Starting from February 2021, The Moment is like a promise. We will meet here at the end of every month to witness each other's lives and how time flies.

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Starting from February 2021, The Moment is like a promise. We will meet here at the end of every month to witness each other's lives and how time flies. - DayDayNews

Hello everyone, this is the 11th issue of The Moment column of "People" and the last issue of 2021.

Starting from February 2021, The Moment is like an agreement. We will meet here at the end of every month to witness each other's lives and how time flies.

Do you still remember the original intention of this column? Like the metaphor about the golden rose made by the Russian writer Kon Baustovsky . He compared writing to forging a golden rose, every minute, every word spoken unintentionally, every unintentional longing, every profound or joking thought, every unnoticeable movement of the human heart. The fluctuations are like the flying catkins of poplar trees or the starlight reflected on the puddles at night - they are all grains of gold dust. The writer has spent decades sifting through millions of these Seed particles of dust, unknowingly gather them together, melt them into alloy, and then forge them into our golden rose.

The Moment column also wants to collect the fine gold powder scattered in each month, and forge a small golden rose to give to everyone.

At the end of December, we have specially collected everyone’s annual moments to record the most unforgettable things in 2021. Different from the past moments with distinct seasonal characteristics, in these annual moments, there are flowers, snow, laughter and tears. We discovered that the most unforgettable moments are not the thrilling moments, but rather the ordinary moments that build the foundation of our lives - the occurrence of love, becoming a mother, and various events in life. The first time, the accidental encounter, the small kindness, and the discovery of the useless beauty given by nature... As the reader @ZYTTTTTTTTTTTT said, many moments combined make me intoxicated by the ordinary.

Thank you for these moments from you. They also remind us once again: the world is noisy and unpredictable, and we can’t control much. We can only grasp our own specific life, trust the specific people around us, and be calm.

The following is The Moment from you in 2021 -

Planning | "People" Editorial Department



in early summer It is probably that kk and I can stay in Tianjin and enter the school of our dreams . We started falling in love in the second grade of junior high school. We were able to survive the pressure of the high school entrance examination and college entrance examination, largely due to the open-mindedness of the school and teachers, and the two of us are indeed quite reliable. We went to different schools in high school and barely saw each other during our senior year of high school. Both of us were studying hard in seclusion. When I finally got two admission notices and , I was so happy that I couldn't sleep.

Starting from February 2021, The Moment is like a promise. We will meet here at the end of every month to witness each other's lives and how time flies. - DayDayNews


On Christmas day, I prepared an apple for him, but he decided to buy me an iPhone.

Starting from February 2021, The Moment is like a promise. We will meet here at the end of every month to witness each other's lives and how time flies. - DayDayNews


The person who has been in my heart all summer took my hand. In September, we went to the National Geographic Photography Exhibition together and took this photo imitating the gorilla on the wall. Falling in love is such a magical thing. We all like this photo. If we can choose it, we would like to express our gratitude again to the passerby sister who passed by and took the photo for us. I also want to say to the other person in the photo: I love you! You are my greatest luck in 2021.

Starting from February 2021, The Moment is like a promise. We will meet here at the end of every month to witness each other's lives and how time flies. - DayDayNews

@ Sheep from the Southwest

On Women’s Day in 2021, I was an intern at a TV station and went to the district police station to participate in an event. The bureau invited family members of serving police officers to come to the scene to arrange flowers and talk to each other. When an old police officer received the flowers arranged by his wife, the couple was filled with love.

Starting from February 2021, The Moment is like a promise. We will meet here at the end of every month to witness each other's lives and how time flies. - DayDayNews


I have seen this scene not only in 2021, but also for many years in my life. It saves me from dreaming about growing old together in TV dramas. I hope to always be with them, my dear grandparents.

Starting from February 2021, The Moment is like a promise. We will meet here at the end of every month to witness each other's lives and how time flies. - DayDayNews


My ex-boyfriend did something that made me lose confidence in men as a group. When I saw a news about fear of marriage and childbearing and shared it with my friend group, a friend sent this reply.

Starting from February 2021, The Moment is like a promise. We will meet here at the end of every month to witness each other's lives and how time flies. - DayDayNews


On December 29, 2021, my husband and daughter’s father, nicknamed Yaya Daddy, published news about our thirty-third wedding anniversary in his circle of friends. I was moved to tears...

Starting from February 2021, The Moment is like a promise. We will meet here at the end of every month to witness each other's lives and how time flies. - DayDayNews


On the wedding day, the photographer captured a photo of my husband picking me up from the house. Later, when I zoomed in, I realized that my mother had been watching me from behind.

Starting from February 2021, The Moment is like a promise. We will meet here at the end of every month to witness each other's lives and how time flies. - DayDayNews


The head teacher of the first grade class who left the branch school to work in the main school went back to the branch school for something. Some classmates saw her figure from the third floor window and screamed, and then a large group of people were like beasts coming out of their caves. Surprised and moved class teachers crowded out of the teaching building and took this group photo.

Starting from February 2021, The Moment is like a promise. We will meet here at the end of every month to witness each other's lives and how time flies. - DayDayNews


I am very happy that we have spent a certain period of time in our lives together.

Starting from February 2021, The Moment is like a promise. We will meet here at the end of every month to witness each other's lives and how time flies. - DayDayNews


In order to let the children at home eat their own rice, my grandparents still persist in farming. When I went home during the last vacation to help harvest the rice and then harvest it (to remove impurities from the grains), I saw my grandpa silently turning the windmill (Fenggu's machine), and I suddenly felt very moved. Grandpa and grandma are the kind of people who are not very good at expressing love to their children, but they keep giving. From sowing to harvesting, every drop of sweat is watered with love.

Starting from February 2021, The Moment is like a promise. We will meet here at the end of every month to witness each other's lives and how time flies. - DayDayNews


Every time she goes home, her daughter-in-law has to make colorful nails for her grandma, and then pick out her ears. She could no longer speak fluently, and her hands were like bark covering a ravine. Just like a song goes: The children are the wild onions in the mountains, with their heads buried in the mud, and the mother is the bent tree at the door of the house, with her lower body buried in the soil waiting.

Starting from February 2021, The Moment is like a promise. We will meet here at the end of every month to witness each other's lives and how time flies. - DayDayNews


I am a fifth grade Chinese teacher. There is a child with mental retardation in my class. I have been teaching my classmates not to bully him. Last Friday, his morning dictation was all correct. I encouraged him and said you have to work hard and I hope you will do well in the final exam. He nodded very seriously. In the afternoon Chinese class, I walked up to him again and guided him in doing exercises. Suddenly he took my hand and said with a choked voice, Teacher Gao, I have always wanted to tell you that although I am not your best student, But you are indeed the best teacher in my heart. I was particularly shocked at the time, shocked that he could say such things, and also shocked that my tenderness and attention to him made him feel so precious. Strive to be a teacher from the stars and give every child, especially children with special needs, enough attention, encouragement and love. By the way, he scored 85 points in the last few quizzes. The little fat guy holding the sign is him. Now he is in fifth grade.

Starting from February 2021, The Moment is like a promise. We will meet here at the end of every month to witness each other's lives and how time flies. - DayDayNews


@Choose a name that is not stupid

Starting from February 2021, The Moment is like a promise. We will meet here at the end of every month to witness each other's lives and how time flies. - DayDayNews021. What impressed me the most was seeing him whom I had not seen for half a year, but it was the moment when my four-year relationship ended. We went through the transfer procedures of the house together, returned him the keys to his house, returned his medal to him, and got back the short composition book I wrote. I lay on the steering wheel and cried in the storm. We knocked on the glass lightly, handed over the things, turned around and left, and then drove back to the workplace to continue working overtime. Life did not leave us much time to be sad. But it doesn't matter, it snowed for the first time in Hunan today. You said that if he was exposed to snow together in the morning, he would be together for the rest of his life, so we will also grow old together.

Starting from February 2021, The Moment is like a promise. We will meet here at the end of every month to witness each other's lives and how time flies. - DayDayNews


One afternoon in November, I accompanied my father back to the small town in an ambulance. It was the most beautiful sunset I have ever seen in my life. At 4 o'clock in the afternoon in winter, the barren northwest land was covered with gold, but it was also the brightest red sunset. That was the third to last day in my life that I could see my father. He still recognized me and could talk to me. But I know his days are short.Just like H said, for others, three days later it was receiving a message, three days after that it was attending a funeral, but for me, it was a life cut in the middle, a wound that gradually opened in the long years to come.

Starting from February 2021, The Moment is like a promise. We will meet here at the end of every month to witness each other's lives and how time flies. - DayDayNews


An answer sheet with full answers but was awarded zero points because I forgot to write down my admission ticket number. This is the biggest joke fate has played on me in 2021. I don't want to believe this result, but as an adult, I really have to take responsibility for my mistakes.

Starting from February 2021, The Moment is like a promise. We will meet here at the end of every month to witness each other's lives and how time flies. - DayDayNews


I lost my job after the double reduction policy. I was cooking at home one day and crying. Life must go on.

Starting from February 2021, The Moment is like a promise. We will meet here at the end of every month to witness each other's lives and how time flies. - DayDayNews


I have been in love for ten years and finally got my certificate. Due to the epidemic, I couldn’t take off my mask to take a group photo. Although there is a little regret, it is also a kind of tenderness to still hold the other person's hand in the turbulent torrent.

Starting from February 2021, The Moment is like a promise. We will meet here at the end of every month to witness each other's lives and how time flies. - DayDayNews

First time


As a child from the south, I have never seen snow. This year, I dreamed of being admitted to a university in Beijing during the college entrance examination, and finally saw the first snow in my life.

Starting from February 2021, The Moment is like a promise. We will meet here at the end of every month to witness each other's lives and how time flies. - DayDayNews


After my mother left, my father, who had always been strong, showed vulnerability in front of me for the first time. I really grew up.

Starting from February 2021, The Moment is like a promise. We will meet here at the end of every month to witness each other's lives and how time flies. - DayDayNews


The first intimate contact between my brother Qiu and his handsome boy was very loving.

Starting from February 2021, The Moment is like a promise. We will meet here at the end of every month to witness each other's lives and how time flies. - DayDayNews


Because I saw a video posted on a certain public account, I also wanted to do a free hug. I randomly found a simple piece of cardboard as a prop and stood at the door of the library at 7:30 in the morning. As a result, I got a lot of hugs. When I was hugged for the first time, I was so happy that I wanted to jump up. It may seem strange to others, but it really means a lot to me.

Starting from February 2021, The Moment is like a promise. We will meet here at the end of every month to witness each other's lives and how time flies. - DayDayNews


On the eleventh day of this year, we took our almost 3-year-old son back to his grandparents’ house in the countryside of Jiangxi for the first time. It took 7 hours of high-speed rail and more than an hour of winding mountain roads. After a bumpy journey, we finally arrived at my grandma’s small mountain village. I thought that the child would dislike the poor conditions in his hometown, but it turned out that the child had to go fishing in the river behind the house every day. Once we were tired from playing and sat on a stone by the river to bask in the sun. We looked up at the blue sky, white clouds, clear water and green mountains. Who would want to go back to Beijing, which is surrounded by steel and concrete?

Starting from February 2021, The Moment is like a promise. We will meet here at the end of every month to witness each other's lives and how time flies. - DayDayNews


On December 8, 2021, it was the first time to drive alone on the road. She is a novice female driver of Mercedes-Benz 5. She has had a driver's license for 18 years. She has not driven for various reasons. The longer she stops driving, the less capable she is. This year she decided to start learning to drive on the road. , from practicing in May to the end of the year, I was finally able to drive on the road and reverse the car into the garage completely independently. This feeling of breaking through myself is great.

Starting from February 2021, The Moment is like a promise. We will meet here at the end of every month to witness each other's lives and how time flies. - DayDayNews



Christmas is celebrated in December, and Spain starts to warm up very early. One day I got up and yawned by the window sill. I looked down and saw someone hanging an Santa Claus by the window of the building opposite.

Starting from February 2021, The Moment is like a promise. We will meet here at the end of every month to witness each other's lives and how time flies. - DayDayNews


I saw a sleeping man in the park. I instantly felt like he was like me after class every day.

Starting from February 2021, The Moment is like a promise. We will meet here at the end of every month to witness each other's lives and how time flies. - DayDayNews


When I was sweeping the street, I found an abandoned playground that no one cared about. I accidentally saw a pair of dancing partners dancing a double waltz in this abandoned playground that was full of dust and mosquitoes. I was struck by the conversation. I know that due to the epidemic, their previous dance hall was closed, so they came here. After allowing me to take a photo of them, they danced as if no one else was watching and left this photo.

Starting from February 2021, The Moment is like a promise. We will meet here at the end of every month to witness each other's lives and how time flies. - DayDayNews


A person got up early and walked aimlessly on the streets of Shanghai covered with sycamore leaves . He accidentally walked into the fireworks of the world he met in Jing'an Villa.

Starting from February 2021, The Moment is like a promise. We will meet here at the end of every month to witness each other's lives and how time flies. - DayDayNews


It was my grandma’s 90th birthday on October 6, 2021. I met her in her room. The photo of her first visit to Shenzhen in 1999.

Starting from February 2021, The Moment is like a promise. We will meet here at the end of every month to witness each other's lives and how time flies. - DayDayNews


It has been more than a year since my father passed away. One day after feeding the chickens in his Ant Manor, my father’s chickens and my mother’s chickens came over to steal the feed, and the family met again.

Starting from February 2021, The Moment is like a promise. We will meet here at the end of every month to witness each other's lives and how time flies. - DayDayNews



Receive Divorce Certificate The sky was at 4:30 in the morning the next day. It's a very ordinary summer morning sky. I didn't sleep well and woke up very early. This night, I felt lonely, lonely, free, confused, excited, and normal. At the age of 33, I finally chose to face myself honestly. In the 9th year when I wanted to divorce, I mustered up the courage to overcome my great weakness and fear and chose to divorce.

Starting from February 2021, The Moment is like a promise. We will meet here at the end of every month to witness each other's lives and how time flies. - DayDayNews


If I had to name a moment as the best, it should be the birthday gift I gave myself - bleached blonde hair. I would like to define hair bleaching as the first time I faced my mother’s controlling desire head-on. She had tried to stop me from bleaching my hair countless times. In my senior year, I finally had the courage to make my own decision - my mother's opinion didn't matter so much, I was going to bleach my hair.

Starting from February 2021, The Moment is like a promise. We will meet here at the end of every month to witness each other's lives and how time flies. - DayDayNews


is of course brave enough to take the first step! I'm a shy person, but that night I sat next to someone I liked and watched the game. Maybe your youth is the same as mine:-)

Starting from February 2021, The Moment is like a promise. We will meet here at the end of every month to witness each other's lives and how time flies. - DayDayNews


took the initiative to get a response. And then... fell in love. The first time we danced, I found the feeling of " La La Land ". That is my favorite movie! Today and the person I love most.

Starting from February 2021, The Moment is like a promise. We will meet here at the end of every month to witness each other's lives and how time flies. - DayDayNews


I rejected my ex on the first snow day. Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha.

Starting from February 2021, The Moment is like a promise. We will meet here at the end of every month to witness each other's lives and how time flies. - DayDayNews


On December 20, 2021, that night, I realized that an important moment in my life was coming. On this day, I officially stopped menstruating. From menarche at the age of 14 to menopause at the age of 48, it is a long 34 years. I am born as a woman. This time, I have to applaud myself.

Starting from February 2021, The Moment is like a promise. We will meet here at the end of every month to witness each other's lives and how time flies. - DayDayNews


The most unforgettable thing this year was May 9, when my daughter got married. As a mother in a wheelchair, I blessed my daughter and son-in-law with tears and laughter. Being severely disabled and unable to walk or stand, I was once questioned whether I could raise my daughter. When I put my daughter’s wedding dress on with my own hands, I knew I had done it. In this photo, I am not in a wheelchair, but in a hard chair. Supporting herself with a waist brace, she sat with the bride's daughter. The photographer captured this beautiful moment for us mother and daughter.

Starting from February 2021, The Moment is like a promise. We will meet here at the end of every month to witness each other's lives and how time flies. - DayDayNews

Dream come true


Suffering from rare disease , local treatment failed. Facing death, he wanted to fight for his dream again. He made his own experience into a clay animation short film. Unexpectedly, he was shortlisted for this year's Golden Rooster and Hundred Flowers Film. I participated in the New Video Unit and was invited to receive the award. My dream suddenly came true.

Starting from February 2021, The Moment is like a promise. We will meet here at the end of every month to witness each other's lives and how time flies. - DayDayNews


The most impressive moment in 2021 was the tumor removal surgery. Because the tumor is too large, the preliminary examination is not very qualitative. When I was about to wake up after the anesthesia after the operation, I had a dream. In the dream, I was playing games. The doctors and nurses kept calling my name in my ears. After I gradually regained consciousness, the first thing I said when I opened my mouth was that I just dreamed that I played a game. The doctors and nurses in the operating room laughed and asked me: Did you win the game? The intraoperative quick test of the tumor showed it to be benign. Hearing this I fell asleep again. In the dream, I won the game, and it turned out that I also won the game outside the dream.

Starting from February 2021, The Moment is like a promise. We will meet here at the end of every month to witness each other's lives and how time flies. - DayDayNews


On the morning of July 11, 2021, Argentina won the America's Cup, its first championship in 38 years, after failing in the finals of the past five competitions. A former Argentine national team player Rojo tweeted: Football is fair to those who struggle and never give up. Such is life.

Starting from February 2021, The Moment is like a promise. We will meet here at the end of every month to witness each other's lives and how time flies. - DayDayNews


In September, I successfully enrolled in and Tsinghua and came to my favorite major. The ideal written on my desk in middle school finally became a reality.On September 28, the day when the admission results officially came out, I was riding a bicycle on the road to Tsinghua University, and suddenly found the gate of the second school in front of me on the left. At that moment, I felt so happy that it was almost unreal.

Starting from February 2021, The Moment is like a promise. We will meet here at the end of every month to witness each other's lives and how time flies. - DayDayNews


html Three people are overseas and have not been home for two years. In September this year, when the epidemic situation was stable, we finally made the trip. It’s such a joy to eat beef noodles too early in Wuhan!

Starting from February 2021, The Moment is like a promise. We will meet here at the end of every month to witness each other's lives and how time flies. - DayDayNews



After the postgraduate entrance examination, I continued to stay in the school. When I returned to school, I didn’t buy a ticket for the window, but the sunset that day was very beautiful. There was an uncle sitting next to me. He saw me taking pictures and helped me clean the window. .

Starting from February 2021, The Moment is like a promise. We will meet here at the end of every month to witness each other's lives and how time flies. - DayDayNews

@ Erpang

I worked as a one-day store manager this year. I stayed in the bookstore for a day, and there was a little girl who read the book obediently for most of the day and asked me a lot of questions. Before she left, she wrote a message and she had some small achievements. feel.

Starting from February 2021, The Moment is like a promise. We will meet here at the end of every month to witness each other's lives and how time flies. - DayDayNews


I came to the office at noon and found a little bear made of ultra-light clay on the table. Later I found out that it was made by a student who made me angry in the morning. It turns out that the way children apologize is also so implicit. (My last name is Xiong, which is probably why I have a little bear.)

Starting from February 2021, The Moment is like a promise. We will meet here at the end of every month to witness each other's lives and how time flies. - DayDayNews


This year I came to study in a strange environment. My classmates came from all corners of the world. I experienced a long period of time when I couldn't adapt. Later, I made two good friends who have been living abroad. In order to improve my English quickly, we would watch an episode of "Friends" together every Sunday. They tested my listening, taught me phrases and expressions, and explained For every laugh, we can always watch a 20-minute episode for more than an hour. I remember when I watched the first episode, they taught me a word: Dear diary moment - a moment worth recording in a diary. I want to tell them that every time I watch Friends, it is my dear diary moment.

Starting from February 2021, The Moment is like a promise. We will meet here at the end of every month to witness each other's lives and how time flies. - DayDayNews

@CUC Hero

I had to cross an overpass when returning to the dormitory from campus. One day, I suddenly found a small plush doll hanging on a branch next to the overpass. I thought it was very interesting and took a photo. Then something magical happened! There are more and more cute little dolls on the tree. Some students have wrapped star lights on the branches and hung dream catchers . Others have put red ribbons, small cards, markers ... Everyone is busy. Write your wishes on it: pass the postgraduate entrance examination, go smoothly at the end of the semester, and pass CET-4 or IELTS! This is the wishing tree we created together, beautiful and romantic.

Starting from February 2021, The Moment is like a promise. We will meet here at the end of every month to witness each other's lives and how time flies. - DayDayNews


The most important thing this year is the college entrance examination. I felt surprisingly calm after the exam, but my parents looked at the school gate for a long time and were extremely excited. We hugged, took photos, and celebrated. Many parents bought flowers, but the one they bought for me was the most beautiful.

Starting from February 2021, The Moment is like a promise. We will meet here at the end of every month to witness each other's lives and how time flies. - DayDayNews

@23 years old

went home to celebrate her mother’s birthday. After thinking for a long time, she decided to give her a bouquet of flowers instead of other practical things. The initial anxiety was relieved when she saw her smile. She said that the last time she received flowers was when her father chased her decades ago and she occasionally indulged in luxury. Later, the whole family took pictures together with the flowers, and accidentally took this picture of the parents looking at each other and smiling. It was very beautiful.

Starting from February 2021, The Moment is like a promise. We will meet here at the end of every month to witness each other's lives and how time flies. - DayDayNews


I can’t remember many moments, but when I saw this topic, I remembered that at the end of Christmas this year, he suddenly pulled out a flower from his schoolbag, which surprised and delighted me. I felt that the moment he took out the flower, he was like a knight unsheathing his sword.

Starting from February 2021, The Moment is like a promise. We will meet here at the end of every month to witness each other's lives and how time flies. - DayDayNews


In the spring, when I was reviewing for the college entrance examination, I looked up out of the window and suddenly found a tree magnolia blooming, filling the entire window.

Starting from February 2021, The Moment is like a promise. We will meet here at the end of every month to witness each other's lives and how time flies. - DayDayNews

@ Mr. Xiong

I have been working in Shenzhen for 5 years, but I decided to go back to my hometown. I specially took the slowest green train . The flowers I saw at the restaurant for dinner were very beautiful.

Starting from February 2021, The Moment is like a promise. We will meet here at the end of every month to witness each other's lives and how time flies. - DayDayNews

@ Douzi classmates

On the sixth day of Xi’an’s lockdown, flowers bloomed on the campus in winter.

Starting from February 2021, The Moment is like a promise. We will meet here at the end of every month to witness each other's lives and how time flies. - DayDayNews


At dusk in summer, my mother picked me a bunch of lotus flowers from the wild lotus pond.

Starting from February 2021, The Moment is like a promise. We will meet here at the end of every month to witness each other's lives and how time flies. - DayDayNews

@a teacher

The school wall was originally made of iron, with a section covered with roses. When spring comes, the flowers are in full bloom, which is stunning. The new school leaders were worried about students climbing over the courtyard wall, so they cut the ironwork, cut down the roses, and built the wall high with bricks.

Starting from February 2021, The Moment is like a promise. We will meet here at the end of every month to witness each other's lives and how time flies. - DayDayNews



I will always remember that I came ashore for the postgraduate entrance examination on 3.27. On the morning of 3.28, I went for a walk alone in a nearby park and heard the singing of various birds on the mountain. Among the flowers at the foot of the mountain, I found a four-leaf clover. , at that moment I really felt that I was favored by God, and my efforts really paid off, even if the process was very difficult.

Starting from February 2021, The Moment is like a promise. We will meet here at the end of every month to witness each other's lives and how time flies. - DayDayNews


When I was running in the morning, I came across a poplar tree. At any moment in life, as long as I think of it, I will hold my head high and move forward courageously.

Starting from February 2021, The Moment is like a promise. We will meet here at the end of every month to witness each other's lives and how time flies. - DayDayNews


I heard that seeing the Rizhao Jinshan can bring good luck, but Rizhao Jinshan does not happen often. October is my birthday month. During the National Day, I went to Shangri-La . This was my first time coming to the plateau. That morning in the Meili Snow Mountain, I got up early, and the altitude sickness was still a bit troublesome. The Kawaborg Peak was gradually illuminated by the golden light, and we looked at each other and smiled. Suddenly I felt that there was only one place between heaven and earth.

Starting from February 2021, The Moment is like a promise. We will meet here at the end of every month to witness each other's lives and how time flies. - DayDayNews


I traveled to Xinjiang in April. The magnificence of Tianchi Snow Mountain made me feel like I had walked into a blockbuster scene, and all my worries became insignificant and unworthy of mentioning.

Starting from February 2021, The Moment is like a promise. We will meet here at the end of every month to witness each other's lives and how time flies. - DayDayNews


During the summer vacation, my family went to Northwest China for a self-driving trip, all the way to Dunhuang. My younger brother climbed Mingsha Mountain three times but was not satisfied and said he wanted to stay on the top of the mountain at night to watch the stars. We worked in the darkness and cold wind until almost midnight, using an old mobile phone to take pictures of the most beautiful and brilliant galaxy I have ever seen. I hope that the scenery we have seen together will become your strength, giving you direction like those stars.

Starting from February 2021, The Moment is like a promise. We will meet here at the end of every month to witness each other's lives and how time flies. - DayDayNews


I saw the moon through the astronomical telescope for the first time. I was shocked, and at the same time I suddenly felt very small. I hope there is someone who looks at the same moon with me and finds me.

Starting from February 2021, The Moment is like a promise. We will meet here at the end of every month to witness each other's lives and how time flies. - DayDayNews



The modern history teacher taught the final question type. He was very interesting, but it is a pity that his class will not be available next semester.

Starting from February 2021, The Moment is like a promise. We will meet here at the end of every month to witness each other's lives and how time flies. - DayDayNews


I have been most afraid of separation since I was a child, so on the day of graduation, I chose to leave as soon as possible. Everyone was there that day, so I crossed the school gate, glanced hard at everyone's faces, and waved goodbye.

Starting from February 2021, The Moment is like a promise. We will meet here at the end of every month to witness each other's lives and how time flies. - DayDayNews


On February 14 this year, I went for a walk in East Lake with my parents. In the bright afternoon sunshine, I took photos of them. That photo was both warm and sad. They were talking and laughing amiably in the photo, as if they were bidding me a cherished farewell. Eight months later, my father left me.

Starting from February 2021, The Moment is like a promise. We will meet here at the end of every month to witness each other's lives and how time flies. - DayDayNews


October 31st was the last night for the Jazz Mecca Cabin, which has been open for 12 years in Shanghai. The trumpeter played Reunion, and the bright notes seemed to be able to penetrate the most complex emotions. Eternity seemed not out of reach. Thinking about it still makes my heart surge.

Starting from February 2021, The Moment is like a promise. We will meet here at the end of every month to witness each other's lives and how time flies. - DayDayNews


The kitten in the school was born in the small bamboo forest to the north of the school last winter and will be two years old this winter. She is smart, smart and clever, and is very close to the cat-loving classmates in school. When I took this photo, I had just come out of the teaching building and saw her squatting on the grass. I called her name and she ran over and raised her head towards me. On December 28, 2021, she will stay in this winter forever. I will always miss her.

Starting from February 2021, The Moment is like a promise. We will meet here at the end of every month to witness each other's lives and how time flies. - DayDayNews

Happy New Year!


In 2021, the kitchen became my new habitat in my study abroad life. Every delicacy made by one's own hands is the highlight of ordinary daily life, connecting together the happy moments of this year.

Starting from February 2021, The Moment is like a promise. We will meet here at the end of every month to witness each other's lives and how time flies. - DayDayNews


It is said that the life of middle-aged people is a mess of chicken feathers, but you see...the chicken feathers gathered together can also be a dust removal tool!

Starting from February 2021, The Moment is like a promise. We will meet here at the end of every month to witness each other's lives and how time flies. - DayDayNews


Looking back, the most impressive thing was actually being on duty at the unit on the first day of the new year. After sitting quietly in the empty office for a day, the meals at work were prepared according to the Chinese New Year, but I still wanted to go home and reunite with my family. As a public official, it is very likely that this year we will still celebrate the New Year in place. I can only pray that the epidemic situation will stabilize soon, because I want to go home and be reunited.

Starting from February 2021, The Moment is like a promise. We will meet here at the end of every month to witness each other's lives and how time flies. - DayDayNews


Starting from February 2021, The Moment is like a promise. We will meet here at the end of every month to witness each other's lives and how time flies. - DayDayNews021 collected 720 sunset photos. I also joined a sunset club group. There are not many people, but everyone will share sunsets from all over the country. It is very happy to watch! In 2022, let’s watch the sunset together!

Starting from February 2021, The Moment is like a promise. We will meet here at the end of every month to witness each other's lives and how time flies. - DayDayNews


The last picture sent to me by a friend who passed away. He is an independent photographer who specializes in taking pictures of unfinished buildings. The source of the pictures is unknown, but my dear, you should be healthy and happy there.

Starting from February 2021, The Moment is like a promise. We will meet here at the end of every month to witness each other's lives and how time flies. - DayDayNews

@ Bathing Crocodile

The last full moon in 2021.

Starting from February 2021, The Moment is like a promise. We will meet here at the end of every month to witness each other's lives and how time flies. - DayDayNews


to record your 2021

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