Recently, I have also been reading a book about the Chinese medicine industry, "Drug Shop Era", which really enabled the ignorant author to gain a lot of knowledge about traditional Chinese medicine, as well as the knowledge, general situation and human touch of the drug shop ind

2024/06/2217:34:41 hotcomm 1984

Siyi Valley

Recently, I have also been reading a book about the Chinese medicine industry,

Today I ordered the fresh dendrobium green olive dew from Qingxintang. This is really a must-have tea for socializing and getting to know each other. Recommended to everyone. The entry of this kind of traditional Chinese medicine into the milk tea industry is naturally another good innovation of traditional Chinese medicine, and it is also everyone's new pursuit of a better and healthier life and new drinking methods in the new era. Recently, I have also been reading a book about the Chinese medicine industry, "Drug Shop Era", which really enabled the ignorant author to gain a lot of knowledge about traditional Chinese medicine, as well as the knowledge, general situation and human touch of the drug shop industry.

The author of "Drug Shop Age" is Lu Junqin, a Chinese medicine professional from Taiwan, China. He is the third generation descendant of Shun'an Chinese Medicine Pharmacy in Fengshan City, Kaohsiung City. He grew up in a traditional Chinese medicine store. He is good at cooking and understands taste. He has been serving as a doctor for more than ten years. Many people in the industry have developed exclusive spicy hot pot spices and provide one-on-one Chinese spice consulting services. Currently, they are the technical director of "Zhendian Spicy Hot Pot", the technical R&D director of China's "Taiwan Hot Pot for Eight Years", and the "Fubo Herbal Health House" "Technical Chief.

This book is divided into five series. Among them, in the first volume, the author of the articles "Shun'an Chinese Medicine Shop, from 2019 to 1936" and "Grandpa's Famous Brand" expressed his deep nostalgia for Shun'an Chinese Medicine Shop with the emotion of memoirs. Here we can read about the author’s grandfather’s struggle to start a business. In addition, in "The Door God" we read the image of the author's grandmother as a hard-working woman. On the one hand, she can make bamboo hats by hand, and on the other hand, she plays the role of the door god of a medicine shop. In the author's opinion, this is a lofty status and also his grandmother's only occupation since she was young.

In addition, in the first volume, the author saw many innocent stories about medicine shops, such as "The Medicine Drying Ground on the Roof" which was very lively. The author starts with the interesting story of flying and raising pigeons on the roof, and then talks about another function of the roof, which is a medicine drying place. It is said that after eating oranges and lychees, they will put the orange peels, lychee cores , lychees The shell was thrown onto the roof to be exposed to the sun and used as medicine. This sounds very interesting, not to mention the author’s personal experience. What makes the place even more childlike and lively is that because the roof serves as a medicine drying ground, it has naturally become a good entertainment place for children to climb over the walls. Because various medicinal materials on the roof are susceptible to moisture, people need to go up to collect the medicinal materials. Since the roof cannot always bear too much weight, the burden of collecting medicinal materials falls on the children. Here we can read about the joy of the children going to the roof to collect medicinal materials. "Imagine that I am a person with strong martial arts skills on TV, and enjoy the pleasure of flying over walls and walls." This is what a wonderful childhood memory the drug store era gave the author from a family of drug stores. That was the era of drug stores, so it is certainly nostalgic and allowed people to experience a different life. The first volume of

is "Where do the medicinal materials come from?" 》Childlikely, it gives us readers experience, that is, there will be a large water tank in a drug store, but the large water tank is not used to store water or raise fish, so naturally the plot of Sima Guang smashing the tank will not happen. Because the large water tanks in drug stores do not contain water, but are used to smoke medicinal materials. They will put the medicinal materials in the water tank, make space in the center and put a small bowl, put sulfur in the bowl, and there are gaps between the medicinal materials so that the subsequent burning of sulfur smoke can prevent the medicinal materials from moths. The first volume of

is "Guaranteed!" "Guaranteeing Doctors" particularly highlights the human touch of drug stores, because in that era of drug stores, it was inconvenient to seek medical treatment in rural areas, so "Guaranteeing Doctors" was quite popular. After all, the relationship between traditional Chinese medicine and patients is that each takes what he or she needs, and one is willing to treat the other. Willing to suffer, it's a consensual thing. There is no question of who is right or wrong, and there will be no medical disputes. "The husband is destined to be the master, the master is blessed" was a common value at that time. From today's perspective, what the drugstore conveyed in those days was a society of mutual trust.

In Taiwan's funeral ceremony, there is a "medicine confession" part. Simply put, it is a dose of Chinese medicine and an earthen pot for cooking medicine. During the zombie process, the medicine is actually cooked. The focus of this ceremony is to hope that the deceased can eat it. After taking this medicine confession, you can go all the way to the Western Paradise or Heaven to have fun, or be reincarnated. Then the deceased will break the earthen jar. This custom has a lot to do with medicine shops, and I grew up in a medicine shop. The author naturally asked what kind of medicine it was, and it turned out that it was just the common Siwu Tang . Or you may wonder, like the author, that the cause of death is different for everyone, so can Siwu Decoction really guarantee cure?

The answer is of course no, this is just a symbolic ceremony. Let the surviving family members feel at ease. What is commendable is that the author can turn sadness into strength, restrain his sad emotions, and write about the death of his mother from a rational perspective. On the one hand, he talks about the medicinal confession in detail, and on the other hand, he also He wrote that his father would actually take a "medicine confession" to suit the situation for his mother who passed away due to a stroke. It was a modified and subtracted prescription of "Buyang Huanwu Decoction". And this prescription also has certain benefits. After all, nowadays, it is often used for patients after stroke. It is very effective in post-operative conditioning and improving the sequelae of stroke. This shows that regardless of birth, old age, illness and death, as well as the effect of medicinal confession The existence is entrusted with a kind of humanistic sentiment that is still not absent in drug stores.

After that, in the author's first article "One Prescription, One Prickly ash", he wrote about the medicinal effects of Sichuan peppercorns. What would you do if you suddenly had toothache in the middle of the night? As an author of traditional Chinese medicine, he generously gave us a free traditional Chinese medicine prescription, which is to stuff Sichuan peppercorns into the place where the toothache is. In fact, as long as you find some spicy spices such as garlic and pepper, you can also relieve pain. So why did the author choose Sichuan peppercorns alone? That's because Sichuan peppercorns are not overly spicy like chili peppers, nor are they as smelly as garlic, nor are they like drinking alcohol that can cause headaches. To sum up, the best way to treat toothache is to choose Sichuan peppercorns. After all, in addition to its accuracy, it also has a unique fragrance.

In addition, in the menu section of the chief designer in Part 2. We can read that with the changes of the times, the transformation of drug stores is: in the medicine cabinet, they are medicinal materials, and in the kitchen, they become spices. This reflects the author's father's continuous development and innovation of the drug store. In this album, we can read that the author’s family of medicine shops are not stingy and are willing to share the fruits of their labor. For example, they introduced in detail the ingredients and methods of the home version of spicy hot pot. There are also tips to make food more delicious and enjoyable. The secret is that the peppercorns need to be soaked to reduce the bitterness from leaking out during frying; and the reason why butter is better than lard is that the aroma of butter is more layered. etc.

then responded to the medicinal confession content of the previous album. Speaking of the specific preparation methods and materials of this Siwu Decoction, it turns out that the Siwu Decoction is Angelica three qian, Rehmannia glutinosa five qian, peony two qian, Chuanxiong Three coins. Then the author also explained the method in detail, and of course also mentioned the delicious secrets. For example, it is said that you can add pork ribs to make soup together, because the fat of the pork ribs softens the bitterness of the medicinal materials, and adding salt at the end can improve the taste.

is not only commonly used in Taiwan, but also in mainland China, Hong Kong and Macao. It is an example of tonic soup that is very familiar to the Chinese world. It is the milk soup peanut and pig trotter soup , but in the author's case We can follow the preparation method of the apothecary family and learn how to make it more fragrant and delicious. Here, the author of Chinese Medicine Family not only made the names and weights of the ingredients required to make this soup very clear and without reservation, but also explained the method clearly. It embodies the spirit of selflessness and the noble quality of serving the people.For example, the precise ingredients are: 310 grams of astragalus, 35 black dates, 15 grams of wolfberry, 8 grams of angelica, 38 grams of Chuanqiong, one pig's foot, 300 grams of dried peanuts, half a bottle of rice wine, and water. 3 liters.

On this basis, we will cooperate with the author's method and some delicious tips that should be paid attention to. For example, adding wolfberry before turning off the heat can keep the soup clear; adding rice wine to the pot and stewing it twice can reduce the amount of rice wine used and make the soup more delicious. The soup has a rich aroma; if there is pre-prepared angelica and wolfberry wine, dripping it into the bowl can add more flavor; milk soup should not be used as a tonic with ginseng. The thoughtful author explains the medicinal soup recipes to everyone in detail, bringing you a good medicinal soup that is both nutritious and delicious.

Of course, in addition to this, the author also generously provides you with other private recipes, such as biochemical soup that nourishes blood and removes blood stasis , as well as moon cake, and moon sesame oil chicken wine; salted water chicken , Weng The roast duck, the red meat soup made by the author's father Black Dog Brother , and the special medicinal food - Bak Kut Teh are all very exciting to taste.

The third volume talks about other aspects of the pharmacy such as internal use, external use and props. For example, it introduces the personal experience of cow dung ointment for bruises and bruises, and also talks about the process of making Ziyun ointment. In addition, it also describes your lady’s holy beauty product, Pearl Jade Powder. The Jade Powder mentioned in it also tells the story of Empress Dowager Cixi, which is not to be missed. In addition, it also talks about how to grind rhino horn water. Finally, the author also provides a guide to making private pepper salt and five-spice powder. It is indeed a good guide to food ingredients. Of course, the author here must also carry forward the achievements of grandpa and dad, that is, the Qilisan formula of those two generations, which reflects the inheritance of a drug store and its contribution to the people. In the postscript of the fourth volume of

, I received my experience of taking over my father's job and my infinite respect for my father. This shows the author's deep love for my father in "My Forever Black Dog Brother". In the final fifth volume, the author talks about spices and medicinal materials with pictures and texts, giving us an eye-opening explanation of some varieties and common sense of traditional Chinese medicine.

This book is a memorandum written by the author based on his experience in a traditional Chinese medicine shop "Shun An Chinese Medicine Store" and social changes. This book carries the old days full of fireworks and is worthy of everyone's nostalgia and nostalgia. Nostalgic. This book is also a memoir of an era when supplies were scarce but full of neighborly warmth; it is a look back and a look forward to practitioners in the traditional Chinese medicine industry. In this book, there are lively childhood and growth stories of the author that took place in a traditional Chinese medicine shop, as well as private recipes shared by the author selflessly. It is filled with true feelings, wisdom, and a strong fragrance of Chinese medicine!

We should all smell the smell of traditional Chinese medicine carefully. Because the existence of those traditional Chinese medicines and drug stores entrusts a kind of humanistic sentiment that is still not absent in drug stores. Pharmacy shops not only exist in the past, but the existence of traditional Chinese medicine will always be passed down. Traditional Chinese medicine and drug stores will also exist in our future. Because these all record the pursuit of health, a better life, and better interpersonal relationships by Chinese people and even people around the world. This traditional Chinese medicine flavor also comes from China’s strong human touch towards people, things and things.

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