In 2013, singer Yao Beina appeared on the stage of the popular "The Voice of China" and stunned everyone with her song "Maybe Tomorrow". At that moment, countless people remembered this pure girl who sang sincerely and beautifully, but they also felt sorry for her fate.

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In 2013, singer Yao Beina appeared on the stage of the popular

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In 2013, singer Yao Beina appeared on the stage of the popular "The Voice of China" and stunned everyone with her song " maybe tomorrow ".

At that moment, countless people remembered this pure girl who sang sincerely and beautifully, but they also felt sorry for her fate.

Just when Yao Beina was gradually reaching the peak of her career, she suddenly reached the end of her life.

On January 16, 2015, the singer Yao Beina left us forever due to breast cancer . She was only 33 years old and her beauty was ill-fated.

Now six years have passed, why Yao Beina's departure has always made us feel regretful and sad.

In 2013, singer Yao Beina appeared on the stage of the popular


Yao Beina's ability to embark on the road of music has a lot to do with her parents.

In 1981, Yao Beina was born in Wuhan. Her father Yao Feng is an associate professor of Wuhan Conservatory of Music and the chairman of the Shenzhen Music Association.

Zhou Bichang , who later became famous, was Yao Feng's student, so her father had a huge influence on her.

And mother Li Xinmin is also very good and is a singer and actress.

Therefore, being born into such an excellent musical family, Yao Beina is much luckier than many people.

In 2013, singer Yao Beina appeared on the stage of the popular

From the age of 4, Yao Beina began to learn piano under the training of her parents, and she showed great musical talent.

Not only that, when she was 9 years old, Yao Beina began to sing on stage, just like someone else's child.

Because her father is a professor at Wuhan Conservatory of Music, he personally taught her music knowledge. Yao Beina's musical skills are naturally very deep.

In addition to singing on stage, the young Yao Beina also recorded many songs, and participated in various competitions and won awards, becoming a child star.

Yao Beina is destined to be accompanied by music throughout her life, and it has become the most important thing in her life.

In 2013, singer Yao Beina appeared on the stage of the popular

In 1997, 16-year-old Yao Beina was admitted to the middle school affiliated to Wuhan Conservatory of Music, and her father was her teacher.

In this way, Yao Beina can truly and systematically learn professional music knowledge, and she must learn and be exposed to , bel canto, , popular music, pop music, etc.

has broadened her musical horizons, and Yao Beina's musical literacy has become higher and higher. She also won the second place in the " Youth Song Contest " Hubei Division for Ordinary Long Hair.

In 1998, because her father was transferred to work in Shenzhen, Yao Beina began to learn national vocal music from Feng Jiahui.

At that time, Yao Beina's biggest goal was to be admitted to an ideal higher music school in the college entrance examination.

In 2013, singer Yao Beina appeared on the stage of the popular

Yao Beina lived up to expectations. With her strong musical skills, she directly won the first place in the ethnic singing professional course of Wuhan Conservatory of Music.

However, teacher Feng Jiahui was not satisfied with such impressive results. She believed that Yao Beina could still be admitted to the best music school in China.

Therefore, the teacher suggested that Yao Beina directly apply for the China Conservatory of Music and go there to get better education and study.

In September 2000, Yao Beina really succeeded and was admitted to the China Conservatory of Music with her own efforts. .

That year, the China Conservatory of Music only admitted 15 people nationwide, and Yao Beina was one of them, with a bright future.

In 2013, singer Yao Beina appeared on the stage of the popular


was admitted to China's top music school, and Yao Beina cherished it even more and worked hard.

While in college, Yao Beina became very interested in rock and pop music, so she started singing in bars to earn living expenses on her own.

is not only modest and low-key, Yao Beina's musical talent has gradually begun to emerge, and she is loved by teachers, especially Ma Qiuhua.

After she graduated, Ma Shaohua strongly recommended that she join the Hai Zheng Art Troupe and become a solo performer. It can be said that it was a smooth journey.

Growing up, Yao Beina has been the greatest pride of her parents. In 2006, she even appeared on the CCTV Spring Festival Gala.

After arriving at the Hai Zheng Art Troupe, Yao Beina later participated in the Youth Singing Competition, and successively won the runner-up in popular singing and the popular singing championship.

You must know that being able to achieve such a high ranking in the Youth Singing Competition shows how high Yao Beina's singing level is.

Because of this, Yao Beina was highly valued in the Hai Zheng Art Troupe, and she was once regarded as the next Song Zuying.

In 2013, singer Yao Beina appeared on the stage of the popular

But it was such a place that everyone dreamed of entering, but Yao Beina had the intention of quitting.

She felt that she should pursue her musical dream and fly more freely, so she applied for resignation three times.

However, my parents tried to dissuade me from doing so the first two times, so I stayed, and it wasn’t until the third time that I completely left the Hai Zheng Art Troupe.

After leaving the Haizheng Art Troupe where she had been stable all her life, Yao Beina went to Shangri-La Bar to sing with her guitar on her back, earning only one to two hundred yuan a day.

Although she doesn't earn as much as before, Yao Beina is extremely happy because she has found the music life she wants.

After leaving the Hai Zheng Art Troupe, Yao Beina devoted herself to pursuing her music dream and released her personal EP album "Too Late".

In 2010, Yao Beina once again appeared on the Spring Festival Gala stage and sang a song "I Want to Sing".

In 2013, singer Yao Beina appeared on the stage of the popular

But just when Yao Beina's life was about to get to the state she wanted, a piece of unfortunate news suddenly struck her.

On an ordinary day in 2011, Yao Beina was diagnosed with breast cancer. From then on, everything about her changed.

After learning that she had breast cancer, Yao Beina seemed calm and optimistic, but she was full of uneasiness inside.

Yao Beina has been sensible and kind-hearted since she was a child. She does everything by herself and will endure difficulties alone and silently.

Just like her father said: "She always takes into account the feelings of others, and is always afraid of troublesome others, including her parents."

Fortunately, Yao Beina was discovered early. Breast cancer is in its early stage, and there is still hope of treatment. , so I decisively underwent resection surgery and plastic and reconstructive surgery.

The surgical treatment was successful and everything was moving in a good direction. Yao Beina felt reborn again.

In 2013, singer Yao Beina appeared on the stage of the popular


Just when Yao Beina had finished the operation and was about to meditate for rest, Liu Huan found her.

Liu Huan admired Yao Beina very much and invited her to participate in the recording of songs for the TV series "The Legend of Zhen Huan".

At that time, Yao Beina was still recovering and her body could not be overworked, so her parents refused to let her record songs.

But Yao Beina didn't want to miss this opportunity, and she asked the attending doctor and got approval.

Doctor Cao Yingming said to her: "You can do the things you like like normal people."

In this way, Yao Beina sang the opening song "The Beauty Tribulation " and the interlude " Bodhisattva Man" of "The Legend of Zhen Huan".

The TV series "The Legend of Zhen Huan" became popular on the screen after it was broadcast, and the songs sung by Yao Beina also became popular, but few people knew that she sang the songs.

In 2013, singer Yao Beina appeared on the stage of the popular

During her recuperation period, Yao Beina never stopped. In 2012, she recorded her second album "小发".

In 2013, Yao Beina took the risk to participate in a popular music program, "The Voice of China".

At this time, Yao Beina's body was not abnormal after the operation, so she also asked the doctor's opinion before going to "The Voice of China".

On that day, Yao Beina dressed in simple clothes and sang the song "Maybe Tomorrow" emotionally on the stage of "The Voice of China".

With this song, both the instructor and the audience were conquered by Yao Beina's singing, because she sang with her heart and life.

After that, Yao Beina began to become popular, and this song "Maybe Tomorrow" also became Yao Beina's life elegy.

In 2013, singer Yao Beina appeared on the stage of the popular

Although participating in "The Voice of China" made her famous, it also affected her body. After

became popular, Yao Beina became more and more busy, running around all day, either performing or recording songs, completely forgetting that she was still a patient.

In the world of music, she has completely lost herself.

Because of this, Yao Beina is always too busy and forgets to review regularly.

Once, the attending doctor Cao Yingming called her again and asked her to come to the hospital for a review. As a result, Yao Beina said that she was too busy and only had one day.

But this review completely led Yao Beina to a tragic fate.

In 2013, singer Yao Beina appeared on the stage of the popular

On June 27, 2014, during Yao Beina's review, the attending doctor Cao Yingming was shocked because her cancer cells had metastasized to her bones and liver.

Faced with the sudden and huge crisis, doctor Cao Yingming immediately discussed with Yao Beina's father to carry out chemotherapy as soon as possible.

But this time, Yao Beina decisively refused.

In Yao Beina's heart, if she had to give up a lot of her music career for chemotherapy, she would rather not do it.

Regarding this decision, doctor Cao Yingming said: "Yao Beina loves her career so much that she would rather sacrifice many other things."

Therefore, in the last days of Yao Beina's life, she was busy with work almost every day, and her status in her circle of friends was also flying everywhere. Fly away.

even participated in a variety show. Yao Beina had to sing and dance at the same time, and her body was already in a state of overload.

In 2013, singer Yao Beina appeared on the stage of the popular

At the end of 2014, Yao Beina sang "Fish" on stage. It is said that at that time, she had begun to cough up blood.

Until 16:55 on January 16, 2015, Yao Beina finally came to the end of her life due to the recurrence of breast cancer.

That year, she was only 33 years old, and she was jealous of talents.

The death of Yao Beina made countless fans extremely sad and deplored the tragic fate of her beauty.

Because such a good girl who sings with her life and has a clear mood makes people feel so sad and sad.

After Yao Beina passed away, she donated her cornea. She also became the 694th cornea donor, leaving light in the world.

In 2013, singer Yao Beina appeared on the stage of the popular

During the cornea donation operation, a doctor said with emotion:

"She is the only child in the family. Such a happy family is so broken. She is still so young. It is so cruel and pitiful."

Now , Yao Beina has left us for 6 years, but it seems that she has never left, because her singing has been echoing in our ears.

Looking back on her short life, it was as bright as a summer flower and as brilliant as an angel.

In 2013, singer Yao Beina appeared on the stage of the popular

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