After a woman reaches the age of 30, a large amount of skin collagen will be lost, making the skin texture rough. It will also lead to thinning of the skin on the hands, hyperplasia of fine lines, and protruding blood vessels. If the skin lacks protection for a long time, the cha

2024/06/1704:14:33 hotcomm 1077

After a woman reaches the age of 30, her skin will lose a lot of collagen, making her skin texture rough. It will also lead to thinning of the skin on her hands, hyperplasia of fine lines, and protruding blood vessels. If the skin lacks protection for a long time, she will suffer from dermatitis The chances may also be greatly increased.

After a woman reaches the age of 30, a large amount of skin collagen will be lost, making the skin texture rough. It will also lead to thinning of the skin on the hands, hyperplasia of fine lines, and protruding blood vessels. If the skin lacks protection for a long time, the cha - DayDayNews

As we age, the skin on our hands becomes saggy and less elastic.

Young hands have plump subcutaneous fat and high skin moisture content, making their slender hands look plump and round. As we age, the moisture content of the skin on our hands decreases, resulting in sagging skin and lack of elasticity. , coupled with the gradual loss of subcutaneous fat, the blood vessels, tendons and even bones on the back of the hand will look more and more obvious.

For women who pursue perfection, most women cannot bear to have a beautiful face, but the back of their hands has obvious joints and exposed veins. The easiest way to reduce hand injuries is to wear gloves, especially when cleaning objects or clothing. The protection of gloves can reduce contact with cleaning products such as dishwashing detergent, laundry detergent, soap or floor cleaners. Most contain surfactants, which can damage the skin's protective film.

After a woman reaches the age of 30, a large amount of skin collagen will be lost, making the skin texture rough. It will also lead to thinning of the skin on the hands, hyperplasia of fine lines, and protruding blood vessels. If the skin lacks protection for a long time, the cha - DayDayNews

4 Good Habits: It’s Super Simple to Care for Beautiful Hands

In addition, as long as you develop 4 good habits, it is actually easy to maintain the youthfulness of your hands.

❶Wash your hands correctly: Because soap will dry the skin of your hands, unless necessary, do not use antiseptic soap with strong cleaning power. Instead, choose a hand soap with moisturizing effect; at the same time, avoid washing your hands with hot water above 45℃ to avoid skin irritation. Easy to age.

❷Develop the habit of using lotion: No matter whether your skin type is dry or oily, it is best to apply hand lotion at least 2 times a day. Moderately moisturizing the skin can avoid excessive dryness of the hands, and it will also appear shiny.

❸Exfoliate regularly: It is recommended to exfoliate your hands once a week to make the skin more shiny. In addition, the exfoliation procedure for hands is also more convenient than for the face. After exfoliation, you should apply some lotion to moisturize your hands.

❚ Remember sun protection : The most aging condition on the hands is dark spots, and the biggest reason for the appearance of dark spots is insufficient sun protection. In particular, the skin of the hands is easily exposed, so it is even more important to have the concept of sun protection.

After a woman reaches the age of 30, a large amount of skin collagen will be lost, making the skin texture rough. It will also lead to thinning of the skin on the hands, hyperplasia of fine lines, and protruding blood vessels. If the skin lacks protection for a long time, the cha - DayDayNews

Add more water and eat less tonics that can easily cause irritation.

To take care of the skin of your hands, you can also start from within. It is recommended to replenish more water. It is best to drink 2000cc of water a day, and eat less tonic soups that can easily cause irritation. . In addition, when going out in windy, cold weather or dry air, you can wear gloves to protect your hand skin.

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