Flag at half mast, or half staff. Lower the flag to the middle position of the mast=pole mast, flag at half mast means both greetings and condolences. When on a ship, it is generally said flag at half mast.

2024/06/1307:11:33 hotcomm 1980

It's Tomb Sweeping Day again, and

this day of mourning and mourning the dead has become particularly heavy under the epidemic.

In order to express the deep condolences of the people of all ethnic groups in the country

for the martyrs and compatriots who died in the fight against the new coronavirus epidemic

a national mourning event will be held at 10 o'clock today

Flag at half mast, or half staff. Lower the flag to the middle position of the mast=pole mast, flag at half mast means both greetings and condolences. When on a ship, it is generally said flag at half mast. - DayDayNews

Source: People's Daily

The years are quiet, but there are people to bear the burden for you. Let's pay

tribute to the heroes and remember our compatriots -

let us use actions to express our heartfelt condolences to the deceased

! pay tribute!

About Mourning Day , "3 minutes of silence", " flags at half-mast ,

The following English words may be

used in your English writing,

let's learn today's content together↓

01. "National How to say "mourning" in English?

national mourning national mourning

national /ˈnæʃənəl/ adj. National, international

mourning /ˈmɔːnɪŋ/n. Mourning (the present participle form of mourn)

  • national l mourning day National Mourning Day
  • national l mourning national mourning; National mourning
  • hold a national mourning event

Flag at half mast, or half staff. Lower the flag to the middle position of the mast=pole mast, flag at half mast means both greetings and condolences. When on a ship, it is generally said flag at half mast. - DayDayNews

Example: All recreational activities were abandoned during national mourning.

All recreational activities are prohibited during the national mourning period

02. How to say "3 minutes of silence" in English?

observe three minutes of silence

observe [əbˈ zɜːrv ]

vt. Observe; observe; say; note; comment

vi. Observe; say; note; comment

silence [ˈsaɪləns]

n. Silence; silence; silence; silent state

vt. Silence; quieten; suppress; eliminate noise

int .Quiet! ;Be silent!

Flag at half mast, or half staff. Lower the flag to the middle position of the mast=pole mast, flag at half mast means both greetings and condolences. When on a ship, it is generally said flag at half mast. - DayDayNews

Example: People will observe three minutes of silence starting 10 am to the sound of sirens and hooting horns of cars, trains and ships.

People across the province will observe three minutes of silence at 10 am Ceremony, during which motor vehicles, trains and ships will sound their sirens and horns.

03. How do you say "flag at half-mast" in English?

Flag at half mast

mast [mæst]

n. mast; mast; antenna tower; flagpole;

vt. lower the flag to the middle position of the mast=pole mast, flagpole

The meaning of the flag at half-mast (symbol) is to pay tribute (respect) and to mourn (mourning, distress). It is generally said flag at half mast when on a ship and on land. flag at half staff, but this is basically American usage. Generally speaking, flag is flying/flown at half mast.

Flag at half mast, or half staff. Lower the flag to the middle position of the mast=pole mast, flag at half mast means both greetings and condolences. When on a ship, it is generally said flag at half mast. - DayDayNews


① It is a day of nation mourning with flag flying at half-mast everywhere.

② During the commemoration, national flags will fly at half-mast across the country and in all Chinese embassies and consulates abroad.

04. How do you say "martyr" in English?

martyr /ˈmɑːtə/

(died) martyr, victim, martyr

was named a martyr: be labeled a martyr.

Flag at half mast, or half staff. Lower the flag to the middle position of the mast=pole mast, flag at half mast means both greetings and condolences. When on a ship, it is generally said flag at half mast. - DayDayNews


①He is a martyr of his country and will be remembered as a martyr.

He died for his country , he is remembered as a martyr.

②The dead doctor is now being regarded as a martyr.

The dead doctor is now being regarded as a martyr.

05. How do you say "compatriot" in English?

compatriot [kəmˈpeɪtriət]

n. compatriots; fellow countrymen; adj. compatriots; fellow countrymen

Flag at half mast, or half staff. Lower the flag to the middle position of the mast=pole mast, flag at half mast means both greetings and condolences. When on a ship, it is generally said flag at half mast. - DayDayNews


My dear compatriot, it is time that we did something for our country.
Dear compatriots, the time has come to serve the country.

hereby pays tribute to all the heroes who dedicated their lives during the epidemic! After learning

, please forward and pay tribute!


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