On July 6, after the MV for Jay Chou's new song "The Greatest Work" was released, it instantly became a hot search topic all over the Internet. It paid tribute to the great works of many world-class artists, such as Van Gogh's "Starry Sky", Ma Griet's "This Is Not a Pipe" and "Ap

2024/06/1515:35:33 hotcomm 1246

Dahe News On July 6, after the MV of Jay Chou 's new song "'s greatest work " was released, it instantly hit the Internet and became a hot search. It paid tribute to the great works of many world-class artists, such as " Starry Night " by Van Gogh , "This is Not a Pipe" and "Apple" by Magritte , "Nude with Bent Legs" by Sanyu , "Water Lilies" and "Impression Day" by Monet "Out" and so on. What stories are hidden behind these works of art? In this issue of "Dahe.com", we will take you through a game together. (Fan Zhao, Ma Shaokun, intern Luo Manning)

's song "The Greatest Work" is set in Paris in the 1920s, which was also the most glorious era of the " Paris School ". In the MV, the first person Jaylen met after traveling through time was Belgian surrealist painter Rene Magritte, and the first painting he paid tribute to was his "Children of Men".

On July 6, after the MV for Jay Chou's new song

Rene Magritte

Rene Magritte was a surrealist painter who often placed ordinary and familiar objects in unfamiliar situations to produce bizarre visual effects.

On July 6, after the MV for Jay Chou's new song

For example, in this painting "Children of Men", a well-dressed man wearing a round hat stands against a brick wall, clouds and the sea. His face is blocked by a hanging green apple, but he still peeks at the people and the world from the edge of the apple. The naming of the work has an obvious religious symbolic meaning. Jesus is called the Son of Man in the New Testament. The green apple covering the face is easily reminiscent of the fruit of sin in Garden of Eden . This metaphorical green apple appears in many of Magritte's works, and the way it covers his face means that he hides his true self from society's sight. The song then mentions his most famous "This Is Not a Pipe" and "The Man in the Bowler Hat".

On July 6, after the MV for Jay Chou's new song

This painting depicts a very realistic pipe, but underneath it is written Ceci n’est pas une pipe (This is not a pipe). Without this line, people might blurt out "This is a pipe" when faced with this painting. This painting shows the complex relationship between graphics and language, and also reminds the difference between the world that the painting imitates and the essential world. Magritte tried to break the violence of words and free things from the shackles of words. He confuses reality and illusion, creates paradoxes in the picture, and uses art to challenge what people are accustomed to. Forty years later, the philosopher Foucault believed that Magritte used the word "no" to cleverly open the gap between images and language. The contradiction between visibility and readability prompted the contradiction between image, language, and These three things are independent systems.

On July 6, after the MV for Jay Chou's new song

"Man in Bowler Hat" is actually a self-portrait. The gentleman is the painter himself. He blocks his appearance with a dove flying in front of his face. Contrary to most painters, the close-up portrait does not paint the face, but the face. Replacing it with other scenes has become a major feature of his hyper-realistic portraits.

As Magritte said: "Behind everything we see there is another thing hidden, and we always want to see something covered by what we see." Watch Magritte The paintings seem to be peeking into the mind and pursuit of a philosopher, rather than understanding an artist's concern for aesthetics and painting.

Spanish surrealist painter Dali

Next, Jaylen met Spanish surrealist painter and sculptor Salvador Dali in the restaurant. The words "melting hour hand and lobster phone" in the song respectively correspond to his works "The Eternity of Memory" and "Lobster Phone".

On July 6, after the MV for Jay Chou's new song

Salvador Dali was a Spanish surrealist painter. For him, he often appeared in a dream. He induced hallucinations from his own body, using a paranoid borderline state to search for a subconscious impression.

On July 6, after the MV for Jay Chou's new song

For example, in this painting "The Melting Clock", there is an empty beach. Lying on the beach is a monster that looks like a horse but not a horse. His head does not look like a horse's head. It looks like a monster with only eyelashes, nose and tongue. It is absurd. Heads grouped together.

Dahe News On July 6, after the MV of Jay Chou 's new song "'s greatest work " was released, it instantly hit the Internet and became a hot search. It paid tribute to the great works of many world-class artists, such as " Starry Night " by Van Gogh , "This is Not a Pipe" and "Apple" by Magritte , "Nude with Bent Legs" by Sanyu , "Water Lilies" and "Impression Day" by Monet "Out" and so on. What stories are hidden behind these works of art? In this issue of "Dahe.com", we will take you through a game together. (Fan Zhao, Ma Shaokun, intern Luo Manning)

's song "The Greatest Work" is set in Paris in the 1920s, which was also the most glorious era of the " Paris School ". In the MV, the first person Jaylen met after traveling through time was Belgian surrealist painter Rene Magritte, and the first painting he paid tribute to was his "Children of Men".

On July 6, after the MV for Jay Chou's new song

Rene Magritte

Rene Magritte was a surrealist painter who often placed ordinary and familiar objects in unfamiliar situations to produce bizarre visual effects.

On July 6, after the MV for Jay Chou's new song

For example, in this painting "Children of Men", a well-dressed man wearing a round hat stands against a brick wall, clouds and the sea. His face is blocked by a hanging green apple, but he still peeks at the people and the world from the edge of the apple. The naming of the work has an obvious religious symbolic meaning. Jesus is called the Son of Man in the New Testament. The green apple covering the face is easily reminiscent of the fruit of sin in Garden of Eden . This metaphorical green apple appears in many of Magritte's works, and the way it covers his face means that he hides his true self from society's sight. The song then mentions his most famous "This Is Not a Pipe" and "The Man in the Bowler Hat".

On July 6, after the MV for Jay Chou's new song

This painting depicts a very realistic pipe, but underneath it is written Ceci n’est pas une pipe (This is not a pipe). Without this line, people might blurt out "This is a pipe" when faced with this painting. This painting shows the complex relationship between graphics and language, and also reminds the difference between the world that the painting imitates and the essential world. Magritte tried to break the violence of words and free things from the shackles of words. He confuses reality and illusion, creates paradoxes in the picture, and uses art to challenge what people are accustomed to. Forty years later, the philosopher Foucault believed that Magritte used the word "no" to cleverly open the gap between images and language. The contradiction between visibility and readability prompted the contradiction between image, language, and These three things are independent systems.

On July 6, after the MV for Jay Chou's new song

"Man in Bowler Hat" is actually a self-portrait. The gentleman is the painter himself. He blocks his appearance with a dove flying in front of his face. Contrary to most painters, the close-up portrait does not paint the face, but the face. Replacing it with other scenes has become a major feature of his hyper-realistic portraits.

As Magritte said: "Behind everything we see there is another thing hidden, and we always want to see something covered by what we see." Watch Magritte The paintings seem to be peeking into the mind and pursuit of a philosopher, rather than understanding an artist's concern for aesthetics and painting.

Spanish surrealist painter Dali

Next, Jaylen met Spanish surrealist painter and sculptor Salvador Dali in the restaurant. The words "melting hour hand and lobster phone" in the song respectively correspond to his works "The Eternity of Memory" and "Lobster Phone".

On July 6, after the MV for Jay Chou's new song

Salvador Dali was a Spanish surrealist painter. For him, he often appeared in a dream. He induced hallucinations from his own body, using a paranoid borderline state to search for a subconscious impression.

On July 6, after the MV for Jay Chou's new song

For example, in this painting "The Melting Clock", there is an empty beach. Lying on the beach is a monster that looks like a horse but not a horse. His head does not look like a horse's head. It looks like a monster with only eyelashes, nose and tongue. It is absurd. Heads grouped together.Next to this monster is a very neatly cut platform. There is a dead tree growing on the platform. Some clocks are hung on the tree. What is surprising is that they are draped softly on the monster's back like pancakes. superior. What do these details in the picture mean? First of all, although these three soft clocks are strange in appearance, their hour and minute hands have not changed. Dali wanted to express the fluidity of time through these three clocks. Time is like the yogurt he particularly likes to eat. Just the same, it will slowly melt without you realizing it. If you do nothing, it does not mean that time will not be wasted. Another detail is the fly landing on the dial, which expresses that we humans are very small in time. We cannot stop time, nor can we make memories last forever. In addition to flies, another insect that can be seen is ants . The appearance of ants is related to Dali's childhood experience. Dali kept a bat as a pet when he was a child. Unfortunately, one day his bat was eaten by a group of ants. Dali has been afraid of ants ever since. No one is better at creating dreams than Dali, and the ants appearing in his dreams also represent his inner fear and uneasiness, maybe fear of death? Afraid of the passage of time? But maybe what he wants to express is our beautiful memories and the love between people is eternal.

On July 6, after the MV for Jay Chou's new song

In addition to painting, Dali also created the sculpture "Lobster Telephone", which is one of the most iconic surrealist works. There are 11 in total, 4 are red and 7 are white. Dali was also quite proud of the creativity of "Lobster Telephone", and even ridiculed this work in his autobiography: "I can't understand why when I order a grilled lobster in a restaurant, it never comes out. It's a roasted telephone. I don't understand why champagne is always kept refrigerated, why our habit of being so horribly warm and obnoxious isn't in a silver bucket with crushed ice." A commonplace in life. Objects were reconstructed by Dali, who made us question the commonplace scenery and reflect on the habits that we take for granted in life. The questions it raises are questions about the real rational world, which are still appropriate now. The existing habits are slowly changing ourselves. We are submerged in ethics, , capital control, legal customs, and perhaps we cannot change. These rules, but we need to face the absurd and dominate ourselves.

Modern Chinese Painter Sanyu

After Dali, Jay met the painter Sanyu who studied painting in France on a work-study basis in 1919. Jay Chou 's flower-changing magic alludes to Sanyu's works Blue and White Pot and Chrysanthemum, and the painting on the background of the two people also echoes his "Nude with Bent Legs".

On July 6, after the MV for Jay Chou's new song

"Blue Flower Pot and Chrysanthemum" boldly uses contrasting and highly decorative indigo and peach. The white chrysanthemums set off are like twinkling stars in the night sky. The gorgeous bright red bottom also gives the picture a surreal abstraction. Interesting. Apart from painting flowers and small animals, Sanyu's favorite painting was the female body. "The original motivation for me to learn painting was my curiosity about the secrets of the human body." The women in his paintings have exaggerated movements, plump bodies, lazy and charming, and a few strokes full of power. Xu Zhimo also praised Those voluptuous female legs are "cosmic thighs".

On July 6, after the MV for Jay Chou's new song

In the work "Nude Girl with Bent Legs", the protagonists in the painting are not so much two women's thighs, but rather two mountains, "one rising straight into the sky, and the other lying beneath it." The lines of the work are free and smooth, but also have more edges and strength. On the surface, it is a creation of the human body, but in fact it is Sanyu's interpretation of life, nature, and the collision and integration of Eastern and Western aesthetics, tradition and modernity through the beauty of the human body. There is also Sanyu's inscription on the back of this painting: "If I had not been in poverty at that time and had been diligent in painting, I would not have waited until today to complete it. I would have reached maturity early. I am sighing. I write this in 196 May and April. " Sanyu's experience in France was relatively bumpy, and he was not recognized until his death. He was called "Matisse of the East" and "Mondigliani of China".

On July 6, after the MV for Jay Chou's new song


Next up was the well-known Lang Lang . After playing the piano with him, Jay Chou met French Impressionist painter Monet.In the lyrics, "The sunrise comes and goes in the port of impressions, and the light wakes up the sleeping flowers and leaves" respectively refers to his paintings " Sunrise Impressions " and "Water Lilies".

On July 6, after the MV for Jay Chou's new song

Monet was extremely good at light, shadow and color. He often painted multiple depictions of the same object or subject at different times and under different lights to experiment with the perfect combination of light, shadow and color. "Sunrise Impression" is the pioneering work of impressionist painting school . It uses the perception of visual experience as the starting point to express the endlessly changing appearance in the light atmosphere. The painting vividly depicts the light and color melting in the morning light and morning fog, depicting Monet's vivid impression of the fleeting harbor scene at sunrise. He uses brisk and jumping brushstrokes to express the impression of water and light, and misty waves.

On July 6, after the MV for Jay Chou's new song

Monet's "Water Lilies" series is the culmination of Impressionism and the most brilliant "Ninth Symphony" in his life. After 1880, Monet built a small garden in Giverny and lived in it to paint. He likes to combine water and air with some artistic mood, which resulted in the "Water Lilies" series of paintings.

Xu Zhimo

Jaylen met Xu Zhimo after introducing oriental-style painting to Monet. The MV echoed Xu Zhimo's work "The Scales of Paris".

On July 6, after the MV for Jay Chou's new song

"Those who have been to Paris will no longer miss heaven. Those who have tasted Paris will honestly say that they don’t even want to go to hell."

"The whole of Paris is like a mattress of wild duck down, making you feel comfortable all over. "Tai, all the hard bones have been softened."

"Paris, soft Paris, just gently tell you when you say goodbye, don't forget to come again."

The lyrics also echo the "Spiritual Parisian" Xu Zhimo. Goodbye Cambridge " " Feileng Cui's Night ".

Xu's poems have fresh words, harmonious rhythm, beautiful and varied artistic conception, and have distinct artistic personality. These mentioned in the lyrics are also famous poems handed down from generation to generation.

On July 6, after the MV for Jay Chou's new song

In addition to what is mentioned above, the lyrics in the middle section also include the works of several important artists who were also in Paris, such as Van Gogh's "Starry Night", Munch's "The Scream", Henri Matisse, etc. . What other artwork did you observe in the MV? Welcome to interact with us in the comment area.

In the lyrics, "The sunrise comes and goes in the port of impressions, and the light wakes up the sleeping flowers and leaves" respectively refers to his paintings " Sunrise Impressions " and "Water Lilies".

On July 6, after the MV for Jay Chou's new song

Monet was extremely good at light, shadow and color. He often painted multiple depictions of the same object or subject at different times and under different lights to experiment with the perfect combination of light, shadow and color. "Sunrise Impression" is the pioneering work of impressionist painting school . It uses the perception of visual experience as the starting point to express the endlessly changing appearance in the light atmosphere. The painting vividly depicts the light and color melting in the morning light and morning fog, depicting Monet's vivid impression of the fleeting harbor scene at sunrise. He uses brisk and jumping brushstrokes to express the impression of water and light, and misty waves.

On July 6, after the MV for Jay Chou's new song

Monet's "Water Lilies" series is the culmination of Impressionism and the most brilliant "Ninth Symphony" in his life. After 1880, Monet built a small garden in Giverny and lived in it to paint. He likes to combine water and air with some artistic mood, which resulted in the "Water Lilies" series of paintings.

Xu Zhimo

Jaylen met Xu Zhimo after introducing oriental-style painting to Monet. The MV echoed Xu Zhimo's work "The Scales of Paris".

On July 6, after the MV for Jay Chou's new song

"Those who have been to Paris will no longer miss heaven. Those who have tasted Paris will honestly say that they don’t even want to go to hell."

"The whole of Paris is like a mattress of wild duck down, making you feel comfortable all over. "Tai, all the hard bones have been softened."

"Paris, soft Paris, just gently tell you when you say goodbye, don't forget to come again."

The lyrics also echo the "Spiritual Parisian" Xu Zhimo. Goodbye Cambridge " " Feileng Cui's Night ".

Xu's poems have fresh words, harmonious rhythm, beautiful and varied artistic conception, and have distinct artistic personality. These mentioned in the lyrics are also famous poems handed down from generation to generation.

On July 6, after the MV for Jay Chou's new song

In addition to what is mentioned above, the lyrics in the middle section also include the works of several important artists who were also in Paris, such as Van Gogh's "Starry Night", Munch's "The Scream", Henri Matisse, etc. . What other artwork did you observe in the MV? Welcome to interact with us in the comment area.

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