eagles and magpies watching in the spring breeze, a pair of flying birds occupying branches that last ten thousand years.

During the Mid-Autumn Festival, when the water in Jihao was first full, I went boating from the east corner of the city to return to thank the public for my order.

[Song Dynasty] Mei Yaochen

After discussing scriptures in Zhaifang, the official pond set up a wine shop.
The birds are falling outside in the setting sun, and the crescent moon trees are growing.
plays the Yangtze River and thinks of Jiangpu, and the barbarians still surround the county and city.
There is a grudge in Dongyuan, and everything is beautiful every day.

Gift to Xingweng Guo Ruoshui

[Song Dynasty] Wu Yong

html In May, he retreated from this fear, and the palace was straight to the south of Jisu Zi. The
article contains no real world knowledge, and it is a waste of time and effort.
When I was born, I had two qi, the earth was the five elements, the sky was the five latitudes.
Luo Ji's two constellations cover half the sky, and the lunar star is in the home time position.
Guo Sheng was originally a disciple of Guo Pudi, but he was too precise and roundabout in his words.
only talks about Wanyanjin according to the picture, but the scriptures do not identify the official book of heaven.
The great tour is taking place in Shenjing Township, and Chi You's flag is flying.
I will take a quick look at it, and I will not be able to predict when I will be able to capture Emei Taibai.

Xiao Zizhi sent Jianming Mingshi, Choshizhi, Pan Hengmo, and asked for four quatrains from recent poems. The second

[Song Dynasty] Li Peng

A good worker carved and carved a square city, and cooked tea to watch the autumn waves. If your son Cao is not allowed to be gentle, how can you allow your slaves to laugh at their prosperity?

River red double-headed lotus

[Song Dynasty] Liu Xueji

A double flower with a low green cover, auspicious and beautiful. People are sitting on the Xunfeng Pavilion, with their lapels full of water.

Erlu is a metaphor for praising handsomeness and youngness, while the two are in harmony with each other. It's really strange to see the rain clear at first and the red sky at noon.

Qiu Ruixiang

[Song Dynasty] Chen Yunping

Drink Yicheng wine to warm yourself up at night. Jade soft and tender red noodles. Drunk and graceful eyes. I don’t know the depth of sorrow and hate the shallowness.

Wen Ying

[Song Dynasty] Yang Wanli

After passing the rain stream, the mountains are pure, and the flowers are clear and the willows are bright.
comes through the rain to make good trees, don’t make a sound.
Therefore, I want to stir up poetry and still cherish friendship.
Jingfei misery is seen, that is even more green.

Send Yanjun Governor Shi Xiu back to his hometown

[Song Dynasty] He Menggui

In the third year of the shogunate's temples, his hair became frosty, and he was left singing songs along the way.
The melon garrison is rich in spring and the officials are full, and the lotus pond is full of people and the water is especially fragrant.
Yanran Jieshi goes to Chengyuan, the rivers, clouds and mountains watch the day grow longer.
Leaning all over Xiuhuang, the sleeves of the clothes are thin, and the long pavilion has no road and folds of weeping poplar trees.

I sent this message to Li Zhongming, the magistrate of Weicheng, who was about to visit Weicheng when traveling to Tongchuan.

[Song Dynasty] Li Liuqian

The love between flesh and blood is entwined, and the friendship between friends is forged.
If you and I both have the same relationship, how can we form this contract?
Come to Dongchuan for a tour, just around the corner from Taoli County.
The intention of leading a car is very decisive, and the pulling of clothes is easy to pull back.
I am like the will in the sky, and I follow the wind out of the rock.
is like waves on a boat, and things listen to the sailors.
There is no reward for what you have in mind, but wealth is a must.
I don’t want to be rich and noble, it’s not a good time to lose this view.
wrote a poem about lovesickness, which may be worthy of consideration.
A wild goose can see a gentleman, but he complains that he is not as good as a wild goose.

Send people away and lose their official positions.

[Song Dynasty] Zhou Duanchen

Fame in the world is always empty, so what if he is crowned?
takes advantage of the day to send invading mirrors, so as to sell the green mountains and go to the hoe.
A hill of sages is worthless, but a few heroes are worthless books.
Life is so elegant that it is useless to just hold the Sutra alone.

Wuhu blocking the wind

[Song Dynasty] Mei Yaochen

The spring breeze allows the evil flowers to laugh at themselves, and the white waves are not worried and their heads are white.
Jiji's big ship is on the bank of the river, and there are five liang in Kunlun who are not guests.

Touching the Fish (Ziyunshanfang is planned to be endowed with Ulva)

[Song Dynasty] Tang Jue

Gradually the waves and frost marks disappeared. Jones first appeared in the mirror. The mermaid's hair is smooth at night, and the dragon's beard is smooth, and the crystal curtain is cold. Fu Ye Jing. The best is like a tender lotus with a half-roll floating clear shadow. Jade flows and green condenses. The fragrance of early-dried soybean, red salt and snow makes the teeth clear after drunkenness.
The dream of fame was once awakened by the autumn wind. Old friends should be happy. The taste of the leisurely world is as muddy as water, who cares about the nostalgia of thousands of miles away? Empty versus shadow. When I look back, I am filled with sorrow on the shore of Gusu Terrace. The smoke is cold and the night is quiet. But there is only Fangzhou, and Pinghua grows old together. When will Pan return to the boat?

Begging for wine

[Song Dynasty] Chao Shuo said

The accumulation of rain in late autumn is full of hatred, how can the long time be better than the morning dusk.
I have been reading the same poems as Xia Li Rao for a long time, but I am learning from an expert next to a wine bottle.
Just by being drunk, you will know that you can be proud of the world, and by chanting wildly, you will know how to summon the soul.
feels pity for Tao Lingtu's beauty, but only agrees that Ding Ning will break his promise.

Living in the mountains is lonely, separated from the world, right and wrong, forgetting both honor and disgrace, and remembering the autumn cliffs

[Song Dynasty] Wu Xichou

I love the beauty of living in the mountains.
The vulgarity retains the ancient meaning, and the environment is quiet and poetic.
Du Lao's silver-threaded rice dumplings, Po Weng's jade grits soup.
If you make enough money according to circumstances, you can spend the rest of your life.

Wuwei Mountain Shisheng Guanyin Praise

[Song Dynasty] Shi Dehong

The two laws of death and life have no reality. The world is astonishing and strange, and it makes you think upside down. This is not the case for Gongdu, who has only one thought in every ten lives.

The traces of alms can be tested. All sounds must be heard with the eyes. They are all unrelated, so they are silent.

You should be like a Bodhisattva, and your form will appear. Why must it be done? I have a great wish.

Twenty poems about plum blossoms in Yuzhaotang. Nine of them

[Song Dynasty] Zhang Bo

In Shanjiloutai Shuiji Village, the sight of plum blossoms often moves the soul. The whole body is full of fragrance this day, and the fences are sparse and sloping, so I don’t like it.

After the light rain in autumn,

[Song Dynasty] Song Xiang

The remaining rain is collected in the evening, and the evening rain falls in Gaoxuan.
The wind has dried and moved to the old hometown, and the moon breaks through the empty sky.
The defeated leaves are about to dance, but the cold clouds refuse to fly.
has no pen and pen, but there is no way to write with a subtle heart.


[Song Dynasty] Yang Yi

looked forward to the Qingtian with green grass, and the way back to the emperor's hometown was blocked by the ladder. The Han Garden is still alert at night when the dew is thick, and the Liang Garden is full of snow and is confused during the day.

Luanhuang disciple of Rui Shi promised himself, but the black magpie has not yet settled around the branches. I have been filled with hatred all year round, and I can’t bear to send you to the west building where the dawn and moon are low.

The Eleventh Song of Rain in June

[Song Dynasty] Xu Yueqing

Sit in the rain and rest in the lotus, enjoying autumn alone in the middle of heaven and earth.
The cool breeze in the light day fills the clothes, and the sweet rain in the dusk delights the fields.
The sunny days provide for the peaks and islands, while the misty rain protects the islands.
I look around in all directions with a frown, my heart is as worried as a drunken and lazy new knot.

Two poems on Dengchui Hongting

[Song Dynasty] Zhang Yuanqian

After leaving the three Wu lands, he came back twenty years ago.
After the devastation and war, the flowers and stones stabilize the beam first.
Mountains are dark, Songjiang is raining, waves are swallowing and shaking the sky.
The boat is not making waves, the crocodile is salivating.

and Three Spring Outings

[Song Dynasty] Liao Xingzhi

After the rain, the sun will clear up, and spring enters the garden to enlighten the immortals.
is about Xi Nang's beautiful scenery, and even more beautiful flowers on the island of Qingchuan.
The head of the stick can buy you more than a hundred drunks, and you can know how to spend thousands with a smile.
Who will get a piece of Qing Kuang? He will be happy and write a poem about it.

Presented to Xu Shijun Second

[Song Dynasty] Yang Gongyuan

The Mengquan is completely clear, not to mention the dust. The moon once met in Teng Pavilion, and spring met again in Huaping.

Picking celery respects noble men, and pulling out celery suppresses and strengthens the people. I'm just afraid that Zhi Ni will call him and urge him to return to serve Zi Chen.

Lingquan Temple wrote the Huayan Comprehensive Commentary

[Song Dynasty] Zhang Shangying

The Comprehensive Commentary circulated seven volumes of scriptures, and his teachings opened the eyes of all living beings. There is no need for the goddess to add a bottle of water, there is a clear spring of its own.

Chen Decheng wrote poems after his political illness and expressed his congratulations

[Song Dynasty] Jiang Teli

went to the Ending of Endings and was so ashamed that he was so proud of it.
I am willing to serve as a mountain official, and I will not control Yiwu for three defeats.
Thoughts and dreams are separated by rivers and lakes, and the chapters of Jinxiu Shop are memorized.
If there is no disease, it will eventually be cured. How can I tolerate mediocre medicine?

times rhyme Hanchuan Fengci West Taiyi Palace four poems

[Song Dynasty] Huang Tingjian

Under the Tai altar, the clouds are yellow, and the rain master sprinkles the fragrance of dust.
The instant noodles are still covered with dew, and the golden zheng is half spitting out of the east wall.

Breaking through the Huanxi sand

[Song Dynasty] Li Xin

The bead curtain was hooked several times. He folded flowers and rode towards Yangzhou. As I grow older, I can’t bear to look back on the past.
Tao Ling is bored but happy and drunk, Maoling is sick and worried. The love of spring is everlasting, and the water flows eastward.

Tiquan Shixuan

[Song Dynasty] Hu Yin

Crossing the bridge, he suddenly met Pingchou, and the stone road was scaly and snake-backed. The entrance to the hall is surrounded by a bamboo forest, with hundreds of stacks of green jade flowers lining the outside.

is about the new novel Xiaoxuanqi, with breasts covered with grass and trees growing on the cliff. The pale teeth are as clear as a tiger's drink, and there is a pool of cold blue and clear colored glaze.

The bowl of snowflake tea is floating on the table, and I want to go away and feel cold. I left poems to remember the years, and even wrote the title of Quan Shi.

He Jiang Neighbor Ji Xuexuan and Chi Guo Tongfu two poems. One

[Song Dynasty] Liu Chang

Jun lives close to the city, and everyone is tired of the hustle and bustle. The snow is lying high, and an old friend comes to the door.

It's more refreshing, and there is no noise when talking and laughing. The window is opened to extend the cold moon, and a clear bottle is placed on the mat.

It is really fun to drink wine, and you will know how warm the fox is.

Jiangkou Oucheng

[Song Dynasty] Chen Zhu

went out and wanted to see Shao Yuntai.
The weather is fine and the boat is easy to push.
Sitting quietly, I drink water and chant the plum blossoms.
Zhouzi asked each other from afar, Jiang Chao came to the future.

Dai Cun

[Song Dynasty] Liu Chang

Ji Luyan Sui Gai, Jiang Gao belongs to early spring. I often go to Youcun alone, and silently discuss when things are going well.

The deep bamboos are still covered with snow, and the sun cliffs are already covered with fragrant grass. Mao Ci is suddenly connected, and neighbors protect each other.

people are from the Andao tribe, and the scenery is a mountain valley. Wander around and ask about the elders, or meet the real elders.

In autumn, I got a book from Wang Jiefu.

[Song Dynasty] Zhuge Geng

There is a small pavilion in a pond several acres, where he can calmly write books. There are three paths of pine and chrysanthemums opened in
, and a bottle of ginseng wine is stored.
Looking at the spring marks, the green water reaches the water, and the flying feathers are white.
Who whistles loudly at sunset, but some passers-by can’t bear to hear it.

Magnolia Slowly (Autumn Feeling)

[Song Dynasty] Li Yunzi

The west wind is early, some rain, some autumn. I remember the setting sun in the National Garden. Last year on this day, the fallen leaves were quiet in the forest. The elegies are intense in several episodes, reflecting madness, drunkenness and poetry. The regrets of Qing Dynasty merchants are easy to change, but the sentimental purple swallows are difficult to retain.
sighs. The threads of the cocoon are spinning. How can old things continue? Naiyu has a misty and melancholy mind, and returns to a long dream. He was not as good as Lao Du in his life, but just like him, he was wandering and romantic. I sent a message to the bamboo on the path of the garden, and I found a solitary boat at some point.

Reward Liu Yushu

[Song Dynasty] Shi Zichun

The clever sentences are so clever that the eyes are cold, and the subtle meaning was once difficult.
When we meet, we ask for music without strings. The wind blows into the pine trees and stops playing.

Therefore, the memorial speech of Ye Gong to the government and Xuanyi

[Song Dynasty] Han Yuanji

I don’t know the origin of my virtue, but I have a happy family today.
A famous horse has a seed that can travel a thousand miles, and a fairy osmanthus has five branches.
The colorful ribbons and chi'ao are just nourishing, and the simple car and cloud road are suddenly happy and sad.
life and death are real things, and the flowing water is gone and the smoke is empty, and the poems are good.

Partridge Sky · Ask about the spring on the branches last night

[Song Dynasty] Shi Qiweng

Ask about the spring on the branches last night. The news has been sent to Chaimen. I can't see how many beautiful things there are, and the fragrance is gone without leaving a trace. The mountains are tall and the water is sparkling. The south of the village and the north of the village are cold and ecstatic. The world does not recognize the spring breeze, and is ashamed to see the bright moonlight on the Yaotai.

At dawn, I go to the county lake to write

[Song Dynasty] Zhou Zizhi

The color of the lake is beginning to separate from Cebu, and you can hear jumping fish deep in the green cattails. One branch is like a black tree, and the five dawns are still taking advantage of others.

The old man is sitting in Cao Zhen's drama, returning home to be nostalgic but emotionally distant. If the forbidden key is not opened and the message is leaked, the residual dream is still worth mentioning.

Zhenghe Qinjiao Three Songs

[Song Dynasty] Renzong

Because the mountain is high, Yuanzhi is the first.
The jade toe is like a jade, and it is on the emperor's side.
The emperor calls me king and treats me kindly.
Just take care of it, and you will always be satisfied.

In response to two quatrains written by Li Hefu on behalf of his generation

[Song Dynasty] Huang Tingjian

The mountains and rivers sound and look clear, and the rolling curtains are waiting for the moon to bloom.
A pitiful song with a boat whistle, which expresses the feelings of farewell to old friends.

In the dream, the past events can be seen at will, and in the drunken life, the prosperity can be seen in confusion.
has a long-term romantic and annoying disease, which is not as good as being ruthless by nature.

Category tags: Missing friends, expressing feelings of depression

Send Hu Jizhao to Luling, Mengyu is granted the title of Ji Di, demoted to Xiangzhou

[Song Dynasty] Dai Xu

The signs of desolation in the ancient county are new, and the king's behavior is to pretend to be poor.
I am worried about saying goodbye to Liu Bianyu, and I will start my journey to Guangxi tomorrow.
Since ancient times, things have rarely happened as one wishes. It is better to regret not having returned home if you have extra meals.
The spring breeze may not end at the end of the world, the oak flowers bloom and the water is deep.

Mocking the fate of monks

[Song Dynasty] Hu Zhonggong

How to take advantage of the fate even more when you are outside the world.
The monk hall is pure and wealthy, and the Taoist temple is a little fairy.
Hold the alms bowl when you are full, and don’t sell the alchemy for money.
If you can control life and death, why bother asking heaven.

is sent to

[Song Dynasty] Shi Yuanzhao

The swallow leaves the nest and leaves home, and the cuckoo crows at the end of the world. I have seen all the spring things, and they are all flowers in other people's gardens.

On the thirteenth day of the seventh lunar month, there were only ten monks left in Shi Dehong's temple, and there were hundreds of monks left in the fields. Why do you often lack food and only pay half of your rent and taxes?

I lost my cloth this year, and I am sitting without cattle tools. In June the rice seedlings begin to be divided, and the river flows along the road.

The water recedes and the rice seedlings sink into the mud, and there is no rain for the whole month. The withered roots dismantle the tortoise sign, and the skinny leaves press down on the soil.

The neighbor has breakfast for breakfast, and I have quality robes and trousers. This life is food and drink, cooked in dreams.

Acizuo Jingsu, patiently endures hardships. At present, the quality is exhausted, and the father and son look at each other.

slumped down and fell asleep, unable to speak for a long time. The nectar is gone, but please hold on to it.

Night Fu

[Song Dynasty] Lu You

html In May, I know it will rain, and the wind announces that autumn is approaching.
The dark corridors are shining brightly, and the deep trees are whistling owl.
I am fortunate to pass on family affairs, but I am still worried about the country.
Although we are in harmony with each other, let's go back to my cow.

Morning walk to the west stream

[Song Dynasty] Zhang Ban

Days later, the accumulated mud gradually melted, and a new bay was opened by a small bridge.
Don't be happy because of the flying duck, and forget about the book of life.

Leave an inscription to Zen Master Lingyan Jiangong

[Song Dynasty] Zhang Huizong

Among the 5 people, Ling De lived in the high ground, and the best people in the world dominated the mountains. The Four Unique Famous Marks are clear in the world, and monks from ten directions gather among the white clouds.

The two dragon beads take care of Jingjing, and the Shuanghe Spring is used to wash the alms bowl. In the morning and evening, the reins of Li Rong are taken off, and the nature is connected to the three teachings and knocks on the Zen gate.

Hidden Pool

[Song Dynasty] Lou Key

Lingtan goes deep into the white clouds, and the spring clouds with rain open for me.
The milkstone is muddy in the air and is about to fall, and the waterfall thousands of feet high is coming from the middle.
The two armies were fighting fiercely, and the drums and drums were trembling, and a cold rain brought thunder. In
, there is Wolong Jun, don’t fight, sometimes there will be wind and thunder on the ground.

Self-Ode to Leisure

[Song Dynasty] Lu You

In his remaining years, neighbors are fortunately dependent on each other, just like the old crane returning from Liaotian.
The fish in Hepu is beautiful when it is not sparse, and the bean border is about to be dark and the pheasants are beginning to fatten.
style: Look at the bamboo when the door is close, and there are many people giving wine and it is not appropriate to dress.
likes the place where you can relax and watch the sunset, where several houses are covered with mist.

The official secret hall is Zheng Shen's issue

[Song Dynasty] Zhang Qi

Usually Taniguchi is famous, but now the market is like water.
Sima Zheng is a foreigner, and he cannot handle official affairs.
The court is built in the human environment, and the beauty of Zhongfu is my home.
Yaolin Qiongshu is outside the wind and dust, and the snow is white and the spring is full of laughter.
If you have wine among the flowers, you can escape to Zen, and you will forget yourself even when you are a guest.
In response to the imperial edict, he climbed to the Golden Horse Gate and enjoyed wandering around and chatting.
The king is sacred to Yi Zhou, and tigers and leopards cannot be left in the empty mountains.
recruits me Baiyun Ersan Zi, Dan Guanjing comes out from the public tour.

Four poems about Cherishing Begonia Flowers in the Rain

[Song Dynasty] Liao Xingzhi

Why is Dong Jun jealous of Hua Yan? He doesn't send the spring breeze to smile.
invites the heart to be full of sorrow, full of hatred in the rain.


[Song Dynasty] Hu Quan

Don’t plant lotuses when there is water. At that time, I ordered you to listen. There is no need to bring a step fork in the white battle of

The Seventh of Ten Quatrains by Xu Shilang of Shang Pingjiang

[Song Dynasty] Zeng Xie

not only seems to have done a good job in kuanping, but also rediscovers the Jian'an style in his writing. The people of the country are competing to persuade Jin Zhongyi to see the king and the holy one.

Eight Odes of Liangxi Part 3 Wen Huitang

[Song Dynasty] Li Gang

Friends and relatives talk to Hengmen, and the wine is poured into the clouds. When will I return to the three paths with wide thoughts and a bottle of heavy and detailed essays?

Five poems written by Li Yishan on willow branches

[Song Dynasty] Chen Shidao

Jiang Qingsha, the sun is warm, male ducks and female mandarin ducks.
We don’t recognize each other, and the flowers fade away in red and fragrant late.

Sending Yao Yuandao to the palace

[Song Dynasty] I thought that my colleague was suddenly separated from me, and the words he gave me became poems like ancient times. In the second year of the year, I rode on Linqi day and climbed up to Han Dynasty in August.

There is no need to sigh and listen to the song. The number of favors returned to the dynasty should be extraordinary, and the sacred side has great potential.

and Wang Jingwen. The second

[Song Dynasty] Zhang Xiaoxiang

was a gentle son and a mainstay. The main scope of the disease is different, and there are many diseases and diarrhea during the injury.

The minister slandered Jia Yi, and he owed Chang He a bad journey. There is no way to open the door, and we chat and sing songs.

Send Meng Jiazhi to Que

[Song Dynasty] Chen Geng

has been with literature and history for twenty years, and his heart becomes stronger with time. I have always been able to move with ease, but now my fame and fame are stable.

The light green desert grass is everywhere, and the distant green fingers are brushing against the stove smoke. Thousands of words should be used to guide the time and save the favor for the next nine days.

times rhyme Zhao Daofu's work of releasing fish

[Song Dynasty] Li Misun

suddenly saw a fishy city when he went out, Turing donated a grain of gold.
makes cooking delicious. Who can build a network and be closer to the pool?
The slanting wind and waves return to the tail, and the shallow horizontal sand moves the prime fin.
Don’t call it the bottom of the world. The grudges of three lives cannot be bullied.

Two Elegies of Duke Zhao of Duan Ming Wu Lai

[Song Dynasty] Liu Kezhuang

He cherished his life and looked at the shadow of the world, sighing that this person has inspired the ancient heroes.
The old man in the middle base still offers a seal, and when he goes to Sanlu, he is still a Li Sao.
Without gold, one can remain poor, and it is difficult to add a jade to a higher level.
There are several rows of tears and a bunch of cud, like the waves flying across Zhejiang.

Dragon Boat Festival Post·Emperor Pavilion

[Song Dynasty] Zhou Bida

The festival has been passed down through the ages, and Xiuxiang belongs to the holy time.
The flame picture is like the sun forever, shining brightly on Huayi.

Hexie wine

[Song Dynasty] Song Xiang

The wax feet and spring trough are so delicious and fragrant, I am so lucky to have you taste a cup.
After ten years of separation and hatred, there is no place to sell, and the monkey is drunk in the countryside.

Presented to Zhang Nanjin Erjue

[Song Dynasty] Liu Kezhuang

Han Zhenlin Kai Miao did not pass on, please pray for yourself in the Xiaoxing Year.
Gong Qing, who is a big spender, most of his poems will be accurate.

Read Zhou Zhongbi's poem about visiting friends in the snow, followed by rhyme

[Song Dynasty] Zhang Gang

rode a horse to the Tianque, wearing a few broken fox furs. Fame and fame will never end, and the sun and moon will not stay.

has always had a strong tongue and is not as good at talking. There is a place of happiness behind closed doors, and there is no need to worry about children.

An old friend sends a new poem, a scroll with a red tooth head. Working in the floating snow, who will take advantage of the excitement?

We are still in love with each other, flying in a boat all night long. How can I wait for the marquis of ten thousand households even if I am a little bit small?

Having wine and having fun together is better than traveling in poverty.

times rhyme Feng Shunzhi saw the gift

[Song Dynasty] Wang Zhuo

Liangshan looked back with sorrow and sorrow, and came to Jiangcheng to dust away the dust.
It’s really a bad idea to gargle rice wine with koji, but it’s even more idiotic to push books and brush pens.
Your voice is as old as yours, and your smiles are new when we meet.
will pour praises into the poem tube and become youthful.

Passing Tangxing Temple One

[Song Dynasty] Liu Caishao

had to resign and follow Cui Yi. How could it be consistent with the classics? The commander-in-chief split the bamboo arrows, but Xianjun refused to split the lotus clothes.

The high wind has been working hard for a long time, and the new witty words have returned. Waiting for the spring to warm up a little, we will look for Yanwu and Moss Island together.

Good things come soon

[Song Dynasty] Cai Xiang

The auspicious snow filled Kyoto, and the palaces turned into silver palaces. I often look at Su Guang in the distance, it is the season of Jiangmei.
Nowadays, cold plum blossoms can be seen on the river, and the fragrance has disappeared.Watching the fallen beauty again, I feel like it is drifting like snow.

Picking mulberries·Who will send a little desolation

[Song Dynasty] Yan Jidao

Who will send a little desolation,
into the lower eyebrows. The
painting foil is hanging down,
may have to go to bed late tonight.
The traces of the night are all over the moon in the window,
I once missed the period of my heart.
is almost like lovesickness,
is still about recording the moon in the window.

Two poems about spring in Junpu on February 1st

[Song Dynasty] Yang Wanli

In the Zhonghe Festival, it is half spring, and a breeze clears the cold and a little bit of excitement.
The haggard plum blossoms are about to fall, and the delicate apricots are beginning to multiply.

Mao Hong moved his wife to a new palace with his concubine and gave him a gift

[Song Dynasty] Zhang Ban

lived in the alley between the north and the south and happily depended on each other, so he did not have to worry about the lack of sentences in autumn. The yellow chrysanthemums are picked early in the morning, and I would rather sigh as the white clouds fly away.

It is a good idea to have a good time with the Lord of Longevity, and to have your hair cut and invite guests is not against your will. From then on, Lao Lai's clothes were filled with the fragrance of flowers in Abbot Vimalakia's room.

The true master wrote two poems about the coldness of his injured foot due to sending a hair order

[Song Dynasty] Mei Yaochen

Hearing that there were few people in and out of the mountains, he occasionally came to the stream to laugh and talk.
Yeyun no matter how thin the field robe is, the cold and thin skin accompany him back home.

Under the rhyme family, Prime Minister Lu learned how to drive a bus

[Song Dynasty] Su Che

did not recognize my emperor's dragon and phoenix seal, and all the Confucian scholars looked forward to Nanxiang for a long time.
The chariot returned to the original temple and started to move. The herons gathered in the west and were already on their way.
The governor asked a moment ago, Xianchen will come to the king in a few days.
I realized the meaning of Xi Ning when I was an official, so I came to see Kentang in person.

times rhyme Qian Xie Waiting for Autumn Huai

[Song Dynasty] Su Che

A strong heart disappears in old age, and autumn thoughts are sad but not resentful.
is pregnant with seven, so use the eclipse of ten thousand.
The rising sun is painted cleanly, and the white dew touches the grass and vines.
Search the old Chu in clothes, and accumulate new debts due to wine.
The sniper ape is in the forest, with a sad crown and a circle around the threshold.
Dreams of chasing red pine trees and eating my green rice.
It has been a long time since I returned to my heart, and I will give you some good words to persuade you.
I recently heard that Taodong general appeared, and Ma Jian came out from time to time.
King Pi is sitting and bound, and his right arm is about to be presented.
I feel ashamed that I have accomplished nothing, but it is my wish to return home.

Send two poems to Wang Baobo and Mingju Yun

[Song Dynasty] Guo Yin

I will know when I will meet, and I will feel relieved.
I and Cao are all entrusted with their fate, so don’t worry about worldly affairs.
There are trees in our homeland, but our ancestors did not have huts.
Minshan wants to hide together, but this plan is sparse.

Tiancong Cave

[Song Dynasty] Zhou Maoliang

A mysterious and mysterious god of grain, why is Dacong in the world of mortals.
There is no place in the world where there is no news. God obeys my people.

Posted three poems about Zheng Shangming's tea house

[Song Dynasty] Liu Zihui

A little spring brings back the withered flowers, and thousands of families are noisy in the cold ruins.
Phoenix cakes, dragon balls and jade food, half-heartedly entered the Qionglu.

Traveling with Chen Zaihuangbu to the Eight Heads of Lingshan to Zaiyun, we can be said to have taken a break from our busy schedule

[Song Dynasty] Chen Zao

made Yin Zheng perform his meritorious service and praised it everywhere.
leisurely Yiluoyi, this is a great way to travel.
A smile is heartwarming, and government is concerned about the people first.
Although I cherish Cai Houjing, I don't want to be Zhao Meng.

Xu Zhongyu, a native of the country, interviewed him about what he saw when he went to Shangfang Peak.

[Song Dynasty] Wang Lu

The straight wall has no kindness and locks away people, and the Xuan Palace is better than a maze.
I don’t know if Shangling has really forgotten the Han Dynasty, it will be said that Taoyuan alone avoids the Qin Dynasty.
The distant trees sway with love in the low wild meadow, and the broken clouds carry hatred in autumn.
From now on, I want you to be as brave as you, and I will accompany Wei Lang through the two worlds.

Sixteen poems titled "Dong Duanming's Fisherman Drunk in Hometown and Burning Incense" Seven poems by Fisherman One of the seven poems

[Song Dynasty] Chen Ke

Everywhere is clear sand with fishing rays, and the bathing ducks and flying herons are very close to each other. Who would have thought that things would happen in the past, just like ordinary Jianghai people.

Forty-Four Ancient Odes

[Song Dynasty] Shi Fatai

It is neither the wind nor the flag, one mountain after another.
After the rain of youth, there is nothing left. I lean on the dangerous building and look at the brake pole.

Hong Ju's father was boating to Ying and Zhang Zhongzong paid for it. During the banquet, he left a poem to say goodbye

[Song Dynasty] Wang Zhi

The clouds were low on the bank in the evening, and the moon was low, and we returned together in dreams.
Walking hides and sighs in the human environment, opening and closing depends on the secret of heaven.
The body is far away from the country, and the book is looking for the flying geese.
is a ruthless and resentful young woman, and is biased towards revealing her clothes.

Shangsi Rirui Shengyuan Xiyan was presented to all the fellows

[Song Dynasty] Zeng Gong

The northern suburbs were originally a whip, and Hualin Qingji was decorated with Confucian crowns.
Fangtang is full of spring, and dense bamboo trees are growing colder in the afternoon.
The floating gold of Liuzhu wine is chiseled down, illuminating the garden flowers and jade railings.
Your kindness makes you feel that the hills and mountains are heavy, and you can smile calmly and enjoy yourself all day long.

Bodhi Abandoned Temple

[Song Dynasty] Zhou Bi

A solitary monk lives in the wild temple, and even in the spring it is closed.
At dawn, the three boards are gone, and at dusk, the pestle is returned with a bowl.
Torreya trees hang down from the ancient house, and stone weeds grow in the secluded windows.
There is no room for travelers to rest, the trees are barren and the doves are flying in the rain.

Tianshen Festival Speech

[Song Dynasty] Chen Zao

daydream cloud Ao played Weiyang, Xuan Yu Jin recorded birthday celebration business.
The immortal battle is stopped in Jiuguangxia, and the emperor's cup is served in the sound of long live.
The phoenix in the sky provides pleasure, and the phoenix dances in the world to bring grace.
The minister is willing to follow the example of China and give blessings, and try to praise the Holy Emperor Lingchun Longevity.

Gong'an County

[Song Dynasty] Tao Bi

Enter along the embankment, and the road takes advantage of the shallow sand.
The trees are short, the clouds are uprooted, and the mountains are poor and the terrain is tilted.
It is difficult for a lonely boat to dock, and the distant water is like Shen City.
Asking for help in the middle of the night, the fire is bright in the smoke.

Partridge Sky (Xuande Hall to enjoy the lanterns, first banquet in the Plum Hall, serve in the two palaces, get drunk and account for it)

[Song Dynasty] Once met

Long Yu personally welcomed the jade chariot. There are piles of snow on the branches of Jiangmei. When the east wind comes to Shangyuan, spring comes, and golden lotuses bloom on the ground.
Soaring phoenix blows, entering the Yao cup. The intersection of the two palaces encourages harmony and harmony. From now on, if the father is kind and the son is filial, we will prepare ten thousand feasts.


[Song Dynasty] Zhao Dingchen

At dawn, the horse is about to hit the sun. When your eyes are full, why do you think your stomach is empty? But my love for flowers is not complete, and I look for the remaining red under the Tangli tree.

Huaitanxi’s former residence

[Song Dynasty] Zhu Xi

recalled living in Tanxi for forty years, and there were countless beautiful peaks in front of the windows. Although it is not surrounded by mountains and water, it has warm winters and cold summers.

Thousands of bamboos are scattered around the house, and there is a cold spring next to the cliff. Who taught me that I had lost my plan and moved east to Miao? I lay exhausted by the west window and the sun was full of rivers.

Li Xitai retreated to poetry and praised

[Song Dynasty] Yue Ke

used to retreat from the hidden heart and invited Qiu He to the old man.
singing and remuneration, the meaning is enough to test.
I am tired of my wings, so I should know how to return them.
is awe-inspiring, but the common people are climbing.

The ten poems of Mr. Liu in the left history of Houyue use two lines of Xiangyang poems to line up with Zangjian. The advanced and retreat methods of the late festival are rhymed by the ancestors. His ten

[Song Dynasty] Cheng Gongxu

was trapped in the wind and dust with rice, and was shy and old. Sighing the hardships of fighting, it is still a blessing for the people to leave.

Yiyi Kongqiang dream, pat Qinshuichun. With the wind from thousands of miles away, I went to ask about it.

Two poems about Zheng Ang's uncle Gui's mother, Mrs. Cai

[Song Dynasty] Wang Mai

Jiangman talks about the days, and Xiongwan suffers from the pain.
went to the hall many times to worship and kissed his mother, the teacher.
Every time I admire the joy of Xuan Tang, now I am sad.
We share the same orders throughout our lives, and weep together in the poems of Polygonum scutellariae.

Early Journey to the Snow Valley

[Song Dynasty] Yuji

Chaimen is surrounded by snow, and pedestrians leave the village a little. You may encounter tigers at the head of the stream, but you will not hear apes at the end of the tree.

Connect the stack back to the mountain pavilion, and the branch bridge is the root of the tree. Driving up Chongban, I looked back to see Chaotun.

Climbing the Yanqing Buddhist Pavilion uses three poems of suburban rhyme

[Song Dynasty] Wu Qian

The distant peaks and nearby peaks seem to be connected in a ring, with green rows of green reaching in front of you.
can be saintly or virtuous, the mulberry wine falls, the chrysanthemum sky is neither cold nor warm.
swallows the lake and the sea, and criticizes the jade cicada.
This guest should not be owed anything when he is seated, so why should he be surprised when he meets someone?

Living Man's Song

[Song Dynasty] Shi Yinsu

The great Holy Spirit experiences Pu'an Yuan and spreads the spirit to meet the fate.
Confidence purifies and enlightens the mind, eliminating all diseases and relieving karma.
Manjusri style, wrapped in Samantabhadra and
living songs wrapped in cash immortality. The king of medicine has no other skills in medicine,
Bian Que and Sun Zhen have the same words. Take it in three doses and boil
in clean water. Do not let the smell of blood contaminate your heart.
All things are my body in form, but I can resolve my grievances by practicing kindness.
has no thoughts inside and no destiny outside. Why should
be passed down later? The body and mind are originally diamond bodies, and
does not understand that the mind is entangled by karma. The medicine is gone, the heart is full and the moon is full. When I believe, the Buddha is alone in the Western Heaven.
is available to everyone everywhere, and this spiritual source is incomparable in the world.
removes the stain of sin and gets rid of hundreds of grievances,
relieves the fainting and makes the sky bright and righteous. Believe that it is not me who is sick,
Master Vimalakia smiles and sleeps. If all living beings are sick, I will not be disturbed. If all living beings are not healthy, I will recover from their illnesses.
Who dares to teach the best method? The golden-haired master reveals his whole body.
Quickly administer medicine to resolve worldly fate,
Mo Xuequn is as blind as a saint. Randomly respond to the difficulty,
is easy to use and does not cost any money.


[Song Dynasty] Li Zhiyi

Jinrouhuo Lao,
wants to avoid the place for a few days.
Who can borrow the wind from the eaves,
locks the fragrance,
is stunned and clear.
Yao-level beads are built,
is like a film meeting a golden grate,
outside the running water,
before the flowers fall,
how can it be done by humans.
is like Lin Panyu, and
’s laughter is all true.
is melancholy about the people by the moon,
is riding on the clouds, where is
Where the string is in the throat,
feels the old sound of emptyness,
orchid is easy to rest,
hate is too long,
the soul is broken.

The poem "Three Snows" uses the prefix rhyme to express the three words

[Song Dynasty] Xiang Anshi

The moon is thicker than that of Shu, and a good year heralds peace. How charming is the flying piece of
? It is too rough to fall.
Xue Feng collapses and gains momentum, and the shaman ape makes a lonely sound.
There are no pigs crossing the Bingxi River, but there are people walking on the woodcutting road.
There is no road in Baxia, but there seems to be a god in Pengshan Mountain.
The sky and the earth are mixed together, and the light helps the sun and stars to be new.
opens up the world and wastes ninety springs.
After a few days behind closed doors, people will be killed and swallowed by hunger.

The stream is condensed with blue and blue and merges with the two rivers, and the pavilion is in front of thousands of rocks and ravines. Washing stones, I think about clearing diseased teeth. Who can listen to the flowing spring while leaning on the harp? The north ridge of Yun - DayDayNews

Although the
human figure is laughable, my love for escape Zen is too crazy.
The cherry blossoms and bamboo shoots have long forgotten to enter the province in the morning, and the water shield perch is still happy to return to its hometown.
The history of tea is endless, and there is no time to devote to the battlefield.

Two poems about the Huanggong River and Sea Pictures of Guanjian Mountain Part 2: Sea

[Song Dynasty] Fang Yikui

passed the river and walked to the East China Sea, without rest day and night. Alas, the vortex in this plate neither grows long nor exhausts.

The sun and the moon are in the middle of the sky, and they appear and disappear in Yanshuang. The waves lift Fu Xu, which is higher than the snow on Shuo Mountain.

The mirage spits out the tower, and the dragon protects the cave. If Hai didn't praise in vain, Feng Yi would be willing to suffer.

I heard that the Three God Mountains are like a silver palace. Then it went away with the long wind, starting from Mingbo.

If Fang lives his life, he will explore the moon under the sea. When I sit and wait for the Qing Dynasty, I will come back without my hair.

Ten Explanations of Qiu Yu Sigh

[Song Dynasty] Yang Wanli

The yellow flowers under the fence hate him the most, with less fragrant gold and more tears.
Immortal mend the leakage of the Milky Way. What can we do if there is no mud in the sky?

Everyone knows how to play the flute

[Song Dynasty] Mei Yaochen

Yu Shun has gone to Cangwuye, and the Qin girl Qin Luan has never returned.
Xiao Guan is not understood in the world, and there are few capable people in the Imperial Music Department.
I want to buy a little servant girl and give it a try. Who knows who the teaching workshop will be dedicated to?
Yan Shiwengong came here and advised him to be strong and pick up a lowly student.
Naihu sat sideways and played a song, and Gu Dunxitang dismounted in surprise.
My wife can't hear it in her boudoir, but the girl is smiling coquettishly from behind the curtain.
didn't dare to listen more and sent him back, giving him a single cup of drink to drink.


[Song Dynasty] Li Shi

I used to be in Dongting, and the white waves were as big as a house.
Water and sky meet each other, and the axis of heaven is dimly immersed.
The boat was pitching and the canopy was dizzy.
suddenly found an island and wanted to go liveaboard.
Xigui was shocked and washed his hands with mud.
The East Lake is a piece of land, and the river veins are flowing there.
The mist and rain are swallowing up each other, and several seats are dyed in the lake.
There are red and white flowers in Tingzhou, and there are swimming ducks and ducks.
is spreading all over the world, and there is no time to compete with Wu and Shu.
I am horrified by the current situation of the world, and the storms are calm.

is like a cousin who returned to Qiantang before the age of about 10 years. I will send him poems when I miss him.

[Song Dynasty] Li Misun

Snow and mud break the road and the house is filled with clouds. I sit in the dark in Lingyang in the spring of January.
The yellow dog has knowledge and empty space to express hatred, and the blue felt has no dreams and only hurts the mind.
The urgent trip has already failed the plum blossom promise, and I am getting older and longing for the calyx kiss.
absorbs all the words from the West Lake, don't abandon the love and pay for the new.

Ten Luling Yuefu poems, six of them

[Song Dynasty] Guo Xiangzheng

Under the courtyard, there are quiet flowers and cold mist, and there is no trace of the golden duck's cold smoke. I leave you and my concubine rides the red luan. I look across the three mountains and find no place.

I don’t have to do heavy lifting to tunes, and I can’t dance with my long sleeves hanging empty. Wake up and worry about sending spring away, who will the independent setting sun talk to.

There is a Buddhist scholar who used Zen to commemorate the remaining ones. This picture is the current prince-in-law Li Gong

[Song Dynasty].
stars gather together in the world, and the moon is in the middle circle.
refers to whoever is marking the instructions, and the heart is silently passed on.
Only when you answer Adu, you will end up forgetting the trap.

Canglang Pavilion

[Song Dynasty] Pu Shoucheng

The peach blossoms bloom in the morning, and the willows hang in the mist in the spring.
asks where the boat goes after getting off the bridge.

Passing Fayun Temple

[Song Dynasty] Wang Anshi

Passing by Chaogou Bajiu Pan, the snow ridge is hidden in the clouds.
The golden mother-of-pearl is the old man, and the green mountains are even colder.

Winter Miscellaneous Ode

[Song Dynasty] Zhu Shuzhen

Love the sun and warm the washing field, and the old farmer destroys Qingshikang.
The water rushes the rhyme and beats the remaining rain, and the strong wind brings the sunset with the sound of shackles.
The frost and tiles in the morning deprive the wine of its power, and the cold moonlit night stimulates the poet's heart.
I am tired of having no emotions towards the scenery, and I only put the plum blossoms aside for makeup.

Good things are coming soon (Yan Feng's birthday)

[Song Dynasty] Wang Zhidao

The autumn colors come to Dongli, and the golden chrysanthemums are fragrant. I would like to borrow the floating table in advance for long-term blessings.
Crab claws are like arms and wine is like mian, orange and half yellow and green. Sing some of my new words and listen to the silk and bamboo in front of you.

Xiaogushan (commonly referred to as sister-in-law, with a statue of the Holy Mother Temple on it)

[Song Dynasty] Wu Zhe

The middle-class jade is unparalleled, and the powerful vassals in the sea are separated from each other.
The most beautiful incense often blocks the sun, and the beautiful pavilion does not hide the clouds.
The solitary root is dark and straight, the dragon lives in the house, and the bird seal script is spread horizontally.
I want to maintain my boat in the bright moon and play drums and harp for the gods to wait for the king of Xiang.

Shuangxiyue Huzhou Jia Yun, an old and young prostitute, is famous as Shuangxiyue

[Song Dynasty] Su Shi

Shuangxiyue. The clear light illuminates the double lotus leaves. Double lotus leaves. The red heart is not even, the green clothes are knotted.

Dream work

[Song Dynasty] Lu You

Wealth praises people who will retire after death, and every mediocre person looks for a title.
Reading has always shown the face of the ancients. Love of righteousness always precedes worries about the world.
Why not buy a calf with a knife when you go alone, but you need a calf with a calf for a big meal.
All heroes will achieve success quickly, and they will live up to the success of the Hundred-foot Tower in the Clouds.

Feeling nostalgic after hearing the drum horns

[Song Dynasty] Lu You

The drums are bumpy, the horns are whining, the four drums are about to be exhausted, and the fifth drum is beginning. The old eyes are as sleepless as a fish, sitting up on the pillow with tears in their eyes.
I have read thousands of books in my life, and I don’t know Chengming House.
At that time, there were many talented ministers and corrupt Confucians, and they neglected their loyalty and policies.
If you want to reveal your loyalty, you will be punished by death.
Thunder is willing to regain its width for a moment, Xu Chen pointed to Chen Yu's map.
Hundreds of millions of survivors look forward to Laisu.
Art Ancestor is destined to be punished by heaven, but Huang Ming dares to make false accusations like the sun.
I bowed my hands and begged for the gift of two feet in length. The smoke and dust of the Central Plains were swept away, and the dragon boat returned to the Eastern Capital from Bian.

Seven miscellaneous chants on the Yanling Road

[Song Dynasty] Hong Zikui

The fine grass protects the sand continuously, and the wind and the rain disperse it and collect it.
When the wheat in the mountains and fields is ripe, it will not return, and the river for three hundred miles is filled with sorrow.

Zaihe Tao Yun

[Song Dynasty] Su Ying

was a virtuous person who never left the world, and later he was willing to hand over his power.
Mysterious hair changes as soon as it happens, and I feel that this time has faded.
's heart is extremely vulgar, and Taihua is not as high as it is.
Niushan is looking for an ax, when will it be solved?
Zhongni hired people from all over the world, but he didn't realize that he was tired all day long.
The righteousness of kings and ministers in ancient and modern times is more important than dryness.
The emperor's providence is as good as pure pottery.
Clear springs and golden flowers make the common people hungry and thirsty.

Eighteen verses

[Song Dynasty] Shi Shi's style

roughly brings out the lotus to pray, and Ji Chu wears dung sweeping clothes.
picked up the Shaolin holeless flute, looked left and right and played at both ends.
's voice is slow and patted at random, although there are many listeners and few listeners.
The song is played over and over but I can’t stop it. Who will know more after I know the music.

In the evening of Anguo, I drank in Kuixuan and the rhyme was formed into the word

[Song Dynasty] Zhang Shi

Tung blossoms are in the cold March, and the city is full of wind and rain.
makes you drunk at night, and you can ride thousands of horses over your life.
's famous talk about Cebu is full of elegance and solitary clouds.
Look at the wonderful ink with a scolding, and the laughter is all poetry.
characters are like this, you all rely on the main alliance.
even called the guests from the south to share this bottle of wine.
Love me The bamboo in the garden has a square and majestic head.
will always cherish the beauty of ice and snow, and would rather return to the secular world. The new chapter of
is a piece of cake, but nothing is enough.
Original text: I would like to be a feudal lord, and I will be prosperous at the end of the year.

and Chizhou Professor Chen's two rhymes

[Song Dynasty] Wu Fu

usually loves to recite poems wildly, and is ashamed of not being a master.
's wonderful sentences can be seen in rhythm, and in good times, it's even better to see the light.
Jiangwei will stay in Sanchu for the time being, Danbi is about to die.
Don't seek speed for glory, in the end fame belongs to men.

Presented to Wu Shaoqing when he entered the mountain

[Song Dynasty] Shi Jingduan

Friends came to visit each other and entered Chaiguan. The clouds and water were wide and the streams were cold. Mo Daoshan's family has no one to look forward to, and the old pine trees and bamboos are all there for you to look at.

He Zheng and Yan Lingjun Yun

[Song Dynasty] Zhu Jifang

got the name of the county just over a hundred years ago. Who was the official in the past? Xiaotong is quite far away from Yushan City, but officials are very close to Jigu Village.

Passers-by should not complain about the cold news in the kitchen, because the family is happy that their salary is light. But I am worried that I will go to the sky tomorrow and I will not be able to eat until the fifth watch.

and Wu Shuitian Guangwen

[Song Dynasty] Wang Song

It was sunny and not cloudy for ten days. This year, the Qing Emperor loves people deeply. Look at the flowers without leaving the contents of the cup, flatter the tomb and hide the gold at the bottom of the box.

A man of great talent and talent, he groans even though he is old and healthy! When will we be able to clarify our ambitions and become independent and desolate?


[Song Dynasty] Song Xian

The light mist wants to hide the twilight blue, and the first resentment of the broken clouds is mistaken for the red.
I am miserable at the moment when a thousand branches are dead, but I am worried about one empty tree at the end of the day.
Foreign guests will surely enjoy the banquet after hearing about it, and the brocade curtain will always be used to protect the spring.

Rhyme Tours to Longmen Shijue

[Song Dynasty] Hong Zikui

did not mention the long sword to cut the river dragon, but he repaired the pole to catch the sea turtle.
Even though I am old and have no achievements, I still promise myself that two mountains of peaches are flowing in a stream.

Read the biography of retreat

[Song Dynasty] Shu Bangzuo

Retreat twenty-eight, Sanshang Prime Minister's Book.
In the evening, Wang Tingkuo scolded the Buddha and warned him about crocodiles.
When you are young and strong, you can try and see what happens.
Scholars should be raised like this, holding Ling Taixu together.

Hema Temple Cheng sent Mr. Mingfu in autumn

[Song Dynasty] Shi Jie

The autumn shade closes the autumn colors, where is the sadness.
There is an old man named Fu Yanyin, who in the Ming Dynasty has a pale mane.
A few boxes of remaining books are infested with beetles, and the cold chrysanthemums are half deserted.
Only those who study the Spring and Autumn Period go to the thatched cottage from time to time.

Title Jingyuan Wall

[Song Dynasty] Xue Zhongyong

It has been six years since Zhaoti, and the clouds and mist in the mountains and rivers are still there. Don't be lazy and useless, claiming that fame can be whipped.

Ye Ji's move, the scholar's special singing and the rhyme for the reason

[Song Dynasty] Liu Zihui

After being separated and separated, it was difficult to meet.
Drinking wine is offered at the beginning of the night, and poems are written on the spring grass.
Although the traveling eunuch is disgusted, he is famous for his talent and is expected by everyone.
should not be with tired wings, lonely in love with Nazhi.

Chen Qiao Bieyinzhi

[Song Dynasty] Liu Chang

Rou is far away, drinking ice is peaceful and caring for the family. Jing Hui resigned from Bei Que, and Yuan Xi was born with brilliance.

The water dries up and the rain stops, and the strong wind stirs the sand. There are so many carriages, and there are inscriptions on them.

Zhang Hou was a lifelong relative, and their friendship was solid. I feel sorry for you and my ambition is generous, and you care about me as far as the end of the world.

Stay in the water pavilion, talk at dusk and see the morning glow. A hundred miles is already far away, and my heart is not far away from the clouds.

I am from the east and the west, how can I keep my nose? Zhou Yuan is so ashamed that he dare not pay tribute to him again.

Send Shao Buyi to banish Shaowu

[Song Dynasty] Mei Yaochen

is not sorry to move to a distant place, but it is a pity that it is not too late to leave.
The laws of the country are not important, but the king is kind.
Feihong Because of the heavy rain, the cold leaves are not in danger of frost.
There are many new brews on the river, and there are bamboo fences everywhere.

Reward for Zhuxi Chen Shijun's new poem Mo Mei Zhichu

[Song Dynasty] Chen Qi

Thousands of miles away, the Pisces Biancaotang, the central Tibetan ring is shining at different nights.
The east pavilion increases nostalgia for prosperity, and the glory before the shadow falls does not send incense.
Four rhymes don't praise Mao Yingqi. I have missed Shouyang makeup several times.
feels that the public will has been exceeded and the money is given, and is ashamed of the lack of Qiong Ju Zhan Bao Xiang.

Three verses One

[Song Dynasty] Shi Keqin

The golden duck is fragrant and sells the brocade curtains, and he is helped home drunk by the shengs and songs. A romantic affair in youth is something that only the beautiful woman can know about alone.

Send Liusi Shu's Chaling

[Song Dynasty] Liu Zihui

hurriedly grabbed the saddle, leaving the wine cup full and unable to enjoy it.
Travelers thousands of miles away from Xiaoxiang are worried about being far away, and there is a sound of spring coming to an end.
Now that you have left your official career, your achievements will be more evident.
I seem to have heard that the shogunate has a lot of wonderful paintings, so that he can take advantage of his majesty to attract the emperor.

Two elegy poems by Su Caiwen Part 2

[Song Dynasty] Han Wei

The marriage in Yishi was old, and Kundi traveled throughout his life. Every chapter makes me sit up in shock, and I forget my worries while talking and laughing.

No longer holding the cup of happiness, empty space can help the happiness. The character in the desolate basket is swaying to see the silver hook.

On Four Popular Poems

[Song Dynasty] He Geng

He is unscrupulous when he invades my realm, and I will not be able to argue with him for long.
Don't praise who is weak or strong when giving him three feet of land.

Partridge Sky

[Song Dynasty] Ge Changgeng

The rain passes over the mountains and the flowers bloom in the evening. The tobacco smoke is empty and the green willow trees are dim. Who was Ge Ge in Dan Zao in the old home? Today Lao Huang is in Lianquan.
rhinoceros horn pillow, ivory bed. The coconut heart-woven mat makes it cool during the day. How can I be drunk without thinking about the cup? I don’t realize that the sun and the moon are long.

Answer and Wu Chuanzheng's two poems praising goodness and sending them to King Gaoyang's Thirteen Jiyi. The second part

[Song Dynasty] Shao Yong

Yue Jing is not sick, and he has a good heart after leisure. Those who strive for success will live in harmony with the world.

In the evening, I went to Jingyuan Pavilion with two poems

[Song Dynasty] Yang Wanli

had just finished writing in the evening, and went to Gaoting to temporarily open his eyes.
A flock of wild ducks suddenly startled, and they must know that there is a boat coming from the back of the city.

Jianye Restaurant was completed and pre-lit.

[Song Dynasty] Liu Guo

Tall buildings that have been hundreds of feet long have been destroyed, and the layout is magnificent again.
Shengs and songs are played all night long, and the flutes and drums are played in the sky to bring back the spring.
There are many people waving thousands of yi, and we have only one cup when we come here.
The prosperous capital of Beijing is happy to see you again, and it is even more pleasant to be drunk when you are old.

Read the collection of Han officials immediately

[Song Dynasty] Ancestor Wuzhi

drove Lei {left volume and right force} on an expedition, and the ruler and basket were also languid. However,
has to be edited and read, and it still teaches people how to behave,
Confucian tweets are flowing freely, and poems are made by Xu Mengjiao.
The lingering taste is like a big soup.

Sent from Di Yuantang One

[Song Dynasty] Yang Bangyi

In the past, I also admired cultivating mulberry trees, and my sophistication drove people to rise from the north window. Last night, I had a surprise encounter after returning from a dream. Sheep Qiu and Xue were fishing in the Dongjiang River.

Instant Six Jue

[Song Dynasty] Wang Yan

Common people eat vegetables and follow the circumstances, and take cypress smoke when sleeping.
I want to lean on the rope bed and pick up the white whisk. Who can really understand the mystery of the meaning?

The fourteenth night of the moon

[Song Dynasty] Yeluzhu

The autumn wind is coming, and the clouds are rolling in the river and Han Dynasty. Looking at the bottom of the sea in the distance, a golden mirror flies out.

Although it is not very round, the osmanthus is bright and translucent. Stop the cup to see the clear light, and write a new poem.

The attentive toast belongs to Chang'e, don't stop the fun at night in the South Tower.

Rewarding Judge Wang and Nine Days Rhyme

[Song Dynasty] Chen Fuliang

What a handsome young man, with a title of gold and a poor mountain but a small age.
I spend the day alone with my poems, not knowing the shadow of the plum trees under the window screen.


[Song Dynasty] Qiu Chuji

The cycle of the sun and the moon has no definite end. As spring passes and autumn comes, there will be many prosperity and decline. Thousands of sacrifices were made to the Five Emperors and Three Emperors. It's like this every time it prospers and then falls. Death, life, and death. Reincarnation changes, when will it end? There is no resting place.

Han Xiao Sigh

[Song Dynasty] He Zhu

The poor moonlight barely shines on the empty bed.
has no dreams, and is even more sad tonight.

The stream is condensed with blue and blue and merges with the two rivers, and the pavilion is in front of thousands of rocks and ravines. Washing stones, I think about clearing diseased teeth. Who can listen to the flowing spring while leaning on the harp? The north ridge of Yun - DayDayNews

Ten shepherd boy songs. One of them

[Song Dynasty] Pu Shoucheng

The lotus hat has a small green head, and the calf rides on a buffalo. Raise the whip to make a roar, and cross the Long River again by the ditch.

rd rhyme Zhang Yinglong saw a long sentence

[Song Dynasty] Wang Anzhong

lived deep in the west mountain of Tingke Tan, with mountains and hills growing on the tip of his tongue. The shape of the mountain is imaginable, but the guest interest is beyond comprehension.

There is no rhyme in Zhangying's empty space, and the dream is about the mountain stream and the waves. But with the cloud roots and all the green leaves, it is placed in the room of Mao Ying and Tao Hong.

The guest's sincerity competes with the beauty of the mountain, and the haze is full of leisurely words. I am also a non-common person, so I split half of the mountain to return with you.

The third chapter of Yuegu, the king of Wangzhi Palace,

[Song Dynasty] Bai Yuchan

Last May, the wind was blowing, and I was on the top of Fangying Mountain.
Seeing my floating movements and expressions, I have poems to express my sorrow for separation.
If I had known that I would return to immortality so quickly, I would have regretted staying for a few days.
On the day when Mr. Dao returned, it was the Mid-Autumn Festival on thousands of shores and valleys.

After the Snow in the West Lake

[Song Dynasty] Zhao Fan

walked to the lake to pick up the bamboo shoots, his eyes were like painted screens.
The plum blossoms are smiling in the wind again, and there are also experts who are as old as before.

Send Ouyang Yingzhong to Hunan to pay a visit to Qingcao

[Song Dynasty] Zeng Feng

Several times, his feet were light because of his kindness, but he did not satisfy his kindness.
No matter who looks at the white-faced scholar, the messenger in embroidered clothes will be sentimental.
I wish the mountains will be clean after the melting rain, and the water will be clear when Pengli comes in autumn.
Clean up and return home the gold and jade, and call me a high school student from the canal.

Send Zhang Shengfu Thirty Rhymes

[Song Dynasty] As strong as

html Qin Yong, a 5-year-old guest, was not generous in his vulgarity.
There are many friends traveling in front of us, but the outside is the same but the inside is different.
is best suited to Zhang Ziwan, who is soft and strong at first sight.
has been my brother for ten years, which is not because of his strength.
is directly related to the old age of father and brother, and is strong in the third century.
Zi's first doctor, he studied Yuhang in the past.
When I was young, I took him as a boy and went to the court.
Zhong's brother is Ya Yuya, and his classmate is Lizhou Xiang.
rows of couplets sitting and receiving seats are no different from the flying geese.
At this time, you are still a child, even if you remember this, you will forget it.
Go and live in the north and south, and hide in different places in the middle.
Later, I married my brother Jun, and sent tribute from the countryside to the imperial township.
was surprised and suspicious at first when we met, and asked Xu Nai for details.
In the same year, he became a Jinshi, and he is now a provincial minister again.
Yiyu discussed the good contract, but now he is gray.
Yesterday, you untied your troops from Gu, and went eastward with the recommendation chapter.
returns to the old woman's house, the spring breeze turns to the autumn frost.
I'm lucky enough to live in a room opposite each other, with wine calling across the wall.
is still very familiar with the business, and there is no light at all.
Walk across the bridge by the moon and watch the fishermen standing back to the pond.
The poems are sung over and over again, and the towel box is accumulated a little.
Since Xu Xian gained fame, I know that I am still passionate.
said that he is still in ruins, so he doesn’t think I’m crazy.
In ancient times, it was called Guan Baojiao, and we have been looking at each other for thousands of years.
Resign me and return to Yundong, I can't sit still in my bed.
The sun sets over Bianshui River, making it unnavigable for a longer time.
Yongdong abandons the countryside, and it will be desolate for a long time without treatment.
Brother Jiangnan is in urgent need of help.
diligently rolled up his sleeves and forced himself to keep a bottle of wine.
Why do you want to say goodbye? When the chrysanthemum has a fragrance.

Zhengyan Tianxueshi Kuang Shuyan went to Xiang to offer wine and listen to the bamboo planted in Beixuan.

[Song Dynasty] Song Qi

In the past, the Xiangxuan was exhausted, and the bamboo was in Beitangxuan.
The officials are diligently immersed in water, and the lonely roots are slowly growing.
On the 7th, Yan came to the official position and forgot about the noise of the world.
The moon is shadowed by the sea at night, and the wind is blowing in the morning.
Last year, the master denounced him and slandered him as Huai Fan. Later,
became popular, but I didn’t dare to announce it if I wanted to blame it.
Fortunately, observing the wisdom of the time, he was granted the title of Shi En.
Traveling thousands of miles away, we can learn from each other far away.
is in a bad situation now and will return at a different date.
million screens are cut, don’t let Gu Yuyan speak.

Song Jiang Thirty-Six Likes

[Song Dynasty] Gong Kai

flies and eats meat, so majestic.
A stranger in Yuguan will not hurt your appearance.

sarcastic thirteen

[Song Dynasty] Liu Chang

Beneficial friendships are mutually beneficial, and righteous friendships are mutually beneficial. A thousand years old is like a twilight, but thousands of miles are still close at hand.

I heard about each other in the past, but I didn’t think we knew each other. Now we travel together, but I hate that we can’t help each other.

At the same time, he became the same Taoist, the same official and the same nationality. I have made new friends throughout my life, but I also cherish my promise.

My son is the prefect, and I am a guest here. Although the number is sparse, there should be no deeds.

Wu Yi's eleven poems

[Song Dynasty] White Jade Toad

After the rain, there are several piles of autumn moss, and at sunrise there are thousands of golden clusters of sunflowers.
roared at the scenery, and the wild apes cried in shock.

The son of Zhao Guozhou was able to write large characters in the fourteenth year of his life. Guozhou sent poems from Jingnan to the calligraphy and painting of the life book.

[Song Dynasty] Wang Shipeng

Zizheng should be well-known throughout his life, so he should have an heir named Qingfen. I can read thousands of volumes, but I can only get eight points in literacy.

young people have a good view of the country, and Zhang Wujun's poems can come true. Xiaoyu lives in Tianlu in the future, with jade leaves and golden branches containing clouds.

Feast at Lijiayuan Pavilion on March 6th

[Song Dynasty] Yu Liangneng

The forest garden passed Yuansi, and the flowing water flowed around the fragrance.
is slightly faint and half looking for shadow, sweet and refreshing like a fan of wind.
The flowers on the cup and plate are in the air, and the birds on the pillow are singing.
Young Master respects his guests, the moon is bright and the bottle is not empty.


[Song Dynasty] Chu Yong

The first half of the Gongyao stage spits out the flowers, and the exposed branches have already entered the noble family.
is not as good as the nameless grass in the garden, which blooms once the spring breeze blows.

Seven Poems on the Beginning of Spring

[Song Dynasty] Liu Kezhuang

has preserved five thousand old poems and added three hundred households to praise the new ones.
The official score is better than the hairpin, and the monk sends black fuel to warm his body.

After rain and clear weather, we stay overnight in Shitang and offer sacrifices to Dazhong.

[Song Dynasty] Huang Tingjian

A long rainbow hangs down to the ground like a seal character, and a clear crotch sticks into the sky like a painting screen.
The plowman is carrying a hoe to untie the mantle, and the fisherman is drying the net and throwing in a bamboo basket.
I am feeling nostalgic when I hear the flute in Ziqi, and the fireflies gather outside the window when I am in the carriage.
Lying alone in Xiao Zhai, there is no moon. Late at night, I can still hear the sound of reading.

Guo Xikeng

[Song Dynasty] Yang Wanli

Where is the wet cloud when there is no dry wind? If you can't blow it, just help him.
Wild water falls into the stream and crab eyes appear, and it takes a long time.


[Song Dynasty] The left latitude

tender reds rush to the branches, how many east winds ask for my reward. The beauty of spring makes it easy for people to grow old, and the time is like a guest who leaves but is hard to stay.

Good times often turn into hatred, and I am afraid that the fragrant mash will overwhelm me with sorrow. Put gold into the wine cup, and the catkins have been flying all over the city.


[Song Dynasty] Liu Bian

plows and hoees to make room for the morning rain, and should catch the east wind when there is no time.

Cambodian Chen Nanyuan

[Song Dynasty] Weng Sen

Since ancient times, sages and philosophers have been lucky to many villages.
The road of life is bent, and it is difficult to rub the chest.
I wake up late at night, and my worries are not about poverty.
We look at each other and work hard, Xu Zai pursues the ancients.

Send Commander Hong off to the palace

[Song Dynasty] Wu Yong

once remembered that Jialing shared a boat together, and the wind on the river was full of autumn flowers again.
We haven't seen each other for three years, and we have ten things to say but nine have rested.
The Huai River is turbid, and the journey is uncertain and the clouds are sad.
Fengming has gone to the morning sun, and the rain has wetted the tower.

Ten poems from Dunze Picture Scroll when asked

[Song Dynasty] Wang Bai

The vast universe is vast, and the broken mountains are slightly visible.
is quite exciting, but my path is very difficult.

times rhyme In the same year, Yang Shijun returned from Piling and saw the gift in the boat on Panshi Lake. The third

[Song Dynasty] Fan Chengda

took the wind to cross Beizhu, and saw the fog in the western mountains. The sleeves are too thin for the emerald green, and the cup is too shallow for the cold gold.

It is easy to collect the rain in the night, but it is difficult to remove the rain in the spring. Let's stay here for a long time, and be willing to go to Su Duan.

Three Poems of the Huai Family

[Song Dynasty] Dai Xiu

sent hundreds of books in three years, and a few books came to my house.
I came home in a dream last night and saw my old wife crying.

Feilai Lake in Western Hunan

[Song Dynasty] Shi Dehong

The servant girl scattered smoke in the martial arts forest, and there is a solitary snail bun on a peak. The smoke and clouds have strange shapes, and the gorgeous trees never wither in autumn.

Why did Li Gong come and see the Xuanxuan Canal? It is said that this Lingjiu Peak has been flying for a long time.

html There is a white ape among the 5, who calls out for his son. Even now, when I call Yuanyuan Stream, the flying waves jump and the broken beads dance.

When I came to the south of Chu State, thousands of mountains competed for the trend. There is a horizontal pond in Jinglu, so you can take care of your eyebrows and whiskers in the clear water.

A master of martial arts, he came from Soochow. Who knows that to the west of the Xiang River, there is Feilai Lake.

The rows are full of autumn colors, and the small boats are hiding wild cattails. When you are free, you can lean on the dangerous threshold and stand against a gull as bright as a gull.

The color of Xiangfeng and I are both worthy of painting.

With the title of Chen Qi, Yingfu Yuanxuan

[Song Dynasty] Zhang Lei

The east wind blows the noodles and wine in the cup, and the plum blossoms and willows are new after wax.
The lingering snow remains in the cold mountains towards the evening, and the mist does not move in the wild spring.
left Beijing and Luo as a luxurious place, and Sichuan led Qin and Han to conquer the dust.
Don't ask about ancient and modern times, it is naive to just indulge in intoxication.


[Song Dynasty] The two peaks of Wushan

do not come out of the clouds, and the spring clouds are spread over ten miles. There are gulls flying on the water, and parrots complaining in front of the curtain.

The flowers are not fragrant when they are cold, and there is no improvement in monthly thinness. Don't say it's sunny in the mountains nearby, but it's still raining in the distance.


[Song Dynasty] Dong Sigao

The mountainside slips out of the distant peaks, cutting off the greenery of the West Lake.
Die Zong has been hanging around the monks for a long time, and sencha was offered to the Imperial Academy.
The heart of the pavilion is covered with rain and painted with red phoenixes, and the stone mouth is filled with clouds and sprays of jade dragons.
On what day the stars will fly like angels, I don’t know who will lead the Nirvana Sect.

Lean on a stick to show Zi Xun

[Song Dynasty] Lu You

We have been with each other for forty years, and our friendship remains long-lasting.
is located on Minjiang Road in Wuxia Gorge in the west and reaches the Wei River in Qishan in the north.
has long since returned to play with the spring stone, and the old man is still walking slowly through the wind and smoke.
, together with the begging bag and Zen version, will be passed down to future generations.

Night Boating (made during Zhang's nephew's wedding)

[Song Dynasty] Ge Cube

Shu embroidery hanging in the hundred-foot carved hall. Outside the bead curtain, there is a beautiful jade garden. Famous people tune the tripod, play the virtuous flute, and predict the new emperor and emperor.
Silver leaves add fragrance to sleeves. The golden cup is full of longevity wine. Happy to move the Toad Palace, auspicious ecological tent, should be after Xijun returns.

Open the wall and put a window, which is called Yuanxuan. The second

[Song Dynasty] Chen Yuyi

sat in the Nanxuan at dawn, looking at the top of the mountain. How can lay people be so foolish? The flying clouds have not yet ceased.

You are so far away from the vulgar world, and you don’t have to worry about it in troubled times. If you know the disasters of hundreds of wars, you don’t know the disasters of three emptiness.

Enjoy sleeping in beauty behind closed doors, and look at green walls with open doors. The guest from afar thanks the host and shares this green window.

On the new sunny day, birds are chirping on the eaves, and the gentle summer breeze takes over the seats. Xiao Ran has a white head, how can he wear a court cap?

I vow to stay here forever, day after day. But if you hate eating without meat, the immortal will come out of the mountains and rivers.

The stinging thunder turns into the jejunum, and the sentences are uttered as a guide. A smile shows that the neighbor has never had such a visitor.

Title Danshanyan

[Song Dynasty] Wen Younian

came to Yongzhou because of his love for Xishan. The yellow grass and white reeds make people sad.
drove to Yufeng Peak, which is at the top of Xiaojiang River.
The scenery around the peaks on the Yangtze River is amazing, and the Danshan Mountain is inlaid with sinuses.
Rubbing the alchemy stove and drinking from the stone spring, it feels like I have traveled through several eons in the past.
Zhengjun Zhengjun suffers from Qin, and one Qin person is another Qin person.
There is no way to escape from the worldly world when you step on the green mountains.

Two more poems about the strange father

[Song Dynasty] Chen Yuyi

The country's aromatherapy sitting Mr. drunk, the autumn leaves hide the flowers and the guests are fascinated.
drives the evening breeze to the same resort, and Dongxuan does not need to control the rhinoceros.

[Song Dynasty] Shi Tan

There is a bamboo grate on Jingshan. It makes no sense to go straight down.
The three doors of the kitchen and warehouse of the Buddhist temple pass through the monk's eyes and ears.

Dou Baihua·The setting sun in the east wind is deep in the courtyard

[Song Dynasty] Chao Buzhi

The setting sun is in the east wind in the deep courtyard. The embroidery curtain is in a downturn and returns to Yan. The chic little screen and charming face are like seeing her for the first time in front of a lamp. During the feast, the silver basin was half dismantled and placed next to the Phoenix Hairpin. A smile covers the fan.
teaches you to show the fragrance and watch the dancing of colorful clothes. The red and green trees are turning, and the startling roar is blowing against the autumn shore. The willows are sleepy and the flowers are idle, and the turbans are neatly arranged by themselves, and the golden lamp must be persuaded to fall.

times Xiuye ​​Miscellaneous Poetry Rhymes Yellow Bird Bream

[Song Dynasty] Zhu Xi

Where the oriole flies, they make love and steal fat. The rice beams are easy to find, but it is too late to get rid of the snares.

is partial to rich tastes and wealth, and seeks to avoid misfortune. Han Peng Shang Jing Min, Mo Mo Er Cheng Yi.

Rui Partridge

[Song Dynasty] Zhao Xipeng

Seeing spring in the gentle countryside. Wuyu leisurely loosened his leg straps. The balcony of the soul dream is fascinated by the dusk rain, and the graceful Luopu is surrounded by the fairy wind.
Chasing plum trees down the dusk road looks like the Palace of Fortune in Huaian. The old grudges are empty in my heart, but they can all be wiped out and paid for in one cup.

He Xinliang (Shou Zhi Shuai Dong Shilang)

[Song Dynasty] Li Tingzhong

Zhuo Jinjiangtou Road. Looking at the auspicious clouds and closely embracing the banners, the Heavenly Mansion has just opened. The Mid-Autumn jade in the ice dew pot does not bother you in the heat of the human world. The appearance of objects and the demeanor of gods. Looking back at the palace of Taiqing Palace, it is the place where you can travel around with hairpins and pens. Wanzhou Dendrobium, but the west complains.
There are countless soldiers in Chibiantang. Laughing at the past, Shushan understood the generals, and the night was full of vigor and vitality. Listen to the current decree and wash away the smoke and fog. Then he called and returned with his clothes on. The luck should be that the river is clear and it coincides with Yue's birthday. To run the Zhongxing business, you need to apply for help. Look at the years and longevity.

peach blossom

[Song Dynasty] Li Xin

When young Liu Lang first met, he seemed to be smiling in the east wind.
Liu Lang's white hair wants to see you again, and the stream in front of him is gone.

times Yunzi Zhan Nanxi Shishitang

[Song Dynasty] Su Che

There is a narrow path with pillars and sticks, and there is still a forest surrounding the hall.
Birds are not frightened, Wan Zhu is in his heart.
Tigers roar, the wind blows, there is a lot of frost, and the cicadas are silent.
The beast is arrogant and does not avoid it, and people will remember it from now on.
I have no time to live here for the rest of my life, but I can only chat for half a day.
Green pine can be fasted, and yellow leaves do not require quilts.
Occasionally I got lost for the first time, but I will finally realize it. There is a gentleman in the hall, and there is still a hairpin in his bun.

Three poems about Yu Qing's support

[Song Dynasty] Liu Zai

was closely related to his mentor and friend Ye Houmen, and was the grandson of the Han Dynasty's prime minister, He Yi.
The crown and belt are only for swimming in Bishui, but the name is not Ci En.

Guoshan Nunnery

[Song Dynasty] Hu Zhonggong

Heaven and earth are in one house, and peace of mind is at home.
tastes the taste of the world in a light way, and is full of life.
Add charcoal to the simmered taro, and enjoy the tea in the spring.
There is no paper tent in the empty mountain, and there is no dream of plum blossoms.

Jiangchengzi Wang Shengyu of Pingxiang wrote at the banquet

[Song Dynasty] Hou Zhi

When will the traces of Pingpeng stop? All floating. Stay for you. We talk about those days when we were young and full of energy.

Don’t lament that both men have gray hair, and the past and present have passed away.

Chuanzi praised

[Song Dynasty] Shi Kexiang

Shitou Sun, the son of Yaoshan, ran in the desolate waves when he was hungry. With such big golden scales, it seems that I should share it with Daowu.

Three unique inscriptions on Buddhist pavilions. One of them

[Song Dynasty] Wang Shipeng

The Buddhist pavilions have been read by people for a long time, and Confucian officials are unfamiliar with the world. Mr. Jialan, the real elder, allowed me to stay here for half a year.

Zen Platform Part Three

[Song Dynasty] Han Hui

The cool breeze blows and the rain passes through the city, it is not autumn unless it is close to the Double Ninth Festival. How sad it is to give away clean bottles to deceive the elderly and sick, and to blow the stage to offer sacrifices.

Climb the Lianyi Pavilion

[Song Dynasty] Chu Yong

Jie Pavilion pillows the plain river, the autumn light is faint and the smoke is far away.
The window opens to the outside view of the forest, and the shadows occupy the water and the sky.
The wild color returns to chanting the flute, and the sails pass the passenger ship.
People lean on the dangerous fence, and the immortals wander into the ten continents.

The Twelve Wonderful Plants and Trees in the Shuanghouji Garden

[Song Dynasty] Fan Chengda

A guest came from Yangzhou and left me Yangzhou flowers.
Yuncage stores dry wood, so that next year will be good for spring.

The Story of Bu Youxi on Yuanxi

[Song Dynasty] Wei Liaoweng

did not follow the Luo custom of accounting for lamp shadows, nor did he learn from Jing people to ask Zi Gu. The income from selling
comes and goes, and the good years are still like last year.

times Cheng Youshi Yun sent the monks to visit the south to inquire about the fruit of the Buddha.

[Song Dynasty] Shi Yaobi

inquired about Fengdian Miaoxi Master. Tianzhen looked at Gu Fei in the north of the sea.
means that there is no place to return, but it means returning to Meizhou thousands of miles away.


[Song Dynasty] Pay attention to

Fairy Xuanyi from her temples, singing a long song to understand her face.
The copper cup is fully drawn to act like a whale, and the red sleeves are lowered to make a bow.
Dance in Liuyue Palace, the spring breeze is cold, the music plays in the sky, and the dream returns.
line, listen to the new sound of Taiping music, which will be transmitted to the world in five beats first.

Daya pass

[Song Dynasty] Fan Chengda

There is no settlement in the five journeys of the gorge, and the horse head is plowed today.
The wheat seedlings are sparse and thin, the bean seedlings are sparse, and the new pepper leaves are thin at the tips.
Every woman has her hair wrapped in cloth, and she carries a child with a droopy collar on her back.
Mountains are deep but there is no shortage of physiology. People have a pair of silver hairpins.

Man Ting Fang Part One and Zhao Zhongjing Yong Snow

[Song Dynasty] Zhu Xiyan

Cutting water and flying flowers, cutting ice to make catkins, the Dragon Palace does not care about the severe cold. It invades the hood obliquely, and the temples suddenly fade away.

Who thinks that the guests in Liang Garden will be tired, the gold will be exhausted, and the talent for writing poems will be frugal. It has been drifting for a long time, and the cold is so cold that it turns brown, as if it were between the hooves of a horse.

Liu Shaoqing (Shao Wu Xichun stage presented Xiu Keshu)

[Song Dynasty] Zhao Shixia

is in awe. Chongtai moves to lean on, the mind is broad. The water is blue, the peaks are towering green, and the sky is extremely cold.
lived in the north and south of the Yangtze River. I have never known that there are beautiful mountains in central Fujian. The rain is darkening the front pavilion, the clouds are covered with clothes, and the body is tired and climbing.

Wang Shuda used Wei Pengze's experience of lurking in the jade cave

[Song Dynasty] Lou Yao

The book rock is very strange, and the hidden jade is even more magnificent.
Li Junman is in Pangu, Yuanzi is in the empty valley.
God cannot keep secret to himself, Heaven should open for you.
If Yuan Ming has achieved this, he should return without any gifts.

and You Bohua Guangde sent Jun Yiting to Yu

[Song Dynasty] Liu Zai

Xuanting Kai Shuangxi was happy with the new camp, and Yan Province should come to congratulate Xiasheng.
Bottles of wine and two forget the sages and saints, Wei Bian is the relative brother and brother.
Poems are like embroidery, paragraphs are perfected from the beginning, and people are like curling stones.
sends a message to Jin Kun and his close friends, telling them when Xu Banjing will meet again.

Zhao Dongyan and Jian Shuyanhou's four poems

[Song Dynasty] Wang Mai

built Yan's army and horses filled the sacred capital, and the palace was built across the body to live a city.
When Prime Minister Ji has no merit, God's blessings and goodness are obvious.
People say that hairpin is a prosperous sect, and Gong is the descendant of Yingyao.
cherishes the postscript of Xishan's relics, and his annual income is from the official historian's commentary.

Yu Jia Ao Second

[Song Dynasty] Hong Hao

Most of the Tung trees in Huiting are withered. The west wind does not take advantage of travelers. There is no need to leave a question about watching the bright moon.

West Garden Banquet. Yan Yanlang said that it was useless.

Use Jingxiong rhyme to send your adopted brother

[Song Dynasty] Shi Huikong

The wonderful virtues make the sky rich, but the empty life is poor to the bone. With a bit of snow, the great void is forged.

Don't wait for Kunpeng to be transformed, and you will have a fortune of 90,000 yuan. He asked diligently about his luggage and crossed Liaodong with one arrow.

Huating Baiyong·Sannvgang

[Song Dynasty] Xu Shang

The jade coffin is unknown, and the fragrant soul plan has been sold out.
comes to sing more frequently, and it will be a trick for a long time.

Five poems about the lunar eclipse on the night of July 16th in Renzi One of them

[Song Dynasty] Cheng Ju

There is a toad cave in the blue sky, and the white ground is empty and worried about the lice. Sitting and waiting for the remains of the soul to be exposed in the coal soot, it is very cold and the jade springs into autumn.

Poems titled Chao Chexuan

[Song Dynasty] Guo Yin

Jade is bright at night, and the golden crow is Chao Che.
I have divine light in my body, like a thousand towers of sun and moon.

Two poems written in white body. One is

[Song Dynasty] Zhang Lei

Fame and wealth come with a long life, and autumn is passed in the high mountain city. The swallows sitting on the incense lanterns are quiet companions, and the elk walking leisurely are companions.

The new frost has passed on the green and yellow grass and trees, and the rain has collected in the cool streams and mountains at night. Looking back on ten years of being a guest of Liang Yuan, I have learned in vain and lost my youth.

A gift to Zhang Bangji's mother. One

[Song Dynasty] Chen's

was frightened every time he thought of farewell, and he became ill every time. But I, Yan Lingzi, am closer to you sincerely.

minutes, no tears left, even more sad when looking into the distance. How warm will the old eyes be? Music and books never tire of reading.

Shen'er's return came from Hangmei. Shandi has a poem with a rhyme

[Song Dynasty]. Chen's

Chen'er returned home and was so happy that he cried, and it was difficult to tell others.
There are no lakes and seas in my old eyes, but there are ghosts and gods in my original heart.
is about to be eighty years old, and it’s time to say goodbye to spring again.
is confident and reliable, and would rather teach to be an independent people.

During the Qingming Festival, Huai Chengfu

[Song Dynasty] Zhao Fan

only thought that this year it would be cold and sunny, but he knew that there would be wind and rain during the Qingming Festival.
I am moved by festivals in a foreign land, not to mention this life.
resigned to the grave for this reason, not daring to look back on brotherly love.
Looking eastward across the Yangtze River, clouds surge like mountains and white waves cross the horizon.

Qingchuang said

[Song Dynasty] Lin Xiyi

Today and the Ming Dynasty, we can only find each other for a moment. You can't catch up with yesterday, it's like a thousand years apart.

The Yangtze River is tidal, and the lonely moon is bright and soulful. The real Zai Liang works hard, and his life is like a guest.

The brocade clothes are not as beautiful as the clouds, and the quinoa soup is not stingy. Pitching over the past and present, ups and downs make me dumb.

Mao wine is sixty-seven points, and Wu has two or three strategies. A clear window makes you happy, but a mirror is empty and white.

Like a dream, the color of dawn, the tone is like a dream

[Song Dynasty] Wang Zhao

Ten thousand trees are wrapped in the fog. The shadow of the sun is covered by the bright clouds. People don't startle the gulls when they get up, and walk lightly along the embankment with their hands behind their backs.

Qingqu. Fun. Received a lake of wind and dew.

times rhyme: Wuguang Xiucai traveled to Nanhu

[Song Dynasty] Su Che

The cold east wind helps the cold weather, and the Tingying liquor also weakens the beauty.
How can I read a bed full of books? I can’t take a few steps to see the lake.
Dreams of green poplars hanging down behind the Pudong, watching the red apricots shining on the front mountains.
The New Year is getting better, you will return soon, and you will not return in the evening without seeing any tourists.
〈The hill in front of the lake is called Xingshan.

Zhuang Zhao Zigu Zuosi

[Song Dynasty] Sun Yingshi

Every time he sighed, you know me and show your kindness to your father and brother.
Say the names of people when you meet them, write about your life when you meet them.
is almost like no other carp, and the sadness is like Jiujing.
When Zhai Gongmen left his guests, he vowed to live up to his friendship.

tasting tea

[Song Dynasty] Yang Wanli

html picked tea leaves under the dew in the middle of May, and drank wine from the silver vase with flowers hanging upside down. If you want the fragrance of flowers to infuse the bones of wine, don’t use jade wine to moisten your skin.

If you drop a cup of wine, I will get nothing. I know you will not hesitate to be punished a hundred times. The imperial edict bestows deep abilities, and the savages will hit them again and again.

and Quan's mother and brother's title ■

[Song Dynasty] Yangfang

Everything is easy before the East, and I am afraid that I will chase the enemy with help. If you recognize the painting in Emperor Xi's heart, why should Tanlaiao ask Yan Kong?

Two poems about Hu Jizhao

[Song Dynasty] Li Bogui

The Holy Dynasty issued a lenient edict to Longchi, freeing all tired ministers from trouble.
I am deeply saddened by the loss of Jia Yi's house in Changsha, and this temple remains empty as the tide recedes.
Gu Zhongyuan despises his own life and death, and he would rather go home if he knows how to ask.
Thousands of miles of mountains and rivers are gone, and the sad wind shakes the clothes.

Central Plains Folk Songs Yingsong Pavilion

[Song Dynasty] Zhou Linzhi

Yingsong Pavilion, the willows beside the pavilion are so green. The wind and the sound of magpies rejoice in the trees, and the bright red smoke and green tiles condense on the trees.

Passers-by look at the north and south of the city, and the new inscriptions on the list illuminate the streets. The golden angel came and went, and the Tibetan officials went out to greet the guests.

The old man at the head of the car supported the yoke and said that he was a survivor of the Song Dynasty. The Si Pavilion was not designed to welcome and send off, but it was almost intended to welcome the Song Dynasty.

People from the south looked at each other in surprise, this phrase can predict the future. He said that he would drive slowly with Zheng Husband, as he was afraid of seeing Zheng's dust when going back and forth.

The hundred-year-old willow tree in front of Mozhe Pavilion was cultivated by Song De for a long time. I just look forward to the green flowers in the south and return, worshiping the horse again and saying longevity.

Use the preceding rhyme to express gratitude to the public bachelor

[Song Dynasty] Raojie

When buying gold, you must know the real gold, and learn the Tao first to prevent evil and see the forest. Don't make explanations based on words and causes; you only need to see the form to understand your mind.

The waves of the great Yuanjue Sea are vast, and the roots of Ubala flowers are deep. If you are personally recommended, the sound of sea tides will appear in all directions.

Six Miscellaneous Odes of Xizhai Part 3 Bamboo

[Song Dynasty] Liu An's

The many branches are like to be deleted, and the strong festivals are independent. Irrigation has not exceeded the limit, and new bamboo shoots have been harvested.

Listen to the new successful quatrains on the fourth day of the first lunar month. The second

[Song Dynasty] Zhang Ban

governs music and peace at the beginning of Shaoxi, and can be driven by Xianshao. There are enough chimes, chimes, and Xiangxi, so I won’t have to worry about the completion.

times rhyme Zhao Quhua Tiqian's seven summer miscellaneous poems

[Song Dynasty] Su Ying

Love outside the mountains knows that there are more mountains, how many unexpected things are common.
After dreaming about the Temple of Heaven, I realized that the hills were not enough to see.

After fasting, he and Jin Laohuan Pu Wengcong drank the dragon by themselves and then discovered

[Song Dynasty] In the fifth year of Jiang Kui's

html year, dust was rising from the sea in June, and white clouds were seen rising from the green mountains in the distance.
I heard that an eminent monk was reciting a mantra, and he threw it in front of the rock and asked the dragon king.

Food lotus root

[Song Dynasty] Li Liuqian

Fuqu has a good reputation, but its end is also extraordinary.
This soil is suitable for food, and it is better than pomelo and orange.
The vines have led to the stems, and the body of the mud is still clean.
A trace of a puppet is played, and all the apertures are lost.
In the autumn of Pitang in July, thousands of canopies are covered with cold green.
has a slang name with flowers, and is as crispy and tender as if it were boneless.
is like a boat approaching to cheat, like a jade chasing after another.
The truth of Qu Tan Kuang comes from the same source as the pure and unclean.
Flowers are connected to their roots, and cause and effect are not two ways.
Jun looked at the entrance and saw a piece of suspicious snow.
The heat makes the muscles feel like smoke, and the poison makes the lungs burst.
should only be used when the country is cool and cool.

Yuantian sighs at the four wonders

[Song Dynasty] Fan Chengda

Taiwanese water conservancy has scientific regulations, which will last for thousands of years.
Ande can speak two yellow swans, and sing Fupi ballads for you.

Zhu Tongpan was unable to express his gratitude with a poem when he visited the patient.

[Song Dynasty] Wang Tinggui's biography of

was heard by the neighbors, and there were two rounds of competition to see Zhu's inscription. The military talisman is divided into half thorns, and the road passes through the mountains and towns to visit idle people.

The spring call is as clear as water, and the written chapter is wonderful and fascinating. It should be remembered that the poor and sick scholar has been haggard for many years by the Chu River.

Three poems about praying for rain and staying in Jiuqu Pond One of them

[Song Dynasty] Chao Buzhi

Chao Buzhi was playing music in the chariot, and the deserted pond was windy in the open air. Unintentionally nostalgic for the past, sleeping happily on a cool night.

Bone Physiology

[Song Dynasty] Lu You

Bone Physiology has little knowledge, how dare you expect fame? Illness invades the strong days, leisure passes the holy days.
The shape of Shenglun is a platform, flying across the sea.
Although the rivers and lakes are thousands of miles away, they are still like poems.

Partridge Sky (Yong Yan)

[Song Dynasty] Zhao Changqing

The swallows returned in pairs on the beams. Old friends should not send new poems. Liu Wuyin goes up and down, and goes back down in the middle of the curtain.
pursues grand events and recalls Wu Yi. The sun is setting in the west in Wangjiaxiang. The rise and fall of infinite and shocking words are unknown to people at the time.

The magistrate appeases Xin'an County and unveils the book on the first day of spring. The

of Bangnan Tower [Song Dynasty] Fan Chengda

has a cow fight on the green tiles and red walls, and the new inscription is on the lock button of the forest in wonderful ink.
uses your pen to bring spring back, and the plum blossoms and willows are darkened by flying flowers overnight.
Nanshan and the building are relatively high, and they have always competed for supremacy.
eight points and three words are suppressed, and all the peaks are like Cao Cao.
Great events in the world are not separated by the sky, and the snow is urgently turned into white.
Regardless of the people of Fuzhou through the ages, we can first predict the wheat in Gangkang next year.
The east wind blows the wine and the noodles are crispy, and we don’t hesitate to get drunk and return to support each other.
If the short song spreads to Yuefu, the Zhan generation will also be known by the public.

Send the title Cuifan Pavilion

[Song Dynasty] Li Misun

He Lang loves the mountains and knows his noble eyes, and he does not wear awning shoes to traverse empty valleys.
The grass and bamboos are tied up in the room, and I sit and worship Cui Wei around the green river.
I also seek secluded places without worrying about being far away, and I have been following you around for half my life.
The mountains and peaks pass by and become a dream, and the sky above and below is filled with moans.
The emperor ascended the pavilion like a calendar block, looking down at the world as lightly as a mustard.
Spring is full of charm and beauty, while autumn is pure and aloof, showing its true state.
Those who know tranquility are the ones who have surpassed themselves, and there are only a few good things in the world.
Knowing that one’s stupidity does not extend beyond thirty miles, there are hundreds of thousands of realms to be judged within a short distance.
The beauty of the four seasons is still magnificent, and the clouds and smoke in the writing are drunk and falling.
Diaosou is bitter and looks down on the ingenuity of heaven. Creation has a spirit and should do evil.
Penglai square pot or above and below, there are many mausoleums and valleys. Today is not yesterday.
Tang Ling Kua Zi and Xiao escaped, with the mountains and ravines hidden in their hearts.

Title old Zhongkui

[Song Dynasty] Su Che

Secretary of Jinan has a white beard now, and Zhongkui old records on New Year's Day.
I raise my hands to the sky and am happy to see the snow, but it is pitiful to step on the frozen canal with broken shoes.
is surging in the yellow soil of today, and I am an old man in China for sixty-six years.
The children left before they were allowed to leave, and the silver vase was soaked in butcher cakes overnight.

Traveling with Wei Yan to stop the wind

[Song Dynasty] Chen Shidao

used to say that the spring breeze is also the world's sentiments, and should not be used to judge people's behavior.
does not need to be angry to prompt new sentences, but more worrying can be short-lived.
Shengri is busy trying to find surprises, so don’t be surprised if you get this in a wonderful year.
It’s none of my business to know where it came from, and the stars have been restored to a bright and clear sky.

Bodhisattva Man (Chrysanthemum)

[Song Dynasty] Li Chuquan

There are flower girls in all four seasons. In autumn, I can still see flowers like this. Think of the purple elixir. Time creates the room.
The spring warbler leaves its weak feathers.More stained with rose dew. Don't take Luo Ying's meal. Leave it for drunken eyes to see.

Two unique ways to send friends to mourn. One is

[Song Dynasty] Chen Dong

wants to recognize the green curtain and ask for wine to taste, but he is shocked and sends Danyi to mourn the king. The editor of Luzhuang was very sad, thinking about Du Kang in the breeze.

When I was ill, I heard that the plum blossoms returned south

[Song Dynasty] Ouyang Xiu

When I heard that you had untied the boat, the autumn water was flowing.
Ye Ankuang returns to his thoughts, and the capital is in chaos.
followed the merchant sail for a while, and followed the geese group for the first time.
There are many mountains that come out of Huaidian, and the willow trees are all divided into Bianhe River.
The color of Chu is still green, and the river is misty for half a day.
Ke Yihao is far away, far away from Huaining.
Xuancheng is so romantic, I heard about it when I converted.

The slogan on the forehead of Qingyuan Mansion

[Song Dynasty] Anonymous

Emperor Qingyuan's old name was Fan, and he bless Yuan Rong's new name.
There are three big characters wrapped around Yu Yu, and the rainbow passes through Siming Mountain.
The century-old boat is full of joy, and the ancient mountains and rivers are still flourishing.
took the island to the fairy world and brought it up to bless the world.

Zhu Nanjian's poem Part Three

[Song Dynasty] Lou Yao

The chess game has not been going well for a long time, and the poetry alliance has also become cold. Fang Qi will be sincere and forthright, and then he will become sad and happy.

html I have no regrets at the age of 5, the love is so deep that I can’t bear to watch it. Where is the beautiful city? To the east, look across the mountains and rivers.

He Yuzhi Flower Appreciation and Fishing

[Song Dynasty] Zu Wuze

Forbidden Imperial Spring is deep and the imperial curtains are opened, and the five clouds come out of the sheath at dawn.
The flower contains auspicious colors and three dangerous dews, and the wine is clear and bright, and the longevity cup is clear.
The fish waves are swaying with fragrant bait, and the fairy sound instrument is lingering in the phoenix sun.
I am a humble minister who says that I am lucky to meet you at the right time. I will accompany you on my journey to the sweet spring.

Three poems about praying for rain in the village

[Song Dynasty] Dai Biaoyuan

There are different clouds in ten miles and different rain in five miles.
The rooftop is vastly white, which is very touching to my heart.
People say that dragons are friends with gods, and elephants can be taken.
Snakes and insects are walking at this time, who dares to insult them?
Feiteng believes in skills and endures the pain of waiting for the signal.
The power of the god Yu is so powerful that it will flow through the ages.

Wangshan Zuo

[Song Dynasty] Chao Shuozhi

Wangshan Mountain is behind you, but you don’t realize how many times you are looking back.
The horse wants to go backwards, but the road is good and difficult.
The white clouds are still sent to each other to bring the beauty of the mountains. Where
arrived yesterday, who is wandering around today?
Ande Jade Girl's water washes away the dust for me.
I don’t know how to accompany Song Lao, I would rather endure being guessed by a gull.
The sun is separated from things, who can this eye open to?

Wen Yin wanted to be transferred to the official position

[Song Dynasty] Liu Chang

The dragon lived in the pool, raising its head to drink water. Tigers and leopards leave the mountains and forests, always wagging their tails in search of food.

Zhang Junyi is very useful, and it is also a dragon-tiger rivalry. Why do you want to be a small official and give up five buckets of rice?

Bend and stretch cover the destiny, hidden and revealed is a gentleman. For example, when you combine materials, you should start from the end.

In the past, we were high in the sky, but now we are in the dust. But the proverb is amazing, who can knock the ears of heaven?

Governor Xianhe Zhang

[Song Dynasty] Zhang Fu

In front of Sun Hou's two-foot-long short hut, there are three hundred poems.
Jinluan Yutang has not returned yet, and we have formed a relationship with the rivers and lakes.
Officials no longer play with ink and ink in their spare time, and there are no unwelcome guests when they pass through the door on a victorious day.
In the spring breeze, the fast horse rides on the purple reins, and the orioles are all familiar with each other under the flowers.
Drinking and remuneration can turn the tables in debates, and you can win every sentence and become a good official.
I have always had a poetry habit, and I find it difficult to sing a single word while twisting my mustache.
I don’t know what’s the use of hard work, and why would I die if I hear the truth?
He is so young that he has no sound and cannot make a penny straight. html It's strange that the poem tube came late on the 7th. I'm afraid that you will write a Moya poem.
There are still foxes and rabbits in the caves of the Central Plains, but they should not live in idleness.

ancient stone

[Song Dynasty] Huang Wenlei

The stone in front of the window is staggered and resembles a tiger chi. Qiu Qing moss can be peeled off, and year-old Yan bamboo is suitable.

If you want to come out of the mountains and rivers, how can you know that the mausoleums and valleys will move. Rubbing the skinny jade, the wind helps the horse king feel sad.

Zhao Mingshu Taibo didn't know Zuimian Pavilion and he was good at it.

[Song Dynasty] Li Xingzhong

You should know that Huangting Road is not credited, and it is opposite to the fisherman's house in the north of Puxi Bridge.
The window is too exposed to the sun. Newly planted bamboos and vegetables occupy the border without planting flowers.
The walls are piled with drunken ink from guests, and the roots of the fence pass through the cold sand.
was mistakenly called Tao Qian's house, and he also learned from the five willows in front of the door.

The stream is condensed with blue and blue and merges with the two rivers, and the pavilion is in front of thousands of rocks and ravines. Washing stones, I think about clearing diseased teeth. Who can listen to the flowing spring while leaning on the harp? The north ridge of Yun - DayDayNews

Early rice

[Song Dynasty] Zhang Lei

Early rice is like a defection, and ten ears are 19% off.
Late rice is not as good as it is beautiful, and the sun burns the roots and the soil is strong.
The bicycle stirs up the lake water, and the bicycles rush to the lake.
The spring is like boiling soup, and the dry soil is not fully moist.
The old farmer wishes heavenly work, and his eyes bleed as he knocks his forehead.
The wandering clouds do not make rain, and the wind will disperse and disappear.
Haotian has not regretted his misfortune, and the jade sacrifice is useless.
Who can bind the monster and the demon, and command the dragon to throw thorns?

Night view of the West Lake

[Song Dynasty] Once upon a time, there were flowers and flowers everywhere, and there was no scent of fragrance wherever you walked leisurely. Returning to the boat, we took advantage of the cool night and saw the light of the ten-mile lake dipped in the setting sun.

Yi Wangsun

[Song Dynasty] Cai Shen

Liang Shengbing is timid and undressed. The high-altitude painting fence of Mingyue Tower. The whole courtyard is full of people crying and people are still awake. Cover the heavy pass. The black magpie flies south and the wind and dew are cold.

Shao Gongquan's two poems

[Song Dynasty] Zhang Xi

The love left behind is here, and it is like a spring and a mountain.
People don't dare to spit, but they always shine again.

Master Xiong's book shows the ten unique poems about plum blossoms. When the plum blossoms have passed, they watch the begonias frequently.

[Song Dynasty] Liu Kezhuang

specializes in using the fiber of grain to suppress all the fragrances. Idiots kill and hate without fragrance.
asked him how solemn his charming room was.

sub-rhymes, seven poems, one of which is

[Song Dynasty] Su Xing

looks at the fish happily, and the ocean is full of wonders. When one sees and is determined, everything will be done as it should.

Selling swords to replace peasant clothes, working in the paper fields. How can you live without frugality? You will certainly have a good year.


[Song Dynasty] Han Ju

The king cleverly drew a magical plan, and when the weak wings fought for the nest and talked. I want to see the eagles and magpies watching in the spring breeze, a pair of flying birds occupying branches that last ten thousand years.

During the Mid-Autumn Festival, when the water in Jihao was first full, I went boating from the east corner of the city to return to thank the public for my order.

[Song Dynasty] Mei Yaochen

After discussing scriptures in Zhaifang, the official pond set up a wine shop.
The birds are falling outside in the setting sun, and the crescent moon trees are growing.
plays the Yangtze River and thinks of Jiangpu, and the barbarians still surround the county and city.
There is a grudge in Dongyuan, and everything is beautiful every day.

Gift to Xingweng Guo Ruoshui

[Song Dynasty] Wu Yong

html In May, he retreated from this fear, and the palace was straight to the south of Jisu Zi. The
article contains no real world knowledge, and it is a waste of time and effort.
When I was born, I had two qi, the earth was the five elements, the sky was the five latitudes.
Luo Ji's two constellations cover half the sky, and the lunar star is in the home time position.
Guo Sheng was originally a disciple of Guo Pudi, but he was too precise and roundabout in his words.
only talks about Wanyanjin according to the picture, but the scriptures do not identify the official book of heaven.
The great tour is taking place in Shenjing Township, and Chi You's flag is flying.
I will take a quick look at it, and I will not be able to predict when I will be able to capture Emei Taibai.

Xiao Zizhi sent Jianming Mingshi, Choshizhi, Pan Hengmo, and asked for four quatrains from recent poems. The second

[Song Dynasty] Li Peng

A good worker carved and carved a square city, and cooked tea to watch the autumn waves. If your son Cao is not allowed to be gentle, how can you allow your slaves to laugh at their prosperity?

River red double-headed lotus

[Song Dynasty] Liu Xueji

A double flower with a low green cover, auspicious and beautiful. People are sitting on the Xunfeng Pavilion, with their lapels full of water.

Erlu is a metaphor for praising handsomeness and youngness, while the two are in harmony with each other. It's really strange to see the rain clear at first and the red sky at noon.

Qiu Ruixiang

[Song Dynasty] Chen Yunping

Drink Yicheng wine to warm yourself up at night. Jade soft and tender red noodles. Drunk and graceful eyes. I don’t know the depth of sorrow and hate the shallowness.

Wen Ying

[Song Dynasty] Yang Wanli

After passing the rain stream, the mountains are pure, and the flowers are clear and the willows are bright.
comes through the rain to make good trees, don’t make a sound.
Therefore, I want to stir up poetry and still cherish friendship.
Jingfei misery is seen, that is even more green.

Send Yanjun Governor Shi Xiu back to his hometown

[Song Dynasty] He Menggui

In the third year of the shogunate's temples, his hair became frosty, and he was left singing songs along the way.
The melon garrison is rich in spring and the officials are full, and the lotus pond is full of people and the water is especially fragrant.
Yanran Jieshi goes to Chengyuan, the rivers, clouds and mountains watch the day grow longer.
Leaning all over Xiuhuang, the sleeves of the clothes are thin, and the long pavilion has no road and folds of weeping poplar trees.

I sent this message to Li Zhongming, the magistrate of Weicheng, who was about to visit Weicheng when traveling to Tongchuan.

[Song Dynasty] Li Liuqian

The love between flesh and blood is entwined, and the friendship between friends is forged.
If you and I both have the same relationship, how can we form this contract?
Come to Dongchuan for a tour, just around the corner from Taoli County.
The intention of leading a car is very decisive, and the pulling of clothes is easy to pull back.
I am like the will in the sky, and I follow the wind out of the rock.
is like waves on a boat, and things listen to the sailors.
There is no reward for what you have in mind, but wealth is a must.
I don’t want to be rich and noble, it’s not a good time to lose this view.
wrote a poem about lovesickness, which may be worthy of consideration.
A wild goose can see a gentleman, but he complains that he is not as good as a wild goose.

Send people away and lose their official positions.

[Song Dynasty] Zhou Duanchen

Fame in the world is always empty, so what if he is crowned?
takes advantage of the day to send invading mirrors, so as to sell the green mountains and go to the hoe.
A hill of sages is worthless, but a few heroes are worthless books.
Life is so elegant that it is useless to just hold the Sutra alone.

Wuhu blocking the wind

[Song Dynasty] Mei Yaochen

The spring breeze allows the evil flowers to laugh at themselves, and the white waves are not worried and their heads are white.
Jiji's big ship is on the bank of the river, and there are five liang in Kunlun who are not guests.

Touching the Fish (Ziyunshanfang is planned to be endowed with Ulva)

[Song Dynasty] Tang Jue

Gradually the waves and frost marks disappeared. Jones first appeared in the mirror. The mermaid's hair is smooth at night, and the dragon's beard is smooth, and the crystal curtain is cold. Fu Ye Jing. The best is like a tender lotus with a half-roll floating clear shadow. Jade flows and green condenses. The fragrance of early-dried soybean, red salt and snow makes the teeth clear after drunkenness.
The dream of fame was once awakened by the autumn wind. Old friends should be happy. The taste of the leisurely world is as muddy as water, who cares about the nostalgia of thousands of miles away? Empty versus shadow. When I look back, I am filled with sorrow on the shore of Gusu Terrace. The smoke is cold and the night is quiet. But there is only Fangzhou, and Pinghua grows old together. When will Pan return to the boat?

Begging for wine

[Song Dynasty] Chao Shuo said

The accumulation of rain in late autumn is full of hatred, how can the long time be better than the morning dusk.
I have been reading the same poems as Xia Li Rao for a long time, but I am learning from an expert next to a wine bottle.
Just by being drunk, you will know that you can be proud of the world, and by chanting wildly, you will know how to summon the soul.
feels pity for Tao Lingtu's beauty, but only agrees that Ding Ning will break his promise.

Living in the mountains is lonely, separated from the world, right and wrong, forgetting both honor and disgrace, and remembering the autumn cliffs

[Song Dynasty] Wu Xichou

I love the beauty of living in the mountains.
The vulgarity retains the ancient meaning, and the environment is quiet and poetic.
Du Lao's silver-threaded rice dumplings, Po Weng's jade grits soup.
If you make enough money according to circumstances, you can spend the rest of your life.

Wuwei Mountain Shisheng Guanyin Praise

[Song Dynasty] Shi Dehong

The two laws of death and life have no reality. The world is astonishing and strange, and it makes you think upside down. This is not the case for Gongdu, who has only one thought in every ten lives.

The traces of alms can be tested. All sounds must be heard with the eyes. They are all unrelated, so they are silent.

You should be like a Bodhisattva, and your form will appear. Why must it be done? I have a great wish.

Twenty poems about plum blossoms in Yuzhaotang. Nine of them

[Song Dynasty] Zhang Bo

In Shanjiloutai Shuiji Village, the sight of plum blossoms often moves the soul. The whole body is full of fragrance this day, and the fences are sparse and sloping, so I don’t like it.

After the light rain in autumn,

[Song Dynasty] Song Xiang

The remaining rain is collected in the evening, and the evening rain falls in Gaoxuan.
The wind has dried and moved to the old hometown, and the moon breaks through the empty sky.
The defeated leaves are about to dance, but the cold clouds refuse to fly.
has no pen and pen, but there is no way to write with a subtle heart.


[Song Dynasty] Yang Yi

looked forward to the Qingtian with green grass, and the way back to the emperor's hometown was blocked by the ladder. The Han Garden is still alert at night when the dew is thick, and the Liang Garden is full of snow and is confused during the day.

Luanhuang disciple of Rui Shi promised himself, but the black magpie has not yet settled around the branches. I have been filled with hatred all year round, and I can’t bear to send you to the west building where the dawn and moon are low.

The Eleventh Song of Rain in June

[Song Dynasty] Xu Yueqing

Sit in the rain and rest in the lotus, enjoying autumn alone in the middle of heaven and earth.
The cool breeze in the light day fills the clothes, and the sweet rain in the dusk delights the fields.
The sunny days provide for the peaks and islands, while the misty rain protects the islands.
I look around in all directions with a frown, my heart is as worried as a drunken and lazy new knot.

Two poems on Dengchui Hongting

[Song Dynasty] Zhang Yuanqian

After leaving the three Wu lands, he came back twenty years ago.
After the devastation and war, the flowers and stones stabilize the beam first.
Mountains are dark, Songjiang is raining, waves are swallowing and shaking the sky.
The boat is not making waves, the crocodile is salivating.

and Three Spring Outings

[Song Dynasty] Liao Xingzhi

After the rain, the sun will clear up, and spring enters the garden to enlighten the immortals.
is about Xi Nang's beautiful scenery, and even more beautiful flowers on the island of Qingchuan.
The head of the stick can buy you more than a hundred drunks, and you can know how to spend thousands with a smile.
Who will get a piece of Qing Kuang? He will be happy and write a poem about it.

Presented to Xu Shijun Second

[Song Dynasty] Yang Gongyuan

The Mengquan is completely clear, not to mention the dust. The moon once met in Teng Pavilion, and spring met again in Huaping.

Picking celery respects noble men, and pulling out celery suppresses and strengthens the people. I'm just afraid that Zhi Ni will call him and urge him to return to serve Zi Chen.

Lingquan Temple wrote the Huayan Comprehensive Commentary

[Song Dynasty] Zhang Shangying

The Comprehensive Commentary circulated seven volumes of scriptures, and his teachings opened the eyes of all living beings. There is no need for the goddess to add a bottle of water, there is a clear spring of its own.

Chen Decheng wrote poems after his political illness and expressed his congratulations

[Song Dynasty] Jiang Teli

went to the Ending of Endings and was so ashamed that he was so proud of it.
I am willing to serve as a mountain official, and I will not control Yiwu for three defeats.
Thoughts and dreams are separated by rivers and lakes, and the chapters of Jinxiu Shop are memorized.
If there is no disease, it will eventually be cured. How can I tolerate mediocre medicine?

times rhyme Hanchuan Fengci West Taiyi Palace four poems

[Song Dynasty] Huang Tingjian

Under the Tai altar, the clouds are yellow, and the rain master sprinkles the fragrance of dust.
The instant noodles are still covered with dew, and the golden zheng is half spitting out of the east wall.

Breaking through the Huanxi sand

[Song Dynasty] Li Xin

The bead curtain was hooked several times. He folded flowers and rode towards Yangzhou. As I grow older, I can’t bear to look back on the past.
Tao Ling is bored but happy and drunk, Maoling is sick and worried. The love of spring is everlasting, and the water flows eastward.

Tiquan Shixuan

[Song Dynasty] Hu Yin

Crossing the bridge, he suddenly met Pingchou, and the stone road was scaly and snake-backed. The entrance to the hall is surrounded by a bamboo forest, with hundreds of stacks of green jade flowers lining the outside.

is about the new novel Xiaoxuanqi, with breasts covered with grass and trees growing on the cliff. The pale teeth are as clear as a tiger's drink, and there is a pool of cold blue and clear colored glaze.

The bowl of snowflake tea is floating on the table, and I want to go away and feel cold. I left poems to remember the years, and even wrote the title of Quan Shi.

He Jiang Neighbor Ji Xuexuan and Chi Guo Tongfu two poems. One

[Song Dynasty] Liu Chang

Jun lives close to the city, and everyone is tired of the hustle and bustle. The snow is lying high, and an old friend comes to the door.

It's more refreshing, and there is no noise when talking and laughing. The window is opened to extend the cold moon, and a clear bottle is placed on the mat.

It is really fun to drink wine, and you will know how warm the fox is.

Jiangkou Oucheng

[Song Dynasty] Chen Zhu

went out and wanted to see Shao Yuntai.
The weather is fine and the boat is easy to push.
Sitting quietly, I drink water and chant the plum blossoms.
Zhouzi asked each other from afar, Jiang Chao came to the future.

Dai Cun

[Song Dynasty] Liu Chang

Ji Luyan Sui Gai, Jiang Gao belongs to early spring. I often go to Youcun alone, and silently discuss when things are going well.

The deep bamboos are still covered with snow, and the sun cliffs are already covered with fragrant grass. Mao Ci is suddenly connected, and neighbors protect each other.

people are from the Andao tribe, and the scenery is a mountain valley. Wander around and ask about the elders, or meet the real elders.

In autumn, I got a book from Wang Jiefu.

[Song Dynasty] Zhuge Geng

There is a small pavilion in a pond several acres, where he can calmly write books. There are three paths of pine and chrysanthemums opened in
, and a bottle of ginseng wine is stored.
Looking at the spring marks, the green water reaches the water, and the flying feathers are white.
Who whistles loudly at sunset, but some passers-by can’t bear to hear it.

Magnolia Slowly (Autumn Feeling)

[Song Dynasty] Li Yunzi

The west wind is early, some rain, some autumn. I remember the setting sun in the National Garden. Last year on this day, the fallen leaves were quiet in the forest. The elegies are intense in several episodes, reflecting madness, drunkenness and poetry. The regrets of Qing Dynasty merchants are easy to change, but the sentimental purple swallows are difficult to retain.
sighs. The threads of the cocoon are spinning. How can old things continue? Naiyu has a misty and melancholy mind, and returns to a long dream. He was not as good as Lao Du in his life, but just like him, he was wandering and romantic. I sent a message to the bamboo on the path of the garden, and I found a solitary boat at some point.

Reward Liu Yushu

[Song Dynasty] Shi Zichun

The clever sentences are so clever that the eyes are cold, and the subtle meaning was once difficult.
When we meet, we ask for music without strings. The wind blows into the pine trees and stops playing.

Therefore, the memorial speech of Ye Gong to the government and Xuanyi

[Song Dynasty] Han Yuanji

I don’t know the origin of my virtue, but I have a happy family today.
A famous horse has a seed that can travel a thousand miles, and a fairy osmanthus has five branches.
The colorful ribbons and chi'ao are just nourishing, and the simple car and cloud road are suddenly happy and sad.
life and death are real things, and the flowing water is gone and the smoke is empty, and the poems are good.

Partridge Sky · Ask about the spring on the branches last night

[Song Dynasty] Shi Qiweng

Ask about the spring on the branches last night. The news has been sent to Chaimen. I can't see how many beautiful things there are, and the fragrance is gone without leaving a trace. The mountains are tall and the water is sparkling. The south of the village and the north of the village are cold and ecstatic. The world does not recognize the spring breeze, and is ashamed to see the bright moonlight on the Yaotai.

At dawn, I go to the county lake to write

[Song Dynasty] Zhou Zizhi

The color of the lake is beginning to separate from Cebu, and you can hear jumping fish deep in the green cattails. One branch is like a black tree, and the five dawns are still taking advantage of others.

The old man is sitting in Cao Zhen's drama, returning home to be nostalgic but emotionally distant. If the forbidden key is not opened and the message is leaked, the residual dream is still worth mentioning.

Zhenghe Qinjiao Three Songs

[Song Dynasty] Renzong

Because the mountain is high, Yuanzhi is the first.
The jade toe is like a jade, and it is on the emperor's side.
The emperor calls me king and treats me kindly.
Just take care of it, and you will always be satisfied.

In response to two quatrains written by Li Hefu on behalf of his generation

[Song Dynasty] Huang Tingjian

The mountains and rivers sound and look clear, and the rolling curtains are waiting for the moon to bloom.
A pitiful song with a boat whistle, which expresses the feelings of farewell to old friends.

In the dream, the past events can be seen at will, and in the drunken life, the prosperity can be seen in confusion.
has a long-term romantic and annoying disease, which is not as good as being ruthless by nature.

Category tags: Missing friends, expressing feelings of depression

Send Hu Jizhao to Luling, Mengyu is granted the title of Ji Di, demoted to Xiangzhou

[Song Dynasty] Dai Xu

The signs of desolation in the ancient county are new, and the king's behavior is to pretend to be poor.
I am worried about saying goodbye to Liu Bianyu, and I will start my journey to Guangxi tomorrow.
Since ancient times, things have rarely happened as one wishes. It is better to regret not having returned home if you have extra meals.
The spring breeze may not end at the end of the world, the oak flowers bloom and the water is deep.

Mocking the fate of monks

[Song Dynasty] Hu Zhonggong

How to take advantage of the fate even more when you are outside the world.
The monk hall is pure and wealthy, and the Taoist temple is a little fairy.
Hold the alms bowl when you are full, and don’t sell the alchemy for money.
If you can control life and death, why bother asking heaven.

is sent to

[Song Dynasty] Shi Yuanzhao

The swallow leaves the nest and leaves home, and the cuckoo crows at the end of the world. I have seen all the spring things, and they are all flowers in other people's gardens.

On the thirteenth day of the seventh lunar month, there were only ten monks left in Shi Dehong's temple, and there were hundreds of monks left in the fields. Why do you often lack food and only pay half of your rent and taxes?

I lost my cloth this year, and I am sitting without cattle tools. In June the rice seedlings begin to be divided, and the river flows along the road.

The water recedes and the rice seedlings sink into the mud, and there is no rain for the whole month. The withered roots dismantle the tortoise sign, and the skinny leaves press down on the soil.

The neighbor has breakfast for breakfast, and I have quality robes and trousers. This life is food and drink, cooked in dreams.

Acizuo Jingsu, patiently endures hardships. At present, the quality is exhausted, and the father and son look at each other.

slumped down and fell asleep, unable to speak for a long time. The nectar is gone, but please hold on to it.

Night Fu

[Song Dynasty] Lu You

html In May, I know it will rain, and the wind announces that autumn is approaching.
The dark corridors are shining brightly, and the deep trees are whistling owl.
I am fortunate to pass on family affairs, but I am still worried about the country.
Although we are in harmony with each other, let's go back to my cow.

Morning walk to the west stream

[Song Dynasty] Zhang Ban

Days later, the accumulated mud gradually melted, and a new bay was opened by a small bridge.
Don't be happy because of the flying duck, and forget about the book of life.

Leave an inscription to Zen Master Lingyan Jiangong

[Song Dynasty] Zhang Huizong

Among the 5 people, Ling De lived in the high ground, and the best people in the world dominated the mountains. The Four Unique Famous Marks are clear in the world, and monks from ten directions gather among the white clouds.

The two dragon beads take care of Jingjing, and the Shuanghe Spring is used to wash the alms bowl. In the morning and evening, the reins of Li Rong are taken off, and the nature is connected to the three teachings and knocks on the Zen gate.

Hidden Pool

[Song Dynasty] Lou Key

Lingtan goes deep into the white clouds, and the spring clouds with rain open for me.
The milkstone is muddy in the air and is about to fall, and the waterfall thousands of feet high is coming from the middle.
The two armies were fighting fiercely, and the drums and drums were trembling, and a cold rain brought thunder. In
, there is Wolong Jun, don’t fight, sometimes there will be wind and thunder on the ground.

Self-Ode to Leisure

[Song Dynasty] Lu You

In his remaining years, neighbors are fortunately dependent on each other, just like the old crane returning from Liaotian.
The fish in Hepu is beautiful when it is not sparse, and the bean border is about to be dark and the pheasants are beginning to fatten.
style: Look at the bamboo when the door is close, and there are many people giving wine and it is not appropriate to dress.
likes the place where you can relax and watch the sunset, where several houses are covered with mist.

The official secret hall is Zheng Shen's issue

[Song Dynasty] Zhang Qi

Usually Taniguchi is famous, but now the market is like water.
Sima Zheng is a foreigner, and he cannot handle official affairs.
The court is built in the human environment, and the beauty of Zhongfu is my home.
Yaolin Qiongshu is outside the wind and dust, and the snow is white and the spring is full of laughter.
If you have wine among the flowers, you can escape to Zen, and you will forget yourself even when you are a guest.
In response to the imperial edict, he climbed to the Golden Horse Gate and enjoyed wandering around and chatting.
The king is sacred to Yi Zhou, and tigers and leopards cannot be left in the empty mountains.
recruits me Baiyun Ersan Zi, Dan Guanjing comes out from the public tour.

Four poems about Cherishing Begonia Flowers in the Rain

[Song Dynasty] Liao Xingzhi

Why is Dong Jun jealous of Hua Yan? He doesn't send the spring breeze to smile.
invites the heart to be full of sorrow, full of hatred in the rain.


[Song Dynasty] Hu Quan

Don’t plant lotuses when there is water. At that time, I ordered you to listen. There is no need to bring a step fork in the white battle of

The Seventh of Ten Quatrains by Xu Shilang of Shang Pingjiang

[Song Dynasty] Zeng Xie

not only seems to have done a good job in kuanping, but also rediscovers the Jian'an style in his writing. The people of the country are competing to persuade Jin Zhongyi to see the king and the holy one.

Eight Odes of Liangxi Part 3 Wen Huitang

[Song Dynasty] Li Gang

Friends and relatives talk to Hengmen, and the wine is poured into the clouds. When will I return to the three paths with wide thoughts and a bottle of heavy and detailed essays?

Five poems written by Li Yishan on willow branches

[Song Dynasty] Chen Shidao

Jiang Qingsha, the sun is warm, male ducks and female mandarin ducks.
We don’t recognize each other, and the flowers fade away in red and fragrant late.

Sending Yao Yuandao to the palace

[Song Dynasty] I thought that my colleague was suddenly separated from me, and the words he gave me became poems like ancient times. In the second year of the year, I rode on Linqi day and climbed up to Han Dynasty in August.

There is no need to sigh and listen to the song. The number of favors returned to the dynasty should be extraordinary, and the sacred side has great potential.

and Wang Jingwen. The second

[Song Dynasty] Zhang Xiaoxiang

was a gentle son and a mainstay. The main scope of the disease is different, and there are many diseases and diarrhea during the injury.

The minister slandered Jia Yi, and he owed Chang He a bad journey. There is no way to open the door, and we chat and sing songs.

Send Meng Jiazhi to Que

[Song Dynasty] Chen Geng

has been with literature and history for twenty years, and his heart becomes stronger with time. I have always been able to move with ease, but now my fame and fame are stable.

The light green desert grass is everywhere, and the distant green fingers are brushing against the stove smoke. Thousands of words should be used to guide the time and save the favor for the next nine days.

times rhyme Zhao Daofu's work of releasing fish

[Song Dynasty] Li Misun

suddenly saw a fishy city when he went out, Turing donated a grain of gold.
makes cooking delicious. Who can build a network and be closer to the pool?
The slanting wind and waves return to the tail, and the shallow horizontal sand moves the prime fin.
Don’t call it the bottom of the world. The grudges of three lives cannot be bullied.

Two Elegies of Duke Zhao of Duan Ming Wu Lai

[Song Dynasty] Liu Kezhuang

He cherished his life and looked at the shadow of the world, sighing that this person has inspired the ancient heroes.
The old man in the middle base still offers a seal, and when he goes to Sanlu, he is still a Li Sao.
Without gold, one can remain poor, and it is difficult to add a jade to a higher level.
There are several rows of tears and a bunch of cud, like the waves flying across Zhejiang.

Dragon Boat Festival Post·Emperor Pavilion

[Song Dynasty] Zhou Bida

The festival has been passed down through the ages, and Xiuxiang belongs to the holy time.
The flame picture is like the sun forever, shining brightly on Huayi.

Hexie wine

[Song Dynasty] Song Xiang

The wax feet and spring trough are so delicious and fragrant, I am so lucky to have you taste a cup.
After ten years of separation and hatred, there is no place to sell, and the monkey is drunk in the countryside.

Presented to Zhang Nanjin Erjue

[Song Dynasty] Liu Kezhuang

Han Zhenlin Kai Miao did not pass on, please pray for yourself in the Xiaoxing Year.
Gong Qing, who is a big spender, most of his poems will be accurate.

Read Zhou Zhongbi's poem about visiting friends in the snow, followed by rhyme

[Song Dynasty] Zhang Gang

rode a horse to the Tianque, wearing a few broken fox furs. Fame and fame will never end, and the sun and moon will not stay.

has always had a strong tongue and is not as good at talking. There is a place of happiness behind closed doors, and there is no need to worry about children.

An old friend sends a new poem, a scroll with a red tooth head. Working in the floating snow, who will take advantage of the excitement?

We are still in love with each other, flying in a boat all night long. How can I wait for the marquis of ten thousand households even if I am a little bit small?

Having wine and having fun together is better than traveling in poverty.

times rhyme Feng Shunzhi saw the gift

[Song Dynasty] Wang Zhuo

Liangshan looked back with sorrow and sorrow, and came to Jiangcheng to dust away the dust.
It’s really a bad idea to gargle rice wine with koji, but it’s even more idiotic to push books and brush pens.
Your voice is as old as yours, and your smiles are new when we meet.
will pour praises into the poem tube and become youthful.

Passing Tangxing Temple One

[Song Dynasty] Liu Caishao

had to resign and follow Cui Yi. How could it be consistent with the classics? The commander-in-chief split the bamboo arrows, but Xianjun refused to split the lotus clothes.

The high wind has been working hard for a long time, and the new witty words have returned. Waiting for the spring to warm up a little, we will look for Yanwu and Moss Island together.

Good things come soon

[Song Dynasty] Cai Xiang

The auspicious snow filled Kyoto, and the palaces turned into silver palaces. I often look at Su Guang in the distance, it is the season of Jiangmei.
Nowadays, cold plum blossoms can be seen on the river, and the fragrance has disappeared.Watching the fallen beauty again, I feel like it is drifting like snow.

Picking mulberries·Who will send a little desolation

[Song Dynasty] Yan Jidao

Who will send a little desolation,
into the lower eyebrows. The
painting foil is hanging down,
may have to go to bed late tonight.
The traces of the night are all over the moon in the window,
I once missed the period of my heart.
is almost like lovesickness,
is still about recording the moon in the window.

Two poems about spring in Junpu on February 1st

[Song Dynasty] Yang Wanli

In the Zhonghe Festival, it is half spring, and a breeze clears the cold and a little bit of excitement.
The haggard plum blossoms are about to fall, and the delicate apricots are beginning to multiply.

Mao Hong moved his wife to a new palace with his concubine and gave him a gift

[Song Dynasty] Zhang Ban

lived in the alley between the north and the south and happily depended on each other, so he did not have to worry about the lack of sentences in autumn. The yellow chrysanthemums are picked early in the morning, and I would rather sigh as the white clouds fly away.

It is a good idea to have a good time with the Lord of Longevity, and to have your hair cut and invite guests is not against your will. From then on, Lao Lai's clothes were filled with the fragrance of flowers in Abbot Vimalakia's room.

The true master wrote two poems about the coldness of his injured foot due to sending a hair order

[Song Dynasty] Mei Yaochen

Hearing that there were few people in and out of the mountains, he occasionally came to the stream to laugh and talk.
Yeyun no matter how thin the field robe is, the cold and thin skin accompany him back home.

Under the rhyme family, Prime Minister Lu learned how to drive a bus

[Song Dynasty] Su Che

did not recognize my emperor's dragon and phoenix seal, and all the Confucian scholars looked forward to Nanxiang for a long time.
The chariot returned to the original temple and started to move. The herons gathered in the west and were already on their way.
The governor asked a moment ago, Xianchen will come to the king in a few days.
I realized the meaning of Xi Ning when I was an official, so I came to see Kentang in person.

times rhyme Qian Xie Waiting for Autumn Huai

[Song Dynasty] Su Che

A strong heart disappears in old age, and autumn thoughts are sad but not resentful.
is pregnant with seven, so use the eclipse of ten thousand.
The rising sun is painted cleanly, and the white dew touches the grass and vines.
Search the old Chu in clothes, and accumulate new debts due to wine.
The sniper ape is in the forest, with a sad crown and a circle around the threshold.
Dreams of chasing red pine trees and eating my green rice.
It has been a long time since I returned to my heart, and I will give you some good words to persuade you.
I recently heard that Taodong general appeared, and Ma Jian came out from time to time.
King Pi is sitting and bound, and his right arm is about to be presented.
I feel ashamed that I have accomplished nothing, but it is my wish to return home.

Send two poems to Wang Baobo and Mingju Yun

[Song Dynasty] Guo Yin

I will know when I will meet, and I will feel relieved.
I and Cao are all entrusted with their fate, so don’t worry about worldly affairs.
There are trees in our homeland, but our ancestors did not have huts.
Minshan wants to hide together, but this plan is sparse.

Tiancong Cave

[Song Dynasty] Zhou Maoliang

A mysterious and mysterious god of grain, why is Dacong in the world of mortals.
There is no place in the world where there is no news. God obeys my people.

Posted three poems about Zheng Shangming's tea house

[Song Dynasty] Liu Zihui

A little spring brings back the withered flowers, and thousands of families are noisy in the cold ruins.
Phoenix cakes, dragon balls and jade food, half-heartedly entered the Qionglu.

Traveling with Chen Zaihuangbu to the Eight Heads of Lingshan to Zaiyun, we can be said to have taken a break from our busy schedule

[Song Dynasty] Chen Zao

made Yin Zheng perform his meritorious service and praised it everywhere.
leisurely Yiluoyi, this is a great way to travel.
A smile is heartwarming, and government is concerned about the people first.
Although I cherish Cai Houjing, I don't want to be Zhao Meng.

Xu Zhongyu, a native of the country, interviewed him about what he saw when he went to Shangfang Peak.

[Song Dynasty] Wang Lu

The straight wall has no kindness and locks away people, and the Xuan Palace is better than a maze.
I don’t know if Shangling has really forgotten the Han Dynasty, it will be said that Taoyuan alone avoids the Qin Dynasty.
The distant trees sway with love in the low wild meadow, and the broken clouds carry hatred in autumn.
From now on, I want you to be as brave as you, and I will accompany Wei Lang through the two worlds.

Sixteen poems titled "Dong Duanming's Fisherman Drunk in Hometown and Burning Incense" Seven poems by Fisherman One of the seven poems

[Song Dynasty] Chen Ke

Everywhere is clear sand with fishing rays, and the bathing ducks and flying herons are very close to each other. Who would have thought that things would happen in the past, just like ordinary Jianghai people.

Forty-Four Ancient Odes

[Song Dynasty] Shi Fatai

It is neither the wind nor the flag, one mountain after another.
After the rain of youth, there is nothing left. I lean on the dangerous building and look at the brake pole.

Hong Ju's father was boating to Ying and Zhang Zhongzong paid for it. During the banquet, he left a poem to say goodbye

[Song Dynasty] Wang Zhi

The clouds were low on the bank in the evening, and the moon was low, and we returned together in dreams.
Walking hides and sighs in the human environment, opening and closing depends on the secret of heaven.
The body is far away from the country, and the book is looking for the flying geese.
is a ruthless and resentful young woman, and is biased towards revealing her clothes.

Shangsi Rirui Shengyuan Xiyan was presented to all the fellows

[Song Dynasty] Zeng Gong

The northern suburbs were originally a whip, and Hualin Qingji was decorated with Confucian crowns.
Fangtang is full of spring, and dense bamboo trees are growing colder in the afternoon.
The floating gold of Liuzhu wine is chiseled down, illuminating the garden flowers and jade railings.
Your kindness makes you feel that the hills and mountains are heavy, and you can smile calmly and enjoy yourself all day long.

Bodhi Abandoned Temple

[Song Dynasty] Zhou Bi

A solitary monk lives in the wild temple, and even in the spring it is closed.
At dawn, the three boards are gone, and at dusk, the pestle is returned with a bowl.
Torreya trees hang down from the ancient house, and stone weeds grow in the secluded windows.
There is no room for travelers to rest, the trees are barren and the doves are flying in the rain.

Tianshen Festival Speech

[Song Dynasty] Chen Zao

daydream cloud Ao played Weiyang, Xuan Yu Jin recorded birthday celebration business.
The immortal battle is stopped in Jiuguangxia, and the emperor's cup is served in the sound of long live.
The phoenix in the sky provides pleasure, and the phoenix dances in the world to bring grace.
The minister is willing to follow the example of China and give blessings, and try to praise the Holy Emperor Lingchun Longevity.

Gong'an County

[Song Dynasty] Tao Bi

Enter along the embankment, and the road takes advantage of the shallow sand.
The trees are short, the clouds are uprooted, and the mountains are poor and the terrain is tilted.
It is difficult for a lonely boat to dock, and the distant water is like Shen City.
Asking for help in the middle of the night, the fire is bright in the smoke.

Partridge Sky (Xuande Hall to enjoy the lanterns, first banquet in the Plum Hall, serve in the two palaces, get drunk and account for it)

[Song Dynasty] Once met

Long Yu personally welcomed the jade chariot. There are piles of snow on the branches of Jiangmei. When the east wind comes to Shangyuan, spring comes, and golden lotuses bloom on the ground.
Soaring phoenix blows, entering the Yao cup. The intersection of the two palaces encourages harmony and harmony. From now on, if the father is kind and the son is filial, we will prepare ten thousand feasts.


[Song Dynasty] Zhao Dingchen

At dawn, the horse is about to hit the sun. When your eyes are full, why do you think your stomach is empty? But my love for flowers is not complete, and I look for the remaining red under the Tangli tree.

Huaitanxi’s former residence

[Song Dynasty] Zhu Xi

recalled living in Tanxi for forty years, and there were countless beautiful peaks in front of the windows. Although it is not surrounded by mountains and water, it has warm winters and cold summers.

Thousands of bamboos are scattered around the house, and there is a cold spring next to the cliff. Who taught me that I had lost my plan and moved east to Miao? I lay exhausted by the west window and the sun was full of rivers.

Li Xitai retreated to poetry and praised

[Song Dynasty] Yue Ke

used to retreat from the hidden heart and invited Qiu He to the old man.
singing and remuneration, the meaning is enough to test.
I am tired of my wings, so I should know how to return them.
is awe-inspiring, but the common people are climbing.

The ten poems of Mr. Liu in the left history of Houyue use two lines of Xiangyang poems to line up with Zangjian. The advanced and retreat methods of the late festival are rhymed by the ancestors. His ten

[Song Dynasty] Cheng Gongxu

was trapped in the wind and dust with rice, and was shy and old. Sighing the hardships of fighting, it is still a blessing for the people to leave.

Yiyi Kongqiang dream, pat Qinshuichun. With the wind from thousands of miles away, I went to ask about it.

Two poems about Zheng Ang's uncle Gui's mother, Mrs. Cai

[Song Dynasty] Wang Mai

Jiangman talks about the days, and Xiongwan suffers from the pain.
went to the hall many times to worship and kissed his mother, the teacher.
Every time I admire the joy of Xuan Tang, now I am sad.
We share the same orders throughout our lives, and weep together in the poems of Polygonum scutellariae.

Early Journey to the Snow Valley

[Song Dynasty] Yuji

Chaimen is surrounded by snow, and pedestrians leave the village a little. You may encounter tigers at the head of the stream, but you will not hear apes at the end of the tree.

Connect the stack back to the mountain pavilion, and the branch bridge is the root of the tree. Driving up Chongban, I looked back to see Chaotun.

Climbing the Yanqing Buddhist Pavilion uses three poems of suburban rhyme

[Song Dynasty] Wu Qian

The distant peaks and nearby peaks seem to be connected in a ring, with green rows of green reaching in front of you.
can be saintly or virtuous, the mulberry wine falls, the chrysanthemum sky is neither cold nor warm.
swallows the lake and the sea, and criticizes the jade cicada.
This guest should not be owed anything when he is seated, so why should he be surprised when he meets someone?

Living Man's Song

[Song Dynasty] Shi Yinsu

The great Holy Spirit experiences Pu'an Yuan and spreads the spirit to meet the fate.
Confidence purifies and enlightens the mind, eliminating all diseases and relieving karma.
Manjusri style, wrapped in Samantabhadra and
living songs wrapped in cash immortality. The king of medicine has no other skills in medicine,
Bian Que and Sun Zhen have the same words. Take it in three doses and boil
in clean water. Do not let the smell of blood contaminate your heart.
All things are my body in form, but I can resolve my grievances by practicing kindness.
has no thoughts inside and no destiny outside. Why should
be passed down later? The body and mind are originally diamond bodies, and
does not understand that the mind is entangled by karma. The medicine is gone, the heart is full and the moon is full. When I believe, the Buddha is alone in the Western Heaven.
is available to everyone everywhere, and this spiritual source is incomparable in the world.
removes the stain of sin and gets rid of hundreds of grievances,
relieves the fainting and makes the sky bright and righteous. Believe that it is not me who is sick,
Master Vimalakia smiles and sleeps. If all living beings are sick, I will not be disturbed. If all living beings are not healthy, I will recover from their illnesses.
Who dares to teach the best method? The golden-haired master reveals his whole body.
Quickly administer medicine to resolve worldly fate,
Mo Xuequn is as blind as a saint. Randomly respond to the difficulty,
is easy to use and does not cost any money.


[Song Dynasty] Li Zhiyi

Jinrouhuo Lao,
wants to avoid the place for a few days.
Who can borrow the wind from the eaves,
locks the fragrance,
is stunned and clear.
Yao-level beads are built,
is like a film meeting a golden grate,
outside the running water,
before the flowers fall,
how can it be done by humans.
is like Lin Panyu, and
’s laughter is all true.
is melancholy about the people by the moon,
is riding on the clouds, where is
Where the string is in the throat,
feels the old sound of emptyness,
orchid is easy to rest,
hate is too long,
the soul is broken.

The poem "Three Snows" uses the prefix rhyme to express the three words

[Song Dynasty] Xiang Anshi

The moon is thicker than that of Shu, and a good year heralds peace. How charming is the flying piece of
? It is too rough to fall.
Xue Feng collapses and gains momentum, and the shaman ape makes a lonely sound.
There are no pigs crossing the Bingxi River, but there are people walking on the woodcutting road.
There is no road in Baxia, but there seems to be a god in Pengshan Mountain.
The sky and the earth are mixed together, and the light helps the sun and stars to be new.
opens up the world and wastes ninety springs.
After a few days behind closed doors, people will be killed and swallowed by hunger.

The stream is condensed with blue and blue and merges with the two rivers, and the pavilion is in front of thousands of rocks and ravines. Washing stones, I think about clearing diseased teeth. Who can listen to the flowing spring while leaning on the harp? The north ridge of Yun - DayDayNews

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