Ms. Wan was donating blood and Liu Peng was lying on the hospital bed. On the morning of July 21, a 10-year-old boy Liu Peng from Gao'an, Jiangxi, suddenly fainted and fell to the ground while playing outdoors. The family thought it was heat stroke, but they did not expect to sen

2024/06/1512:26:33 hotcomm 1627

Ms. Wan was donating blood and Liu Peng was lying on the hospital bed. On the morning of July 21, a 10-year-old boy Liu Peng from Gao'an, Jiangxi, suddenly fainted and fell to the ground while playing outdoors. The family thought it was heat stroke, but they did not expect to sen - DayDayNews

Ms. Wan was donating blood and Liu Peng was lying on the hospital bed. On the morning of July 21, a 10-year-old boy Liu Peng from Gao'an, Jiangxi, suddenly fainted and fell to the ground while playing outdoors. The family thought it was heat stroke, but they did not expect to sen - DayDayNews

Ms. Wan is donating blood

Ms. Wan was donating blood and Liu Peng was lying on the hospital bed. On the morning of July 21, a 10-year-old boy Liu Peng from Gao'an, Jiangxi, suddenly fainted and fell to the ground while playing outdoors. The family thought it was heat stroke, but they did not expect to sen - DayDayNews

Liu Peng is lying on the hospital bed

On the morning of July 21, a 10-year-old boy Liu Peng in Gao'an, Jiangxi Province suddenly fainted and fell to the ground while playing outdoors. The family thought it was heat stroke, but they did not expect to send the child to the hospital to check whether it was .

The child has symptoms of multiple organ failure such as heart and liver, especially disseminated intravascular coagulation, which manifests as bleeding in multiple parts of the body. The top priority to save the child is to transfuse enough platelets and perform plasma exchange, which requires at least 2000 ml per day. Plasma, but now blood banks at all levels have insufficient blood stocks, and children are struggling on the edge of life and death.

And the reason for all this is just because he played outside for 20 minutes. The doctor said that Liu Peng's temperature reached 39.6°C when he arrived at the hospital. During the rescue process, there was bleeding everywhere in the mouth and nose, and there were also bleeding spots in the pores of the skin. This was typical of heat stroke.


1.What is heat stroke?

Heat stroke (heat stroke) refers to the disorder of human body temperature regulation caused by high temperature, excessive accumulation of heat in the body, resulting in damage to nerve organs. Heat stroke is classified as severe heat stroke in the classification of heat stroke. It is a fatal disease with a high fatality rate. The disease usually occurs in summer when high temperatures are accompanied by high humidity. To put it simply,

is the critical condition of heat stroke .

Heat stroke is divided into four stages:

Ms. Wan was donating blood and Liu Peng was lying on the hospital bed. On the morning of July 21, a 10-year-old boy Liu Peng from Gao'an, Jiangxi, suddenly fainted and fell to the ground while playing outdoors. The family thought it was heat stroke, but they did not expect to sen - DayDayNews

The first stage is a precursor to heat stroke , the second stage is heat cramps , and the third and fourth stages of heat exhaustion and heat stroke are classified as severe heat stroke. . The patient's physical symptoms gradually worsened from initial fatigue, nausea, vomiting, and abdominal pain to shock, body temperature exceeding 40°C, and organ failure.

He Zhongjie, chief physician of the Department of Critical Care Medicine at the First Affiliated Hospital of the People's Liberation Army General Hospital, said that the mortality rate of heat stroke is as high as 60%, which is the most serious clinical manifestation and the highest mortality rate of heat stroke. Many people know very little about this type of heatstroke, and once it occurs, fatalities are not uncommon.


2. Will you avoid heat stroke if you don’t go out in hot weather? Some people can get heatstroke if they stay indoors!

A few days ago, a middle-aged woman suddenly fainted and fell to the ground while picking fruits and vegetables at the foot of Daluo Mountain. Her face was pale, and her heartbeat and breathing had stopped. Doctors from the Municipal Emergency Center rushed to the scene and immediately performed cardiopulmonary resuscitation and transferred the patient to the nearby First Affiliated Hospital of Wen Medical University for further treatment.

"Many people believe that heat stroke can only occur if you stay in the sun for too long. If the indoor ventilation is poor and the temperature is too stuffy, such as in a workshop, you may suffer from heat stroke if you stay for a long time. " Shi Lingqiang, Chief of the Dispatching Section of the Municipal Emergency Center He said that many citizens today lack awareness of indoor prevention.

Ms. Wan was donating blood and Liu Peng was lying on the hospital bed. On the morning of July 21, a 10-year-old boy Liu Peng from Gao'an, Jiangxi, suddenly fainted and fell to the ground while playing outdoors. The family thought it was heat stroke, but they did not expect to sen - DayDayNews

Doctors are rescuing

Ms. Wan was donating blood and Liu Peng was lying on the hospital bed. On the morning of July 21, a 10-year-old boy Liu Peng from Gao'an, Jiangxi, suddenly fainted and fell to the ground while playing outdoors. The family thought it was heat stroke, but they did not expect to sen - DayDayNews

Heat stroke patients are rescuing

Last week, Mr. Wang, who was working in the machinery workshop of a factory in the city, suddenly fell to the ground and twitched his hands and feet. After examination, it was found that Mr. Wang had a high temperature and was unconscious. The medical staff immediately implemented first aid measures such as oxygen inhalation and massage, and then sent him to a nearby hospital for treatment.

In addition to giving him an intravenous drip, the medical staff also provided him with physical cooling to make the blood flow smoothly within the human organs. After timely rescue, Mr. Wang gradually regained consciousness and was out of danger.

According to statistics from the Dispatch Department of the Municipal Emergency Center, since the beginning of summer to July 16, the center has received 54 cases of heat stroke, sometimes several cases in a day; most of the cases occurred in the afternoon, but at night There are cases of heat stroke even in the early morning..


3.What kind of people are most likely to suffer from heat stroke?

One category is for young adults who work, do physical exercises and compete in high-temperature and high-humidity environment for a long time;

There is another category for those who do not engage in strenuous exercise but have poor physical health, such as the elderly, children, Pregnant women, etc., in environments with poor ventilation and high humidity are also prone to high fever, confusion, convulsions, and eventually heat stroke.

Four situations are prone to heat stroke:

There are four details in that are easy to be ignored in summer, which can easily lead to heat stroke.

Ms. Wan was donating blood and Liu Peng was lying on the hospital bed. On the morning of July 21, a 10-year-old boy Liu Peng from Gao'an, Jiangxi, suddenly fainted and fell to the ground while playing outdoors. The family thought it was heat stroke, but they did not expect to sen - DayDayNews

Eat cold food and cold drinks

If you consume too much cold food and cold drinks in a short period of time, the digestive system will be the first to be affected. This will cause the human body to become unbalanced due to a rapid drop in local temperature, which will then affect the normal functioning of various systems throughout the body, easily leading to Heatstroke occurs.

Sleep with the window closed

Under high temperatures in summer, the heat dissipation in the human body is hindered, and the surrounding heat will also radiate back to the human body; when the temperature is hot and muggy, sweat does not leave the human body - it adheres to the epidermis and is difficult to evaporate. This makes it difficult for body heat to dissipate.

Improper drinking of herbal tea

Generally speaking, herbal tea is a product that dispels evil spirits. If there is no evil in the body, it is not suitable to drink. In the hot summer, the human body tends to sweat and damage the healthy energy. Taking bitter and cold herbal tea will make the "deficiency person even more deficient" and even damage the spleen and stomach, affect the absorption of subtle nutrients, and increase the chance of heatstroke. Especially the elderly and children with poor spleen and stomach function are not suitable for taking too much herbal tea.

The sun has just set and I am walking around

The high temperature in the evening mainly comes from the concentrated heat dissipation of many heat sources. Buildings that have absorbed heat for a day are releasing heat at this time, and a large amount of thermal radiation will increase the ambient temperature.

In addition, evening is the peak time for getting off work, and the exhaust emissions from many cars will also affect the temperature rise. In addition, the concentrated work of air conditioners and household kitchenware will also continuously release heat to the outside, which will increase the temperature in the lower floors. Although the high temperature at this time is not as unbearable as the scorching heat in the afternoon, the slow and long-lasting heat radiation that causes dizziness and suffocation and heatstroke reactions should not be underestimated. Especially white-collar workers with weak constitutions and those who have lived in air-conditioned rooms for a long time should pay special attention to avoid discomfort caused by sudden sweltering heat.


4. How to give first aid for heatstroke?

Ms. Wan was donating blood and Liu Peng was lying on the hospital bed. On the morning of July 21, a 10-year-old boy Liu Peng from Gao'an, Jiangxi, suddenly fainted and fell to the ground while playing outdoors. The family thought it was heat stroke, but they did not expect to sen - DayDayNews

People with heat stroke should drink water in small amounts and many times, preferably no more than 300 ml each time. Don’t binge drink. Because drinking a lot of water will not only dilute gastric juice, thereby affecting digestive function, but also cause hyperreflexia and perspiration. As a result, a large amount of water and salt in the body will be lost, and in severe cases, it can promote the occurrence of heat cramps.

If symptoms of heat stroke occur, should be cooled down quickly. Move the patient to a cool and ventilated place, or to an air-conditioned room if possible. Place ice packs or apply 30% to 40% alcohol on obvious areas of the armpits, head, and groin aorta, and use a fan or fan to quickly dissipate heat. Those who are conscious can be allowed to drink some light salt water; those who are unconscious should not be forced to feed them water to avoid airway obstruction, vomiting and suffocation. In the event of cardiac arrest, perform cardiopulmonary resuscitation immediately. At the same time, contact 120 to transport the patient to the critical care department with blood purification treatment conditions for treatment, which usually reduces the patient's body temperature from above 40°C to below 38.5°C within 2 hours.


5. What are the precautionary measures for high temperatures in summer?

Ms. Wan was donating blood and Liu Peng was lying on the hospital bed. On the morning of July 21, a 10-year-old boy Liu Peng from Gao'an, Jiangxi, suddenly fainted and fell to the ground while playing outdoors. The family thought it was heat stroke, but they did not expect to sen - DayDayNews

1. Don’t go out when exposed to the sun.

To avoid heat stroke, the elderly should try to go out less frequently between 10 a.m. and 3 p.m., and conduct outdoor activities in the shade as much as possible.

2. Use an umbrella when going out.

It is best for the elderly to be accompanied by family members when going out. Prepare parasols, hats, fans, towels, etc. in advance. When traveling far away, you should bring first-aid heatstroke prevention medicines such as "Shi Dishui" and "Rendan".

3. Drink water even if you are not thirsty.

In hot weather, patients with "three highs" must pay attention to replenishing water. They should replenish water frequently when they are not thirsty, and have porridge or soup with three meals a day.

4. Don’t set the air conditioner too low.

Don’t adjust the air conditioner temperature too low when you get home. Turn off the air conditioner 10 minutes before going out, and wait until you adapt to the outside temperature before going out. This can avoid accidents caused by repeated contraction of human blood vessels, especially cerebral blood vessels, caused by cold and heat.

5. Add some bitterness to your diet.

In addition to eating more vegetables rich in vitamin C such as celery, lilies, tomatoes, and cucumbers, you should also eat some bitter foods such as bitter melon and turtle paste, which can help diuresis, remove dampness, reduce inflammation and reduce fever.

6. Be careful after sweating profusely.

For patients with a history of stroke, their family members should always observe their symptoms: if symptoms such as dizziness, palpitation, general weakness, and convulsions after sweating suddenly appear, they should be alert to the possibility of heat stroke; if they find dizziness, headache, or numbness in half of their limbs, , general fatigue and weakness, etc., may be precursors of "heat stroke". In both cases, you must seek medical treatment in time.

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Ms. Wan was donating blood and Liu Peng was lying on the hospital bed. On the morning of July 21, a 10-year-old boy Liu Peng from Gao'an, Jiangxi, suddenly fainted and fell to the ground while playing outdoors. The family thought it was heat stroke, but they did not expect to sen - DayDayNews

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