As strong as Westbrook, he could only be ranked fourth overall in the 2008 draft. So how great is the No. 1, No. 2, and No. 3 pick in 2008? Graduated from the University of Memphis, born in 1988, height 188cm, weight 90.7kg. He is a point guard with strong physical fitness and ex

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He is a more versatile point guard than "Magic" Johnson and "Big O" Robertson , averaging a triple-double for three consecutive seasons! Shocking the past and the present, he is the "King of Triple Doubles" Russell Westbrook .

As strong as Westbrook, he could only be ranked fourth overall in the 2008 draft. So how great is the No. 1, No. 2, and No. 3 pick in 2008? Graduated from the University of Memphis, born in 1988, height 188cm, weight 90.7kg. He is a point guard with strong physical fitness and ex - DayDayNews

is as strong as and Westbrook, and can only be ranked fourth in the 2008 draft. So how great is the number one, second, and third overall pick in 2008? What were their achievements? Today we will talk about the top three players in the 2008 draft.

No. 1 pick: Derrick Rose

Strength index: 95

Achievement index: 95

The No. 1 pick in the 2008 draft is named: Derrick Rose! graduated from University of Memphis . He was born in 1988. He is 188cm tall and weighs 90.7kg. He is a point guard with strong physical fitness and extremely offensive power. The Chicago Bulls did not hesitate to take him with the first pick in the first round. its selected.

As strong as Westbrook, he could only be ranked fourth overall in the 2008 draft. So how great is the No. 1, No. 2, and No. 3 pick in 2008? Graduated from the University of Memphis, born in 1988, height 188cm, weight 90.7kg. He is a point guard with strong physical fitness and ex - DayDayNews

Ross was heavily used in his rookie season, edging out the long-established high-quality point guard Hinrich and becoming the Bulls' iron starter at position 51! His explosive style of play and talent made Bulls fans cheer. They firmly believe that Rose is the Bulls' new Michael.

Rose did not disappoint the fans. In his rookie season, he played in 81 regular season games and made 80 starts. He averaged 16.8 points + 3.9 rebounds + 6.3 assists per game. He won ROY in one fell swoop and was selected as the " Best Rookie First Team" Rose. The rookie season was perfect.

As strong as Westbrook, he could only be ranked fourth overall in the 2008 draft. So how great is the No. 1, No. 2, and No. 3 pick in 2008? Graduated from the University of Memphis, born in 1988, height 188cm, weight 90.7kg. He is a point guard with strong physical fitness and ex - DayDayNews

The 10-11 season is Rose's third season. This season is the most glorious season of Rose's career. The 22-year-old Rose averaged: 25 points + 4.1 rebounds + 7.7 assists + 1 steal per game to lead the Bulls in the regular season. The best record in the league at 62 wins and 20 losses! This is the Bulls' winningest season since the "Jordan era."

In the MVP selection, Rose defeated the top James and the top Howard and won the regular season MVP, thus becoming the youngest MVP in the history of ! Of course, All-Stars, starters, and All-NBA First Team , were all picked up by Rose.

As strong as Westbrook, he could only be ranked fourth overall in the 2008 draft. So how great is the No. 1, No. 2, and No. 3 pick in 2008? Graduated from the University of Memphis, born in 1988, height 188cm, weight 90.7kg. He is a point guard with strong physical fitness and ex - DayDayNews

Just when the fans were glad that another superstar was rising, those damn injuries caught up with Rose. The ligament was torn and the season was reimbursed! Ross, who was speeding at high speed, was stopped by a sudden brake. Everyone must know the story behind

. Endless injuries caused Rose to play in and out, and he never returned to his peak state! The rose of Windy City, which had not yet fully bloomed, withered so quickly, and the former MVP could only live in exile.

As strong as Westbrook, he could only be ranked fourth overall in the 2008 draft. So how great is the No. 1, No. 2, and No. 3 pick in 2008? Graduated from the University of Memphis, born in 1988, height 188cm, weight 90.7kg. He is a point guard with strong physical fitness and ex - DayDayNews

Just when everyone thought Rose was no longer good, the stubborn Rose slapped everyone who doubted him, scoring 50 points and 6 assists in a single game! That night, Target Center's MVP voice got louder and louder than ever before, and the withered roses bloomed again that night, just because of the unyielding faith in my heart.

As strong as Westbrook, he could only be ranked fourth overall in the 2008 draft. So how great is the No. 1, No. 2, and No. 3 pick in 2008? Graduated from the University of Memphis, born in 1988, height 188cm, weight 90.7kg. He is a point guard with strong physical fitness and ex - DayDayNews

Today's Rose is still NBA sweating and releasing his love for basketball. Three All-Stars, one All-NBA Team, and one MVP are a thing of the past. Even though he is no longer the protagonist on the court, he still doesn't want to Give up, pay tribute: Ross, the fighter who does not surrender to fate.

Second place pick: Michael Beasley

Strength index: 85

Achievement index: 75

The second place pick in the 2008 draft is named: Michael Beasley! graduated from Kansas State University . He was born in 1989. He is 208cm tall and weighs 95.3kg. He is a forward with rich offensive methods and great talent. The Miami Heat selected him with the second overall pick in the first round.

As strong as Westbrook, he could only be ranked fourth overall in the 2008 draft. So how great is the No. 1, No. 2, and No. 3 pick in 2008? Graduated from the University of Memphis, born in 1988, height 188cm, weight 90.7kg. He is a point guard with strong physical fitness and ex - DayDayNews

Durant, the 4th "scoring king", once commented on Beasley and said: I can't beat Beasley in 1v1! It is said that when Beasley joined the Heat, he often challenged James in the team, and the winner was almost always Beasley! It's obvious that Beasley is a unique talent, but his career is far less dazzling than his talent.

Beasley didn't get much playing time in his rookie season, because the talented "hacker" Marion and "meritorious captain" Haslem stood in front of him! Beasley comes off the bench most of the time.

As strong as Westbrook, he could only be ranked fourth overall in the 2008 draft. So how great is the No. 1, No. 2, and No. 3 pick in 2008? Graduated from the University of Memphis, born in 1988, height 188cm, weight 90.7kg. He is a point guard with strong physical fitness and ex - DayDayNews

Throughout his rookie season, Beasley played in 81 regular season games and only made 19 starts. Even so, he still averaged 13.9 points and 5.4 rebounds per game! Selected as the "All-Rookie First Team"

Beasley became a victim of the "Big Three" formed by the Heat in the 10-11 season and was traded to the weak Timberwolves . In the first season of the Timberwolves, Beasley became a regular starter and ushered in The best season of his career! Averages: 19.2 points + 5.6 rebounds per game, everything is developing in a good direction.

As strong as Westbrook, he could only be ranked fourth overall in the 2008 draft. So how great is the No. 1, No. 2, and No. 3 pick in 2008? Graduated from the University of Memphis, born in 1988, height 188cm, weight 90.7kg. He is a point guard with strong physical fitness and ex - DayDayNews

Unfortunately, the direction of the Timberwolves' team building has changed. Love + Rubio has become the cornerstone of the Timberwolves' future. Coupled with unexpected injuries and endless off-field troubles, this peerless genius has sunk. .

From the NBA to CBA to the NBA and then to the CBA, Beasley, who was originally in his prime, was wandering around. Without a stable environment, no matter how talented you are, it will be useless! In 2021, Beasley joined the Puerto Rico league and there was no news again.

The third overall pick: OJ-Mayo

Strength index: 85

Achievement index: 75

The third overall pick in the 2008 draft is named: OJ-Mayo! studied at University of Southern California (joined the draft as a sophomore). He was born in 1989. He is 196cm tall and weighs 95.3kg. He is a high-quality point guard with a steady style of play, scoring and organization. The Memphis Grizzlies selected him in the first round. Pick him with the third pick.

As strong as Westbrook, he could only be ranked fourth overall in the 2008 draft. So how great is the No. 1, No. 2, and No. 3 pick in 2008? Graduated from the University of Memphis, born in 1988, height 188cm, weight 90.7kg. He is a point guard with strong physical fitness and ex - DayDayNews

With the aura of "the number one high school student in the United States", Mayo's first season in the NBA was quite perfect! He started all 82 regular season games, averaging 18.5 points + 3.8 rebounds + 3.2 assists + 1.1 steals. He was selected to the "All-Rookie Team". No one thought that this would be Mayo's peak.

Since the 2009-10 season, Mayo's performance has declined year by year. His defensive attitude and conflicts with his teammates have become roadblocks hindering his progress! Although he had a bright performance with the Mavericks in the later period, it was short-lived and returned to glory.

As strong as Westbrook, he could only be ranked fourth overall in the 2008 draft. So how great is the No. 1, No. 2, and No. 3 pick in 2008? Graduated from the University of Memphis, born in 1988, height 188cm, weight 90.7kg. He is a point guard with strong physical fitness and ex - DayDayNews

After being found to have used banned drugs in 2016, Mayo was suspended for 2 years and was severely fined, which completely ended his NBA career. In the later period, Mayo could only shuttle between SBL, NBL, ABL, CBA and other leagues! What a pity.

In fact, the overall quality of the 2008 draft is very good:

Love, the 5th pick

Gallinari, the 6th pick

Eric Gordon, the 7th pick

Lopez, the 10th pick

Ibaka, the 24th pick

Batum, the 25th pick

George Hill, the 26th pick

DeAndre Jordan, the 35th pick

Dragic, the 47th pick

As strong as Westbrook, he could only be ranked fourth overall in the 2008 draft. So how great is the No. 1, No. 2, and No. 3 pick in 2008? Graduated from the University of Memphis, born in 1988, height 188cm, weight 90.7kg. He is a point guard with strong physical fitness and ex - DayDayNews

Which of these is not a famous NBA boss? veterans, if the 2008 draft was rearranged, how would you rank it? Welcome to leave a message in the comment area.


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