Today's real-time exchange rate of RMB against the Euro (updated at 2016-06-15 07:08): Currency exchange rate chart of RMB against the Euro (one week): The central parity rate of the Euro exchange rate in the interbank foreign exchange market on June 15, 2016 is: 1 RMB pair The e

2024/06/1612:12:32 hotcomm 1344

Today's real-time exchange rate of RMB against the euro (updated at 2016-06-15 07:08):

Currency conversion

Exchange rate trend chart of RMB against the euro (one week):

Today's real-time exchange rate of RMB against the Euro (updated at 2016-06-15 07:08): Currency exchange rate chart of RMB against the Euro (one week): The central parity rate of the Euro exchange rate in the interbank foreign exchange market on June 15, 2016 is: 1 RMB pair The e - DayDayNews

The central parity rate of the euro exchange rate in the interbank foreign exchange market on June 15, 2016 is: 1 RMB to the euro is 0.1345 yuan, and 100 RMB to the euro is 13.45 yuan.

Since mid-to-late May, our view has changed from cautious to optimistic. In the face of external market adjustments, the depreciation of the RMB central parity rate, and the decline of the domestic futures market, the A-share market has shown a certain degree of "resilience." We believe that although this year does not have the conditions for a trending market, in the volatile market, the market has insufficient downward short-selling momentum and will look for a new equilibrium box upwards. In the medium term, with the protection of national policies, the decline in expectations for interest rate hikes by the Federal Reserve, and the entry of incremental funds, the most valuable rebound in the A-share market this year has begun.

At present, two-way fluctuations in the RMB exchange rate are gradually accepted by the market. In addition, the central bank continues to strengthen macro-prudential management, coordinates the supervision of domestic and foreign markets, effectively curbs speculative demand, and reasonably guides market expectations. The current depreciation of the RMB has not caused market panic. Furthermore, the fundamentals of the Chinese economy are generally stable and the balance of payments maintains a surplus. Therefore, although the RMB is facing a new round of depreciation pressure, the extent of the depreciation is basically controllable.

The relevant information on today’s exchange rate of RMB against the euro and above is provided by the CICC Market Center and is for reference only. If you want to know more about the trend of the exchange rate of RMB against the euro, you can follow the daily financial reports of the CICC Financial News Channel. .

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