Modern people are under heavy pressure and may suffer from physical and mental problems. The Cancer Care Foundation held a symposium and invited heavyweight business figures to recommend that companies start from the "Internet of Things, Internet of Body, and Mind."

2024/06/2214:10:32 hotcomm 1878

Don’t lose your temper over trivial things, and don’t let the environment affect your mood. Modern people are under heavy pressure, and may suffer physical and mental problems. The Cancer Care Foundation held a symposium and invited heavyweight business people to suggest that companies start from the "Internet of Things and the Internet of Things". Invest in the health of employees from four major angles: "Internet of Hearts, Internet of Hearts, and Internet of Environments".

Modern people are under heavy pressure and may suffer from physical and mental problems. The Cancer Care Foundation held a symposium and invited heavyweight business figures to recommend that companies start from the

Former Google Hardware Director Zhang Shanzheng pointed out that the development of the Internet of Things and artificial intelligence has made medical technology advance by leaps and bounds. In the future, all examinations, diagnosis, treatments and surgeries will be more sophisticated, and the diagnosis and treatment efficiency of hospitals will be improved. Chen Yueqing, chairman of the

Cancer Care Foundation, mentioned the importance of the "Internet of Things". She said that the Internet will affect economic development and the future of mankind; the Internet of Things will affect personal health and life span, as well as the competitiveness of enterprises and even countries. Among them, the abdominal network is the most critical.

Modern people are under heavy pressure and may suffer from physical and mental problems. The Cancer Care Foundation held a symposium and invited heavyweight business figures to recommend that companies start from the

Anxiety, depression, , ADHD, and autism are autoimmune diseases that have become diseases of modern civilization. The precursors of autoimmune diseases include dark circles, bloating, , fatigue, lethargy, allergies, obesity, etc. , are all related to diet and exercise, and must be considered from the "intestinal" perspective. Because if these problems are not handled well, they will not only affect personal health and life span, but also endanger the competitiveness of enterprises and the country.

Qiu Zaixing, the father of Taiwan Semiconductor, is the spokesperson of "Internet of Hearts". He is a pioneer in the domestic semiconductor industry. He was once the chairman of Acer Shi Zhenrong 's boss, but he fell from the peak of his career to the bottom with great difficulty. Life has stabilized, but his wife and daughter died of cancer, and he himself is plagued by illness again.

Modern people are under heavy pressure and may suffer from physical and mental problems. The Cancer Care Foundation held a symposium and invited heavyweight business figures to recommend that companies start from the

Qiu Zaixing generously shared his true love story and the wisdom of letting go at the symposium. He suggested that people should be optimistic, think positively, and use the power of their "heart" to get through waves of difficulties even when they are at a low point in life.

Chen Wuxiong, chairman of the China Lighting Life Education Association, elaborated on the significance of the "Internet of Things". He said that many people are restricted by the environment and become unhappy and their mood worsens, because if "the mind changes with the environment," It will be affected by the environment. Only by "converting the environment to as you wish" can you cope with the difficult situation freely.

Modern people are under heavy pressure and may suffer from physical and mental problems. The Cancer Care Foundation held a symposium and invited heavyweight business figures to recommend that companies start from the

Chen Yueqing also reminded business owners that they should think from the perspective of "healthy Internet". When companies treat their employees, they are not just as simple as paying out year-end bonuses and holding lively tailgate . They should take into account the physical and mental health of employees in order to create greater success. well-being.

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