On the afternoon of the 16th, Yantai City and Zhongguancun Ronxin Financial Information Industry Alliance held a strategic matchmaking meeting and cooperation project signing ceremony. The Singapore United Technology Project and the Intelligent Technology M&A Fund Project, the wo

2024/06/1921:44:32 hotcomm 1276

Yantai introduced "Golden Phoenix" again. On the afternoon of 16, Yantai City and ZhongguancunRongxin Financial Information Industry Alliance held a strategic matchmaking meeting and cooperation project signing ceremony, the seventh largest semiconductor packaging and testing company in the world (also the third largest automotive semiconductor packaging and testing company in the world) Singapore United Technology Project and Intelligent Technology M&A Fund Project have officially settled in Yantai. At the ceremony, many well-known company executives from the Ronshine Alliance came to Yantai for dialogue and cooperation and expressed their development vision. The implementation of two high-end projects

On the afternoon of the 16th, Yantai City and Zhongguancun Ronxin Financial Information Industry Alliance held a strategic matchmaking meeting and cooperation project signing ceremony. The Singapore United Technology Project and the Intelligent Technology M&A Fund Project, the wo - DayDayNews

and in-depth negotiations between entrepreneurs have injected new impetus into the high-quality development of Yantai.


packaging and testing project introduced

The world's seventh largest semiconductor packaging and testing company landed in Yantai

Yantai Economic and Technological Development Zone signed a contract with Beijing Zhilu Asset Management Co., Ltd. for the packaging and testing project, brought the world's seventh largest semiconductor packaging and testing company to Singapore United Technology Corporation Settled in Yantai and cooperate with Yantai Development Zone to build a world-class semiconductor packaging and testing base and R&D center.

On the afternoon of the 16th, Yantai City and Zhongguancun Ronxin Financial Information Industry Alliance held a strategic matchmaking meeting and cooperation project signing ceremony. The Singapore United Technology Project and the Intelligent Technology M&A Fund Project, the wo - DayDayNews

Singapore United Technology is a packaging and testing company wholly owned by Beijing Zhilu Asset Management Co., Ltd., ranking seventh in the global semiconductor packaging and testing industry. It is segmented in automotive electronics semiconductor packaging and testing that have extremely high quality and reliability requirements. Domain ranks third in the world .

The implementation of this project will introduce United Technologies' world-leading automotive-grade semiconductor packaging technology and wafer-level advanced packaging and testing technology and production lines. First, meets the needs of semiconductor chips due to the development of new energy vehicles, 5G, Internet of Things and other industries. The strong demand for products, second, , meets the rapid development of domestic semiconductor design companies, and , third, effectively enhances the technical capabilities of the domestic high-reliability and advanced packaging industry. The fourth is to lay a solid foundation for Yantai City to develop the semiconductor industry and promote the implementation of the strategy of converting old and new driving forces.


The smart technology M&A fund project was launched

Promoting the ecological construction of Yantai's new kinetic energy industry

Yantai Guofeng Company signed a smart technology M&A fund project with Beijing Zhilu Asset Management Co., Ltd., and plans to introduce advanced technologies and high-quality projects in the field of smart technology through fund investment. Settled in Yantai, we strive to build an industrial cluster in smart high-tech fields around semiconductors (Semiconductor), mobile terminals (Mobile), automotive electronics (Automotive), robots and intelligent manufacturing (Robotic), and the Internet of Things (IoT). Yantai City’s smart industry chain has further strengthened and developed sustainably.

On the afternoon of the 16th, Yantai City and Zhongguancun Ronxin Financial Information Industry Alliance held a strategic matchmaking meeting and cooperation project signing ceremony. The Singapore United Technology Project and the Intelligent Technology M&A Fund Project, the wo - DayDayNews

Beijing Zhilu Asset Management Co., Ltd. is one of the initiators of the Zhongguancun Ronshine Financial Information Industry Alliance and one of the important investment platforms. has participated in or led investment in multiple domestic and foreign projects for many times, including Nexperia Semiconductor , Lingsheng Technology, Huaqin Communications, Ruigan Sensor, Singapore United Technology, etc. It has recently completed a lead frame business project joint venture contract with ASM Pacific, a Hong Kong listed company, and completed the acquisition contract of the independent brand "Huba Control" under the Siemens Group. After the launch of the smart technology M&A fund, Zhilu Capital will focus on Yantai City’s industrial development strategy and continue to introduce high-tech projects to Yantai through investment and M&A, further assisting Yantai’s foreign cooperation and industrial development, and accelerating the creation of smart technology industry clusters.


In-depth discussions and cooperation

Entrepreneurs "retired" from the cigarette ticket

event that night. Yantai not only signed two high-end projects, but also held a "valuable" in-depth dialogue between entrepreneurs and the city. . After the signing ceremony, the dialogue between Yantai City and entrepreneurs from the Zhongguancun Ronxin Financial Information Industry Alliance was in-depth and powerful. mentioned the progress of the on-site signing to the agreed start time. At the

conference, senior executives from more than ten Ronshine Alliance member units, including Shiyuan Technology Engineering Co., Ltd., Singapore United Technology, and TusDigital Group, came to Yantai for dialogue and cooperation and shared their development visions.After learning about the current economic performance and future development direction of Yantai City, entrepreneurs have expressed that will be based on Yantai's strong industrial foundation and good innovation environment, and strive to seek solutions in the fields of electronic communications, digital economy, intelligent manufacturing and other industries. Opportunities for cooperation.

Although Beijing Jingyi Automation Equipment Co., Ltd. is a recently established semiconductor equipment company, its team has excellent quality. The company's business has benefited from the booming domestic semiconductor industry and its business has grown rapidly. Vice Chairman Zhao Lixing gave a detailed introduction to the company's development. , and hope to have development opportunities in Yantai.


Some large-scale projects underway in Yantai provide opportunities for cooperation with Tus-Digital.


Ran Ran, President of Tus-Digital Group, said that Tus-Digital has projects in satellite, communications, Internet and other fields that are consistent with the development of Yantai.

Regarding the enthusiasm of the alliance entrepreneurs, at the meeting, Li Bin, chairman of the Zhongguancun Ronshine Financial Information Industry Alliance, said:


After listening to the mayor's recommendation, several of our entrepreneurs withdrew their plans to leave tonight. Tickets, stay and learn about Yantai in all aspects, and cooperate with Yantai


. At the matchmaking meeting, Yantai also issued a sincere invitation on the spot, hoping that many entrepreneurs can come to Yantai, fall in love with Yantai, and jointly build a competitive strategic emerging industry development ecosystem.

YMG All-media reporter Wang Hongyun Photography report

Editor in charge: Weiye

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