On January 16, 2015, the famous singer Yao Beina died of breast cancer at the age of 33. After her death, Yao Beina's family followed Yao Beina's last wish and donated her corneas free of charge, using her last trace of warmth in the world, Helped two blind people regain their si

2024/05/2713:07:32 hotcomm 1509

On January 16, 2015, the famous singer Yao Beina died of breast cancer. was only 33 years old. After her death, Yao Beina's family followed Yao Beina's last wish and donated her corneas free of charge to use her last breath in the world. A touch of warmth helped two blind men regain their sight. After 6 years, it is still sad to look back at the information and news about Yao Beina's death that year.

On January 16, 2015, the famous singer Yao Beina died of breast cancer at the age of 33. After her death, Yao Beina's family followed Yao Beina's last wish and donated her corneas free of charge, using her last trace of warmth in the world, Helped two blind people regain their si - DayDayNews

How terrible is the breast cancer that cruelly claimed Yao Beina's life?

According to data from my country's annual tumor grade report, the incidence of female breast cancer will show an increasing risk after the age of 24, and in 50 The highest peak occurs between the ages of 54 and 54. From the statistical results in 2015 to 2020, the number of new breast cancer cases every year has increased from 268,600 to 4.57 million, accounting for 23.7% of the world. ranks first in the world, which shows that breast cancer is very important to women. The threatening nature of friends.

Not only that, the specific cause of breast cancer is not yet clear. It is only known that the incidence of breast cancer is group-specific and targeted. The risk of breast cancer in women is more than 100 times that of men.

But the good news is that although the incidence of breast cancer is relatively high, it is indeed one of the few cancers that can be cured in clinical medicine through surgery or chemotherapy. But the premise is Early stage breast cancer, if the condition worsens and there is a tendency to spread, it will also pose a huge threat to life.

It can be seen that although the cause of breast cancer is unknown, it is more common in women, and the consequences in the middle and late stages are quite serious, patients with early-stage breast cancer can still be cured through surgery or chemotherapy. In 2011, Yao Beina was diagnosed with early-stage breast cancer and was cured by chemotherapy. Why did she still not escape the "claws" of breast cancer in 2015?

On January 16, 2015, the famous singer Yao Beina died of breast cancer at the age of 33. After her death, Yao Beina's family followed Yao Beina's last wish and donated her corneas free of charge, using her last trace of warmth in the world, Helped two blind people regain their si - DayDayNews

Yao Beina had already recovered through chemotherapy, so why did she still die of breast cancer?

Here I want to correct a misunderstanding . The cure of cancer is not a cure in the general sense.

The cure situation of cancer is mostly " clinical cure " . In other words, through a series of means such as chemotherapy or surgery, the cancer cells in the body are mostly removed, the condition is stabilized, the risk of spread is reduced, and then avoided Cancer poses a threat to life and health.

To put it simply, for example, due to physical reasons or a history of cancer, cancer recurrence hidden dangers may increase, which are difficult to avoid through medical means. More often, patients need to take care of themselves in their subsequent lives and live a regular life. , can further reduce the risk of cancer recurrence.

The reason why Yao Beina died of breast cancer was precisely because after the clinical cure of breast cancer, there were certain hidden dangers in life, which in turn led to the recurrence and spread of breast cancer, and then took away her young life. There may be three main reasons, which deserve everyone's vigilance.

On January 16, 2015, the famous singer Yao Beina died of breast cancer at the age of 33. After her death, Yao Beina's family followed Yao Beina's last wish and donated her corneas free of charge, using her last trace of warmth in the world, Helped two blind people regain their si - DayDayNews

There may be the following three reasons for the recurrence of Yao Beina's breast cancer. Cancer friends should sound the alarm.

Reason 1: Breast cancer itself has a very high recurrence rate.

Breast cancer belongs to a highly heterogeneous tumor category. That is to say, whether it is There are no relatively fixed rules for lesion location, immune phenotype, or tissue morphology. Each patient's condition may be very different. Therefore, the effects of breast cancer treatment will be uneven. Even if some breast cancer patients are successfully treated, they will have a higher risk of local recurrence or metastasis. Yao Beina is one of them.

Reason 2: Long-term and high-intensity work

According to the memories of Yao Beina’s family, in 2014, Yao Beina actually had certain symptoms of hemoptysis, but she loved music and her work and did not choose to stop. It continues to undertake various performances and entertainment.

Continuous high-intensity work wears down the body, and the negative effects such as reduced cell activity caused by fatigue, weakened immune system efficiency, etc. are equivalent to increasing the risk of breast cancer recurrence. Finally, in 2015, the final Bad results still happen. This also reminds all cancer patients who are in the recovery period of cancer not to make fun of their bodies. Health is the first priority. Avoid work and socializing if possible. The most important thing is to have peace of mind and recuperate.

Reason three: Yao Beina, who was in the late stage, refused to accept chemotherapy

On June 24, 2014, Yao Beina was officially diagnosed with breast cancer recurrence.The cancer cells had spread to the bones and liver. Faced with the disease coming again, the doctor recommended immediate breast cancer surgery. Resection surgery and chemotherapy to control the disease. for steady follow-up treatment.

However, after chemotherapy and mastectomy, the price to pay for her image was also very high. It was obviously unacceptable for Yao Beina to give up her beloved career for the sake of her life, so in her last days, Yao Beina did not cooperate with the doctor. Despite treatment, the disease was not resisted and continued to spread, eventually taking away Yao Beina's young life.

It can be seen that the reason why Yao Beina relapsed after her early cure of breast cancer is inseparable from her neglect of the condition, overexertion, and later refusal to cooperate with treatment. Although we feel that Yao Beina is competent and loves her work. I admire it, but life and health are always the first priority in life. Without a healthy body, it is equivalent to losing everything.

On January 16, 2015, the famous singer Yao Beina died of breast cancer at the age of 33. After her death, Yao Beina's family followed Yao Beina's last wish and donated her corneas free of charge, using her last trace of warmth in the world, Helped two blind people regain their si - DayDayNews

The same is true for the majority of cancer friends. If you are in the recovery period of cancer, you must take good care of your body and do not do a series of things that damage your immunity and health, such as overwork, staying up late, etc. These behaviors, This will undoubtedly increase the risk of cancer recurrence, and during subsequent stable treatment, you must follow the doctor's instructions and actively cooperate with the treatment to achieve the best possible health results.

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