Placing it at home for a long time can form a certain Feng Shui magnetic field, which is of vital significance whether it is to attract wealth or to cultivate one's character. The vitality of pothos is very tenacious and can survive with a little water, so it is also called the f

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In Chinese culture, it is generally believed that plants are spiritual. If placed at home for a long time, they can form a certain Feng Shui magnetic field, which is of vital significance whether it is to attract wealth or to cultivate one's character. So today Huahua will talk about what are the good signs for the 25 kinds of flowers that are often grown at home!

Placing it at home for a long time can form a certain Feng Shui magnetic field, which is of vital significance whether it is to attract wealth or to cultivate one's character. The vitality of pothos is very tenacious and can survive with a little water, so it is also called the f - DayDayNews


Flower Gardening Encyclopedia

Feng Shui Meaning: Tough and Kind, Protecting Happiness

Placement: Both sides of the door, stairwell, study room

Placing it at home for a long time can form a certain Feng Shui magnetic field, which is of vital significance whether it is to attract wealth or to cultivate one's character. The vitality of pothos is very tenacious and can survive with a little water, so it is also called the f - DayDayNews

Pothos is very tenacious and can live with a little water, so it is also called the flower of life. Just pinch a branch and it will take root and survive. Just like a human being, no matter what setbacks you encounter, never give up on your dreams and protect your happiness.

Money Tree

Flower Gardening Encyclopedia

Feng Shui meaning: attract wealth and wealth

Placement: 45° directly opposite the door or in the southeast direction of the home

Placing it at home for a long time can form a certain Feng Shui magnetic field, which is of vital significance whether it is to attract wealth or to cultivate one's character. The vitality of pothos is very tenacious and can survive with a little water, so it is also called the f - DayDayNews

The money tree has a tall and straight tree shape with shiny leaves, and is placed at home It can also purify the air. For those who do business or open a shop, a pot is a must. Huahua secretly tells you that pressing large banknotes under the money tree pot will help you make money!

longevity flower

flower cultivation encyclopedia

Feng shui meaning: health, longevity, peace and good fortune

Placement: desktop, coffee table

Placing it at home for a long time can form a certain Feng Shui magnetic field, which is of vital significance whether it is to attract wealth or to cultivate one's character. The vitality of pothos is very tenacious and can survive with a little water, so it is also called the f - DayDayNews

longevity flower is also called longevity flower, because its flowering period can last 4-5 months, it is the best gift to the elders A good gift. If there are elderly people at home, it is best to keep a pot.


Flower Gardening Encyclopedia

Feng Shui meaning: family harmony, happy events

Placement: office desk, flower stand, coffee table

Placing it at home for a long time can form a certain Feng Shui magnetic field, which is of vital significance whether it is to attract wealth or to cultivate one's character. The vitality of pothos is very tenacious and can survive with a little water, so it is also called the f - DayDayNews

花花 Listen to people, in people with harmonious families, Clivia will bloom more and more beautifully, and if there is one in the home, When a happy event is approaching, Clivia will also bloom in advance to "announce the good news". Clivia is especially suitable for flower lovers in calligraphy, painting, and art. It can add elegance and take your literary and artistic career to a higher level!


Flower Gardening Encyclopedia

Feng Shui meaning: Passionate and perseverant

Placement: Gates, doors and windows, climbing walls

Placing it at home for a long time can form a certain Feng Shui magnetic field, which is of vital significance whether it is to attract wealth or to cultivate one's character. The vitality of pothos is very tenacious and can survive with a little water, so it is also called the f - DayDayNews

Bougainvillea belongs to fire, and it can avoid evil in Feng Shui. It is suitable for those who are a little introverted. For timid people who lack confidence and courage in life, it can play a role in improving their self-confidence and making them cheerful and lively.


Flower Gardening Encyclopedia

Feng Shui meaning: eternal love, lifelong protection

Placement: living room, balcony, desk

Placing it at home for a long time can form a certain Feng Shui magnetic field, which is of vital significance whether it is to attract wealth or to cultivate one's character. The vitality of pothos is very tenacious and can survive with a little water, so it is also called the f - DayDayNews

Gardenia can emit a refreshing fragrance, which can not only improve indoor air, but also relieve tension and Angry emotions make people sober-minded. The flowers of gardenia are fragrant and white, just like the song sings, with a touch of youthful and pure love.

Asparagus bamboo

Grow flowers large Full

Feng shui meaning: long-lasting friendship, happy marriage

Placement: study, living room

Placing it at home for a long time can form a certain Feng Shui magnetic field, which is of vital significance whether it is to attract wealth or to cultivate one's character. The vitality of pothos is very tenacious and can survive with a little water, so it is also called the f - DayDayNews

Asparagus bamboo is an elegant bamboo with soft leaves and green all year round, so it means that friendship and love will always be fresh. Placing it in the study room is not only conducive to reading and working, but also can relieve depression. It's best to place asparagus on a separate shelf, which is beneficial to the whole family.


Flower Gardening Guide

Feng Shui Meaning: Unpretentious, Modesty and Prudence

Placement: Kitchen, Bedroom

Placing it at home for a long time can form a certain Feng Shui magnetic field, which is of vital significance whether it is to attract wealth or to cultivate one's character. The vitality of pothos is very tenacious and can survive with a little water, so it is also called the f - DayDayNews

The leaves of Chlorophytum are thin and long, which looks very inconspicuous, but the posture of the whole plant is very elegant, and the branches always face Hanging down to the ground, it gives people a simple, natural and unassuming feeling.

Money tree

Flower gardening guide

Feng shui meaning: attract wealth and prosperity

Placement: balcony, desk

Placing it at home for a long time can form a certain Feng Shui magnetic field, which is of vital significance whether it is to attract wealth or to cultivate one's character. The vitality of pothos is very tenacious and can survive with a little water, so it is also called the f - DayDayNews

The leaves of the money tree look like a string of coins, and the texture is very thick, giving people A feeling of positivity.Therefore, whether you are opening a business or moving into a new home, or even just placing a pot at home, it can bring you lots of wealth.


Flower Gardening Encyclopedia

Feng Shui meaning: the joy of love

Placement: windowsill, coffee table, living room

Placing it at home for a long time can form a certain Feng Shui magnetic field, which is of vital significance whether it is to attract wealth or to cultivate one's character. The vitality of pothos is very tenacious and can survive with a little water, so it is also called the f - DayDayNews

The stems and leaves of azaleas have thorns, which can play a role in resolving evil spirits, and its flowers are gorgeous and more It gives people a lively and noisy feeling, so if you want to improve the feng shui of your home, you can keep a pot of azaleas at home.


Flower Gardening Encyclopedia

Feng Shui meaning: Lucky luck

Placement: Balcony, office

Placing it at home for a long time can form a certain Feng Shui magnetic field, which is of vital significance whether it is to attract wealth or to cultivate one's character. The vitality of pothos is very tenacious and can survive with a little water, so it is also called the f - DayDayNews

Cactus has thorns all over its body, which is a sharp-angle evil in Feng Shui. If placed on the balcony, it can dissolve the evil spirits outside. In the office, you can guard against villains and enhance your resistance. But don't place it in the bedroom, as it can easily cause quarrels between the couple.

Lucky Bamboo

Flower Gardening Encyclopedia

Feng Shui meaning: Flowers bloom and the bamboo promises peace

Placement: 45° diagonally opposite the door to the financial position, the upper left corner of the desk

Placing it at home for a long time can form a certain Feng Shui magnetic field, which is of vital significance whether it is to attract wealth or to cultivate one's character. The vitality of pothos is very tenacious and can survive with a little water, so it is also called the f - DayDayNews

Because it represents wealth and auspiciousness, the placement of Lucky Bamboo is particularly unique. Pay attention to the fact that the lucky bamboo grown in soil is usually placed with 2 or 5 roots, and the lucky bamboo grown in water is usually placed with 1 or 4 roots. If there are students at home, it is best to place 5 roots, 4 long and 1 short. Contribute to academic progress.

Happiness Tree

Flower Gardening Encyclopedia

Feng Shui meaning: family happiness and everything is safe

Placement: balcony, studyroom

Placing it at home for a long time can form a certain Feng Shui magnetic field, which is of vital significance whether it is to attract wealth or to cultivate one's character. The vitality of pothos is very tenacious and can survive with a little water, so it is also called the f - DayDayNews

The leaves of the Happy Tree are dense and green, full of vitality, so the role of wealth and luck is very obvious; In the study room, it has a calming effect. Therefore, most families will choose a large and sturdy happiness tree. The bigger and greener the leaves, the better the effect of promoting wealth and luck.

Loose-tailed sunflower

Flower gardening guide

Feng Shui meaning: attracting wealth

Placement: living room, study, restaurant

Placing it at home for a long time can form a certain Feng Shui magnetic field, which is of vital significance whether it is to attract wealth or to cultivate one's character. The vitality of pothos is very tenacious and can survive with a little water, so it is also called the f - DayDayNews

Loose-tailed sunflower is very resistant to negative reactions, and can effectively remove benzene, formaldehyde and other substances in the air, and can also evaporate Water vapor increases air humidity. Moreover, generally speaking in Feng Shui, placing green plants can bring wealth, and the broad and elegant leaves of the phoenix are perfect.

Peace Tree

Growing Flowers Large Full

Feng Shui Meaning: Health and Safety

Placement: Living Room, Balcony, Door 45° Financial Position

Placing it at home for a long time can form a certain Feng Shui magnetic field, which is of vital significance whether it is to attract wealth or to cultivate one's character. The vitality of pothos is very tenacious and can survive with a little water, so it is also called the f - DayDayNews

Peace Tree, as the name suggests, can bless the family members with peace and smooth sailing. If the peace tree you keep at home dies, you should move it out of the house in time.

White palm

Flower cultivation encyclopedia

Feng shui meaning: successful career and smooth sailing

Placement: living room, study, kitchen

Placing it at home for a long time can form a certain Feng Shui magnetic field, which is of vital significance whether it is to attract wealth or to cultivate one's character. The vitality of pothos is very tenacious and can survive with a little water, so it is also called the f - DayDayNews

White palm is also known as smooth sailing, so many flower lovers have a pot at home. Not only that, It can also filter out exhaust gases in the air and absorb harmful substances such as formaldehyde and benzene, thus purifying the air.


Growing Flowers Large Full

Feng Shui meaning: smooth career, happiness and contentment

Placement: living room, balcony

Placing it at home for a long time can form a certain Feng Shui magnetic field, which is of vital significance whether it is to attract wealth or to cultivate one's character. The vitality of pothos is very tenacious and can survive with a little water, so it is also called the f - DayDayNews

Phalaenopsis is a fire plant, especially suitable for people who belong to the five elements of fire. Its flowers are gorgeous and its leaves are firm, giving people a masculine and upright look. Therefore, raising a pot of Phalaenopsis at home can make your career smooth and your family happy.

Copper Money Grass

Flower Gardening Encyclopedia

Feng Shui Meaning: Reunion and wealth

Placement: Balcony, windowsill, bay window

Placing it at home for a long time can form a certain Feng Shui magnetic field, which is of vital significance whether it is to attract wealth or to cultivate one's character. The vitality of pothos is very tenacious and can survive with a little water, so it is also called the f - DayDayNews

The leaves of Copper Money Grass are like ancient copper coins, round and very cute, plus the name contains The word "copper coin" has the meaning of rolling in wealth.Coppermoney grass is particularly easy to grow. It can explode in strong water and strong sunlight. It is very suitable for raising a pot at home!


Flower cultivation encyclopedia

Feng Shui meaning: prolonging life, blessings and longevity

Placement: living room, balcony

Placing it at home for a long time can form a certain Feng Shui magnetic field, which is of vital significance whether it is to attract wealth or to cultivate one's character. The vitality of pothos is very tenacious and can survive with a little water, so it is also called the f - DayDayNews

Chrysanthemums are often grown together with pomegranates, bergamots, and peaches, symbolizing more children, more blessings, and more life; because it is feminine , so it should usually be placed in a popular place, which is conducive to the peace and tranquility of the residence.


Flower Gardening Encyclopedia

Feng Shui Meaning: Good Luck and Fortune

Placement: Living Room

Placing it at home for a long time can form a certain Feng Shui magnetic field, which is of vital significance whether it is to attract wealth or to cultivate one's character. The vitality of pothos is very tenacious and can survive with a little water, so it is also called the f - DayDayNews

When buying kumquats, be sure to choose those whose fruits are evenly distributed, because in Feng Shui, sparse fruits are associated with "unlucky ones and small ones" It means, so don’t buy those whose fruits are sparse; the leaves of the kumquat tree are green, giving people a feeling of vitality, symbolizing good wealth and good popularity in the family.


Growing Flowers Large Full

Feng Shui meaning: indifferent elegance, chastity and beauty

Placement: study, southeast of the house

Placing it at home for a long time can form a certain Feng Shui magnetic field, which is of vital significance whether it is to attract wealth or to cultivate one's character. The vitality of pothos is very tenacious and can survive with a little water, so it is also called the f - DayDayNews

The admiration for orchids can be traced back to the time of Qu Yuan. People often compare orchids to gentlemen, symbolizing noble conduct and indifference to fame and wealth.

Tiger Pilan

Flower Gardening Encyclopedia

Feng Shui meaning: Prosperous wealth, tenacity and fortitude

Placement: Balcony, living room

Placing it at home for a long time can form a certain Feng Shui magnetic field, which is of vital significance whether it is to attract wealth or to cultivate one's character. The vitality of pothos is very tenacious and can survive with a little water, so it is also called the f - DayDayNews

Tiger Pilan is placed on the balcony, it can generate prosperity and eliminate evil, increase the wealth of the family, and Tiger Pilan It is also a natural scavenger. The stomata of its leaves are closed during the day and open at night, which can purify harmful gases and reduce indoor air pollution.

Monstera deliciosa

Flower Gardening Encyclopedia

Feng Shui meaning: prolong life, increase blessings and wealth

Placement: 45° diagonal to the door, study door, elder bedroom

Placing it at home for a long time can form a certain Feng Shui magnetic field, which is of vital significance whether it is to attract wealth or to cultivate one's character. The vitality of pothos is very tenacious and can survive with a little water, so it is also called the f - DayDayNews

Monstera has a long lifespan, and has the meaning of health and longevity, so It is better to place it in the bedroom of the elders, and placing it at the door of the study has the effect of increasing official status and increasing fortune, so Monstera deliciosa is very suitable to be raised at home.


Flower Gardening Encyclopedia

Feng Shui meaning: Good luck at the head, great ambitions

Placement: Living room, bedroom

Placing it at home for a long time can form a certain Feng Shui magnetic field, which is of vital significance whether it is to attract wealth or to cultivate one's character. The vitality of pothos is very tenacious and can survive with a little water, so it is also called the f - DayDayNews

Anthurium flowers are as red as fire and grow at the top, so they mean good luck at the head, and the red ones There is also a yellow flower spike among the flowers and leaves, which represents money in the hand, so it is most suitable to place a pot of anthurium at home!


Growing flowers large Full

Feng Shui meaning: faithful friendship, growing old together

Placement: living room, studyroom

Placing it at home for a long time can form a certain Feng Shui magnetic field, which is of vital significance whether it is to attract wealth or to cultivate one's character. The vitality of pothos is very tenacious and can survive with a little water, so it is also called the f - DayDayNews

Ivy is evergreen all year round. Placing it in the house can nourish Feng Shui, improve career and health fortune, and balance the influence of wealth. So, if you want good Feng Shui at home, keep a pot of ivy!

Guanyin Bamboo

Flower Gardening Encyclopedia

Feng Shui Meaning: Prosperity, attracting wealth, protecting health

Placement: Doorway

Placing it at home for a long time can form a certain Feng Shui magnetic field, which is of vital significance whether it is to attract wealth or to cultivate one's character. The vitality of pothos is very tenacious and can survive with a little water, so it is also called the f - DayDayNews

Guanyin Bamboo is a water-based plant, placed at the door of the house, it can increase wealth and keep the house in business, especially if the door faces east Flower lovers should keep a pot of Guanyin bamboo at their door.

Huahua will introduce it here today.

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