"Each of us holds a key to success in our hands. This key consists of the following factors: ideals, diligence, perseverance, humility, and scientific methods." - Hua Luogeng Each of us is eager to achieve success in a certain field. An achievement of your own or success when doi

2024/06/1516:30:32 hotcomm 1256

"Each of us has a key to success in our hands. This key is composed of the following factors: ideals, diligence, perseverance, humility and scientific methods." - Hua Luogeng

Each of us is eager to be somewhere. Achieve your own achievements in a field or achieve success when doing something you care about. However, no matter what it is, it is not an easy thing to achieve major achievements. It requires us to use our best and persist. Only by maintaining a firm heart and working hard can we succeed in certain things. Made some achievements.

I believe everyone is familiar with the singer Jay Chou . However, what we rarely know is that before Jay Chou became famous, he also made great efforts and achieved success step by step through years of accumulation.

Music Road

Jay Chou was born in an ordinary family in Taiwan. Jay Chou's musical talent is like God's favor . A single door opened a window for him, but talent is secondary to a certain extent, because only talent without hard work is of no use.

Jay Chou had a different "love" for music when he was very young. When he was three years old, he would use a voice recorder to record his singing voice. It was also at this time that Jay Chou began to learn to play the piano.

But at the same time, when God opened a window for Jay Chou, he also closed a door for him. Because of his musical talent, he had to work hard to support . It can be said that Jay Chou did not have any childhood when he was a child.

With his own efforts, Jay Chou was admitted to the music class of Tamsui High School in Taipei. It was from this time that Jay Chou began to try to compose his own music, which can be said to be a big step forward for his music career.

Later, Jay Chou participated in the "Super Rookie King" idol selection program, but due to some reasons, Jay Chou did not show all his abilities to the best. But gold will shine wherever it goes, and those who work hard will always have unexpected rewards.

It was precisely because of participating in this program that Jay Chou was recruited by Wu Xianzong and served as the music production assistant of his record company. Afterwards, the record company was helped to be managed by Yang Junrong, and Jay Chou's music path changed significantly.

Jay Chou released his first album "JAY" with the help of Yang Junrong and Wu Xianzong. The new album was "ransacked" as soon as it came out. Jay Chou's single was also shortlisted for the "12th Golden Melody Award" . Jay Chou was shortlisted for many awards because of this single. His music journey began . His achievements are not only because of his talent, but also because of his perseverance and hard work.

Stars are calling for it

After six years, Jay Chou's new album "'s greatest work " MV was launched online first. As soon as it went online, it won a crazy increase in click-through rate and playback rate, and even exceeded 100 in ten minutes. With a playback volume of 10,000, it can be said to be extremely popular, and Jay Chou's new album has also started a hot pre-sale.

Jay Chou's new album "The Greatest Work", whether it is the first MV or pre-sale, has frequently been on the top of the hot search list on all major platforms. Not long after the MV for Jay Chou's new album "The Greatest Work" was released, screenwriter Yu Zheng wrote a poem "The King of Songs" to describe Jay Chou. Many of the images in the poem are similar to those in many of Jay Chou's songs.

However, many netizens said that screenwriter Yu was riding on Jay Chou's popularity because Yu Zheng had never mentioned Jay Chou in public before. And screenwriter Yu Zheng has done it many times by writing "little compositions" or poems to gain popularity, and netizens are no longer surprised.

In addition, Zhang Yixing reposted Jay Chou's MV on Weibo and external accounts, and expressed his excitement. This new album "The Greatest Work" has been waiting for several years. time, expectations were extremely high.Every word in Zhang Yixing's promotional text reveals his excitement and excitement, as well as his admiration for Jay Chou's musical talent.

Some people may wonder why Zhang Yixing would support Jay Chou's new album. This is not surprising. He had an unexpected "disguised meeting" with Jay Chou before. Zhang Yixing's new song at that time was suspected of plagiarizing Jay Chou's song, but after confirmation, it was found that the two songs of were not related to this incident.

After this incident, Jay Chou promoted Zhang Yixing's new song and liked his posts, and the two got in touch. Furthermore, good people always attract each other.

In addition to Zhang Yixing, dolphin queen Zhang Liangying also called Jay Chou's new album "The Greatest Work" and expressed his excitement and inner feelings. Zhang Liangying has also become Jay Chou's "little fan" . It can be said that she likes Jay Chou's music very much. She even went to see Jay Chou's concert to experience Jay Chou's musical talent live.

's new song has aroused heated discussions among netizens.

was popular some time ago for leading everyone to exercise. Liu Genghong , who is a friend of Jay Chou, expressed his support for the work before it was launched, and joked that the new album may become a live broadcast room. The new soundtrack to fitness.

star Zhu Xingjie is also a fan of Jay Chou. He also expressed his support for Jay Chou's new album this time. also has Weishen v combination Qian Kun calling Jay Chou's new album , and expressed his praise for Jay Chou's talent without hesitation.

Lang Lang , Jimmy Lin , Jiang Mengjie , Wang Zhi, Zhu Xudan , and many other friends and "little fans" of Jay Chou expressed their disapproval of Jay Chou's new album "The Greatest" on Weibo. "Works" support and my own feelings and thoughts.

Many celebrities called Jay Chou's new album, and netizens thought of the singer Hua Chenyu who became popular on Douyin some time ago. Hua Chenyu has been criticized by many netizens in recent times, and his musical ability has been questioned by many netizens. After Jay Chou's new album was released, Hua Chenyu and Jay Chou were pushed to the forefront.

Netizens have different opinions. Some netizens affirm Hua Chenyu, while others affirm Jay Chou. In addition, netizens also say that the two are in different fields, but both deserve recognition.. The controversy online is getting louder and louder, but as listeners, all we can do is appreciate the singer's songs and musical talent.


A person's success depends not only on talent, but also on the combination of many other factors to promote a person's continuous progress and forward progress. The road to success for is not smooth sailing for . We need to experience setbacks and dissatisfaction. We should also strengthen our own ideas and move forward bravely without forgetting our original intentions.

We can see the success of singer Jay Chou, but behind these successes is not only his talent, but also his hard work and sweat. We should learn from Jay Chou, stick to your dreams and not be afraid of the obstacles on the road to success. Frustrate , work hard to move forward, and wait for opportunities to come.

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