CNKI, Inside and Outside the Red Wall, "Some Little-Known Things Behind Zhou Enlai's Life" by Shi Weixing. CNKI Great Man's Style "Eternal Memory - Commemorating the 35th Anniversary of Mao Zedong's Death" Mi Bohua. CNKI Overview of Party History "On the Days of Deng Xiaoping's D

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There are many ways to mourn and remember heroes. The half-mast flag ceremony adopted by the United Nations is one of the national mourning systems.

The so-called national mourning system is a national system that expresses respect and remembrance of the deceased who have made outstanding contributions to a country, died due to natural disasters, and made great achievements and sacrifices for the cause of human peace. Represent the position and attitude of the country, not individuals.

Therefore, those who are qualified to perform the national mourning system must have made outstanding contributions to the country, the people, and even all mankind.

The United Nations was established after World War II. As an intergovernmental international organization, its members must be composed of sovereign states. The organization was established in 1945. Since its establishment, it has made great achievements in peace and security, economic development, world heritage, human rights, environment and medical care.

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currently has 193 member states and 2 observer states, with a wide coverage and strong international influence.

The People's Republic of China was able to resume its lawful seat in the United Nations on October 25, 1971. After that, after the death of five Chinese leaders, the United Nations lowered its flags at half-mast to express condolences. They are Premier Zhou Enlai, Chairman Zhu De, Chairman Mao Zedong, Honorary Chairman Soong Ching Ling, and Comrade Deng Xiaoping.

CNKI, Inside and Outside the Red Wall,

Diligence, humility and willingness to contribute: Zhou Enlai

First of all, after Zhou Enlai's death, he became the first Chinese to lower the flag at half-mast at the United Nations, but he was not the first leader of the United Nations to lower the flag at half-mast.

The words "rare" and "exceptional" used by some media are also open to discussion, because the United Nations' act of lowering flags at half-mast for Premier Zhou is in compliance with the regulations of the United Nations Code of Conduct, that is, the heads of state or government of member states and the national A symbolic figure, or a world-class leader with significant ties to the United Nations.

Zhou Enlai served as the Premier of the State Council of China when he was alive. His charisma and political ability had a certain influence at home and abroad. The United Nations lowered the flag at half-mast after his death in compliance with relevant regulations.

Therefore, the United Nations’ act of lowering the flag at half-mast in response to the death of Premier Zhou Enlai is a matter of business, and this matter needs to be treated objectively and fairly. But at the same time, if you pay attention to the news reports after the death of the five leaders, you can see that there are differences in the number of days that the United Nations flags were flown at half-mast after the death of several leaders.

According to the historical news reports of "People's Daily" and "Reference News", it can be seen that the number of days that the United Nations flags were flown at half-mast for the death of five leaders are: Zhou Enlai for several days, Zhu De for two days, Mao Zedong and Deng Xiaoping for one day, and Song Qingling for half a day.

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Judging from the number of days, it is indeed an exception for the United Nations to fly the flag at half-mast for several days after the death of Premier Zhou Enlai. However, in fact, Soong Ching Ling, as the "honorary president of the country", lowered the flag to half-mast for half a day, is also an exception.

However, this exception has intrinsic and profound reasons. It is the result of the outstanding contributions made by the two leaders and their international recognition. Therefore, it is not appropriate to make exaggerated explanations. Only the leaders’ original charisma and outstanding abilities should be explored. and inheritance.

However, January 8, 1976, was an extremely sad day. On that day, news of the Prime Minister's death reached Chairman Mao's ears. Even though Xiao Meng, the on-duty officer at the time, did not tell him the news as soon as he received the news because he was concerned about Chairman Mao's condition, he could not conceal it in the end.

When Chairman Mao heard the "obituary" sent by someone from the Political Bureau of the Central Committee, he frowned and felt sad. Faced with the news of the death of the Prime Minister, there were millions of people who could not get over the grief, 590,000 portraits, 130,000 flowers, and countless people who spontaneously took to the streets to mourn Premier Zhou. That day , all the people cried bitterly and said goodbye to Premier Zhou who loved them deeply.

The reason why Premier Zhou won the support and love of the people is closely related to his attitude of striving to serve the people.

Premier Zhou said: "We must serve the people sincerely and honestly." Moreover, we need to be close to and connected with the masses, and to be integrated with them to some extent; listen to the opinions of the masses; learn from the masses; and educate the masses. , don’t be the tail of the masses.Only in this way can we truly respect the people, trust the people, care for the people, and always put the people's interests first.

In addition, Premier Zhou also has a humble and prudent character, a broad and far-reaching awareness of the overall situation, a dedicated and dedicated fighting spirit, etc. Although the spirit of will disappear with the passage of time, the spiritual monument left by the Prime Minister will always stand in the long river of history and be engraved in the hearts of the Chinese people.

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Infinite loyalty and aboveboardness: Zhu De

"You must know that the world cannot be conquered by a few people. There has never been a person in history who can conquer the world without being separated from the masses. If you think you are great and have great abilities, So big that you can conquer the world without the masses, so you might as well give it a try and see what results you can get?

I don’t think there will be any other result, but one: the masses will definitely abandon you. Dropped."

This is what Zhu De mentioned in "Strengthening the Party's Discipline Inspection Work" after the founding of New China. As the saying goes, there is no rule.

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After the Communist Party of China led the people across the country to go through a long revolutionary struggle, they finally won victory, but party discipline and party style still need to be tightened. Even today, the issue of party spirit cultivation needs to be continuously improved and improved. Only by tightening the red line of party discipline at all times can supervision be carried out. Party members should reflect on and renew themselves, strengthen their beliefs, and fight for the cause of communism throughout their lives.

As the saying goes, "a king's boat and a people's water", water can carry a boat, but it can also capsize it. Chairman Zhu De has a profound understanding of the power of the masses, and that is why he will pay close attention to the party's discipline inspection work. Under his leadership,

established the guiding ideology of discipline inspection work, put forward the principles and methods of discipline inspection work, and established a team with high political quality. ’s discipline inspection team with strong professional capabilities lays the foundation for the party’s discipline inspection work. Chairman Zhu De’s good intentions can be learned from every day.

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On July 6, 1976, Chairman Zhu De passed away due to illness at the age of 90. On July 24, "People's Daily" recorded the news that the United Nations lowered flags at half-mast in response to the death of Chairman Zhu De. To mourn Chairman Zhu De, "The United Nations Headquarters flies flags at half-mast on July 8 and 11."

Chairman Zhu De possesses the purity and loyalty of the older generation of revolutionaries and party members. It is they who realize the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation. In the context of the new era, we need to inherit the legacy of our revolutionary predecessors, continue to push the wheel of history, and strive for the rejuvenation of the Chinese nation!

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The success is in the present, and the benefit is in the future: Mao Zedong

"The people, and only the people, are the driving force to create world history." This sentence is Chairman Mao's declaration in "On Coalition Government".

China’s modern history has been filled with endless bitterness. The people are the masters of the country. This was a luxury that was once unthinkable. Chairman Mao, together with many people with lofty ideals who are eager to save the country and survive, and the broad masses of the people, completed the transformation and growth of the entire country.

This achievement is hard-won, and there is no ready-made experience that can be directly used. To cross the river by feeling for the stones, we must not only carefully formulate future plans, but also dare to boldly try and practice. This is a test for the party and the country.

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By counting the six relatives of the Chairman who died on the revolutionary road, we can see the Chairman’s lofty ideals and spirit of dedication and sacrifice. The pain of losing his wife and children is no different from that of ordinary people. Perhaps when he returns home from a dream in the middle of the night, the Chairman alone suffers the pain of lovesickness and feels every possible guilt. , but in the end it was helpless.

Only a country has a family. For the ultimate victory of the revolution and for the people to live an ideal life, as a leader, it is necessary to set an example.

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Chairman Mao led the Chinese people in their anti-imperialist and anti-feudal struggle, which rewrote the history of the Chinese nation and profoundly affected the direction of world history. Chairman Mao is indispensable to the country, the family, and the world. Therefore, Chairman Mao is not only praised domestically, but also enjoys a high reputation internationally.After the death of Chairman

, according to the "People's Daily" Xinhua News Agency, United Nations, September 10, 1976: "On September 9, representatives of many countries expressed their opinions on Mao Zedong at the United Nations Conference on the Law of the Sea and the Special Committee on Decolonization. Expressing condolences for the death of Chairman Mao Zedong. At the beginning of the meeting of the United Nations Special Committee on Decolonization, representatives of various countries stood up to observe the death of Chairman Mao Zedong. "

On September 9, the flags at the United Nations Headquarters were flown at half mast to mourn the death of Chairman Mao Zedong. United Nations Secretary-General Waldheim praised Chairman Mao's great achievements when he spoke at the United Nations General Assembly: "Chairman Mao is a great thinker, philosopher and poet."

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Not only that, the President of the United Nations also maintained high praise for him, That is, "the most heroic figure of our time."

It has been forty-five years since Chairman Mao passed away, but his thoughts, theories, poems, military strategies, etc., have all been passed down, studied, and carried forward. Never forget the man who dug the well. Although Chairman Mao has left us, he has become a political symbol and spiritual guide for the Communist Party of China and the Chinese people to strive for progress.

By inheriting Mao Zedong Thought and further advancing based on China's national conditions, the backbone of the Chinese nation will become stronger and the pace of progress will become more determined. Looking at the world from the shoulders of great men, young people in the new era will have more confidence and calmness when facing the future.

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Liberation of women, lifelong struggle: Soong Ching Ling

Among the five people who lowered the flag at half-mast for the deceased leader in the United Nations, Soong Ching Ling is unique. First of all, as the "honorary president of the country", she enjoyed the treatment of the United Nations flag being flown at half-mast after her death. This is indeed unprecedented. shows that its contribution is not only recognized by the Chinese, but also enjoys a high reputation internationally.

Secondly, she is a female representative who is committed to women's liberation and national salvation. She is also the only woman among these five leaders. She uses her own strength and actions to declare the importance of peace and freedom to women around the world.

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Soong Ching Ling

The combination of national liberation and women's liberation was a prominent feature of Soong Ching Ling's various actions during the period of comprehensive resistance to war, because the nation was deeply oppressed, and both men, women, and children suffered terribly.

On this basis, she mobilized women across the country to take action when the country is about to survive. The fate of the country requires the participation of everyone, regardless of gender. She

called on women to persuade their husbands, brothers and sons to serve in the military, or to participate in field service and rear production, uniting people of different genders, different nationalities, different ages, different professions, and different regions to build armed forces on the front line. , ensuring production in the rear, and the whole country unites as one to fight for the integrity of the sovereign territory and the liberation of the nation.

She declared to women sisters across the country and even the world: "We fight for the rationality and happiness of all mankind, and for the liberation and freedom of all women." She combined women's liberation with the anti-fascist war and realized that There are still many female compatriots who need to be liberated around the world. It can be said that he cares about the world and the common people.

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’s lofty vision and compassionate heart have made people across the country remember this great woman. Her rescue and care for children received a warm response from the cordial "Mother Song". Her existence has made the Chinese people who are war-torn and in hardship I can still feel the love and tenderness of motherhood. This gentle power inspires generation after generation to fight for the cause of liberation!

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Chief Architect of Reform and Opening Up: Deng Xiaoping

"Our policy is to be bold and steady, take one step and look at the other. Our policy is unswerving and will not waver. We must continue to do it. What is important is It is necessary to sum up experience after a certain period of time.

Because reform involves the immediate interests of the people, hundreds of millions of people will be affected at every step... The key is to be good at summing up experience. If you make an inappropriate move, change it quickly."

This is the core message expressed by Deng Xiaoping in "Reform is China's Second Revolution" .

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Reform and opening up was a medicine for China at that time. No one knows whether it was poison or an antidote. At that time, although China was already standing in the forest of the world, it was like a person who had been walking in the desert for a long time, with ragged clothes and insufficient food, barely surviving, let alone fighting for equal rights and interests in the international environment with its strength. .

Therefore, using the medicine of reform and opening up has to be said to be a bold adventure. Faced with this policy proposed by Deng Xiaoping, many people questioned whether the surname "capital" or "social" would become a hot topic in the future. However, Deng Xiaoping was firm and strategic. "It doesn't matter whether the cat is black or white, as long as it catches mice, it is a good cat." "

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This sentence accurately hit the key point of China at that time, which was the lagging economic development. When food and clothing are problems, how can we talk about the development of the country? To break this status quo, we need to be bold and open-minded, but not blindly let go and use brute force to develop without regard for the consequences.

Therefore, Deng Xiaoping emphasized that we should take one step at a time, so that if problems are found, they can be corrected in time. After all, there is no ready-made template for learning. We can only rely on us to explore. However, every step will affect hundreds of millions of people. When will we go? How to proceed, every step will test Deng Xiaoping and the people of the whole country.

Everything is still under control. We have implemented reform and opening up and formed a new economic development model of the socialist market economy. And after more than thirty years of reform, the economy has developed rapidly and has become the second largest economy in the world. This economic development model also provides a good paradigm for other socialist countries.

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This adventure led by Deng Xiaoping across the country was successful. This is China's second revolution, and the revolution has won!

On February 19, 1997, Deng Xiaoping died of illness at the age of 93.

"People's Daily" reported the next day: "United Nations Secretary-General Kofi Annan issued a statement today, expressing deep sorrow for the death of China's outstanding leader Deng Xiaoping, and expressing his deepest condolences to his family. The Chinese government and people. For To express the respect and condolences of people all over the world for Deng Xiaoping, the United Nations Headquarters decided to fly flags at half mast throughout the day on the 20th. "

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After Deng Xiaoping's death, people took to the streets to bid farewell to a generation of great men. "Hello Xiaoping again" became the most popular message in the people's hearts. Softness is also the most reluctant call. At the international level, in addition to the United Nations flying flags at half-mast in mourning, various countries and overseas Chinese have called to express their condolences.

Deng Xiaoping’s foresight and long-term outstanding contributions to China and the world can not only be called the chief architect, he is also a hero of this era!

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Watching peace with life: Du Zhaoyu

"The heroic spirit of heaven and earth will last forever." This is the speech of General Secretary Xi Jinping on the occasion of commemorating the 70th anniversary of the victory of the Chinese People's War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression. It is not only these five leaders who deserve to be remembered. , and there are many heroes who fought for the motherland and the people at the expense of their lives.

Among them, there is a Ministry of Defense staff officer named Du Zhaoyu . In December 2005, he was appointed to serve as a United Nations military observer in the Middle East. What are military observers, that is, peacekeepers who cannot carry weapons. At that time, Du Zhaoyu and his colleagues were tasked with patrolling and reporting on the temporary border between Lebanon and Israel after Israel withdrew its troops.

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Du Zhaoyu

Du Zhaoyu died at the Shyam post. This post is located at the junction of Israel, Lebanon and Syria. The terrain is difficult and the situation is complex. It is only 100 meters away from the position of the Lebanese Hezbollah armed forces. Therefore, it is one of the most dangerous posts. one.

On July 17, 2006, an Austrian observer braved artillery fire to change posts. Two of the original five people at the post could be removed. Du Zhaoyu, who often went to long posts, could have taken this opportunity to withdraw.

But among his colleagues, there was an Australian female observer who was sick and an older Irish observer. Du Zhaoyu took the initiative to stay at the post and asked them to withdraw and rest first.

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I didn’t expect that this separation would become eternal. After the death of Du Zhaoyu, the United Nations reported on July 27: "The United Nations Headquarters flew the flag at half-mast today to pay tribute to the peacekeepers who died in Lebanon."

The United Nations Security Council responded to the Israeli air strike on the United Nations military observation post in southern Lebanon, which resulted in 4 A presidential statement was issued in response to the death of two observers, calling on Israel to ensure that it would not attack United Nations members again. Du Zhaoyu's sacrifice gave other peacekeepers hope of survival.

This smiling and careful staff officer of the Ministry of National Defense has single-handedly protected his comrades and safeguarded peace.

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"A hero has the ambition to soar into the clouds, the power to swallow up mountains and rivers, the strength of nine states in his belly, and the mind of the whole world! He carries justice on his shoulders, saves the people from fire and water, and relieves the people from hanging upside down." "Humanities Xiangyuan Series·Emerging Heroes" The definition of a hero is the best explanation of the above six people.

Mourning and remembering the heroes can help us not forget where we came from and continue to move forward with the spirit of our predecessors still alive!

CNKI, Inside and Outside the Red Wall,

Reference articles:

1, CNKI’s 2015 visit to the United States special issue "Chinese Leaders in the United Nations" He Yingyu

2, CNKI's Red Wall "A few little-known things after Zhou Enlai's death" Shi Weixing

3, VIP "About the United Nations lowering the flag at half-mast for the death of Premier Zhou Enlai" Rumors of "Inside and Out of the Classroom: High School Edition (A Edition)"

4, HowNet Party Documents "The Analects of Mao Zedong, Zhou Enlai, Liu Shaoqi, Zhu De, Deng Xiaoping, and Chen Yun on Learning and Summarizing History" The Party's Document Editorial Department

5, HowNet People's Daily "Speech at the Symposium to Commemorate the 130th Anniversary of the Birth of Comrade Zhu De" Xi Jinping

6, CNKI Great Man Style "Eternal Memory - Commemorating the 35th Anniversary of Mao Zedong's Death" Mi Bohua

7 CNKI Anti-Japanese War Research "Song Qingling and the Anti-Japanese War Period" Women's Movement" Shang Mingxuan

8, CNKI Party History Overview "On the Days of Deng Xiaoping's Death" Yu Wei

9, CNKI People's Daily "Watching Peace with Life - Remembering the Martyr Du Zhaoyu, Staff Officer of the Ministry of National Defense" Feng Chunmei

10, CNKI Overseas Connection Online "Peacekeeping hero Du Zhaoyu was killed in Lebanon" Liang Xia

11, China News Network "The United Nations lowered the flag at half-mast to pay tribute to the peacekeepers who died in Lebanon"

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