Steve Jobs, who was a wonder boy and a rebel before becoming the high-tech godfather of the new era; Bill Gates, the world's richest man, inspired by dreams of greatness.

2024/06/2322:21:33 hotcomm 1434

The launch of Apple’s iPhone Phoenix Satellite TV's " Phoenix Broad View " conducted a Face To Face comparison between two celebrities in last night's program. Who do you like more?

Steve Jobs, who was a wonder boy and a rebel before becoming the high-tech godfather of the new era; Bill Gates, the world's richest man, inspired by dreams of greatness. - DayDayNews

Steve Jobs, was a wonder boy and a rebel before becoming the high-tech godfather of the new era; Bill Gates, the richest man in the world, was inspired by the dream of greatness and worked tirelessly to become a successful person . These two supernovas, two rival but passionate people, collaborate and compete with each other, creating a binary system. One is a hippie and the other is a nerd. The only thing they have in common is that they dropped out of school to pursue their dreams.

Steve Jobs, who was a wonder boy and a rebel before becoming the high-tech godfather of the new era; Bill Gates, the world's richest man, inspired by dreams of greatness. - DayDayNews

Gates dropped out of Harvard The birth of Microsoft

In the 1970s, computer games had just appeared; the computer world still only had huge machines and supercomputers that only super large companies could afford. At that time, the market was still controlled by the American multinational company IBM "Big Blue".

Bill Gates is a native of Seattle and comes from a wealthy family. When he was in high school and college, he enjoyed programming and developing software with his good friend Paul Allen. The two developed a programming language called BASIC for "Altair" to make it intelligent, which can be described as a revolution.

Steve Jobs, who was a wonder boy and a rebel before becoming the high-tech godfather of the new era; Bill Gates, the world's richest man, inspired by dreams of greatness. - DayDayNews

Bill Gates and Paul Allen

They are passionate about computer languages. Bill Gates and Paul Allen's goal in 1975 was to dominate the computer language business for personal computers. For this reason, they dropped out of Harvard.

Soon, in April 1975, Gates and Allen established their company, Microsoft. Their purpose was to sell BASIC, but first to develop new software for future computers.

Steve Jobs, who was a wonder boy and a rebel before becoming the high-tech godfather of the new era; Bill Gates, the world's richest man, inspired by dreams of greatness. - DayDayNews

Microsoft's earliest employees pictured in Albuquerque, New Mexico, in 1978

Jobs: We can make money with it

Also in 1975, another duo emerged in Palo Alto, California. , Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak , these two high school students are fans of this new technology. "Altair" also marks the beginning of their epic journey.

Steve Jobs, who was a wonder boy and a rebel before becoming the high-tech godfather of the new era; Bill Gates, the world's richest man, inspired by dreams of greatness. - DayDayNews

Jobs and Wozniak in Jobs' parents' garage

Steve Wozniak looked at Altair. Altair was not elegant enough for him, there were too many chips in it, and things were too big. There was a voice in his mind that said: "I can design a computer and put all the parts on a motherboard."

This was what would become Apple's first generation computer.

Steve Jobs, who was a wonder boy and a rebel before becoming the high-tech godfather of the new era; Bill Gates, the world's richest man, inspired by dreams of greatness. - DayDayNews

The first Apple computer launched by Jobs and Wozniak in April 1976

Steve Jobs, who was a wonder boy and a rebel before becoming the high-tech godfather of the new era; Bill Gates, the world's richest man, inspired by dreams of greatness. - DayDayNews

The internal structure of the first-generation Apple computer

Apple 1 was purely Woz's idea, and the design was entirely his. But once he showed it to his good friend Jobs, Jobs became the marketing guy. What he thought was, "Well, we can use this to make money!"

The first collaboration between the two big guys

In April 1976, one year after Microsoft was founded, Apple Computer Company came out. Two backbone forces emerged in the computer revolution: Microsoft and Apple.

Jobs started from hardware, Gates started from software. So they approached computers from two different directions, yet they were both strong-minded people who thought they were changing the world.

Steve Jobs, who was a wonder boy and a rebel before becoming the high-tech godfather of the new era; Bill Gates, the world's richest man, inspired by dreams of greatness. - DayDayNews

Bill Gates continued to develop his BASIC language , and at the same time, the Silicon Valley duo also advanced: Steve Jobs was looking for investors to continue to grow his young company; and Steve Wozniak Nyack developed the Apple Computer II. In the spring of 1977, at the San Francisco computer show, the Apple 2 became a sensation.

As the first personal computer designed for the public, Apple 2 sales were a blockbuster.It is a portrayal of the computer revolution, but it also has a serious flaw, , and the person who can solve this problem is Bill Gates.

Wozniak developed a version of the BASIC language, but it was a bit outdated and missing one aspect. So they began looking for other versions of BASIC that could be used on the Apple 2 chip. And Microsoft owns this. So they contacted Bill Gates.

Steve Jobs, who was a wonder boy and a rebel before becoming the high-tech godfather of the new era; Bill Gates, the world's richest man, inspired by dreams of greatness. - DayDayNews

A group photo of Steve Jobs and Bill Gates

With BASIC, Microsoft has filled in the shortcomings of Apple 2. This is the first collaboration between Bill Gates and Steve Jobs. But due to the success of the Apple 2 in the late 1970s, the spotlight at that time was all on Jobs.

Jobs was expelled from Apple

Gates and Microsoft are becoming more successful, but Jobs is becoming more arrogant. The world revolved around Jobs, and he created his own cult of personality.

In 1983, Jobs poached John Sculley from Pepsi and made him the director of Apple. He famously said, "Do you want to sell sugar water for the rest of your life, or do you want to join me and change the world?" At first, they were a perfect match, but soon due to mediocre Mac sales, coupled with As Jobs became increasingly bossy, their honeymoon period soon ended.

Steve Jobs, who was a wonder boy and a rebel before becoming the high-tech godfather of the new era; Bill Gates, the world's richest man, inspired by dreams of greatness. - DayDayNews

For Jobs, being kicked out of Apple in 1985 was like a tragic ending to a love story that had his children taken away from him. Then Windows, a distant relative of the Mac, was installed on all computers on the world market in just ten years and became a huge success globally. With Windows 95, Gates and his personal computer unquestionably dethroned the Mac from the top spot.

Jobs satirizes Bill Gates has no taste

The incredible success of Windows 95 made this nerd from Seattle become a software master and the world's richest man. At that time, Steve Jobs was interviewed by Robert Collingieri, and he scoffed at it, and his words were sarcastic.

Steve Jobs: " The only problem with Microsoft is that they have no taste, no taste at all. I mean, I'm not saying this in a small way, but in a big way. I think, I'm sad. , not because Microsoft is successful, I have no problem with their success. To a large extent, my problem with is that their product has no soul."

Steve Jobs, who was a wonder boy and a rebel before becoming the high-tech godfather of the new era; Bill Gates, the world's richest man, inspired by dreams of greatness. - DayDayNews

Later, Jobs felt that maybe he had gone too far. So I called Bill to apologize. He said, "Bill, I watched the documentary. I guess I shouldn't say in public that Microsoft has no taste." Bill replied, "Well, thanks, Steve. Thank you for saying that. I thought you meant "It's a bit too much."

Jobs said: " But I'm telling the truth, you know it. I mean, I shouldn't say that in public, but it's the truth!" Bill said, "Steve, I may have no taste, but what you're saying is that my entire company has no taste."

Jobs took over Apple again

Ten years after Jobs left, Apple still has not recovered. The company was on the verge of bankruptcy and had no choice but to resort to the last resort: recall this "wonder boy". Jobs took over Apple again.

When he returned to Apple in 1996, he had matured a lot and lost the madness of his youth.

An iPod, a mobile phone... Apple rules the world of mobile phones.

Steve Jobs, who was a wonder boy and a rebel before becoming the high-tech godfather of the new era; Bill Gates, the world's richest man, inspired by dreams of greatness. - DayDayNews

iPhone established Steve Jobs as a modern visionary who could satisfy all the needs and desires of consumers. However, as he was already suffering from cancer at this time, he may have realized that his time was running out, and time did not wait for him to go down in history.

Far from the circle of celebrities and political figures, Bill Gates now chooses to help the world alleviate suffering. He and his wife Melinda established a foundation that made him the most generous billionaire in history. He still has a strong focus on Microsoft, but his dreams today are related to humanitarianism.

Steve Jobs, who was a wonder boy and a rebel before becoming the high-tech godfather of the new era; Bill Gates, the world's richest man, inspired by dreams of greatness. - DayDayNews

Listen to what others say about them

In the early 1980s, Steve Jobs and Bill Gates were both less than 30 years old, but they were already key figures in the rapidly growing computer industry, with two completely different personalities. , all wrote stories of becoming famous in one fell swoop.

As a participant in the computer revolution, Robert Collingieri has worked with Gates and Jobs since the late 1970s. After leaving Apple, he went into journalism, writing about the rivalry between Gates and Jobs.

Let’s hear what others think of these two big names?

Robert Collingieri:

For Bill, it was always about the money. With Steve, money was never an issue. I mean, money is nice, but it's never about the money. This makes them clearly distinguishable, up and down, and hot and cold. They are very, very different people.

Nolan Bushnell:

Steve Jobs was like 19 years old when I hired him. He was very confident and could tell very quickly whether you were smart or stupid, and once he decided you were stupid, he would Dismissive of you, even if you are his boss.

Robert Collingieri:

Steve always discussed these spiritual things, however, he could be a very ruthless person. You know, he has problems with intimacy, he can't get close to people. I don't know the reason.

Bill is stupid. He's just a nerd. Therefore, it was difficult for him to communicate with others and make others understand him, especially in the early years. His family didn't know what to do with him. He found his niche in business and technology, achieving success through his intellect.

Nolan Bushnell:

Steve Jobs was a much better businessman than Bill Gates, but he was not as tech savvy. He is not a professional programmer, whereas Bill Gates can code, and he can code very well.

Mike Slade:

Gates is not the same as Jobs. He's best at data, insights, technology, and ideas, and Steve leads the way with "what does it feel like? What does it look like?"

Nolan Bushnell:

So one is more technical and one is more marketing oriented.

Ten years of "hidden marriage" Gates was "obsessed" with Jobs

In 2007, the two giants gathered at the last media event organized by Walter Mossberg . The confrontations of the past eventually gave way to peaceful competition.

Steve Jobs, who was a wonder boy and a rebel before becoming the high-tech godfather of the new era; Bill Gates, the world's richest man, inspired by dreams of greatness. - DayDayNews

When asked what he thought of their relationship and what was their biggest misunderstanding about each other, Steve Jobs said:

We have been "hiddenly married" for more than ten years. That PC guy is great. He has a kind heart.

Although Jobs is no longer around, Although Gates still thinks Steve is a "freak", Gates is still fascinated by Jobs. Someone asked Gates: "How could you allow Steve Jobs to treat you like that?" And Gates didn't even know that someone had treated him in a certain way. He just looked at it all and said: "How does this guy work? What algorithm do I have here? Because I don't understand! I just want to figure out what is going on."

After hearing so much, the two big guys Who do you like more?

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Steve Jobs, who was a wonder boy and a rebel before becoming the high-tech godfather of the new era; Bill Gates, the world's richest man, inspired by dreams of greatness. - DayDayNews

Editor:Tearing Paper Girl

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