The "14th Five-Year Plan for National Economic and Social Development of the People's Republic of China and the Outline of Long-term Goals for 2035" proposes to actively develop foreign cultural trade, explore overseas cultural markets, and encourage excellent traditional cultura

2024/06/1621:23:34 hotcomm 1962

[Research Report]

Authors: Li Jiashan and Liu Xia (respectively professor at Beijing International Studies University, executive vice president of China Institute of Trade in Services, chief expert of Capital International Services Trade and Cultural Trade Research Base; Beijing International Studies University lecturer, researcher at the Capital International Service Trade and Cultural Trade Research Base)

Editor's Note

Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping as the core has attached great importance to promoting the "going out" of Chinese culture. " The Fourteenth Five-Year Plan for the National Economic and Social Development of the People's Republic of China and the Outline of Long-term Goals for 2035" proposes to actively develop foreign cultural trade, explore overseas cultural markets, and encourage excellent traditional cultural products, film, television dramas, games, etc. Digital cultural products "go out" and strengthen the construction of national cultural export bases.

How is the development of my country's foreign cultural trade currently? How to promote the high-quality development of foreign cultural trade and help build a culturally powerful country? This edition features a think tank report discussing this topic.

Building a powerful socialist cultural country is a major and urgent strategic task for the party and the country. From the Third Plenary Session of the 18th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, which proposed the need to "closely focus on building a socialist core value system and deepening the reform of the cultural system to become a strong socialist cultural country", to the report of the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, which emphasized that "we must adhere to China's The development path of socialist culture with distinctive characteristics, stimulate the cultural innovation and creativity of the whole nation, and build a socialist cultural power." The Fifth Plenary Session of the 19th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China clearly proposed to build a cultural power by 2035, the "14th Five-Year Plan" and the 2035 The long-term goal outline proposes to "promote the unity of satisfying the people's cultural needs and enhancing the people's spiritual strength, and promote the construction of a socialist cultural power." The timetable and road map for the construction of a cultural power are becoming increasingly clear.

The successful hosting of the 2022 Beijing Winter Olympics truly, three-dimensionally and comprehensively demonstrated to the world a more confident, open and inclusive China, especially the "Twenty-four Solar Terms Countdown" in the Winter Olympics opening ceremony. Shocking scenes such as "water from the Yellow River coming up from the sky" and "five rings of ice and snow breaking out of the ice" once again demonstrated to people of all countries the profound heritage and shocking charm of China's excellent traditional culture. The Winter Olympics mascot "Bingdundun", which combines the Olympic spirit and Chinese cultural elements, has activated the market vitality of China's cultural industry and boosted the rapid development of China's ice and snow economy. Standing at a new historical starting point, how to comprehensively promote the creative transformation and innovative development of China's excellent traditional culture, further expand and consolidate the international influence of Chinese culture, and achieve high-quality development of cultural trade is crucial to building a cultural power in 2035. .

The html On February 18, the animated film " Our Winter Olympics " held its premiere in Shanghai. The audience took photos with "Bing Dundun" and "Sun Dasheng". Xinhua News Agency announced

Achievements in “going global”: bigger and bigger steps, increasing influence.

Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, General Secretary Xi Jinping has attached great importance to the external dissemination of Chinese culture. Chinese culture is actively "going out" and its international voice and influence have been significantly enhanced. Standing at the key historical intersection of the " and two hundred years of " goals, high-quality and efficient inheritance, development and external dissemination of Chinese culture are of great significance in promoting the historical process of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.

As General Secretary Xi Jinping emphasized, “We must better promote Chinese culture to go global, use literature to convey the truth, use literature to spread the word, and use culture to educate people, explain and recommend to the world more Chinese characteristics , embody the Chinese spirit, and contain the cultural heritage of China. The Excellent Culture of Chinese Wisdom”. If you want to tell the story of socialism with Chinese characteristics well, the story of the Chinese dream well, the story of the Chinese people, the story of China’s excellent culture, and the story of China’s peaceful development, you need to find appropriate and effective The communication path and carrier contain Chinese ideas, Chinese wisdom, and Chinese solutions, making people want to listen, think deeply, and gain something from what they listen to.

As a unique path linking cultural dissemination and economic development, foreign cultural trade has become an important way for the dissemination of Chinese culture to the outside world.Cultural trade refers to the import and export of international cultural products and services, involving trade in goods, trade in services and intellectual property rights. As an important part of international trade , it is very special. Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, my country's foreign cultural trade development has achieved remarkable results. In 2020, China's total import and export of cultural products and services reached US$144.3 billion. The export volume of cultural products has been among the top in the world for many years, forming a number of cultural enterprises, products and brands with international influence. Among them, digital cultural fields such as online games have achieved certain global competitiveness. The mobile animation standard and digital art display standards developed by China have also been established as international standards.

The html On April 5, at the London Book Fair in the UK, children's picture books with Chinese elements attracted attention at the London Book Fair. Xinhua News Agency reported

Against the background of the global COVID-19 pandemic, my country's cultural industry, with the correct decision-making of the Party Central Committee and the joint efforts of the entire industry, has effectively overcome the impact of the epidemic, quickly found a path to recovery, and enhanced the international spread of Chinese culture and Influence. With the accelerated innovation of technologies such as the Internet, big data, cloud computing , artificial intelligence , the digital economy has developed rapidly, has a wide range of radiation, and has an unprecedented degree of influence. It is becoming an important factor in the reorganization of global element resources. It is a key force in shaping the global economic structure and changing the global competitive landscape. With the support of digital technology , my country's cultural industry has developed rapidly, and the digital creative industry global value chain has continued to extend, greatly promoting the high-quality development of cultural trade.

At present, Chinese film and television has become a new force in the "going out" of culture. Faced with the impact of the epidemic on the performance industry, China Opera and Dance Theater and others have led the new cloud performance model. In January 2021, they launched the "Dancing in China·Chinese Opera and Dance Drama Cloud Performance Season", live broadcasting the classic original ethnic dance drama " Confucius ", " Li Bai ", as well as the "Blessings for Spring" theatrical performance and the "Chun Hua National Rhythm" ethnic concert. Videos and posts related to the performance season activities have reached 130 million people on overseas social platforms, and the videos have been played more than 25 million times. Although the epidemic has temporarily blocked international personnel exchanges, it cannot stop cultural exchanges between China and foreign countries, and the influence of Chinese culture is still increasing.

The html On June 23, musicians from Xi’an Dongcang Drum Club performed a live online performance. Xinhua News Agency

A new starting point for the station: Comprehensive understanding of the new characteristics and new trends of my country's cultural trade

Cultural trade exists in people's economic life and is the "golden key" to achieve people-to-people connectivity, which is conducive to breaking cultural barriers, eliminating cultural barriers, and promoting cultural exchanges to achieve a win-win situation of political mutual trust and economic cooperation. In recent years, my country has vigorously promoted the rapid development of cultural products and service trade. The successful hosting of the Beijing Winter Olympics in 2022 will further enhance the international influence of Chinese culture and become a new starting point for the high-quality development of China's cultural trade. At present, it is necessary to comprehensively understand the new characteristics and trends of my country’s cultural trade in the new era.

The power of digital technology to promote cultural communication continues to strengthen. In recent years, with the popularization of the Internet and the in-depth development of digitalization, domestic games have continued to occupy overseas market shares and become a new force in promoting the international spread of Chinese culture. According to statistics, the overseas market sales revenue of China's independently developed games reached US$15.45 billion in 2020, a year-on-year increase of 33.25%. The status of the game industry as an important pillar of China's cultural industry exports has been further highlighted. Domestic games, including the globally launched " Genshin Impact ", have begun to use the excellent traditional Chinese culture as the spiritual core for character arrangement, story creation and activity design. While achieving commercial success, they have also allowed young overseas groups to have an understanding of Chinese culture. A more vivid and three-dimensional cognition.

The status of foreign cultural trade in the construction of a cultural power has become increasingly prominent. Foreign cultural trade can intuitively demonstrate a country’s cultural soft power through indicators such as transaction volume and international market share. In 2019, my country's cultural trade maintained steady and rapid development.The total import and export of cultural products was US$111.45 billion, a year-on-year increase of 8.9%; of which, exports were US$99.89 billion, an increase of 7.9%, and imports were US$11.57 billion, an increase of 17.4%. The trade surplus was US$88.32 billion, an increase of 6.8%. China's foreign cultural services trade has also developed rapidly, playing an increasingly important role in promoting my country's foreign cultural dissemination, enhancing cultural competitiveness, and deepening cultural exchanges with countries around the world. Data from the State Administration of Foreign Exchange show that the import and export of cultural services has grown rapidly. From 2009 to 2021, my country's cultural services import and export scale increased from US$17.7 billion to US$124.4 billion. In 2021, the import and export scale of cultural services exceeded US$100 billion for the first time. Among them, exports increased from US$10.3 billion to US$69.1 billion, an average annual growth rate of 17%; imports increased from US$7.4 billion to US$55.2 billion, an average annual growth rate of 18%.

The html On June 27, visitors viewed various cultural and creative tourism products at the "Shandong Handmade Jining Good Gifts" cultural and creative tourism product exhibition. Xinhua News Agency published

Cultural trade is a very effective means of cultural communication. Most of the cultural products and services exported through cultural trade routes have extensive market and cultural value attributes, which can greatly enhance the importing country's understanding and recognition of Chinese culture and enhance China's cultural image. For example, traditional lanterns are an Chinese intangible cultural heritage project. Sichuan Zigong uses lanterns as a medium to bring excellent Chinese culture to the world, enhancing the international influence of Chinese culture. Since its first overseas lantern show in 1990, Zigong lanterns have entered more than 80 countries and regions, occupying 92% of the international market share, and the cumulative number of lantern visitors has exceeded 500 million. During the Spring Festival in 2022 alone, Zigong organized 25 lantern festivals overseas, achieving good social and economic benefits.

Cultural trade is a very friendly way of international communication. General Secretary Xi Jinping emphasized that “we must pay attention to setting a good tone, be open and confident but also humble and modest, and strive to create a credible, lovable, and respectable image of China.” This requires us to be high-spirited but not ostentatious, confident but not complacent in our external communication and exchanges. , work hard and work hard for a long time, and carry out friendly cultural dissemination in a way, form and channel that overseas groups like to hear and see. Cultural products and cultural services carry national culture, national spirit, people's values ​​and lifestyles. Compared with general trade in goods, cultural trade is more likely to have a subtle impact on consumers in terms of cultural influence and other aspects.

Cultural trade and cultural exchanges are inseparable. Cultural trade is not only the establishment of exchange relationships, but also the exchange and recognition of the cultural values ​​contained and transmitted in the cultural products and cultural services traded and consumed. This is also the special feature that distinguishes cultural trade from general trade in goods and services. In form, cultural trade is a transnational transaction of cultural products and cultural services, but in fact it is a process in which trading entities with different cultural backgrounds communicate, recognize, identify with, and gradually accept each other's production methods and lifestyles. Cultural trade and cultural exchange are inseparable, and the process of cultural trade must be a process of cultural exchange and communication between the trading parties. Taking enterprises that “go global” as an example, cultural exchange and cultural dissemination are not the purpose or motivation for cultural enterprises to go overseas. Rather, when enterprises independently choose to explore overseas markets, they naturally arise and play a role along with the occurrence of product and service transactions. of.


Calligraphy enthusiasts write blessing characters and spring couplets in Yichun, Jiangxi. Xinhua News Agency issued

High-quality development: New directions and new measures to help build a culturally powerful country

In order to further expand the international influence of Chinese culture, promote the high-quality development of my country’s foreign cultural trade, and help build a socialist culturally powerful country, we should continue to work in the following aspects effort.

strives to create new competitive advantages in my country's cultural trade. In the context of high-quality economic development in my country, we must strive to promote the optimization and upgrading of the industrial import and export structure, continuously enhance the cultural market competitiveness based on superior quality, leading technology, and intellectual property rights; constantly optimize the allocation of cultural resources, stimulate social vitality, and through innovation Creation further liberates cultural productivity and enhances the country’s cultural soft power.In addition, it is also necessary to gather and mobilize resources from all parties in the cultural market to open up international markets for Chinese cultural products and services, and promote more high-quality Chinese cultural products and services to the world stage.

Accelerate the development of trade in cultural products and services with Chinese characteristics. The cultural industry conforms to the connotation and requirements of the green transformation of trade growth mode. The implementation of cultural trade can promote industrial upgrading, optimize and adjust the economic structure, and transform the foreign trade economic development mode. In the next step, we should accelerate the development of high-quality, differentiated products and service trade rich in the core values ​​of Chinese culture, effectively connect overseas cultural institutions and cultural industry resources, spread Chinese culture equally through international market transaction rules, and promote Chinese cultural trade. Provide effective supply for the rapid development of my country's cultural soft power.


Xinhua News Agency issued

using digital technology to comprehensively promote the creative transformation and innovative development of cultural resources. Transforming cultural resources into valuable and tradable cultural products and services, and visualizing and concreteizing Chinese culture through trade goods and services, can allow the world to better understand a true and three-dimensional China. In recent years, some domestic animation films have continued to "break out of the circle", such as the popular "The Return of the Great Sage ", which is a good example. Such films allow China's most representative cultural legends to be presented to the world in the form of movies, allowing global audiences to feel the charm of Chinese culture through cultural and entertainment consumption, stimulating overseas audiences' curiosity and interest in China, and further enhancing the The international influence of Chinese cultural elements.

accelerates the construction of a new pattern of effective docking and exchange of domestic and foreign cultural resources. In the context of accelerating the construction of a new development pattern, in the future, China should build a service platform with smooth channels and symmetrical information to help Chinese media companies gain the right to participate, operate, and speak in overseas markets. At the same time, we use Chinese symbols in the eyes of overseas people to actively attract the attention of overseas consumers. Tell Chinese stories well in an internationally accepted way so that foreigners can accept and get close to Chinese culture; use a more down-to-earth method that is more popular with overseas audiences and spread Chinese culture and Chinese spirit in a silent way.

" Guangming Daily " (Page 07, July 7, 2022)

Source: - "Guangming Daily"

Cultural trade refers to the import and export of international cultural products and services, involving trade in goods, trade in services and intellectual property rights. As an important part of international trade , it is very special. Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, my country's foreign cultural trade development has achieved remarkable results. In 2020, China's total import and export of cultural products and services reached US$144.3 billion. The export volume of cultural products has been among the top in the world for many years, forming a number of cultural enterprises, products and brands with international influence. Among them, digital cultural fields such as online games have achieved certain global competitiveness. The mobile animation standard and digital art display standards developed by China have also been established as international standards.

The html On April 5, at the London Book Fair in the UK, children's picture books with Chinese elements attracted attention at the London Book Fair. Xinhua News Agency reported

Against the background of the global COVID-19 pandemic, my country's cultural industry, with the correct decision-making of the Party Central Committee and the joint efforts of the entire industry, has effectively overcome the impact of the epidemic, quickly found a path to recovery, and enhanced the international spread of Chinese culture and Influence. With the accelerated innovation of technologies such as the Internet, big data, cloud computing , artificial intelligence , the digital economy has developed rapidly, has a wide range of radiation, and has an unprecedented degree of influence. It is becoming an important factor in the reorganization of global element resources. It is a key force in shaping the global economic structure and changing the global competitive landscape. With the support of digital technology , my country's cultural industry has developed rapidly, and the digital creative industry global value chain has continued to extend, greatly promoting the high-quality development of cultural trade.

At present, Chinese film and television has become a new force in the "going out" of culture. Faced with the impact of the epidemic on the performance industry, China Opera and Dance Theater and others have led the new cloud performance model. In January 2021, they launched the "Dancing in China·Chinese Opera and Dance Drama Cloud Performance Season", live broadcasting the classic original ethnic dance drama " Confucius ", " Li Bai ", as well as the "Blessings for Spring" theatrical performance and the "Chun Hua National Rhythm" ethnic concert. Videos and posts related to the performance season activities have reached 130 million people on overseas social platforms, and the videos have been played more than 25 million times. Although the epidemic has temporarily blocked international personnel exchanges, it cannot stop cultural exchanges between China and foreign countries, and the influence of Chinese culture is still increasing.

The html On June 23, musicians from Xi’an Dongcang Drum Club performed a live online performance. Xinhua News Agency

A new starting point for the station: Comprehensive understanding of the new characteristics and new trends of my country's cultural trade

Cultural trade exists in people's economic life and is the "golden key" to achieve people-to-people connectivity, which is conducive to breaking cultural barriers, eliminating cultural barriers, and promoting cultural exchanges to achieve a win-win situation of political mutual trust and economic cooperation. In recent years, my country has vigorously promoted the rapid development of cultural products and service trade. The successful hosting of the Beijing Winter Olympics in 2022 will further enhance the international influence of Chinese culture and become a new starting point for the high-quality development of China's cultural trade. At present, it is necessary to comprehensively understand the new characteristics and trends of my country’s cultural trade in the new era.

The power of digital technology to promote cultural communication continues to strengthen. In recent years, with the popularization of the Internet and the in-depth development of digitalization, domestic games have continued to occupy overseas market shares and become a new force in promoting the international spread of Chinese culture. According to statistics, the overseas market sales revenue of China's independently developed games reached US$15.45 billion in 2020, a year-on-year increase of 33.25%. The status of the game industry as an important pillar of China's cultural industry exports has been further highlighted. Domestic games, including the globally launched " Genshin Impact ", have begun to use the excellent traditional Chinese culture as the spiritual core for character arrangement, story creation and activity design. While achieving commercial success, they have also allowed young overseas groups to have an understanding of Chinese culture. A more vivid and three-dimensional cognition.

The status of foreign cultural trade in the construction of a cultural power has become increasingly prominent. Foreign cultural trade can intuitively demonstrate a country’s cultural soft power through indicators such as transaction volume and international market share. In 2019, my country's cultural trade maintained steady and rapid development.The total import and export of cultural products was US$111.45 billion, a year-on-year increase of 8.9%; of which, exports were US$99.89 billion, an increase of 7.9%, and imports were US$11.57 billion, an increase of 17.4%. The trade surplus was US$88.32 billion, an increase of 6.8%. China's foreign cultural services trade has also developed rapidly, playing an increasingly important role in promoting my country's foreign cultural dissemination, enhancing cultural competitiveness, and deepening cultural exchanges with countries around the world. Data from the State Administration of Foreign Exchange show that the import and export of cultural services has grown rapidly. From 2009 to 2021, my country's cultural services import and export scale increased from US$17.7 billion to US$124.4 billion. In 2021, the import and export scale of cultural services exceeded US$100 billion for the first time. Among them, exports increased from US$10.3 billion to US$69.1 billion, an average annual growth rate of 17%; imports increased from US$7.4 billion to US$55.2 billion, an average annual growth rate of 18%.

The html On June 27, visitors viewed various cultural and creative tourism products at the "Shandong Handmade Jining Good Gifts" cultural and creative tourism product exhibition. Xinhua News Agency published

Cultural trade is a very effective means of cultural communication. Most of the cultural products and services exported through cultural trade routes have extensive market and cultural value attributes, which can greatly enhance the importing country's understanding and recognition of Chinese culture and enhance China's cultural image. For example, traditional lanterns are an Chinese intangible cultural heritage project. Sichuan Zigong uses lanterns as a medium to bring excellent Chinese culture to the world, enhancing the international influence of Chinese culture. Since its first overseas lantern show in 1990, Zigong lanterns have entered more than 80 countries and regions, occupying 92% of the international market share, and the cumulative number of lantern visitors has exceeded 500 million. During the Spring Festival in 2022 alone, Zigong organized 25 lantern festivals overseas, achieving good social and economic benefits.

Cultural trade is a very friendly way of international communication. General Secretary Xi Jinping emphasized that “we must pay attention to setting a good tone, be open and confident but also humble and modest, and strive to create a credible, lovable, and respectable image of China.” This requires us to be high-spirited but not ostentatious, confident but not complacent in our external communication and exchanges. , work hard and work hard for a long time, and carry out friendly cultural dissemination in a way, form and channel that overseas groups like to hear and see. Cultural products and cultural services carry national culture, national spirit, people's values ​​and lifestyles. Compared with general trade in goods, cultural trade is more likely to have a subtle impact on consumers in terms of cultural influence and other aspects.

Cultural trade and cultural exchanges are inseparable. Cultural trade is not only the establishment of exchange relationships, but also the exchange and recognition of the cultural values ​​contained and transmitted in the cultural products and cultural services traded and consumed. This is also the special feature that distinguishes cultural trade from general trade in goods and services. In form, cultural trade is a transnational transaction of cultural products and cultural services, but in fact it is a process in which trading entities with different cultural backgrounds communicate, recognize, identify with, and gradually accept each other's production methods and lifestyles. Cultural trade and cultural exchange are inseparable, and the process of cultural trade must be a process of cultural exchange and communication between the trading parties. Taking enterprises that “go global” as an example, cultural exchange and cultural dissemination are not the purpose or motivation for cultural enterprises to go overseas. Rather, when enterprises independently choose to explore overseas markets, they naturally arise and play a role along with the occurrence of product and service transactions. of.


Calligraphy enthusiasts write blessing characters and spring couplets in Yichun, Jiangxi. Xinhua News Agency issued

High-quality development: New directions and new measures to help build a culturally powerful country

In order to further expand the international influence of Chinese culture, promote the high-quality development of my country’s foreign cultural trade, and help build a socialist culturally powerful country, we should continue to work in the following aspects effort.

strives to create new competitive advantages in my country's cultural trade. In the context of high-quality economic development in my country, we must strive to promote the optimization and upgrading of the industrial import and export structure, continuously enhance the cultural market competitiveness based on superior quality, leading technology, and intellectual property rights; constantly optimize the allocation of cultural resources, stimulate social vitality, and through innovation Creation further liberates cultural productivity and enhances the country’s cultural soft power.In addition, it is also necessary to gather and mobilize resources from all parties in the cultural market to open up international markets for Chinese cultural products and services, and promote more high-quality Chinese cultural products and services to the world stage.

Accelerate the development of trade in cultural products and services with Chinese characteristics. The cultural industry conforms to the connotation and requirements of the green transformation of trade growth mode. The implementation of cultural trade can promote industrial upgrading, optimize and adjust the economic structure, and transform the foreign trade economic development mode. In the next step, we should accelerate the development of high-quality, differentiated products and service trade rich in the core values ​​of Chinese culture, effectively connect overseas cultural institutions and cultural industry resources, spread Chinese culture equally through international market transaction rules, and promote Chinese cultural trade. Provide effective supply for the rapid development of my country's cultural soft power.


Xinhua News Agency issued

using digital technology to comprehensively promote the creative transformation and innovative development of cultural resources. Transforming cultural resources into valuable and tradable cultural products and services, and visualizing and concreteizing Chinese culture through trade goods and services, can allow the world to better understand a true and three-dimensional China. In recent years, some domestic animation films have continued to "break out of the circle", such as the popular "The Return of the Great Sage ", which is a good example. Such films allow China's most representative cultural legends to be presented to the world in the form of movies, allowing global audiences to feel the charm of Chinese culture through cultural and entertainment consumption, stimulating overseas audiences' curiosity and interest in China, and further enhancing the The international influence of Chinese cultural elements.

accelerates the construction of a new pattern of effective docking and exchange of domestic and foreign cultural resources. In the context of accelerating the construction of a new development pattern, in the future, China should build a service platform with smooth channels and symmetrical information to help Chinese media companies gain the right to participate, operate, and speak in overseas markets. At the same time, we use Chinese symbols in the eyes of overseas people to actively attract the attention of overseas consumers. Tell Chinese stories well in an internationally accepted way so that foreigners can accept and get close to Chinese culture; use a more down-to-earth method that is more popular with overseas audiences and spread Chinese culture and Chinese spirit in a silent way.

" Guangming Daily " (Page 07, July 7, 2022)

Source: - "Guangming Daily"

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