After the new regulations on Internet insurance were implemented, online annuity increases and life spans suddenly became much less, and those unqualified companies and all their products disappeared online.

2024/06/1716:12:32 hotcomm 1267

I am an anti-gangster fighter in insurance, Yan Bingxiang. Follow me and pay attention to the positive energy of insurance.

Today we are going to fight back against the tricks of gangster savings insurance and restore the innocence of savings insurance.

After the new regulations on Internet insurance were implemented, the increase in online annuity and life span suddenly became much less. Those substandard companies disappeared online along with all their products. In particular, the Universal Dividend Loan has disappeared from the Internet since then. This is to be responsible to consumers. Those who are unqualified are not qualified. It would be great if the uneducated insurance trolls should be punished sometime. It is even more hateful for them to spread misconceptions and mislead the public!

After the new regulations on Internet insurance were implemented, online annuity increases and life spans suddenly became much less, and those unqualified companies and all their products disappeared online. - DayDayNews

Recently, those who cannot sell universal annuities dividend insurance and some financial third parties are jealous and anxious, and their offensive has become more fierce!

Let’s first look at their views:

1. Savings insurance is essentially a low-yield financial product;

2. Most of the premiums you pay will become commissions for certain people;

3. If you quit midway, you may lose part of your capital.

4. "Consumer-type" insurance is much more cost-effective;

5. You can completely build a long-term financial portfolio with higher returns;

After the new regulations on Internet insurance were implemented, online annuity increases and life spans suddenly became much less, and those unqualified companies and all their products disappeared online. - DayDayNews

Let's crack it one by one and put things right.

Myth 1. Savings insurance is essentially a low-yield financial product

A typical blind man who only looks at the income.

Investment and financial management products have four properties: safety, profitability, liquidity and long-term nature.

The insurance product itself also has legal attributes. Through the structural design of the policyholder, the insured, and the beneficiary, it can achieve the purpose of isolating different risks and directional inheritance.

just talks about profitability, is it really low? You are blowing!

When you are prosperous and high-spirited, you can earn 10% to 20% every year. Of course, the income from insurance is low. However, things turn around and the flowers never bloom. When you are unlucky and suffer huge losses, lose all your principal or even rack up huge debts, you will be worshiped by the income from the insurance. The income from insurance is the icing on the cake when you are in good times, and it is the icing on the cake when you are in adversity. It's not about being low, it's about being prepared. Besides, who really buys insurance only for the benefits? Those who only look at returns know little about life and risks, and are ignorant and superficial. Life is long, and there are more important things to consider than profitability.

Security is the first priority. If there is no sense of security, if you want high returns, aren't you playing with fire and burning yourself? Are you really sure about marrying a rich, handsome man? If I am unfaithful to you, no matter how much I can make money, it has nothing to do with you. How many people have suffered losses and been deceived, focusing on other people's profits, and have been defrauded of their principal.

Long-term is also important. Otherwise, how can growing old together forever and ever be the best blessing? Isn’t it really tiring to only look at profitability and indulge in short-term financial management for a few months, a year and a half, and then find another one? Is this interesting? One day you will be tired and can no longer play. I hope you can settle down for a long time. Even if you sacrifice some income, you are still willing to live a plain life without stimulating your heartbeat.

Liquidity is also important, but not now. At the stage of life when you have the ability to make money and your monthly income is greater than your expenses, liquidity is not the most important thing. This is especially important in old age when income is tight. The liquidity of savings insurance is suitable for life stages.

Legal exclusivity is even more important. After working hard for half a life, the money earned is lost because of the risks of children's marriage and life. No one wants to see it. No investment and financial product can provide targeted inheritance and perfect preservation of financial assets like savings insurance.

To sum up, there are many benefits of savings insurance. You cannot be blind to the elephant, sit in a well and look at the sky, and you cannot see the mountain with a single leaf.

After the new regulations on Internet insurance were implemented, online annuity increases and life spans suddenly became much less, and those unqualified companies and all their products disappeared online. - DayDayNews

Myth 2. Most of the premiums you pay will become commissions for certain people.

This view is the pink eye of the small people, narrow-minded and selfish. Just buy products that solve your problems. Why do you care how much money other people make? Do you have to feel balanced if the merchant makes no money or even sells to you at a loss? Very ill.What's more, many people only look at insurance consultants' commissions in the first year, but customers have to pay for more than ten or twenty years. After three to five years, there is no commission. The total commission an insurance consultant can get accounts for at most 10% of the total premium. 2%, how much? Moreover, it is not easy to earn these 2%, and you have to fight and curse with these trolls every day. If you think it's easy to make money, come and try insurance. Don't stand and talk without pain in your back.

Myth 3. If you quit midway, you may lose part of your principal and income

Since it is a long-term contract, why should you quit midway? As long as there is a contract period, you will suffer losses if you quit midway. This is legal common sense. 150 days of financial management, a 1-year trust, a 3-year fixed deposit, a 20-year housing loan, and a lifetime marriage. Are you trying to quit midway? Either you can't withdraw, or you'll suffer huge losses. This is the spirit of the contract. A contract is not a play house. Adults must be responsible for their promises. They must think carefully before making a promise. Once they have done so, they must keep their promises.

Insurance does not withdraw midway, it forces you to continue. We all know that the nights are long and the dreams are many. Without this compulsion, how can we achieve long-term goals? Do you just teach your children to do whatever they want? If you want to learn, go to school, or if you don’t want to, drop out and stay home? Without ten or twenty years of discipline, how can one get ahead, become a dragon, become a phoenix? The way of business is the way of humanity, they are all the same. Savings insurance is about raising a child who can make money. It requires continuous support from you in the early stage, and will give you a steady stream of income that will accompany you throughout your life.

After the new regulations on Internet insurance were implemented, online annuity increases and life spans suddenly became much less, and those unqualified companies and all their products disappeared online. - DayDayNews

Myth 4. "Consumer-type" insurance is much more cost-effective;

Cost-effectiveness is the typical thinking of the poor, and the rich pay more attention to value rather than price. The rich only look at the name of the dish when ordering and eat what they want, while the poor look at the price first when ordering. They pursue the so-called low price and sufficient quantity, but are limited by money.

Consumption is a cognitive trap. It is the poor who enjoy themselves and contribute to the rich, and the rich pay more attention to investment. The same goes for spending. The rich consider investment rather than consumption.

Rich people buy luxury cars to show off their appearance and run their businesses to make more money. They are investments and tools to make money. Poor people buy luxury cars to commute to and from get off work, to show off themselves and fill their empty hearts. The result is devaluation, and the more luxurious they are, the more devalued they are.

Rich people must eat with business partners and valuable people. Eating expensively is an investment, it is to make connections, and the money spent on dining out becomes more money back. Poor people usually eat alone or with a bunch of friends. Eating more and eating less is pure consumption, which turns into urination and defecation.

consumption? When you keep shopping and feel good, the rich are counting the money you contribute, your wallet has successfully lost weight, and other people's wallets have become extremely fat. Stay away from consumerism. There is no free lunch in the world, and there is no so-called advantage to be taken. The advantage you think is other people's cleverness and your ignorance.

Savings is a virtue. If you look at the balance on your parents’ account, you have saved it through frugality. Isn’t that money? Don't be dissatisfied on this point, you are just not as good as the old man. You think about spending money every day, and they think about saving money every day. They don’t have high-yield financial investments, they just have the lowest-yield deposits, which can contribute to your house down payment, isn’t it great? Looking back at your account? No 1 is 0.

consumer insurance . If you can’t afford it, don’t buy it. For example, if you don’t have a savings-oriented medical insurance, you can only buy a consumption-oriented insurance. If there are savings-oriented insurance, I will never buy a consumption-oriented insurance. Because the insurance company has done all the calculations, the probability of a claim for any insurance must be very small. Consumer insurance means that in most cases, the money we invest will never be returned, and it will be completely left behind by others. Buffett is rich because Berkshire Hathaway Insurance Company is a property insurance company and the products it sells are for consumption. It's a constant flow of cash machines, because Buffett doesn't need to think about repayment. What is left after deducting costs and claims is pure profit. Savings-type insurance not only takes into account protection but also forces you to deposit money. It is also cost-effective to get the principal back when it expires. It is considered as the interest purchased for so many years to buy protection. Regardless of the future inflation of or , to the extent that money is worthless, having it is better than nothing. The little premium saved by buying the consumer model instead of the savings model is really spent somehow. It is better to leave it with the insurance company, where you can’t spend it if you can’t see it. It’s good to save it.

Savings insurance is a financial asset, and buying insurance is an investment and accumulation of assets. With this correct concept, the more you buy, the more you will have, the more you save, the more you will have, you will truly be friends with time, and you will accumulate huge assets unknowingly. Those who adhere to consumerism are likely to come up empty-handed in the end. It's like a one-night stand. If you consume your feelings, your feelings will empty you out. Only long-termism, value investment, and the awareness of managing emotions can lead to long-term happiness. You cannot be short-sighted in life and only look at the present. You are not worthy of being drunk now and drunk the next!

After the new regulations on Internet insurance were implemented, online annuity increases and life spans suddenly became much less, and those unqualified companies and all their products disappeared online. - DayDayNews

Myth 5. You can completely build a long-term financial portfolio with higher returns;

This conclusion is typical of idealists, blindly confident, and lacking in knowledge and awe of risks and human nature.

What are the risks? It is a loss that exceeds one's expectations and ability to bear. Illnesses, accidents, natural and man-made disasters, which one can I bear and predict? If you could really predict it, it wouldn’t be called life! What should I do if I become disabled, have dementia, and cannot manage investments? Don’t say it’s impossible, everything is possible!

Moreover, the rate of return is completely out of personal control. You can decide the amount of principal and the length of investment. Only the rate of return is a blind box. Not only individuals, but also large institutions, celebrity private equity and public funds, in the rate of return Isn’t it just as unreliable? Who dares to say that it is possible to build a long-term financial portfolio with higher returns? I really don’t know the heights of the world. No matter how any investment is combined, it has a periodicity. Fluctuations are patterns that indicate a heartbeat, and a straight line indicates death. It is difficult to sustain long-term fluctuations because human nature's weaknesses of greed, fear, and blind obedience to impulse cannot be overcome. It is human nature to chase the rise and kill the fall, and it is a blind spot in investment. And what if you need money during a downturn in investment losses? Do you want to cut off the flesh and make real losses?

Only a novice who overestimates his capabilities can be so arrogant and say such shameless things. He also built a long-term financial portfolio with higher returns. Who doesn’t know how to make a spreadsheet and fill in some hypothetical numbers? This kind of paper talk can only deceive children. What to invest in? When to buy? When to sell? Regarding these three basic investment questions, I can't figure it out after a lifetime of research. So far, no one in human history can give the correct answer. Investment is about using real money, not math problems with various assumptions. Where do you get the investment projects that guarantee reliable returns throughout your life? Even time deposits are only guaranteed for a maximum period of five years. Are you better than the bank? The value of savings insurance relies on time and compound interest to increase in value when the income is determined. It is the only reliable long-term safe investment available to ordinary people. It is the bottom line of passive income in life, the last line of defense for personal and family economic security, and is indispensable. All other investments must be based on this solid foundation, so as not to end up in vain.

In addition, personal emotional management and health status, energy management, and learning ability will always be insurmountable obstacles to investment and financial management! Which one can you guarantee long-term stability? Shameless talk!

Well, I got up on the weekend morning, started writing, and wrote down these insights to share with everyone.

I hope the public can have a correct understanding of savings insurance. If you can’t afford it, it’s your own problem because you are poor. You cannot say savings insurance is a trap. All you have to do is learn your skills and make more money, hoping that one day you will be worthy of it.

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