Recently, the Shaanxi Provincial Health Commission issued the "Notice on Providing Vaccination Services During the COVID-19 Epidemic," requiring all localities to carefully analyze and evaluate and scientifically arrange vaccinations.

2024/06/1818:36:32 hotcomm 1106

Recently, the Shaanxi Provincial Health Commission issued the "Notice on Providing Vaccination Services During the COVID-19 Epidemic," requiring all localities to carefully analyze and evaluate and scientifically arrange vaccinations. So what specific precautions should be taken during the vaccination process?

Recently, the Shaanxi Provincial Health Commission issued the

Precautions before vaccination

1. During the COVID-19 prevention and control period, vaccination clinics should actively make vaccination appointments, make appointments through telephone, WeChat, QQ or vaccination clinic APP and other communication methods, and inform them of vaccinations during the COVID-19 prevention and control period. Relevant requirements, determine the time and period of vaccination. Only parents or guardians of children can take their children to the vaccination clinic after the appointment is successful. In principle, a child can only be accompanied by one parent or guardian for vaccination. After the obstetric vaccinators inoculate the newborn children with the first dose of hepatitis B vaccine and BCG vaccine, they inform the parents of the children that they need to make an appointment for subsequent vaccinations.

2. Parents should take the initiative to report the health status and related information of the vaccinated children and accompanying persons according to the requirements of the vaccination clinic staff. After the appointment is successful, parents must take their children to the vaccination clinic in strict accordance with the appointment date and time period to reduce the chance of contact with other people.

3. Parents or guardians of children should measure the temperature of the vaccinated child and accompanying parents at home before going to the vaccination clinic. If the vaccinated child or accompanying parents have symptoms such as fever, do not go to the vaccination clinic for the time being, and call or Other communication methods inform the vaccination clinic to cancel the appointment.

4. On the way to and from the vaccination clinic and during the vaccination clinic, the recipients and accompanying persons must wear masks at all times (babies do not need to wear masks to avoid suffocation ). If possible, try not to use public transportation to and from vaccination clinics.

Recently, the Shaanxi Provincial Health Commission issued the

Precautions for vaccination clinics

1. Vaccination clinics should strictly implement pre-vaccination health screening, measure the temperature of children and accompanying persons who come for an appointment before entering the vaccination clinic, inquire about epidemiological information related to COVID-19, and conduct Good record. Those who are found to have symptoms such as fatigue, dry cough, nasal congestion, runny nose, diarrhea, conjunctivitis and other symptoms after screening are not allowed to enter the vaccination clinic, and their information is registered at the same time, and they are required to go to the local fever clinic.

2. Vaccination clinics should reasonably arrange for children and accompanying persons to enter the vaccination area. Children and accompanying persons waiting in the vaccination clinic must wear masks and sit at a distance of more than 1 meter.

3. Staff should take personal protection, disinfect hands and surfaces of facilities and equipment, and strengthen the ventilation of the vaccination site. Vaccination clinic staff who are directly involved in on-site prevention and control of COVID-19 should suspend their participation in vaccination services during this period.

4. Vaccination clinic pre-examination, vaccination and observation should be implemented in accordance with the vaccination standard management requirements. Observers after vaccination should also sit at a distance of more than 1 meter. The viewing time shall not be less than 30 minutes.

Recently, the Shaanxi Provincial Health Commission issued the

Precautions after vaccination

1. After returning home after vaccination, you should pay close attention to the physical condition of the vaccinated children. If you have fever, local redness and swelling after vaccination (mostly within one or two days after vaccination), they will generally resolve on their own without special treatment. If you have other discomforts, you can contact the vaccination clinic in time and seek medical treatment if necessary.

2. Vaccination clinics should conduct regional disinfection every day in accordance with new coronavirus prevention and control requirements. The environment of the vaccination site should be regularly ventilated, and daily vaccination equipment and utensils should be standardized and disinfected.

3. Vaccination clinic staff should observe themselves. If they have fever, cough and other symptoms, they should stop vaccination services and contact the hospital for verification in a timely manner.

4. Discarded masks must be specially recycled and processed centrally.

5. Vaccination clinics should maintain an adequate supply of vaccines.

Feed: Institute for Immunization Planning

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