Some time ago, news media reported that 51-year-old kung fu actress Yang Lijing was suddenly revealed to be hospitalized for surgery, which aroused speculation among netizens. Later, Yang Lijing responded on social platforms: "Minor surgery, recovery is going very well, health is

2024/06/2405:51:32 hotcomm 1963

Some time ago, news media reported that 51-year-old kung fu actress Yang Lijing was suddenly revealed to be hospitalized for surgery, which aroused speculation among netizens. Later, Yang Lijing responded on social platforms: "Minor surgery, recovery is going very well, health is very important, let everyone know that you are safe."

html On April 17, she responded to her physical condition in an interview with reporters: " My Uterine fibroids were not big at first, but in the past few months they suddenly grew to more than ten centimeters, and they had to go to the hospital for surgery. After getting the exact news, netizens were finally relieved. After all, in the eyes of most people, the uterus is. Fibroids are just a "little problem."

So, what exactly are uterine fibroids? Who is prone to uterine fibroids?

Estrogen , the root of all evils in women

Modern women are under a lot of pressure in their daily lives. Women who "can go to the hall and get into the kitchen" not only take care of housework every day, but also bear the pressure of making money. On the one hand, people praise these women for their excellent living abilities and outstanding performance in the workplace, but on the other hand, they ignore that behind these glamors, there is actually the growing psychological pressure and risk of disease that many women face. Among them, the growing incidence of uterine fibroids is a strong evidence.

Some time ago, news media reported that 51-year-old kung fu actress Yang Lijing was suddenly revealed to be hospitalized for surgery, which aroused speculation among netizens. Later, Yang Lijing responded on social platforms:

So, what is the root cause of uterine fibroids? In this regard, Xu Mingtao, the attending gynecologist at the Fangcun Branch of Guangdong Provincial Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine, gave the answer: "The cause of uterine fibroids is currently unknown. It may be related to excessive estrogen levels in the body and long-term stimulation by estrogen." For example, during pregnancy, women’s estrogen levels will increase. At this time, fibroids will accelerate and gradually increase in size.”

When uterine fibroids grow, there are several obvious symptoms

We understand uterine fibroids. After gaining some basic knowledge, you need to pay attention to prevention and learn to identify which symptoms are related to uterine fibroids.

First of all, one of the most obvious symptoms of uterine fibroids is irregular vaginal bleeding and abnormal menstruation. If your body has unexplained "bleeding" or even severe "hemorrhagic collapse", you should consider uterine fibroids. Because 60%-70% of uterine fibroids have early symptoms of "hemorrhagic collapse". Usually, tumors in the body increase to a certain extent and rupture, followed by bleeding.

Secondly, increased leucorrhea is also an obvious symptom of uterine fibroids. When uterine fibroids occur, they are often accompanied by infection, so a sudden increase in leucorrhea mixed with blood, pus, etc. often indicates the presence of uterine fibroids in the body.

Some time ago, news media reported that 51-year-old kung fu actress Yang Lijing was suddenly revealed to be hospitalized for surgery, which aroused speculation among netizens. Later, Yang Lijing responded on social platforms:

There is another kind, which is with symptoms of oppression . If uterine fibroids appear in the body, the tumors will press on nearby organs such as the bladder and intestines, leading to frequent urination, difficulty in urinating, intestinal obstruction, constipation and other conditions. Therefore, once you feel a sense of oppression, everyone should be vigilant and seek medical treatment in time.

The last one is a lump can be felt in the abdomen . If you suffer from uterine fibroids, you will obviously feel a lump in your abdomen. At this time, in order to screen whether it is caused by uterine fibroids, everyone must seek medical treatment in time and use medical means to see whether the lumps are caused by uterine fibroids.

Three types of people are prone to uterine fibroids

Dr. Xu Mingtao said that there are several types of people who are prone to uterine fibroids.

  • People who like to take supplements randomly

Generally, the beauty supplements commonly used by women contain a large amount of estrogen, or contain estrogen ingredients, such as general donkey hide gelatin, red dates, longan, soy milk and royal jelly supplements, all of which contain a lot of estrogen. , which increases the risk of uterine fibroids.

  • People who are under pressure due to marriage and childbirth

Women's emotions are generally richer and more volatile. When you are in a bad mood or state, emotions such as irritability, depression, anxiety, etc. will affect the body's endocrine, leading to endocrine disorders . This increases the risk of uterine fibroids growing. And if you give birth later, your physical fitness will be relatively poor. At this time, the abnormal estrogen levels caused by pregnancy will also affect your health and increase the risk of uterine fibroids.

  • People who are overly nervous and stressed

We know that many endocrine disorders are actually related to people's psychological state. If you are often in a state of great sadness, anger, and overthinking in life, it will affect your health and cause the five internal organs to become out of harmony. Physical fatigue is difficult to eliminate, especially during menstruation, which will greatly hinder the flow of Qi and blood and promote the growth of uterine fibroids.

Some time ago, news media reported that 51-year-old kung fu actress Yang Lijing was suddenly revealed to be hospitalized for surgery, which aroused speculation among netizens. Later, Yang Lijing responded on social platforms:

In general, women’s health deserves the attention and attention of each of us. In daily life, you must take beauty and beauty supplements scientifically and rationally to avoid increasing the risk of uterine fibroids. Emotional stress should also be released reasonably and pay attention to rest, so as to reduce the stress and put the body in a good state to fight various diseases. If symptoms of uterine fibroids appear, don't let it go. Go to the hospital for examination and treatment as soon as possible so that your body can return to a healthy state as soon as possible. #Qingfeng plan##Healthy May Day##39Health Super Energy Group#


[1]Meng Ping. Laparoscopic Uterine myomectomy The effect and effectiveness of uterine fibroids treatment Impact on patients' immune function [J]. Contemporary Medicine, 2020, 26(11): 21-23.

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[3] Guan Wenchang, Bai Feng, Li Hui. Comparing the clinical efficacy of laparoscopic myomectomy and abdominal myomectomy in the treatment of uterine fibroids[ J]. Chinese Medicine Guide , 2020, 18(09): 63-64.

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