According to the Jianghuai Morning News, under the scorching sun, cyclists waiting at the red light spent "seconds like years". Some were fully armed but still sweating profusely, while others were huddled in the shade of trees on the non-motorized lanes to "cool". Some citizens

2024/06/1922:12:32 hotcomm 1118

According to Jianghuai Morning News, under the scorching sun, cyclists waiting at the red light spent "seconds like years". Some were fully armed but still sweating profusely, while others were huddled in the shade of trees on the non-motorized lanes to "cool". Some citizens have reported that the awnings on the non-motorized lane at the intersection of Wuhu Road and Huizhou Avenue are very good. Is it possible to promote them on a large scale?

According to the Jianghuai Morning News, under the scorching sun, cyclists waiting at the red light spent

Cyclists wait in an orderly manner under the awning of the non-motorized lane.

According to the Jianghuai Morning News, under the scorching sun, cyclists waiting at the red light spent

Cyclists are "fully armed" at intersections without sunshades.


Location 1:

The intersection of Linquan Road and Quanjiao Road

Citizens "all have their own tricks" for sun protection

On the morning of June 29, the reporter came to the intersection of Linquan Road and Quanjiao Road, starting from the north of Linquan Road To the south, go straight and the red light duration is displayed as 99 seconds. There were several cyclists waiting for the red light in the triangular shadow under a small sign. The traffic counselor became the target of crowds because there was a big parasol next to him.

"I only waited for this red light, and now I am already sweating." A citizen riding an electric bicycle lamented that the street trees on both sides were beautifully trimmed, but they could not provide a moment of shade. In an interview with

, some cyclists said that for safety reasons, most electric vehicles now have their parasols removed, and the experience of riding on the road in summer is indeed not very good. There was still a bit of cool breeze during the ride, but as soon as I waited at the traffic light, I immediately felt unbearably hot.

In order to protect themselves from the sun, cyclists "have their own tricks". Some people wear sun hats and sun protection masks to cover their necks; some people add sunglasses, sun protection clothes , sun protection ice sleeves and other equipment on top of this; some even even wear winter masks. I didn't even take off the wind muff. A "heavily armed" citizen said frankly that doing so may affect the visibility and operation of the bicycle, and there are hidden dangers, but there is really no way to protect the sun. "The sun protection clothing is wet with sweat and it is uncomfortable to stick to the body."

Location 2:

The intersection of Wuhu Road and Huizhou Avenue

The awning can not only protect against sun and rain, but also regulate traffic

The intersection of Wuhu Road and Huizhou Avenue has Hefei City The first non-motorized driveway awning. The reporter saw at the scene that there was a non-motor vehicle awning about 20 meters long, 6.5 meters high and 3 meters wide in the northeast corner of the intersection, close to the pedestrian bridge . In addition, there is also one in the southeast corner and one in the northwest corner.

Under the "protection" of the awning, cyclists coming and going wait in the designated area in an orderly manner. Some citizens on bicycles lamented that having sunshades made it much better to wait at the red light. In other places without sunshades, they would park in the shade of trees ten or even twenty meters away from the intersection. "But there are very few shade trees. If you can't grab a spot, you can only endure it under the scorching sun."

Li Bin, leader of the No. 1 Squadron of Baohe Brigade of Hefei Traffic Police Detachment, said that the awnings here have been installed for many years. At that time, for the purpose of providing convenient services and considering that citizens could protect themselves from the sun and rain while waiting for traffic lights, they made suggestions to Baohe District , coordinated with relevant departments, and chose Wuhu Road, a bustling area with a large flow of people and vehicles. A pilot project will be conducted at the intersection with Huizhou Avenue.

Li Bin said frankly that installing non-motor vehicle awnings can not only protect against sun and rain, but also help regulate traffic order, which is a double-edged sword. "We also hope that more intersections can be promoted, but the funding problem also needs to be solved."

The person responsible for building the awnings here was the Facilities Maintenance Department of the Municipal Affairs Office of the Baohe District Urban Construction Bureau. The relevant person in charge said that currently, there are 3 awnings. The shed has been included in the daily maintenance of the department and will be inspected regularly every year. If any problems are found, they will be reinforced and repaired in time. According to reports, the awning here adopts a novel single-arm cantilevered cable-membrane structure. The steel structure is decorated with fluorocarbon paint , which has strong anti-rust ability; the top surface material is imported architectural membrane material. , self-cleaning and UV protection properties are also superior.

[Follow-up] What is the difficulty in large-scale promotion of


Funding and leading departments are all problems.

Reporters learned that in addition to the awnings at the intersection of Wuhu Road and Huizhou Avenue, relevant departments had also set up awnings at the intersection of Hehua Road and Huangshan Road in Shushan District, but they were later blocked by heavy snow. I was overwhelmed, so I didn’t continue the installation. During the interviews, many citizens hoped that relevant departments could install appropriate awnings at the intersections of some main roads, especially on non-motorized lanes with long traffic lights.

Can we install awnings on non-motorized lanes on a large scale in Hefei?

The relevant person in charge of the Facilities Maintenance Section of the Municipal Office of the Baohe District Urban Construction Bureau revealed that the awnings at the intersection of Wuhu Road and Huizhou Avenue were carried out under the coordination of the Baohe District Civilization Office and also drew on the experience of other cities. At that time, the three awnings cost more than 100,000 yuan in total. In his view, if awnings want to be promoted, construction costs are the main problem that needs to be solved. In addition to funding,

is also a question of who will lead it. "There is no specific leading department now. If we want to further promote it on a large scale, we still need to clarify the specific leading department, so that we can move forward and follow-up fund applications can be started." In addition, not all intersections can build awnings. Because the ground needs to be excavated when building a carport, and intersections with underground pipes are not suitable for deep excavation.


Provincial People’s Congress representative suggested:

Introduce social capital and install removable temporary awnings

For a long time, Anhui Provincial People’s Congress representative Zhu Hongying has been very concerned about citizens’ travel issues. Zhu Hongying called for creating a good travel environment for citizens to the greatest extent, creating a comfortable, harmonious, and cool waiting space, creating a civilized, safe, smooth and orderly traffic environment, practicing the concept of service-oriented government, and embodying the government's Humanistic care.

To this end, Zhu Hongying suggested that relevant departments can install removable temporary awnings in signal waiting areas at large intersections where non-motor vehicles are concentrated according to seasonal needs. Installing awnings in summer not only provides shade for the masses, but also allows traffic coordinators to stand on the edge of the sidewalk to better direct non-motorized vehicles waiting in the release area. In terms of funds,

can use social forces in an orderly manner to mobilize caring enterprises to participate in investment and construction. At the same time, it is also necessary to work closely with construction, traffic police, municipal administration, urban management and other departments to conduct sufficient research and reasonably determine the location of awnings. In addition, relevant departments should streamline the management mechanism and determine the final installation plan based on the people's sense of gain and satisfaction.

Hebao all-media reporter Ren Haiyi Trainee reporter Zhu Hanxiang/Text Hebao all-media reporter Gao Bo/Photo

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