The much-anticipated Marvel movie "Thor: Love and Thunder" is finally released, directed by "Thor 3" director Taika Waititi, Natalie Portman returns as the "Female Thor", and Chris Timbell joins the Marvel Universe as the villain "Gol the God-Slayer". "Thor 4" has not only been a

2024/06/2311:04:32 hotcomm 1065

The much-anticipated Marvel movie "Thor: Love and Thunder" has finally been released, directed by "Thor 3" director Taika Waititi, and Natalie Portman as the "Female Thor" Return, and Kristen Bell As the villain "Gol the God-Slayer" joins the Marvel Universe, " Thor 4" has not only been anticipated by fans since the trailer was released, but now it is officially launched and has also received a rating on Rotten Tomatoes It received positive reviews with a freshness rating of 71%, and the plot development and ending Easter eggs sparked heated discussions among the audience.

There are 2 ending Easter eggs in total

In "Thor: Love and Thunder", after Thor experienced a series of "finding love" adventures and started a new chapter in his life, there are also 2 hidden ending Easter eggs at the end of the movie. One section lays out the future plot development of the Marvel Universe or the "Thor Series", while the second easter egg explains the whereabouts of the important characters in this episode after the story ends. The following is a brief analysis and introduction of the two sections.

The much-anticipated Marvel movie

Easter egg in paragraph 1: Hercules appears

In the ending Easter egg of "Thor: Love and Thunder", it is revealed that "Zeus" who was shot by the lightning thrown by Thor in the film is not dead and is serving everyone. Taking a break to recuperate, he said angrily: "We gods used to be worshiped and respected by people, but now we have been replaced by those superheroes." In order to win back people's attention, he sent his son "Heracles" Go and hunt down your enemy Thor.

Different from the Norse gods such as Odin, Thor and Loki that we are familiar with in the past, "Zeus" (Zeus) played by Russell Crowe in the film "Thor 4" is a god in Greek mythology. He grew up from his father. After "Chronos" rescued his brothers and sisters "Hera", "Poseidon", "Hestia", "Hatis" and others, he led them to defeat their father, Became the ruler of Mount Olympus. His strength is only inferior to that of his son "Hercules".

The much-anticipated Marvel movie

"Heracles" in the post-credits scene of "Thor 4" is played by British actor "Brett Goldstein". As the son of the god Zeus, he has unparalleled strength, immunity to poison and the ability to regenerate quickly in battle. He is also good at using various weapons such as the "Golden Mace", bows and arrows, swords and shields.

Just like the Disney movie "Hercules", "Hercules", like Thor, once lived in the mortal world, practiced hard as a child, and experienced a heart-wrenching adventure of losing his lover and then transformed into a "god". Under the story, people are also looking forward to the sparks between the two of them in the future sequel of "Thor 4".

The much-anticipated Marvel movie

Easter egg in paragraph 2: "Female Thor" Natalie Portman becomes "Valkyrie"?

In the second Easter egg that appears after the end credits of "Thor: Love and Thunder", the audience can see the "Female Thor" played by Natalie Portman Jane Foster ("Mighty Thor" Jane Foster) After suffering from cancer , after exhausting his strength and dying to help Thor, he came to "Valhalla" (Valhalla), the warrior's hall in Nordic mythology.

There Jane Foster met "Heimdall" (Heimdall), played by Idris Elba, who was killed by Thanos in "Avengers 3". He thanked Jane for saving his life. He gave birth to the children of Asgard and welcomed her to the land of the gods. "Thor 4" not only gives this character a perfect ending, but also foreshadows Jane Foster's future return. Will she be the female Thor or the Valkyrie? I believe that movie fans are looking forward to it.

The much-anticipated Marvel movie

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