Without exception, the zombies among them are slow-moving, rotten, and walking corpses. They look for the unlucky surviving humans in groups, eat their prey and then continue to die.

2024/06/1517:53:33 hotcomm 1119

Author: Led

When you are watching zombie movies or playing zombie games, have you noticed that almost all zombies look similar?

Without exception, the zombies among them are slow-moving, rotten, and walking corpses. They look for the unlucky surviving humans in groups, eat their prey and then continue to die. - DayDayNews

Whether it is "Resident Evil", " Road to Survival " or even "Plants vs. Zombies", without exception, the zombies in it are slow-moving, rotten, and walking dead, looking for the unlucky surviving humans in groups. After chewing the prey, it continues to wander unconsciously.

Even if there are "mutations" such as "Nemesis" and "Witch", they are just based on the former.

Without exception, the zombies among them are slow-moving, rotten, and walking corpses. They look for the unlucky surviving humans in groups, eat their prey and then continue to die. - DayDayNews

If you want to ask "Why do all zombies look similar?", then I can only answer one sentence:

"Because they all have the same father."

This father's name is

George Romero.

Without exception, the zombies among them are slow-moving, rotten, and walking corpses. They look for the unlucky surviving humans in groups, eat their prey and then continue to die. - DayDayNews

George Romero is a famous American director, producer and actor.

On July 16, 2017, local time, George Romero, known as the "Father of Modern Zombie Movies", unfortunately passed away due to lung cancer at the age of 77.

Why can he be the "father" of zombies around the world? Of course not because he can lay eggs like the Alien Queen... This story goes back to the last century.

Without exception, the zombies among them are slow-moving, rotten, and walking corpses. They look for the unlucky surviving humans in groups, eat their prey and then continue to die. - DayDayNews

Remember these glasses, it is him

Mr. Romero was born in 1940.

As the saying goes, "You are young when you are three years old, and you are old when you are eight years old." When the old man was still a child, he showed the spirit of the future "Father of Zombies" and had great interest in monsters, zombies, and vampires . When he was 14 years old and filming a feature film, he was arrested for throwing a burnt dummy from the roof during filming.

In the United States in the 1960s, the black equal rights movement sparked off a prairie fire, student movements occurred one after another, social unrest and conflicts, the Vietnam War added panic, anxiety and confusion to the entire society, and our young talent George Romero also made a shining debut.

In this social background full of negative emotions, Romero focused on bloody, terrifying, and violent zombie stories, and thus the classic horror film that influenced the world of cinema was born - "Night of the Living Dead" 》.

Without exception, the zombies among them are slow-moving, rotten, and walking corpses. They look for the unlucky surviving humans in groups, eat their prey and then continue to die. - DayDayNews

The plot of the film seems very simple now, but it contains all the classic elements of zombie horror movies - a brother and sister came to the cemetery to sweep the graves, and were suddenly attacked by a "strange" person.

In panic, my sister fled into a wooden house and met several other people who also came to seek refuge. They had to take up arms to resist the invasion of zombies in order to survive this long and terrifying "life." Night of the Dead".

Without exception, the zombies among them are slow-moving, rotten, and walking corpses. They look for the unlucky surviving humans in groups, eat their prey and then continue to die. - DayDayNews

This movie, shot in 1968, was the first shot of a new horror genre and became a classic cult film.

As a black and white film, "Night of the Living Dead", despite its extremely low cost - only US$114,000, has achieved a box office success of US$18 million worldwide, causing great social repercussions. It was once criticized for its overly realistic content. And it has been controversial (who told you that movies were not rated at that time, and the nine-year-old Loli deserved it for scaring her to tears).

Without exception, the zombies among them are slow-moving, rotten, and walking corpses. They look for the unlucky surviving humans in groups, eat their prey and then continue to die. - DayDayNews

The first zombie movie has zombie lolita, it is really lost

What is more worth mentioning than the box office is that "Night of the Living Dead" laid the foundation for modern zombie movies and even modern zombie culture. The

film completely eliminates the influence of voodoo culture on zombies and creates a brand new monster image - modern zombies are no longer the result of a wizard jumping out of the sky, but "due to the radiation of the Venus detector in the earth's atmosphere." .

You must know that the so-called "Zombies" in the European and American world are similar to the Qing Dynasty zombies in our Chinese culture. They are the filthy products of necromancy research. They cannot be summoned without magic and spells. And Romero The zombies are much more "advanced" and "scientific" than those of other zombies.

Without exception, the zombies among them are slow-moving, rotten, and walking corpses. They look for the unlucky surviving humans in groups, eat their prey and then continue to die. - DayDayNews

As for modern zombies

lack of thinking awareness,

movements are stiff and slow,

need to eat human flesh,

can only be eliminated by blowing up the brain,

biting people will infect viruses

and other settings, are also in "Night of the Living Dead" first appearance.

There is also a plot that "reflects the darkness of human nature" - someone locked the protagonist out of the house because he was afraid of zombies entering the house. We can easily find similar plots in future zombie movies such as "Train to Busan".

After the success of "Night of the Living Dead", Romero filmed " Dawn of the Dead " and "The Undead" in 1978 and 1985. These three works are collectively called the "Zombie Trilogy" ".

Although it seems now that the acting and props of these movies are very backward and even a bit funny due to time constraints, their story modes and background settings can be said to have profoundly influenced subsequent zombie movies, zombie games, TV series and even the entire Zombie culture. In 1999, "Night of the Living Dead" was selected for the National Film Catalog of the Library of Congress.

Without exception, the zombies among them are slow-moving, rotten, and walking corpses. They look for the unlucky surviving humans in groups, eat their prey and then continue to die. - DayDayNews

George Romero and the "zombie" that surrounded him

No wonder people call him the father of "the world's zombies".

Without him, I’m afraid the zombie games you can buy on Steam would be less than half. That's right, without him, there might not be "Long 4 Dead", "Resident Evil", "H1Z1", "Dying Light", "DayZ", "Half-Life", "Dead Space", " Dead Rising " ", "Dead Island" and countless other masterpieces of zombie games that have brought us joy.

If Mr. Romero's influence on these games is hidden, then friends who have played " Call of Duty : Black Ops" can "intuitively feel" Mr. Romero's power.

Without exception, the zombies among them are slow-moving, rotten, and walking corpses. They look for the unlucky surviving humans in groups, eat their prey and then continue to die. - DayDayNews

The image of Romero in the game

In 2011, Activision launched a zombie mode DLC map called "Call of the Dead", one of the protagonists is director George Romero.

In this "zombie" and crazy DLC, Mr. Romero has just finished filming his new zombie movie in Siberia, and then... Then he was kidnapped by zombies halfway. The protagonists (the four zombie movie stars from the old man's crew) Actor) had to pick up guns and use real ammunition to kill zombies and save the director.

In the end, the director who worked so hard to save was bitten and mutated into a big boss. The originator of zombie movies finally reached the path of no return that he created. (?)

Perhaps this DLC has left a deep impression on the minds of gamers. Shortly after Director Romero passed away, a large number of game fans mourned him in the foreign "Call of Duty" game community - without him There are no later zombie games.

Many players expressed their condolences for Director Romero in the comments of the post. Some well-known YouTube bloggers also uploaded videos introducing Director Romero's works. While mourning the director, they did not forget to inform more people about this director. The story of the founder.

Without exception, the zombies among them are slow-moving, rotten, and walking corpses. They look for the unlucky surviving humans in groups, eat their prey and then continue to die. - DayDayNews

In March of this year, some media announced that the movie "Night of the Living Dead" would be adapted into a VR game and would be released on the Steam platform this summer. Although it seems that the movie has not been released yet halfway through the summer, it is enough to illustrate this. As for the classicness of the movie - after all, the movies shot in the 1960s and 1970s, which spanned half a century and could be adapted into games, the only ones I can think of are the "Godfather" series.

Without exception, the zombies among them are slow-moving, rotten, and walking corpses. They look for the unlucky surviving humans in groups, eat their prey and then continue to die. - DayDayNews

Comparison between the "Night of the Living Dead" movie and VR games

Having said so much, it is still difficult to summarize the impact of the old man's life. Forefathers planted trees, and future generations enjoy the shade. As we enjoy the excitement, terror, and joy that zombie culture has brought to us, perhaps we should all say "thank you" to the old man.

Of course, some foreign netizens reminded us that the old man may not die so quickly...

Without exception, the zombies among them are slow-moving, rotten, and walking corpses. They look for the unlucky surviving humans in groups, eat their prey and then continue to die. - DayDayNews

"Please rest in peace, old man. But the funeral staff had better keep an eye on the old man's body, just in case."

joke All kidding aside, may Director George Romero enjoy peace and happiness in heaven.

PS: If you’re curious about why China’s “zombie” seem to be different from foreign ones, here’s the answer.




http://kotaku. com/call-of-duty-streamers-pay-tribute-to-george-romero-1796995806



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Without exception, the zombies among them are slow-moving, rotten, and walking corpses. They look for the unlucky surviving humans in groups, eat their prey and then continue to die. - DayDayNews

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