In the past few days, a "bald" man who sells pineapples, bananas, vegetables and seafood has become the focus of media on both sides of the Taiwan Strait. From March 22 to 28, Han Guoyu took a group of people to visit the four cities of Hong Kong, Macao, Shenzhen and Xiamen in se

2024/06/2116:59:33 hotcomm 1760

(original title: Kaohsiung City has long come to the mainland and dealt a critical blow to the Democratic Progressive Party)

In the past few days, a "bald" man who sells pineapples, bananas, vegetables and seafood has been in the limelight and has become the media on both sides of the Taiwan Strait. focus. He is the mayor of Kaohsiung, Taiwan Han Guoyu .

From March 22 to 28, Han Guoyu took a group of people to visit the four cities of Hong Kong, Macao, Shenzhen and Xiamen, selling goods all the way. When he returned to Taiwan on the 28th, he brought back a total of NT$5.2 billion. The large order in Taiwan dollars -

has successively signed orders of NT$2.47 billion, NT$730 million, RMB 200 million and US$30 million in Hong Kong, Macao, Shenzhen and Xiamen. What is being sold is not anything high-end, but fruits, vegetables and seafood that Taiwanese people are in urgent need of.

In the past few days, a

Working hard to sell goods, promote tourism, and make friends, Han Guoyu’s seven non-stop days reminded people of his famous slogan during the election campaign: “When goods go out, people come in, Kaohsiung will make a fortune.” It is so real. No extravagance, just like the name of this group trip - an economical trip.

However, Han Kuo-yu, who is fighting for the economy for the people of Taiwan, has caused a situation of ice and fire on the island.

incarnates as "lemon essence"? The Democratic Progressive Party is anxious!

As we all know, Han Guoyu’s party membership is the Kuomintang. His visit to the four cities to fight for the economy has caused a wave of "Korean Wave" in the media on both sides of the Taiwan Strait.

The people on the island are full of expectations, but the Democratic Progressive Party, the "dead enemy" of the Kuomintang, has collectively turned into a "lemon spirit", making all kinds of sarcastic remarks and making frequent small moves.

Taiwan authority leader Tsai Ing-wen accused Han Guoyu of "lack of thinking" when visiting the mainland and threatened to "study what laws and regulations can govern it." Former "Executive President" Lai Qingde issued an article saying that Sun Wukong wanted to sell ginseng fruits. Although he had seventy-two transformations, without wisdom, he could not escape from the palm of Tathagata Buddha. Democratic Progressive Party "legislator" Guan Biling and others said that Han Guoyu was not fighting for the economy this time, but was fighting for politics in the name of economy.

In the past few days, a

Taiwan's "Mainland Affairs Council" even wanted to fine Han Kuo-yu NT$500,000 on the grounds that he "met with high-level mainland officials." Hanguo-yu, who was in Xiamen at the time, learned the news and was very depressed: "I took an order of 5.2 billion, and Taipei has to fine me 500,000. Is my brain broken?"

Even the islanders who have been paying attention to Hanguo-yu The media were also fined heavily by the DPP authorities for "excessive attention to specific politicians" and ordered to "rectify" - to put it bluntly, they reported too much on Han Kuo-yu.

The strangest thing is undoubtedly Chen Shui-bian and his son. Chen Shui-bian, who was imprisoned for corruption and is on medical parole, held a live webcast on the 27th. He vigorously cursed Han Guoyu for 25 minutes, which attracted netizens to marvel: Chen Shui-bian has a great body, no matter how he looks, he doesn’t look like he is qualified. He seems to be on medical parole and should be taken back to prison to continue serving his sentence.

In the past few days, a

’s son Chen Zhizhong was even more bored. On the day of his father’s live broadcast, he ran to the prosecutor’s office’s “night collection office” in broad daylight to ring the bell and report that Hanguo Yu had committed the crime of “foreign invasion.” Netizens immediately thought of the tidbits that he had been exposed as soliciting prostitutes, and joked: Why don't you ring the bell and turn yourself in for "affair"?

In the past few days, a

Why is the Democratic Progressive Party so angry? Some local media said it was because a mayor defeated the "ruling party."

You are right to say that. The DPP has controlled Kaohsiung for more than ten years and made the local area "old and poor." Hanguo Yu almost single-handedly attracted more orders than the entire DPP attracted back then. many. The DPP cannot save face, so it seems reasonable to take action to suppress it, but in fact there is a more important reason for the DPP to be anxious - the 2020 Taiwan leader election is coming!

As analyzed by the media: Another A round of power competition is about to begin. Faced with the fact that its imaginary enemy Han Kuo-yu is so "crushing" its own election, the Democratic Progressive Party is bound to feel panic and anger.

"Ice and Fire"? Two logics!

Compared with the cold suppression by the Democratic Progressive Party authorities for votes, the Taiwanese people, especially the people in Kaohsiung, are enthusiastic about Han Kuo-yu.

After learning that Taiwan's "Mainland Affairs Council" wanted to fine Han Kuo-yu 500,000 yuan, vendors at Taiwan's night market and morning market even spontaneously made donations on the 28th: ​​We will foot the bill for the 500,000 yuan fine! The reason is self-evident. When goods are sold, tourists come in and make money. The days are coming, and NT$500,000 is really a "little rain" for the people on the island.

In the past few days, a

On the day Han Hanyu returned to Taiwan, thousands of people went to the airport to pick him up, and the airport lobby was blocked. The people picking up the airport held high slogans such as "Farmers love you" and "If the goods are shipped, farmers and fishermen will make a fortune." It was not so much to welcome Han Guoyu as to welcome the 5.2 billion large order and the upcoming happy life. .

In the past few days, a

In this enthusiasm, some people shouted out support for Han Guoyu's candidacy as the leader of Taiwan. In order to pay tribute to the elders in his hometown, Hanguo Yu had to rely on staff to lift him up so that people behind him could see him.

In the past few days, a

At the airport, Hanguo Yu said that during the seven days of his visit, he had been "repaired" by the DPP. He is always full of wise words, and one of his words is thought-provoking:

The Democratic Progressive Party has been in power for three years. If there is a way to make the people of Taiwan live a good life, help farmers and fishermen find pathways, help workers solve low wages, and help all walks of life to improve their lives. If you want to prosper, "I, Han Guoyu, can vote for your Democratic Progressive Party."

There is another interesting detail. Pan Jinying, who organized people to pick up people at the airport, is also a person who "votes for the other party." Pan Jinying is a senior member of the Democratic Progressive Party with 18 years of party experience. She publicly supported Hanguo-yu before last year's "nine-in-one" election. She said that she chose to support Hanguo-yu because she hoped that he would lead Kaohsiung to fight for the economy and promote agricultural and fishery products. , attract investment, and integrate with international standards.

In the past few days, a

Why did Hanguo-yu’s “economic trip” become so “ice and fire” that it attracted both suppression from the DPP authorities and enthusiastic support from the people on the island?

In fact, there are no "political cards" and "economic cards". There are only two political logics:

For some people, the politics in their minds is partisan struggle, eager for quick success and quick gain for power. In order to control political power, they can do whatever it takes, no matter what the people's livelihood. All economies are illusions, and only by suppressing the other party can one ascend to the throne of power. For others, politics is about doing more real things for the people and society, so that the people can gain real benefits and win in their work. Support and win the hearts and minds of the people. If the people can do better, they would rather "vote for the other party."

In the past few days, a

Lai Qingde once praised Hanguo Yu, saying that he is "a rare political wizard in a century." But there is no political genius, only political logic. Hanguo-yu said that when he visited the four cities, he would not talk about politics but only about economy. In fact, what he said was not entirely correct. The reason is familiar to us -

people's hearts are the greatest politics.

The contrast between the two logics can perhaps be seen more clearly from the itinerary of the two island politicians: when Han Guoyu traveled to four cities to sell goods to the Taiwanese folks to make money, Tsai Ing-wen was spreading money to the island countries in the South Pacific. Win the "friendship" of "friendly countries".

Taiwan will be better? There is only one way!

When goods go out and people come in, not only will Kaohsiung be better, but Taiwan will be better too.

Of course, this must be based on the foresight of politicians, but it is still an appearance. There is only one essence, which is to support the "92 Consensus " and return to the path of one China.

Hanguo-yu has traveled all the way in the four cities. In his own words, there is a "dwelling needle", which is to support the 1992 Consensus. When meeting with Liu Jieyi, director of the Taiwan Affairs Office of the Mainland China, he once again expressed his firm support for the "1992 Consensus."

In the past few days, a

Anyone can see at a glance that behind the 5.2 billion orders, there is a vast market of more than 9.6 million square kilometers and 1.3 billion people. It is a flesh-and-blood relationship that helps each other and blood is thicker than water. It is also the integration, development, and common development of both sides of the Taiwan Strait. Portrait. Just like Han Guoyu himself said: "The human heart is made of flesh, and it is an emotional animal. Emotions are more important than anything else."

The same flesh-and-blood family ties are the foundation of Chinese emotions. The truth is so straightforward. Mainland consumers will never buy products with the "label. Only by firmly supporting One China can we sell goods and attract people, and Taiwan can be better."

In addition to the large order of 5.2 billion, Hanguo-yu's gains from this visit to the mainland are all-round -

In terms of cultural and educational exchanges, Shenzhen promises to provide Kaohsiung with 200 youth internships and jobs every year; in terms of tourism cooperation, Xiamen has recently 8,000 tourists will be organized to travel to Kaohsiung in batches; in terms of establishing mechanisms, we will build an institutional platform for urban exchanges between Shenzhen and Kaohsiung, build an institutional platform for port city exchanges between Xiamen and Kaohsiung, and discuss holding city forums to promote exchanges and cooperation between the two cities for the benefit of the people. people in both places.

In the past few days, a

The Taiwanese people have gained nothing but a lot from it. The pursuit of Han Kuo-yu reflects the overwhelming public opinion that expects cross-strait peace and stability and the improvement of economic and trade exchanges.

The Democratic Progressive Party, rushing to take advantage of the remaining power in its hands before the political power changes again in 2020, blocks the communication space in all cities, including Kaohsiung, and does not give any chance to help the people fight for the economy and help farmers and fishermen find a way to survive. Imprisoning the Taiwanese people in a birdcage is nothing more than an opportunity to hype up the fear of "hatred of China" and "fear of China."

Han Kuo-yu's gains in all aspects actually dealt a critical blow to the "cross-strait threat theory" promoted by the Democratic Progressive Party: the mainland is not a threat, but an express train that drives Taiwan's all-round development.

Mainland China welcomes everyone to get on the bus, but you need to buy a ticket to get on the bus. This ticket is "One China."

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