Hamas's combat effectiveness was unexpectedly tenacious. It fired more than 4,600 rockets before the ceasefire, and Israel attacked nearly 800 targets in Gaza. At least 232 people have been killed in Gaza, and 12 people have been killed in Israel, including 2 children.

2024/06/1508:36:35 hotcomm 1732

[Text/Observer.com columnist Chen Feng]

There is finally a ceasefire between Israel and Hamas. Hamas's combat effectiveness was unexpectedly tenacious. It fired more than 4,600 rockets before the ceasefire, while Israel attacked nearly 800 targets in Gaza. At least 232 people have been killed in Gaza, and 12 people have been killed in Israel, including 2 children.

Hamas's combat effectiveness was unexpectedly tenacious. It fired more than 4,600 rockets before the ceasefire, and Israel attacked nearly 800 targets in Gaza. At least 232 people have been killed in Gaza, and 12 people have been killed in Israel, including 2 children. - DayDayNews

The United Nations Partition Resolution divides Israel and Palestine and the current situation after the 1948 War of Independence. After the 1967 Six-Day War, the entire area was occupied by Israel. Image source: Wikipedia

Before the establishment of the state of Israel in 1948, Gaza was part of the British Mandate of Palestine. It was occupied by Egypt during the 1948 War of Independence and became a settlement for Palestinian refugees. Gaza was occupied by Israel during the Six-Day War in 1967, and Egypt gave up power over Gaza in the 1979 Egypt-Israel Peace Treaty . In 2005, Israel was unable to digest Gaza and was forced to withdraw from the Jewish settlements and all military facilities that had been hammered in. Gaza returned the Palestinian National Autonomous Authority (PNA) established after the Oslo Accords.

Hamas was founded in Gaza in 1987. It became famous for its suicide attacks in the 1990s, and has been in constant conflict with Israel since then. The Israeli army finally entered Gaza in the 2014 Gaza War, but it turned out that digging three feet into the ground was useless. Hamas would still come back and intensify its efforts in the next conflict.

In the current conflict in Gaza, the Israeli army pressed down on the border, but in the end they did not invade because they were worried but in vain. Netanyahu claims to have bought Israel several years, but Hamas has never been short of time, and time is not on Israel's side.

In the Trump era, the United States led the "Abraham Accords", prompting the signing of peace agreements between Israel and Bahrain , Morocco , Sudan and UAE . However, the symbolic significance of these agreements is far greater than the actual significance. These countries have never taken action in the Palestinian-Israeli conflict, and they had "private relations" with Israel before the agreement. They have never been the main supporters of Palestine.

Hamas's combat effectiveness was unexpectedly tenacious. It fired more than 4,600 rockets before the ceasefire, and Israel attacked nearly 800 targets in Gaza. At least 232 people have been killed in Gaza, and 12 people have been killed in Israel, including 2 children. - DayDayNews

The Abraham Accords were signed. Image source: Middle East and Africa information platform

Egypt, Jordan continues to abide by the peace agreement, but supports Palestine morally, not only due to its own political considerations, but also from the large number of descendants of Palestinian refugees in the territory. For example, the queen of the Jordanian king is Palestinian Origin. The continued conflict between Palestine and Israel will surely arouse wider support for the Palestinians in the Arab world. The United States is also particularly worried about Russia, China, and Turkey taking advantage of the situation.

The Palestinian-Israeli conflict has lasted 70 years. History has proven time and again that peace cannot be achieved by fighting, nor by talking, and the ups and downs are hard to describe. The problem now is that "two countries" may not be enough, and it has split into "five countries": Israel, Gaza, the West Bank, the "state" of Israeli Arabs, and Jerusalem. In other words, Jews are one country, the Palestinians are divided into three countries (or entities with some state functions), and Jerusalem is another very special entity.

During the Six-Day War in 1967, Israel occupied Gaza, the West Bank (referred to as the West Bank), Jerusalem, the Golan Heights, , and the Sinai. It not only improved its defense posture, but also greatly expanded the land it occupied.

Since the founding of the state, Israel has strongly encouraged overseas Jews to return to settle in Israel. The newly occupied lands (especially the West Bank and East Jerusalem) are the core of the ancient Jewish homeland and are naturally ideal settlements. The Egyptian-Israeli peace agreement further strengthened the self-confidence and security of the Jews and accelerated the process of land encroachment.

Hamas's combat effectiveness was unexpectedly tenacious. It fired more than 4,600 rockets before the ceasefire, and Israel attacked nearly 800 targets in Gaza. At least 232 people have been killed in Gaza, and 12 people have been killed in Israel, including 2 children. - DayDayNews

A Palestinian village under siege from a Jewish settlement. Image source: Reuters

Hamas's combat effectiveness was unexpectedly tenacious. It fired more than 4,600 rockets before the ceasefire, and Israel attacked nearly 800 targets in Gaza. At least 232 people have been killed in Gaza, and 12 people have been killed in Israel, including 2 children. - DayDayNews

Jewish settlements encroaching on Palestinian land. Image source: Reuters

Hamas's combat effectiveness was unexpectedly tenacious. It fired more than 4,600 rockets before the ceasefire, and Israel attacked nearly 800 targets in Gaza. At least 232 people have been killed in Gaza, and 12 people have been killed in Israel, including 2 children. - DayDayNews

Jewish settlers who broke into Palestinian land were directly protected by Israeli soldiers. Image source: Xinhua News Agency

Hamas's combat effectiveness was unexpectedly tenacious. It fired more than 4,600 rockets before the ceasefire, and Israel attacked nearly 800 targets in Gaza. At least 232 people have been killed in Gaza, and 12 people have been killed in Israel, including 2 children. - DayDayNews

Many Jewish settlers also have their own weapons.Image source: Associated Press

Palestinians in the occupied areas have become second-class citizens in their own land. On the one hand, they can only work for the Jews, and on the other hand, their homes are gradually being eroded. According to reports, only 1/8 Palestinians with a college degree can find a job that makes use of their studies. The resentment among the Palestinian people deepened, and a car accident at the gate of the Jabaliya refugee camp finally triggered the first Palestinian riot in 1987.

The car accident occurred between an Israeli army truck and a Palestinian car, killing four Palestinians on board. A large number of Palestinians took to the streets to demonstrate, which soon developed into throwing stones and Molotov cocktails. Israel dispatched a large number of military and police to suppress it. The conflict lasted until 1995. At this time, the Soviet Union had disintegrated, and the United States was in the ecstasy of victory in the Cold War . Clinton wanted to solve the Palestinian-Israeli issue in one fell swoop. He presided over the Oslo Accords, established a two-state solution, and the first Palestinian uprising subsided.

Hamas's combat effectiveness was unexpectedly tenacious. It fired more than 4,600 rockets before the ceasefire, and Israel attacked nearly 800 targets in Gaza. At least 232 people have been killed in Gaza, and 12 people have been killed in Israel, including 2 children. - DayDayNews

Palestine and Israel sign the Oslo Accords. Image source: Baidu Encyclopedia

Under the crossfire of Jewish encroachment on Palestinian land and Hamas suicide attacks, the peace process in the following years has deeply disappointed both Palestine and Israel. In 2000, the Camp David negotiations between Arafat and Barak broke down. The two sides could not resolve the four unresolved issues: land demarcation, the status of Jerusalem, the right of refugee return, and Israel's security.

The basis of the "two-state solution" is to divide Israel and Palestine (including the West Bank, Gaza and East Jerusalem ) according to the pre-1967 borders. Israel is the state of the Jews and Palestine is the state of the Palestinians. However, after 1967, the West Bank was already covered with Jewish settlements, and it was impossible to return large areas to Palestinian control, making demarcation according to the 1967 borders practically impossible. Therefore, the "two-state solution" was fragile from the beginning.

Jerusalem is a holy city to the Jews and a holy city to the Palestinians. Arafat insisted on establishing the Palestinian capital in East Jerusalem, and Israel firmly opposed the partition of Jerusalem, especially the Old City of Jerusalem. The Old City of Jerusalem is less than 1 kilometer square. The holy places of Judaism, Christianity, Islam almost overlap with each other, and it is indeed difficult to divide them.

The problem is that Jerusalem is the third holiest city of Islam, but the 70-year Palestinian-Israeli conflict has made Jerusalem far more important to Muslims than its nominal status as the third holiest city. What is lost is the most precious, and therefore it must not be Give up again.

After the Israeli War of Independence in 1948, hundreds of thousands of Palestinian refugees were displaced. Seventy years later, the descendants of the refugees have grown to several million. The host countries insist on their refugee status and refuse to naturalize, and Israel also refuses their return. Once these millions of refugees return, the Palestinians will swamp the Jewish population. There will also be the issue of returning the occupied Palestinian land and property. Israel, the "Jewish state", will probably cease to be a state.

But the return of refugees is a human right stipulated in the United Nations Charter . Hamas refuses to recognize Israel's right to exist and will never negotiate peace with Israel. Its constant suicide attacks have made the Jews lose confidence in the Palestinians' ability to abide by their peace commitments. Twenty years later, Palestine and Israel have not moved at all on these points, and they may still be in the same place in another 20 years. This is the crux of the deadlock between Palestine and Israel.

After the Camp David talks broke down, especially after Sharon led Likud people to the Temple Mount, the Palestinians broke out in a second major riot, which lasted until 2005. This was also the era of the strong rise of Hamas. . Because Hamas is more capable of fighting, even some Fatah personnel who are dissatisfied with the PNA's appeasement line have defected to Hamas.

Arafat regained his fighting spirit in his last days and persisted unyielding under the siege of Israeli tanks. However, he died mysteriously when he was sent to France for medical treatment. This also led to the theory that he was killed by Mossad. Poisoned.

If true, this is the biggest mistake in the history of Mossad, because Arafat was the last leader who could bring the Palestinians together. After Arafat, the split between Fatah and Hamas was inevitable, and "two countries" became impossible.Palestine and Israel are on the brink of peace.

Hamas is not a purely military organization, but also a political organization. Hamas runs schools, clinics and provides basic social services in Gaza. Economically, Hamas has made a mess, and politically, it is boycotted and besieged by Europe and the United States. However, in the eyes of Palestinians, Hamas is more popular than the corrupt and incompetent PNA.

In the 2006 election, Abbas was elected president of the PNA, but Hamas won a parliamentary majority. The two sides quickly broke up, and in 2007, Hamas drove the Fatah armed forces out of Gaza. Since then, Gaza has become an independent kingdom of Hamas, and the PNA cannot get involved.

Hamas's combat effectiveness was unexpectedly tenacious. It fired more than 4,600 rockets before the ceasefire, and Israel attacked nearly 800 targets in Gaza. At least 232 people have been killed in Gaza, and 12 people have been killed in Israel, including 2 children. - DayDayNews

Hamas's Ismail Haniyeh (left) briefly served as prime minister in the government of Palestinian President Abbas (right)

Now, US Secretary of State Blinken shuttles around the Middle East but still insists on fighting with The PNA talks to ensure that Hamas cannot benefit from US-aided reconstruction. This is self-talk. Either the United States will be completely cut off from the reconstruction of Gaza, or it will have to go through Hamas, which the PNA cannot count on. In fact, Hamas's power is also growing in the West Bank, and Fatah's radical forces are squeezing Abbas's political space from two directions. Blinken may soon even be unable to talk to the PNA.

The "two-state solution" is still the common solution of Israel, Palestine, and the United Nations in theory, but now the "two states" are split into "five countries" - of course this is a description. In this small land, There are indeed five unique political entities, each with insurmountable obstacles on the road to peace.

Israel is the most powerful of the five entities and the most economically developed. Israel's fatal mistake is to believe that peace can be achieved and that the problem of occupying Palestinian land and driving Palestinians out of their homes can be solved with fait accompli and time.

As long as Israel does not give up that might makes right, does not give up encroaching on Palestinian land, and does not sacrifice the interests of the Palestinians for the benefit of the Jews, there will be no peace. The Jews returned to Zion in order to return to the land of eternal peace and justice; but in reality, Israel fell into eternal vendetta and created the greatest injustice to the Palestinians.

With the disappointment of peace and the backlash against the Palestinian resistance, Jewish nationalism in Israel is on the rise, and the overall politics is turning to the right. "Jewish Israel" has become the mainstream, and expanding Jewish territory in the West Bank is regarded as Jewish. mission, but encroaching on Palestinian land in the West Bank will inevitably create more conflict.

According to the 2017 CIA World Handbook, there are 213 legal Jewish settlements and 132 illegal settlements in the West Bank, as well as 35 settlements in East Jerusalem. According to 2018 data, 418,000 Jews have settled in the West Bank, and another 216,000 have settled in East Jerusalem. The number of Jewish settlers has been growing rapidly, and the total population of the entire West Bank in 2021 is only 2.95 million.

Israel’s deadlock stems from Zionism. The Jews want to return to their homeland at all costs, but Palestinians have been living here for generations. The price the Jews paid for building a nation out of cracks in the rocks was that the rocks would keep rolling back in an attempt to fill the cracks.

In order to ensure security, the Jews can only expand their land and increase their population, especially increasing Jewish immigration, but this will inevitably lead to further competition for land with the Palestinians who remain on this land. The pressure of competition became the driving force for further expansion of the population, and population pressure forced further competition for land. Therefore, the expansion of Jewish settlements is not only the mission of Zionism, but also the inevitable result of real population pressure. It will also inevitably arouse more intense resistance from the Palestinians. This is an endless cycle.

Israel's tactical problem is the upper level route. Whether it's inducements or threats, it all starts from the top. This was the case when Weitzman found a "passenger" with the king of Saudi Arabia, and it was still the case when Sharon used tank guns to force Arafat to make concessions.The problem is that Jews are accustomed to using weakening methods to force concessions when their opponents are unwilling to make concessions. However, when the anti-Israel complex at the grassroots level is strong, the only result of weakening the upper levels is to lose their influence and lose their original leadership.

The United States also played a bad role. Trump not only supported Israel, but also moved the embassy to Jerusalem and closed the consulate general for Palestinians to express support for Israel’s exclusive occupation of Jerusalem. The "Abraham Accords" facilitated by American "pimping" did not bring about meaningful peace. Instead, it made the Israeli right wing even more forgetful.

The fait accompli created by Trump makes it difficult for Biden to go back. The only way to go back is by reopening the Consulate General in Jerusalem, implying implicit support for the Palestinian aspirations with East Jerusalem as the capital.

Gaza is another independent entity that has effectively separated from the West Bank. Because of its dense population, Gaza is the only ethnically pure place in the land. There are a large number of Jewish immigrants in the West Bank, a large number of Palestinian residents in Israel (Israel insists on calling them Arabs instead of Palestinians, because Palestine is a taboo in Israel), and Jerusalem naturally has a mixed population.

The West is accustomed to accusing Hamas of holding the people of Gaza hostage. This is either a habitual assumption or a deliberate cover-up of the real situation. If Hamas goes against the will of the people of Gaza and hijacks the people of Gaza, when the Israeli army moves in, the problem will be solved by bringing back the legitimate Fatah. The fact is that after the withdrawal of Israeli troops, Hamas's public opinion base and combat effectiveness have become stronger and stronger.

Poverty in Gaza is extremely serious. In 2020, the unemployment rate in the West Bank and Gaza was as high as 23.4%, of which the West Bank was actually only 15% and Gaza was as high as 43%. From 2016 to 2017, the poverty rate (daily income below US$5.5 PPP) in the West Bank and Gaza was as high as 22%, but in fact it was only 9% in the West Bank and as high as 46% in Gaza.

Poverty has certainly increased the anger of Palestinians in Gaza, but it is not the only reason, or even the main reason, otherwise Western aid can effectively alleviate the problems in Gaza.

It is not a problem for Hamas to control Gaza. The West had already started providing assistance before Hamas appeared. If Hamas really gets in the way, it can be solved by asking Israel to send troops and the West to provide money. The greatest anger of the Palestinians still lies in their hatred of Israel's occupation of their homes, and allowing the Palestinian refugees in Gaza to return is something Israel is absolutely unwilling to do.

There are various opinions on the armed strength of Hamas. How many rockets there are and how effective they are is not the main issue. The main issue is that Hamas is determined to fight for a long time and will never compromise. Hamas certainly has its own problems. Israel was founded based on national self-help and religious fervor, and Hamas followed the same path. Israel's path is dead, and so is Hamas's path.

Hamas’s 2017 new charter accepts Gaza, the West Bank, and East Jerusalem as the transitional Palestinian state . It also clarifies that the object of the armed struggle is not the Jews, but the Zionist invaders occupying Palestine, but this is far from the truth. Hamas and Israel are far from peacefully coexisting.

Hamas did not completely ignore economic development, but it did mess up the Gaza economy. Western aid cannot solve the poverty problem in Gaza. Without Western aid, the people of Gaza will be even more difficult. Politically, Hamas must fight resolutely against Israel and the PNA capitulationists in the West Bank, which also closes the door to aid.

Gaza's population problem is even worse than Israel's. In this narrow, barren coastal desert about 5 kilometers wide and 70 kilometers long, there were only 340,000 people in 1970. It has grown to 1.13 million in 2000, 1.6 million in 2010, and now it has reached 2 million, and half of the population is children. . Further explosive population growth is just around the corner, and population is also a pressure point for Gaza.

If the United States is really serious about resolving the Palestinian-Israeli conflict and bringing half of Gaza's population to the United States, Hamas's influence will be destroyed. Of course, this is impossible. The West Bank and the PNA are another political entity, and it is already difficult to use Gaza-Hamas as a unified political entity.

The PNA is also unwilling to compromise with Israel. The Camp David talks broke down because both Arafat and Barak refused to compromise. But today's PNA refuses to compromise just to preserve the little political credibility that is consumed by corruption and incompetence. The old and sluggish Abbas is not only in love with war, but also seizing the last glimmer of hope for the influence of the old Fatah. But Gaza has been lost to Hamas, and the young Fatah faction in the West Bank does not buy it, and internal pressure has increased sharply.

Although the situation in the West Bank is much better than Gaza economically speaking, Palestinians in the West Bank are still angry. Palestinians must pass through numerous Israeli checkpoints when traveling between Palestinian areas in the divided West Bank, but Jewish settlers can pass through the Palestinian areas. There are not many job opportunities in the West Bank. Palestinians mainly go to Israel to work and suffer discrimination in terms of work permits and job opportunities.

Hamas's combat effectiveness was unexpectedly tenacious. It fired more than 4,600 rockets before the ceasefire, and Israel attacked nearly 800 targets in Gaza. At least 232 people have been killed in Gaza, and 12 people have been killed in Israel, including 2 children. - DayDayNews

According to the second phase of the Oslo agreement, Area A (green) is the Palestinian area, Area B (dark red) is the Palestinian area, Area C (light red) has Jewish settlements and is managed by Israel, and blue is Jerusalem, but the entire The area is the West Bank. Image source: Wikipedia

The PNA security forces cooperate well with the Israeli military and police. On the one hand, they effectively maintain law and order, but on the other hand, it is difficult not to be regarded as a traitor and puppet army.

The West Coast also faces population pressure. There were only 690,000 in 1970, 1.25 million in 2000, 2.52 million in 2010, and now 2.95 million. Theoretically, in the entire West Bank that belongs to Palestine in the "two-state solution", only Area A is completely under the control of the PNA. Jews are encroaching heavily on Area B and can freely settle in Area C, while Palestinians are shut out. Palestinians cannot settle and live in the entire West Bank. The Palestinians under the PNA's rule are not considered a "landless people", which greatly affects the legitimacy of the PNA.

Israel (as well as the United States and the entire West) only has the PNA as a negotiating opponent. However, squeezing and weakening the PNA seems to be conducive to a stronger negotiating position. In fact, it delegitimizes the PNA.

PNA, on the other hand, the legitimacy of its existence depends on its negotiating qualifications with Israel (as well as the United States and the entire West). The more confrontational it is, the more it will be marginalized. If it does not return to the path of armed struggle, there is actually no way out. . But the PNA can no longer take the path of armed struggle. This is where the cracks within Fatah lie.

Israeli Arabs are unique entities. Before the Six-Day War in 1967, Israeli Arabs were almost a model of peaceful coexistence. This was also the public opinion basis for the "two-state solution" that was once widely welcomed in Israel. However, in the Gaza conflict in 2021, large-scale conflicts broke out between Israeli Arabs and their Jewish neighbors, and the Israeli government exclaimed "civil war", indicating that the political ecology of Israeli Arabs has undergone great changes.

According to 2019 Israel Bureau of Statistics data, there are 1.89 million Arabs in Israel, accounting for 20.95% of the population. Israeli Arabs are all citizens of Israel, but their composition is complex. They include not only the commonly recognized aboriginal Palestinians, but also Christians, Bedouin Indians in Galilee, Bedouin Indians in the Negev, and Druze. , most of these ethnic groups identify with Israel, but Israeli Arabs are more divided and increasingly identify with Palestine, beginning to show the centrifugal, cohesive and coordinated nature that worries the Jews.

Due to the completely different growing environment and mentality, and also because they are scattered throughout Israel, it is impossible for Israeli Arabs to establish an independent country. They only have sympathy for the Palestinians in Gaza and the West Bank but cannot integrate. Due to long-term discrimination, they have no choice in identity and There has been a change in mentality.

For example, it is often targeted by Israeli security agencies for no reason; it cannot have the same rights as Jews on many things. In the Basic Law of Israel (Basic Law: Israel – The Nation State of the Jewish People) that took effect in 2018, it is stipulated that only Jews have National right to self-determination , only Jewish immigrants can automatically obtain citizenship.

In the parliament, Arab members have limited power to criticize Israel, but Jewish members can criticize Palestine without restriction; the majority of members can vote to expel elected members because of inappropriate remarks. Since Arab members are a minority, their rights are actually limited. say. Refugee relatives of Israeli Arabs have no right to return or to reclaim land and property lost in the 1948 War of Independence.

In fact, the cause of the conflict in Gaza is that four Palestinian families who had lived in the current site of East Jerusalem since 1957 were evicted by the court. The original owners were Jews. Under Israeli law, Jews who are also refugees expelled during the war can claim back their property, while Palestinians have no right to return or claim back their property. Such extreme injustice could hardly help but arouse the indignation of Israeli Arabs who felt the same. Large-scale conflicts with their Jewish neighbors in Lod, the suburbs of Tel Aviv and northern coastal cities shocked the entire country.

Israeli Arabs are politically incompatible with the Jews as an independent entity, nor can they be integrated with Hamas or the PNA. Their birth rate is much higher than that of the Jews. The future political direction of the Israeli Arabs may be Israel's biggest time bomb. .

Jerusalem is a completely different issue. Its unique identity as a holy site for three religions is completely dividing Jews and Palestinians. The riots on the Temple Mount have squeezed Palestinians out of East Jerusalem. East Jerusalem (especially the Old City) has become a Palestinian The capital city has made Jerusalem a constant hotspot and flashpoint. Jerusalem can only be an entity separate from Israel and Palestine. In fact, in the United Nations partition resolution, Jerusalem is neither Israeli nor Palestinian and belongs to international condominium. It is precisely because of the above considerations.

Hamas's combat effectiveness was unexpectedly tenacious. It fired more than 4,600 rockets before the ceasefire, and Israel attacked nearly 800 targets in Gaza. At least 232 people have been killed in Gaza, and 12 people have been killed in Israel, including 2 children. - DayDayNews

Al-Aqsa Mosque (right, yellow circle mark) belongs to Palestinian territory, and the Western Wall (front) belongs to Jewish territory

Since Saladin recovered Jerusalem, the Temple Mount has been under the jurisdiction of the Islamic Council of Elders . The Western Wall belongs to the Jewish people. But the Al-Aqsa Mosque (and the Dome of the Rock on the left) actually occupies the location of the Second Temple built by King Solomon , which is also a particularly sacred place in Judaism.

Hamas's combat effectiveness was unexpectedly tenacious. It fired more than 4,600 rockets before the ceasefire, and Israel attacked nearly 800 targets in Gaza. At least 232 people have been killed in Gaza, and 12 people have been killed in Israel, including 2 children. - DayDayNews

Jerusalem is less than one kilometer square, but it is a place of special importance to Judaism, Christianity, and Islam. Image source: Wikipedia

The Old City of Jerusalem is actually divided into four districts: Muslim District, Jewish District, Christian District, and Armenian District. The Armenian Orthodox Church has a unique status in native Christianity, so it is very special to have its own district in the Old City of Jerusalem.

In the 1948 War of Independence, Israel could only advance as far as the walls of the Old City of Jerusalem and could no longer advance. The occupied area later became West Jerusalem. Jordan controls the Old City of Jerusalem and the Edom area, later known as East Jerusalem. Even so, Israel controlled an enclave on Mount Scopus in East Jerusalem. During the Six-Day War in 1967, the Israeli army first opened up connections with the enclave and then invaded the Old City of Jerusalem.

Jerusalem is now under the control of Israel, but outside of Jerusalem, there are Bethlehem , Hebron, Nazareth and other holy places. Bethlehem is the birthplace of Jesus . Nazareth is the hometown of the Virgin Mary and the place where angels announced the divine pregnancy. Their importance to Christianity is self-evident.

In the Old Testament, God appointed David as the king of Israel and ordered him to rule the Jews with Hebron as the capital. The Hebrew was named after Hebron. The importance of this to the Jews cannot be overstated. And metaphor. These places are all under the control of the PNA, and people of all religions have no problem visiting them. However, the desire of the Jews to regain control is self-evident.

The founding of the State of Israel is a product of Zionism. Zionism is also called Zionism , but Zionism is divided into several distinct branches. The only thing they have in common is the establishment of a Jewish state in Israel.

From the War of Independence to the Six-Day War, the Labor Party Zionism dominated Israeli politics and military, with leaders such as Ben Gurion, Golda Meir, Moses Dayan, Simon Peres and others are ideologically inclined to socialism and collectivism, and religiously inclined to atheism. Their origins are mainly Eastern European Jews or collective farm Jews who immigrated to Israel before World War II. The purpose of the "Jewish state" is nationalism. To save themselves, the homeland is not limited to the boundaries of ancient Israel. What is important is that the Jews have a homeland. Ehud Barak may be the last Labor leader who still has some leadership. The Zionist forces of the Labor Party have now faded out.

After the first Palestinian riots, liberal Zionism with a stronger European and American background began to gain the upper hand. Liberal Zionism comes directly from the early Zionist movement of Theodor Hertzel and Haim Weitzman. It is more ideologically inclined to individualism, capitalism, and has a middle-class complex.

Liberal Zionism was once more detached when Labor Zionism and Reform Zionism parted ways. Reform Zionism also does not emphasize religious overtones, and is more fundamentalist on the issue of returning to Israel. It insists that Jews occupy Israel throughout the biblical era, and the Jewish state must exclude non-Jews.

For them, the Jewish Bible is not a doctrine, but an eternally valid legal document. This is all the legal basis needed for the restoration of the Jewish state. During the founding era, this was a minority group, with Beijing as the main leader. Liberal Zionism was originally relatively aloof, but it has moved closer and closer to Reform Zionism, and has also shifted from having no religious leanings to converging with religious Zionism, which is divided into Christian Zionism and Jewish Zionism.

Christian Zionism is based on the Bible's Jewish return to Israel as a harbinger of the second coming of Jesus to help the Jews and Israel's God-given responsibilities. Most of the forces supporting Israel in the American Republican Party are related to the Christian Zionism complex.

Jewish Zionism now mainly exists in Israel, starting from Jewish teachings to rebuild Israel and carry forward Judaism's vocation given by God. Liberal Zionism merged with Jewish Zionism, and with the support of Christian Zionism, it gradually became the mainstream of Israeli politics, represented by the Likud Group and the salon Kadima Party.

The Six Day War was still in the Labor Party era. When Motta Gul's paratrooper brigade occupied the Temple Mount, Intelligence Chief Etchimon led people to raise the six-pointed Star of David on the top of the Dome of the Rock. When Dayan saw it in the telescope, he hurriedly ordered Gur to lower the flag through the radio: "Do you want to drag the entire Middle East into the flames of war?" Ezhimeng understood the power, but he was really unwilling to go up by himself. He lowered the flag and ordered his soldiers to go up.

Because the flag was raised and lowered quickly, the sight of the David flag flying on the Dome of the Rock was not photographed by journalists, and no incident was caused. Fifty-five years later, Ezimon recalled this period of history and was thankful that Dayan gave the order in time, otherwise the Palestinian uprising would have broken out 55 years ago. Dayan also invited the Islamic Council of Elders to return the Temple Mount a few days after the Israeli army occupied it.

This is inconceivable today when the religious Zionism complex is strong. Sharon led people to break into the Temple Mount, which was the trigger that triggered the second Palestinian uprising. The "Israel Basic Law" introduced by Netanyahu has a strong influence of reformist Zionism. If it were not for the international public outcry, , was originally going to approve the drilling of holes under the Temple Mount for archaeology, but was considered by Muslims to be a conspiracy to shake the foundations of Al-Aqsa Mosque and the Dome of the Rock.

During the founding era, Jews were not entangled in Jewish teachings; Palestinians at that time were not as enthusiastic about Islamic teachings as they are now. Danger and hardship have strengthened the cohesion and identification role of religion. Now religion has become an inextricable knot in the Palestinian-Israeli conflict. From the Crusades to the founding of Israel, Jerusalem, which has never been a hot spot, has now become a frequent hot spot in the modern world. .

Jerusalem can only be an entity on its own, especially the troubled Old City. Whether it is under Jewish control or Palestinian control, it will continue to become a hot spot. But international condominium, who is international? This is another problem that seems to have a solution but actually has no solution.

After the Oslo Accords, Palestine and Israel are getting further and further away from peace. Some people in the United States believe that the only solution to the Palestine-Israel conflict is "no solution." The problem of the Jews being expelled from their homeland was naturally left to future generations after the demise of the Roman Empire . The problem of the Palestinians being expelled from their homeland may also be solved after the disappearance of Pax Americana?

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