The first day of the Mid-Autumn Festival holiday that just passed last week was "September 18". Many cities in mainland China sounded sirens to remember the day of national humiliation that was ravaged by the Japanese army. As we all know, Japan has no right to launch a war under

2024/06/1712:16:33 hotcomm 1155

Source: Strait Shinkansen

The first day of the Mid-Autumn Festival holiday that just passed last week was "September 18". Many cities in mainland China sounded sirens to remember the day of national humiliation that was ravaged by the Japanese army. However, the Taiwanese society that has been "de-Sinicized" still pretends to be aloof and ridicules mainland patriotism, unaware that Japan's right-wing is resurgent, and the ultimate victim is Taiwan.

The first day of the Mid-Autumn Festival holiday that just passed last week was

A closer look at the statements of high-level Japanese officials after Biden came to power. It is clear that they have shown a strong "interest" in the Taiwan issue. On the surface, they are concerned about the stability of the Taiwan Strait, but more often they are taking advantage of cross-strait conflicts to expand their role in East Asia's geopolitics.. As we all know, Japan has no right to launch a war according to the "Post-War Peace Constitution". However, since Abe came to power for the second time in 2012, it has actively used the United States' "return to the Asia-Pacific" to create trouble in the East China Sea, and then Interpret the Constitution and expand the definition of "right of self-defense" in an attempt to include Taiwan into the U.S.-Japan security alliance and increase more strategic space to constrain the mainland.

After Abe resigned last year, the successor Yoshihide Suga lacked Abe's prestige and ability, and other radical Japanese right-wingers became even more ready to move. Japanese Vice Prime Minister Taro Aso has advocated that the United States and Japan should join forces to "defend" Taiwan in the event of changes in the Taiwan Strait. Abe's brother and Japanese Defense Minister Nobuo Kishi also claimed that "if something happens in Taiwan, it would be hard for Japan to stay out of it." At the same time, he also left a hint, saying that Japan has many military operations against Taiwan, and "evacuating overseas Chinese" is one of them. , give yourself a roundabout step.

The reasons that stimulate Japan's eagerness to intervene in the Taiwan Strait can be divided into remote causes and proximate causes. From afar, after the Meiji Restoration , Japan felt that its territory was small and its development was limited, so it made plans to invade foreign countries step by step. If it had not later become complacent and eager to occupy the entire East Asia, I am afraid that Northeast China and Taiwan would still be difficult to recover. As the global climate continues to warm, there are predictions that part of Japan's land may be submerged, which has intensified the Japanese right's intention to renew its expansion.

Recently, the United States has lost confidence due to the decline of its national power, which has led domestic politicians and arms dealers to actively promote the "Taiwan card". It has also induced Japan to follow the instigation of "Cross-Strait Confrontation" between China and the United States. In fact, the role of the United States in Japan in the postwar decades not only allowed Japan to maintain the status quo under the security of the United States and Japan, but also limited Japan's development in East Asia. In recent years, from Trump's unilateralism to Biden's withdrawal from Afghanistan, Japan has worried that the United States is evil but wants to take advantage of tensions in the Taiwan Strait to profit from it.

Both the United States and Japan are happy to see the cross-strait conflict escalate. This makes the Democratic Progressive Party on the island, which is playing the role of "resisting China and protecting Taiwan", feel that the situation is great, and can use various blank checks issued by US and Japanese politicians to make a big move against the island. "Great internal propaganda" to brainwash the domestic people. Therefore, at a time when Taiwan is experiencing a vaccine shortage, the DPP and its flanks are still obsessed with hyping up the fight against the mainland. They not only frequently collude with the United States to challenge cross-strait red lines, but also recently staged a political show of dialogue between Tsai Ing-wen and Japanese right-wing congressmen to provoke the mainland. nerve.

The current situation is an extremely paradoxical "series". Both the United States and Japan are encouraging Taiwan to stand on the front line of "anti-China". However, if the war is really dangerous and the gunfire goes off, Japan wants to hide behind The United States is behind, and the U.S. military, which is really responsible for fighting the war, is unwilling to make unnecessary sacrifices. Recently revealed insider information pointed out that in the last few days of Trump's term, there were rumors of a "visit to Taiwan" by senior officials. As a result, the chairman of the US Joint Chiefs of Staff promptly called the top leadership of the People's Liberation Army and emphasized that he would never engage in exchange of fire with China. For U.S. generals who understand the actual situation, mainland China has developed its own positioning system and has the ability to directly attack the U.S. mainland. That is why senior U.S. military officials testified before Congress that "war with China must be avoided," emphasizing that this is in line with the U.S. national interests.

The answer is quite clear. American politicians and arms dealers "don't think it's a big deal" because they rely on "cross-strait confrontation" to sell hatred. They not only divert social problems in the United States, but also earn "protection money" from Taiwan.Now that Japan's right wing has stepped in again, "Taiwan independence" politicians have more materials for "internal propaganda", and the island's media has also followed suit to fool the people, creating the illusion that "the United States and Japan ensure the security of the Taiwan Strait", and the poor majority of the people have also numbed themselves. , who knows that this is pushing Taiwanese people into a pit of fire, sacrificing our survival and development for the benefit of the United States, Japan and "Taiwan independence" politicians.

Compatriots on both sides of the Taiwan Strait are originally Chinese, but now the mainland has used practice to put the Chinese nation on the road to rejuvenation. Taiwan's insistence on so-called "democracy and freedom" is only enabling politicians and plutocrats to rely on the United States and Japan to gain promotion and wealth. Taiwan's economy is obviously dependent on the mainland, and the mainland is willing to give the Taiwanese people unlimited space. However, the DPP authorities spend a lot of money against the mainland and fall into an endless loop of arms race with the mainland. Is it true that they are unwilling to stop at the Yellow River? Are you willing to commit suicide?

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