Source: New Fujian Fujian Daily APP - New Fujian reported on December 9 (Fujian Daily reporter Liu Shenkui) "We spent hundreds of miles across the ocean to defend Taiwan, and sailed to Penghu to change teams; in the past two hundred years, people and affairs have changed, and the

2024/06/1520:37:33 hotcomm 1065

Source: New Fujian

Fujian Daily APP - New Fujian reported on December 9 (Fujian Daily reporter Liu Shenkui) "We spent hundreds of miles across the ocean to defend Taiwan, and we rushed to Penghu to change our teams; in the past two hundred years, personnel and affairs have changed, and we have no time to chant Tongshan . "In the late Qing Dynasty, Ma Zhaolin, a scholar from Tongshan (now Dongshan Island, Fujian), once wrote a poem in which he felt the tragedy and generosity of the soldiers in the garrison of Fujian. From it, people today can also get a glimpse of the inextricable connections between Penghu and Fujian. The origin...

traces back. During the Southern Song Dynasty, the central government officially placed the Penghu Islands under the jurisdiction of Fujian, and Penghu was included in the mainland territory. In the "Zhufan Zhi" written by Zhao Rushi of the Southern Song Dynasty, it is recorded that "there is an island in the spring called Penghu, which belongs to Jinjiang County ". Due to its long-term administrative affiliation, Penghu was also known as Quanzhou Waifu in history, because "people in Quan (prefecture) built thatched houses to live in".

Penghu’s “Thirty-Six Islands” are like scattered pearls, so beautiful. When walking around, whether it is local customs, beliefs and folk customs, temples, palaces, ancient houses, etc., they all reveal more or less elements of southern Fujian, or the customs of Fujian. It is evident that Fujian and Penghu have a long history. Since most of the immigrants in Penghu came from the coast of Fujian, the architectural style is quite similar to the buildings in Quanzhou and Zhangzhou. For many years, Penghu people have been accustomed to looking west across the strait, leaning on railings and thinking, how much of the Fujian ancestors' deep nostalgia and respect for their homeland are condensed among the carved beams and painted buildings and cornices on the archipelago?

Xiyu Lighthouse

In nostalgia and watchfulness, there is the everlasting light of Xiyu Lighthouse. The Yuwengdao Lighthouse is a landmark landscape in Penghu. Speaking of this building that has gone through hundreds of years of wind and rain, it is closely related to Fujian.

Source: New Fujian Fujian Daily APP - New Fujian reported on December 9 (Fujian Daily reporter Liu Shenkui)

Tourists visit the lighthouse scenic area.

Liu Guifu, owner of B&B in Penghu Bay, told reporters that the current Yuweng Island Lighthouse was built on the former site of Xiyu Lighthouse. According to historical records, the Xiyu Lighthouse was completed in the 44th year of Qianlong's reign in the Qing Dynasty (1779). In the third year of Daoguang's reign in the Qing Dynasty (1823), Chen Huacheng, a native of Tong'an, Fujian Province and then the commander of the Penghu Navy Association Town, and others raised funds to rebuild it.

Going around to the side of the Yuweng Island Lighthouse, there are two ancient stone tablets. One of them was erected in the eighth year of Daoguang in the Qing Dynasty (1828). On it, the "Xiyu Tower Light Stele" reads: "In the spring of the third year of Daoguang, the stone tablet is now inscribed on the water. The division raised funds, Chen Yuanrong and others immediately rebuilt it on the original foundation." "Fujian Penghu Naval Association Town Mansion Sun Defa, alternate state pastor Jiang Yongli borrowed to repair Penghu Tongshou." The "Chen Yuanrong" written in the inscription is Chen Huacheng. After serving in Penghu, Chen was transferred to the Fujian Navy admiral and later died heroically while defending Wusongkou during the Opium War. After being renovated by Chen Huacheng, the Xiyu Lighthouse was lit at night and became a safe coordinate for ships sailing in the Taiwan Strait, and accidents were greatly reduced. For this reason, people in the southeast coastal area still feel very grateful to Chen Huacheng.

The stone used in the lighthouse also comes from Fujian. Liu Guifu said that since Penghu does not produce granite , the granite used to build the lighthouse was shipped by ship from Chen Huacheng's hometown of southern Fujian, which is across the sea from Penghu. Some of the stone is still used in the newly built lighthouse. In the house. In 1875, in order to meet the needs of navigation, the Xiyu Tower Light was converted into a Western-style lighthouse with better lighting effect and named "Yuweng Island Lighthouse". Since then, the ancient Xiyu Lighthouse has entered history, but the imprint it left on Fujian will never be erased.

Thean Hou Temple

Amidst the nostalgia and watchfulness, there is also the fragrance of Thean Hou Temple. The Tianhou Temple in Penghu, with a history of more than 400 years, was originally called the "Empress' Palace" and is the oldest Mazu temple in the Taiwan, Penghu and Jinma areas. It is not only the belief center of the local people, but also the birthplace of Penghu's prosperity.

Source: New Fujian Fujian Daily APP - New Fujian reported on December 9 (Fujian Daily reporter Liu Shenkui)

Penghu Tianhou Temple

According to legend, Tianhou Temple was built in the 20th year of Wanli in the Ming Dynasty (1592). It was built by the earliest immigrants in Quanzhou. It has a deep relationship with the Mazu Ancestral Temple in Meizhou and Quanzhou Tianhou Temple. The carved beams and painted pillars in the temple are exquisite, antique and beautiful.

Historical records record that during the ferry crossing between Fujian and Taiwan in the Qing Dynasty, merchant ships loaded with rice, sugar, fruits, and seafood anchored from Taiwan and sailed to Fujian via Penghu. When these ships returned from the mainland, they carried back building materials or ballast. The general beams and columns are mostly made of Fuzhou fir, the stone is mostly made of Hui'an Qingdou stone, and the bricks and tiles are mostly purchased from Zhangquanting area. After these stones and wood traveled across the ocean to Penghu and Taiwan, they were used to build temples, pave roads or build bridges. The beam and column carvings, window lattice and relief carvings of Penghu Tianhou Temple are the masterpieces of southern Fujian stonemasons hundreds of years ago, and they are still vivid today.

Entering the Tianhou Palace, there is a stone stele in the "Qingfeng Pavilion" in the back hall, commonly known as "The Stele of Shen Yourong's Retirement of Red Hair". The stele is 198 centimeters high and 28.7 centimeters wide. On the front is engraved "Shen Yourong ordered to retire the red-haired fan Wei Malang and others" in vigorous and powerful fonts. The inscription records the Ming Dynasty official Shen Yourong of Fujian Province, who led his army to Penghu, repelled the Dutch invaders in 1604, and defended the country. It has important historical value and is the oldest existing stone tablet in Taiwan. Later, Zheng Chenggong marched eastward to expel the Dutch and Shi Lang regained Taiwan, and both of them stationed troops in the Tianhou Palace.

In the 22nd year of Emperor Kangxi's reign in the Qing Dynasty (1683), Fujian Navy Admiral Shi Lang led his army to capture Penghu, allowing Taiwan to fall without a fight. Shi Lang was grateful to Mazu for her help, so he petitioned the emperor to confer Mazu the title of Queen of Heaven. Emperor Kangxi The plaque "Shen Zhaohai Biao" given by the emperor is still in the temple today. Since then, the popularity of Thean Hou Temple has always been flourishing.

Guanyin Pavilion

In nostalgia and watchfulness, there are also the cross-strait beliefs and customs of Guanyin Pavilion. Guanyin Pavilion, formerly known as Guanyin Temple, located on the west coast of in Magong City, was built in the 35th year of Kangxi reign (1696) to worship Guanyin Bodhisattva. It is one of the four ancient temples in the area and is still a sacred place for worshiping Buddha by Penghu people.

Source: New Fujian Fujian Daily APP - New Fujian reported on December 9 (Fujian Daily reporter Liu Shenkui)

Penghu Guanyin Pavilion, this early temple from Fujian, completely imitates its ancestral temple in layout and construction work.

Cai Yuegui, the owner of Penghu Changjin Restaurant, said that when the Fujian people immigrated to Taiwan, in order to commemorate the hardships of their ancestors in development or the protection of gods, when building larger-scale temples, ancestral halls and other buildings, they must hire craftsmen from Quanzhou and Zhangzhou. , the architectural form and methods inherited the craftsmanship of southern Fujian. For example, temples and halls mostly use single or double eaves on the top of the mountain, double eaves style bell and drum towers, etc. The same is true for the Guanyin Pavilion. This early temple from Fujian completely imitates its ancestral temple in terms of layout and construction work. The details of the construction are handled to the best of the skills of southern Fujian craftsmen. Even many building materials are from It was transported from southern Fujian and reflects the style of temple architecture in southern Fujian.

During the Sino-French War in 1884, this temple was hit by artillery fire, and many of the original buildings were damaged. However, people today can still appreciate many of the cultural features of southern Fujian a hundred years ago from the walls, stone pillars and architectural structures.

A pair of light green stone lions squatting at the entrance of the temple is a major feature of Penghu Guanyin Pavilion. These two stone lions have quite an origin. The material looks like stone, but they are actually made of glutinous rice paste, lime and brown sugar water. They have not decayed for hundreds of years. It turns out that during the Yongzheng period of the Qing Dynasty, the Penghu Hall was established in Penghu, under the jurisdiction of the Taiwan Government of Fujian Province, and these stone lions were guarded in front of the Tongpan Yamen of the Penghu Hall. During the Japanese occupation, people moved them here and guarded the Guanyin Pavilion. This was the only stone lion in the Taiwan-Penghu area. A pair.

There is a Bohai Mengxiu plaque in the Guanyin Pavilion, which is the oldest antiquities in the temple. It is also a historical testimony of the deep origins of Fujian and Penghu. This antique plaque is located above the lintel of the main hall. In the middle is inscribed the four characters "Bo Hai Meng Tu" in running script and inscribed in gold. The lower part is inscribed "Xie Zhen Fujian Penghu Navy and other local deputy chief military officers Zhan Gongxian stands respectfully".

It turns out that in the 20th year of Daoguang's reign in the Qing Dynasty (1840), Zhan Gongxian, a native of Pingtan, Fuzhou Prefecture, was promoted to deputy general of the Penghu Navy Association with military merit and became the highest military attaché in the Penghu region. He has been stationed in Taipei and Penghu for 30 years, and was praised by later generations as the "Guardian of the Taiwan Strait". god". In 1840, the first Sino-British Opium War broke out. The Penghu Defense War commanded by Zhan Gongxian won a complete victory, writing a patriotic epic of "resisting the British and protecting the Taiwan Strait".The four characters Bohai and Mengxiu were written by Zhan Gongxian, which means that Bohai (here refers to the Taiwan Strait) is protected by the gods. It turns out that in the early years, our ancestors crossed the sea from the mainland to Taiwan and had to pass through the black water ditch with dangerous ocean currents. The people deeply felt the blessings and peace of the gods. After arriving in Taipei and Penghuang, my belief in gods such as Guanyin and Mazu became even more devout.

Nowadays, time has passed and the past is long. Every plant and tree in Penghu, rich cultural heritage and "sunshine, beach, waves, cacti" are still telling people about those past events like smoke, and nostalgia like water, watching over There are countless blood connections between Fujian and Peng.

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