"Justice" has always been the ideal of many middle school students, and Ah Zheng is no exception. During his careless middle school years, Ah Zheng often fantasized about how handsome he would be when he realized justice.

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It wasn’t until a certain work came out that Ah Zheng truly realized the price behind justice.

The protagonist in it is not like a traditional story. A young girl, but an old man who has gone through many vicissitudes of life.

Today I must talk to you about him -

Emiya Kiritsugu

Emiya Kiritsugu is the adoptive father of the hero of "Fate Stay Night", Emiya Shirou, the fourth. The Master of Saber in the Second Holy Grail War, the "Magician Killer" hired by the Einzbern family, is different from other young protagonists in the Moon World . He has no interest in such things as "killing people". A little repulsive.

Before shooting, he only considered two things:

Should this person be killed?

How many people can I save by killing this person?

Magician Killer

In the Fourth Holy Grail War, Emiya Kiritsugu joined the battlefield as a mercenary of the Einzbern family.

Why would Aika, one of the three imperial families, hire a demonic heretic like him as his master? There are two reasons:

One is that Aika's own actual combat ability is too poor;

The other is that in terms of "killing magicians", no one can match Emiya Kiritsugu's ability

in the Gosan family. Among them, the Tosaka family inherits gem magic, while the Matou family inherits insect control. Only the Einzbern family inherits artificial human technology. They are good at creating artificial people with extremely rich magic circuits. people, but they don’t know how to deal with the battle between mages.

In the third Holy Grail War , they placed their hope on special class servants, but in the end they summoned Angola Mainyu ’s younger brother. Followers, not only failed to win the Holy Grail War, but also polluted the Holy Grail . And Emiya Kiritsugu is the "Magician Killer" they need.

Because he has been studying mystery for a long time, magicians generally have little interest in modern equipment. Got it.

They might be able to throw gems as bombs, but they don't know how to use DVDs.

Kiritsugu is different. He may not know anything about various magic theories, but he knows how to fix these magicians.

Firearms, explosives, speedboats... eighteen kinds of modern weapons , he is proficient in them all.

During the fight with the magician, he realized one thing: in battles, magicians often only pay attention to various magic tricks.

Surprise is the key to victory, and magicians are more likely to reveal flaws when facing non-magic attacks.

This attribute of his was reflected to the extreme in his fight with Kenneth.

Kenneth has set up a dragnet in his building, with traps everywhere and demons running rampant.

Then, without changing his expression, Emiya Kiritsugu blew up the building.

Kenneth went to his hometown to challenge him for a duel. He first wounded Kenneth with a large-caliber pistol bullet, allowing his magic circuit to be fully loaded with the Moon Spirit Essence Liquid.

Then, he took out the origin bullet and shot Kenneth to cripple him .

While using modern weapons, he will also use magic to strengthen himself.

The magic inherited by the Emiya family is a great magic of the time interference type, which originally requires extremely complicated preparations in advance.

Emiya Kiritsugu In order to make it practical, fixed the interference range on his own body and limited the time to three to four seconds.

This great magic has become an extremely practical battlefield magic under his transformation. It can not only speed up and slow down one's heartbeat and breathing in a short period of time, so as to evade detection.

And his origin bomb is his greatest use of his "origin".

"Origin" is a philosophical concept in the world of Xingyue, also known as "Chaos Impulse".

is conceptually similar to primitive instinct and fatalism, referring to all things, including life. already has its directionality (cause) at its inception, and will inevitably develop in this direction.

For example, in "Sora no Kyoukai", the origin of Bai Junlio is "eating" , while the origin of Yanjoba is "meaningless" (the origin of Kurogiri Mikiya is Google, and the origin of Aozaki Orange is wiki) .

The origin of Emiya Kiritsugu is just like his name: cutting off (cut) and connecting (壣) .

He took out two of his own ribs, ground them into powder and stuffed them into the warheads, making a total of 66 origin bombs.

Every bullet will manifest its origin after hitting it.

The blood vessels, tissues and magic circuits at the wound will be cut off and then reconnected randomly.

The richer the magic circuit is, the more seriously the magician will be injured by this bullet.

By the way, before the Holy Grail War, Kiritsugu had already consumed 37 rounds, and failed to beat .

His fighting style is neither heroic nor decent. He does not have the courage and pride to compete with others with his life.

So his goal is to ensure the victory of carefully and with minimal risk .

This fighting method is shameless, but it is the most effective.

Even Kenneth, one of the Twelve Lords of the Clock Tower, fell under the spell of Emiya Kiritsugu’s evil heretics.

The only one who can compete with Emiya Kiritsugu is the same evil heretic guy - Kotomine Kirei .

His physical skills are stronger than those of Emiya Kiritsugu. He uses the Command Seal as the source of magic power to avoid activating his own magic circuit and avoid the attack of origin bullets.

This kind of crooked trick is probably not something that ordinary magicians can come up with.

The Trolley Problem

The "Trolley Problem" is one of the most famous thought experiments in the field of ethics, and it is also an unsolvable moral dilemma:

If you pull down the railroad track, you can save five people, but you will also kill one person with your own hands;

If If you don't want your hands to be stained with blood, you can only sit back and watch five people die.

However, in front of Emiya Kiritsugu, this problem was not a problem at all.

Even if that person is his relative and the other five people are people who have nothing to do with him, he will pull down the railroad track without hesitation.

This is Emiya Kiritsugu's way of "justice": Kill less and save more.

Although Emiya Shirou's ideal of "Messenger of Justice" was indeed inherited from him, their understanding of the concept of "Messenger of Justice" was different from the beginning.

Emiya Shirou wants to save everyone, In order to achieve this goal, he never takes himself into consideration.

Emiya Kiritsugu has understood from the beginning that saving some people will give up others, so he will always weigh the lives of both parties on the scale, and then save the one that is leaning downward.

His adoptive mother Natalia trained him to become a killer like her, hunting down magicians who were addicted to evil and possessed by evil spirits.

Then, when she was about to land with a passenger plane full of Death Apostles, Emiya Kiritsugu calmly chatted with her about his future life while carrying anti-aircraft missiles.

The sun rises, seagulls flap their wings, and missiles fly out with their tails trailing. The warm life of mother and child has been destroyed in the flames before it can happen.

Later, he was found by the Einzbern family and hired by them to participate in the Holy Grail War.

He may not care about "reaching the source" or the "third method" at all. He is not an orthodox magician in the first place.

What he cares about is that is just the function of the Holy Grail "Universal Wishing Machine".

If the Holy Grail can make this world free of fighting, then he is willing to become a ruthless god of death and win this war by any means necessary.

The blood shed in Fuyuki City will become the last bloodshed for all mankind.

Along the way, he was decisive, merciless, and resorted to all possible means. He lost his wife, Maiya, and almost broke up with his servant.

Finally, he entered the Holy Grail, and all his ideals within reach turned into despair. The tainted Holy Grail of

, will only realize his ideal in his own way - constantly repeating the filter of "kill the few and save the many".

In the end, their family of three was the only one left in the world. This is a world without fighting.

Even if it was just an illusion created by Angola Mainu, he did make a choice in the illusion - shot Illya and strangled his wife.

For the six billion people on earth, he will personally destroy his ideal hometown and the ideals he has cherished for a long time.

Emiya Kiritsugu, this man is a collection of contradictions.

He uses the most vicious methods, is extremely vicious, and kills people like crazy, but he embraces the simplest and most innocent dream - he just wants to save more people.

And, until the end, he did not deviate from this principle.

He rescued Shirou from the fire, and after the war ended, he set up a mechanism to completely dismantle the Great Holy Grail.

Unfortunately, the Fifth Holy Grail War started too early, and before his mechanism could take effect, the bloody storm broke out in Fuyuki City again.

Hero or Devil

Is this "justice" that Emiya Kiritsugu insists on "justice"?

I think this kind of behavior, at least in terms of human values, cannot be called justice.

People have no right to decide the life or death of another person.

Modern society can only rely on the law to give "death penalty" sentences properly and cautiously. In ancient times, emperors had the power of life and death, and they had to use the name of "God".

Taking the initiative to kill people is not something a person should do, even if it is to save more people.

Emiya Kiritsugu is obviously just a person, but he lives like Alaya.

More importantly, human life is by no means something that can be simply measured by quantity.

It is natural for human beings to value the lives of those close to them more.

Emiya Kiritsugu's behavior of "killing relatives for justice" is definitely not what a normal person should do.

Kiritsugu's twisted view of good and evil did not arise out of thin air, but came from his similarly twisted childhood.

Because he failed to be ruthless enough to kill Charlie, who had turned into a Dead Apostle, the entire island turned into a hell of blood and fire.

All the neighbors became Death Apostles and were killed by people from the Church and the Magic Association.

The childhood sweetheart's sister turned into a monster, and the island where she lived turned into a hell. The culprit of all this was actually her beloved father.

Because of the barrier his father had set up, the only one who could punish his father before he escaped was Kiritsugu.

Bullets were fired from the pistol one after another. His father gradually became cold in shock, and his view of good and evil was distorted little by little.

"Because I failed to kill Charlie in time, the tragedy occurred.

And I killed my father in time, so he could not continue to study the Dead Apostles, and the tragedy would not continue to happen."

Based on this logic, Emiya Kiritsugu's "justice" has also been finalized. In his "justice", no longer has a place for human emotions.

No matter how painful and sad he is, if his close relatives become a threat to the world, he will eliminate them without hesitation.

is not a human being at all, he is completely the agent of restraint.

Emiya Kiritsugu separated himself from the human group, and also gave up all the happiness that humans can have.

He lost his family and his lover. In the end, even his desperate gamble - making a wish on the Holy Grail, cruelly betrayed him.

In the fire that burned Fuyuki, the man who wanted to save the world shed tears of excitement because he successfully saved one person.

Emiya Kiritsugu has saved many people, but he is not a hero;

Emiya Kiritsugu has killed many people, but he is not a devil either.

He is just a martyr who fulfilled his naive and unrealistic dream to the end and paid all the price he could for it.

His hands are stained with blood, but his dream has never been contaminated, as clear as the boy he was.

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