Henan Banking and Insurance Regulatory Bureau and Henan Provincial Local Financial Supervision Bureau issued an announcement on the 11th: Yuzhou Xinminsheng Rural Bank, Shangcai Huimin Rural Bank, Zhecheng Huanghuai Rural Bank, Kaifeng New Oriental Rural Bank's off-book business

2024/06/2508:36:33 hotcomm 1609

The fact that these rural banks are unable to withdraw money is actually accompanied by a long-term "quantitative change" process, and there is no lack of "early warning"

With the attention of many parties, the Henan rural bank case has ushered in significant progress. Henan Banking and Insurance Regulatory Bureau and Henan Provincial Local Financial Supervision Bureau issued an announcement on the 11th: Yuzhou New Minsheng Rural Bank , Shangcai Huimin Rural Bank, Zhecheng Huanghuai Rural Bank, Kaifeng New Oriental Rural Bank off-book business customer certificates Advance advance payment work will be carried out in batches by category.

’s announcement clearly states that the first batch of advance payments will begin on July 15, and the advance payments will be made to customers with a single-person combined amount of less than 50,000 yuan (inclusive) from a single institution. If the combined amount of a single person in a single institution exceeds 50,000 yuan, advance payments will be made one after another, and the advance payment arrangement will be announced separately.

This means that some people with an amount of less than 50,000 yuan are expected to receive advance payments, which also marks a substantial step in the aftermath of the case.

However, judging from public information, there are still some key questions that need to be clarified regarding the "difficulty in withdrawing money" incident in rural banks in Henan.

"Deposits" or "Financial Products"?

On July 10, the Public Security Bureau of Xuchang City, Henan Province reported that another group of criminal suspects had been captured. Among them, such a key statement has attracted special attention from the outside world:

Since 2011, the criminal gang headed by the criminal suspect Lu Yi has used companies such as Henan New Fortune Group... to use third-party Internet financial platforms and Junzhengzhi established by the criminal gang. The self-operated platform developed by Da Technology Co., Ltd. and a group of fund brokers are used to attract deposits and promote financial products...

This should be the first official disclosure of the way the bank involved absorbs funds - soliciting deposits and promoting financial products. Among them, whether a "financial product" is a deposit or not is related to different rights and interests protection.

Because, if the nature of the money absorbed is "deposit", it is protected by the " Deposit Insurance Regulations " - deposit insurance implements limited reimbursement, and the maximum reimbursement limit is RMB 500,000. If the nature of the payment is characterized as a "financial management product", the uncertainty of subsequent rights protection will be much greater. The advance payment announcement also pointed out that "advances will not be made for the time being for funds that obtain high interest rates through additional channels or that are suspected of illegality and crime." Is the "additional channels for obtaining high interest rates" here a "financial product"? In this regard, relevant parties may need to provide a more detailed response and explanation to the society in a timely manner.

What responsibilities should third-party Internet financial platforms bear?

As shown in the above-mentioned Xuchang Public Security Notice, Henan New Fortune Group used third-party Internet financial platforms in the process of absorbing funds. There is still no relevant authoritative information on what responsibilities these platforms have.

According to media reports, many of the depositors of the village bank involved come from other places, and many of them deposit money to the village bank involved through third-party platforms. Among them, Du Xiaoman, , Xiaomi Finance, and many other platforms were mentioned by the media.

These platforms have at least played the role of credit endorsement in the process of attracting deposits from little-known rural banks in Henan. Otherwise, it seems difficult to explain that several rural banks in Henan were able to absorb tens of billions of funds from many places across the country in a short period of time.

Therefore, what role does the third-party platform play in the Henan Village Bank case, what kind of responsibilities should it bear, and have relevant departments intervened in the investigation? It is also appropriate to promptly disclose relevant information to the public.

online trading system "changes", can they be investigated together?

It has been nearly three months since the incident was exposed, and it has been several months since the relevant departments announced their involvement in the investigation. However, in the process, the public discovered that the rural bank involved, which was originally at the forefront of the storm, was still "acting" constantly.

First, on June 26, some depositors discovered that Kaifeng New Oriental Rural Bank, which had previously closed its online trading system, briefly opened online transactions for "more than ten minutes." In response, the bank involved responded that the situation was due to an abnormality in the individual operating rights of mobile banking. On July 7, a depositor broke the news: "Kaifeng New Oriental Rural Bank APP has been forced to update the system version. The new version no longer has channels for cash withdrawals and transfers."

Henan Banking and Insurance Regulatory Bureau and Henan Provincial Local Financial Supervision Bureau issued an announcement on the 11th: Yuzhou Xinminsheng Rural Bank, Shangcai Huimin Rural Bank, Zhecheng Huanghuai Rural Bank, Kaifeng New Oriental Rural Bank's off-book business  - DayDayNews

↑Picture according to Tianmu News.

In this regard, the staff of the bank involved said: "Our bank is upgrading the Android version of mobile banking. This upgrade is a mandatory upgrade. Unupgraded versions will not be able to use the mobile banking function. After the upgrade, the electronic account withdrawal button is temporarily invisible (currently The button is visible in the Apple version but cannot be withdrawn. The Apple version is expected to be upgraded next week). If our bank's online business resumes, the withdrawal button will be able to be used normally. The two events "

" may also be included in the event. within the scope of investigation.

health code turned red twice. How to completely solve the vulnerability?

html On June 22, Zhengzhou reported on the investigation and accountability of some village bank depositors who were assigned red codes. According to the report at that time, a total of more than 1,000 rural bank depositors were assigned red codes due to artificial violations. The investigation and accountability report is also very clear about the characterization of relevant behaviors: the awareness of the rule of law and the awareness of rules are weak; it seriously damages the seriousness of the regulations on the management and use of health codes and causes serious adverse social impacts. It is a typical act of chaos.

After more than ten days, the Zhengzhou Big Data Administration issued a situation statement on the 8th saying that on the evening of July 7, the Zhengzhou Big Data Administration encountered technical problems during the upgrade of the data interface of the health code system, resulting in some health codes Abnormal, after emergency treatment, everything returned to normal at 8:00 on July 8. The data interface of the

health code system has been upgraded. Why do technical problems appear again with the health codes of some savers? How to ensure the seriousness of health code management also requires more thorough local answers and processing. In any case, the "arbitrary red code" loophole should be completely resolved. The illegal and illegal operation of

has lasted for more than ten years. What is the core problem?

According to a report from the Xuchang Municipal Public Security Bureau on June 18, Henan New Fortune Group Investment Holding Co., Ltd. was suspected of using village banks to commit a series of serious crimes since 2011.

In other words, the illegal and even illegal operations of the rural banks involved have lasted for more than ten years. After being below the bottom line of regulations for such a long time, why was it not discovered in time?

According to a recent report by Sanlian Life Weekly , in recent years, the rural banks involved have repeatedly issued illegal loans. For example, Yuzhou New Minsheng Bank has repeatedly incurred administrative penalties for illegal lending practices such as fake loans and serious failure to perform pre-loan investigations. In addition, people familiar with the matter said that the asset non-performing ratio of these rural banks is very serious, and it was even predicted about five years ago that something would happen sooner or later.

Based on the above information, it can be seen that the fact that these rural banks are unable to withdraw money is actually accompanied by a long-term "quantitative change" process, and there is no lack of "early warning". It can be assumed that if regulatory forces can pay attention early, there should be many opportunities to avoid an ending like today. Therefore, questioning behind the scenes should not be avoided either.

No matter from which angle you look at it, the Henan Village Bank incident is depressing. At this time, we can only help customers get back their legitimate rights and interests as much as possible on the basis of clarifying the truth and thoroughly investigating responsibilities. During this process, relevant parties should also focus on communication and promptly respond to the demands and questions of customers and public opinion to avoid new trust losses and conflicts. I hope that the upcoming advance payment can really be a good start.

It should be pointed out that rural banks have now become the "micro-banks" with the largest number of institutions, the smallest individual size, the most grassroots customer service, and the most prominent features of supporting agriculture and small businesses in China. They are of great significance in meeting the financial needs of rural areas. We cannot lose confidence in the development of the entire rural banking system just because of the "difficulty in withdrawing money" from several rural banks in Henan. Of course, some of the problems exposed are indeed worth learning from the entire industry.

Special commentator of Red Star News Zhu Changjun

Editor Zhao Yu

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Henan Banking and Insurance Regulatory Bureau and Henan Provincial Local Financial Supervision Bureau issued an announcement on the 11th: Yuzhou Xinminsheng Rural Bank, Shangcai Huimin Rural Bank, Zhecheng Huanghuai Rural Bank, Kaifeng New Oriental Rural Bank's off-book business  - DayDayNews

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