Today's real-time exchange rate of Lira to New Taiwan Dollar (updated at 2016-09-10 07:35): Currency exchange 1 Lira = 0.0186 New Taiwan Dollar 1 New Taiwan Dollar = 53.7634 Lira exchange rate buying price selling price update time 0.

2024/06/1514:32:33 hotcomm 1747
Today's real-time exchange rate of

Lira to New Taiwan Dollar (2016-09-10 07:35 update):

currency exchange

1 Lira = 0.0186 New Taiwan Dollar

1 New Taiwan Dollar = 53.7634 Lira

exchange rate buying price selling price update time
0 .0186NaNNaN07:35:09

Lira to New Taiwan Dollar exchange rate trend chart (one week):

Today's real-time exchange rate of Lira to New Taiwan Dollar (updated at 2016-09-10 07:35): Currency exchange 1 Lira = 0.0186 New Taiwan Dollar 1 New Taiwan Dollar = 53.7634 Lira exchange rate buying price selling price update time 0. - DayDayNews

The central parity rate of New Taiwan Dollar exchange rate in the interbank foreign exchange market on September 10, 2016 was: 1 Lira to New Taiwan Dollar 0.0186 yuan, and 100 Lira to New Taiwan Dollar 1.86 yuan.

In late trading in New York, the Turkish lira fell 4.6% to 3.0157 per U.S. dollar, its biggest drop since 2008. Other emerging market currencies also fell: the U.S. dollar rose 1.4% against the Mexican peso to 18.60 pesos, the U.S. dollar rose 2.5% against the South African rand to 14.57 rand, and the U.S. dollar rose 1.3% against the Russian ruble to 63.70 rubles.

Foreign exchange deposit reserves and differential conversion coefficients are another important cornerstone of the new policy of the Central Bank of Turkey. If a bank needs to pay a deposit of 100 lire, 60 lire (60%) can be paid in foreign exchange starting from August 2012 (Figure 4). The higher the foreign exchange deposit ratio, the greater the conversion coefficient. For example, in August 2012, the first 40% of foreign exchange deposits were converted at 1:1, 40% to 45% were converted at 1.4:1, and the conversion coefficient for the range of 55% to 60% increased to 2:1 (2 lira required) Equivalent in U.S. dollars to replace 1 lira of deposit reserves).

The relevant information on today’s exchange rate of the Lira to the New Taiwan Dollar above is provided by the CICC Market Center and is for reference only. If you want to know more about the trend of the exchange rate of the Lira against the New Taiwan Dollar, you can follow the CICC Financial News Channel daily Financial reporting.

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