Author: Ren Gongda Source: Life Research Institute (ID: neng365) At the age of 30, most people are already married, have children, have a stable career, and lead a plain and happy life. And 30-year-old Chen Xiujiang has just found his first job in life. Because in the first thirt

2024/06/1823:34:33 hotcomm 1994

Author: Ren Gongda Source: Life Research Institute (ID: neng365) At the age of 30, most people are already married, have children, have a stable career, and lead a plain and happy life. And 30-year-old Chen Xiujiang has just found his first job in life. Because in the first thirt - DayDayNews

Author: Ren Gongda

Source: Life Research Institute (ID: neng365)

At the age of 30, most people are married, have children, have a stable career, and live a plain and happy life.

And 30-year-old Chen Xiujiang has just found his first job in life.

Because in the first thirty years of his life, he was either killing people, being killed, or going to jail. He was in and out of jail six times, the last time he spent six years in jail.

Chen Xiujiang seems to be in this cycle of crime and subjugation until death.

But no one expected that after he was released from prison for the sixth time, he began to work seriously and became a body restorer. In the past, he used his sword to chop the living into dead. Now, with his hands, he restores the dead to look like living people.

Chen Xiujiang even participated as a volunteer in the restoration of the remains of the victims of the Penghu air crash, Kaohsiung gas explosion, and Weiguan collapse.

changed from a gangster who lived and died only for money to a body restorer who does good deeds for free.

Why did Chen Xiujiang’s life take such a big turn?


Chen Xiujiang has not been qualified to be a good person since he was a child.

Because his family was poor, he was born in a casino and grew up in a brothel. He heard the most vulgar swear words and saw the filthiest Taiwanese society.

On the first day of junior high school, Chen Xiujiang was severely beaten by the senior students, just to give him a blow.

Chen Xiujiang thought at that time: Since being a good person will lead to bullying, then be a bad person. If others are bad, I will be worse than them. After

was beaten by a group, he did not swallow his anger, but immediately found a group of friends to bully him back. From then on, Chen Xiujiang always kept knives and sticks in his schoolbag.

Before finishing junior high school, Chen Xiujiang dropped out of school and joined the society with his big brother in the underworld. His mother knelt down in public and begged him not to go, but he ignored her. He only complained: Why are you so poor and can't give me good resources?

For poor children, there is only one way to make money quickly and abundantly - to join the underworld.

From then on, Chen Xiujiang became the most ruthless and vicious horse boy on the road. The underworld is also a kind of workplace. Only by working hard can you make big money, but the underworld is fighting for your life.

Chen Xiujiang did earn a lot of money at a young age, but the price was six jail sentences, each time longer than the last, and maybe the next one would be a lifetime.

Author: Ren Gongda Source: Life Research Institute (ID: neng365) At the age of 30, most people are already married, have children, have a stable career, and lead a plain and happy life. And 30-year-old Chen Xiujiang has just found his first job in life. Because in the first thirt - DayDayNews

People who are born in the quagmire seem to be doomed to be in the quagmire all their lives. No matter how hard they struggle and exert themselves, they will only sink themselves deeper.

When Chen Xiujiang was imprisoned for the sixth time, the prison opened a writing class in accordance with the policy, and the lecturer was a female teacher in her fifties.

The female teacher was very dedicated and encouraged the prisoners to study hard over and over again in class. At that time, Chen Xiujiang only thought that she was sick, but she even talked about studying and working hard in the prison.

Until one time, Chen Xiujiang discovered that this female teacher in her fifties was actually using a magnifying glass to read the homework they handed in word by word.

It turns out that the female teacher is close to blindness.

Her legs and feet are also inconvenient. Every week she comes to class, she has to use a cane to go from station to station, and finally walks to the prison step by step. And this teaching job doesn't even pay a penny, and it's not even a job.

Chen Xiujiang was puzzled.

An old man in his fifties, with inconvenient legs and feet, and about to lose his eyesight. She has ten thousand reasons to retire and rest. Why does she have to ask for trouble and come to the prison to teach for so many years?

He asked the female teacher why she came to teach, and the female teacher just replied:

"One is the one who can teach someone, and one is the one who can save one."

Chen Xiujiang was shocked.

He has lived for so many years, and he has been taught that profit is the most important thing since he was a child. If he wants to live, he must be ruthless.

After joining society, he understood better that everyone smiled on the surface but stabbed someone in the back.All good and bad people are bullshit, money is the only truth.

"It turns out that there are really good people in the world, and there are really people who can do things without money." Chen Xiujiang thought to himself as he looked at the old female teacher in front of him.

"Then I will also be a good person." Chen Xiujiang vowed secretly.

Author: Ren Gongda Source: Life Research Institute (ID: neng365) At the age of 30, most people are already married, have children, have a stable career, and lead a plain and happy life. And 30-year-old Chen Xiujiang has just found his first job in life. Because in the first thirt - DayDayNews


With this oath, Chen Xiu will be released from prison for the sixth time.

However, it is not so easy to break out of the quagmire.

After he was released from prison, Chen Xiujiang also tried to find a serious job, but many companies in Taiwan required a "good citizen certificate". He had been in prison and could not even get an interview. Chen Xiujiang could only work as a salesman, but because he couldn't cover his body with tattoos, he was fired again.

Chen Xiujiang said: "We people in mixed society are more sensitive than others. We are afraid of being looked down upon by others, so we pretend to be arrogant."

Chen Xiujiang has been stung by other people's strange eyes several times, and Chen Xiujiang will do it again. He returned to the underworld, the only old place that could give him recognition and praise.

But not long after, the crackdown on gangsters began. Chen Xiujiang was frightened and bored at the same time: Is this the only way he can go on in this life?

Then, he met his current wife. After dating, Chen Xiujiang's wife was invited by a friend to be an undertaker, and she asked Chen Xiujiang if he would be taboo.

Chen Xiujiang not only had no objection, he even felt that this work was very meaningful, so he said to his wife:

Let’s do it together and start again.

Chen Xiujiang went to a brand new city, changed his mobile phone number, and officially started his job as an undertaker.

Author: Ren Gongda Source: Life Research Institute (ID: neng365) At the age of 30, most people are already married, have children, have a stable career, and lead a plain and happy life. And 30-year-old Chen Xiujiang has just found his first job in life. Because in the first thirt - DayDayNews

After working for a long time, Chen Xiujiang couldn't stand it anymore. Because Chen Xiu will not be able to accept the attitude of his colleagues towards the remains.

When they were dressing the body, they would roughly turn it over and over, and even smash the face of the body directly onto the morgue, making a loud noise.

For corpses with defects, colleagues usually sew a few stitches directly with large needles used to sew cattle. As long as the skin and flesh are glued together, the work is done.

Some of the deceased died more painfully, their hands and feet were twisted, and it was difficult to put on clothes. For the sake of convenience, colleagues would force their hands and feet to straighten, and the bones would dislocate and crack with a "click".

Chen Xiujiang quarreled with his colleagues, but what he got in return was ridicule for him as a "newcomer":

"This is what you have to do, otherwise what should you do? This is the method taught to you by your predecessors."

Compared with respect For the deceased, colleagues are more interested in coaxing the family of the deceased, what kind of ritual must be performed and how much extra money should be spent.

In fact, not only colleagues, but also some family members of the deceased cannot respect the deceased.

Chen Xiujiang once had a client who was the owner of a listed company. He spent three to four hundred thousand to decorate the scene, but he was unwilling to spend 7,000 to repair his father's broken knuckles so that his father could have a complete corpse.

Everyone values ​​money, face, and themselves, but they do not value the deceased lying in the coffin.

Chen Xiu will not be able to accept it.

He decided to become a body restorer, that is, to "beautify" the deceased.

So Chen Xiujiang began studying for more than a year, but at that time there was no body restoration industry in Taiwan.

He can only cross the river by feeling the stones and go to learn from makeup artists, surgeons, and film special effects makeup artists. The tuition was very high, tens of thousands, and Chen Xiujiang even had to ask his family to borrow money. When

Author: Ren Gongda Source: Life Research Institute (ID: neng365) At the age of 30, most people are already married, have children, have a stable career, and lead a plain and happy life. And 30-year-old Chen Xiujiang has just found his first job in life. Because in the first thirt - DayDayNews

was learning from a surgeon, no one was willing to teach him because the law stipulates that doctors cannot accept apprentices. Chen Xiujiang had no choice but to beg a doctor for several months before the doctor agreed to teach him once.

continued to study for more than a year, which was tiring, hard and expensive, but Chen Xiujiang just wanted to learn.

He wants to learn this technique so that every deceased person he handles can bid farewell to this world as completely and decently as possible.

Instead of having to leave in embarrassment and with all dignity lost in the place of the undertaker at that time.


Chen Xiujiang said that the most important thing when doing corpse restoration is empathy.

When the body lies there, Chen Xiu will completely assume the role of the deceased.

He will think about how he would like to be treated if the person lying there was him.

Before handling the body, Chen Xiujiang would habitually clasp his hands and tell the deceased every action they were going to take, such as:

"Uncle, we will help you turn over"

"Miss, we will help you trim your nails now"

Author: Ren Gongda Source: Life Research Institute (ID: neng365) At the age of 30, most people are already married, have children, have a stable career, and lead a plain and happy life. And 30-year-old Chen Xiujiang has just found his first job in life. Because in the first thirt - DayDayNews

Chen Xiujiang said: "Even if he can't hear it, I think this is the respect and attitude he should have."

Chen Xiujiang once received the body of a man who fell from a high altitude, and he went bungee jumping specifically for this purpose. He wanted to feel the death of the deceased personally, and feel the feeling of jumping from a high altitude and feeling stagnant in breathing.

"After feeling this, no matter how broken the remains in front of me are, they seem less bloody and less terrifying. On the contrary, it makes people feel more heartbroken because of the arrangement of fate for them." Chen Xiujiang said.

Because empathizes with , it is attentive.

If the body has wounds, Chen Xiu will use medical aesthetic methods to repair them; if the body is carbonized due to fire, Chen Xiu will use prosthetic skin and silicone to reshape the face; if the limbs are broken or incomplete, he will make prostheses and prostheses .

Author: Ren Gongda Source: Life Research Institute (ID: neng365) At the age of 30, most people are already married, have children, have a stable career, and lead a plain and happy life. And 30-year-old Chen Xiujiang has just found his first job in life. Because in the first thirt - DayDayNews

Chen Xiujiang has handled everything from 3-month-old babies to 100-year-old people, and has taken over thousands of corpses in total.

But until now, Chen Xiujiang has not been able to desensitize himself to death. This strong man who had been involved in the underworld for decades would still cry out of breath in front of the body.

When people feel death every day, they will begin to empathize with every death. After engaging in corpse restoration for a period of time, Chen Xiujiang began a charity restoration operation.

In 2014, Chen Xiujiang established the "76 Walker Remains Beauty and Restoration Team", which is the only public welfare organization in Taiwan that handles post-disaster remains.

That year, there was a plane crash in Penghu, causing many casualties. Chen Xiujiang and his friends rushed over to help repair the bodies.

But in less than a week, another gas explosion occurred in Kaohsiung.

Author: Ren Gongda Source: Life Research Institute (ID: neng365) At the age of 30, most people are already married, have children, have a stable career, and lead a plain and happy life. And 30-year-old Chen Xiujiang has just found his first job in life. Because in the first thirt - DayDayNews

There were countless casualties at one time, and the victims were constantly being discovered and brought in.

Chen Xiujiang said that the crying in the funeral home never stopped at that time and kept echoing in the corridors. He seems to still be able to hear it even now.

These two disasters made Chen Xiujiang deeply aware of the impermanence of life, and he decided to do something to make this impermanence less cruel.

So, he established "76 Walkers".

started to help the innocent victims in the society, abused children, domestic violence women, unclaimed homeless people, widowed elderly people who lived alone and died...

Author: Ren Gongda Source: Life Research Institute (ID: neng365) At the age of 30, most people are already married, have children, have a stable career, and lead a plain and happy life. And 30-year-old Chen Xiujiang has just found his first job in life. Because in the first thirt - DayDayNews

Every time we volunteer to repair, it will cost One hundred thousand yuan, these expenses were paid by Chen Xiujiang and a few friends out of their own pockets.


Regarding Chen Xiujiang’s charity behavior, some people say that he is atonement for his past self.

Chen Xiujiang disagreed. He just felt:

He was once a recipient, but now, he is just repaying the help he once received.

At the end of 2017, the female teacher who once helped Chen Xiujiang passed away unexpectedly.

That day, the female teacher took the train to the prison to teach as usual. But because he was too old, he couldn't stand firmly on the escalator, fell down, and died of cerebral hemorrhage.

The husband of the female teacher contacted Chen Xiujiang. He knew that Chen Xiujiang would definitely want to help the teacher take care of it himself.

After being released from prison for so many years, Chen Xiujiang has always wanted to invite the female teacher to a thank-you banquet, but the female teacher never agreed and did not even accept the gift.

She just said to Chen Xiujiang: "If you want to repay me, go and be kind to other people."

Author: Ren Gongda Source: Life Research Institute (ID: neng365) At the age of 30, most people are already married, have children, have a stable career, and lead a plain and happy life. And 30-year-old Chen Xiujiang has just found his first job in life. Because in the first thirt - DayDayNews

Kindness is a kind of warm transmission.

Chen Xiujiang, who had been hugged before, turned around and hugged others again.

Even if the deceased’s body is already cold, the warmth of the human heart is still being passed on and will never cool down.

Video source:


1. "The gangster brother quits the world and does body restoration for free: I want to be a good person"
2. "After being imprisoned for six times, the gangster brother became a body restorer | Oral narration" Jizhou Studio

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